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help lorilynne


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I am really bad from several issues. Three years ago I was put on xanax for a couple panic attacks and it went bad on me in 4 months. my dr told me to just stop it then.


i did and all hell broke loose. went for 2.5 months and ended up in hospital. they put on ativan.


found a dr and reinstated on klonopin to try and slow wean.


could not stabilize and tried for 6 months never took a med or drug in my life.


thought best thing would be to go to rehab did not know about all this just wanted my healthy self back again.


16 days of misery and other drugs. came home a skin and bones zombie. only stayed on the paxil (did not know what that was)and after two months paxil overroad benzo withdrawal and i felt better but had several side effects.


Had lost my job because of this and was losing everything.


Felt better and went back to work and after about six months started to wean because of the side effects. went too fast the anxiety hit bad. reinstated and went slower.


severe anxiety hit and stupidly i took small amount of valuim. got down to 6 mg paxil and went to novus in florida to get off rest. I am so stupid wanting my life back soooooooo bad.


again went crazy there one week and went to an accupuncturist there with my mother in law always cannot eat hardly. after two weeks he did settle my body down some but he went on vacation and i was screaming and crying all the time.


I came home off everything but still panic from ct and trouble eating but felt clearer minded. Then did real stupid went to a natural detox type place in town cause still having trouble and she did sauna, mineral bath, supplements...my body went insane flying around.


ended up in hospital this was last christmas. they said severe benzo withdrawal and only way to stop was ativan. they did this for four days and home.


I finally found a benzo site and they had me go over to valuim now highest dose ever taken was so sick. tried the slow wean and threw up constant.


I have done severe damage by all of this and i do not know what to do.


I got thrown in the hospital by my family so sick and tremors and panic and the dr switched me to klonopin. I am now so very sick.


The only thing that helped me at one time was paxil and knowing what i know now i should have stayed on that longer until the benzo was gone and came off very very slow....


I am in real trouble now and slowly titrating but the panic is toooooo much. I know this is a antidepressant site but wondered if anyone had anything in mind I could do.


I was so ignorant and stupid with just wanting my healthy self back. I had no idea benzos could do this or paxil and i have now made me a very sick person who cannot barely function the panic is so bad. I never had any of this. was very healthy.


i now have met people who stayed off and it took them two years to recover from the xanax just like i did but i did not know. I need help please. lorilynne

Edited by Altostrata
added line breaks for readibility
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  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi lorilynne,

Welcome to the forum and I am very sorry to hear of all your troubles with benzo's. I am not too familiar with tapering from benzo's, but you can check out the benzo tapering forum for some helpful hints:

benzo tapering discussion


I don't think starting an antidepressant would be advisable as they are acting on different systems.

Started in 2000 - On 150mg most of the time, (but up to 225mg at highest dose for 6 months in the beginning)
Reduced off easily first time - but got depressed (not too much anxiety) 6 months later
Back on effexor for another 9 months.
Reduced off again with no immediate w/d - suddenly got depressed and anxious ++ again 3 or 4 months later.
Back on effexor - this time for 3 years
Reduced off over a month - 6 weeks later terrible anxiety - back on.
Rinse and repeat 4 more times - each time the period before the anxiety comes back got shorter and shorter
Jan - July 2012 75mg down to 37.5mg;, 8/3/12 - 35mg. 8/25/12 - 32mg. 9/11- 28mg, 10/2 - 25mg, 10/29 - 22mg, 11/19 - 19.8mg; 12/11 - 17m,
1/1- 15.5mg; 1/22 -14mg, 2/7 14.9mg, 2/18 - 17.8mg - crashed big time: back to 75mg where i sat for 2 years....

4th  March 2015 - 67.5mg;   31st March - 60mg;  24th April - 53mg; 13th May - 48mg; 26th May - 45mg;  9th June - 41mg; 1 July- 37.5mg; 20 July - 34mg; 11 August - 31mg; 1st Sept - 28mg;  1st Dec - 25.8mg;  28th Dec - 23.2mg; 23rd Jan-21.9mg; Feb 7th- 21mg; March 1st - 20.1mg, March 30th - 18mg

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  • Administrator

lorilynne, I'm very sorry for all you've been through. What are you taking now and at what dosage?


(Please put paragraph breaks in your posts, it makes them easier to read.)

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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I am taking klonopin in the milk trying to titrate even though i am so sick because i cannot get stable anyway i try. i was at 1.5 now alittle under 1. I have had paradoxial reaction to everything because of ct and really finding it hard to survive.


Anxiety is real bad. 24/7...trouble eating sitting seeing people throwing up it goes on and on. I wish I would have stayed on the paxil longer until i was more stable and then slowly weaned off. Or my dr would have told me how to wean xanax. I have lost everything.


Anything you can think of would be so appreciated.



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can anyone think of anything that could help, i am holding on by a string??????



Hi lorilynne,


I'm so very sorry you are having such a bad time, I hope this will help.


Try taking an epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) bath a couple of times a day, 3 or 4 cups in a hot bath fill the tub all the way up, soak in this for 20 minuites.


Allso you can swish a solution of epsom salts around in your mouth and then spit it out (don't swallow as you will get diarea if you swallow the solution of epsom salts). Put 4 oz. of water in a glass of hot water not scalding hot, add 1 tsp. epson salts and stir untill completely disolved and then swish it around in your mouth and spit and repeat untill it is all gone swish for 15 or 20 seconds. Do this in the morning first thing and after every meal and then at bedtime.


If you can't take an epsom salts bath you can soak your feet in an epsom salts solution, 1 cup per gallon of water and soak for 20 minuites. The epsom salts are infused into your body through your skin and your body will use the magnesium and the sulfate.


Try this for 2 or 3 days at least as it does take a little time before you will get some relief from your withdrawal.


This is not medical advise and you should discuss this with your doctor before doing this.


I wish you the very best.

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  • Administrator

lorilynne, do you have a doctor you can work with?

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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I am taking klonopin in the milk trying to titrate even though i am so sick because i cannot get stable anyway i try. i was at 1.5 now alittle under 1. I have had paradoxial reaction to everything because of ct and really finding it hard to survive.


Anxiety is real bad. 24/7...trouble eating sitting seeing people throwing up it goes on and on. I wish I would have stayed on the paxil longer until i was more stable and then slowly weaned off. Or my dr would have told me how to wean xanax. I have lost everything.


Anything you can think of would be so appreciated.




Hi lorilynne,


Wishing you the best, I feel you pain.


When you were taking paxil which contains flouride your body was being drained of magnesium. I have provided a link to an article by Dr. Carolyn Dean which helps to explain why you may have a magnesium deficiency. Magnesium makes drugs look good. and here is the chemical formula (C19-H20-FNO3) for Paxil showing the floride component underlined. Even though your not taking the paxil anymore once you have a magnesium deficiency your body can't get enough magnesium from the food you eat to make up for the deficiency. Your body is using magnesium all the time.


This is why I suggested spsom salts (magnesium sulfate) It won't hurt you and it just might help reduce your withdrawal. If you give epsom salts a try as I suggested for 3 or 4 days you should know if it is going to help.


Your in my prayers

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I do not have a good dr. I have been using magnesium. what can help with the terrible anxiety. I cannot barely eat at all.

Please I need help.

thank you

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Hi Lorilynne. Here are some suggestions, all of which have worked for me:


1. Take a break from your Klonopin taper for a few weeks at least, longer if you can. You may not feel completely stabilized, but it will help slow down the runaway train.


2. Ginger is very effective at relieving nausea. You can get ginger capsules or make ginger tea.


3. When the anxiety is bad, lay down in bed and wrap yourself up very very snugly in a blanket. The tighter the better -- like swaddling a baby. You can also pack bed pillows and/or throw pillows firmly around your body. Close your eyes and, if you can, do deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation. Keep the room dark or dimly lit and run a small fan for soothing "white noise." Add a heating pad or hot water bottle for extra comfort.


Are you alone or do you have family living with you?




2009-2011: tapered off Trazodone, Namenda, Lamictal, Dextroamphetamine, Zyprexa; cold-turkeyed Pristiq; reduced Lexapro dose 50%.
On clonazepam since 2004, 0.5 - 1.0 mg daily PRN. Three failed (too rapid) partial tapers, 2010 - 2011.
Dec. 2011 - March 2013: Tapered off 0.5 mg clonazepam (Klonopin)

August 2013: Switched to liquid escitalopram (Lexapro) and began tapering from 10 mg.

January 2014: 4.5 mg escitalopram

March 2014: One year off benzos

May 2014: 3.0 mg escitalopram

June 2014: severe depression, updosed to 4.0 mg

Sept 1, 2014: 2.7 mg

Dec 7, 2014: Can't get below 2.5 mg without unbearable symptoms. Doing an extended hold (I hope)


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i cannot get stable at all. all the ct have taken me over the edge. is there something that could help me i am at the end of the rope. i did not know ct could do this and should have never got back on or chased the miracle cure. i am in big trouble and all alone. please i need help


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  • Moderator Emeritus

i cannot get stable at all. all the ct have taken me over the edge. is there something that could help me i am at the end of the rope. i did not know ct could do this and should have never got back on or chased the miracle cure. i am in big trouble and all alone. please i need help


Hi Lorilynne.. I'm ever so sorry you are in so much distress. I would like to respond but need to review your thread to find out what your meds are. Would you put the info in your sig. line? You are taking Klonopin now if I remember correctly? Are you on any other medications, when did you take your last cut, how fast have you been tapering... you are holding for the foreseeable future I hope.

As always, LISTEN TO YOUR BODY! A proud supporter of the 10% (or slower) rule.


Requip - 3/16 ZERO  Total time on 25 years.


Lyrica: 8/15 ZERO Total time on 7 or 8 yrs.

BENZO FREE 10/13 (started tapering 7/10)  Total time on 25 years.


Read my intro thread here, and check the about me section.  "No matter how cynical you get, it's almost impossible to keep up." Lily Tomlin



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