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Clover95 Intro and using Endep to get off Effexor XR


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Hi guys well I've finally become a member after visiting the forum many times in an attempt to try and build up the courage to get off Effexor once and for all.


I've been on between 225mg and 75mg for the last 10 years. Originally to treat Major depression and Borderline Personality. Took 75mg through two healthy pregnancies. I've tried twice in the past to get off this drug with no success.


I experience heavy sweating and derealisation as a side effect. 


I'm struggling to find a doctor that a) believes in venlafaxine withdrawal and B) knows how to combat the withdrawal symptoms


The first time I came off cold turkey as instructed by my psychiatrist. This was about 5 years ago before my first pregnancy. Prior to any warning labels being on the medication which now say 'Do Not Stop Taking This Medication Abruptly'. I had really bad anxiety and panic which I had never experienced before in my life. As soon as I got back on I was back to normal.


The second time I reduced my dose from 75mg to 37.5mg then to 0 over the course of about two weeks. As per instructions by my GP. As soon as I stopped I felt like I was pretty close to losing it (as in my mind). Major anxiety and panic again. Started taking Effexor again after three days.


I am seeing a new doctor and she has suggested halving my dose straight away from 75mg to 37.5mg. Then after two weeks start taking half a 10mg Endep tablet before bed for three days. After three days stop the Effexor completely. She said the Endep should combat the withdrawals. Having read a lot on here about tapering I said to her that that reduction sounds way too fast and I started freaking out because I don't want to end up in that psychotic limbo like I have all the other times I've stopped.


I hope this makes sense. Any advice would be very much appreciated. Thanks 

First Effexor withdrawal 2009...cold turkey. Experienced major anxiety and panic attacks which I've never experienced before.

Second attempt 2012...halved normal dose for two weeks to 37.5mg then stopped taking completely. Again experienced panic attacks and anxiety.

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  • Administrator

Welcome, Clover95.


When are you supposed to take the Endep (amitriptyline)?


In my opinion, it's safer to taper directly from Effexor XR than trying a switch. Switches don't always work, this adds risk.


If you feel the doctor isn't listening to you and you don't trust her, that's a bad sign.


Our topic about tapering Effexor http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/272-tips-for-tapering-off-effexor-and-effexor-xr-venlafaxine/

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

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Hi I'm supposed to halve my current dose of Effexor from 75mg to 37.5mg. Do that for two weeks. Then take half a 10mg Endep tablet before bed for three days along with an Effexor tablet during the day. After the third day continue to have the Endep before bed but stop the Effexor. She said the Endep will help with the anxiety of coming off the Effexor.


She is just an ordinary general practitioner. Not a psychiatrist. Not that that would be any better. I've found more common sense on this website than any of the 'doctors' I've seen in the last 10 years. No one believes in withdrawal from anti depressants.


The reason we are doing this is to see if my sweating is actually caused by the Effexor which I think is a bit of a dangerous way of doing it?

First Effexor withdrawal 2009...cold turkey. Experienced major anxiety and panic attacks which I've never experienced before.

Second attempt 2012...halved normal dose for two weeks to 37.5mg then stopped taking completely. Again experienced panic attacks and anxiety.

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  • Administrator

It's very possible that your sweating is a side effect of Effexor.


If I were you, I would not make that switch to Endep, but taper directly off the Effexor. Side effects are usually dosage-related. As you reduce, you'll see fairly quickly if the sweating is from the Effexor, but you have to taper slowly enough not to get withdrawal symptoms.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

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  • Moderator Emeritus

they don't believe in withdrawal because they haven't felt it but all of us here have, very, very painfully.


I read what you wrote and it seems you got everything you need for a successful taper.


when doctors repeatedly fail us to to our great detriment, we have every reason to take things into our own hands.


it seems to me that the only obstacle to a successful taper by reducing by 10 % is going agains doctor's orders which you repeatedly experienced causing awful states. It is your health, your life and your call.


My GP listened and was very impressed when I told her about the logic I learnt about here. If yours doesn't support you (at least with perscriptions) or tries to pressure you to follow his/her dangerous ignorance, change him/her.


As you experienced 2 or 3 times, reducing by 50 % is very, very dangerous. It results in great suffering and higher doses. Why would you want to do this to yourself again? It also seems the selling point of your GP is this other drug that is supposed to deal with withdrawal.


I don't think we've seen here that anything can counter the awfulness of withdrawal induced by such rapid 'taper'. But we've seen many cases to the contrary. If I were you, I wouldn't experiment on myself like that.


Good luck,


Current: 9/2022 Xanax 0.08, Lexapro 2

2020 Xanax 0.26 (down from 2 mg in 2013), Lexapro 2.85 mg (down from 5 mg 2013)

Amitriptyline (tricyclic AD) and clonazepam for 3 months to treat headache in 1996 
1999. - present Xanax prn up to 3 mg.
2000-2005 Prozac CT twice, 2005-2010 Zoloft CT 3 times, 2010-2013 Escitalopram 10 mg
went from 2.5 to zero on 7 Aug 2013, bad crash 40 days after
reinstated to 5 mg Escitalopram 4Oct 2013 and holding liquid Xanax every 5 hours
28 Jan 2014 Xanax 1.9, 18 Apr  2015 1 mg,  25 June 2015 Lex 4.8, 6 Aug Lexapro 4.6, 1 Jan 2016 0.64  Xanax     9 month hold

24 Sept 2016 4.5 Lex, 17 Oct 4.4 Lex (Nov 0.63 Xanax, Dec 0.625 Xanax), 1 Jan 2017 4.3 Lex, 24 Jan 4.2, 5 Feb 4.1, 24 Mar 4 mg, 10 Apr 3.9 mg, May 3.85, June 3.8, July 3.75, 22 July 3.7, 15 Aug 3.65, 17 Sept 3.6, 1 Jan 2018 3.55, 19 Jan 3.5, 16 Mar 3.4, 14 Apr 3.3, 23 May 3.2, 16 June 3.15, 15 Jul 3.1, 31 Jul 3, 21 Aug 2.9 26 Sept 2.85, 14 Nov Xan 0.61, 1 Dec 0.59, 19 Dec 0.58, 4 Jan 0.565, 6 Feb 0.55, 20 Feb 0.535, 1 Mar 0.505, 10 Mar 0.475, 14 Mar 0.45, 4 Apr 0.415, 13 Apr 0.37, 21 Apr 0.33, 29 Apr 0.29, 10 May 0.27, 17 May 0.25, 28 May 0.22, 19 June 0.22, 21 Jun updose to 0.24, 24 Jun updose to 0.26

Supplements: Omega 3 + Vit E, Vit C, D, magnesium, Taurine, probiotic 

I'm not a medical professional. Any advice I give is based on my own experience and reading. 

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I psychiatrist had me do something similar once. That was a disaster. I experienced the worse ever experience in my life. I only started recovering some weeks later when I was,reinstated on effexor some weeks later by a new psychiatrist. When I tapered down from 75 mg effexor to 37,5 mg effexor over many months some time later, I had to do it alone after much study and mental preparation, as there was no doctor who would support my taper. This time I was under the care of a third psychiatrist. But I succeeded on my own, and now have started my final taper after many years on 37,5 mg effexor. This time with the support of this forum..


All the best

started on citalopram and small dose of fluanxol 1999

tranquipam for 4 months

stopped citalopram and fluanxol 2001, started effexor 75 mg, then 150, 4 day taper, zyprexa

new psych started me on 75 mg effexor and kept me on zyprexa, lamictin added

came off zyprexa by snapping the tablet over 5 months, off lamictin over 3 months

reduced Effexor to 37.5 mg in 2006, been on this dose for over 8 years

 started 5 bead (125 beads) taper 14 Feb 2014

14 March - 5 (115), - 5 beads every 3 weeks, since 21 April at 100 beads (-25), 12 May 95 (-30)

26 May 90 (-35), 16 June 85 (-40), 30 June 80 (-45), September 2014 19 mg

September 2015 liquid in 2 daily doses, cutting 0.5 mg every 2 weeks, January 2017 9.2 mg per day

​11 Feb Effexor XR, 20 Feb 8.8 mg

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Bubble that's exactly what it feels like - an experiment! When I was reading your post it really made me question why I doubt my own experiences. I suppose it's because we've always been told we are the unstable crazy ones and doctors know best! You have convinced me to start tapering. 10% every 4 weeks if I can handle it :)

First Effexor withdrawal 2009...cold turkey. Experienced major anxiety and panic attacks which I've never experienced before.

Second attempt 2012...halved normal dose for two weeks to 37.5mg then stopped taking completely. Again experienced panic attacks and anxiety.

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Proteus our stories sound similar Im really glad that this time the taper seems to be working for you. It's nice to see a positive story I just hope I can be as patient with the tapering. It's going to be a long journey.

First Effexor withdrawal 2009...cold turkey. Experienced major anxiety and panic attacks which I've never experienced before.

Second attempt 2012...halved normal dose for two weeks to 37.5mg then stopped taking completely. Again experienced panic attacks and anxiety.

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How do you know the difference between withdrawals and the actual disease? I think I'm just really scared. Scared of withdrawals but what if I really am crazy and need to be medicated for the rest of my life. I guess this is the only way to find out.

First Effexor withdrawal 2009...cold turkey. Experienced major anxiety and panic attacks which I've never experienced before.

Second attempt 2012...halved normal dose for two weeks to 37.5mg then stopped taking completely. Again experienced panic attacks and anxiety.

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  • Administrator

....The first time I came off cold turkey as instructed by my psychiatrist. This was about 5 years ago before my first pregnancy. Prior to any warning labels being on the medication which now say 'Do Not Stop Taking This Medication Abruptly'. I had really bad anxiety and panic which I had never experienced before in my life. As soon as I got back on I was back to normal.


The second time I reduced my dose from 75mg to 37.5mg then to 0 over the course of about two weeks. As per instructions by my GP. As soon as I stopped I felt like I was pretty close to losing it (as in my mind). Major anxiety and panic again. Started taking Effexor again after three days.....

These two incidents describe textbook withdrawal syndrome.


Antidepressants are not effective for borderline personality disorder, if that's what you have. Major depression is known to resolve on its own after some period of time -- if you ever had that. After 10 years, your brain and nervous system are completely different.


Misdiagnosis is very common prior to treatment with psychiatric drugs. Contrary to what any doctor might have told you, there is no evidence any psychiatric disorder is progressive. Calling all of them chronic, though, has made billions for the drug companies.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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