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Desire/Slavery/Suffering and Nirvana/God/Enjoyment


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Desire is the pleasure to be something, to experiment something specific. generally speaking, often pleasant things. If you are in that way, it is unealthy since you separate what is between things you desire to be and things you desire not to be. You create tension, you create Suffering. You are the slave of what is, since you depend on it being pleasant to feel great.


Nirvana is the pleasure to be. This is God. Nirvana/God is here and now. You are no longer a slave of what is, you do not depend on it, for whatever is, you are, and enjoy it, just to be. It is like a perpetual eyes wide open meditation. Be Nirvana, be God. It is so great!

First AD -sertraline- in 2007at the age of 13 because of child abuse

2009-2013: intricate story of multiple wds, meds and cts, gradually became a living mess

Feb 2013: last CT from a cocktail of four drugs, symptoms are relenting but witness a constant sharpening of the brain


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  • 3 months later...

Good grief, Roads. You really do believe you are God. Guess what. You don't even have to be God to be perfect. You simply need to be His child and He will do all the perfecting for you!


God created us as perfect beings, but we fell very quickly and lost our perfection by committing evil. Evil is never of God. In fact, evil is the only thing God didn't create. God created us perfect, we fell and lost our perfection, and we long to become perfect once more. So what are we to do? The answer is amazingly simple: we let God do all the work for us. How? Well, God sent His Son to become sin(evil/imperfection) for us. The entire Godhead allowed the Son to embody our sin and endure the full wrath of justice against our sin. God has no more sin to punish in His children. The Son absorbed it all! And guess what God offers us in exchange for our sin: His infinite righteousness/perfection! How do we receive His offer to become His perfect/righteous child? I'd love to answer. Just ask.


"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" (2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV)

See? All imperfections gone, and you don't have to achieve a thing to get there. Blessings, Ellen

insomnia, anxiety, depression- since childhood

lyme disease, dysautonomia, chiari malformation- dx 4/1997

nortriptyline- 75mg since childhood

clonazepam- 3mg since 4/1997

trazodone-100mg since 4/2013, now tapering

rotating antibiotics and antimalarials for lyme disease

midodrine- 10mg for dysautonomia

repeated skull surgeries for chiari malformation


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  "we fell very quickly and lost our perfection by committing evil"
Well, I personally do not remember having taken part in such vileness . It seems to me that if I were as vindicative as your god, I would sue your religion for slandering , without talking about the displeasure of being made indirectly accountable for a "redemptive homicide" :)

Furthermore I would be grateful for not being subsumed in a "we" wich negates the reality of my individuality, its nature and its aspirations. I consider myself perfect in my "sinful" condition, long for nothing but being what I am, and I am not interested in the offer of your god.


I do not believe I am God in an exclusive and elevating way. I simply know that as a part of divine whole and brother of what is, I share with every other manifestation of Life a character of divinity, wich is also yours.

First AD -sertraline- in 2007at the age of 13 because of child abuse

2009-2013: intricate story of multiple wds, meds and cts, gradually became a living mess

Feb 2013: last CT from a cocktail of four drugs, symptoms are relenting but witness a constant sharpening of the brain


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I believe in Christ and I believe what Roads is saying...Christ consciousness alive in us makes us what we are when we BE...


and yes, Roads...not a vindictive bone in Christ consciousness...


every world religion contains mapping for our complex and divine consciousness...I love being fluent in most of them...interpretation is problematic no doubt...I like taking things from the perennial philosophy perspective. 


sin translated accurately from the original language actually means "missing the mark"  and it's pretty clear humanity is missing the mark in general. :P

Everything Matters: Beyond Meds 


withdrawn from a cocktail of 6 psychiatric drugs that included every class of psych drug.

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And judgement from the original language actually means "adjustment".

First AD -sertraline- in 2007at the age of 13 because of child abuse

2009-2013: intricate story of multiple wds, meds and cts, gradually became a living mess

Feb 2013: last CT from a cocktail of four drugs, symptoms are relenting but witness a constant sharpening of the brain


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