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Eckhart Tolle: The Pain Body and Mental suffering during withdrawal


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I read Eckhart Tolle's books, The Power of Now and A New Earth, shortly after my oldest daughter passed on in 2007 due to suicide. (I have recently realized she probably became suicidal due to the introduction of several different antidepressants over a short period of time.) Those books and Eckhart's lectures saved my life and sanity.  I also began to meditate and practice acceptance. I highly recommend this material for coping with withdrawal symptoms, if you can wrap your mind around them--and I can understand if sometimes that is just too hard to do. But it is great stuff. Acceptance is key; when you accept suffering, it is no longer suffering but instead is pain. There is a difference. Suffering is a rejection of what is; pain is just pain. I know--it's easy to say and hard to do.

I have also found Tolle's works and those by many other wisdom teachers extremely valuable in my recovery from these meds.

My decision to drop them came during a shift in consciousness while studying the teachings. It was a decision that seemed almost thrust upon me. I realized that the pain body was being released through awakening, and the psych drugs were, and had been, masking the painful emotions that were seeking release. Stopping the meds was, in a direct way, opening the flood gates for the painful (pain body) emotions to surface and be felt and transmuted. That and many other changes began occurring, none of which I was the doer or initiater (spirit moving in my life).

I was not aware, however, that the psych meds would have there own "timeline" for clearing, or that there was a biological dynamic at work, playing out "in time". I was interpreting my emotional shifts and explosive expressions as having some bearing on my life circumstances and being a meaningful response to my decisions and experiences. Thankfully I found this forum about a year later when the worst of the withdrawals were wreaking havoc in my life. Now I see things much more clearly, and it has made a huge difference in how I respond to my emotions. I also see the spiritual element of my recovery more clearly as a new awareness and understanding of life emerges. As my emotions "clean-up" and reset I have noticed that when they come up now, with less intensity but nonetheless distinguishable, they are felt quite differently than before. I feel them in a way I never felt them before. I think that can only be a sign healthy recovery. I hope others are finding peace and clarity through there recovery experiences.


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