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chargirl123: My story! Looking for advice


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Hi! Thank you in advance for reading my story...

The history basically started in 2021 I had switched forms of BC to an IUD, unknowing of an underlying condition of PCOS. Flash forward 6 months, and I experience tremendous hair loss and acne welts all over my face. As a young girl (20 and in college at the time), I was devastated. I spent months going to doctors while they tried to figure out what was wrong with me. I was put on 200mg of Spironolactone, 5mg finasteride, 500mg metformin, a multivitamin, and back on BC. While I was dealing with the symptoms in December of 2022, I decided to go on lexapro. I slowly went up to 10mg for about 6 months, until i decided that it had made me feel emotionally numb. I have since started to wean off of many of these meds. I am on 100mg of spironalactone, 2.5mg finesteride, 2.5mg lexapro, and 1000mg metformin (up). I have also taken on vaping which I am desperately trying to quit but highly addicted to (and surround myself with so many people who vape too). Anyway, while I am greatful that I have been properally diagnosed and my pressing physical symptoms have subsided, there are several mental issues I wanted to discuss. To start, I have been feeling a tremendous lack of motivation-- lack of desire to get out of bed, eat healthy, work out, get on a routine. Very negative thoughts about my self-worthiness, my capability, my appearance, and just overall highly insecure. And third, I have find myself to be more conscious of social interactions-- more social anxiety. Wanted to open the floor if anyone has recommendations, comments, or just wants to relate. Thanks in advance 

Edited by manymoretodays
name to title
  • manymoretodays changed the title to chargirl123: My story! Looking for advice
  • Administrator

Welcome, @chargirl123


What drug are you currently tapering and how are you tapering it?


It is possible that you are feeling fatigue from one or more of your drugs, from a drug-drug interaction, or as a withdrawal symptom from tapering. I suggest you look up adverse effects of all your drugs on drugs.com and put ALL your current drugs in this Interactions Checker. Please post the interactions report or a link to it in this topic.


To help us out, follow these instructions Please summarize your drug and withdrawal history in your signature You may need to use a computer to do this.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

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