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awfultoad5: new here. here to get advice to get off this horrible drug, seeking answers


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Hi, I've been on neuroleptic antipsychotic drugs for 8-10 years.  looking forward to reading your stories.  withdrawing from these drugs is in so many cases the right thing to do.

Edited by hayduke
Removed name.

2009 citalopram

2010 zoloft

2011 latuda

2012 seroquel

2013 lamictal

2014 risperdal

2015 abilify

2016 abilify

2017 invega

2018-2024 haldol


plenty of other psych drugs taken, a total of over 25.  some were for a short period or i had a bad reaction to them and weren't taken for long.

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  • KenA changed the title to awfultoad5: new here. here to get advice to get off this horrible drug, seeking answers
  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi @awfultoad5, welcome to SA.


Please fill out your signature with your drug history, this context will allow helpful discussion.



I am not a health professional - your actions are your own.  

Please do not seek tapering support via private message - "Any reason to hold is a good one"

My taper visualised as a graph   |   My intro thread

Backdrop:  2003 10mg olanzapine | 2004 2-3mg risperidone | end 2014 3wks aripiprazole

2015: olanzapine  10 -> 7½ -> 6⅔ -> 5mg  by crude pill cutter

2018:  Mar 5.00mg -> water titrated taper -> Aug2.5mg tablet and hold

Jan 2019 2.50mg water titration -> Jan 2020 1.214  -> Jan 2021 0.44 -> 2 Oct 0.205 ->3 Oct ZERO🥂

Jun 2023 💉150mg paliperidone "loading" depot shot, 100mg 1wk after Jul 100mg Aug-Dec 75mg/4wks

Jul 2023  - Sep 2024 2.50mg aripiprazole/day attempt to lower prolactin^

Jan-Feb 2024 cross taper off shots tail to 1mg risperidone


Ask not what you can do for your country, but what your country did to you"  -- KMFDM

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i've been on psych drugs for about 15 years now, and i'm sick of it.  I've improved more in my personal life such that i no longer need to rely on p drugs to get by.  


I've been withdrawing from haldol since august of this past year, and it's well and truly kicking my ass.  everytime i go down on a dose, it feels like my head is being crushed, i'm supremely unstable and feel at times a danger to myself and others, i'm a confused mess, and deal with persistent obsessive thoughts.  so i'm withdrawing at home now.  i have no job or responsibilities, so that makes it easier to focus on this completely.  my taper ends this coming august, so that would make it a one year taper.


to make withdrawal easier, i've come up with some supplements i'm taking(some new ones i'll be adding in this next week), so i'm looking for criticisms or any advice really.  I mean you guys seem to have experience in this area, so any insight you'd like to share about what happens, or how to interpret withdrawal would be helpful.



-vitamin c



(new) baikall skullcap

(new) magnolia bark


the new ones i'm exited about because the anxiety from withdrawal is terrifying at times.  they are both there to combat anxiety and relieve stress, and people report that the skullcap's effect is like that of a benzo without being addictive.


it's unfortunate, but to combat the anxiety and restlessness i've been relying on more benzos lately.  I've heard of the horror stories of withdrawal, and I absolutely want to stop taking them quick.


that's all.  thanks.


2009 citalopram

2010 zoloft

2011 latuda

2012 seroquel

2013 lamictal

2014 risperdal

2015 abilify

2016 abilify

2017 invega

2018-2024 haldol


plenty of other psych drugs taken, a total of over 25.  some were for a short period or i had a bad reaction to them and weren't taken for long.

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Thanks for drafting your signature @awfultoad5.  Please add dosage history as well.

Sorry to hear of your withdrawal discomforts.  It sounds like you may be withdrawing too fast from the severity of the symptoms you describe.  



I am not a health professional - your actions are your own.  

Please do not seek tapering support via private message - "Any reason to hold is a good one"

My taper visualised as a graph   |   My intro thread

Backdrop:  2003 10mg olanzapine | 2004 2-3mg risperidone | end 2014 3wks aripiprazole

2015: olanzapine  10 -> 7½ -> 6⅔ -> 5mg  by crude pill cutter

2018:  Mar 5.00mg -> water titrated taper -> Aug2.5mg tablet and hold

Jan 2019 2.50mg water titration -> Jan 2020 1.214  -> Jan 2021 0.44 -> 2 Oct 0.205 ->3 Oct ZERO🥂

Jun 2023 💉150mg paliperidone "loading" depot shot, 100mg 1wk after Jul 100mg Aug-Dec 75mg/4wks

Jul 2023  - Sep 2024 2.50mg aripiprazole/day attempt to lower prolactin^

Jan-Feb 2024 cross taper off shots tail to 1mg risperidone


Ask not what you can do for your country, but what your country did to you"  -- KMFDM

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