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Lilsmom: Lyrica and Topamax - would love guidance


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I have been on Lyrica for six or seven years and it has zapped my motivation. I’ve been on Topamax for around eight years and it has made it difficult to think. I’ve been on both of these for pain. I’ve also found myself on the addiction end of smoking cannabis also for pain.

The good news is that I have done a lot of work with a chronic pain coach and pain therapist and my pain levels have come down significantly. As a result I feel like I’m able to get to the point where I can taper off of these things.


However I tried to taper off of Topamax follow my doctors instructions and was thrown into an increase in migraines. I currently take 100 mg per day with 50 in the morning and 50 in the evening. He had me decreased by 25 mg in the morning.  That reduction was too drastic. I tried tweaking that so that I was taking 37.5 mg in the morning instead of my usual 50 thereby decreasing by 12.5 mg instead of 25 mg but I was still really discombobulated and the migraines persisted so I had to go back up and Abandon my effort to taper for now.


I tried going cold turkey off of cannabis last winter and the migraines surged and by the fourth day in a row of a migraine I couldn’t do any more and went back on the cannabis. It seems my brain is very sensitive to any change in the routine.


I love any insights into which med you think might be the best one to taper first and how slowly. Also are there any supplements out there that help to give the body what it needs as we are taking these meds out of the system?


As I think about the order of doing these medications I think about perhaps going off of them in the order I got on them. Since I got on the Lyrica last maybe I should get off of it first. Then get off of the Topiramate/Topamax. Then get off of cannabis last so that I can use it to help me get through the migraines When and if they pop up during the taper process.


Any insights are appreciated from your experience. Thanks!

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  • ChessieCat changed the title to Lilsmom: Lyrica and Topamx - would love guidance
  • Administrator

Welcome, @Lilsmom


How are you feeling now?


When did you start Lyrica? If this is causing worse adverse effects than Topamax, you might want to reduce it or go off it first.


We advise gradually tapering by 10% at a step. For background, see Why taper by 10% of my dosage?

Tips for tapering off pregabalin (Lyrica)

The above method applies to topiramate, too. We don't have a specific topic on it because it's not prescribed often in psychiatry.  Are you taking it for migraines?


Using a liquid is the easiest way to gradually taper. Topiramate is now available as a liquid in the US.


To help us out, follow these instructions Please summarize your drug and withdrawal history in your signature You may need to use a computer to do this.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

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  • Altostrata changed the title to Lilsmom: Lyrica and Topamax - would love guidance

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