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nunu1919: Should I go back on or struggle through?


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Posted (edited)

Background: I got put on 10mg Lexapro at age 30 right at 8 years ago because I randomly started having anxiety attacks for a week or two and had no idea why as I had never had depression or anxiety issues before that. Last year I decided I wanted off because I started to notice looking back for that a few years I had been dealing with fatigue and emotional blunting. I also noticed it was harder for me to learn new things (I was really smart in my younger years) and I would always forget fairly easy words in the middle of my sentences. It was quite weird, but I wanted off needless to say. I weaned off from 10mg down to 5mg and then 2.5mg over the course of 2 or 3 months.


About 2 weeks after discontinuing completely (October 3rd) I had a rough 3 or 4 days of overwhelming anxiety and depression. It subsided and things got better. Then it hit me again for 4 or 5 days. Then subsided. Then hit me again for just under 2 weeks in mid December. Then subsided again. Now it is just hitting me again the last 3 days. This is a constant anxiety/depression where I am in constant fight or flight mode and just absolutely miserable. It is hard to get through my day at work and it is also hard to get to sleep at night and I've lost all excitement for anything and always tired. Its been around 1 month in total of bad days over the past 3 months. I just want it to be over.


My question is: Would going back on a low dosage of 5mg of Lexapro for a bit and then try weaning off much slower while going to therapy be a good idea? Has anybody been in this situation and navigated your way through it successfully? Any advice here would be greatly appreciated.


Just to add: In 8 days I am going on a 10 day trip to Mexico/Honduras with a woman I really care about and I am even finding it hard to get excited about this trip. I'm worried I will be fighting my fight or flight modes while there with her and completely ruining things. HELP!

Edited by Emonda
Name to title

2016-2023 - Lexapro 10mg

2023 - 2 month taper 08/01 5mg, 09/01 2.5mg, 10/01 discontinued

2023 - Wellbutrin to help Lexapro taper - 06/01 150mg, 10/15 discontinued

  • Emonda changed the title to nunu1919: Should I go back on or struggle through?
  • Administrator

Welcome, @nunu1919


So the moderators can best help you, please complete your drug signature by following these instructions. Adding a signature ensures your drug history appears at the bottom of every post, making it more efficient for those trying to assist.


6 hours ago, nunu1919 said:

weaned off from 10mg down to 5mg and then 2.5mg over the course of 2 or 3 months.


This is much faster than recommended on this site. Why taper by 10% of my dosage?


As a result of your fast taper, you are likely experiencing WD symptoms: Daily Checklist of Antidepressant Withdrawal Symptoms (PDF) 


6 hours ago, nunu1919 said:

I had a rough 3 or 4 days of overwhelming anxiety and depression. It subsided and things got better. Then it hit me again for 4 or 5 days. Then subsided. Then hit me again for just under 2 weeks in mid December. Then subsided again. Now it is just hitting me again the last 3 days.


This sounds like Windows and waves pattern of stabilization


6 hours ago, nunu1919 said:

Would going back on a low dosage of 5mg of Lexapro for a bit and then try weaning off much slower while going to therapy be a good idea?


The symptoms can last months, if not 12-18 months. You can either try to ride it out, or possibly reinstate a very small amount of your AD. However, reinstating normally works best within the first 3 months. You're just past 3 months, right? Reinstatement may or may not work.


If you want to think about reinstating, you should read this link: About Reinstating and Stabilizing to Reduce Withdrawal Symptoms.


It's best to try a very small dose, such as 1mg or less, and record how you feel over the coming two weeks. Starting low is to try an minimise the risk of KindlingIf it doesn't help or makes symptoms worse, stop immediately. If it helps a little, then reassess how you're doing maybe two weeks down the track.


Whatever you choose, these links will be helpful:


Emotional Spirals


Non-drug coping strategies


We don't suggest many supplements, but two that many of us find helpful are magnesium and omega-3 fish oil. Here are the links for info about those. Add one at a time and start with a low dose to see how it affects you. 


Omega 3 Fish Oil


Avoid alcohol. 


Please post any updates here in your thread.


Once again, welcome to S.A...and please attend to your drug signature.





Please don't send me PMs. I am not a doctor. My comments are based on my personal experience with ADs and tapering. Consult your doctor about your own medical decisions.

Start of taper: Jan ’22 Vortioxetine 15mg

End year 1: 4.5mg

End year 2: 2.38mg

End year 3: 1.16mg

Year 4: The brassmonkey slide continues...


Okay, I have updated my signature!

2016-2023 - Lexapro 10mg

2023 - 2 month taper 08/01 5mg, 09/01 2.5mg, 10/01 discontinued

2023 - Wellbutrin to help Lexapro taper - 06/01 150mg, 10/15 discontinued

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