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Exercise ... Do more, do less, do nothing? What worked for you?


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Just wanted to note about exercise:Exercise can increase the release of cortisol, the stress and alerting hormone. Exertion may well make you feel lousy.Walking is the form of exercise that least causes increases in cortisol. But if you do it strenuously and in the evening, you may well wake yourself up with some alerting hormone.So don't overdo it, especially in the evening.

This is so true . Feeling somewhat better have been increasing exercise/activity and had been walking on the treadmill at 4 mph and got up to 40 mins in the afternoon. Yesterday I was doing things during the day so went on treadmill for 45 mins at 730pm . Felt ok afterwards. My reward came at 440am in the form of being woken by faster heartbeat, anxious, and widespread burning over my body that lasted over an hour. ( I used to get this every night 3 times. )

Recovering from a normal illness you can follow some kind of graded exercise program and progress in a linear fashion. Not so with WD.

Apparently cortisol peaks at 40 mins of exercise so going to limit walking to 40 mins for now and make it earlier in the day. And not every day. But as through the whole process it would be so helpful to have a map !

I have noticed that exercise /cortisol symptoms are a faster heartbeat , panic/anxiety, and burning.

Histamine symptoms are pounding palpitations, BP surges at same time with feeling pulse pounding to fingers and toes and head. Also at night.

Three and a half years off its frustrating to put it mildly. Does anyone know the best way forward ?

Paxil 10mg 21/2 years to June 2012 after a 2 month taper


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  • 8 months later...

I started walking about 4 months ago and for the first time it relieved a great deal of symptoms and physical pain to one degree or another.

My shoulder, elbow and knee aches and pains reduced 70%.

I was less depresssed.

Had a tiny bit of motivation.

I could eat a few things that I couldn't before without trouble.  




Concurrently I got a case of rock solid impenetrable INSOMNIA.


Not walking late or overmuch.  From 1/4 to 2 miles per day, usually mornings.


Any comments on this weird backwards effect?


I was a runner in my youth and it neither made me sleep or not sleep.


I always had trouble falling asleep from age 3 till age 21, but that stopped when I got married. (sex.  and harder work I guess, lol)


After the depression hit the second time at age 25 I slept nearly around the clock until put on AD's.


Anyone a "late stage" insomnia guru?  I can fall asleep in my normal hour, and stay asleep 3-5 fitful hours, but CANNNOT get back to sleep after about 530 am.  Maybe a buffalo tranquilizer would help but I don't have any of those.


Before this started I was having a better time with the tapering and even thought of going down a notch on my Paxil.



1993 prescribed Anafranil and something else I can't remember for very major severe debilitating depression that his BEFORE any meds of any kind.1993 prescribed 2 mg x 4 daily Ativan for nerves and anxiety as recommended by family and doctor. Didn't always use it.2002? prescribed Zoloft. 2009 prescribed Paxil. Switched to Paxil by first doctor trying to help raging IBS D that had hit.2012 prescribed Pexeva and IBS dissappeared.2013 government mandated use of Paxil for everyone, went back on it. (Unless you have $1,000.00 per month laying around) IBS RETURNED.June 2015 2nd doctor cut 30 mg Paxil to 20 mg Paxil to try to stop new level of deadly IBS that made me unable to eat.October 2015 began accidentally missing several Paxil doses per month.June 2016 reduced


Paxil to 15mg officially to begin to try to taper.

March 2017 Paxil tapered to 10 mg daily. Having trouble going further.

1993 Prescribed 2 mg X 4 per day Ativan as per family and doctor for anxiety and nerves. Quit/tapered Ativan years at a time until divorce 2012.

2017 tapered to 4 mg from 8 mg ativan per day.<p>

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Hmmmm after looking at this thread, and I am only 2 weeks completely off the Cipramil...looks like Crossfit is out. Way too intense I suppose.....

Prescribed Lexapro in 2003 and switched to Cipramil (5-10mg per day) 2004 with Lamictal.

Stopped Lamictal cold turkey with no withdrawals in 2014 with support of a Paleo diet. 

2003-2015 Cipramil only: 5mg 21 Dec 15: 2.5mg 28 Dec 15: 2.25mg 4 Jan 16: 1.575mg 10 Jan 16: 1.1025 11 Jan 16: 0.7875 25 Jan 16: 0.9, 1 Feb: 0.8, 8 Feb 0.75, 15 Feb 0.5, 29 Feb 0.25, 21 March 0.17, 4 April: 0.10, 25 April 0.05, 8 May 2016 0.05, 15 May 2016 NIL 21 June 2016 0.1, 5 Sep 16: 0.2 7 Sep 16: 0.15 16 Sep 16: 0.075 3 Oct 16: 0.015 17 October: 0.015, 14 Nov 2016: Reinstate 0.005, 26 Dec 16 0.0045, 2 Jan 17 0.004, 20 Feb 17 0.003, 3 Apr 17 0.002, 22 May 17 NIL. 

Supplements/Lifestyle: Low oxalate diet. Christian music all the time! B12 drops, Broccoli sprouts, Integra Nutritionals Gemmune IB, Zinc drops, Tresos Natal, Spatone Healing rooms: https://www.facebook.com/FODaustralia/videos and http://sydneyheal.com/service/time-and-location/



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  • 3 months later...

Has anybody recovered their muscle after abnormal muscle waste resulting from withdrawal. My legs mostly my calf, and some part of my arms( forearm) have been atrophying abnormally. I've never seen my muscle in the state before is starting to scary me. I've been for some body weight excerise and trying not to sit all the time, but I've only seen negative effect in the outer side of my calfs muscles for months, and now my forearm have so muscle waste. For months my calfs have been stringing,excerise has been stopping that, but if i don't excerise in anyway it will start to sting again ,and Im Not sure what to do now. Also, staying awake for too long stringing comes back. It look like nerve damage....


Has anybody dealt with muscle waste and recovered with the help of excerise, or have recovered from extreme muscle atrophy. I don't know what I need to do, so any advice would be appreciated.

Short Term Case: 7 pill of 10 mg of Modafinil in a 3 month span, but last 3 I took back to back causing severe withdrawals, lasting 3 weeks. Than 2 pills lexapro to help withdrawal lead to more withdrawal.  I have most symptoms Pssd, emotional loss, cognitive issues, nerve damage in legs.  Also 2 benzodiazepines.  Not much to damage me long term...


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Hi Webhead21,


Really sorry to hear of your problems with muscle atrophy.


Have you sought advice from a physiotherapist or osteopath who can help you repair the wastage over the course of weeks/months?


There are people who have recovered from this kind of muscle wastage caused by accidents or similar, and go on to lead active lives again.


Maybe think about looking into this and keep us posted.


I'm a big advocate of swimming/aqua aerobics, as it's so effective at rebuilding muscle tone.


Take care,


Dose History: 19 Feb 2014 - Escitalopram 10mg daily June 2015 - Started taper, 5mg every other day July 2015 - 5mg every 2 days August 2015 - 5mg every 3 days September 2015 - 5mg every 4 days Sept 14th - Completed tapering, but at 7 weeks "drug free" I suffered serious WD symptoms as a consequence of "incorrect" tapering. Nov 25 2015 - Re-instated Cipralex @ 2.5mg daily. WD symptoms faded. Held at this dose and experienced "windows and waves". 12 Oct 2017 Reduced dose to 1.25mg. 13 Mar 2018 Reduced dose to 0.625mg (approx.). 16 April 2018 0mg. Windows and waves triggered by stress (IBS/reflux, headaches, sinus issues) Aug 2019 Mirena coil fitted 6 Jan 2020 MAJOR Wave hit 19 months following last dose (protracted WD).  Symptoms listed below Mar 2020 Mirena coil removal.

Therapy: Nov 15th 2016 Re-started therapy Jan 19th 2017 Started CBT Dec 2017 Started listening to Hypnotherapy CD (self-esteem). Nov 2019 Started couples therapy.

Supplements: "Bioglan" Biotic Balance Ultimate Flora 10 billion CFU, live Bacteria, Probiotic, suitable for Vegetarians, with Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium Longum"Pukka" Vitalise a unique blend of 30 energising botanicals.

Diet: 16 April 2018 Detox cleanse / anti-candida for 90 days. Jan 2020 Started "small plate" diet (i.e child size portions).

Exercise: Stretching, Yoga, Pilates, Spinning, Elliptical/upper body workout, walking.

Medical Test Results: 4 Jan 2017 Homeopathic Treatment starts 24 Feb 2017 Started weight loss program 24 Mar 2017 Naturopathic Treatment + anti-Candida diet started due to suspected Candida Related Complex (CRC). DETOXED for 7 weeks to "re-set" gut. April 2017 "Genova Diagnostics" Comprehensive Stool Analysis NEGATIVE; Full Blood Count (Normal) / Blood Cholesterol: 5.6 (Borderline) / Blood Sugar (Normal) / 28 Jun 2017 FSH 8.2 / 14 Nov 2017 FSH 17.7 Dec 2017 Blood Cholesterol: 3.9 (Normal) / Kidney Function (Normal) / Blood Sugar (Normal). December 2017 "Genova Diagnostics" Food panel allergy (bloodwork) analysis - a few "VERY LOW/VL" allergens; Mar 2018 "Genova Diagnostics" SIBO urine analysis: High Level of Yeast/fungal markers found in small intestine but NO SIBO.  April 2018 Thyroid (Normal) / Full Blood Count (Normal) / FSH (Normal). 16 April 2018 Started anti-Candida diet - 3 month protocol.   25 March 2020 All test results "Normal". CRP" 5 mg/L (normal range to 0-5 mg/L).

Symptoms:  Flu-like symptoms, anxiety, anhedonia, sinus headaches right-side (severe), IBS issues/reflux (severe)**, tinnitus, fatigue, inner tremor, nausea, chills/hot flushes, pounding heart, muscular issues including stiff left hip flexor, intense anger, PSSD (ongoing).  **Histhamine intolerance (suspected).

Major Life Events: 

Re-located to UK from Canada: Jan 2016

My father died: 5:05pm, Monday 5 Feb 2018 Last Lexapro dose: 16 April 2018 (its now been over a year since I quit ADs)  Moved house: Friday 23rd February 2018  "Divorced" toxic Mother: Monday 26 March 2018 Starting working again: 19 November 2018  Diagnosed with: 5th August 2021 PTSD/C-PTSD Diagnosed with: March 2022 Interstitial Cystitis (IC)/Painful bladder syndrome

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If your problems are caused by a lack of dopamine I think there's enough evidence to support the idea that exercise is beneficial. They've shown that exercise is able to stall Parkinson's a bit (where neurons that produce dopamine are actually dying), and that's a degenerative illness, getting worse all the time. So in a condition which isn't degenerating it could possibly help reverse symptoms. Personally I've tried to go to the gym once a day and do a bit of rowing but still have weeks (like this past week) where I don't manage it at all.

PSSD, Anhedonia, Loss of Imagination and creativity, physical pressure in head all from taking 50mg Sertraline for a month back in February 2015. Not seen much improvement (if any). Time of writing this signature - 01/02/2016 (UK date format)

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  • Mentor

If your problems are caused by a lack of dopamine I think there's enough evidence to support the idea that exercise is beneficial. They've shown that exercise is able to stall Parkinson's a bit (where neurons that produce dopamine are actually dying), and that's a degenerative illness, getting worse all the time. So in a condition which isn't degenerating it could possibly help reverse symptoms. Personally I've tried to go to the gym once a day and do a bit of rowing but still have weeks (like this past week) where I don't manage it at all.



wow raven530, that's very interesting information about exercise and dopamine and parkinson's disease.

I am going to have to remember this and try harder to get some mild exercise in every day, and try working up SLOWLY to more, to see if I can tolerate it

thank you so much for posting!!

Currently taking a break from mentoring but I'll be back 

  • pysch med history: 1974 @ age 18 to Oct 2017 (approx 43 yrs total) 
  •  Drug list: stelazine, haldol, elavil, lithium, zoloft, celexa, lexapro(doses as high as 40mgs), klonopin, ambien, seroquel(high doses), depakote, zyprexa, lamictal- plus brief trials of dozens of other psych meds over the years
  • started lexapro 2002, dose varied from 20mgs to 40mgs. First attempt to get off it was 2007- WD symptoms were mistaken for "relapse". 
  •  2013 too fast taper down to 5mg but WD forced me back to 20mgs
  •  June of 2105, tapered again too rapidly to 2.5mgs by Dec 2015. Found SA, held at 2.5 mgs til May 2016 when I foolishly "jumped off". felt ok until  Sept, then acute WD hit!!  reinstated at 0.3mgs in Oct. 2106
  • Tapered off to zero by  Oct. 2017 Doing very well. 
  • Nov. 2018 feel 95% healed, age 63 
  • Jan. 2020 feel 100% healed, peaceful and content
  • PRESENT DAYS:  Loving life! ❤️ with all it's ups and downs ;) 
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That's definitely the way to do it! Conduct your own experiments, see what you can tolerate and what works for you, build up slowly

PSSD, Anhedonia, Loss of Imagination and creativity, physical pressure in head all from taking 50mg Sertraline for a month back in February 2015. Not seen much improvement (if any). Time of writing this signature - 01/02/2016 (UK date format)

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Has anybody recovered their muscle after abnormal muscle waste resulting from withdrawal. My legs mostly my calf, and some part of my arms( forearm) have been atrophying abnormally. I've never seen my muscle in the state before is starting to scary me. I've been for some body weight excerise and trying not to sit all the time, but I've only seen negative effect in the outer side of my calfs muscles for months, and now my forearm have so muscle waste. For months my calfs have been stringing,excerise has been stopping that, but if i don't excerise in anyway it will start to sting again ,and Im Not sure what to do now. Also, staying awake for too long stringing comes back. It look like nerve damage....


Has anybody dealt with muscle waste and recovered with the help of excerise, or have recovered from extreme muscle atrophy. I don't know what I need to do, so any advice would be appreciated.


WH. I would look to some form of weight training in the form of " pump " classes or free weights. The other exercise I have found results with generally in withdrawal is rebounding which is a mini - trampoline.You can start off very slow and then work your way up to a more intense workout as your condition and muscle tone improves.

Many SSRI's and SSNRI's over 20 years. Zoloft for 7 years followed by Effexor, Lexapro, Prozac, Cymbalta, Celexa, Pristiq, Valdoxan, Mianserin and more - on and off. No tapering. Cold turkey off Valdoxan - end of May 2014


                                                  Psych Drug - free since May 2014

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I've started body weight excerises following this website, http://www.startbodyweight.com. I have no choice but to excerise and hope for the best. Also, going for bike rides will help me too. I would like to see someone who have recovered abnormal muscle loss, maybe connect a pattern of recovery.


It's still soul crashing how much turmoil we go through...

Short Term Case: 7 pill of 10 mg of Modafinil in a 3 month span, but last 3 I took back to back causing severe withdrawals, lasting 3 weeks. Than 2 pills lexapro to help withdrawal lead to more withdrawal.  I have most symptoms Pssd, emotional loss, cognitive issues, nerve damage in legs.  Also 2 benzodiazepines.  Not much to damage me long term...


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  • 1 month later...

Hi there,

before my WD started I was very sportive. I trained at least 5-6 times a week, crossfit and martial arts- so, intense training. When WD started I wasn't able to train from a psycological point of view, I was hardly being able to care about myself.

A year later everything is much better and I started working out again. BUT I am still astonished how damaged my nerves are after such a long time. Almost fascinated because this gives me proof that I am not imagining symptoms, it's hard proof, after a demanding training I get intense symptoms after about 5-6 hours. Every time. So depending on the intensitiy of the workout I am slowly going back to my routines and I am sure that in a year or two, I will be able to go back to the full amount of my sessions.


I just thought I might share this here because as I understood from some topics physical exercise causes troubles for many others in WD as well.


I'd be thrilled to hear about other experiences concerning this subject

2005-2006: Cipralex 5 mg

2009-2010: Cipralex 5 mg

2012-2015: Cipralex 5mg, 10mg 

tapered 10mg-7.5mg-5mg-2,5-0 (I always waited for a few weeks on the current dosage until I felt stable. Steps were too big I realized too late)

Completely drug free since August 2015

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  • Mentor

I have never been esp physically active, more of a couch potato, really except that I walk a fair amnt because I don't drive


now that I've lost wt, I am able to do more physically and have joined a few exercise classes and whatnot and can walk a lot faster.

I am usually ok after exercise, but the few times I've pushed myself a bit harder than usual, I have had more WD symptoms later in the day. For me that's mostly anxiety, ears ringing and some visual issues.



I think I've read that others have had to keep a close watch on their physical activity as too much can trigger symptoms.

Currently taking a break from mentoring but I'll be back 

  • pysch med history: 1974 @ age 18 to Oct 2017 (approx 43 yrs total) 
  •  Drug list: stelazine, haldol, elavil, lithium, zoloft, celexa, lexapro(doses as high as 40mgs), klonopin, ambien, seroquel(high doses), depakote, zyprexa, lamictal- plus brief trials of dozens of other psych meds over the years
  • started lexapro 2002, dose varied from 20mgs to 40mgs. First attempt to get off it was 2007- WD symptoms were mistaken for "relapse". 
  •  2013 too fast taper down to 5mg but WD forced me back to 20mgs
  •  June of 2105, tapered again too rapidly to 2.5mgs by Dec 2015. Found SA, held at 2.5 mgs til May 2016 when I foolishly "jumped off". felt ok until  Sept, then acute WD hit!!  reinstated at 0.3mgs in Oct. 2106
  • Tapered off to zero by  Oct. 2017 Doing very well. 
  • Nov. 2018 feel 95% healed, age 63 
  • Jan. 2020 feel 100% healed, peaceful and content
  • PRESENT DAYS:  Loving life! ❤️ with all it's ups and downs ;) 
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I've become sensitive to food, medication, and exercise.  I can workout some, but if I go overboard, I'll feel the sensation of fear while drifting off to sleep.  Maybe once, maybe a few times.  My upper-body will jerk while falling asleep, too.  After that stops happening I'm able to fall asleep.  The next day I'll get really depressed and my physical symptoms usually get at least a little worse, too.  The day after that I'm usually fine.  From the stories I've read, most people's sensitivities seem to go away as they heal, assuming they take care of themselves.

- 2002-2015: Zyprexa (Olanzapine), between 2.5mg to 5mg

- 9/15-2/16: Started a taper that jumped up and down quickly for five months.  Got really sick.  Took Xanax sporadically throughout taper.  Stopping taking Xanax in January 2016.

- 2/14/16: Increased dose to 3.75mg and held for two months, quickly got better at first and then slowly continued to get better after that

- Apr/16: 3.375mg, May/16: 3.03mg, Jun-Jul/16: 2.73mg, Aug-Sept/16: 2.5mg, Oct/16: 2.25mg, Nov/16: 2.03mg, Dec/16-Jan/17: 1.82mg, Feb/17: 1.64mg, Mar/17: 1.48mg, Apr/17: 1.33mg, May-Sept/17: 1.20mg, Oct/17: 1.08mg, Nov/17: 0.97mg, Dec/17: 0.87mg, Jan/17: 0.78mg, Feb/17: 0.71mg, Mar/17: 0.64mg, Apr/17: 0.57mg, May/17: 0.51mg

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I've become sensitive to food, medication, and exercise.  I can workout some, but if I go overboard, I'll feel the sensation of fear while drifting off to sleep.  Maybe once, maybe a few times.  My upper-body will jerk while falling asleep, too.  After that stops happening I'm able to fall asleep.  The next day I'll get really depressed and my physical symptoms usually get at least a little worse, too.  The day after that I'm usually fine.  From the stories I've read, most people's sensitivities seem to go away as they heal, assuming they take care of themselves.


This sensation of fear, would you actually describe this as a problem breathing?? I've just posted a new topic about this today and my symptoms are so similar but for me that jolting awake with rushes of adrenaline through my stomach and chest is like a panic of not breathing. Also my chest feels heavy and sinuses swollen, basically not breathing very well. I've read this is due to damage to central nervous system - sympathetic and para sympathetic nerves. I'm too terrified to exercise and bring about any more of these sensations than necessary- even food is stimulating these feelings

Citalopram 11years 2005-2016

Wellbutrin 4 years 2012-2016

Withdrawn since Sept 2016

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@Evoldnahturt - it's exactly the same for me. Depending on the intensitiy of the workout (after some I am completely fine) my sleep is very light, I wake up often and my nerves feel "vibrant" I don't know how to explain this in another way:) next day I'm either depressed/tired or panicy and the next day everything is over. I can really observe this very well.


@MelodySings: Do you experience the things you describe particularly after workout or generally? I know this breathing issue very well. From time to time, before falling asleep I get this sudden feeling that I can't breathe anymore or that my body is not taking in any air.. it's very weird.. usually it passes very quickly again after a few minutes.

2005-2006: Cipralex 5 mg

2009-2010: Cipralex 5 mg

2012-2015: Cipralex 5mg, 10mg 

tapered 10mg-7.5mg-5mg-2,5-0 (I always waited for a few weeks on the current dosage until I felt stable. Steps were too big I realized too late)

Completely drug free since August 2015

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oh and H2H: the earringing I get as well after intense workout!!!


Edited by ChessieCat
changed member name

2005-2006: Cipralex 5 mg

2009-2010: Cipralex 5 mg

2012-2015: Cipralex 5mg, 10mg 

tapered 10mg-7.5mg-5mg-2,5-0 (I always waited for a few weeks on the current dosage until I felt stable. Steps were too big I realized too late)

Completely drug free since August 2015

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  • 2 weeks later...

Same here. I used to jog a lot (up to 5-6 times a week and about 7km every time) and now I can't do a 2km slow-paced jog without feeling very strong physical and mental WD symptoms. I feel fine during exercising, but the the symptoms start creeping up on me a few hours after and the day after exercising is terrible. I tried yoga, but that sent me into a full-blown DR panic and paranoia episode for several days. 


Escitalopram 10mg Nov - Jan 2016 (switched to Effexor XR)

Effexor XR 37,5mg Jan - Feb 2016; 75mg Feb - April 2016; 37,5mg for one week in April, 75mg April-July 2016 (started tapering, took my last beads on Sept 11.)

The fluctuations happened because my GP mistakingly prescribed me the wrong dosage.

Oxazepam 2x10mg Dec 2015 - Jan 2016 (basically CT but no apparent symptoms); June 2016 - Feb 2017 (c/o to Valium)



Valdoxan 25mg Dec 2015 - Sept 2016. 12.4mg (Sept - Nov '16) -> 11.86mg (Nov '16) -> 10.75mg (Dec '16) -> 9.75mg (Jan '17) -> 8mg (March '17) -> 7mg (April '17) -> 4.5mg (May '17) -> 4mg (Jan '18) -> updosed to 4.5mg in the end of January

Valium (liquid form) 8.5mg Feb 2017. 7.6mg (June '17) -> 7.2mg (June '17) -> 6.8mg (July '17) -> 6.4 (Sept '17) -> 6.2 (March '18) -> 6 (April 7 '18) -> 5.8 (April 17 '18) -> 5.6 (April 26 '18) -> 5.4 (July 16 '18) -> 5.2 (March '20) -> 5 (March '20)

What to take away from all this: if you feel extremely sick only after a few doses of an AD, please tell your doctor and just stop. Adding medications is no bueno.


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@Pepita - While on ADs I felt like I could do anything. I was able to push my body into doing a lot of physical activity, even working overtime in a factory 6 days a week. I could walk for hours and not have too many issues besides being sore and fear was never a problem. Now, being off all that, pain is felt a lot more, I'm unable to do much physically (though it's every so slowly snailing it's way to getting better), and I have this fear that my heart will give out. Part of me wonders if ADs kept us from feeling a lot of the physical symptoms and now that we're off of them, or decreasing in dosage, our bodies aren't used to the pain and feeling of physical fatigue. I think it'll get better once our bodies and brains get used to this. Here's to hoping! 


@MelodySings - I had that in my earlier withdrawal, It was a nightmare, trying to fall asleep then feeling right on the edge of it, suddenly my body just feels like it's not breathing right and I just jolt awake. I can say that that symptom has gone away from me. I have throat tightness so sometimes it feels like my throat is going to close, but of course it never does and this fear has been taken over.

- 2010 Fluoxetine 20mg (no issues, did well)
- Mid 2012 Switched to Celexa 20mg (no issues with switch)
- 6/16 Stopped Celexa (always took med once every other day, tapered to once every three days for about a week and a half, took one a week for one week, no problems)
- 10/20/16 Started Celexa 20mg (next day had panic attacks, stopped after three days, kept having panic attacks and anxiety rest of the month)
- 10/28/16 Started Paxil 20mg (took for almost a week, had suicidal thoughts/severe derealization, tapered off to one every other day for a few days)
- 12/8/16 Buspirone 5mg twice daily (felt drowsy but kept anxiety under wraps, still taking it)
- 12/27/16 Venlafaxine XR 37.5mg (took two days, migraine first day, headache all day second day, third day had severe depression/outbursts of crying, couldn't stop most of the day, bad invasive thoughts, never took third dose because of it)
- 1/7/17 taper Buspirone 20% (miscalculation but doing well), gradually slivered off tablet throughout month to almost half each pill

- 2/3/17 taper Buspirone 2.5mg twice daily (did fine, listened to body), gradually slivered off tablet throughout month


* Aromatherapy 100% oils in diffuser every night *

* Morning stretching routine every day *

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@dez: Personally I didn't notice any difference in my fitness comparing before AD's and while being on them. It was the same for me. only now in WD I seem to habe no conditionand strength at all when being in a wave. When I am in a window it's better but my level of physical possibilities is still very very very low compared to all that was before. Now I am in a really really bad wave- worst since 6-8 months and I feel out of breath just walking stairs. I geht symptoms after a long walk its so frustrating????????

2005-2006: Cipralex 5 mg

2009-2010: Cipralex 5 mg

2012-2015: Cipralex 5mg, 10mg 

tapered 10mg-7.5mg-5mg-2,5-0 (I always waited for a few weeks on the current dosage until I felt stable. Steps were too big I realized too late)

Completely drug free since August 2015

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Many people have problems with exercise during withdrawal, here is the link to our existing topic about it, there's been a lot of discussion:


Exercise ... Do more, do less, do nothing? What worked for you?

I'm not a doctor.  My comments are not medical advise. These are my opinions based on my own experience and what I've learned. Please discuss your situation with a medical practitioner who has knowledge of tapering and withdrawal...if you are lucky enough to find one.

My Introduction Thread

Full Drug and Withdrawal History

Brief Summary

Several SSRIs for 13 years starting 1997 (for mild to moderate partly situational anxiety) Xanax PRN ~ Various other drugs over the years for side effects

2 month 'taper' off Lexapro 2010

Short acute withdrawal, followed by 2 -3 months of improvement then delayed protracted withdrawal

DX ADHD followed by several years of stimulants and other drugs trying to manage increasing symptoms

Failed reinstatement of Lexapro and trial of Prozac (became suicidal)

May 2013 Found SA, learned about withdrawal, stopped taking drugs...healing begins.

Protracted withdrawal, with a very sensitized nervous system, slowly recovering as time passes

Supplements which have helped: Vitamin C, Magnesium, Taurine

Bad reactions: Many supplements but mostly fish oil and Vitamin D

June 2016 - Started daily juicing, mostly vegetables and lots of greens.

Aug 2016 - Oct 2016 Best window ever, felt almost completely recovered

Oct 2016 -Symptoms returned - bad days and less bad days.

April 2018 - No windows, but significant improvement, it feels like permanent full recovery is close.

VIDEO: Where did the chemical imbalance theory come from?

VIDEO: How are psychiatric diagnoses made?

VIDEO: Why do psychiatric drugs have withdrawal syndromes?

VIDEO: Can psychiatric drugs cause long-lasting negative effects?

VIDEO: Dr. Claire Weekes




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  • 1 month later...

I use to be very sportive before. I went for a 10km run around 2 to 3 times a week. I just loved it. Now that I experience WD from my fast Paxil taper last year, I have noticed that I am unable to run like I did before. I am out of breath and my muscles ache after just a few meters of running. I can run long distances but I just don't have that drive I had before. My mental symptoms don't get worse tough.  

I am noticing little positive changes in my overall wellbeing and with my physical symptoms, but the running and sport is still an issue.


I also have trouble with my weight. I eat almost nothing, I have very little appetite, but still I can't lose the few kilo's I gained since I am eating again.

WEIRD. And so damn frustrating not knowing when this is going away. But we have to stay positive and believe in our capacity to heal!


2005: started Paxil 15 mg at age 18 for general anxiety disorder; 2016: fast tapered to 5 mg, crashed

Aug 2016: 10 mg, no improvement; Sept 2016: 15 mg on MD dad's suggestion; Oct 2016:  20 mg some improvement but still miserable

Nov 2016: stopped Paxil; started Lexapro 20mg + Amisulpride 100mg  + Xanax1mg/day +  Mirtazapine 15mg

early Jan. 2017:  increased Lexapro 30 mg  Amisulpride 200mg and the Mirtazapine 30mg; quit Xanax

late Jan. 2017: quit Amisulpride and  reinstated a high dose of Paxil (60mg).

April 2017: quit Amisulpride, Mirtazapine.

June 2017: First taper to 55 mg Paxil

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17 minutes ago, MarieJo said:

I use to be very sportive before. I went for a 10km run around 2 to 3 times a week. I just loved it. Now that I experience WD from my fast Paxil taper last year, I have noticed that I am unable to run like I did before. I am out of breath and my muscles ache after just a few meters of running. I can run long distances but I just don't have that drive I had before. My mental symptoms don't get worse tough.  

I am noticing little positive changes in my overall wellbeing and with my physical symptoms, but the running and sport is still an issue.


I also have trouble with my weight. I eat almost nothing, I have very little appetite, but still I can't lose the few kilo's I gained since I am eating again.

WEIRD. And so damn frustrating not knowing when this is going away. But we have to stay positive and believe in our capacity to heal!


yes we will heal. It just seems like forever for us - and it most certainly takes a longer time than say..getting over a cold;)

2005-2006: Cipralex 5 mg

2009-2010: Cipralex 5 mg

2012-2015: Cipralex 5mg, 10mg 

tapered 10mg-7.5mg-5mg-2,5-0 (I always waited for a few weeks on the current dosage until I felt stable. Steps were too big I realized too late)

Completely drug free since August 2015

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13 minutes ago, Pepita said:

yes we will heal. It just seems like forever for us - and it most certainly takes a longer time than say..getting over a cold;)

Yes Pepita, we will heal. :)  It all takes a long time, but I realize how grateful I am to life now, in comparison with before my WD. I try to make the best out of each little moment of improvement and I feel so blessed when they are there. I still savor the little runs I do, although it will take a long while before being the runner I was before. But in time, I'll get better, we will all get better.

2005: started Paxil 15 mg at age 18 for general anxiety disorder; 2016: fast tapered to 5 mg, crashed

Aug 2016: 10 mg, no improvement; Sept 2016: 15 mg on MD dad's suggestion; Oct 2016:  20 mg some improvement but still miserable

Nov 2016: stopped Paxil; started Lexapro 20mg + Amisulpride 100mg  + Xanax1mg/day +  Mirtazapine 15mg

early Jan. 2017:  increased Lexapro 30 mg  Amisulpride 200mg and the Mirtazapine 30mg; quit Xanax

late Jan. 2017: quit Amisulpride and  reinstated a high dose of Paxil (60mg).

April 2017: quit Amisulpride, Mirtazapine.

June 2017: First taper to 55 mg Paxil

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7 minutes ago, MarieJo said:

Yes Pepita, we will heal. :)  It all takes a long time, but I realize how grateful I am to life now, in comparison with before my WD. I try to make the best out of each little moment of improvement and I feel so blessed when they are there. I still savor the little runs I do, although it will take a long while before being the runner I was before. But in time, I'll get better, we will all get better.

I am greatful too because after my WD started and I got all this horrifying information about the consequences of ADs that I am soooo glad I am not poisoning my body any more! Stoll WD, waves are hard but at least I am healing and not harming;)

2005-2006: Cipralex 5 mg

2009-2010: Cipralex 5 mg

2012-2015: Cipralex 5mg, 10mg 

tapered 10mg-7.5mg-5mg-2,5-0 (I always waited for a few weeks on the current dosage until I felt stable. Steps were too big I realized too late)

Completely drug free since August 2015

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Even before I started weaning, long intense cardio sessions would make me very emotional.  Twice I literally had crying spells on the way home from the gym.  Since then I've cut the cardio intensity way back and been focusing on lifting weights instead.  Been feeling better since then.

April 26th - 36.5>32.8mg Z.

Feb 4th - 40.5>36.5mg Zoloft.

Jan 5th - 45>40.5mg Zoloft.

Dec 6th - 50>45mg Zoloft.

Nov 1st - 53>50.0mg Zoloft. Sep 22/17 - 50.0>53.0mg Zoloft. Sep 18/17 - 59.0>50.0mg Zoloft.

Aug 7/17 - 65.6>59.0mg  July 18/17 - 72.9>65.6mg. June 18/17 - 81>72.9mg 

May 28/17 - 90>81mg.  May 8/17:  Started my taper. 100>90mg

1995 to May 8/17:  100mg Zoloft/day.  Working well but suspecting some signs of Tolerance this past year.

4/5/17:  Started Testosterone Replacement Therapy via T pellet insertion.  Diagnosed with Secondary Hypogonadism.

Supplements:  1000mg fish oil, 10,000iu Vit D3 with K2, 400mg Magnesium.

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while you were on AD's it affected your workout? for me both are too much. Intense cardio or intense weight lifting. So lifting more reps less weight is better for me. When I am in a window I can handle more intensity in training. but yeah... all in all I am not at all at 100% yet. Good things take time;)

2005-2006: Cipralex 5 mg

2009-2010: Cipralex 5 mg

2012-2015: Cipralex 5mg, 10mg 

tapered 10mg-7.5mg-5mg-2,5-0 (I always waited for a few weeks on the current dosage until I felt stable. Steps were too big I realized too late)

Completely drug free since August 2015

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Let to my lazy self, I gravitate toward couch potato status. I'm an ectomorph so it didn't use to effect my waist but now I have been gaining some pounds when I'm too happy go lucky with the food.


Before ADs: used to be proud of quite long walks, could go downtown walking from my house in the suburbs and back again home, about an hour of walking at a moderately fast pace without needing rest. Used to play tennis and squash with some friends which would left me tired and sweating but felt good. not much of a gym guy but other than the muscle soreness for like two-three days, didn't notice any other effect, either good or bad.


Now in WD: my walks are much shorter and lighter paced, a pace like that of yesteryears I couldn't be able to sustain it without having to stop eventually to catch my breath. Last time I went to tennis I was so tired at 30 minutes I could barely sent the ball to the other side of the field. Even in the case those could be excused by me getting older, I have done several visits to the gym these last weeks, do some cardio and hitting the weights and the machines and I inevitably get sleep onset insomnia as a result, mind and body way too high to relax, heart beating faster and all body hot as a fast delivered pizza. 90 to 120 minutes of struggle are needed to drift off. Never happened before and a shame because I was truly enjoying the exercise. For the moment, I limit myself to the walks.

Name LostInTheWoods evokes both the feeling of getting stranded, forsaken and alone in an alien, hostile environment and the chance to experience awareness, tranquility and self-discovery during the experience. Just call me Lost in the posts.


February 2012. After a crisis, a crippling anxiety that culminated in a panic attack. Started 20 mg Paxil and Clonazepam.

Clonazepam left quickly in the 2nd attempt.

About about a year on 20 mg, begin tapering.

June 2014, after several weeks on 5 mg and trying to dose down, went CT.

May 2015.Anxiety came back again, went to psychiatrist back. Fluoxetine was tried and left because of bad reaction, returned to paroxetine. Start tapering in mid 2016.

December 2016. After like 2 months of going 2,5 mg, stopped paroxetine.

Truth to be told, descended into a downward spiral of caffeine, alcohol and masturbation.

January  26, 2017. Wave with some tinnitus that was fixed by a visit to the ENT.

April 21, 2017. Acid reflux at night was a stressor that triggered another wave.Vices have been put into check and only a drink or two a week remain.

By May 7 stabilized with a little anxiety left and some pains.

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I get sleeplessness and mind being way too awake as well when my training has been too intense. That's my first reaction at night and the next day or days more anxiety and mood swings/depressive feelings. At the moment I am

having a nice window, therefor I feel fitter and can do more- but everything with limits and caution;) don't wanna bring on the next wave 

Edited by scallywag
deleted quote of immediately previous post for readability

2005-2006: Cipralex 5 mg

2009-2010: Cipralex 5 mg

2012-2015: Cipralex 5mg, 10mg 

tapered 10mg-7.5mg-5mg-2,5-0 (I always waited for a few weeks on the current dosage until I felt stable. Steps were too big I realized too late)

Completely drug free since August 2015

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  • 2 months later...
On 17/04/2017 at 10:50 AM, Pepita said:

Hi there,

before my WD started I was very sportive. I trained at least 5-6 times a week, crossfit and martial arts- so, intense training. When WD started I wasn't able to train from a psycological point of view, I was hardly being able to care about myself.

A year later everything is much better and I started working out again. BUT I am still astonished how damaged my nerves are after such a long time. Almost fascinated because this gives me proof that I am not imagining symptoms, it's hard proof, after a demanding training I get intense symptoms after about 5-6 hours. Every time. So depending on the intensitiy of the workout I am slowly going back to my routines and I am sure that in a year or two, I will be able to go back to the full amount of my sessions.


I just thought I might share this here because as I understood from some topics physical exercise causes troubles for many others in WD as well.


I'd be thrilled to hear about other experiences concerning this subject

Hi I went to Zumba last night thinking it would be good for me and I am so unwell today with my anxiety and severe stressed body, I can't believe how it has effected me and I'm so glad to hear your story. My nervous system is in chaos and I have been I. Withdrawal 14month but I was doing well until my mum caused me a lot of stress and that set things off again and now this has added to it. I do feel I have ptsd as I can't cope with anything and my nervous system is in constant high alert. The good thing is that I sleep, up each morning from 5am with anxiety but rest at night. I don't know how much more of this I can't cope with. I also had to take lansoprazole for the past week and feel it has contributed to my symptoms aswell. 

Prozac for 18years with break in 1999 for pregnancy. Started to feel unwell with numerous problems 2015 and think I was in a tolerance to drug. Started to come off May 2016 and by June 2016 wasn't able to tolerate any medications at all. Was on Lansoprazole as and when need from 2001 but haven't had to take and wldnt have been able to take since June 2016


GP gave sertraline 25mg 6/04/17 loss of appetite, gut pain and then following morning whole body shaking and vomiting. Stopped tablet.

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3 hours ago, Bluebird2009 said:

Hi I went to Zumba last night thinking it would be good for me and I am so unwell today with my anxiety and severe stressed body, I can't believe how it has effected me and I'm so glad to hear your story. My nervous system is in chaos and I have been I. Withdrawal 14month but I was doing well until my mum caused me a lot of stress and that set things off again and now this has added to it. I do feel I have ptsd as I can't cope with anything and my nervous system is in constant high alert. The good thing is that I sleep, up each morning from 5am with anxiety but rest at night. I don't know how much more of this I can't cope with. I also had to take lansoprazole for the past week and feel it has contributed to my symptoms aswell. 

Hi there Bluebird, 

it is definitely always helpful to hear that other people struggle with exactly the same issues! Sometimes I have to remind myself that I am not crazy and that all this is withdrawal induced. I went off meds about two years ago. I am improving definitely! But when waves come crushing it is still very hard. As you describe it very well, I also feel like my nervous system is at constant high alert (in waves) - I also experience weeks (up to 3 months) where I can cope like a normal person;) So there´s definitely a sign that this does not have to be permanent. 


Concerning physical exercise: In a wave even Yoga is sometimes too much for me;( In windows I can train almost at my usual intensity. 

2005-2006: Cipralex 5 mg

2009-2010: Cipralex 5 mg

2012-2015: Cipralex 5mg, 10mg 

tapered 10mg-7.5mg-5mg-2,5-0 (I always waited for a few weeks on the current dosage until I felt stable. Steps were too big I realized too late)

Completely drug free since August 2015

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Thankyou for your reply. Can I ask how long you where on your drug and how you came off? 

Prozac for 18years with break in 1999 for pregnancy. Started to feel unwell with numerous problems 2015 and think I was in a tolerance to drug. Started to come off May 2016 and by June 2016 wasn't able to tolerate any medications at all. Was on Lansoprazole as and when need from 2001 but haven't had to take and wldnt have been able to take since June 2016


GP gave sertraline 25mg 6/04/17 loss of appetite, gut pain and then following morning whole body shaking and vomiting. Stopped tablet.

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24 minutes ago, Bluebird2009 said:

Thankyou for your reply. Can I ask how long you where on your drug and how you came off? 

sure I was on AD's three times in my life. First 2 times 5mg cipralex for about one year (first time I had no withdrawal, second time had it but didn't know what it was) and third ald last time I was on it for about 3 years. First 5 mg, then raised to 10.. when the neurologist suggested to go up to 15 and add neuroleptics I decided that this is all crazy and started reducing again. I didn't know about withdrawal and how to taper. Luckily I never went cold turkey but still tapered too quickly. From 10 to 7,5 (stayed there for 3-5 months), 7,5 to 5 and so on.. but I never kept an exact diary and I split the tablets very unprofessionally and Iguess that's why I still ended up with very bad wirhdrawal symptoms. 

2005-2006: Cipralex 5 mg

2009-2010: Cipralex 5 mg

2012-2015: Cipralex 5mg, 10mg 

tapered 10mg-7.5mg-5mg-2,5-0 (I always waited for a few weeks on the current dosage until I felt stable. Steps were too big I realized too late)

Completely drug free since August 2015

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  • ChessieCat changed the title to Physical exercise & withdrawal
  • 1 month later...

How do people generally feel when they exercise? I feel like I've been drugged. Eyes cannot focus, strange sensation in my eyes, slight lightheadness and eyes cannot track my movement. This is just even with weight lifting light weights. Anyone experience similar? 

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i ran 11 miles at least 20 times on olanzapine.

it kept the weight off for the most part.

im going to hit the gym this winter 

maybe take up skiing.

theres a marathon this spring.

I have to pay $105 if I want to enter.

Olanzapine (Tapered 5 times and marathon trained)

Seroquel 3 months

now back on Olanzapine.

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  • 10 months later...

It is great to see that I am not alone. I used to run at least 5 km three times a week. I am currently managing to do this once a week. I sometimes feel anxious at the outset, and then I know it's better not to run, because it will just be activating. Hoping to get back to 3 times a week.

7 months of prescribed polypharmacy in 2015-2016, including several classes of psych meds.

1st attempt at taper was too fast. 2nd attempt is underway.

1 Mar 2018: 37.5 mg paroxetine, 150 mg lamotrigine, 300 mg quetiapine

1 Oct 2020: 30 mg paroxetine, 150 mg lamotrigine, 37.5 mg quetiapine

15 May 2022: 25 mg paroxetine, 150 mg lamotrigine, 0 mg quetiapine

11 Jan 2024: 20 mg paroxetine, 118.75 mg lamotrigine 

Supplements: Iron, Vit D magnesium glycinate, omega 3

I am not a medical professional. All my posts are my opinions only, based on my experiences.


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  • 1 month later...

I envy everyone who can exercise. I can barely get out of bed most days right now and sometimes get in a 10 min walk.  How did get to exercising?  I physically feel so crappy.


It's all I can do to take a shower.


Was anyone else like this? Is there hope I will be able walk more too?


Effexor 2008 - 2017 37.5 Mg . Upped to 150 mg on 2017.  November of 2017 to March 2018 went from 150 mg to 0.

Ativan May 2018 started 1 - 2 mg daily stayed at 1mg Sept 2018. 03/9/19 .975mg, 03/16 .950mg, 04/13 .94, 04/20 .93, 04/27 .916 slowly tapered from April to  August 2019 at .77mg,  December 2020 .10mg, Jan 2021 0.0 MG 

Valium June 2018 started 10 mg currently 2.5 mg daily, September 2021 0.0 mg

Trazadone started March 2018 100 mg at night to sleep Oct 16, 2018 went to 75 mg , November 13, 2018 67.5 mg, Dec 11 60.75 mg, January 21, 2019  54 mg, 02/09 50 mg, March 2022 0.0 mg

Six Ketamine treatments September 2018.  2 treatments a week for 3 weeks

Completely drug free as of March 2022

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