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Magnesi2: Sister on a cocktail of antipsychotics and antidepressants


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My sister is on the following cocktail:

- sertaline 50mg: 1 pill at breakfast;

- risperdal 1mg: 1 pill before bed;

- quetiapine 100mg: 1/2 pill before bed plus other in case of difficulty sleeping up to the máx of 2 pills per day;

- trazodone 100mg: 1 pill before bed

- risperdal 100mg: 1 shot per month


She has been on increasing dosages of psychiatric drugs since more than 10 years ago, and is already diabetic. Her closest family members are fervent belivers on the healling capabilities of these drugs but recently began to understand that her crises and mood swings are related to changes in the drug cocktail. 

Is there any hope that she can get out of all this?


Thank you!


PS - I’ve successfully tappered a benzo and an antidepressant over two years, with the support of Survivingantidepressants and Benzobbudies, but the case of my sister seems very difficult.


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Hi @Magnesi2


On 9/11/2024 at 8:41 AM, Magnesi2 said:

Is there any hope that she can get out of all this?

I would say yes! There's always hope!


I think she'll need to be on board with the process though. How does she feel about trying to reduce her medications?


Also, as mentioned, it would be helpful to have her medications in a signature, with dates. See How to Create a Signature



2003-2009 on and off various SSRI's for short periods

2010-2011 Ativan

2013-2021 ativan 1-1.5mg 10-12x/month, daily starting Oct 21 to help with buspar WD

2016 - Effexor 75mg, short-term

2021 Mar -Jun Buspar ADR at high dose, tapered 3 months

Oct 22/21 - Direct switch ativan to clonazepam (don't do this)

Tapered clonaz Oct/21 - Apr/23  - 0mg!


"Believe that your tragedies, your losses, your sorrows, your hurt, happened for you, not to you. And I bless the thing that broke you down and cracked you open, because the world needs you open" - Rebecca Campbell


*** Disclaimer: Please note, my suggestions/comments are based on my own personal experiences. Please consult a knowledgeable practitioner to discuss decisions regarding your medical care *** 


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