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Elsbettyx: Sertraline reinstatement


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Hi all, 


I’ve recently tapered from 100mg sertraline to 75mg due to feeling stable and improvement from a few years of therapy. It’s important to note I also take 60mg Atomoxetine for ADHD and suffer with PMDD so my anxiety can fluctuate depending on my cycle. 

it’s been about two months since I’ve tapered so I’m not sure if I’m experiencing withdrawal or I’m having a relapse with my anxiety - few weeks a go in my luteal phase just before my period feeling like hell and suffering with multiple panic attacks, which is not even common for me anymore. Then my period came and I started to feel better and more hopeful. Then today I almost had a panic attack at work and managed to pull myself round, but then when I got home I laid in bed and proceeded to have the most debilitating headache which then triggered health anxiety and then in turn triggered a horrible panic attack that I had to get my mam to help pull me round. The issue being that with the health anxiety I struggle to differentiate that im having a panic attack and not actually dying from some sudden onset of illness lol, was googling my symptoms and then was scaring myself and I just kind of spiral out of control and can’t seem to regulate myself. Honestly don’t feel like I’ve experienced any panic or anxiety like this since I was about 14, I can have the odd panic attack and anxiety but nothing this scary and debilitating. 


I have a lot of trauma and I’m neurodivergent so my nervous system probably isn’t in the best nick at the best of times and I’m thinking maybe I am just supposed to take this medication forever. I started taking sertraline in 2020/21? I’ve read on here that reinstatement can sometimes help, is it too late now to increase back to 100mg and taper more slowly once I’ve stabilized or shall I just keep going as I am. Just finding it super difficult right now. TIA :) 

Edited by Emonda
Name to title


June 2021-27th May 2024: 100mg sertraline (Zoloft).

21st May 2023-current: 60mg Atomoxetine

27th May 2024-current: 100mg sertraline to 75mg sertraline taper.

23rd July 2024-current: Ethinylestradiol 20mg / Drospirenone 3mg tablets (Eloine contraceptive pill) 

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  • Emonda changed the title to Elsbettyx: Sertraline reinstatement
  • Moderator

Hello, and welcome to Surviving Antidepressants. We are a peer support forum to assist in tapering off psychiatric drugs safely, or recovering from psychiatric drug withdrawal.


This topic is for anything relating to you, and any questions you have. Please do not start another topic.


We recommend tapering by no more than 10% of your CURRENT dose each month, to limit withdrawal symptoms. E.g. 10mg --> 9mg --> 8.1mg --> 7.29mg


All the answers you are looking for regarding tapering and antidepressant withdrawal are on this site. Please search around and continue to read as much as you can manage. Use the site search function to search for specific words or phrases, such as drugs or symptoms.





The symptoms you are experiencing are atypical of withdrawal from reducing your dose too quickly. It is likely they will improve with time if you remain on the same dose of 75mg. Don't make any further changes to medication, and avoid other psychoactive substances such as alcohol and recreational drugs. You must also be careful when using antibiotics.








Here are a few of the most useful links:


--------Important topics in the Tapering forum and FAQ--------


Micro tapering


Why taper by 10% of my dosage?


Taking multiple psych drugs? Which drug to taper first?


How to make a liquid from tablets or capsules


Using a scale to weigh and measure doses


--------From the Symptoms and Self-Care Forums--------
What is withdrawal syndrome?
About reinstating and stabilizing to reduce withdrawal symptoms
The Windows and Waves Pattern of Stabilization


Hypersensitivity and Kindling


We only recommend two supplements. Omega 3 Fish Oil and Magnesium. Both should be introduced separately and increased slowly.




Active Monday-Friday UK time


Taper calculator spreadsheet



1) Sertraline:

50mg - Oct 2020, 100mg - Dec 2020, 50mg - Apr 2021, 75mg - May 2021, 50mg - Sep 2021, 2 year 5 month hold, 55mg - 23 Feb 2024, 60mg - 20 Mar 2024, Start tapering - 24 Apr 2024, reached 52.5mg before crashing hard 13 Aug 2024 - reinstate back to 58mg and hold - tapered too fast.

Current dose: 58mg  (1 Sep 2024)

2) Mirtazapine:

15mg - Nov 2020


Vitamin C

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