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ibemom: lost - reinstate low dose or what to do?


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Posted (edited)

I am my mom young man with autism.


My son was put on FLUXOTINE when he was 12 or so. 2002? Anyway he was having reactions to the Prozac where he would feed on his eyes because his eyes were just rolling around in his head, what is IZ*ONE stop he was hitting his eyes and getting an eye infections, he’s been pacing more and more over the years, weird hand movements.


Anyway he was taken off the medication in May 2022. The doctor suggested a taper which after reading on the site I learned was too fast. Myself son developed akathisia. He developed uncontrollable severe pacing, insomnia.


I was suggested on the site to reinstate, but I was very scared to. Which I regret not listening to. It’s hard to decide what to do for somebody else that can’t tell you how they feel. So  in July he started running his Hands underwater but later got to the point of hand wringing, he’s gotten through a lot of the withdrawal using CBD oil. Which is helped with the pacing some days, some days it helps with the hand wringing, Which I thought was neuropathy so I gave him low dose vitamin B6 and that seem to help but because he was not eating well I decided to have Some of his vitamin levels checked. The B6 was a little high, so now we can’t take that. The folate is low , So they have him on a prescription for that.


I have an emergency cases used Ambien, for some reason that calms his pacing and Hand wringing when he has those uncontrollable days. Which seems to be more lately. Oh how I wish I would’ve listened and tried reinstating. I tried a small dose of magnesium 50 MG and one fish oil pill today and he was doing really well, because he had a bad day of pacing, shortly after he took that medication he lay down and relaxed, got up and ate a great amount.


He’s lost 25 pounds in this process since May so now he’s 115 pounds. He has always had a hard time keeping on weight.  But a few hours after the medication his hand ringing came back with a vengeance, he was to the point of hurting his hands and every once in a while hitting himself in the head , Which he never does, but I think the pain his hands agitating him so much that he didn’t know how to express it or trying to cause pain in another spot to draw the pain away from the hands.


I’ve read a lot of people noticed another spot hurt on their body they didn’t notice the numbness and pain and everything that was going on in their hands. So I gave him 2.5 mg of an Ambien about a half hour later he calm down. I thought about doing a late reinstatement of Fluxotine  to see if it would help him. I do have the liquid fluoxetine, But I’m trying to figure out the math. I want it as low as I can get as far as the amount. Because one drop of CBD oil can change him. He’s that sensitive. I don’t know if I’m too late, I so wish I would’ve listened before.


My family psych you need to take him to a specialist, I said there is no specialist, they would hospitalize him and dope him up. I have so-many regrets And hope I didn’t damage my son.. I don’t trust the medical profession, and I know if something happens to me those just stick him in the hospital and dope him up,


My son doesn’t hurt himself until just recently add this hand numbness, tingling or whatever it is, it is really getting to him. That’s why I am thinking about trying reinstating, Or maybe I should just do the magnesium and fish oil and see how that goes.


I know I missed out on one opportunity to reinstate and I’ve seen a few people have reinstated later down the road. I just don’t know, I already regret not re-instating, if I don’t try I worry that I will never be able to keep myself. It’s hard enough in life to make decisions for yourself, but to make decisions for somebody else it’s just so hard. I feel like she could get through all of this hand pain, I guess I would like to hear some success of the late reinstatement.


I really don’t know if I have the site figured out or not. I had an account before but I cannot find itI really don’t know if I have the site figured out or not. Like most people I’ve never heard of akathisia and like most people I just went along with what the doctor said.


Edited by ChessieCat
added spacing for easier reading

Son's drug history:

2002 started Fluxotine (prozac) worked  up to 40 mg

2021 nov/dec just started having uncontrollable eye movements/no reason, nothing the eye doctor could figur out between Nov & Jan went to the eye doctor/ doctor 6 times. Just used eye drop with steroid and some with out, That’s when I read about involuntary muscle movements and Eye  movements & body

2021 December went to 50 mg for 1 week adverse reaction dropped back down to 40 

2022 Feb- May started tapering in February and discontinued fluxotine May - 2022 June started fenofibrate 
2022 June started CBD OIL , Very hard to find a stabilizing amount. The sleep CBD, seems to calm him some. Use now only if he can’t sleep or 2.5 mg melatonin

2022 Sept Vit  b6 for about 3 weeks , I had blood work done in October vitamin B6 a little high, folic acid low    2022 Oct  folate (folic acid) 

ambien 2.5 mg only when he uncontrollably paces or severe handwringing. Ambien doesn’t make Jason tired but it does seem to calm him. No more than 2x’s a week. Not two days in a row either.
2022 October 25 tried magnesium 50 mg and one fish oil pill. Agitated, stopped, 
i’m giving him Tylenol or ibuprofen for the neuropathy or paresthesia  pain 

October 28, 2022 Reinstated a low-dose of liquid fluoxetine .05 mg to see if it helped with the hand paresthesia, worked the first day

October 30, 2022 Last day I gave him the low dose of liquid fluoxetine .05 mg. Very agitated, icy hot or aloe with lidocaine for hands,lost muscle in 1 arm 

  • ChessieCat changed the title to ibemom: lost - reinstate low dose or what to do?

Till October 26, I didn’t give my son anything with some Tylenol and ibuprofen. Had a wonderful day, smiling and laughing just like nothing has changed in life. October 27 tried I watered down version of magnesium to rub on his hands because they seem to cause him a lot of pain and it won’t stop moving. lots of finger play and hand ringing, I don’t know if it’s neuropathy or paresthesia. And if I give them too much magnesium in medication forms he seems to get very agitated. I had to give him an Ambien  because he was so agitated (he was hitting himself, he has never been a person to hit them self.) And that seems to be the only thing that calms him. My family wants me to take him to a specialist, I don’t even know who I would take him to. Neurologist for the involuntary muscle movement and a hand ringing and pacing ? He ate well, seems to be putting some weight slowly back on. October 28 I decided to reinstate a very low dose of fluoxetine .05 mg: he had a pretty good day. Later at night though the hand ringing and uncontrollable pacing came back and hand ringing or finger play. Had to give him an Ambien to slow him down, like I said before Ambien doesn’t make him tired so he was up till 1:30 in the morning. The Ambien worked well for the pacing the hand ringing/finger play took a lot longer. October 29, he is still in bed a lot of finger play/Handwringing, I gave him his dose of .05 a fluoxetine, it’s been about an hour and it seems like his hands have calmed down some.  (My sons GP wanted me to either put Jason on 5 mg of Lexapro or fluoxetine 5 mg.) I knew that would send him into a tailspin as why I didn’t listen to my doctor. Plus I don’t really trust him because he tried to prescribe me something that I would’ve had to been on my whole life without telling me that information. I don’t know if I should take him to a neurologist or not. Because if they do any kind of test on him they would have to medicate him. Trying to decide if I should make an appointment and if things go well with the reinstatement I could cancel the appointment. I really don’t want him on medication but I can’t have him hit himself because he’s never done that. I don’t know if I may have reinstated a little too low but I was scared to go to high also. Since I started so low should I still wait 10 days to move him up? Or wait about 4 days and move him up? I don’t wanna overwhelm him, he’s always been such a happy guy. I do worry about adverse reactions on Monday Tuesday and Wednesdays because I sent him to his day program, and I live 30 miles away from where the program is , So I usually try to do any changes on days he’s home several days in a row from day program .

Son's drug history:

2002 started Fluxotine (prozac) worked  up to 40 mg

2021 nov/dec just started having uncontrollable eye movements/no reason, nothing the eye doctor could figur out between Nov & Jan went to the eye doctor/ doctor 6 times. Just used eye drop with steroid and some with out, That’s when I read about involuntary muscle movements and Eye  movements & body

2021 December went to 50 mg for 1 week adverse reaction dropped back down to 40 

2022 Feb- May started tapering in February and discontinued fluxotine May - 2022 June started fenofibrate 
2022 June started CBD OIL , Very hard to find a stabilizing amount. The sleep CBD, seems to calm him some. Use now only if he can’t sleep or 2.5 mg melatonin

2022 Sept Vit  b6 for about 3 weeks , I had blood work done in October vitamin B6 a little high, folic acid low    2022 Oct  folate (folic acid) 

ambien 2.5 mg only when he uncontrollably paces or severe handwringing. Ambien doesn’t make Jason tired but it does seem to calm him. No more than 2x’s a week. Not two days in a row either.
2022 October 25 tried magnesium 50 mg and one fish oil pill. Agitated, stopped, 
i’m giving him Tylenol or ibuprofen for the neuropathy or paresthesia  pain 

October 28, 2022 Reinstated a low-dose of liquid fluoxetine .05 mg to see if it helped with the hand paresthesia, worked the first day

October 30, 2022 Last day I gave him the low dose of liquid fluoxetine .05 mg. Very agitated, icy hot or aloe with lidocaine for hands,lost muscle in 1 arm 


Well of course after I wrote my update, I went back in his room because he still laying down and the hand movements are still going on. The day I gave him the magnesium & fish which now I realize with too much, he did stop the Hand movements that drive him crazy. It’s like if I can get one thing under control something else goes out of control. I’m actually very scared to give him magnesium or any supplement because when I gave him vitamin B6, 3 weeks later it was a little high, and the doctor said that’s probably why he has the hand problems, I pointed out I did not give him a supplement till September and I had told him about his hands in June. Sometimes the hand movements are so bad, that he just can’t sleep or rest. It’s so hard because I feel like people are judging me for my decisions for my son. The doctor seem so judge mental, like I should reinstate at a higher dose or a different medication, my family thinks I should see a specialist. I’m so scared they’ll over medicate him. I’m a lost mom it’s just me and my son and nobody else. It’s just so hard to make decisions myself. It’s one thing to mess up my old life, but a mess up my sons life scares me. Sorry I’m kind of emotional at the moment

Son's drug history:

2002 started Fluxotine (prozac) worked  up to 40 mg

2021 nov/dec just started having uncontrollable eye movements/no reason, nothing the eye doctor could figur out between Nov & Jan went to the eye doctor/ doctor 6 times. Just used eye drop with steroid and some with out, That’s when I read about involuntary muscle movements and Eye  movements & body

2021 December went to 50 mg for 1 week adverse reaction dropped back down to 40 

2022 Feb- May started tapering in February and discontinued fluxotine May - 2022 June started fenofibrate 
2022 June started CBD OIL , Very hard to find a stabilizing amount. The sleep CBD, seems to calm him some. Use now only if he can’t sleep or 2.5 mg melatonin

2022 Sept Vit  b6 for about 3 weeks , I had blood work done in October vitamin B6 a little high, folic acid low    2022 Oct  folate (folic acid) 

ambien 2.5 mg only when he uncontrollably paces or severe handwringing. Ambien doesn’t make Jason tired but it does seem to calm him. No more than 2x’s a week. Not two days in a row either.
2022 October 25 tried magnesium 50 mg and one fish oil pill. Agitated, stopped, 
i’m giving him Tylenol or ibuprofen for the neuropathy or paresthesia  pain 

October 28, 2022 Reinstated a low-dose of liquid fluoxetine .05 mg to see if it helped with the hand paresthesia, worked the first day

October 30, 2022 Last day I gave him the low dose of liquid fluoxetine .05 mg. Very agitated, icy hot or aloe with lidocaine for hands,lost muscle in 1 arm 


Well it’s October 29, his moods are up and down, he doesn’t seem to pace as much, but it comes and goes, the same with the hand ringing seems to be a little more today than yesterday. He goes from happy to agitated and back again. Like I said he’s normally a happy guy, I remember when he first went on medication we used to have agitation. It’s been three days, i’m scared to keep going,  I’m scared to stop. my post haven’t been approved yet, I feel alone, I know moderators have life‘s too. I worry I’m not working this website right. If we could just keep this handwringing/ finger play under control.His hands get bothering him so much that they start bleeding, not real bad. As of yet. He still at .05 mg. Sometimes when he’s laying down he will hold his arms straight up in the air for long periods of time is it out like he did when he was coming off the Fluoxetine. I worry about sending him to his day program on Monday, they’ve never seen him have an agitated outburst. Now I know so much about this medication where when he first when I had this we had pill books,  I can’t believe They used to have psychiatrist coming to schools For people with special needs and then give the parent recommendation saying your kid needs to be on this drug and this drug if you want them to learn. I feel so stupid. Now  I feel stupid for letting him come off the medication so quick. 

Son's drug history:

2002 started Fluxotine (prozac) worked  up to 40 mg

2021 nov/dec just started having uncontrollable eye movements/no reason, nothing the eye doctor could figur out between Nov & Jan went to the eye doctor/ doctor 6 times. Just used eye drop with steroid and some with out, That’s when I read about involuntary muscle movements and Eye  movements & body

2021 December went to 50 mg for 1 week adverse reaction dropped back down to 40 

2022 Feb- May started tapering in February and discontinued fluxotine May - 2022 June started fenofibrate 
2022 June started CBD OIL , Very hard to find a stabilizing amount. The sleep CBD, seems to calm him some. Use now only if he can’t sleep or 2.5 mg melatonin

2022 Sept Vit  b6 for about 3 weeks , I had blood work done in October vitamin B6 a little high, folic acid low    2022 Oct  folate (folic acid) 

ambien 2.5 mg only when he uncontrollably paces or severe handwringing. Ambien doesn’t make Jason tired but it does seem to calm him. No more than 2x’s a week. Not two days in a row either.
2022 October 25 tried magnesium 50 mg and one fish oil pill. Agitated, stopped, 
i’m giving him Tylenol or ibuprofen for the neuropathy or paresthesia  pain 

October 28, 2022 Reinstated a low-dose of liquid fluoxetine .05 mg to see if it helped with the hand paresthesia, worked the first day

October 30, 2022 Last day I gave him the low dose of liquid fluoxetine .05 mg. Very agitated, icy hot or aloe with lidocaine for hands,lost muscle in 1 arm 


After trying to reinstate after 3 days , we’re done. Even at .05 mg of fluoxetine he became so angered. Emotions up and down. I was hoping to get some relief for his hand wringing, paresthisia I think. If we could get that to calm down, he takes Tylenol but I don’t know how much that helps, he calms down must help a little bit, he was so agitated earlier in the evening I had to give him half an Ambien. Ambien is the only thing so far is it calms him. It doesn’t make him tired , Just like NyQuil has never made him tired  But I can’t have him hurt himself, I have to give him something and nothing else I found so far works. I’m hoping I don’t need to taper after three days of such a low dose, but I don’t think I am gonna send him to his day program, because they have never seen him agitated, and he’s gone there for 10 years. And it scares me to think about if he got agitated at the day program  that they would send him to the hospital and what a  hospital would do. And I live 30 minutes away from the day program. He really wanted to give him a chance reinstatement, but if I did it too long or too high of does, we would have to try and taper and as agitated as he was getting , I don’t think he nor I could mentally or physically handle the challenge. I can’t have him hurt himself, maybe after a few days I will put a magnesium pill in some water and give him a diluted tiny amount and see if that helps with the neuropathy/parenthesis . I hope I making the right decision, god help us all through this nightmare of medication, if a person takes ambien every night do they need to taper?

Son's drug history:

2002 started Fluxotine (prozac) worked  up to 40 mg

2021 nov/dec just started having uncontrollable eye movements/no reason, nothing the eye doctor could figur out between Nov & Jan went to the eye doctor/ doctor 6 times. Just used eye drop with steroid and some with out, That’s when I read about involuntary muscle movements and Eye  movements & body

2021 December went to 50 mg for 1 week adverse reaction dropped back down to 40 

2022 Feb- May started tapering in February and discontinued fluxotine May - 2022 June started fenofibrate 
2022 June started CBD OIL , Very hard to find a stabilizing amount. The sleep CBD, seems to calm him some. Use now only if he can’t sleep or 2.5 mg melatonin

2022 Sept Vit  b6 for about 3 weeks , I had blood work done in October vitamin B6 a little high, folic acid low    2022 Oct  folate (folic acid) 

ambien 2.5 mg only when he uncontrollably paces or severe handwringing. Ambien doesn’t make Jason tired but it does seem to calm him. No more than 2x’s a week. Not two days in a row either.
2022 October 25 tried magnesium 50 mg and one fish oil pill. Agitated, stopped, 
i’m giving him Tylenol or ibuprofen for the neuropathy or paresthesia  pain 

October 28, 2022 Reinstated a low-dose of liquid fluoxetine .05 mg to see if it helped with the hand paresthesia, worked the first day

October 30, 2022 Last day I gave him the low dose of liquid fluoxetine .05 mg. Very agitated, icy hot or aloe with lidocaine for hands,lost muscle in 1 arm 

  • Moderator Emeritus

@ibemom From your signature, it looks like he's been on periodic Ambien since September, is this correct?


13 hours ago, ibemom said:

if a person takes ambien every night do they need to taper?


Yes, they would need to taper by 10% a month off the prior month's dose (not the original prescribed dose).


How often is he taking Ambien? How many times a week? 


You mentioned NyQuil. How often is he taking NyQuil? Is he taking any other drugs, even periodically? 


Did he have handwringing symptoms prior to these drugs? If not, when did they start? 


I also want to leave you with another resource. It's the Mad in America Parents forum. Although your son is now a young adult, you may want to reach out to them so you can connect to other parents who are dealing with their children coming off these drugs, as well as other issues. 


Mad in America - Family Forum






He just takes Ambien periodically, only like when some thing gets him very agitated, to the point where he hitting himself. Normally He doesn’t get agitated but lately with the hand ringing and finger flicking and finger play, that gets so uncontrollable he can’t stop his hands he gets agitated , but it is a last resort, I have used Tylenol and sometimes that seems to help. Ambien is the only thing that will calms him down when he very agitated . I take ambien all the time so I wanted to know if I needed to taper.  NyQuil he has not taken in years my point was that the stuff that normally makes a person tired seems to relax him and calm him but not make him tired except melatonin.Which he doesn’t take all the time either. He is very limited on medication right now. He does seem more verbal on the Ambien, I was oh actually going to tell. The neurologist about that, even when he was a little kid and had a MRI scan and they had to knock him out, he thought it had it with more verbal still . In late November-December 2021 he started having involuntary eye-movement and turning his head in weird directions , I really don’t know how to explain it, and then he would tap his thumb and forefinger. Before November/December we didn’t have any of the stuff, The eye movement got so bad that his eyes wouldn’t stay still in his head and he started hitting himself in the eyes and getting eye infections  And zoning out kind of finger play is the only way I know how to describe it. That’s why I decided to take him off the medication because he kept getting infections. I thought it was TD because of the commercials, and I talk to the pharmacist and he said that medication could cause that kind of problems. He never used to have finger flicking or hand ringing or anything before taking him off this medication and it was about a month and a half into being off the medication that it started. Beginning of July) reinstatement for three days I couldn’t stand him being on the Fluxotine for the three days and hurting himself and his emotions were all over the place happy sad mad.

       We do have an appointment with a neurologist on Wednesday at rush hospital in Chicago For the Akathesia and the whole finger ringing. Sometimes he’ll ring his hands to where they actually start bleeding a little bit. So I putting lotion on them like crazy I also tried icy hot, but I have to be careful so he doesn’t touch his eyes. I put it on just for a little bit and then I clean his hands. I know I’ve come to realize that Jason developed akathisia while on fluoxetine, I have never heard of Akathesia until withdrawal from the medication, so he has medicine induced akathisia. People made it seem like that was just part of autism the movements, The rocking Back-and-forth, the leg shaking. Unfortunately I learned a lot of things too late. I will look at that mad in America. Thank you. I’m trying to keep it together I just have moments where I fall apart because it’s just me and my son we don’t have to much family . I don’t know what the neurologist can do. I have to know I tried things. That’s why I tried the low dose of Fluxotine. like I said the Ambien is mainly for women he gets very agitated Or if he can’t calm down from the hand wringing and his fingers start bleeding a little. He does take Folic acid, as his level was low, his B6 is a little high.  He is just finally getting back to eating decent since stopping meds & he is eating foods he hasn’t ate for years. I know we’re probably having the windows in waves, but it’s hard when somebody Else is in pain and can’t explain to you what’s going on. And I’m so worried I might’ve messed him up. 

Son's drug history:

2002 started Fluxotine (prozac) worked  up to 40 mg

2021 nov/dec just started having uncontrollable eye movements/no reason, nothing the eye doctor could figur out between Nov & Jan went to the eye doctor/ doctor 6 times. Just used eye drop with steroid and some with out, That’s when I read about involuntary muscle movements and Eye  movements & body

2021 December went to 50 mg for 1 week adverse reaction dropped back down to 40 

2022 Feb- May started tapering in February and discontinued fluxotine May - 2022 June started fenofibrate 
2022 June started CBD OIL , Very hard to find a stabilizing amount. The sleep CBD, seems to calm him some. Use now only if he can’t sleep or 2.5 mg melatonin

2022 Sept Vit  b6 for about 3 weeks , I had blood work done in October vitamin B6 a little high, folic acid low    2022 Oct  folate (folic acid) 

ambien 2.5 mg only when he uncontrollably paces or severe handwringing. Ambien doesn’t make Jason tired but it does seem to calm him. No more than 2x’s a week. Not two days in a row either.
2022 October 25 tried magnesium 50 mg and one fish oil pill. Agitated, stopped, 
i’m giving him Tylenol or ibuprofen for the neuropathy or paresthesia  pain 

October 28, 2022 Reinstated a low-dose of liquid fluoxetine .05 mg to see if it helped with the hand paresthesia, worked the first day

October 30, 2022 Last day I gave him the low dose of liquid fluoxetine .05 mg. Very agitated, icy hot or aloe with lidocaine for hands,lost muscle in 1 arm 

  • Moderator Emeritus
20 hours ago, ibemom said:

He just takes Ambien periodically, only like when some thing gets him very agitated, to the point where he hitting himself.


How often is periodically? The reason I'm continuing to ask this question is because he may already be dependent on it. Some of his problems may be due to interdose withdrawal (going into withdrawal in between doses). 


Please write down every time he takes an Ambien. It's important to keep track to see if dependency is likely. 


20 hours ago, ibemom said:

In late November-December 2021 he started having involuntary eye-movement and turning his head in weird directions , I really don’t know how to explain it, and then he would tap his thumb and forefinger. Before November/December we didn’t have any of the stuff,


Please double-check your signature. Where you have October 28, 2020 and October 30, 2020, should that be 2022 (not 2020)?


I'm looking for the drug changes around the November-December 2021 range that you mention, but your signature is going from 2002 to 2022 and then back to 2020. 


As much as you can, let us know the drug changes in the November-December 2021 range that preceded the eye-movement problems. 





I have been keeping track, no more than  twice a week at 2.5 mg.  , as I didn’t want him dependent on that. I hope that’s not too much. He also only uses the melatonin once or twice a week. I will check my signature. Thank you 

Son's drug history:

2002 started Fluxotine (prozac) worked  up to 40 mg

2021 nov/dec just started having uncontrollable eye movements/no reason, nothing the eye doctor could figur out between Nov & Jan went to the eye doctor/ doctor 6 times. Just used eye drop with steroid and some with out, That’s when I read about involuntary muscle movements and Eye  movements & body

2021 December went to 50 mg for 1 week adverse reaction dropped back down to 40 

2022 Feb- May started tapering in February and discontinued fluxotine May - 2022 June started fenofibrate 
2022 June started CBD OIL , Very hard to find a stabilizing amount. The sleep CBD, seems to calm him some. Use now only if he can’t sleep or 2.5 mg melatonin

2022 Sept Vit  b6 for about 3 weeks , I had blood work done in October vitamin B6 a little high, folic acid low    2022 Oct  folate (folic acid) 

ambien 2.5 mg only when he uncontrollably paces or severe handwringing. Ambien doesn’t make Jason tired but it does seem to calm him. No more than 2x’s a week. Not two days in a row either.
2022 October 25 tried magnesium 50 mg and one fish oil pill. Agitated, stopped, 
i’m giving him Tylenol or ibuprofen for the neuropathy or paresthesia  pain 

October 28, 2022 Reinstated a low-dose of liquid fluoxetine .05 mg to see if it helped with the hand paresthesia, worked the first day

October 30, 2022 Last day I gave him the low dose of liquid fluoxetine .05 mg. Very agitated, icy hot or aloe with lidocaine for hands,lost muscle in 1 arm 

  • Mentor
Posted (edited)

Ibemom, sounds like you are a wonderful mother. I can hear your love and dedication to your son and his well-being. 


When I was CT’d off of Effexor, a lot of strange things started happening to my neck, shoulders, elbows, and hands. At times, I had the sudden jerking in my neck and head. The pain in my elbows and hands, along with the numbness and tingling got kind of scary. Come to think of it, I also started wringing my hands about the same time my legs started going up and down repeatedly. I also began hitting myself in the thighs repeatedly as a way to release some physical energy.

 I remember using an ice pack on my hands every so often, not only to give me a different sensation from the tingling, but to also decrease the heat of my hands. Sometimes it felt like they were on fire. I would also get burning feet. I’m wondering if perhaps your son may be having similar sensations. I had to be careful not to leave the ice packs on very long and I made sure I always had a thin towel between my hands/feet and the ice packs. The freezable gel packs work great and kind of mold to the shape of the hand/foot.

You mention icy hot. I used a similar gel on mine, or a cream containing menthol (I had a cbd balm that had menthol in it too). The way it helped my hands (and feet) was it seriously took away that hot, burning feeling. I thought it was a miracle fix!


Sometimes, I just put my hands and feet in cool water. 

All of the things I’ve mentioned also helped the numbness/tingling by giving me a different sensation to focus on.

I pray you and your son can get a bit of relief soon. Keep hanging in there. 


Edited by FindRest

1988-1996  Various AD’s, all classifications.  1996-2019  Effexor XR 37.5mg to 150mg. Jan 2017 onward, 37.5 mg.

2019  Apr 11 - July 24: Trials of Latuda then Rexulti. CT'd off per dr.  Jul 24: CT Effexor (per dr)  Sep 9-19: Viibryd, CT (per dr).  Sep 23-27: Trintellix. CT (per dr).  Sep 28 - Oct 24:  Prozac 10mg.  Oct 24:  Stop Prozac, began Pristiq 25mg->50->25mg.

2020  Feb 1: CT Pristiq. Feb 1: Reinstated Effexor XR (10 large beads) gradually increasing to 22 beads (15L+7M) or 9.072mgai on Mar, 2020.

2021  Started Jan w 21 beads (13L+8M) or 8.47mgai ended Dec: 17 beads (7L+9M+1S) or 6.19mgai. Severe COVID + TIA.

2022  Ended yr w 14 beads (3L+5M+5S+1XS) or 4.5mgai. Major jaw injury during year + family tragedy.

2023  Jan: 13 beads (2L+5M+5S+1XS) or 4.2mgai; Feb: 12 beads (2L+4M+5S+1XS) or 3.9mgai; Mar: 11 beads (2L+4M+4S+1XS) or 3.6mgai, Apr: 10 beads (2L+3M+4S+1XS) or 3.3mgai; Jun: 9 beads (2L+3M+3S+1XS) or 3mgai,


Current: July, 2023: Effexor XR -  9 beads (2L+3M+3S+1XS) or 2.7 mgai

Other current meds: Ambien 10mg 3.935mg , clonazepam .125mg .107mg, omeprazoleSynthroid, Premarin.  Supplements: D3, C, probiotic, K2-MK7, Mg Glycinate

  • Moderator Emeritus
19 hours ago, ibemom said:

I have been keeping track, no more than  twice a week at 2.5 mg.  , as I didn’t want him dependent on that. I hope that’s not too much. He also only uses the melatonin once or twice a week. I will check my signature. Thank you 


He should be okay with no more than twice a week, but please be careful. Dependency is such a slippery slope and over time, even these periodic doses can rattle the nervous system. 


Melatonin is much safer and doesn't have a high dependency profile. 




So we went to the neurologist today at Rush hospital in Chicago, I figured that they would blame a lot of my son‘s behavior on his autism, and they did. The akathisia the wringing of the hands, one doctor kind of pushed going to a psychiatrist, and having My son put on another antidepressant or something, there were two doctors one was pretty insistent about the psychiatrist thing talking to me like I don’t understand anything. I told him about surviving anti-depressants.org and how a lot of people have the same problems as my son, he pointed out but they’re not like your son they don’t have autism. I said I understand that, and he said I don’t think you do.  Anyway the other doctor suggested he be put on propranolol , he said didn’t have to use it every day, but he would need to have a short EEG. I guess one was playing nice doctor on one was playing mean doctor,  I don’t know. So that’s that, said the hand ringing and twisting and running underwater is all his way of dealing with stress or anxiety. But it is stereotypic of autistic kids. I said he never had this before and he said that’s because he was on the medicine and now he’s anxious because he’s not. I said when he wasn’t on the medicine in the first place years ago he didn’t do it either. So that’s my day. I’m relieved about the Ambien I was so stressed about that, I will definitely try not to give that to him. Now I just got to work myself off the Ambien. I didn’t know it was the same class of medicine as Ativan. It would be nice if doctors would tell you when they give you medicine that this is very hard to withdraw from. Now I need to unwind.


Son's drug history:

2002 started Fluxotine (prozac) worked  up to 40 mg

2021 nov/dec just started having uncontrollable eye movements/no reason, nothing the eye doctor could figur out between Nov & Jan went to the eye doctor/ doctor 6 times. Just used eye drop with steroid and some with out, That’s when I read about involuntary muscle movements and Eye  movements & body

2021 December went to 50 mg for 1 week adverse reaction dropped back down to 40 

2022 Feb- May started tapering in February and discontinued fluxotine May - 2022 June started fenofibrate 
2022 June started CBD OIL , Very hard to find a stabilizing amount. The sleep CBD, seems to calm him some. Use now only if he can’t sleep or 2.5 mg melatonin

2022 Sept Vit  b6 for about 3 weeks , I had blood work done in October vitamin B6 a little high, folic acid low    2022 Oct  folate (folic acid) 

ambien 2.5 mg only when he uncontrollably paces or severe handwringing. Ambien doesn’t make Jason tired but it does seem to calm him. No more than 2x’s a week. Not two days in a row either.
2022 October 25 tried magnesium 50 mg and one fish oil pill. Agitated, stopped, 
i’m giving him Tylenol or ibuprofen for the neuropathy or paresthesia  pain 

October 28, 2022 Reinstated a low-dose of liquid fluoxetine .05 mg to see if it helped with the hand paresthesia, worked the first day

October 30, 2022 Last day I gave him the low dose of liquid fluoxetine .05 mg. Very agitated, icy hot or aloe with lidocaine for hands,lost muscle in 1 arm 


I don’t know anything about that Propranolol 10 mg. Can he take that or is that a no no drug? I know he said he wants him to have an EKG first.

Son's drug history:

2002 started Fluxotine (prozac) worked  up to 40 mg

2021 nov/dec just started having uncontrollable eye movements/no reason, nothing the eye doctor could figur out between Nov & Jan went to the eye doctor/ doctor 6 times. Just used eye drop with steroid and some with out, That’s when I read about involuntary muscle movements and Eye  movements & body

2021 December went to 50 mg for 1 week adverse reaction dropped back down to 40 

2022 Feb- May started tapering in February and discontinued fluxotine May - 2022 June started fenofibrate 
2022 June started CBD OIL , Very hard to find a stabilizing amount. The sleep CBD, seems to calm him some. Use now only if he can’t sleep or 2.5 mg melatonin

2022 Sept Vit  b6 for about 3 weeks , I had blood work done in October vitamin B6 a little high, folic acid low    2022 Oct  folate (folic acid) 

ambien 2.5 mg only when he uncontrollably paces or severe handwringing. Ambien doesn’t make Jason tired but it does seem to calm him. No more than 2x’s a week. Not two days in a row either.
2022 October 25 tried magnesium 50 mg and one fish oil pill. Agitated, stopped, 
i’m giving him Tylenol or ibuprofen for the neuropathy or paresthesia  pain 

October 28, 2022 Reinstated a low-dose of liquid fluoxetine .05 mg to see if it helped with the hand paresthesia, worked the first day

October 30, 2022 Last day I gave him the low dose of liquid fluoxetine .05 mg. Very agitated, icy hot or aloe with lidocaine for hands,lost muscle in 1 arm 

  • Mentor
2 hours ago, ibemom said:

I don’t know anything about that Propranolol 10 mg. Can he take that or is that a no no drug? I know he said he wants him to have an EKG first.

Propranolol is a beta blocker. If your son does not have heart and/or circulation issues, then you dr is using it off-label, not what it was originally intended to be used for. It has a host of side effects. It also must be tapered when coming off of it. Some here have tried it to help with akathisia. From what I’ve read, it didn’t help them much. If you do a search in the group, you’ll see others who are on it for various reasons. 

Here is the list of potential side effects it may cause:


1988-1996  Various AD’s, all classifications.  1996-2019  Effexor XR 37.5mg to 150mg. Jan 2017 onward, 37.5 mg.

2019  Apr 11 - July 24: Trials of Latuda then Rexulti. CT'd off per dr.  Jul 24: CT Effexor (per dr)  Sep 9-19: Viibryd, CT (per dr).  Sep 23-27: Trintellix. CT (per dr).  Sep 28 - Oct 24:  Prozac 10mg.  Oct 24:  Stop Prozac, began Pristiq 25mg->50->25mg.

2020  Feb 1: CT Pristiq. Feb 1: Reinstated Effexor XR (10 large beads) gradually increasing to 22 beads (15L+7M) or 9.072mgai on Mar, 2020.

2021  Started Jan w 21 beads (13L+8M) or 8.47mgai ended Dec: 17 beads (7L+9M+1S) or 6.19mgai. Severe COVID + TIA.

2022  Ended yr w 14 beads (3L+5M+5S+1XS) or 4.5mgai. Major jaw injury during year + family tragedy.

2023  Jan: 13 beads (2L+5M+5S+1XS) or 4.2mgai; Feb: 12 beads (2L+4M+5S+1XS) or 3.9mgai; Mar: 11 beads (2L+4M+4S+1XS) or 3.6mgai, Apr: 10 beads (2L+3M+4S+1XS) or 3.3mgai; Jun: 9 beads (2L+3M+3S+1XS) or 3mgai,


Current: July, 2023: Effexor XR -  9 beads (2L+3M+3S+1XS) or 2.7 mgai

Other current meds: Ambien 10mg 3.935mg , clonazepam .125mg .107mg, omeprazoleSynthroid, Premarin.  Supplements: D3, C, probiotic, K2-MK7, Mg Glycinate


I don’t know what to do, I know I have to slow my mind down. I just get so tired of doctors telling me to put him back on AD. With their judgmental white jacket on. Does he not realize, I am trying to do my best for my son. I lay in bed wondering should I have tried him back on a higher dose of the Fluxotine instead of the .05. Did such a low-dose make him agitated? Should I have maybe started at .5 or 1 mg? Do I want to give my son a medication that can mess with his blood pressure? No, My son has kind of low blood pressure but a fast pulse rate. The nice neurologist said he doesn’t go by what pressure he goes by the pulse, and the pulse indicates the anxiety. But will it help him to use it occasionally on really bad days?  And the not nice neurologist wants him back on anti-depressants, does not have the slightest idea the sleepless nights that I have, wondering what I should do next. Do I want to try Him on low dose of magnesium see if that helps his pacing in his hand bringing? Should I go back to the CBD oil and try a different brand and see if it helps, it did help us get through some hard times. Every day is so different, he is so sensitive to medicine. This is so hard trying to figure out what to do so I don’t damage my son. It’s one thing to make decisions for yourself and screw up, but it’s a whole different ball game when it comes to your child. I don’t know what to do. My son is 32 years old but will always be my baby, he has autism and is limited on speech & will always need life long assistance. But before this ordeal,  he was always happy. 

Son's drug history:

2002 started Fluxotine (prozac) worked  up to 40 mg

2021 nov/dec just started having uncontrollable eye movements/no reason, nothing the eye doctor could figur out between Nov & Jan went to the eye doctor/ doctor 6 times. Just used eye drop with steroid and some with out, That’s when I read about involuntary muscle movements and Eye  movements & body

2021 December went to 50 mg for 1 week adverse reaction dropped back down to 40 

2022 Feb- May started tapering in February and discontinued fluxotine May - 2022 June started fenofibrate 
2022 June started CBD OIL , Very hard to find a stabilizing amount. The sleep CBD, seems to calm him some. Use now only if he can’t sleep or 2.5 mg melatonin

2022 Sept Vit  b6 for about 3 weeks , I had blood work done in October vitamin B6 a little high, folic acid low    2022 Oct  folate (folic acid) 

ambien 2.5 mg only when he uncontrollably paces or severe handwringing. Ambien doesn’t make Jason tired but it does seem to calm him. No more than 2x’s a week. Not two days in a row either.
2022 October 25 tried magnesium 50 mg and one fish oil pill. Agitated, stopped, 
i’m giving him Tylenol or ibuprofen for the neuropathy or paresthesia  pain 

October 28, 2022 Reinstated a low-dose of liquid fluoxetine .05 mg to see if it helped with the hand paresthesia, worked the first day

October 30, 2022 Last day I gave him the low dose of liquid fluoxetine .05 mg. Very agitated, icy hot or aloe with lidocaine for hands,lost muscle in 1 arm 

  • Moderator Emeritus

@ibemom Have you had a chance to connect with other parents in the Mad in America (MiA) family forum? I did some research over on the MiA site and found a specialist within an hour's drive of you who may be helpful: 


Dathan Paterno, PsyD


I would reach out and see if they can offer your son support and therapy (if not, they may know other specialists in your area who can help). It will also be helpful for you to get away from the toxic medical system that your son is currently dealing with. 


Remember, all you need from a medical doctor is a prescription. Psychiatrists are legalized drug dealers. What your son and you need is a support system for getting him off psych drugs and onto a better healing path to deal with his struggles as someone with autism. 


If you're able to travel further or are interested in Skype or Zoom sessions, you can look for more specialists on the MiA site here:


Mad in America - Provider Directory






Thank you I didn’t see that on the website. I didn’t see a forum like you have on this website, I hope you don’t mind I still post here, as I feel I need somewhere that I feel safe talking about the stuff with people who understand. I know a lot of people don’t know autism, but you guys have helped me tremendously understand how my son is probably feeling. 

We actually live in a small country town that doesn’t have much. We have to drive at least an hour.  Some days are so wonderful and somedays are so hard. Some days I feel like he’s getting  better and then we have really rough days. Somedays  I look at my son, and I feel like were rounding the corner. We just have to find a way to stop the hands ( which are a little better today) and I can tell he anxious especially when we leave the house and go to a store. I’m hoping to give him a few days without anything except his usual medicine. And eventually maybe try a small amount of magnesium. We’ll see what tomorrow brings. Pretty good day overall today. 

Son's drug history:

2002 started Fluxotine (prozac) worked  up to 40 mg

2021 nov/dec just started having uncontrollable eye movements/no reason, nothing the eye doctor could figur out between Nov & Jan went to the eye doctor/ doctor 6 times. Just used eye drop with steroid and some with out, That’s when I read about involuntary muscle movements and Eye  movements & body

2021 December went to 50 mg for 1 week adverse reaction dropped back down to 40 

2022 Feb- May started tapering in February and discontinued fluxotine May - 2022 June started fenofibrate 
2022 June started CBD OIL , Very hard to find a stabilizing amount. The sleep CBD, seems to calm him some. Use now only if he can’t sleep or 2.5 mg melatonin

2022 Sept Vit  b6 for about 3 weeks , I had blood work done in October vitamin B6 a little high, folic acid low    2022 Oct  folate (folic acid) 

ambien 2.5 mg only when he uncontrollably paces or severe handwringing. Ambien doesn’t make Jason tired but it does seem to calm him. No more than 2x’s a week. Not two days in a row either.
2022 October 25 tried magnesium 50 mg and one fish oil pill. Agitated, stopped, 
i’m giving him Tylenol or ibuprofen for the neuropathy or paresthesia  pain 

October 28, 2022 Reinstated a low-dose of liquid fluoxetine .05 mg to see if it helped with the hand paresthesia, worked the first day

October 30, 2022 Last day I gave him the low dose of liquid fluoxetine .05 mg. Very agitated, icy hot or aloe with lidocaine for hands,lost muscle in 1 arm 

  • Moderator Emeritus
19 hours ago, ibemom said:

Pretty good day overall today. 


Sounds good, ibemom. Glad you and he are seeing some windows.


BTW, when you reach out to that specialist, let us know what you find out. It's always good to get feedback so we know if we should continue to refer people. 




So we had another pretty good day, you can tell he has a little anxiety, you can see the stress on his face and in his eyes, but he was happy to go for a ride. I’m going to research the different CBD’s and see if I can find one that deals with anxiety, I think I read CDDA helps with anxiety but I don’t wanna do anything too soon either.Still hand wringing, Still using icy hot, that helps so much. I’m so grateful I found that information on this site. It is actually been a lifesaver. So far the wringing stops when he goes to sleep And not so intense during the day as it was before. He didn’t eat as well, but he’s always been kind of a picky eater at times. 🥳 celebrating two days in a row! The only medicine I gave him today was his folic acid, vitamin D3 and two Tylenol.

Son's drug history:

2002 started Fluxotine (prozac) worked  up to 40 mg

2021 nov/dec just started having uncontrollable eye movements/no reason, nothing the eye doctor could figur out between Nov & Jan went to the eye doctor/ doctor 6 times. Just used eye drop with steroid and some with out, That’s when I read about involuntary muscle movements and Eye  movements & body

2021 December went to 50 mg for 1 week adverse reaction dropped back down to 40 

2022 Feb- May started tapering in February and discontinued fluxotine May - 2022 June started fenofibrate 
2022 June started CBD OIL , Very hard to find a stabilizing amount. The sleep CBD, seems to calm him some. Use now only if he can’t sleep or 2.5 mg melatonin

2022 Sept Vit  b6 for about 3 weeks , I had blood work done in October vitamin B6 a little high, folic acid low    2022 Oct  folate (folic acid) 

ambien 2.5 mg only when he uncontrollably paces or severe handwringing. Ambien doesn’t make Jason tired but it does seem to calm him. No more than 2x’s a week. Not two days in a row either.
2022 October 25 tried magnesium 50 mg and one fish oil pill. Agitated, stopped, 
i’m giving him Tylenol or ibuprofen for the neuropathy or paresthesia  pain 

October 28, 2022 Reinstated a low-dose of liquid fluoxetine .05 mg to see if it helped with the hand paresthesia, worked the first day

October 30, 2022 Last day I gave him the low dose of liquid fluoxetine .05 mg. Very agitated, icy hot or aloe with lidocaine for hands,lost muscle in 1 arm 

  • 2 months later...

my son is eight months off of AD, It’s been a very rough road acute akathisia, went to a movement disorder Dr. at Rush, they suggested I put him back on antidepressants and treated me like I didn’t know what I was doing with my own son. When we were at the hospital he was pacing quite heavily that was in November the doctor was going to put him on propranolol but found a heart issue in his paperwork so he wanted GP to check his heart, the GP didn’t think he could get a reading because Jason was moving so much. So after Thanksgiving Jason hadn’t urinated for 36 hours I know bowel movement for three days and I was getting worried so I took them there. The hospital did give him some rise of him, but they were able to x-ray make sure there was no bowel obstruction, and they said that they would do the EKG with no problem. My son did well with the lorazepam.  So we sent a copy of the EKG to that rush St. Luke’s hospital and he saw something on the EKG that he wanted more of a cardiac work up done on him. So I took him to a heart doctor and he did a ultrasound and everything turned out fine. The heart doctor said he wouldn’t recommend putting my son on propranolol because his blood pressure was low, I never did re-connect with the rush doctor because by the time I got all that stuff done it was a month later and his akathisia had diminished a lot. He still working on getting back to his normal self every week it seems things get a little better. We hit bumps in the roads. His B6 vitamin was high in September and now in the low normal range, benign folate was really low so we take medicine for that, I prefer the folate natural not folic acid synthetic. And we did B12 shots for a month and now once a month . So hopefully we’re on a road to recovery. Sometimes he doesn’t sleep that well at night I do give him 2.5 mg of melatonin. So far he doesn’t really have a lot of interest in drawing which was his obsession and iPad was to draw. But right now he doesn’t care to. It was weird when he was on the anti-depressant things he used to like to do like help me cook he quit liking to do, drawing was his thing. Now that he’s off the antidepressants he’s helping me cook a little bit and not caring for the drawing. The antidepressants were supposed to be for his OCD, all antidepressants did was give him different OCD behaviors like not wearing socks around the house so he wouldn’t get sick, Henie will wear them, He used to have nice teeth before the anti-depressants, he’s lost at least five teeth because some anti-depressants can cause teeth grinding in people. Which I didn’t know that. I didn’t know a lot of things about antidepressants when I put my son on them I’m guessing it was around age 14, they tell me that it would help with the OCD that he had of tapping his fingers, and that the Tapping fingers were interfering with his education . I was stupid back then, all they had was a pill book to read about medication and when you think about it medication‘s went out that long. And my son was on fluoxetine for 20 years. I often think when I hear the news people need more mental help, and I wonder how many of these mass shooters are on antidepressants? Some of these antidepressants just take away any feeling you have happy or sad. I tried them for a short time and quit because I felt nothing, I’ve heard more people feel suicidal, Some people get angry on these medication’s, some people feel nothing. I really wonder how many of these shooters are on medication? You can go to any doctor and get put on an anti-depressant. Many doctors don’t even know the side effects of these medication‘s. I pray every night for my son that he keeps doing well, he’s not totally back to himself but like I said week by week things change, he has had a few times when he’s got upset but not bad, he can calm down pretty quick as long as you talk to him nice and don’t yell. I think he gets frustrated sometimes because he has trouble with some of his words that he used to say . Anyway I wanted to check in and tell people there’s hope. My 32-year-old son went through hell and his coming out the other side. He lost 30 pounds, he’s finally getting his appetite back now he just needs to get interested in things again. I pray every night that everybody gets through their journey happy and safely.

Son's drug history:

2002 started Fluxotine (prozac) worked  up to 40 mg

2021 nov/dec just started having uncontrollable eye movements/no reason, nothing the eye doctor could figur out between Nov & Jan went to the eye doctor/ doctor 6 times. Just used eye drop with steroid and some with out, That’s when I read about involuntary muscle movements and Eye  movements & body

2021 December went to 50 mg for 1 week adverse reaction dropped back down to 40 

2022 Feb- May started tapering in February and discontinued fluxotine May - 2022 June started fenofibrate 
2022 June started CBD OIL , Very hard to find a stabilizing amount. The sleep CBD, seems to calm him some. Use now only if he can’t sleep or 2.5 mg melatonin

2022 Sept Vit  b6 for about 3 weeks , I had blood work done in October vitamin B6 a little high, folic acid low    2022 Oct  folate (folic acid) 

ambien 2.5 mg only when he uncontrollably paces or severe handwringing. Ambien doesn’t make Jason tired but it does seem to calm him. No more than 2x’s a week. Not two days in a row either.
2022 October 25 tried magnesium 50 mg and one fish oil pill. Agitated, stopped, 
i’m giving him Tylenol or ibuprofen for the neuropathy or paresthesia  pain 

October 28, 2022 Reinstated a low-dose of liquid fluoxetine .05 mg to see if it helped with the hand paresthesia, worked the first day

October 30, 2022 Last day I gave him the low dose of liquid fluoxetine .05 mg. Very agitated, icy hot or aloe with lidocaine for hands,lost muscle in 1 arm 

  • Moderator Emeritus
On 1/29/2023 at 11:48 PM, ibemom said:

My 32-year-old son went through hell and his coming out the other side. He lost 30 pounds, he’s finally getting his appetite back now he just needs to get interested in things again. I pray every night that everybody gets through their journey happy and safely.


@ibemom Thanks for coming back with an update on how your son is doing. Very glad to read of his improvements. I'm sure he'll see more improvements in the coming months. 


Please continue to post updates. 



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