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Rinserepeat Hello and please help


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im currently on citalopram 40mg, been on 40mg for 2 years. I was on 20mg before that for 12 years. 
I am now suffering from lack of compassion (deeply effecting my marriage) and no libido, no sexual desires at all. My psychiatrist suggested a “dose holiday” which I think is irresponsible and dangerous advice. I want to begin tapering down but I’m in the UK and we don’t have liquid citalopram available. 


10mg 2006

20mg 2008

40mg 2017

Nov 20mg 2020

Jan 40mg 2022 

(3/4 unsuccessful too fast tapers over the years) 

Aug 21st 35mg 2023 


  • Altostrata changed the title to Rinserepeat Hello and please help
  • Administrator

Welcome, @Rinserepeat


If you want to minimize your drug, we recommend a gradual taper, as you're considering. See Tips for tapering off citalopram (Celexa)

Why taper by 10% of my dosage?

Why taper? SERT transporter occupancy studies show importance of gradual change in plasma concentration
Discussion of a scientific journal article with data supporting a very gradual taper. If your doctor is a scientific type, print the journal article out and give it to him or her.


Citalopram liquid is available in the UK, see https://www.medicines.org.uk/emc/product/3349/smpc#gref


Also for your doctor: PRINT OUT leaflet: Guidance on stopping antidepressants by UK's Royal College of Psychiatrists


How are you feeling, now that you've decreased to 35mg?

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.


Hi, thank you for the response.
I’m feeling tired but I’m able to nap when my little boy does. So far so good but I’m aware it’s the lower doses that really start to become a challenge. I am going to try omega and I have magnesium spray. 


10mg 2006

20mg 2008

40mg 2017

Nov 20mg 2020

Jan 40mg 2022 

(3/4 unsuccessful too fast tapers over the years) 

Aug 21st 35mg 2023 


  • Administrator

Did you reduce to 35mg August 21, 2023, only a few days ago? Please correct your signature.


You'll want to wait for several weeks to see the results of the reduction. Please let us know how you're doing. 

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.


Hi, an update, I saw my GP and I was so impressed, she knew all about the battle of tapering and prescribed me liquid citalopram and a very slow plan of 10% every 6 weeks. Just sharing as i have never been met with understanding and knowledge in the past by previous GPs. She was actually more informed than my old psychiatrist who said to just “take a dose holiday” 


10mg 2006

20mg 2008

40mg 2017

Nov 20mg 2020

Jan 40mg 2022 

(3/4 unsuccessful too fast tapers over the years) 

Aug 21st 35mg 2023 



Honestly wish we recorded Psychiatrists saying these things to their patients. Or at least, have a written or audio record. 

2008-2012: Cymbalta, Zyprexa, Valium (5 days supply),

2012 - Seroquel x 4 weeks C/T. 

2014 - Seroquel x 2 Weeks C/T. Crossed to Risperidone 3mg for 6months until December.

2014 - Stopped Risperidone. Xfer > Anti-Depressant 200mg Zoloft and 6mg Clonazepam. 

2018 - 150mg Clomipromine. Tapered Benzo to 1mg Clonazepam. 2019 - 1mg Clonazepam transferred across to 20mg Diazepam. 



Anafranil: 75mg. 17th Dec 2022 70mg. 27th Dec 22: 75mg, 14 January 23': 70mg. 16-26th January: 50mg (too fast drop no sleep). Jan 28th 2023: 70mg. 20 Feb 2023: 65mg. 11/06: 60mg 9/08: 55mg 15/08/23 : 50mg
3/03/2024: 60mg (Updose) 25/04: 57.5mg 3 Nov: 54mg 11 Nov: 57.5, 30 Nov: 50mg


        Diazepam (V): 25th Oct 2019' 20mg. 22 Dec 19' 19mg. 04 Apr 2020' 18mg,  30 September 20' 17.5mg , 13 Nov 2020' 17mg. 01 January 2021: 16mg, 13th Aug 21' 15mg. 1st Nov' 2021 14.5mg. 1st Dec' 2021 14mg. 13 January 2022: 13.5mg, 11 Feb: 13mg.  11 April 22' 12.5mg, 12 May 22': 12mg, 6th September 2022: 11mg Valium. 9th October: 10.5mg, 25th Oct 10mg. 12 March 23: 9.5mg 2 April: 9.25mg 23 April: 9mg 12/05: 8.75 26/05: 8.5 12/09: 8.25 21/09: 8.5. 3/10: 8.25 17/10: 8mg 20th Nov 2023 Brassmonkey: (7.9.,7.8, 7.75) 5 Feb: 7.25mg. 23 Feb: 7mg. 8th April 6.9mg 16 April: 6.8mg 29/04 6.7mg 6/05: 6.6mg 13/05: 6.5mg 8/07: 6mg 26/9: 5.75mg 2/10: 5.62mg 13/10: 5.5mg 27/10: 5.4mg 11 November 5.3mg 17/11: 5.25mg (brassmonkey).

*.      Have tried to go at faster rate than 0.5mg but is currently too fast. 


Terrible isn’t it, it’s pot luck if you get the support. Although I think the BBC Panorama episode “The Antidepressant Story“ helped spread the message. 


10mg 2006

20mg 2008

40mg 2017

Nov 20mg 2020

Jan 40mg 2022 

(3/4 unsuccessful too fast tapers over the years) 

Aug 21st 35mg 2023 


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