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  • Moderator Emeritus

It's been a very challenging month for me with a lot of things going on at a personal level but managed to get through the month and deal with the stress.  This stands out because previously when dealing with even minor stress, my central nervous system would go into panic mode and it would overwhelm me to the point that it felt like I was completely losing control of a situation.  I've read in other member's threads that stress tends to intensify withdrawal, which has been my experience as well, so as difficult as it can be to deal with stressful situations, it looks like my tolerance for stress has improved tenfold which is a very good thing.  

Am finding now that I'm getting impatient again, really longing to get to the end of my taper and put all of this behind me, the monthly discomfort, the painfully slow process of withdrawing from a drug that provided no clear benefit ... sometimes feels like a noose around my neck and my mind that is holding me back from living freely.

All said and done, as I've gotten lower on my dose, I will have to say that my mind is getting much clearer, more focused, I'm not fumbling for words as often as I used to and my true nature is much closer to the surface.  So at the end of the day, as frustrating and challenging as it can be at times, the benefits of a slow taper, at least for me, far outweigh the negatives.

Current Prescription Drugs for Hypothyroidism:  Synthroid 100mcg / Cytomel 5mcg (15 years Pristiq/Effexor)

Tapering Schedule
September 15, 2016 - switched from Pristiq 50mg to Effexor XR 75mg; November 10, 2016 - reduced to 67.5 Effexor XR
December 9, 2016 - reduced 60.75
January 5, 2017 - reduced 54.67
January 30, 2017 - reduced to 49.0
February 20, 2017 - reduced to 44.0 
May 20, 2017 - reduced to 40.25 (holding for additional month due to late onset of withdrawal symptoms after this taper)
July 17, 2017 - reduced to 38.24
August 15, 2017 - reduced to 37.5 (50% of my original dose)

October 15, 2017 - reduced to 35.6

November 12, 2017 - reduced to 33.8
December 15, 2017 - up-dose to 35.6
December 28, 2017 - up-dose to 37.5

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Hi baroquep,


Congratulations on getting through a challenging month!  You mention in your post that you have experienced an increased tolerance to stress and have dealt well with stressful events over this last month....that is so great! I am one whom stress seems to throw into severe withdrawal mode - much as you describe, like a panic mode, that just won't quit and intensifies even as I wait it out.  As a result, many times now I have increased my dose to try to help manage the symptoms (it is kind of embarrassing how many times this has happened now!).  I realize that I need to work on how I react to stress in order to have any hope of restarting my taper (I actually have two tapers ahead of me) and am working on my coping skills. I was curious how this has changed for you over time, how did you improve your tolerance to stress?  Thanks!





-1/06 - 3/07 Cymbalta. Fast taper (essentially CT); withdrawal symptoms after 4 mos (didn't realize was WD)

-10/07: 100 mg Zoloft; 1 mg Klonopin - tapered off Klonopin after 4 mos. Several unsuccessful slow tapers of Zoloft; went up and down in dose a lot

-Spring 2013 back on 1 mg Klonopin to counter WD symptoms; switched over 5-6 mos from Zoloft to 35 mg citalopram
-Two attempts at slow tapering citalopram, always increased dose due to WD; also increased Klonopin to 1.25 mg in 2014, then to 1.5 mg in 2015

-8/17-9/17: After holding one year at 20 mg, feeling withdrawal symptoms due to stress - slowly increased to 25 mg. No change in symptoms after 6 months (? tolerance ?)  - decided to start citalopram taper February 2018 (still on Klonopin 1.5 mg).

Supplements: fish oil; magnesium; vitamin D3; curcumin

Citalopram taper:  2/2018 - 12/2019: 25 mg - 11.03 mg I 2020: 10.89 mg - 7.9 mg I 2021: 7.8 mg - 5.26 mg I 2022: 5.2 mg - 3.36 mg I 2023: 3.3 mg - 1.47 mg 2024: 1/5/24: 1.44 mg; 1/19/24: 1.40 mg; 1/26/24: 1.37 mg; 2/2/24: 1.34 mg; 2/9/24: 1.31 mg; 2/23/24: 1.28 mg; 3/1/24: 1.25 mg; 3/8/24: 1.22 mg; 3/15/24: 1.19 mg; 3/29/24: 1.17 mg; 4/5/24: 1.14 mg; 4/13/24: 1.11 mg; 4/20/24: 1.09 mg; 4/27/24: 1.06 mg; 5/4/24: 1.04 mg; 5/11/24: 1.01 mg; 5/18/24: .99 mg



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  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi wantrelief, thanks for stopping by.  Unfortunately I can't attribute better stress tolerance to anything in particular except maybe reducing the decrease of Effexor from 10% to 5% every month and doing a longer hold after every two decreases.  I can only surmise that my central nervous system has been given the opportunity to heal and a lower % decrease has lessened the burden withdrawal places on it and can therefor bounce back a little easier.  If I can offer any advice, it would be to go slow and keep it simple as it's the only thing that's worked for me.      

Current Prescription Drugs for Hypothyroidism:  Synthroid 100mcg / Cytomel 5mcg (15 years Pristiq/Effexor)

Tapering Schedule
September 15, 2016 - switched from Pristiq 50mg to Effexor XR 75mg; November 10, 2016 - reduced to 67.5 Effexor XR
December 9, 2016 - reduced 60.75
January 5, 2017 - reduced 54.67
January 30, 2017 - reduced to 49.0
February 20, 2017 - reduced to 44.0 
May 20, 2017 - reduced to 40.25 (holding for additional month due to late onset of withdrawal symptoms after this taper)
July 17, 2017 - reduced to 38.24
August 15, 2017 - reduced to 37.5 (50% of my original dose)

October 15, 2017 - reduced to 35.6

November 12, 2017 - reduced to 33.8
December 15, 2017 - up-dose to 35.6
December 28, 2017 - up-dose to 37.5

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  • Moderator Emeritus


Five days since my last reduction.  The last couple of days have been a real challenge trying to remain calm when my emotions are all over the place and I'm starting to feel really discouraged.  Brain fog, cognitive impairment while short-lived, is upsetting and disconcerting and a reminder that the way my brain was meant to function naturally has most definitely been altered by these drugs and drives home just how much I regret starting them.  Haven't been sleeping well, up at 4:00 a.m. most nights over the last month and it's taking its toll.  When I'm feeling like this, while I know the emotional response is related to withdrawal, am finding it harder and harder to feel confident about continuing to taper as the finish line is so very far away.  While I desperately want to stop taking this poison, am starting to question whether I have the stamina to deal with withdrawal symptoms every month for the next 8-10 years.  Hopefully tomorrow will be a brighter day.

Current Prescription Drugs for Hypothyroidism:  Synthroid 100mcg / Cytomel 5mcg (15 years Pristiq/Effexor)

Tapering Schedule
September 15, 2016 - switched from Pristiq 50mg to Effexor XR 75mg; November 10, 2016 - reduced to 67.5 Effexor XR
December 9, 2016 - reduced 60.75
January 5, 2017 - reduced 54.67
January 30, 2017 - reduced to 49.0
February 20, 2017 - reduced to 44.0 
May 20, 2017 - reduced to 40.25 (holding for additional month due to late onset of withdrawal symptoms after this taper)
July 17, 2017 - reduced to 38.24
August 15, 2017 - reduced to 37.5 (50% of my original dose)

October 15, 2017 - reduced to 35.6

November 12, 2017 - reduced to 33.8
December 15, 2017 - up-dose to 35.6
December 28, 2017 - up-dose to 37.5

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Baroquep,


It's always difficult to see anything positive when one is in the throes of WD.  But you are on half the dose you were on a year ago.  At this rate it is not unrealistic to be off in another 4 years or so.  Last year when I ct'd seroquel and had to reinstate, I too despaired being off all drugs before 8 years, but I see that the timeline has significantly shortened for me.


Insomnia is the worst.  I hope it improves for you.


You are doing well just plodding along, it's all we can do.  And you will eventually get to the finish line.  


Take care.


Gabapentin:  about 6 months in 2015, 300-900 mg, cold turkeyed Sept 2015 (at same time dc'd Klonopin)

Klonopin: June 2014- Sept 2015; 1mg tapered over 6 mths, dc'd at 0.25mg, withdrawal hellish (perhaps because of concurrent dc of gabapentin)

Mirtazepine: Jumped off at 2.4 mg. (stable in 8 months).

Seroquel:  June 14 - July 24, 2016, 25 mg alternate nights; smaller doses for shorter periods. Total use about 3 months 

Lamictal: March 19, 2018 - 1 mg; March 23 - 1.25 mg; April 6 - 2mg. Discontinued at 2 mgJuly 1, 2018 due to Steven Johnson Syndrome.



Supplements: Vit D, turmeric

Naturethroid: 65 mcg for hypothyroidism

Trazodone: Oct 2015 - June 2016; 75 mg tapered over 2 mths, intense w/d after 3 weeks. Reinstatement: 07/25/16 - 25 mg; updosed 08/03/16 - 50 mg;  10/01/16-  62mg; 03/24/17 dropped to 50 mg (stable in 2.5 months)

                           Current psych meds: Trazodone 50 mg

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Moderator Emeritus


It's been almost three weeks since I reduced my last dose without much improvement.  This has compelled me to read over my journal entries from the last year and realize that discontinuing antidepressants just may not be in the cards for me.  The last two reductions after getting to the 50% mark, has made it impossible to ignore the deterioration of my mental health.  I have decided to take a leave of absence from work to try and stabilize on 37.5mg of Effexor which seemed like the last instance where I was sleeping regularly and my emotional well-being was in balance.  I fear that if I make any further changes at this time, it will cause me more harm than good.  Wishing everyone well and continued success with your journey off of antidepressants.        

Current Prescription Drugs for Hypothyroidism:  Synthroid 100mcg / Cytomel 5mcg (15 years Pristiq/Effexor)

Tapering Schedule
September 15, 2016 - switched from Pristiq 50mg to Effexor XR 75mg; November 10, 2016 - reduced to 67.5 Effexor XR
December 9, 2016 - reduced 60.75
January 5, 2017 - reduced 54.67
January 30, 2017 - reduced to 49.0
February 20, 2017 - reduced to 44.0 
May 20, 2017 - reduced to 40.25 (holding for additional month due to late onset of withdrawal symptoms after this taper)
July 17, 2017 - reduced to 38.24
August 15, 2017 - reduced to 37.5 (50% of my original dose)

October 15, 2017 - reduced to 35.6

November 12, 2017 - reduced to 33.8
December 15, 2017 - up-dose to 35.6
December 28, 2017 - up-dose to 37.5

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  • Mentor

Hi Baroquep,

Quality of life is the most important thing. I hope you are able to stabilize sooner rather than later. I do follow you and hope that you will continue to up date us as to how you are feeling.  Wishing you the very best during this most difficult time.



I am not a health professional in any way.  I do not give medical advice.   Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a professional medical practitioner.



April 29, 2022 900 mg to 800 mg (11%), May 29, 2022 800 to 700 mg (12.5%), June 20, 2022 700 to 650mg (8%), July 20, 2022 650 to 575 (12%), August 20,  575 to 500 (13%),  Sept 20, 2020 500 to 475mg (5%) Nov 7, 2022 475 to 425 (11%), Nov 21, 2022 500mg

Medications: Gabapentin, Prednisone 1.5mg a day, Cortisol Inhaler daily. 


Feb. 2016 to June 2016  - Was on 150mg Zoloft.  Put on Gabapentin at 900mg a day in 2016 due to antidepressant withdrawal. 

Quit Zoloft (Sertraline) June  2016,  reinstated 50mg of Zoloft July 2016.  From July 2016  to October 2016 went from 50 mg down 2.3 mg. I up-dosed in November 2016 to 12.5 mg. Held there until January 2017 when I started a much slower taper.


Dec. 10 2016  - switched to Liquid Zoloft (Sertraline) @ 12.5 mg.   Jan. 4, 2020 1.875 mg (6.3%). Jan. 25, 2020 1.75 mgFeb. 29, 2020 1.625mg (7.10%).  Apr. 4, 2020 1.5 mg.  May 9, 2020 1.375 mg.  June 6, 2020 1.25 mg. (9.10%).  July 4, 2020 1.125 mg. (10%).  August 15, 2020 1.0 mg.  Oct 24, 2020 .875 mg.  Nov. 28, 2020 .75mgJan 16, 2021 .685mg (8.7%).  Feb 13, 2021 .62mg. March 12, 2021 .56mg.  May 1, 2021 .375mg.  May 29, 2021 .25mg. June 26, 2021 .0125mg. July 25, 2021 .065mg. August 22, 2021 .048mg.  October 2, 2021 .043mg.  October 10, 2021 .038mg.  October 23, 2021 .035mg.  October 30, 2021 .032mg.  Nov. 13, 2021 .030 mg.  Dec 4, 2021 .0285 mg.  Dec 11, 2021 .0265 mg. Dec 18, 2021 .0246 mg. Dec 25, 2021 .023mg. Jan 1, 2022. 0 mg. OFF COMPLETELY

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Hi Baroquep,


I sm sorry you haven't been feeling well.  I have struggled with tapering off of ADs so really empathize with your situation.  Regardless of what you decide in the future, I hope you feel better soon and find some peace.  



-1/06 - 3/07 Cymbalta. Fast taper (essentially CT); withdrawal symptoms after 4 mos (didn't realize was WD)

-10/07: 100 mg Zoloft; 1 mg Klonopin - tapered off Klonopin after 4 mos. Several unsuccessful slow tapers of Zoloft; went up and down in dose a lot

-Spring 2013 back on 1 mg Klonopin to counter WD symptoms; switched over 5-6 mos from Zoloft to 35 mg citalopram
-Two attempts at slow tapering citalopram, always increased dose due to WD; also increased Klonopin to 1.25 mg in 2014, then to 1.5 mg in 2015

-8/17-9/17: After holding one year at 20 mg, feeling withdrawal symptoms due to stress - slowly increased to 25 mg. No change in symptoms after 6 months (? tolerance ?)  - decided to start citalopram taper February 2018 (still on Klonopin 1.5 mg).

Supplements: fish oil; magnesium; vitamin D3; curcumin

Citalopram taper:  2/2018 - 12/2019: 25 mg - 11.03 mg I 2020: 10.89 mg - 7.9 mg I 2021: 7.8 mg - 5.26 mg I 2022: 5.2 mg - 3.36 mg I 2023: 3.3 mg - 1.47 mg 2024: 1/5/24: 1.44 mg; 1/19/24: 1.40 mg; 1/26/24: 1.37 mg; 2/2/24: 1.34 mg; 2/9/24: 1.31 mg; 2/23/24: 1.28 mg; 3/1/24: 1.25 mg; 3/8/24: 1.22 mg; 3/15/24: 1.19 mg; 3/29/24: 1.17 mg; 4/5/24: 1.14 mg; 4/13/24: 1.11 mg; 4/20/24: 1.09 mg; 4/27/24: 1.06 mg; 5/4/24: 1.04 mg; 5/11/24: 1.01 mg; 5/18/24: .99 mg



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Hey Baroque,

I hope that you reach some sort of stability whatever you end up doing. I just read your thread - no doubt you've learned a lot and come a long way over the past couple years. Best of luck in your leave.


2004: Clonazepam and Celexa. 2005 - 2006: Effexor, then increased to high dose, then switched to Valproate and Seroquel. 2007: Wellbutrin + Strattera + Celexa. 2007 - 2008: Wellbutrin + Adderall + Paxil. 2008 - 2012: Wellbutrin + occasional SSRIs when I had worsened "depression", which happened around 4 times, usually after CT of WB. 2012 - 2014: WB + Sertraline, then WB + Pristiq (awful W/D) then WB + rTMS, then ketamine. 2014 - 2016: Wellbutrin 200 mg + Abilify 4 mg + Adderall 20-40 mg + Cipralex 20 mg. Oct 2016: "Tapered" Cipralex, felt outrageously anxious, irritable. Dec 2016: "Tapered" Adderall, then felt depressed, hopeless, fatigued.  Feb 6 2017: reinstated 20 mg Adderall. Mar 2017: switched to Vyvanse, upped to 30 mg. May - Aug 2017: "Tapered" Vyvanse + Abilify to zero. Oct 25, 2017: Wellbutrin from 200 to 100 mg. Sep 10, 2018:  Wellbutrin from 90 to 60 mg. Oct 29, 2018: WB from 60 to 50 mg. Dec 19, 2018: WB from 50 to 45 mg. Apr 15, 2019: WB 41 mg. May 14, 2019: WB 37 mg. Jun 8, 2019: WB 33 mg. Jul 22: WB 30 mg, then down by around 10% per month. Aug 2020: 0


Working hard to take my life back. Anything I say here is as a friend or peer supporter; it is not medical advice.

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi RachelSusan, wantrelief and Marmot, thank you for the kind wishes, they are much appreciated.  Think the stress I've been dealing with along with the last two cuts has caught up to me and really don't want to be in this head-space any longer.  It's been a few months since I've felt well emotionally and have decided to up-dose to 35.6mg and see if that provides any relief from the insomnia and emotional deregulation.  Will hold there for a month and see if there is any improvement, and if not, will up-dose again to 37.5mg and hold at that dose indefinitely.  Seeing as I was feeling well at 37.5mg, I have absolutely no plans whatsoever to increase my dose beyond that as I would like to retain the benefit of a clearer mind and having my true emotions much closer to the surface.  


Spoke with the doctor who prescribed me this crap and asked her directly if any of her other patients have had difficulty coming off Effexor and she had to admit that yes, she had, but that no one has had as much difficulty as I have ... well thanks doc, that makes me feel so much better.  Asked her if she was aware that Effexor has one of the worst withdrawal profiles of these types of drugs and she just looked down and didn't say anything.  I'm not done with this conversation and hopefully by the time I am finished, she will have a better understanding of how these drugs affect some people when they want to discontinue them and should only be prescribed as a last ditch effort to help a patient.  Unfortunately I think that the pharmaceutical companies have brainwashed these doctors into believing that antidepressants are a cure all for everything that ails us ... FFS!!!

Current Prescription Drugs for Hypothyroidism:  Synthroid 100mcg / Cytomel 5mcg (15 years Pristiq/Effexor)

Tapering Schedule
September 15, 2016 - switched from Pristiq 50mg to Effexor XR 75mg; November 10, 2016 - reduced to 67.5 Effexor XR
December 9, 2016 - reduced 60.75
January 5, 2017 - reduced 54.67
January 30, 2017 - reduced to 49.0
February 20, 2017 - reduced to 44.0 
May 20, 2017 - reduced to 40.25 (holding for additional month due to late onset of withdrawal symptoms after this taper)
July 17, 2017 - reduced to 38.24
August 15, 2017 - reduced to 37.5 (50% of my original dose)

October 15, 2017 - reduced to 35.6

November 12, 2017 - reduced to 33.8
December 15, 2017 - up-dose to 35.6
December 28, 2017 - up-dose to 37.5

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13 hours ago, baroquep said:

Spoke with the doctor who prescribed me this crap and asked her directly if any of her other patients have had difficulty coming off Effexor and she had to admit that yes, she had, but that no one has had as much difficulty as I have ... well thanks doc, that makes me feel so much better.  Asked her if she was aware that Effexor has one of the worst withdrawal profiles of these types of drugs and she just looked down and didn't say anything.  I'm not done with this conversation and hopefully by the time I am finished, she will have a better understanding of how these drugs affect some people when they want to discontinue them and should only be prescribed as a last ditch effort to help a patient.  Unfortunately I think that the pharmaceutical companies have brainwashed these doctors into believing that antidepressants are a cure all for everything that ails us ... FFS!!!

Wow baroque good for you for sticking up for yourself .

I think I want to put this in favourites.

Perhaps you were her only patient who wasnt suffering Stockholm syndrome. Sounds like you have caused some cognitive dissonance when some truths were pointed out and as usual its met with a deafening silence. 

13 hours ago, baroquep said:

no one has had as much difficulty as I have

yeah right!

More likely every one who did is drugged to the eyeballs with chemicals to numb and dumb the cns into submission.

Thought for the day: Lets stand up, and let’s speak out , together. G Olsen

We have until the 14th. Feb 2018. 

URGENT REQUEST Please consider submitting  for the petition on Prescribed Drug Dependence and Withdrawal currently awaiting its third consideration at the Scottish Parliament. You don't even have to be from Scotland. By clicking on the link below you can read some of the previous submissions but be warned many of them are quite harrowing.


Please tell them about your problems taking and withdrawing from antidepressants and/or benzos.

Send by email to petitions@parliament.scot and quote PE01651 in the subject heading. Keep to a maximum of 3 sides of A4 and you can't name for legal reasons any doctor you have consulted. Tell them if you wish to remain anonymous. We need the numbers to help convince the committee members we are not isolated cases. You have until mid February. Thank you

Recovering paxil addict

None of the published articles shed light on what ssri's ... actually do or what their hazards might be. Healy 2013. 

This is so true, with anything you get on these drugs, dependance, tapering, withdrawal symptoms, side effects, just silent. And if there is something mentioned then their is a serious disconnect between what is said and reality! 

  "Every time I read of a multi-person shooting, I always presume that person had just started a SSRI or had just stopped."  Dr Mosher. Me too! 

Over two decades later, the number of antidepressant prescriptions a year is slightly more than the number of people in the Western world. Most (nine out of 10) prescriptions are for patients who faced difficulties on stopping, equating to about a tenth of the population. These patients are often advised to continue treatment because their difficulties indicate they need ongoing treatment, just as a person with diabetes needs insulin. Healy 2015

I believe the ssri era will soon stand as one of the most shameful in the history of medicine. Healy 2015

Let people help people ... in a natural, kind, non-addictive (and non-big pharma) way. J Broadley 2017



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  • Mentor

Hi Baroquep,

I wanted to let you know how much I admire you trying to talk to, and educate your doctor about these drugs.  I keep trying to talk to a few of my doctors and I can tell the majority of them don't want to hear it.  They change the subject or if they are kind enough to listen they look uncomfortable.  I try to keep it short and sweet and hopefully I can plant a seed so that perhaps the next person who has trouble getting off of these drugs will have a more receptive physician, one that is aware that there are patients who do have problems with withdrawal.  I stick to the facts only.  I do have to admit that I am getting a little discouraged though because as NZ11 said so elegantly phrased it above, I am "met with a deafening silence".  Anyway I applaud you and thank you for trying.



I am not a health professional in any way.  I do not give medical advice.   Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a professional medical practitioner.



April 29, 2022 900 mg to 800 mg (11%), May 29, 2022 800 to 700 mg (12.5%), June 20, 2022 700 to 650mg (8%), July 20, 2022 650 to 575 (12%), August 20,  575 to 500 (13%),  Sept 20, 2020 500 to 475mg (5%) Nov 7, 2022 475 to 425 (11%), Nov 21, 2022 500mg

Medications: Gabapentin, Prednisone 1.5mg a day, Cortisol Inhaler daily. 


Feb. 2016 to June 2016  - Was on 150mg Zoloft.  Put on Gabapentin at 900mg a day in 2016 due to antidepressant withdrawal. 

Quit Zoloft (Sertraline) June  2016,  reinstated 50mg of Zoloft July 2016.  From July 2016  to October 2016 went from 50 mg down 2.3 mg. I up-dosed in November 2016 to 12.5 mg. Held there until January 2017 when I started a much slower taper.


Dec. 10 2016  - switched to Liquid Zoloft (Sertraline) @ 12.5 mg.   Jan. 4, 2020 1.875 mg (6.3%). Jan. 25, 2020 1.75 mgFeb. 29, 2020 1.625mg (7.10%).  Apr. 4, 2020 1.5 mg.  May 9, 2020 1.375 mg.  June 6, 2020 1.25 mg. (9.10%).  July 4, 2020 1.125 mg. (10%).  August 15, 2020 1.0 mg.  Oct 24, 2020 .875 mg.  Nov. 28, 2020 .75mgJan 16, 2021 .685mg (8.7%).  Feb 13, 2021 .62mg. March 12, 2021 .56mg.  May 1, 2021 .375mg.  May 29, 2021 .25mg. June 26, 2021 .0125mg. July 25, 2021 .065mg. August 22, 2021 .048mg.  October 2, 2021 .043mg.  October 10, 2021 .038mg.  October 23, 2021 .035mg.  October 30, 2021 .032mg.  Nov. 13, 2021 .030 mg.  Dec 4, 2021 .0285 mg.  Dec 11, 2021 .0265 mg. Dec 18, 2021 .0246 mg. Dec 25, 2021 .023mg. Jan 1, 2022. 0 mg. OFF COMPLETELY

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Hi Baroquep,


Sorry you are feeling so poorly.  I hope you get some relief from updosing and holding.  Do not be disheartened.  Negativity feeds on these "setbacks", but always think long term ... once you stabilize you will be in a better place in how to proceed.  I think it's great that you are able to take some time off to nature yourself.


Take care.



Gabapentin:  about 6 months in 2015, 300-900 mg, cold turkeyed Sept 2015 (at same time dc'd Klonopin)

Klonopin: June 2014- Sept 2015; 1mg tapered over 6 mths, dc'd at 0.25mg, withdrawal hellish (perhaps because of concurrent dc of gabapentin)

Mirtazepine: Jumped off at 2.4 mg. (stable in 8 months).

Seroquel:  June 14 - July 24, 2016, 25 mg alternate nights; smaller doses for shorter periods. Total use about 3 months 

Lamictal: March 19, 2018 - 1 mg; March 23 - 1.25 mg; April 6 - 2mg. Discontinued at 2 mgJuly 1, 2018 due to Steven Johnson Syndrome.



Supplements: Vit D, turmeric

Naturethroid: 65 mcg for hypothyroidism

Trazodone: Oct 2015 - June 2016; 75 mg tapered over 2 mths, intense w/d after 3 weeks. Reinstatement: 07/25/16 - 25 mg; updosed 08/03/16 - 50 mg;  10/01/16-  62mg; 03/24/17 dropped to 50 mg (stable in 2.5 months)

                           Current psych meds: Trazodone 50 mg

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  • 1 month later...

baroquep, sorry to hear you are struggling. I can empathize. You are saying the same type of things I was saying a few years ago when I was on 27mg of Effexor and was so frustrated with the way I felt that I updosed to 37.5mg. It did not help by the way. I then held for 3.5 years with no improvement.


As you know, I recently started tapering again. I am really happy with how the last few weeks have gone. In November I did a 2.5% drop for 4 weeks and felt new symptoms over a two day span. I was discouraged because it would have taken me 14 years to get off Effexor at that pace. Then a 4% drop for 4 weeks. I felt new symptoms for 3 days. The latest drop was 6% for 4 weeks. It is Day 19 and I only had a 1/2 day of new symptoms. This month is easier than the previous two. I think because I had more stress in the previous two months. This month events in my personal life have been better.


Five years ago I was in horrible acute withdrawal. I held for 4 months. Then I tried a 10% drop and was sick for 10 weeks. As mentioned above, I held for 3.5 years after that. Now, I can do a 6% drop with only 12 hours of "extra" symptoms.


It is still very early in my latest taper, but maybe my CNS is much more stabilized now. Perhaps if you hold for a while, the same can happen for you. :) 

On Effexor since February 2003; Mar/2012 - dropped from 150mg to 131mg; Apr/2012 - 112.5mg; Jul.2/2012 - 94mg;
Oct.21/2012 - 75mg - first started noticing withdrawal symptoms; Nov.16/2012 - 56mg; Dec.11/2012- 37.5mg; Jan.5/2013 - 19mg; Jan.22/2013 - 22.5mg (withdrawal too strong); Jan.23/2013 - 37.5mg (MUCH worse; very sick)
Jan.24/2013 - 30mg; May 26/2013 - 27mg (started 10% method - too much)

Dec.25/2013 - 27.3mg (no relief after 7 month hold; slow updose)

Mar.6/2014 - 37.5mg (3.5 year hold, no improvement);

Nov.2/2017 - 2.5% drop/36.6mg; Nov.30/2017 - 4% drop/35.1mg; Dec.28/2017 - 6% drop/33mg; Jan.25,/2018 - 8% drop/30.4mg; Feb.22/2018 - Held at 30.4mg; Mar. 22/2018 - 10% drop/27.4mg; Apr.19/2018 - 10% drop/24.7mg; May 17/2018 - 5%/23.5mg; Nov.21/2018 - 1.7% drop/23.1mg; Dec.19/2018 - 1.7%/22.7mg; Jan.23/2019 - 2.6%/22.1mg; Feb.27/2019 - 3.6% drop/21.3mg..holding...considering slow updose back to full dose


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  • 4 months later...
  • Administrator

baroquep, how are you doing?

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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  • 7 months later...
  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi baroquep,


Miss you.  How are you these days?  Please update us on how things are going for you.


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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  • 1 year later...

hey @baroquep


I've been reading your story recently. How do you feel? I noticed you haven't posted since 2017. I'm currently 3 months off effexor and debating on reinstating. Have you decided to stay on 37.5? Hope you';re well


2018 - Started Effexor 37.5 in Janurary of 2018
2019 January, 2nd  - Cold Turkeyed from Effexor for 3 days. Reinstated on the third day, then stabilized(It took 3 months to stabilize)

2019 June - I switched from Effexor instant release to Extended Release 37.5 for better tapering. I tapered to 50% in 4 weeks before reinstating my dosage back to 37.5(due to withdrawls). I waited 2 months to stabilize but never did at 37.5

2019 September - continued to taper in to 25% on extended release

2019 October - continued to taper to half of the beads(18.75mg)... WIthdrawls were so bad I tried switching back to the instant release at the same dosage(18.75mg)

2019 November 28th - Discontinued effexor at 18.75 without anymore tapering.


2020 January - Just can't sleep, have constipation, low libido and still lack of full emotion

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