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burroughs off lamotrigine


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I am grateful to have found this forum. It was recommended by Beyond Meds blog.

I am tapering from Lamactil at this point as well.

I have been on 175mg for about 8 years and it was given to me under the diagnosis of bi-polar.

I have noticed recently, at about the 75mg and 50 mg point that I am having nausea everyday, all day. It is not severe, but it is there.

It feels as if something is caught in the back of my throat and occasionally I will gag.

Once I began the taper I noticed that I began to have food aversions to caffeine, some meat.

I told the psychiatrist and he mentioned pregnancy. But that is not the case.

So, I began to think this nausea was in fact a withdrawal symptom.

I see that this drug affects the CNS in such a way as to influence the way we metabolize food.


I am just hoping that it goes away soon.

It is uncomfortable and unpleasant.

On the plus side, my mood is very good. I am very calm and my anxiety is low.

December 2012- off of 17.5 mg Remron

December 2012- off of .5 mg respiridone

January 2013 and ongoing taper from 175 mg of Lamactil to 50mg

January 2013 ongoing taper from 250 mg Topomax to 75mg

February 2013 ongoing 1mg Ativan to .50mg


"One day, in retrospect, your years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful" -Freud

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  • Administrator

Welcome, burroughs.


I moved your post here to start your Intro topic, for you to keep track of your taper.


Are you at 50mg now? How did you go from 175mg to 50mg? Did you have any withdrawal symptoms other than the queasiness?

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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OK speaking of lamictal. I want to share a little story. I start the drug for bi-polar (what a joke the bi-polar doagnoss was caused my the lexapro I was given). But I digress. Anyway, I worked my way up to 100 mg from August 2009 to late September 2009. That's when the vomiting and intense headaches began. I never put two and two together. Anyway,about once or twice a month, if I had some cheese or something with cheese in it or maybe 1/2 half glass of wine I would vomit uncontrollably. This went on for about two years. At which point my gallbladder failed. I had emergency surgery to have my gallbladder removed in December 2011. I was so happy finally the vomiting and blinding headaches would stop. They did not. I thre up every month. It was repeated vomiting, like 8 times every hour for usually 5 to 7 hours. It would take me about five days to a week to recover from one of these episodes. OK so over the summer after a really bad episode, I deciced to be really really careful with what I ate. I forgot to take my lamotrogine on too many days to count. My doctor had told me never to start up again at 100 mg. if I had stopped taking it as it could really cause problems. I was just sick of taking it and jsut stopped. This was around late OCtober that I stopped for the most part. You know what? I have not had an episode since then. Only to come on this site and see that a too high dose can cause vomiting. Is that the reason for the two years of vomiting? I don;t know but I sure think so. So why couldn't vomiting when you're coming off the drug cause the same thing. Sorry so long winded. I am sort of angry about the whole thing. I went through countless medical tests to see what was going on with my digestion and it could have been the Lamictal the whole time. It practically controlled my life. I spent hours vomiting, missed at least two days each month. Missed out on family events. My vitamin D levels were lowered my iron kept dropping for all the vomiting. These meds SUCK.

Lexapro 20 mg.since Aug 2009

Lamotrigine -100 mg. sept. 2009

Seroquel-50 mg.

down from 100 for 6 months.

Been going off and on lexapro since October 2012

off and on Lamotrigine since October 2012.

Incidentally, massive headaches and monthly vomiting has ceased

since October 2012.

So right now no lexapro since Dec. 28th after only taking 15 tables from Nov.12-to Dec.28,2012.

No lamotrigine since mid October 2012.

50 MG. seroquel at bedtime since June 2012.

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I started tapering off of Lamactil at the end of December/ beginning of January at 25mg increments. So 175 for a week, 150 week, 125 week, 100 and so on.

I am now at 50mg. In retrospect, it's been a fast taper.

And I have been tapering Topomax at the same time.

The anti-depressant was first and the anti-psychotic next. ( those were gone before anything else..and I had some "brain zaps" and some sleeplessness, but no nausea)

So, I suppose in truthfulness, these withdrawals could be coming from all the meds. But I hadn't been feeling physically ill until now...now that my doses are relatively low.

And my main complaint is nausea. Constant nausea.

But I must say, my mood is excellent. I feel a greater range of emotions. I have low anxiety and feel quite happy.

For this, I am thankful.

December 2012- off of 17.5 mg Remron

December 2012- off of .5 mg respiridone

January 2013 and ongoing taper from 175 mg of Lamactil to 50mg

January 2013 ongoing taper from 250 mg Topomax to 75mg

February 2013 ongoing 1mg Ativan to .50mg


"One day, in retrospect, your years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful" -Freud

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  • Administrator

You may want to hold on tapering anything for a bit, to let your nervous system settle down from the changes.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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I agree.

You know. Being diagnosed with a mental disorder has caused stigma for me in the health community.

For example, since i was labelled "crazy" my actual physical complaints were brushed away sometimes so I stopped truting my emotions about my health. and the medication numbs me to myself.

so, i am feeling many different things in my body right now; but i am so good at ignoring them...

but it is getting to the point now where i am able to "feel more" and trust myself more...

I think that is why i am here...


thanks for your concern

December 2012- off of 17.5 mg Remron

December 2012- off of .5 mg respiridone

January 2013 and ongoing taper from 175 mg of Lamactil to 50mg

January 2013 ongoing taper from 250 mg Topomax to 75mg

February 2013 ongoing 1mg Ativan to .50mg


"One day, in retrospect, your years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful" -Freud

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Hello everyone,


I started tapering mid December of this year.(dec 2012/Jan 2013)

I no longer believe in the bio-medical model of bi-polar disorder. I believe I was the victim of trauma (diagnosed at 15) and I am dealing with that trauma now. I long to be medication free.

I am feeling emotionally well. I am feeling more connected to my body and my self esteem has shot up! This keeps me going.

My taper has been a little fast, I think. A little too fast, in retrospect.

I am definitely suffering at this point...and it's getting to me. Flu-like symptoms, constant running nose, sneezing, nausea, numbness and tingling. Lack of concentration. Sleep is fine but I am still on 1mg of ativan.

Went to the psychiatrist today and I walked out of there feeling like a big idiot.

He warned me over and over again that I could "break" at any moment. Was at risk for hospitalization.

I said, "my mood is great! I feel happy!"

I asked him what about withdrawals? What about my central nervous system after all these years?

And he said that there is no such thing as withdrawals after a week or two and that I shouldn't be putting stock into what I read on the internet.


I hold a three year degree in history. I am working on my bachelor in Social Work. I can read. I can research. And I am beginning to understand myself.

I am just saddened by his words. I am saddened by the lack of knowledge about withdrawal in the medical community.

I have been in this "mental patient" role for so long...

I am sick and tired of my rights and feelings and thoughts being trampled on.

I am thankful for this site. I am thankful for all the people here and all the resources.

Like I said, this is difficult. Others are suffering? Others are experiencing pain?

What keeps me going is that I have some self esteem now! I feel like I can make choices.

Thanks for listening.

December 2012- off of 17.5 mg Remron

December 2012- off of .5 mg respiridone

January 2013 and ongoing taper from 175 mg of Lamactil to 50mg

January 2013 ongoing taper from 250 mg Topomax to 75mg

February 2013 ongoing 1mg Ativan to .50mg


"One day, in retrospect, your years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful" -Freud

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Burroughs, I moved your today's post here to your Intro because it's about you and your personal progress through withdrawal. When you want to comment further on your situation, please continue to post here by scrolling down to the bottom of the page and clicking on "Add Reply".


The extent of ignorance regarding psychotropic drugs and even diagnosis in the psychiatric community is appalling. Your doctor is the one who should feel humiliated and ashamed!


Many, many people are misdiagnosed as bipolar because they are reacting to the overstimulation of an antidepressant, and then the roller-coaster ride begins as more and more drugs are poured into the cocktail. You have every reason to be suspicious of mainstream psychiatric treatment.


When you have a chance, please add your drug history to your signature, like so:




This will help the rest of us give better answers and advise in the future.

Psychotropic drug history: Pristiq 50 mg. (mid-September 2010 through February 2011), Remeron (mid-September 2010 through January 2011), Lexapro 10 mg. (mid-February 2011 through mid-December 2011), Lorazepam (Ativan) 1 mg. as needed mid-September 2010 through early March 2012

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." -Hanlon's Razor

Introduction: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/1588-introducing-jemima/


Success Story: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/6263-success-jemima-survives-lexapro-and-dr-dickhead-too/

Please note that I am not a medical professional and my advice is based on personal experience, reading, and anecdotal information posted by other sufferers.


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