MiracleWaiting Posted October 8, 2023 Share Posted October 8, 2023 Hi Everyone, In 2009 I started having sleep issues. The school psychiatrist placed me on Seroquel March 2011 and I remember the first time I took it that it felt like my head was on fire. I cannot recall the dose or length of time I took the medication – I know it helped me sleep and I was able to function. I know I felt it was easy to discontinue and I’m certain I just cold turkey stopped it one day. The only odd symptoms I can initially recall after getting off the medication was mild paranoia and hypersensitivity to sound. A few months later I was hit with high anxiety, insomnia, and burning feet/hands (this was likely July 2011). I had no idea what was going on – I was seeing multiple doctors at this point, and they discovered I suddenly had Hashimotos Autoimmune Disorder. Now I wonder if this was delayed Seroquel withdrawal and if Seroquel impacted my thyroid. I know I also abruptly stopped my birth control around this time as well (I wish I had kept a journal as I can’t remember the timeline exactly). I soon started seeing a new psychiatrist who prescribed me .5 mg of Ativan once at night. It immediately helped my symptoms resolve and I was feeling much better. I know I cold turkeyed the Ativan as I no longer felt it was necessary and I was worried about dependency – I can’t remember how long I took Ativan for – I would guess maybe 2-3 months tops. I remember after I stopped the Ativan I went out to dinner where I was served food with high amounts of MSG – I had the worst panic attack ever that night. My GI system was wrecked, I had a horrible headache in the middle of my forehead, and I started having weird food sensitivities and bad reactions to products I normally used. All of this was attributed to my thyroid issues and stopping birth control (and up until recently I thought so as well). Oddly enough most of my symptoms were physical and I was still sleeping well without Ativan. I know my hair fell out horrifically but again this was attributed to Hashimotos. I was able to work and function and began doing yoga daily. I stopped eating gluten and have remained gluten-free since this time. I slowly improved over the course of several months. I know by the beginning of 2012 I felt like myself again. From 2012 until 2022 my life was calm - I had children and things were going well. At the end of 2022 I weaned my son (I had either been breastfeeding or pregnant for years) and I noticed that OCD symptoms were rearing its ugly head as I was having a lot of fear, anxiety, and intrusive thoughts. In December 2022 the bottom fell out and I went to the ER with a horrific panic attack/high pulse and high BP (the odd thing was 5 days before this incident I had taken Diflucan). While I was at the hospital it was discovered my TSH was through the roof, and I needed to take my Synthroid regularly. I went home and immediately resumed my normal dose of Synthroid (which was probably too much for my system) and things got worse. At this point I was sleeping poorly and was highly anxious and my GP prescribed Xanax. The day I took the medication I could not sit still and felt like I had to keep doing things around the house to settle down. I did not sleep for two nights and became desperate because of how I was feeling. One of my psychiatrist friends suggested that the Xanax “had too much of a punch” and I requested my old friend Ativan to settle down. Since it became clear I was really struggling I called another psychiatrist to discuss what was going on. I met with her, and she suggested I take Ativan three times/day. I wanted to take as little of the medication as possible (which I told her) – not knowing how kindling, etc. works I took the Ativan .5 – 1 mg regularly for several weeks at night. Ativan helped some but I was still waking up frequently. I eventually felt I was calming down and stopped taking Ativan mid-January – I lasted 10 days before my legs started shaking like crazy and anxiety ramped up. I decided to continue Ativan longer not realizing what had happened. From January – March 2023 some very strange things were happening – out of control OCD, tinnitus, songs stuck in my head for days, high anxiety, poor sleep, and depersonalization. I was trying to take as little of Ativan as possible – not connecting that Ativan was causing these problems. At this point depersonalization was ruling my world and I had no idea what was going on – I was panicking. I started to become suspicious of Ativan and wanted to taper immediately. I had started to read some people’s accounts of horrible times on benzo’s and was trolling around benzo buddies but could not calm myself enough to taper slowly. I tapered from 2mg of Ativan per day to 1.25 over 10 days and then the bottom fell out again. I felt like bugs were crawling all over me, my limbs were moving unprompted when falling asleep, and I could not stay asleep for longer than 2 hours. I was TERRIFIED and knew I was going to have withdrawal – my psychiatrists solution was to try Klonopin (made things worse) and start an antidepressant (which I refused) – she said that my OCD was the problem not the medication. I then saw another psychiatrist who tried to stabilize me on Tegretol, Gabapentin, and Seroquel – this only made things worse and I was convinced I just needed to go to inpatient treatment to get the benzo out of my system. I entered inpatient treatment around April 2023 - a shell of the person I was – I was petrified and because of what I read on benzo buddies decided that Ativan was the only problem. I was desperate to sleep. This facility immediately switched me from Ativan to Librium (I have since discovered I am an “ultra-rapid processer of Librium). The medical director couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t stabilize and/or sleep despite loading me up with Zyrexa, Seroquel, Librium, and a host of natural sleep aids. Eventually they got me to sleep with Librium and Seroquel (100 MG) but I was still a mess and even with both medications I would sleep 4-5 hours. At one point they were having me take 12.5 mg of Seroquel twice during the day and then 100 – 150 MG of Seroquel at night – I could barely think. They then switched me from Librium to Valium (also an ultra-rapid processor) and added Gapapentin and Trazodone. I left the facility after going from 20 MG of Valium to 0 MG in 10 days (a slow taper ha) and went home on 50 MG of Seroquel, 300 mg of Gabapentin, and 50 mg of Trazodone, plus calms forte and a TON of vitamins. I have been off all Benzodiazepines since May 7th 2023. I felt stable when I got home and was totally bought into the doctor belief that all of this was my OCD (Ativan withdrawal could not possibly be the cause of all my issues according to them). About 5 days after being home the walls started to wiggle. I started to have problems sleeping and my Trazodone was bumped to 75 MG. I had a headache that wouldn’t go away, and my thoughts were totally jumbled. I felt like getting up in the morning was difficult and I knew I was “mentally anxious” but couldn’t feel it physically at first which I found very strange. I felt trapped in my own brain and can only see negative. My blood pressure was consistently 85/50 and everyone told me not to panic (I was seeing my GP once a week for follow-ups at this point). My vision was blurry, and I felt dizzy all the time. My hair started turning greyer and falling out. My skin was burning, and I cried all day again. I couldn’t drive until about 3 weeks after I got home, and I would see small progress, but then new symptoms emerge – one day I suddenly became super sensitive to light and my depersonalization was worse than ever (always worse after I ate). The chemical terror started to sneak in, and I felt doomed. I started having intense muscle tightening and became fearful that Seroquel was the problem. I horribly decided to cold turkey Seroquel at the end of June 2023 because I thought it was making my head space worse and I felt like a zombie. This was also at the suggestion of my psychiatrist (who also suggested I lower Trazodone from 75 MG to 50 MG - I have also since found out that I am a poor metabolizer of Trazodone's metabolite MCPP - what a mess) because my muscles were tightening terribly, and she suspected tardive like symptoms from the medications. Somehow, I stumbled upon SurvivingAntidepressants webpage and realized benzo’s aren’t the only medications that cause these problems in terms of withdrawal. Shockingly I started to improve after I stopped the Seroquel however, on September 17 2023 I had the worst crash I have ever experienced - full on akathisia - I could go on and on about the symptoms. At this time I was taking 50 MG Trazodone and 300 MG Gabapentin at night. I decided to reinstate 2 mg of Seroquel and the akathisia immediately stopped. As the week went on I was having horrible symptoms and felt like I could barely function. My doctor suggested increasing Gabapentin 100 MG in the AM and adding 100 MG Gabapentin in the afternoon and I was taking 2 MG of Seroquel at night. Initially I felt like this was helping but as the weeks have gone on I feel my old benzo withdrawal symptoms returning - highly sensitive to sound, light, and taste and I'm wondering if increasing the Gabapentin messed with those receptors. Since I again stopped sleeping my doctor suggested adding more seroquel - that is not activating me but I'm also not sleeping more and I have not been consistent with the dose - last night I took 12.5 MG initially and got 3 hours of sleep and then took another 10 MG at 2 PM and got another 3 hours of sleep. I want to stop the Gabapentin that I'm taking during the day but I don't know if that is wise. I have made a mess of things quite frankly - I realize my mistakes and I'm horrified. I went from being very uncomfortable when I left inpatient to having unbearable pain. My current symptoms include: looping thoughts of "I'll never heal," hand pain, agitation, sensitive to sound/light, anxiety, restless, insomnia, burning everywhere, depersonalization - the list goes on. How do I sort this out and not make things worse? Please help - thank you. Also I have a great recovery coach but I just started seeing him so he's entering kind of late in the game to this mess. Current med dosages: 50 MG Trazodone at night (been on since end of April 2023) 300 MG Gabapentin at night (been on since end of April 2023) 100 MG Gabapentin in AM (added on September 28) 100 MG Gabapentin in PM (added on September 28) Seroquel dose varying (first reinstatement September 17) Calms Forte natural supplement at night (been on since April 14th 2023) Iron supplement (I have low iron - been on since April 14th 2023) Synthroid 35 MCG in the morning for Hashimotos (just started taking consistently September 28 as I often forget doses etc) 2011 unknown amount of Seroquel taken briefly - cold turkey - given .5 MG ativan for several months to cope with unknown withdrawal - CT December 2022 .5 mg Xanax - horribly activating - given when was having hormone issues and could not sleep .5 Ativan to calm down as it worked in past took inconsistently and caused a TON of problems - depersonalization, increase in OCD April 2022 - May 2022- went inpatient due to my own panic about Ativan (long story) - facility took me from 20 MG Valium to 0 in three weeks. Was given host of medications while there but "stabilized" on 50-75 MG Trazodone, 50 MG Seroquel, and 300 MG Gabapentin June 28th 2023 Advised by doctor to lower Trazodone to 50 MG and cold turkey Seroquel due to muscle stiffness reported September 16th 2023 - HUGE CRASH - full on akathisia - reinstated 2 MG of Seroquel and this immediately stopped. Was suffering terribly for several weeks - time felt like it moved slowly, burning, incomprehensible anxiety, depression, despair. Doctor advised increased Gabapentin 100 MG in AM and 100 MG in PM and continued reinstatement of Seroquel Current: 35 MCG Synthroid, 8 AM 100 MG Gabapentin, 2 PM 100 MG Gabapentin, 9:45 PM 300 MG Gabapentin, 50 MG Trazodone, 3 calms forte tablets, and 12.5 MG Seroquel (decided on this dose for reinstatement) Link to comment
MiracleWaiting Posted October 8, 2023 Author Share Posted October 8, 2023 I also want to add that when I take the Gabapenin during the day initially I feel like it makes me very anxious but some of the time - after about an hour I start to feel a little calmer - this does not last for very long though. 2011 unknown amount of Seroquel taken briefly - cold turkey - given .5 MG ativan for several months to cope with unknown withdrawal - CT December 2022 .5 mg Xanax - horribly activating - given when was having hormone issues and could not sleep .5 Ativan to calm down as it worked in past took inconsistently and caused a TON of problems - depersonalization, increase in OCD April 2022 - May 2022- went inpatient due to my own panic about Ativan (long story) - facility took me from 20 MG Valium to 0 in three weeks. Was given host of medications while there but "stabilized" on 50-75 MG Trazodone, 50 MG Seroquel, and 300 MG Gabapentin June 28th 2023 Advised by doctor to lower Trazodone to 50 MG and cold turkey Seroquel due to muscle stiffness reported September 16th 2023 - HUGE CRASH - full on akathisia - reinstated 2 MG of Seroquel and this immediately stopped. Was suffering terribly for several weeks - time felt like it moved slowly, burning, incomprehensible anxiety, depression, despair. Doctor advised increased Gabapentin 100 MG in AM and 100 MG in PM and continued reinstatement of Seroquel Current: 35 MCG Synthroid, 8 AM 100 MG Gabapentin, 2 PM 100 MG Gabapentin, 9:45 PM 300 MG Gabapentin, 50 MG Trazodone, 3 calms forte tablets, and 12.5 MG Seroquel (decided on this dose for reinstatement) Link to comment
Administrator Altostrata Posted October 8, 2023 Administrator Share Posted October 8, 2023 Welcome, @MiracleWaiting First, it's important that your thyroid treatment is stable. If you are hypo- or hyper-thyroid, this could cause many odd symptoms, such as hair loss. What times o'clock do you take your drugs, with their dosages? It appears you made a number of changes on September 28. In order to unravel your polypharmacy, it's very important that you take the same dosages at the same times each day, and do not skip doses. To help us out, follow these instructions Please summarize your drug and withdrawal history in your signature You may need to use a computer to do this. This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner. "It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein All postings © copyrighted. Link to comment
MiracleWaiting Posted October 8, 2023 Author Share Posted October 8, 2023 Hi @Altostrata - I am currently taking the following: 7:30 AM - synthroid 35 mcg (started at lower dose because of how sensitive I am - usually take 75 mcg - I have hashimotos and tend to be hypo) 8AM - 100 MG Gabapentin (this was added September 28th) 2 PM - 100 MG Gabapentin (this was added September 28th) 9:45 PM - 300 MG Gabapentin (been on since May 1st), 3 Calms forte tablets, 50 MG Trazodone, and have been playing around with seroquel doses (last night I took 12.5 MG at 9:45 PM and 10 MG at 1 am - I know I know this is a mess) I feel in my heart that the increase in Gabapentin has added to my sensory issues but I could totally be wrong. I will update my signature shortly. Thank you so much. 2011 unknown amount of Seroquel taken briefly - cold turkey - given .5 MG ativan for several months to cope with unknown withdrawal - CT December 2022 .5 mg Xanax - horribly activating - given when was having hormone issues and could not sleep .5 Ativan to calm down as it worked in past took inconsistently and caused a TON of problems - depersonalization, increase in OCD April 2022 - May 2022- went inpatient due to my own panic about Ativan (long story) - facility took me from 20 MG Valium to 0 in three weeks. Was given host of medications while there but "stabilized" on 50-75 MG Trazodone, 50 MG Seroquel, and 300 MG Gabapentin June 28th 2023 Advised by doctor to lower Trazodone to 50 MG and cold turkey Seroquel due to muscle stiffness reported September 16th 2023 - HUGE CRASH - full on akathisia - reinstated 2 MG of Seroquel and this immediately stopped. Was suffering terribly for several weeks - time felt like it moved slowly, burning, incomprehensible anxiety, depression, despair. Doctor advised increased Gabapentin 100 MG in AM and 100 MG in PM and continued reinstatement of Seroquel Current: 35 MCG Synthroid, 8 AM 100 MG Gabapentin, 2 PM 100 MG Gabapentin, 9:45 PM 300 MG Gabapentin, 50 MG Trazodone, 3 calms forte tablets, and 12.5 MG Seroquel (decided on this dose for reinstatement) Link to comment
Administrator Altostrata Posted October 8, 2023 Administrator Share Posted October 8, 2023 Thanks. How do you feel when you wake up? How do you feel after taking gabapentin at 8 a.m.? Why do you take gabapentin, trazodone, and Seroquel together at night? Please keep daily notes of times o’clock you take your drugs, their dosages, and your symptoms throughout the day. We need to know how you feel before and after taking each drug, and any significant symptoms in between. Post 24 hours of notes at a time in this topic, in a simple list format with time o’clock on the left and notation (symptom or drug and dosage) on the right. This can help us figure out what the drugs are doing. 4 minutes ago, MiracleWaiting said: I feel in my heart that the increase in Gabapentin has added to my sensory issues but I could totally be wrong. Please explain, which sensory issues? This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner. "It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein All postings © copyrighted. Link to comment
MiracleWaiting Posted October 8, 2023 Author Share Posted October 8, 2023 I cannot tolerate noise - I literally have to wear ear plugs to be around my children, sensitive to smell, my taste is fine. 2011 unknown amount of Seroquel taken briefly - cold turkey - given .5 MG ativan for several months to cope with unknown withdrawal - CT December 2022 .5 mg Xanax - horribly activating - given when was having hormone issues and could not sleep .5 Ativan to calm down as it worked in past took inconsistently and caused a TON of problems - depersonalization, increase in OCD April 2022 - May 2022- went inpatient due to my own panic about Ativan (long story) - facility took me from 20 MG Valium to 0 in three weeks. Was given host of medications while there but "stabilized" on 50-75 MG Trazodone, 50 MG Seroquel, and 300 MG Gabapentin June 28th 2023 Advised by doctor to lower Trazodone to 50 MG and cold turkey Seroquel due to muscle stiffness reported September 16th 2023 - HUGE CRASH - full on akathisia - reinstated 2 MG of Seroquel and this immediately stopped. Was suffering terribly for several weeks - time felt like it moved slowly, burning, incomprehensible anxiety, depression, despair. Doctor advised increased Gabapentin 100 MG in AM and 100 MG in PM and continued reinstatement of Seroquel Current: 35 MCG Synthroid, 8 AM 100 MG Gabapentin, 2 PM 100 MG Gabapentin, 9:45 PM 300 MG Gabapentin, 50 MG Trazodone, 3 calms forte tablets, and 12.5 MG Seroquel (decided on this dose for reinstatement) Link to comment
MiracleWaiting Posted October 8, 2023 Author Share Posted October 8, 2023 @Altostrata When I wake up I feel calm for awhile being with my children. After 8 AM Gabapentin I feel speedy at first and then calm for like an hour maybe. Why do you take gabapentin, trazodone, and Seroquel together at night? - this was how it was prescribed to me when I left inpatient treatment. 2011 unknown amount of Seroquel taken briefly - cold turkey - given .5 MG ativan for several months to cope with unknown withdrawal - CT December 2022 .5 mg Xanax - horribly activating - given when was having hormone issues and could not sleep .5 Ativan to calm down as it worked in past took inconsistently and caused a TON of problems - depersonalization, increase in OCD April 2022 - May 2022- went inpatient due to my own panic about Ativan (long story) - facility took me from 20 MG Valium to 0 in three weeks. Was given host of medications while there but "stabilized" on 50-75 MG Trazodone, 50 MG Seroquel, and 300 MG Gabapentin June 28th 2023 Advised by doctor to lower Trazodone to 50 MG and cold turkey Seroquel due to muscle stiffness reported September 16th 2023 - HUGE CRASH - full on akathisia - reinstated 2 MG of Seroquel and this immediately stopped. Was suffering terribly for several weeks - time felt like it moved slowly, burning, incomprehensible anxiety, depression, despair. Doctor advised increased Gabapentin 100 MG in AM and 100 MG in PM and continued reinstatement of Seroquel Current: 35 MCG Synthroid, 8 AM 100 MG Gabapentin, 2 PM 100 MG Gabapentin, 9:45 PM 300 MG Gabapentin, 50 MG Trazodone, 3 calms forte tablets, and 12.5 MG Seroquel (decided on this dose for reinstatement) Link to comment
MiracleWaiting Posted October 8, 2023 Author Share Posted October 8, 2023 7:30 AM - synthroid 35 mcg - no issues 8AM - 100 MG Gabapentin - speedy and then calm after about an hour 2 PM - 100 MG Gabapentin - speedy and then calm after about an hour - sometimes calmer than AM dose 9:45 PM - 300 MG Gabapentin , 3 Calms forte tablets, 50 MG Trazodone - now is all activating - heart rate increases. Been playing around with seroquel doses - seems to keep my calm but not sleeping. 2011 unknown amount of Seroquel taken briefly - cold turkey - given .5 MG ativan for several months to cope with unknown withdrawal - CT December 2022 .5 mg Xanax - horribly activating - given when was having hormone issues and could not sleep .5 Ativan to calm down as it worked in past took inconsistently and caused a TON of problems - depersonalization, increase in OCD April 2022 - May 2022- went inpatient due to my own panic about Ativan (long story) - facility took me from 20 MG Valium to 0 in three weeks. Was given host of medications while there but "stabilized" on 50-75 MG Trazodone, 50 MG Seroquel, and 300 MG Gabapentin June 28th 2023 Advised by doctor to lower Trazodone to 50 MG and cold turkey Seroquel due to muscle stiffness reported September 16th 2023 - HUGE CRASH - full on akathisia - reinstated 2 MG of Seroquel and this immediately stopped. Was suffering terribly for several weeks - time felt like it moved slowly, burning, incomprehensible anxiety, depression, despair. Doctor advised increased Gabapentin 100 MG in AM and 100 MG in PM and continued reinstatement of Seroquel Current: 35 MCG Synthroid, 8 AM 100 MG Gabapentin, 2 PM 100 MG Gabapentin, 9:45 PM 300 MG Gabapentin, 50 MG Trazodone, 3 calms forte tablets, and 12.5 MG Seroquel (decided on this dose for reinstatement) Link to comment
MiracleWaiting Posted October 8, 2023 Author Share Posted October 8, 2023 28 minutes ago, Altostrata said: How do you feel when you wake up? How do you feel after taking gabapentin at 8 a.m.? Why do you take gabapentin, trazodone, and Seroquel together at night? Sorry I just figured out this is a better way to respond. When I wake up I feel calm for awhile being with my children. After 8 AM Gabapentin I feel speedy at first and then calm for like an hour maybe. Why do you take gabapentin, trazodone, and Seroquel together at night? - this was how it was prescribed to me when I left inpatient treatment. I didn't need inpatient treatment for abusing anything- I was just scared and clueless and thought if I got off Ativan I would feel better. 2011 unknown amount of Seroquel taken briefly - cold turkey - given .5 MG ativan for several months to cope with unknown withdrawal - CT December 2022 .5 mg Xanax - horribly activating - given when was having hormone issues and could not sleep .5 Ativan to calm down as it worked in past took inconsistently and caused a TON of problems - depersonalization, increase in OCD April 2022 - May 2022- went inpatient due to my own panic about Ativan (long story) - facility took me from 20 MG Valium to 0 in three weeks. Was given host of medications while there but "stabilized" on 50-75 MG Trazodone, 50 MG Seroquel, and 300 MG Gabapentin June 28th 2023 Advised by doctor to lower Trazodone to 50 MG and cold turkey Seroquel due to muscle stiffness reported September 16th 2023 - HUGE CRASH - full on akathisia - reinstated 2 MG of Seroquel and this immediately stopped. Was suffering terribly for several weeks - time felt like it moved slowly, burning, incomprehensible anxiety, depression, despair. Doctor advised increased Gabapentin 100 MG in AM and 100 MG in PM and continued reinstatement of Seroquel Current: 35 MCG Synthroid, 8 AM 100 MG Gabapentin, 2 PM 100 MG Gabapentin, 9:45 PM 300 MG Gabapentin, 50 MG Trazodone, 3 calms forte tablets, and 12.5 MG Seroquel (decided on this dose for reinstatement) Link to comment
MiracleWaiting Posted October 8, 2023 Author Share Posted October 8, 2023 Last thing I want to add - The reason the Gabapentin was added on September 28th was because I was pacing, unable to focus, totally out of control, felt like I was going to explode basically. Oddly enough that same day when I took the Gabapentin all this slowed down considerably - which was why I agreed to continue taking it but now I worry it's made things worse. Also I'm not sure if this normal or not but after using my hands throughout the day they are very difficult to move. I am TERRIFIED of making things worse. I want to make smart decisions moving forward. What is an advisable dose for the Seroquel reinstatement? Is it easier to reinstate antipsychotics than other medications? Should I stop taking the Gabapentin throughout the day? I know I have so many questions but I am a mess and desperate to be functional for my family. 2011 unknown amount of Seroquel taken briefly - cold turkey - given .5 MG ativan for several months to cope with unknown withdrawal - CT December 2022 .5 mg Xanax - horribly activating - given when was having hormone issues and could not sleep .5 Ativan to calm down as it worked in past took inconsistently and caused a TON of problems - depersonalization, increase in OCD April 2022 - May 2022- went inpatient due to my own panic about Ativan (long story) - facility took me from 20 MG Valium to 0 in three weeks. Was given host of medications while there but "stabilized" on 50-75 MG Trazodone, 50 MG Seroquel, and 300 MG Gabapentin June 28th 2023 Advised by doctor to lower Trazodone to 50 MG and cold turkey Seroquel due to muscle stiffness reported September 16th 2023 - HUGE CRASH - full on akathisia - reinstated 2 MG of Seroquel and this immediately stopped. Was suffering terribly for several weeks - time felt like it moved slowly, burning, incomprehensible anxiety, depression, despair. Doctor advised increased Gabapentin 100 MG in AM and 100 MG in PM and continued reinstatement of Seroquel Current: 35 MCG Synthroid, 8 AM 100 MG Gabapentin, 2 PM 100 MG Gabapentin, 9:45 PM 300 MG Gabapentin, 50 MG Trazodone, 3 calms forte tablets, and 12.5 MG Seroquel (decided on this dose for reinstatement) Link to comment
MiracleWaiting Posted October 8, 2023 Author Share Posted October 8, 2023 I know I’m going to be one of those people over posting but I am struggling so badly. Did I lose ground on my benzo healing by increasing the Gabapentin. I’m terrified im stuck like this permanently 2011 unknown amount of Seroquel taken briefly - cold turkey - given .5 MG ativan for several months to cope with unknown withdrawal - CT December 2022 .5 mg Xanax - horribly activating - given when was having hormone issues and could not sleep .5 Ativan to calm down as it worked in past took inconsistently and caused a TON of problems - depersonalization, increase in OCD April 2022 - May 2022- went inpatient due to my own panic about Ativan (long story) - facility took me from 20 MG Valium to 0 in three weeks. Was given host of medications while there but "stabilized" on 50-75 MG Trazodone, 50 MG Seroquel, and 300 MG Gabapentin June 28th 2023 Advised by doctor to lower Trazodone to 50 MG and cold turkey Seroquel due to muscle stiffness reported September 16th 2023 - HUGE CRASH - full on akathisia - reinstated 2 MG of Seroquel and this immediately stopped. Was suffering terribly for several weeks - time felt like it moved slowly, burning, incomprehensible anxiety, depression, despair. Doctor advised increased Gabapentin 100 MG in AM and 100 MG in PM and continued reinstatement of Seroquel Current: 35 MCG Synthroid, 8 AM 100 MG Gabapentin, 2 PM 100 MG Gabapentin, 9:45 PM 300 MG Gabapentin, 50 MG Trazodone, 3 calms forte tablets, and 12.5 MG Seroquel (decided on this dose for reinstatement) Link to comment
MiracleWaiting Posted October 9, 2023 Author Share Posted October 9, 2023 Morning Update: Yesterday took Gabapentin at 3 PM - initially I felt like it increased anxiety but then from 4 - 5:30 PM felt like I took 3 shots of alcohol. 5:30 PM - had dinner chicken/potatoes (I eat very healthy) 6:30 PM - had crying spell, feelings of regret/remorse/shame - this lasted until about 8:30 PM - also had INTENSE DP around this time - feeling like I might forget my name - feeling disoriented but I still know where/who I am - noise sensitivity is high 10 PM - take 12.5 MG Seroquel, 300 MG Gabapentin, 3 calms forte tablets, and 50 MG Trazodone - sleep with ear plugs in - fell asleep immediately and stayed asleep until woken up at 1 PM. Was able to go back to bed and did not clock watch - I know I woke up frequently but was always able to go back to bed without panic - this is the first time I have gotten this much sleep in WEEKS. 6:45 AM - woke up with burning feet and feeling anxious 7 AM - took Synthroid I will keep you posted as the day goes on - I am nervous about taking AM Gabapentin dose as it sometimes makes me wired and sometimes makes me feel drunk. I have no idea why it is working that way Gratitude: *getting sleep without intense anxiety *family support *able to wake up without feeling like I am on a rocking boat *able to type this coherently 2011 unknown amount of Seroquel taken briefly - cold turkey - given .5 MG ativan for several months to cope with unknown withdrawal - CT December 2022 .5 mg Xanax - horribly activating - given when was having hormone issues and could not sleep .5 Ativan to calm down as it worked in past took inconsistently and caused a TON of problems - depersonalization, increase in OCD April 2022 - May 2022- went inpatient due to my own panic about Ativan (long story) - facility took me from 20 MG Valium to 0 in three weeks. Was given host of medications while there but "stabilized" on 50-75 MG Trazodone, 50 MG Seroquel, and 300 MG Gabapentin June 28th 2023 Advised by doctor to lower Trazodone to 50 MG and cold turkey Seroquel due to muscle stiffness reported September 16th 2023 - HUGE CRASH - full on akathisia - reinstated 2 MG of Seroquel and this immediately stopped. Was suffering terribly for several weeks - time felt like it moved slowly, burning, incomprehensible anxiety, depression, despair. Doctor advised increased Gabapentin 100 MG in AM and 100 MG in PM and continued reinstatement of Seroquel Current: 35 MCG Synthroid, 8 AM 100 MG Gabapentin, 2 PM 100 MG Gabapentin, 9:45 PM 300 MG Gabapentin, 50 MG Trazodone, 3 calms forte tablets, and 12.5 MG Seroquel (decided on this dose for reinstatement) Link to comment
MiracleWaiting Posted October 9, 2023 Author Share Posted October 9, 2023 Afternoon Update: Took 100 MG of Gabapentin at 9 AM - this was fairly uneventful - made me slightly calmer - was able to come home and eat breakfast - take care of things around teh house. I bothered my family less than usual about "how I won't recover, I'm screwed because of multiple cold turkey, autoimmune issues, periomenopause, have to stabilize before working on tapering etc." I went to 12-step meeting (I have no drank in over 10 years) 11 AM - ate lunch of chicken and potatoes - I am trying very hard to eat healthy - no sugar aside from fruits, no caffeine, gluten free, lots of protein 3 PM took 100 MG Gabapentin - it again is making me fairly sleepy 2011 unknown amount of Seroquel taken briefly - cold turkey - given .5 MG ativan for several months to cope with unknown withdrawal - CT December 2022 .5 mg Xanax - horribly activating - given when was having hormone issues and could not sleep .5 Ativan to calm down as it worked in past took inconsistently and caused a TON of problems - depersonalization, increase in OCD April 2022 - May 2022- went inpatient due to my own panic about Ativan (long story) - facility took me from 20 MG Valium to 0 in three weeks. Was given host of medications while there but "stabilized" on 50-75 MG Trazodone, 50 MG Seroquel, and 300 MG Gabapentin June 28th 2023 Advised by doctor to lower Trazodone to 50 MG and cold turkey Seroquel due to muscle stiffness reported September 16th 2023 - HUGE CRASH - full on akathisia - reinstated 2 MG of Seroquel and this immediately stopped. Was suffering terribly for several weeks - time felt like it moved slowly, burning, incomprehensible anxiety, depression, despair. Doctor advised increased Gabapentin 100 MG in AM and 100 MG in PM and continued reinstatement of Seroquel Current: 35 MCG Synthroid, 8 AM 100 MG Gabapentin, 2 PM 100 MG Gabapentin, 9:45 PM 300 MG Gabapentin, 50 MG Trazodone, 3 calms forte tablets, and 12.5 MG Seroquel (decided on this dose for reinstatement) Link to comment
Administrator Altostrata Posted October 10, 2023 Administrator Share Posted October 10, 2023 On 10/8/2023 at 3:02 PM, MiracleWaiting said: The reason the Gabapentin was added on September 28th was because I was pacing, unable to focus, totally out of control, felt like I was going to explode basically. It was only September 28? It sounds like each gabapentin dose is too high for you. If I were you, I would cut the 100mg doses in half, take only 50mg at 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. How do you take the 300mg gabapentin? Is it 3 100mg tablets? Please let us know how you're doing. This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner. "It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein All postings © copyrighted. Link to comment
MiracleWaiting Posted October 10, 2023 Author Share Posted October 10, 2023 19 minutes ago, Altostrata said: It was only September 28? It sounds like each gabapentin dose is too high for you. If I were you, I would cut the 100mg doses in half, take only 50mg at 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. How do you take the 300mg gabapentin? Is it 3 100mg tablets? Please let us know how you're doing. @Altostrata correct - I was not taking anything during the day until September 28th - that was when the 100 MG Gabapentin twice a day was added. Yes the Gabapentin is 3 100 MG capsules at night. Has this Gabapentin change impacted my benzo healing? Today the Gabapentin was very sedating. The sensitivity to noise did not start until the Gabapentin was raised but it's so hard to say because it was also when the Seroquel crash happened. I'm trying to find hope but I'm really nervous I won't ever recover. 2011 unknown amount of Seroquel taken briefly - cold turkey - given .5 MG ativan for several months to cope with unknown withdrawal - CT December 2022 .5 mg Xanax - horribly activating - given when was having hormone issues and could not sleep .5 Ativan to calm down as it worked in past took inconsistently and caused a TON of problems - depersonalization, increase in OCD April 2022 - May 2022- went inpatient due to my own panic about Ativan (long story) - facility took me from 20 MG Valium to 0 in three weeks. Was given host of medications while there but "stabilized" on 50-75 MG Trazodone, 50 MG Seroquel, and 300 MG Gabapentin June 28th 2023 Advised by doctor to lower Trazodone to 50 MG and cold turkey Seroquel due to muscle stiffness reported September 16th 2023 - HUGE CRASH - full on akathisia - reinstated 2 MG of Seroquel and this immediately stopped. Was suffering terribly for several weeks - time felt like it moved slowly, burning, incomprehensible anxiety, depression, despair. Doctor advised increased Gabapentin 100 MG in AM and 100 MG in PM and continued reinstatement of Seroquel Current: 35 MCG Synthroid, 8 AM 100 MG Gabapentin, 2 PM 100 MG Gabapentin, 9:45 PM 300 MG Gabapentin, 50 MG Trazodone, 3 calms forte tablets, and 12.5 MG Seroquel (decided on this dose for reinstatement) Link to comment
Administrator Altostrata Posted October 10, 2023 Administrator Share Posted October 10, 2023 How much gabapentin were you taking prior to September 28, at what times o'clock? Please edit your signature so dates are easier to see. Thank you. If I were you, I'd reduce each 100mg dose to 50mg by making a liquid with water, e.g. add powder from 100mg capsule to 50mL water, take 25mL at 8 a.m., put the rest in a capped tinted container in the refrigerator and take at 2 p.m.. For the evening dose, reduce to 250mg total dose by making a liquid with water, e.g. add powder from 100mg capsule to 50mL water, take 25mL (50mg) with 2 100mg capsules. This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner. "It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein All postings © copyrighted. Link to comment
MiracleWaiting Posted October 10, 2023 Author Share Posted October 10, 2023 1 minute ago, Altostrata said: How much gabapentin were you taking prior to September 28, at what times o'clock? Please edit your signature so dates are easier to see. Thank you. I was taking 300 MG of Gabapentin at night prior to September 28th (since May 2023). I will edit my Signature now thank you 2011 unknown amount of Seroquel taken briefly - cold turkey - given .5 MG ativan for several months to cope with unknown withdrawal - CT December 2022 .5 mg Xanax - horribly activating - given when was having hormone issues and could not sleep .5 Ativan to calm down as it worked in past took inconsistently and caused a TON of problems - depersonalization, increase in OCD April 2022 - May 2022- went inpatient due to my own panic about Ativan (long story) - facility took me from 20 MG Valium to 0 in three weeks. Was given host of medications while there but "stabilized" on 50-75 MG Trazodone, 50 MG Seroquel, and 300 MG Gabapentin June 28th 2023 Advised by doctor to lower Trazodone to 50 MG and cold turkey Seroquel due to muscle stiffness reported September 16th 2023 - HUGE CRASH - full on akathisia - reinstated 2 MG of Seroquel and this immediately stopped. Was suffering terribly for several weeks - time felt like it moved slowly, burning, incomprehensible anxiety, depression, despair. Doctor advised increased Gabapentin 100 MG in AM and 100 MG in PM and continued reinstatement of Seroquel Current: 35 MCG Synthroid, 8 AM 100 MG Gabapentin, 2 PM 100 MG Gabapentin, 9:45 PM 300 MG Gabapentin, 50 MG Trazodone, 3 calms forte tablets, and 12.5 MG Seroquel (decided on this dose for reinstatement) Link to comment
MiracleWaiting Posted October 10, 2023 Author Share Posted October 10, 2023 @Altostrata last night I slept horribly. I took my usual doses yesterday 100 mg gabapentin 9am 100 mg gabapentin 3pm was very sleepy at bedtime. Took what I took the night before when I slept great. 300 mg Gabapentin 12.5 mg liquid seroquel 50 mg trazodone 3 calms forte tablets I also started menstruating this morning which may be why? I’m not sure I reinstated the right seroquel dose (but who knows if the reinstatement is working that great because I didn’t crash until 3 months off - should I go up on the seroquel? I plan to start your recommended gabapentin doses today. I am so freaked out. How does someone survive a rapid cold turkey benzo and then cold turkey seroquel. It seems like that’s impossible to heal from while also being on all these other medications. 2011 unknown amount of Seroquel taken briefly - cold turkey - given .5 MG ativan for several months to cope with unknown withdrawal - CT December 2022 .5 mg Xanax - horribly activating - given when was having hormone issues and could not sleep .5 Ativan to calm down as it worked in past took inconsistently and caused a TON of problems - depersonalization, increase in OCD April 2022 - May 2022- went inpatient due to my own panic about Ativan (long story) - facility took me from 20 MG Valium to 0 in three weeks. Was given host of medications while there but "stabilized" on 50-75 MG Trazodone, 50 MG Seroquel, and 300 MG Gabapentin June 28th 2023 Advised by doctor to lower Trazodone to 50 MG and cold turkey Seroquel due to muscle stiffness reported September 16th 2023 - HUGE CRASH - full on akathisia - reinstated 2 MG of Seroquel and this immediately stopped. Was suffering terribly for several weeks - time felt like it moved slowly, burning, incomprehensible anxiety, depression, despair. Doctor advised increased Gabapentin 100 MG in AM and 100 MG in PM and continued reinstatement of Seroquel Current: 35 MCG Synthroid, 8 AM 100 MG Gabapentin, 2 PM 100 MG Gabapentin, 9:45 PM 300 MG Gabapentin, 50 MG Trazodone, 3 calms forte tablets, and 12.5 MG Seroquel (decided on this dose for reinstatement) Link to comment
MiracleWaiting Posted October 10, 2023 Author Share Posted October 10, 2023 @Altostrata also since 12 years ago I CT these same medications I feel like I won’t survive. My neurotransmitters can’t recover from this. 2011 unknown amount of Seroquel taken briefly - cold turkey - given .5 MG ativan for several months to cope with unknown withdrawal - CT December 2022 .5 mg Xanax - horribly activating - given when was having hormone issues and could not sleep .5 Ativan to calm down as it worked in past took inconsistently and caused a TON of problems - depersonalization, increase in OCD April 2022 - May 2022- went inpatient due to my own panic about Ativan (long story) - facility took me from 20 MG Valium to 0 in three weeks. Was given host of medications while there but "stabilized" on 50-75 MG Trazodone, 50 MG Seroquel, and 300 MG Gabapentin June 28th 2023 Advised by doctor to lower Trazodone to 50 MG and cold turkey Seroquel due to muscle stiffness reported September 16th 2023 - HUGE CRASH - full on akathisia - reinstated 2 MG of Seroquel and this immediately stopped. Was suffering terribly for several weeks - time felt like it moved slowly, burning, incomprehensible anxiety, depression, despair. Doctor advised increased Gabapentin 100 MG in AM and 100 MG in PM and continued reinstatement of Seroquel Current: 35 MCG Synthroid, 8 AM 100 MG Gabapentin, 2 PM 100 MG Gabapentin, 9:45 PM 300 MG Gabapentin, 50 MG Trazodone, 3 calms forte tablets, and 12.5 MG Seroquel (decided on this dose for reinstatement) Link to comment
Administrator Altostrata Posted October 10, 2023 Administrator Share Posted October 10, 2023 It's important to take your drugs on a regular schedule. If you make changes, change only one thing at a time. It's very common for withdrawal symptoms to be worse around the menstrual period. This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner. "It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein All postings © copyrighted. Link to comment
MiracleWaiting Posted October 10, 2023 Author Share Posted October 10, 2023 @Altostrata I’ve been consistent up until the crash. I’m so angry with myself. Everything since September 28 has been the same aside from trying to find the right reinstatement dose for seroquel. I can feel the akathisia building again and I’m terrified. This feels impossible. 2011 unknown amount of Seroquel taken briefly - cold turkey - given .5 MG ativan for several months to cope with unknown withdrawal - CT December 2022 .5 mg Xanax - horribly activating - given when was having hormone issues and could not sleep .5 Ativan to calm down as it worked in past took inconsistently and caused a TON of problems - depersonalization, increase in OCD April 2022 - May 2022- went inpatient due to my own panic about Ativan (long story) - facility took me from 20 MG Valium to 0 in three weeks. Was given host of medications while there but "stabilized" on 50-75 MG Trazodone, 50 MG Seroquel, and 300 MG Gabapentin June 28th 2023 Advised by doctor to lower Trazodone to 50 MG and cold turkey Seroquel due to muscle stiffness reported September 16th 2023 - HUGE CRASH - full on akathisia - reinstated 2 MG of Seroquel and this immediately stopped. Was suffering terribly for several weeks - time felt like it moved slowly, burning, incomprehensible anxiety, depression, despair. Doctor advised increased Gabapentin 100 MG in AM and 100 MG in PM and continued reinstatement of Seroquel Current: 35 MCG Synthroid, 8 AM 100 MG Gabapentin, 2 PM 100 MG Gabapentin, 9:45 PM 300 MG Gabapentin, 50 MG Trazodone, 3 calms forte tablets, and 12.5 MG Seroquel (decided on this dose for reinstatement) Link to comment
Administrator Altostrata Posted October 11, 2023 Administrator Share Posted October 11, 2023 On 10/8/2023 at 9:23 AM, MiracleWaiting said: Shockingly I started to improve after I stopped the Seroquel however, on September 17 2023 I had the worst crash I have ever experienced - full on akathisia - I could go on and on about the symptoms. At this time I was taking 50 MG Trazodone and 300 MG Gabapentin at night. I decided to reinstate 2 mg of Seroquel and the akathisia immediately stopped. That was on September 18? If 2mg worked, why did you increase to 12.5mg Seroquel? Taking a bunch of "brakes" all day long, as you are doing, can cause the nervous system to fight back with activation symptoms. For your current symptoms, you might consider a reduction in your overall drug burden, as suggested here: We provide peer support for drug reduction. If you prefer to continue your current drug regimen despite what appear to be adverse effects from too much of everything, we're not going to be able to do much for you. This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner. "It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein All postings © copyrighted. Link to comment
MiracleWaiting Posted October 11, 2023 Author Share Posted October 11, 2023 I do not want to stay on everything. Sorry I can understand why it would appear that way. I do not want to stay on my current drug regimen - I was hoping to stabilize some before continuing to taper. 2011 unknown amount of Seroquel taken briefly - cold turkey - given .5 MG ativan for several months to cope with unknown withdrawal - CT December 2022 .5 mg Xanax - horribly activating - given when was having hormone issues and could not sleep .5 Ativan to calm down as it worked in past took inconsistently and caused a TON of problems - depersonalization, increase in OCD April 2022 - May 2022- went inpatient due to my own panic about Ativan (long story) - facility took me from 20 MG Valium to 0 in three weeks. Was given host of medications while there but "stabilized" on 50-75 MG Trazodone, 50 MG Seroquel, and 300 MG Gabapentin June 28th 2023 Advised by doctor to lower Trazodone to 50 MG and cold turkey Seroquel due to muscle stiffness reported September 16th 2023 - HUGE CRASH - full on akathisia - reinstated 2 MG of Seroquel and this immediately stopped. Was suffering terribly for several weeks - time felt like it moved slowly, burning, incomprehensible anxiety, depression, despair. Doctor advised increased Gabapentin 100 MG in AM and 100 MG in PM and continued reinstatement of Seroquel Current: 35 MCG Synthroid, 8 AM 100 MG Gabapentin, 2 PM 100 MG Gabapentin, 9:45 PM 300 MG Gabapentin, 50 MG Trazodone, 3 calms forte tablets, and 12.5 MG Seroquel (decided on this dose for reinstatement) Link to comment
MiracleWaiting Posted October 11, 2023 Author Share Posted October 11, 2023 9 hours ago, Altostrata said: That was on September 18? If 2mg worked, why did you increase to 12.5mg Seroquel? Taking a bunch of "brakes" all day long, as you are doing, can cause the nervous system to fight back with activation symptoms. For your current symptoms, you might consider a reduction in your overall drug burden, as sugges It was increased as the 2 mg initially stopped the akathisia but was not helping the other symptoms. The 12.5 was at the recommendation of my doctor and recovery coach. I slept well last night again so I can't figure out why some nights I won't sleep and others I will. 2011 unknown amount of Seroquel taken briefly - cold turkey - given .5 MG ativan for several months to cope with unknown withdrawal - CT December 2022 .5 mg Xanax - horribly activating - given when was having hormone issues and could not sleep .5 Ativan to calm down as it worked in past took inconsistently and caused a TON of problems - depersonalization, increase in OCD April 2022 - May 2022- went inpatient due to my own panic about Ativan (long story) - facility took me from 20 MG Valium to 0 in three weeks. Was given host of medications while there but "stabilized" on 50-75 MG Trazodone, 50 MG Seroquel, and 300 MG Gabapentin June 28th 2023 Advised by doctor to lower Trazodone to 50 MG and cold turkey Seroquel due to muscle stiffness reported September 16th 2023 - HUGE CRASH - full on akathisia - reinstated 2 MG of Seroquel and this immediately stopped. Was suffering terribly for several weeks - time felt like it moved slowly, burning, incomprehensible anxiety, depression, despair. Doctor advised increased Gabapentin 100 MG in AM and 100 MG in PM and continued reinstatement of Seroquel Current: 35 MCG Synthroid, 8 AM 100 MG Gabapentin, 2 PM 100 MG Gabapentin, 9:45 PM 300 MG Gabapentin, 50 MG Trazodone, 3 calms forte tablets, and 12.5 MG Seroquel (decided on this dose for reinstatement) Link to comment
Administrator Altostrata Posted October 11, 2023 Administrator Share Posted October 11, 2023 It appears you are experiencing adverse effects of some of your drug doses. As long as you take those doses, you will continue to get the adverse reaction. You're not going to stabilize from that. The window for fast reduction is about a month. If you stay on any of your dosages for a month or longer, it will be more difficult for you to reduce those drugs. If you prefer to stay on your drugs and not make any changes, all we can do is tell you that you will need to cope with the adverse drug effects. Your choice. 3 hours ago, MiracleWaiting said: but was not helping the other symptoms. What other symptoms? 3 hours ago, MiracleWaiting said: The 12.5 was at the recommendation of my doctor and recovery coach. I slept well last night again so I can't figure out why some nights I won't sleep and others I will. Why aren't you bringing these people your problems? This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner. "It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein All postings © copyrighted. Link to comment
MiracleWaiting Posted October 11, 2023 Author Share Posted October 11, 2023 21 minutes ago, Altostrata said: It appears you are experiencing adverse effects of some of your drug doses. As long as you take those doses, you will continue to get the adverse reaction. You're not going to stabilize from that. The window for fast reduction is about a month. If you stay on any of your dosages for a month or longer, it will be more difficult for you to reduce those drugs. If you prefer to stay on your drugs and not make any changes, all we can do is tell you that you will need to cope with the adverse drug effects. Your choice. Ok that makes sense. I do not wish to stay on these drugs. I appreciate your help - I understand I'm arriving late in the game. 2011 unknown amount of Seroquel taken briefly - cold turkey - given .5 MG ativan for several months to cope with unknown withdrawal - CT December 2022 .5 mg Xanax - horribly activating - given when was having hormone issues and could not sleep .5 Ativan to calm down as it worked in past took inconsistently and caused a TON of problems - depersonalization, increase in OCD April 2022 - May 2022- went inpatient due to my own panic about Ativan (long story) - facility took me from 20 MG Valium to 0 in three weeks. Was given host of medications while there but "stabilized" on 50-75 MG Trazodone, 50 MG Seroquel, and 300 MG Gabapentin June 28th 2023 Advised by doctor to lower Trazodone to 50 MG and cold turkey Seroquel due to muscle stiffness reported September 16th 2023 - HUGE CRASH - full on akathisia - reinstated 2 MG of Seroquel and this immediately stopped. Was suffering terribly for several weeks - time felt like it moved slowly, burning, incomprehensible anxiety, depression, despair. Doctor advised increased Gabapentin 100 MG in AM and 100 MG in PM and continued reinstatement of Seroquel Current: 35 MCG Synthroid, 8 AM 100 MG Gabapentin, 2 PM 100 MG Gabapentin, 9:45 PM 300 MG Gabapentin, 50 MG Trazodone, 3 calms forte tablets, and 12.5 MG Seroquel (decided on this dose for reinstatement) Link to comment
Administrator Altostrata Posted October 11, 2023 Administrator Share Posted October 11, 2023 3 hours ago, MiracleWaiting said: It was increased as the 2 mg initially stopped the akathisia but was not helping the other symptoms. What were the other symptoms? What do you want to do now? This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner. "It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein All postings © copyrighted. Link to comment
MiracleWaiting Posted October 11, 2023 Author Share Posted October 11, 2023 22 minutes ago, Altostrata said: but was not helping the other symptoms. 1 minute ago, Altostrata said: What were the other symptoms? What do you want to do now? strong depersonalization, panic, high anxiety, insomnia (though improved since reinstatement), confused thinking, intrusive thoughts, muscle twitching, bubbly belly, horrific nightmares, HIGH sensitivity to sound and smell (though I feel like the Gabapentin increase made this worse but of course I have no way to know now). The reason I joined the site was because it seems like you all really help people. It's hard to make sound decisions when I have medical professionals telling me one thing and then the "knowing" that medication is not going to make things better - that is why I am reaching out here. I want to do whatever gives me the best chance and stabilization and then cessation. 2011 unknown amount of Seroquel taken briefly - cold turkey - given .5 MG ativan for several months to cope with unknown withdrawal - CT December 2022 .5 mg Xanax - horribly activating - given when was having hormone issues and could not sleep .5 Ativan to calm down as it worked in past took inconsistently and caused a TON of problems - depersonalization, increase in OCD April 2022 - May 2022- went inpatient due to my own panic about Ativan (long story) - facility took me from 20 MG Valium to 0 in three weeks. Was given host of medications while there but "stabilized" on 50-75 MG Trazodone, 50 MG Seroquel, and 300 MG Gabapentin June 28th 2023 Advised by doctor to lower Trazodone to 50 MG and cold turkey Seroquel due to muscle stiffness reported September 16th 2023 - HUGE CRASH - full on akathisia - reinstated 2 MG of Seroquel and this immediately stopped. Was suffering terribly for several weeks - time felt like it moved slowly, burning, incomprehensible anxiety, depression, despair. Doctor advised increased Gabapentin 100 MG in AM and 100 MG in PM and continued reinstatement of Seroquel Current: 35 MCG Synthroid, 8 AM 100 MG Gabapentin, 2 PM 100 MG Gabapentin, 9:45 PM 300 MG Gabapentin, 50 MG Trazodone, 3 calms forte tablets, and 12.5 MG Seroquel (decided on this dose for reinstatement) Link to comment
MiracleWaiting Posted October 11, 2023 Author Share Posted October 11, 2023 Also shortly after the crash I felt like I was a tick away from hospitalization - that was the day the Gabapentin was added during the day and the Seroquel was increased from the initial reinstatement dose. After the second dose of Gabapentin I was able to eat and stop staying crazy things to my family so now everyone feels like that increase was helpful. I am just second guessing everything. Sorry that was probably pretty relevant to mention earlier. 2011 unknown amount of Seroquel taken briefly - cold turkey - given .5 MG ativan for several months to cope with unknown withdrawal - CT December 2022 .5 mg Xanax - horribly activating - given when was having hormone issues and could not sleep .5 Ativan to calm down as it worked in past took inconsistently and caused a TON of problems - depersonalization, increase in OCD April 2022 - May 2022- went inpatient due to my own panic about Ativan (long story) - facility took me from 20 MG Valium to 0 in three weeks. Was given host of medications while there but "stabilized" on 50-75 MG Trazodone, 50 MG Seroquel, and 300 MG Gabapentin June 28th 2023 Advised by doctor to lower Trazodone to 50 MG and cold turkey Seroquel due to muscle stiffness reported September 16th 2023 - HUGE CRASH - full on akathisia - reinstated 2 MG of Seroquel and this immediately stopped. Was suffering terribly for several weeks - time felt like it moved slowly, burning, incomprehensible anxiety, depression, despair. Doctor advised increased Gabapentin 100 MG in AM and 100 MG in PM and continued reinstatement of Seroquel Current: 35 MCG Synthroid, 8 AM 100 MG Gabapentin, 2 PM 100 MG Gabapentin, 9:45 PM 300 MG Gabapentin, 50 MG Trazodone, 3 calms forte tablets, and 12.5 MG Seroquel (decided on this dose for reinstatement) Link to comment
Administrator Altostrata Posted October 11, 2023 Administrator Share Posted October 11, 2023 32 minutes ago, MiracleWaiting said: strong depersonalization, panic, high anxiety, insomnia (though improved since reinstatement), confused thinking, intrusive thoughts, muscle twitching, bubbly belly, horrific nightmares, HIGH sensitivity to sound and smell This is a description of acute withdrawal. It is not unusual for medical personnel to overdo the prescriptions when someone has been hospitalized for a "crash" from going off psychiatric drugs. On 10/8/2023 at 2:09 PM, MiracleWaiting said: 8AM - 100 MG Gabapentin (this was added September 28th) 2 PM - 100 MG Gabapentin (this was added September 28th) It appears to me that you are taking too much of everything, you suspect adverse effects from gabapentin yourself, and since you increased gabapentin only 2 weeks ago, you might make a start by cutting these 2 doses in half. This is in response to your joining in what seemed high alarm. This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner. "It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein All postings © copyrighted. Link to comment
MiracleWaiting Posted October 11, 2023 Author Share Posted October 11, 2023 15 minutes ago, Altostrata said: On 10/8/2023 at 2:09 PM, MiracleWaiting said: It appears to me that you are taking too much of everything, you suspect adverse effects from gabapentin yourself, and since you increased gabapentin only 2 weeks ago, you might make a start by cutting these 2 doses in half. This is in response to your joining in what seemed high alarm. That makes total sense. I think I just panic that I will then make things worse and end up hospitalized if I change anything. Every choice feels impossible right now which I’m sure you hear often. I’m afraid if I reduce the gabapentin I will further mess with the rapid benzo withdrawal from April and the circle goes on and on in my head. 2011 unknown amount of Seroquel taken briefly - cold turkey - given .5 MG ativan for several months to cope with unknown withdrawal - CT December 2022 .5 mg Xanax - horribly activating - given when was having hormone issues and could not sleep .5 Ativan to calm down as it worked in past took inconsistently and caused a TON of problems - depersonalization, increase in OCD April 2022 - May 2022- went inpatient due to my own panic about Ativan (long story) - facility took me from 20 MG Valium to 0 in three weeks. Was given host of medications while there but "stabilized" on 50-75 MG Trazodone, 50 MG Seroquel, and 300 MG Gabapentin June 28th 2023 Advised by doctor to lower Trazodone to 50 MG and cold turkey Seroquel due to muscle stiffness reported September 16th 2023 - HUGE CRASH - full on akathisia - reinstated 2 MG of Seroquel and this immediately stopped. Was suffering terribly for several weeks - time felt like it moved slowly, burning, incomprehensible anxiety, depression, despair. Doctor advised increased Gabapentin 100 MG in AM and 100 MG in PM and continued reinstatement of Seroquel Current: 35 MCG Synthroid, 8 AM 100 MG Gabapentin, 2 PM 100 MG Gabapentin, 9:45 PM 300 MG Gabapentin, 50 MG Trazodone, 3 calms forte tablets, and 12.5 MG Seroquel (decided on this dose for reinstatement) Link to comment
MiracleWaiting Posted October 12, 2023 Author Share Posted October 12, 2023 @Altostrata i feel much better at the gabapentin reduction you recommended. Can I just stop the increased dose that was added? That would have been the 100mg in am and 100 mg in afternoon since it’s only been two weeks since this change? 1 2011 unknown amount of Seroquel taken briefly - cold turkey - given .5 MG ativan for several months to cope with unknown withdrawal - CT December 2022 .5 mg Xanax - horribly activating - given when was having hormone issues and could not sleep .5 Ativan to calm down as it worked in past took inconsistently and caused a TON of problems - depersonalization, increase in OCD April 2022 - May 2022- went inpatient due to my own panic about Ativan (long story) - facility took me from 20 MG Valium to 0 in three weeks. Was given host of medications while there but "stabilized" on 50-75 MG Trazodone, 50 MG Seroquel, and 300 MG Gabapentin June 28th 2023 Advised by doctor to lower Trazodone to 50 MG and cold turkey Seroquel due to muscle stiffness reported September 16th 2023 - HUGE CRASH - full on akathisia - reinstated 2 MG of Seroquel and this immediately stopped. Was suffering terribly for several weeks - time felt like it moved slowly, burning, incomprehensible anxiety, depression, despair. Doctor advised increased Gabapentin 100 MG in AM and 100 MG in PM and continued reinstatement of Seroquel Current: 35 MCG Synthroid, 8 AM 100 MG Gabapentin, 2 PM 100 MG Gabapentin, 9:45 PM 300 MG Gabapentin, 50 MG Trazodone, 3 calms forte tablets, and 12.5 MG Seroquel (decided on this dose for reinstatement) Link to comment
Administrator Altostrata Posted October 12, 2023 Administrator Share Posted October 12, 2023 Are you now taking 50mg in am and 50mg in afternoon? This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner. "It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein All postings © copyrighted. Link to comment
MiracleWaiting Posted October 12, 2023 Author Share Posted October 12, 2023 9 minutes ago, Altostrata said: Are you now taking 50mg in am and 50mg in afternoon? Yes 2011 unknown amount of Seroquel taken briefly - cold turkey - given .5 MG ativan for several months to cope with unknown withdrawal - CT December 2022 .5 mg Xanax - horribly activating - given when was having hormone issues and could not sleep .5 Ativan to calm down as it worked in past took inconsistently and caused a TON of problems - depersonalization, increase in OCD April 2022 - May 2022- went inpatient due to my own panic about Ativan (long story) - facility took me from 20 MG Valium to 0 in three weeks. Was given host of medications while there but "stabilized" on 50-75 MG Trazodone, 50 MG Seroquel, and 300 MG Gabapentin June 28th 2023 Advised by doctor to lower Trazodone to 50 MG and cold turkey Seroquel due to muscle stiffness reported September 16th 2023 - HUGE CRASH - full on akathisia - reinstated 2 MG of Seroquel and this immediately stopped. Was suffering terribly for several weeks - time felt like it moved slowly, burning, incomprehensible anxiety, depression, despair. Doctor advised increased Gabapentin 100 MG in AM and 100 MG in PM and continued reinstatement of Seroquel Current: 35 MCG Synthroid, 8 AM 100 MG Gabapentin, 2 PM 100 MG Gabapentin, 9:45 PM 300 MG Gabapentin, 50 MG Trazodone, 3 calms forte tablets, and 12.5 MG Seroquel (decided on this dose for reinstatement) Link to comment
Administrator Altostrata Posted October 12, 2023 Administrator Share Posted October 12, 2023 If I were you, I'd wait 3 days and if all is well, drop the other 2 50mg doses. This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner. "It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein All postings © copyrighted. Link to comment
MiracleWaiting Posted October 12, 2023 Author Share Posted October 12, 2023 7 minutes ago, Altostrata said: If I were you, I'd wait 3 days and if all is well, drop the other 2 50mg doses. Ok awesome. Thank you. 2011 unknown amount of Seroquel taken briefly - cold turkey - given .5 MG ativan for several months to cope with unknown withdrawal - CT December 2022 .5 mg Xanax - horribly activating - given when was having hormone issues and could not sleep .5 Ativan to calm down as it worked in past took inconsistently and caused a TON of problems - depersonalization, increase in OCD April 2022 - May 2022- went inpatient due to my own panic about Ativan (long story) - facility took me from 20 MG Valium to 0 in three weeks. Was given host of medications while there but "stabilized" on 50-75 MG Trazodone, 50 MG Seroquel, and 300 MG Gabapentin June 28th 2023 Advised by doctor to lower Trazodone to 50 MG and cold turkey Seroquel due to muscle stiffness reported September 16th 2023 - HUGE CRASH - full on akathisia - reinstated 2 MG of Seroquel and this immediately stopped. Was suffering terribly for several weeks - time felt like it moved slowly, burning, incomprehensible anxiety, depression, despair. Doctor advised increased Gabapentin 100 MG in AM and 100 MG in PM and continued reinstatement of Seroquel Current: 35 MCG Synthroid, 8 AM 100 MG Gabapentin, 2 PM 100 MG Gabapentin, 9:45 PM 300 MG Gabapentin, 50 MG Trazodone, 3 calms forte tablets, and 12.5 MG Seroquel (decided on this dose for reinstatement) Link to comment
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