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Dan off Effexor XR


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Hello. Here is my history. Thank you for any advice you might be able to provide.


I started effexor XR 150 mg OD in the fall of 2000.  I had one quite good wean in 2006 but resumed the drug later because of depression (which was not directly related to the discontinuation).  I am ready to come off effexor XR entirely and have started tapering my dose by 25% every two weeks.  I started at 112.5 mg caps for 2 weeks then 75 mg for 2 weeks and am now at 37.5 mg caps (for the past 4 days).  Boy am I dizzy!  No other side effects, except maybe fatigue.  I do have a stock of 150 mg capsules and am wondering if I am going to need to cut them and count the beads (as mentioned on this site). I hope very much that I won't have to.


Any advice you can provide me would be really helpful. Thanks.

On venlafaxine XR caps for more than 13 years. One successful wean in 2006. Currently weaning off at a rate of 37.5 mg every two weeks. From a starting dose of 150 mg OD. Now at 37.5 mg OD and feeling quite dizzy all the time. I have 10 days left of medication at 37.5 mg OD. (I also have a supply of 150 mg XR caps that I could break).

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  • Administrator

Welcome, Dan.


I moved your post to create your Intro topic from the tips for tapering Effexor topic http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/272-tips-for-tapering-off-effexor-and-effexor-xr-venlafaxine/


Please read that topic thoroughly.


Your Intro topic is a place for you to track your progress and ask questions about your particular situation.


You may wish to hold for a bit, maybe a month or two, now that you're down to 37.5mg, to let your system get used to the large dosage changes you've made. If your symptoms get worse, you might want to increase your dosage slightly.


As mentioned in the tips for tapering Effexor topic, the number of beads in Effexor XR capsules varies from dosage to dosage and manufacturer to manufacturer. If you go the bead-counting method, you should use 37.5mg capsules to do this. It may be difficult to figure out equivalent dosages with 150mg capsules without a digital scale to weigh the beads and a calculator to figure the percentages.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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your going way too fast, i dropped from 75mg to 37.5mg and only had mild head zaps, so i thought i could just quit cold turkey from 37.5 after being on them for 13 years, worst mistake ive made.I envy you for finding this site before deciding to fully quit, now do yourself and your brain a favour and go off these VERY slowly, think in terms of months/years even, be patient and trust the advice your given here.

2000-2001 10mg Paxil
2001-2012 75mg effexor
2012-2013 37.5mg effexor
c/t effexor early oct, prozac for 10mg 7-8 days, off all meds until reinstating effexor 37.5mg nov 12th

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  • 2 years later...

How are you doing these days Dan?

Thought for the day: Lets stand up, and let’s speak out , together. G Olsen

We have until the 14th. Feb 2018. 

URGENT REQUEST Please consider submitting  for the petition on Prescribed Drug Dependence and Withdrawal currently awaiting its third consideration at the Scottish Parliament. You don't even have to be from Scotland. By clicking on the link below you can read some of the previous submissions but be warned many of them are quite harrowing.


Please tell them about your problems taking and withdrawing from antidepressants and/or benzos.

Send by email to petitions@parliament.scot and quote PE01651 in the subject heading. Keep to a maximum of 3 sides of A4 and you can't name for legal reasons any doctor you have consulted. Tell them if you wish to remain anonymous. We need the numbers to help convince the committee members we are not isolated cases. You have until mid February. Thank you

Recovering paxil addict

None of the published articles shed light on what ssri's ... actually do or what their hazards might be. Healy 2013. 

This is so true, with anything you get on these drugs, dependance, tapering, withdrawal symptoms, side effects, just silent. And if there is something mentioned then their is a serious disconnect between what is said and reality! 

  "Every time I read of a multi-person shooting, I always presume that person had just started a SSRI or had just stopped."  Dr Mosher. Me too! 

Over two decades later, the number of antidepressant prescriptions a year is slightly more than the number of people in the Western world. Most (nine out of 10) prescriptions are for patients who faced difficulties on stopping, equating to about a tenth of the population. These patients are often advised to continue treatment because their difficulties indicate they need ongoing treatment, just as a person with diabetes needs insulin. Healy 2015

I believe the ssri era will soon stand as one of the most shameful in the history of medicine. Healy 2015

Let people help people ... in a natural, kind, non-addictive (and non-big pharma) way. J Broadley 2017



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