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chicken: help I'm scared mirtazapine Remeron


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I am currently on 15 mg of remeron. I tried to stop when tapered sucessfully down to 3.75. I had withdrawals with anxiety that made me sucidal and I had to go to the hospital. I have come off all other drugs sucessfully in the past.


I am scared to death about ever coming off and wondering if I ever should come off. I keep wondering what happens in the future if some reason I can't get the drug.


I constantantly obsess now about getting off the drug to the point I've had to go back on tranxene to keep the anxiety down from worring about coming of this drug some day.


Should I just stay on it. If it permantly damages the receptors and they don't repair in your brain would it be best to just stay on it.


I have GAD so I may need to stay on a drug for life.


I got off prozac some years ago and lived symptom free for 4 years until a bad life trauma caused me to have debilitating anxiety for months. I could not work and could not eat. I dropped down to 100 lbs and had to be hospitalized.

I have been stabilized on remeron now for over 2 years.

Should I try to stop or would it be best for me just to stay on? If I stay on I'm just going to worry about it until I crack up.


Right now I found a doctor in Ashville NC, Dr. Daniel Johnson who specializes in helping people safely withdraw from these meds. He has not returned my calls at all. Maybe he is on vacation or something. I even tried contacting Dr. Peter Breggin..


I'm so scared that if I try to come off my brain will be damaged permantely and will not recover.

I know I should think like this but even the slightest anixiety can make me suicidal. I don't know if I can ever risk a withdrawal. I had to go to the hospital for my first attempt at this withdrawal. Some of it could have been extra anxiety by worring about the withdrawal rather than the withdrawel itself, but I don't know.


Help, I'm scared to even try.



Prozac 1999-2009 quit semi cold turkey.


2012 Placed on Seroquel 25 mg, Tranxene (Clorezepate) 3.75 mg 3x a day, Remeron 30 mg for anxiety/akathesia.


Weaned off Seroquel and Tranxene .to Remeron 15 Mg.

In May 2014 tried quitting Remeron at its lowest dose. Had severe withdrawals.Reinstated Remeron at 30 mg by doctor. August 5 2014 entered hospital. Doctor pulled the Remeron and bridged it to Pamelor (Nortriptyline) 40mg and Zyprexa 2.5mg.After removing the Remeron all my bad symptoms went away and I am stable.


9/11/14 - 7.5 mg tranxene, 40mg Pamelor, Zyprexa 2.5mg

12/29/14 -  20mg Pamelor, 1/6/15,  7/31/15 3.5mg, 8/10/15 3.2 mg, 9/15/15 2.2mg, 10/15/15 1.8mg

(Feb 2016 - 1.4mg Pamelor only -  OFF OF TRANXENE AND ZYPREXA SINCE DEC 2014 BENZO FREE Since 2014. Nortrityline (Pamelor) .8mg Aug 2016

March 2017 DRUG FREE

  • Moderator Emeritus

Hello Chicken,  welcome to SA, this is by far the best place for psych med withdrawal information!


We need a few more details if you can remember them for us. Thank you for putting your history

in your signature, it is very helpful but just a few things need clarifying. 


When did you wean off the seroquel and tranxene and how long did you taper both of them?

Were they tapered separately or together?  When did you cut the remeron from 30 to 15?


There is no reason why you cannot come off the remeron but it has to be done safely and slowly. 


You can get through this and get better. We will help all we can. 

**I am not a medical professional, if in doubt please consult a doctor with withdrawal knowledge.



Different drugs occasionally (mostly benzos) 1976 - 1981 (no problem)

1993 - 2002 in and out of hospital. every type of drug + ECT. Staring with seroxat

2002  effexor. 

Tapered  March 2012 to March 2013, ending with 5 beads.

Withdrawal April 2013 . Reinstated 5 beads reduced to 4 beads May 2013

Restarted taper  Nov 2013  

OFF EFFEXOR Feb 2015    :D 

Tapered atenolol and omeprazole Dec 2013 - May 2014


Tapering tramadol, Feb 2015 100mg , March 2015 50mg  

 July 2017 30mg.  May 15 2018 25mg

Taking fish oil, magnesium, B12, folic acid, bilberry eyebright for eye pressure. 


My story http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/4199-hello-mammap-checking-in/page-33


Lesson learned, slow down taper at lower doses. Taper no more than 10% of CURRENT dose if possible



  • Moderator Emeritus

I agree, there is no reason you cannot come off Remeron if you choose, but it will have to be done much more slowly than you expect. And I would suggest that you go all the way down to a fraction of 1 mg before stopping altogether; the last part of a taper has to go even more slowly and in smaller increments than the earlier part. (This paper shows why: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/6036-why-taper-paper-demonstrates-importance-of-gradual-change-in-plasma-concentration/)(the charts start about page 4)


Given your past history of multiple meds and multiple discontinuations, you are probably extra sensitive now to meds and changes, so you'll need to do a very slow taper. But many of our members (me included) are in that same boat and do well as long as we go slowly enough and take adequate breaks in our tapers to allow our bodies and nervous systems to adapt.


Please take a look at the Tapering section of the forum and read the topics "pinned" at the top. We've had a lot of experience here with helping people taper, and when you're ready to begin your taper off Remeron, there's no reason you can't do it successfully.

Started on Prozac and Xanax in 1992 for PTSD after an assault. One drug led to more, the usual story. Got sicker and sicker, but believed I needed the drugs for my "underlying disease". Long story...lost everything. Life savings, home, physical and mental health, relationships, friendships, ability to work, everything. Amitryptiline, Prozac, bupropion, buspirone, flurazepam, diazepam, alprazolam, Paxil, citalopram, lamotrigine, gabapentin...probably more I've forgotten. 

Started multidrug taper in Feb 2010.  Doing a very slow microtaper, down to low doses now and feeling SO much better, getting my old personality and my brain back! Able to work full time, have a full social life, and cope with stress better than ever. Not perfect, but much better. After 23 lost years. Big Pharma has a lot to answer for. And "medicine for profit" is just not a great idea.


Feb 15 2010:  300 mg Neurontin  200 Lamictal   10 Celexa      0.65 Xanax   and 5 mg Ambien 

Feb 10 2014:   62 Lamictal    1.1 Celexa         0.135 Xanax    1.8 Valium

Feb 10 2015:   50 Lamictal      0.875 Celexa    0.11 Xanax      1.5 Valium

Feb 15 2016:   47.5 Lamictal   0.75 Celexa      0.0875 Xanax    1.42 Valium    

2/12/20             12                       0.045               0.007                   1 

May 2021            7                       0.01                  0.0037                1

Feb 2022            6                      0!!!                     0.00167               0.98                2.5 mg Ambien

Oct 2022       4.5 mg Lamictal    (off Celexa, off Xanax)   0.95 Valium    Ambien, 1/4 to 1/2 of a 5 mg tablet 


I'm not a doctor. Any advice I give is just my civilian opinion.

  • Moderator Emeritus

Also, a lot of us (me especially!) can relate to becoming suicidal due to withdrawal. I spent many years struggling with suicidality  (including two attempts and coming very close to a third) whenever I tried to even reduce my meds (which I did abruptly and erratically) and during my taper that's a withdrawal symptom that still comes when I make a cut or am cutting too fast. It's much milder now though and manageable and it goes away when I hold and stabilize. I definitely understand your fear and I can relate completely.

Started on Prozac and Xanax in 1992 for PTSD after an assault. One drug led to more, the usual story. Got sicker and sicker, but believed I needed the drugs for my "underlying disease". Long story...lost everything. Life savings, home, physical and mental health, relationships, friendships, ability to work, everything. Amitryptiline, Prozac, bupropion, buspirone, flurazepam, diazepam, alprazolam, Paxil, citalopram, lamotrigine, gabapentin...probably more I've forgotten. 

Started multidrug taper in Feb 2010.  Doing a very slow microtaper, down to low doses now and feeling SO much better, getting my old personality and my brain back! Able to work full time, have a full social life, and cope with stress better than ever. Not perfect, but much better. After 23 lost years. Big Pharma has a lot to answer for. And "medicine for profit" is just not a great idea.


Feb 15 2010:  300 mg Neurontin  200 Lamictal   10 Celexa      0.65 Xanax   and 5 mg Ambien 

Feb 10 2014:   62 Lamictal    1.1 Celexa         0.135 Xanax    1.8 Valium

Feb 10 2015:   50 Lamictal      0.875 Celexa    0.11 Xanax      1.5 Valium

Feb 15 2016:   47.5 Lamictal   0.75 Celexa      0.0875 Xanax    1.42 Valium    

2/12/20             12                       0.045               0.007                   1 

May 2021            7                       0.01                  0.0037                1

Feb 2022            6                      0!!!                     0.00167               0.98                2.5 mg Ambien

Oct 2022       4.5 mg Lamictal    (off Celexa, off Xanax)   0.95 Valium    Ambien, 1/4 to 1/2 of a 5 mg tablet 


I'm not a doctor. Any advice I give is just my civilian opinion.


Hello Chicken,  welcome to SA, this is by far the best place for psych med withdrawal information!


We need a few more details if you can remember them for us. Thank you for putting your history

in your signature, it is very helpful but just a few things need clarifying. 


When did you wean off the seroquel and tranxene and how long did you taper both of them?

Were they tapered separately or together?  When did you cut the remeron from 30 to 15?


There is no reason why you cannot come off the remeron but it has to be done safely and slowly. 


You can get through this and get better. We will help all we can. 

I weaned off seroquel and tranxene about a year ago with no withdrawals. I cut the pill down to halves then quarters over a period of a few months.


Last week I was released from a crises stabilazion unit when trying to withdraw from the Rememon. My PD immediately put me back on 30mg of remeron and 12 mg of seroquel and and 3.75 mg of tranxene 2x  a day. I was there 4 3days.

When I got home I stopped the seroquel and tranxene. No problems. Reduced my remeron back to 15 mgs. No problems.

My anxiety started when I got on the internet and started reading about all this withdrawal stuff. I got scared because I thought I will never be able to get off. How will I find a doc who will write me a compunding scriipt. What happens if we have a natural disaster and drug supplies are cut off. You know, all the what ifs that go with anxiety. I started taking the transxene again to calm my anxiety for a couple of days.


Now I'm just on the 15 mg of rememron, nothing else. Anxiety has abated some but I still get on here and read horror stories and it keeps the anxiety fueled. Maybe I should just stop reading and take a break.


My friend referred me to a psychiastrist with an holistic approach. I am going to see her and see what she says about tapering off and see if she is willing to write a compounding script.


If my GAD is bad, do you think I should just stay on the Rememron and not try to get off it?



Prozac 1999-2009 quit semi cold turkey.


2012 Placed on Seroquel 25 mg, Tranxene (Clorezepate) 3.75 mg 3x a day, Remeron 30 mg for anxiety/akathesia.


Weaned off Seroquel and Tranxene .to Remeron 15 Mg.

In May 2014 tried quitting Remeron at its lowest dose. Had severe withdrawals.Reinstated Remeron at 30 mg by doctor. August 5 2014 entered hospital. Doctor pulled the Remeron and bridged it to Pamelor (Nortriptyline) 40mg and Zyprexa 2.5mg.After removing the Remeron all my bad symptoms went away and I am stable.


9/11/14 - 7.5 mg tranxene, 40mg Pamelor, Zyprexa 2.5mg

12/29/14 -  20mg Pamelor, 1/6/15,  7/31/15 3.5mg, 8/10/15 3.2 mg, 9/15/15 2.2mg, 10/15/15 1.8mg

(Feb 2016 - 1.4mg Pamelor only -  OFF OF TRANXENE AND ZYPREXA SINCE DEC 2014 BENZO FREE Since 2014. Nortrityline (Pamelor) .8mg Aug 2016

March 2017 DRUG FREE


I agree, there is no reason you cannot come off Remeron if you choose, but it will have to be done much more slowly than you expect. And I would suggest that you go all the way down to a fraction of 1 mg before stopping altogether; the last part of a taper has to go even more slowly and in smaller increments than the earlier part. (This paper shows why: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/6036-why-taper-paper-demonstrates-importance-of-gradual-change-in-plasma-concentration/)(the charts start about page 4)


Given your past history of multiple meds and multiple discontinuations, you are probably extra sensitive now to meds and changes, so you'll need to do a very slow taper. But many of our members (me included) are in that same boat and do well as long as we go slowly enough and take adequate breaks in our tapers to allow our bodies and nervous systems to adapt.


Please take a look at the Tapering section of the forum and read the topics "pinned" at the top. We've had a lot of experience here with helping people taper, and when you're ready to begin your taper off Remeron, there's no reason you can't do it successfully.

Thanks Rhi.


So if I take the taper slowly as you recommend there is a good possibility I can have very little if any side effects. I'm not worried about too many of the side effects except for anxiety.

I really hope to find a doc to work with me because if I get too unstable I may end up back in the ER.


Have you found many people that get off sucessufully if they do a really slow taper?

Prozac 1999-2009 quit semi cold turkey.


2012 Placed on Seroquel 25 mg, Tranxene (Clorezepate) 3.75 mg 3x a day, Remeron 30 mg for anxiety/akathesia.


Weaned off Seroquel and Tranxene .to Remeron 15 Mg.

In May 2014 tried quitting Remeron at its lowest dose. Had severe withdrawals.Reinstated Remeron at 30 mg by doctor. August 5 2014 entered hospital. Doctor pulled the Remeron and bridged it to Pamelor (Nortriptyline) 40mg and Zyprexa 2.5mg.After removing the Remeron all my bad symptoms went away and I am stable.


9/11/14 - 7.5 mg tranxene, 40mg Pamelor, Zyprexa 2.5mg

12/29/14 -  20mg Pamelor, 1/6/15,  7/31/15 3.5mg, 8/10/15 3.2 mg, 9/15/15 2.2mg, 10/15/15 1.8mg

(Feb 2016 - 1.4mg Pamelor only -  OFF OF TRANXENE AND ZYPREXA SINCE DEC 2014 BENZO FREE Since 2014. Nortrityline (Pamelor) .8mg Aug 2016

March 2017 DRUG FREE


Also I forgot to add that when I had a crises some time ago that got me put on the remeron to begin with, PD tried Prozac again. I had an adverse reaction to it and had to stop.

I told him that I will not try an SSRI again because I believe if you have an adverse reaction to one you will have one with them all.

Prozac 1999-2009 quit semi cold turkey.


2012 Placed on Seroquel 25 mg, Tranxene (Clorezepate) 3.75 mg 3x a day, Remeron 30 mg for anxiety/akathesia.


Weaned off Seroquel and Tranxene .to Remeron 15 Mg.

In May 2014 tried quitting Remeron at its lowest dose. Had severe withdrawals.Reinstated Remeron at 30 mg by doctor. August 5 2014 entered hospital. Doctor pulled the Remeron and bridged it to Pamelor (Nortriptyline) 40mg and Zyprexa 2.5mg.After removing the Remeron all my bad symptoms went away and I am stable.


9/11/14 - 7.5 mg tranxene, 40mg Pamelor, Zyprexa 2.5mg

12/29/14 -  20mg Pamelor, 1/6/15,  7/31/15 3.5mg, 8/10/15 3.2 mg, 9/15/15 2.2mg, 10/15/15 1.8mg

(Feb 2016 - 1.4mg Pamelor only -  OFF OF TRANXENE AND ZYPREXA SINCE DEC 2014 BENZO FREE Since 2014. Nortrityline (Pamelor) .8mg Aug 2016

March 2017 DRUG FREE



I found a holistic psychiatrist today. She said that she will work with me on a slow taper if I like. She will run a who bunch of test to see what suppliments I need. She said that she has helped a lot of people come off their medications with supplements that are tailored for them.


She also says that the works with compounding pharmacies for making liquids for a safe taper.


I will see her for the first time on June 10.

Please keep me in your prayers.


I still am concerned about my original problems I had before ever going on drugs to begin with. I have problems with anxiety that has been debilitating even without drugs.

Would cognative therapy help with acute or chronic anxiety?


Thanks, will keep you posted.

Prozac 1999-2009 quit semi cold turkey.


2012 Placed on Seroquel 25 mg, Tranxene (Clorezepate) 3.75 mg 3x a day, Remeron 30 mg for anxiety/akathesia.


Weaned off Seroquel and Tranxene .to Remeron 15 Mg.

In May 2014 tried quitting Remeron at its lowest dose. Had severe withdrawals.Reinstated Remeron at 30 mg by doctor. August 5 2014 entered hospital. Doctor pulled the Remeron and bridged it to Pamelor (Nortriptyline) 40mg and Zyprexa 2.5mg.After removing the Remeron all my bad symptoms went away and I am stable.


9/11/14 - 7.5 mg tranxene, 40mg Pamelor, Zyprexa 2.5mg

12/29/14 -  20mg Pamelor, 1/6/15,  7/31/15 3.5mg, 8/10/15 3.2 mg, 9/15/15 2.2mg, 10/15/15 1.8mg

(Feb 2016 - 1.4mg Pamelor only -  OFF OF TRANXENE AND ZYPREXA SINCE DEC 2014 BENZO FREE Since 2014. Nortrityline (Pamelor) .8mg Aug 2016

March 2017 DRUG FREE

  • Administrator

Welcome, chicken.


Good to hear you found a doctor who will help you taper. Yes, you can go off Remeron. Please read this topic carefully http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/5301-tips-for-tapering-off-remeron-mirtazapine/ to discuss with your doctor.


Also, be cautious about tests that end up with recommendations for expensive supplements. Doctors mean well when they offer these tests, but the results, often based on invalid tests of "neurotransmitter levels," are bogus. If you are interested in supplements, please see our Symptoms and Self-care forum.


I have never heard of GAD as a condition requiring lifelong medication. Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) can be quite effective for it.


Are you taking any other drugs, such as a stomach acid blocker?

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.


Welcome, chicken.


Good to hear you found a doctor who will help you taper. Yes, you can go off Remeron. Please read this topic carefully http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/5301-tips-for-tapering-off-remeron-mirtazapine/ to discuss with your doctor.


Also, be cautious about tests that end up with recommendations for expensive supplements. Doctors mean well when they offer these tests, but the results, often based on invalid tests of "neurotransmitter levels," are bogus. If you are interested in supplements, please see our Symptoms and Self-care forum.


I have never heard of GAD as a condition requiring lifelong medication. Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) can be quite effective for it.


Are you taking any other drugs, such as a stomach acid blocker?

Thanks for the advice,

I will wait and see what this new doctor says.


No I'm not taking any other drugs.


My anxiety is very high now from reading all these things. I think I need to quit reading so much here now and try to recouperate before ever thinking of doing a taper. It looks that so few people ever really get better. Maybe I should just stay on the drug.

Prozac 1999-2009 quit semi cold turkey.


2012 Placed on Seroquel 25 mg, Tranxene (Clorezepate) 3.75 mg 3x a day, Remeron 30 mg for anxiety/akathesia.


Weaned off Seroquel and Tranxene .to Remeron 15 Mg.

In May 2014 tried quitting Remeron at its lowest dose. Had severe withdrawals.Reinstated Remeron at 30 mg by doctor. August 5 2014 entered hospital. Doctor pulled the Remeron and bridged it to Pamelor (Nortriptyline) 40mg and Zyprexa 2.5mg.After removing the Remeron all my bad symptoms went away and I am stable.


9/11/14 - 7.5 mg tranxene, 40mg Pamelor, Zyprexa 2.5mg

12/29/14 -  20mg Pamelor, 1/6/15,  7/31/15 3.5mg, 8/10/15 3.2 mg, 9/15/15 2.2mg, 10/15/15 1.8mg

(Feb 2016 - 1.4mg Pamelor only -  OFF OF TRANXENE AND ZYPREXA SINCE DEC 2014 BENZO FREE Since 2014. Nortrityline (Pamelor) .8mg Aug 2016

March 2017 DRUG FREE

  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi chicken


I have been on a very slow remeron taper for a number of years. I am currently dropping .1ml every six weeks or so. I am in a very functional state and have confidence that I will recover and have no need to take remeron.


I recommend you try some mindfulness practice and manage your thoughts around medication. I have gone cold turkey before and ended up in some very dark places but come through it. Patience, courage, persistence-all key virtues in withdrawal



Please note - I am not a medical practitioner and I do not give medical advice. I offer an opinion based on my own experiences, reading and discussion with others.On Effexor for 2 months at the start of 2005. Had extreme insomnia as an adverse reaction. Changed to mirtazapine. Have been trying to get off since mid 2008 with numerous failures including CTs and slow (but not slow enough tapers)Have slow tapered at 10 per cent or less for years. I have liquid mirtazapine made at a compounding chemist.

Was on 1.6 ml as at 19 March 2014.

Dropped to 1.5 ml 7 June 2014. Dropped to 1.4 in about September.

Dropped to 1.3 on 20 December 2014. Dropped to 1.2 in mid Jan 2015.

Dropped to 1 ml in late Feb 2015. I think my old medication had run out of puff so I tried 1ml when I got the new stuff and it seems to be going ok. Sleep has been good over the last week (as of 13/3/15).

Dropped to 1/2 ml 14/11/15 Fatigue still there as are memory and cognition problems. Sleep is patchy but liveable compared to what it has been in the past.


DRUG FREE - as at 1st May 2017


>My intro post is here - http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/2250-dalsaan

  • Moderator Emeritus

I would also consider the possibility that your current flares of anxiety may be due to your recent visit to the hospital, being put on meds again and then coming down off them abruptly.


It seems that many or most people who are given various psych drugs on and off over time, eventually develop an increased sensitivity to any exposure to those drugs, so this kind of thing can be disruptive and it can take quite a while for the CNS to settle back down. You may be having the kind of disruption that we see in withdrawal, which can cause flares of anxiety and other symptoms.


Also you describe recent PRN usage of tranxene. I would advise against that, for the same reason--it may have worked in the past, but taking any psych drug intermittently might, now, prove to be more disruptive than helpful overall. We generally recommend stabilizing by taking exactly the same doses of the same meds at the same time every day. 


I would recommend taking this approach right now and stabilizing before beginning your Remeron taper.


I would also be cautious about adding in supplements.  We've found that to be not especially helpful. The problem isn't so much what is or isn't in your body, as far as vitamins or whatever, the problem is that the drugs have remodeled your brain and your brain needs time and stability to heal itself.


We have not found that most people with complex histories like yours have much luck working with healthcare practitioners, be they mainstream or alternative. There are just not many of them who have experience working with people with complex psych drug histories. 


But the key is really slow tapering and listening to your body. We've had hundreds of people do well with this approach and there's no reason you can't, too. So if this doctor is willing to help you taper extremely slowly, you may do fine.


Good luck to you, let us know how it goes.

Started on Prozac and Xanax in 1992 for PTSD after an assault. One drug led to more, the usual story. Got sicker and sicker, but believed I needed the drugs for my "underlying disease". Long story...lost everything. Life savings, home, physical and mental health, relationships, friendships, ability to work, everything. Amitryptiline, Prozac, bupropion, buspirone, flurazepam, diazepam, alprazolam, Paxil, citalopram, lamotrigine, gabapentin...probably more I've forgotten. 

Started multidrug taper in Feb 2010.  Doing a very slow microtaper, down to low doses now and feeling SO much better, getting my old personality and my brain back! Able to work full time, have a full social life, and cope with stress better than ever. Not perfect, but much better. After 23 lost years. Big Pharma has a lot to answer for. And "medicine for profit" is just not a great idea.


Feb 15 2010:  300 mg Neurontin  200 Lamictal   10 Celexa      0.65 Xanax   and 5 mg Ambien 

Feb 10 2014:   62 Lamictal    1.1 Celexa         0.135 Xanax    1.8 Valium

Feb 10 2015:   50 Lamictal      0.875 Celexa    0.11 Xanax      1.5 Valium

Feb 15 2016:   47.5 Lamictal   0.75 Celexa      0.0875 Xanax    1.42 Valium    

2/12/20             12                       0.045               0.007                   1 

May 2021            7                       0.01                  0.0037                1

Feb 2022            6                      0!!!                     0.00167               0.98                2.5 mg Ambien

Oct 2022       4.5 mg Lamictal    (off Celexa, off Xanax)   0.95 Valium    Ambien, 1/4 to 1/2 of a 5 mg tablet 


I'm not a doctor. Any advice I give is just my civilian opinion.


I would also consider the possibility that your current flares of anxiety may be due to your recent visit to the hospital, being put on meds again and then coming down off them abruptly.


It seems that many or most people who are given various psych drugs on and off over time, eventually develop an increased sensitivity to any exposure to those drugs, so this kind of thing can be disruptive and it can take quite a while for the CNS to settle back down. You may be having the kind of disruption that we see in withdrawal, which can cause flares of anxiety and other symptoms.


Also you describe recent PRN usage of tranxene. I would advise against that, for the same reason--it may have worked in the past, but taking any psych drug intermittently might, now, prove to be more disruptive than helpful overall. We generally recommend stabilizing by taking exactly the same doses of the same meds at the same time every day. 


I would recommend taking this approach right now and stabilizing before beginning your Remeron taper.


I would also be cautious about adding in supplements.  We've found that to be not especially helpful. The problem isn't so much what is or isn't in your body, as far as vitamins or whatever, the problem is that the drugs have remodeled your brain and your brain needs time and stability to heal itself.


We have not found that most people with complex histories like yours have much luck working with healthcare practitioners, be they mainstream or alternative. There are just not many of them who have experience working with people with complex psych drug histories. 


But the key is really slow tapering and listening to your body. We've had hundreds of people do well with this approach and there's no reason you can't, too. So if this doctor is willing to help you taper extremely slowly, you may do fine.


Good luck to you, let us know how it goes.

Thank you Rhi,

I will stay on a stable dose of tranxene rather than just take it as needed. I take it that is what PRN means, taking it intermittently.


As for my new doctor. I will be careful. She told me that I could take a long as I needed to do a taper. However, one of my main reasons for selecting her was that she will write scripts for compouding pharmacies so I can go to  liquid form if needed. I don't think my current PD will do that because he wants me to stay on the Rememon.


You say that you've had hundreds of people do fine on a slow taper. What is that percentage? I'm scared of coming off and living these nightmare that I read on here. If the percentage is good I may take the taper plunge and do it. When you mean fine do you mean no symptoms?


I will stablilize first. I was doing so well on the remeron for about a year. I had cut from 30 to 15 to 7.5 over several months. When I went down to 3.75 and quit I the problems started within days then went crisis.  When I get ready to taper should I try to get back down to 3.75 and do the liquid from there?


Also, one of my biggest fears is what if something happens in life and I can't get the drug? Do any of you ever worry about a job lose or natural disaster which may prevent you from getting your drug for an extented period of time. How would anyone cope? I may be paranoid but what if something catastrophic happened to the U.S. and the vast majority of the population couldn't get their medications of any kind. I'm sure it would be chaos. I'm having to trust in the Lord Jesus to help me though all these what if's. If something happened and I couldn't get my drug I would get suicidal just like I did this time in withdrawal. The extreme anxiety never went away. I guess I worry to much, hence the anxiety.


I've been spending about every waking minute thinking about this drug since I got out of the hospital and it fuels the anxiety to intolerable levels. Like I said before I will stay on a regular dose of tranxene until the anxiety goes away. It may take a long time. So I may not be able to taper for a long time.

Prozac 1999-2009 quit semi cold turkey.


2012 Placed on Seroquel 25 mg, Tranxene (Clorezepate) 3.75 mg 3x a day, Remeron 30 mg for anxiety/akathesia.


Weaned off Seroquel and Tranxene .to Remeron 15 Mg.

In May 2014 tried quitting Remeron at its lowest dose. Had severe withdrawals.Reinstated Remeron at 30 mg by doctor. August 5 2014 entered hospital. Doctor pulled the Remeron and bridged it to Pamelor (Nortriptyline) 40mg and Zyprexa 2.5mg.After removing the Remeron all my bad symptoms went away and I am stable.


9/11/14 - 7.5 mg tranxene, 40mg Pamelor, Zyprexa 2.5mg

12/29/14 -  20mg Pamelor, 1/6/15,  7/31/15 3.5mg, 8/10/15 3.2 mg, 9/15/15 2.2mg, 10/15/15 1.8mg

(Feb 2016 - 1.4mg Pamelor only -  OFF OF TRANXENE AND ZYPREXA SINCE DEC 2014 BENZO FREE Since 2014. Nortrityline (Pamelor) .8mg Aug 2016

March 2017 DRUG FREE

  • Administrator

Tranxene is a benzodiazepine. Please read this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clorazepate


Benzos can cause rebound anxiety between doses, as well as other adverse effects. Please consider whether you want to become physiologically dependent on Tranxene -- if you take it regularly, you probably will have to taper it carefully to go off.


Benzos are very tricky drugs. It's best to avoid taking a benzo at all, if you can. If you must take it, take it occasionally and at the lowest effective dose. Even so, if you take it too often, you run the risk of physiological dependency.


If dealing with your medication issues causes you extreme anxiety, you need to maybe let your mind and nervous system settle for a while. YOu need to learn more about your symptoms and adverse effects of drugs. Going to the hospital when you're anxious can have adverse consequences, as they almost always dump more drugs on you regardless of side effects.


I'm sorry this is all so confusing and frightening. It's that way for all of us. Patients should not have to deal with these problems on their own, they should be able to trust doctors, but the sad truth is doctors don't understand these drugs enough to prescribe them safely, putting us all in the very scary position of having to learn what they don't know.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

  • Moderator Emeritus

The people who have the worst symptoms here are generally those who came off

drugs too fast or cold turkey. Those who do best are the ones who taper very slowly and carefully,

listening to their body and cutting only when the brain has recovered from the last cut and been stable 

for a while. Everyone is different and that is why we have to listen to our bodies.  


I once had the same anxieties about not being able to get the medications and I think the anxiety at

that time was an effect of the drugs, or withdrawal because I was going through a lot of changes at that time.

Drugs for anxiety cause more anxiety than ever in the long run. 

**I am not a medical professional, if in doubt please consult a doctor with withdrawal knowledge.



Different drugs occasionally (mostly benzos) 1976 - 1981 (no problem)

1993 - 2002 in and out of hospital. every type of drug + ECT. Staring with seroxat

2002  effexor. 

Tapered  March 2012 to March 2013, ending with 5 beads.

Withdrawal April 2013 . Reinstated 5 beads reduced to 4 beads May 2013

Restarted taper  Nov 2013  

OFF EFFEXOR Feb 2015    :D 

Tapered atenolol and omeprazole Dec 2013 - May 2014


Tapering tramadol, Feb 2015 100mg , March 2015 50mg  

 July 2017 30mg.  May 15 2018 25mg

Taking fish oil, magnesium, B12, folic acid, bilberry eyebright for eye pressure. 


My story http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/4199-hello-mammap-checking-in/page-33


Lesson learned, slow down taper at lower doses. Taper no more than 10% of CURRENT dose if possible




Tranxene is a benzodiazepine. Please read this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clorazepate


Benzos can cause rebound anxiety between doses, as well as other adverse effects. Please consider whether you want to become physiologically dependent on Tranxene -- if you take it regularly, you probably will have to taper it carefully to go off.


Benzos are very tricky drugs. It's best to avoid taking a benzo at all, if you can. If you must take it, take it occasionally and at the lowest effective dose. Even so, if you take it too often, you run the risk of physiological dependency.


If dealing with your medication issues causes you extreme anxiety, you need to maybe let your mind and nervous system settle for a while. YOu need to learn more about your symptoms and adverse effects of drugs. Going to the hospital when you're anxious can have adverse consequences, as they almost always dump more drugs on you regardless of side effects.


I'm sorry this is all so confusing and frightening. It's that way for all of us. Patients should not have to deal with these problems on their own, they should be able to trust doctors, but the sad truth is doctors don't understand these drugs enough to prescribe them safely, putting us all in the very scary position of having to learn what they don't know.

Thanks alto, My anxiety is too much so I wish to stay on tranxene for a while. I have tapered from it before. I know that means nothing.  I will have to take it for a while. I will say this though. I've had anxiety to the point I could not function even when not on a drug. I have to admit the Remeron takes the edge off. That is why I really am not sure I wish to quit medicines completely. The tranxene is the only thing working now.

Prozac 1999-2009 quit semi cold turkey.


2012 Placed on Seroquel 25 mg, Tranxene (Clorezepate) 3.75 mg 3x a day, Remeron 30 mg for anxiety/akathesia.


Weaned off Seroquel and Tranxene .to Remeron 15 Mg.

In May 2014 tried quitting Remeron at its lowest dose. Had severe withdrawals.Reinstated Remeron at 30 mg by doctor. August 5 2014 entered hospital. Doctor pulled the Remeron and bridged it to Pamelor (Nortriptyline) 40mg and Zyprexa 2.5mg.After removing the Remeron all my bad symptoms went away and I am stable.


9/11/14 - 7.5 mg tranxene, 40mg Pamelor, Zyprexa 2.5mg

12/29/14 -  20mg Pamelor, 1/6/15,  7/31/15 3.5mg, 8/10/15 3.2 mg, 9/15/15 2.2mg, 10/15/15 1.8mg

(Feb 2016 - 1.4mg Pamelor only -  OFF OF TRANXENE AND ZYPREXA SINCE DEC 2014 BENZO FREE Since 2014. Nortrityline (Pamelor) .8mg Aug 2016

March 2017 DRUG FREE


The people who have the worst symptoms here are generally those who came off

drugs too fast or cold turkey. Those who do best are the ones who taper very slowly and carefully,

listening to their body and cutting only when the brain has recovered from the last cut and been stable 

for a while. Everyone is different and that is why we have to listen to our bodies.  


I once had the same anxieties about not being able to get the medications and I think the anxiety at

that time was an effect of the drugs, or withdrawal because I was going through a lot of changes at that time.

Drugs for anxiety cause more anxiety than ever in the long run. 

mamma, it is possible that it is the effects of drugs but I've had anxiety about so many things ever since I was a child so I don't think it has always been a drug.

I'm praying for divine guidance now concerning these drugs.


Since I know that remeron is going to be my big kicker so if I'm on both isn't it best to taper the antidepressant first?



Prozac 1999-2009 quit semi cold turkey.


2012 Placed on Seroquel 25 mg, Tranxene (Clorezepate) 3.75 mg 3x a day, Remeron 30 mg for anxiety/akathesia.


Weaned off Seroquel and Tranxene .to Remeron 15 Mg.

In May 2014 tried quitting Remeron at its lowest dose. Had severe withdrawals.Reinstated Remeron at 30 mg by doctor. August 5 2014 entered hospital. Doctor pulled the Remeron and bridged it to Pamelor (Nortriptyline) 40mg and Zyprexa 2.5mg.After removing the Remeron all my bad symptoms went away and I am stable.


9/11/14 - 7.5 mg tranxene, 40mg Pamelor, Zyprexa 2.5mg

12/29/14 -  20mg Pamelor, 1/6/15,  7/31/15 3.5mg, 8/10/15 3.2 mg, 9/15/15 2.2mg, 10/15/15 1.8mg

(Feb 2016 - 1.4mg Pamelor only -  OFF OF TRANXENE AND ZYPREXA SINCE DEC 2014 BENZO FREE Since 2014. Nortrityline (Pamelor) .8mg Aug 2016

March 2017 DRUG FREE

  • Administrator

chicken, why is it you have decided to come off mirtazapine? It seems you are convinced that one way or the other, you need to be taking medication.


If the stress of tapering is going to send you to the hospital, you are not ready to taper.


I suggest you keep trying to see Dr. Johnson. You need knowledgeable help and support to make this decision.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.


chicken, why is it you have decided to come off mirtazapine? It seems you are convinced that one way or the other, you need to be taking medication.


If the stress of tapering is going to send you to the hospital, you are not ready to taper.


I suggest you keep trying to see Dr. Johnson. You need knowledgeable help and support to make this decision.

Alto, I just wanted to be med free I guess. I do not believe I'm ready. Too much anxiety about it. I still haven't heard from Dr. Johnson. I've called and called but just get his answering service.


I will keep seeking the Lord. He will let me know when I should. Divine guidance is all I have now. I feel I need the meds at the moment.


Thanks so much. I will keep you all posted. Pray for me.



Prozac 1999-2009 quit semi cold turkey.


2012 Placed on Seroquel 25 mg, Tranxene (Clorezepate) 3.75 mg 3x a day, Remeron 30 mg for anxiety/akathesia.


Weaned off Seroquel and Tranxene .to Remeron 15 Mg.

In May 2014 tried quitting Remeron at its lowest dose. Had severe withdrawals.Reinstated Remeron at 30 mg by doctor. August 5 2014 entered hospital. Doctor pulled the Remeron and bridged it to Pamelor (Nortriptyline) 40mg and Zyprexa 2.5mg.After removing the Remeron all my bad symptoms went away and I am stable.


9/11/14 - 7.5 mg tranxene, 40mg Pamelor, Zyprexa 2.5mg

12/29/14 -  20mg Pamelor, 1/6/15,  7/31/15 3.5mg, 8/10/15 3.2 mg, 9/15/15 2.2mg, 10/15/15 1.8mg

(Feb 2016 - 1.4mg Pamelor only -  OFF OF TRANXENE AND ZYPREXA SINCE DEC 2014 BENZO FREE Since 2014. Nortrityline (Pamelor) .8mg Aug 2016

March 2017 DRUG FREE


Hi Chicken,

 I completely understand how you feel! I take 7.5mgs of Mirtazapine. I also would love to come off the AD, but at the same time I am really scared! I suffer from really bad anxiety like your self and I too worry about how I will cope coming off the medication. I am seeing my doctor tomorrow and planning to come off the medication. You know your self the best and do what you think is the best for you. I wish you all the best.



November 2013- Zoloft, ( Bad reaction).

January 2014 - March 2014 Seroquel.( Quit Cold Turkey).

January2014- Mirtazapine, I was taking 15mg at one stage, reduced to 7.5mg, Pgad reactions to Mirtazapine. Doctor kept increasing it to 37.5mg, until July 2014. No improvement, experiencing panic attacks, on 37.5 mg. I had enough by October 2014. Began tapering.

October 2014- Started tapering Mirtazapine from 37.5mg.

September 2015- Down to 4mg of Mirtazapine. Crashed.

September 16th- Up dosed to 5mg. Held this dose for almost 5 months. Stabilised.

February 2016- Began tapering again. From 5mg to 4.5mg of Mirtazapine. (Rocking the boat, again)! Lol. :(


THanks All!


I got the call from the nurse at Dr. Johnson's office yesterday. This July he is taking new patients for withdrawal. He has trained under Dr. Peter Breggin and withdrawal his is specialty. He also has group therepies for people withdrawing.

I 'm so encouraged. I've have an appt. with him now.

Please check him out at http://danieljohnsonmd.com/ if you live in the NC/TN area.


Check out this news article about him



Mods if you like him maybe we can add him to the doctor thread.


Thanks so much guys, for the first time in a long time I see a light at the end of a tunnel. I knew the Lord Jesus would open a door. Just a hope makes me feel better.


I will keep you posted.

Prozac 1999-2009 quit semi cold turkey.


2012 Placed on Seroquel 25 mg, Tranxene (Clorezepate) 3.75 mg 3x a day, Remeron 30 mg for anxiety/akathesia.


Weaned off Seroquel and Tranxene .to Remeron 15 Mg.

In May 2014 tried quitting Remeron at its lowest dose. Had severe withdrawals.Reinstated Remeron at 30 mg by doctor. August 5 2014 entered hospital. Doctor pulled the Remeron and bridged it to Pamelor (Nortriptyline) 40mg and Zyprexa 2.5mg.After removing the Remeron all my bad symptoms went away and I am stable.


9/11/14 - 7.5 mg tranxene, 40mg Pamelor, Zyprexa 2.5mg

12/29/14 -  20mg Pamelor, 1/6/15,  7/31/15 3.5mg, 8/10/15 3.2 mg, 9/15/15 2.2mg, 10/15/15 1.8mg

(Feb 2016 - 1.4mg Pamelor only -  OFF OF TRANXENE AND ZYPREXA SINCE DEC 2014 BENZO FREE Since 2014. Nortrityline (Pamelor) .8mg Aug 2016

March 2017 DRUG FREE

  • Moderator Emeritus

Glad you have an appointment at last Chicken and hope that Dr Johnson can help you.

He sounds very clued up on withdrawal which is a refreshing change! 


Let us know how you get on wont you? And it would be interesting to see what he recommends if

you dont mind sharing  :)

**I am not a medical professional, if in doubt please consult a doctor with withdrawal knowledge.



Different drugs occasionally (mostly benzos) 1976 - 1981 (no problem)

1993 - 2002 in and out of hospital. every type of drug + ECT. Staring with seroxat

2002  effexor. 

Tapered  March 2012 to March 2013, ending with 5 beads.

Withdrawal April 2013 . Reinstated 5 beads reduced to 4 beads May 2013

Restarted taper  Nov 2013  

OFF EFFEXOR Feb 2015    :D 

Tapered atenolol and omeprazole Dec 2013 - May 2014


Tapering tramadol, Feb 2015 100mg , March 2015 50mg  

 July 2017 30mg.  May 15 2018 25mg

Taking fish oil, magnesium, B12, folic acid, bilberry eyebright for eye pressure. 


My story http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/4199-hello-mammap-checking-in/page-33


Lesson learned, slow down taper at lower doses. Taper no more than 10% of CURRENT dose if possible



  • Administrator

chicken, please add what you know about Dr. Johnson to this topic http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/988-recommended-doctors-therapists-or-clinics/

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All,

Still anxiously waiting for my July appt. with Dr. Johnson.

Currently still on 15mg remeron.


I scared myself by reading this article from Dr. Shipko about some withdrawals being permenant.


I see altostrata posted on this article. Do you all think Dr. Shipko is dealing with a very small minority or is the more than we think?


Does anyone here know of truly successful withdrawal from Remeron.


Forgive me for obsessing over this too much.

Prozac 1999-2009 quit semi cold turkey.


2012 Placed on Seroquel 25 mg, Tranxene (Clorezepate) 3.75 mg 3x a day, Remeron 30 mg for anxiety/akathesia.


Weaned off Seroquel and Tranxene .to Remeron 15 Mg.

In May 2014 tried quitting Remeron at its lowest dose. Had severe withdrawals.Reinstated Remeron at 30 mg by doctor. August 5 2014 entered hospital. Doctor pulled the Remeron and bridged it to Pamelor (Nortriptyline) 40mg and Zyprexa 2.5mg.After removing the Remeron all my bad symptoms went away and I am stable.


9/11/14 - 7.5 mg tranxene, 40mg Pamelor, Zyprexa 2.5mg

12/29/14 -  20mg Pamelor, 1/6/15,  7/31/15 3.5mg, 8/10/15 3.2 mg, 9/15/15 2.2mg, 10/15/15 1.8mg

(Feb 2016 - 1.4mg Pamelor only -  OFF OF TRANXENE AND ZYPREXA SINCE DEC 2014 BENZO FREE Since 2014. Nortrityline (Pamelor) .8mg Aug 2016

March 2017 DRUG FREE

  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi Chicken


I have been on Remeron for nearly 10 years after a brief but awful experience with Effexor.  I tried to come of a number of times, including cold turkey.  I ended up in a pretty bad way.


I have been slow tapering on liquid for a couple of years now.  I am down to 1.5 ml and would consider myself as being successful up to this point.  I work full time.  I have recovered my sense of humour and many of my pre drug interests.   I go out.   I  have made new friends.  I have learnt how to manage my wellbeing and feel confident in my capacity to do so.   I did this by learning how to withdraw safely (from this site) and how to manage symptoms without drugs (from this site and others as well as books/videos/therapy etc)


I think Shipko is talking about a very small minority (and I have doubts even then).  


It absolutely can be done.



Please note - I am not a medical practitioner and I do not give medical advice. I offer an opinion based on my own experiences, reading and discussion with others.On Effexor for 2 months at the start of 2005. Had extreme insomnia as an adverse reaction. Changed to mirtazapine. Have been trying to get off since mid 2008 with numerous failures including CTs and slow (but not slow enough tapers)Have slow tapered at 10 per cent or less for years. I have liquid mirtazapine made at a compounding chemist.

Was on 1.6 ml as at 19 March 2014.

Dropped to 1.5 ml 7 June 2014. Dropped to 1.4 in about September.

Dropped to 1.3 on 20 December 2014. Dropped to 1.2 in mid Jan 2015.

Dropped to 1 ml in late Feb 2015. I think my old medication had run out of puff so I tried 1ml when I got the new stuff and it seems to be going ok. Sleep has been good over the last week (as of 13/3/15).

Dropped to 1/2 ml 14/11/15 Fatigue still there as are memory and cognition problems. Sleep is patchy but liveable compared to what it has been in the past.


DRUG FREE - as at 1st May 2017


>My intro post is here - http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/2250-dalsaan


Thanks Dalsaan,

It seems that more people can't come off it than can from what I read.


Do you think this is true.


I"m afraid of the permanent akathesia so many talk about. What percentage of the people do you know get the akathesia when withdrawing, is it a lot?

Prozac 1999-2009 quit semi cold turkey.


2012 Placed on Seroquel 25 mg, Tranxene (Clorezepate) 3.75 mg 3x a day, Remeron 30 mg for anxiety/akathesia.


Weaned off Seroquel and Tranxene .to Remeron 15 Mg.

In May 2014 tried quitting Remeron at its lowest dose. Had severe withdrawals.Reinstated Remeron at 30 mg by doctor. August 5 2014 entered hospital. Doctor pulled the Remeron and bridged it to Pamelor (Nortriptyline) 40mg and Zyprexa 2.5mg.After removing the Remeron all my bad symptoms went away and I am stable.


9/11/14 - 7.5 mg tranxene, 40mg Pamelor, Zyprexa 2.5mg

12/29/14 -  20mg Pamelor, 1/6/15,  7/31/15 3.5mg, 8/10/15 3.2 mg, 9/15/15 2.2mg, 10/15/15 1.8mg

(Feb 2016 - 1.4mg Pamelor only -  OFF OF TRANXENE AND ZYPREXA SINCE DEC 2014 BENZO FREE Since 2014. Nortrityline (Pamelor) .8mg Aug 2016

March 2017 DRUG FREE

  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi chicken


I don't know the percentages of people who suffer from the things you are worried about. To be honest they wouldn't be valid anyway because withdrawal outcomes are significantly impacted by the very poor withdrawal advice given by doctors. So the outcomes reflect poor withdrawal practices rather than the the destiny of people with withdrawal.


You have a choice about what you believe in. I suggest you invest your energy exploring the experience of people that have succeeded rather than this who haven't.



Please note - I am not a medical practitioner and I do not give medical advice. I offer an opinion based on my own experiences, reading and discussion with others.On Effexor for 2 months at the start of 2005. Had extreme insomnia as an adverse reaction. Changed to mirtazapine. Have been trying to get off since mid 2008 with numerous failures including CTs and slow (but not slow enough tapers)Have slow tapered at 10 per cent or less for years. I have liquid mirtazapine made at a compounding chemist.

Was on 1.6 ml as at 19 March 2014.

Dropped to 1.5 ml 7 June 2014. Dropped to 1.4 in about September.

Dropped to 1.3 on 20 December 2014. Dropped to 1.2 in mid Jan 2015.

Dropped to 1 ml in late Feb 2015. I think my old medication had run out of puff so I tried 1ml when I got the new stuff and it seems to be going ok. Sleep has been good over the last week (as of 13/3/15).

Dropped to 1/2 ml 14/11/15 Fatigue still there as are memory and cognition problems. Sleep is patchy but liveable compared to what it has been in the past.


DRUG FREE - as at 1st May 2017


>My intro post is here - http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/2250-dalsaan

  • Moderator Emeritus

Hello Chicken,


It may surprise you but I don't think anyone has ever done such studies to come up with the data you are asking about. I firmly believe that we can all come off all medication if we find the way that works for us and allow our brains enough time to regrow and recover. I also firmly believe in the ability of our brains to heal. All disaster stories are for me just stories of rushed tapers. there are no general rules. The only rule is that you have to learn how to listen to your CNS and act accordingly. 


You may want to read the post from 14 May on the thread here: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/603-what-is-antidepressant-withdrawal-syndrome/


Although you say that you weaned off drugs in the past without withdrawal, it's very likely that those experiences have made your CNS sensitised to future changes in drugs. It doesn't mean you can't come off Remeron. It just means you will have to go very, very slowly. Much slower than you can imagine it possible at the moment. When I first came here I couldn't believe that it was possible to reduce your doses by as little as 3 or 1 % but it is and I'm doing it now ;)


I would also rather read positive stories to avoid negative programming. We have a lot of stories here of people who were unsuccessful in tapering because we were going faster than our CNS could adapt. but once we slowed down, we are feeling a lot better.


You can do it too.





Current: 9/2022 Xanax 0.08, Lexapro 2

2020 Xanax 0.26 (down from 2 mg in 2013), Lexapro 2.85 mg (down from 5 mg 2013)

Amitriptyline (tricyclic AD) and clonazepam for 3 months to treat headache in 1996 
1999. - present Xanax prn up to 3 mg.
2000-2005 Prozac CT twice, 2005-2010 Zoloft CT 3 times, 2010-2013 Escitalopram 10 mg
went from 2.5 to zero on 7 Aug 2013, bad crash 40 days after
reinstated to 5 mg Escitalopram 4Oct 2013 and holding liquid Xanax every 5 hours
28 Jan 2014 Xanax 1.9, 18 Apr  2015 1 mg,  25 June 2015 Lex 4.8, 6 Aug Lexapro 4.6, 1 Jan 2016 0.64  Xanax     9 month hold

24 Sept 2016 4.5 Lex, 17 Oct 4.4 Lex (Nov 0.63 Xanax, Dec 0.625 Xanax), 1 Jan 2017 4.3 Lex, 24 Jan 4.2, 5 Feb 4.1, 24 Mar 4 mg, 10 Apr 3.9 mg, May 3.85, June 3.8, July 3.75, 22 July 3.7, 15 Aug 3.65, 17 Sept 3.6, 1 Jan 2018 3.55, 19 Jan 3.5, 16 Mar 3.4, 14 Apr 3.3, 23 May 3.2, 16 June 3.15, 15 Jul 3.1, 31 Jul 3, 21 Aug 2.9 26 Sept 2.85, 14 Nov Xan 0.61, 1 Dec 0.59, 19 Dec 0.58, 4 Jan 0.565, 6 Feb 0.55, 20 Feb 0.535, 1 Mar 0.505, 10 Mar 0.475, 14 Mar 0.45, 4 Apr 0.415, 13 Apr 0.37, 21 Apr 0.33, 29 Apr 0.29, 10 May 0.27, 17 May 0.25, 28 May 0.22, 19 June 0.22, 21 Jun updose to 0.24, 24 Jun updose to 0.26

Supplements: Omega 3 + Vit E, Vit C, D, magnesium, Taurine, probiotic 

I'm not a medical professional. Any advice I give is based on my own experience and reading. 

  • Moderator Emeritus

Dalsaan and I were writing at the same time and basically said the same thing although Dalsaan didn't need that many words as me :)


This is yet another thread which could make you more optimistic about your future: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/2761-neuroplasticity-and-limbic-retraining/

Current: 9/2022 Xanax 0.08, Lexapro 2

2020 Xanax 0.26 (down from 2 mg in 2013), Lexapro 2.85 mg (down from 5 mg 2013)

Amitriptyline (tricyclic AD) and clonazepam for 3 months to treat headache in 1996 
1999. - present Xanax prn up to 3 mg.
2000-2005 Prozac CT twice, 2005-2010 Zoloft CT 3 times, 2010-2013 Escitalopram 10 mg
went from 2.5 to zero on 7 Aug 2013, bad crash 40 days after
reinstated to 5 mg Escitalopram 4Oct 2013 and holding liquid Xanax every 5 hours
28 Jan 2014 Xanax 1.9, 18 Apr  2015 1 mg,  25 June 2015 Lex 4.8, 6 Aug Lexapro 4.6, 1 Jan 2016 0.64  Xanax     9 month hold

24 Sept 2016 4.5 Lex, 17 Oct 4.4 Lex (Nov 0.63 Xanax, Dec 0.625 Xanax), 1 Jan 2017 4.3 Lex, 24 Jan 4.2, 5 Feb 4.1, 24 Mar 4 mg, 10 Apr 3.9 mg, May 3.85, June 3.8, July 3.75, 22 July 3.7, 15 Aug 3.65, 17 Sept 3.6, 1 Jan 2018 3.55, 19 Jan 3.5, 16 Mar 3.4, 14 Apr 3.3, 23 May 3.2, 16 June 3.15, 15 Jul 3.1, 31 Jul 3, 21 Aug 2.9 26 Sept 2.85, 14 Nov Xan 0.61, 1 Dec 0.59, 19 Dec 0.58, 4 Jan 0.565, 6 Feb 0.55, 20 Feb 0.535, 1 Mar 0.505, 10 Mar 0.475, 14 Mar 0.45, 4 Apr 0.415, 13 Apr 0.37, 21 Apr 0.33, 29 Apr 0.29, 10 May 0.27, 17 May 0.25, 28 May 0.22, 19 June 0.22, 21 Jun updose to 0.24, 24 Jun updose to 0.26

Supplements: Omega 3 + Vit E, Vit C, D, magnesium, Taurine, probiotic 

I'm not a medical professional. Any advice I give is based on my own experience and reading. 


Hi chicken


I don't know the percentages of people who suffer from the things you are worried about. To be honest they wouldn't be valid anyway because withdrawal outcomes are significantly impacted by the very poor withdrawal advice given by doctors. So the outcomes reflect poor withdrawal practices rather than the the destiny of people with withdrawal.


You have a choice about what you believe in. I suggest you invest your energy exploring the experience of people that have succeeded rather than this who haven't.




That is what's so scary there has isn't enough information on remeron to know what really can happen with it.

Dr. Shipko and Peter Breggin even believe that for some it is impossible to get off the medication.

I just wish there was a way to know before I begin this journey. I don't want to be messed up permanently.

I don't think anyone I've read had been able to fully recover their sleep after remeron.

Prozac 1999-2009 quit semi cold turkey.


2012 Placed on Seroquel 25 mg, Tranxene (Clorezepate) 3.75 mg 3x a day, Remeron 30 mg for anxiety/akathesia.


Weaned off Seroquel and Tranxene .to Remeron 15 Mg.

In May 2014 tried quitting Remeron at its lowest dose. Had severe withdrawals.Reinstated Remeron at 30 mg by doctor. August 5 2014 entered hospital. Doctor pulled the Remeron and bridged it to Pamelor (Nortriptyline) 40mg and Zyprexa 2.5mg.After removing the Remeron all my bad symptoms went away and I am stable.


9/11/14 - 7.5 mg tranxene, 40mg Pamelor, Zyprexa 2.5mg

12/29/14 -  20mg Pamelor, 1/6/15,  7/31/15 3.5mg, 8/10/15 3.2 mg, 9/15/15 2.2mg, 10/15/15 1.8mg

(Feb 2016 - 1.4mg Pamelor only -  OFF OF TRANXENE AND ZYPREXA SINCE DEC 2014 BENZO FREE Since 2014. Nortrityline (Pamelor) .8mg Aug 2016

March 2017 DRUG FREE

  • Administrator

Welcome, chicken.


Many, many more people can come off drugs with no impairment than the tiny minority Dr. Shipko is talking about. Please use search on this site to see our discussions about Dr. Shipko's statements.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.


I made the mistake of not getting off this drug years ago when I knew I was much worse on it. I too was scared of withdrawals but its pooped-out on me and its an awful state to be in. Some people never poop-out. I'm in no way trying to scare you but long term antidepressant use in my eyes in much more harmful than getting off. Why wait another 10 years?

2008 - Doctors appointment with stress induced anxiety led to Citalopram prescription.

Severe adverse reaction

Mirtazapine prescribed - adverse reaction but told to stay on.

Poop out - December 2013


Currently on 13.5mg,

April 12mg

May 10th - 11mg

June 10th - 10mg

July 8th - 9mg

September - 0mg


Hi all Thanks.


I've had so much anxiety over whether or not to get off this drug and all I've found are horror stories about my particular drug. Two people have akathasia from it over on the paxil progress site. Most people with akthasia commit suicide because it is incurable and is caused a lot by withdrawal.


I've been in so much anxiety that my boss put me on light duty at work until I can see Dr. Johnson in July. I"m been praying to the Lord for his guidance and he keeps letting me know to just trust Him.


Muddles, so far it hasn't pooped out on me and does help with my anxiety. My natural anxiety can be so overwhelming as to make me suicidal even without a drug. Had this before starting a drug. Prozac was the best thing I ever had for anxiety but I stopped it. Maybe I shouldn't have because I can't take SSRI's anymore.

So I really don't know what to do. Remeron does help, even though I hate taking it.  If I stop taking the drug my anxiety could be debiliating again.


Astro, thanks for your input on Dr. Shipko. I hope he is so wrong. I've heard of people suffering for years. I just don't think I could hold out for years.


Keep praying for me that when I do withdraw my symptoms will be short. I've heard Remeron/Mirtazipine is a nasty drug to withdraw from.

Prozac 1999-2009 quit semi cold turkey.


2012 Placed on Seroquel 25 mg, Tranxene (Clorezepate) 3.75 mg 3x a day, Remeron 30 mg for anxiety/akathesia.


Weaned off Seroquel and Tranxene .to Remeron 15 Mg.

In May 2014 tried quitting Remeron at its lowest dose. Had severe withdrawals.Reinstated Remeron at 30 mg by doctor. August 5 2014 entered hospital. Doctor pulled the Remeron and bridged it to Pamelor (Nortriptyline) 40mg and Zyprexa 2.5mg.After removing the Remeron all my bad symptoms went away and I am stable.


9/11/14 - 7.5 mg tranxene, 40mg Pamelor, Zyprexa 2.5mg

12/29/14 -  20mg Pamelor, 1/6/15,  7/31/15 3.5mg, 8/10/15 3.2 mg, 9/15/15 2.2mg, 10/15/15 1.8mg

(Feb 2016 - 1.4mg Pamelor only -  OFF OF TRANXENE AND ZYPREXA SINCE DEC 2014 BENZO FREE Since 2014. Nortrityline (Pamelor) .8mg Aug 2016

March 2017 DRUG FREE

  • Moderator Emeritus

it is no more or less nastier than any other AD.   Getting off any of them well requires patience, courage, determination and maturity.   These things are what make you able to persist, to make good decisions, to speak back to fears/anxieties, to stop when you need to, to listen to your body etc.   


At the moment I see you as investing very heavily in worst case scenarios.   This reproduces anxiety and makes withdrawal very difficult. 



Please note - I am not a medical practitioner and I do not give medical advice. I offer an opinion based on my own experiences, reading and discussion with others.On Effexor for 2 months at the start of 2005. Had extreme insomnia as an adverse reaction. Changed to mirtazapine. Have been trying to get off since mid 2008 with numerous failures including CTs and slow (but not slow enough tapers)Have slow tapered at 10 per cent or less for years. I have liquid mirtazapine made at a compounding chemist.

Was on 1.6 ml as at 19 March 2014.

Dropped to 1.5 ml 7 June 2014. Dropped to 1.4 in about September.

Dropped to 1.3 on 20 December 2014. Dropped to 1.2 in mid Jan 2015.

Dropped to 1 ml in late Feb 2015. I think my old medication had run out of puff so I tried 1ml when I got the new stuff and it seems to be going ok. Sleep has been good over the last week (as of 13/3/15).

Dropped to 1/2 ml 14/11/15 Fatigue still there as are memory and cognition problems. Sleep is patchy but liveable compared to what it has been in the past.


DRUG FREE - as at 1st May 2017


>My intro post is here - http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/2250-dalsaan

  • Administrator

Akathisia goes away on its own. This can take quite a while, but it does go away.


You will need to find the strength to take care of yourself while you are tapering. If you do not have that confidence in yourself, perhaps you should not taper at this time.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi all Thanks.


I've had so much anxiety over whether or not to get off this drug and all I've found are horror stories about my particular drug. Two people have akathasia from it over on the paxil progress site. Most people with akthasia commit suicide because it is incurable and is caused a lot by withdrawal.


I've been in so much anxiety that my boss put me on light duty at work until I can see Dr. Johnson in July. I"m been praying to the Lord for his guidance and he keeps letting me know to just trust Him.


Muddles, so far it hasn't pooped out on me and does help with my anxiety. My natural anxiety can be so overwhelming as to make me suicidal even without a drug. Had this before starting a drug. Prozac was the best thing I ever had for anxiety but I stopped it. Maybe I shouldn't have because I can't take SSRI's anymore.

So I really don't know what to do. Remeron does help, even though I hate taking it.  If I stop taking the drug my anxiety could be debiliating again.


Astro, thanks for your input on Dr. Shipko. I hope he is so wrong. I've heard of people suffering for years. I just don't think I could hold out for years.


Keep praying for me that when I do withdraw my symptoms will be short. I've heard Remeron/Mirtazipine is a nasty drug to withdraw from.


I don't know where you got the idea that akathisia is incurable.  Wherever, that's dead wrong.  Some people experience it and some don't, and those who do seem to have it mostly at the beginning of withdrawal. It lets up over time.


As for Dr. Shipko, please keep in mind that nearly all of his experience has been with the benzodiazepines (Valium, Xanax, et cetera) rather than SSRI antidepressants or Remeron, which is a very strong antihistamine. I'm not sure about Dr. Breggins' background, but it's always true that medical opinion is nothing more than an educated opinion.  It isn't fact, and there are astonishing cases where doctors have been altogether wrong.


Contrary to popular thought, the brain remains capable of change and repair for as long as we live.  Here's a book about some astounding recoveries from serious medical conditions - The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science -  and there are others. And since I see that you're a believer, you know very well that God can do anything, including miracles that defy all human "science". I recently read a book by a woman who went blind at the age of fifteen (from Retinitis Pigmentosa), who was puzzled that God hadn't healed her, when she knew another woman with the same condition who could see despite having the same condition. In other words, the latter woman could see even though her retinas were completely deteriorated. That makes no sense in terms of human-created science, but it was a real phenomenon.


I suspect that at least some of your anxiety is due to being on and off a variety of psychiatric drugs over the years. This sensitizes the nervous system beyond where you started and it takes a great deal of time to heal.  I've always been an anxious person myself, but surprisingly, withdrawal has somehow made me better able to cope with my worries. Perhaps it was the experience of going through an awful withdrawal with my only "rock" being the knowledge that I was in God's hands and having the experience for His reasons.


I do agree with Alto about not tapering at this time if you don't feel up to it. Listening to one's body during withdrawal is very, very important. You will, however, be able to get off the stuff when you're ready and most likely with no permanent damage done. We have cases of people with much worse drug histories than your who have completely recovered: Recovery Success Stories

Psychotropic drug history: Pristiq 50 mg. (mid-September 2010 through February 2011), Remeron (mid-September 2010 through January 2011), Lexapro 10 mg. (mid-February 2011 through mid-December 2011), Lorazepam (Ativan) 1 mg. as needed mid-September 2010 through early March 2012

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." -Hanlon's Razor

Introduction: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/1588-introducing-jemima/


Success Story: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/6263-success-jemima-survives-lexapro-and-dr-dickhead-too/

Please note that I am not a medical professional and my advice is based on personal experience, reading, and anecdotal information posted by other sufferers.


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