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Hi, i was wondering if someone had tested Rikkunshito?

It is a japanese remedy.

I have read it could help in hunger (ghrelin, anorexia) and digestive problems.


but i don't know what to think about for using it after an antidepressant withdrawal.


i don't understand if there is/what is the risk.

Because if it works...perhaps it works because it is a natural SSRI? (and modulate the brain like an SSRI)

but perhaps it is just another mechanism of action and it could help us?



(i am french)

1998 prazépam, citalopram /1999 paroxetine prazepam /2000 paroxétine /2001venafaxine, alprazolam, clomipramine * 2002 (dont remember)/2003 clomipramine, alprazolam /2004 clomipramine /2005 alprazolam /2006(dont remember) * 2007citalopram, alprazolam, prazépam, venlafaxine /2008(dont remember) /2009 venlafaxine /2010 venlafaxine *All precedent withdrawal were very fast. I tried many times to stop but didn't know what happened. *2011 mirtazapine (22,5 mg) , norset , risperdal (cold turkey for risperdal and norset, analysis by doctor say that my body does not support and i was in danger) /2012 mirtazapine / 2013 mirtazapine  *october 2014 mirtazapine (15mg) - putting down slowly.   *when i was good for one month i  down 1ml. (1ml of 100ml of water in which there was 1 pill of 15mg of mirtazapine. At the end i remove 1ml of 50ml of water but with 0,5 pill it does the same concentration.) (i down more like "how i feel, because at the beginning i had a calendar tapping 10% every 15 days and i was really bad, so i decided to see one month and after if i was trust in my body, i remove 10% of the dose at the beginning; and at the end i remove 1ml (when the 10% was lower than 1ml). It was more how i feel. (it is just the last 1 ml that i remove rapidly because i think i was attached mentally and i need to break. and 1ml of 50ml of 15/2mg is just 1ml correspond to 0.15mg. ).  -juillet 2017 stop all. 

nov 2017 tetany and gastritis. I found "euphytose", "spasmine", "phyto-stress" from Govital(the more efficient if crisis because more concentrated)  efficient. If very bad i take valerian extract 1000mg (stop crisis). 

january 2022: I survive. Still having no hunger sensation.

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SA suggests caution if you decide to try something new.  It is better to start with a small test dose to see how you react.  Also, only make one change at a time, otherwise you won't know what helped/caused an issue.





MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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yes. thank you for the link.

(i am french)

1998 prazépam, citalopram /1999 paroxetine prazepam /2000 paroxétine /2001venafaxine, alprazolam, clomipramine * 2002 (dont remember)/2003 clomipramine, alprazolam /2004 clomipramine /2005 alprazolam /2006(dont remember) * 2007citalopram, alprazolam, prazépam, venlafaxine /2008(dont remember) /2009 venlafaxine /2010 venlafaxine *All precedent withdrawal were very fast. I tried many times to stop but didn't know what happened. *2011 mirtazapine (22,5 mg) , norset , risperdal (cold turkey for risperdal and norset, analysis by doctor say that my body does not support and i was in danger) /2012 mirtazapine / 2013 mirtazapine  *october 2014 mirtazapine (15mg) - putting down slowly.   *when i was good for one month i  down 1ml. (1ml of 100ml of water in which there was 1 pill of 15mg of mirtazapine. At the end i remove 1ml of 50ml of water but with 0,5 pill it does the same concentration.) (i down more like "how i feel, because at the beginning i had a calendar tapping 10% every 15 days and i was really bad, so i decided to see one month and after if i was trust in my body, i remove 10% of the dose at the beginning; and at the end i remove 1ml (when the 10% was lower than 1ml). It was more how i feel. (it is just the last 1 ml that i remove rapidly because i think i was attached mentally and i need to break. and 1ml of 50ml of 15/2mg is just 1ml correspond to 0.15mg. ).  -juillet 2017 stop all. 

nov 2017 tetany and gastritis. I found "euphytose", "spasmine", "phyto-stress" from Govital(the more efficient if crisis because more concentrated)  efficient. If very bad i take valerian extract 1000mg (stop crisis). 

january 2022: I survive. Still having no hunger sensation.

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With this topic in mind, are those of us who are relying on supplements doing ourselves a disservice? Do we need to go through the deep suffering in order to allow our brains to heal? Or is it maybe ok to lean on supplements for awhile and then plan to get off of them when we can? As I posted in my intro update recently, I'm on a wide array of supplements. They're helping a LOT. I've tested getting off of some of them, but it's miserable. I got off from meds fairly quickly after being on them for close to 20 years. I have a feeling that I'd be hospitalized or dead right now without these supplements. 5HTP, Pregnenolone, and Physophatydylserine are the ones that I can't seem to function without. Hoping that they're helping my brain to heal and not just acting as a band-aid.  

-SSRIs starting at age 16 - around 1996. Tried just about every one available for a period of a few years. Stabilized on Zoloft. Have been on it since about 2003.
-Added .5mg Haldol for Tourette's and OCD in 2005
-Tapered in fall/winter of 2012, got off of Zoloft completely. Think I went too fast. Long term withdrawal symptoms persisted for months, to the point that I went back to a 100mg dose.
-Found this site, tapered using the 10% plan in 2015. It was really rough. Went back on Zoloft at 100mg.
-Found a great therapist in 2017, learned new self care skills. Started tapering again. Got down to 50mg Zoloft, .4mg Haldol by late 2017 (? - memories a little fuzzy these days)
- Taper got rough again. Held dose at 50mg Zoloft, .4mg Haldol through early 2018. Wife had a baby. Was putting in a lot of hours at work. Had a "poop out". Brain fog, debilitating fatigue, and the works.
- Consulted with a health coach who specializes in mental health and psychiatric drug withdrawal. Developed a plan that involved hormones and supplements. Did a fairly rapid taper on Zoloft and Haldol over the course of 1 year. Felt awful, but it was manageable with the help of the hormones/supplements and frequent visits to my therapist. Psychiatric drug free as of 4/2020. I have about 10 months off of Haldol now, and 6 months off of Zoloft. Battling long term, protracted withdrawal symptoms, and going through h*ll, but so far I've managed to (just barely) keep my high paying job and maintain my relationship with my wife. (Updated 10/2020)
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To search for individual supplements/vitamins/treatments use a search engine and add


                      site: survivingantidepressants.org


to the search term.


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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On 10/15/2020 at 10:58 AM, Michigan said:

With this topic in mind, are those of us who are relying on supplements doing ourselves a disservice? Do we need to go through the deep suffering in order to allow our brains to heal? Or is it maybe ok to lean on supplements for awhile and then plan to get off of them when we can? As I posted in my intro update recently, I'm on a wide array of supplements. They're helping a LOT. I've tested getting off of some of them, but it's miserable. I got off from meds fairly quickly after being on them for close to 20 years. I have a feeling that I'd be hospitalized or dead right now without these supplements. 5HTP, Pregnenolone, and Physophatydylserine are the ones that I can't seem to function without. Hoping that they're helping my brain to heal and not just acting as a band-aid.  


I think some supplements are okay and actually beneficial.  My thinking is that the "deep suffering" can be hurtful.  Insomnia has a proven negative health impact.  It's also known that depression is associated with brain damage for instance. I feel it too -- once I've had a slew of depressive thoughts, it takes quite a while to recover and stop ruminating on them.


I would be careful with 5-htp and pregnenolone, however.  I have read about withdrawal syndromes from both of those, in many ways similar to SSRI withdrawal.  Phosphatidylserine is found in certain foods, so I'm less concerned about it

1997-2019 Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Celexa, Effexor, Serzone, Wellbutrin, Amitryptiline, Mirtazapine, Lexapro (mostly, 10-20mg)

Jan 16-Feb 2019 Fast tapered Lexapro after spontaneous kundalini syndrome 

Feb-Jul Used various herbs to deal with severe anxiety (bacopa, gotu kola)

Sept 2019 Developed histamine intolerance and daily panic

Currently taking high DHA fish oil, magnesium.  Occasionally l-ornithine, l-lysine, l-glycine, melatonin for sleep.  Dayvigo for sleep, and l-thp or seroquel (haven't settled on dose) for sleep when in sleep deprivation crisis


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