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  1. I have had both numerous allergies and sensitivities, and sometimes paradoxical reactions to meds, since long before withdrawals (some since birth but increased throughout my life). I am not in acute withdrawal now, but believe my numerous withdrawals from various meds have increased my tendencies to get reactions to food, environmental, and chemicals/medications, although they were already increasing throughout my life and are severe enough that they're well-acknowledged by doctors. I have had cataracts for many years, and they are now well past the stage where surgery is called for. I have an excellent and conscientious ophthalmologist, fortunately, but I'm concerned about the various meds and anesthetics (including what the doc said would be a "small" amount of propofol - I'd still need to be conscious enough to follow directions, he said) that I'd need. I do know from experience what many of my allergies/sensitivities are from past experiences, but this (will need both eyes done but one is the most acute right now though other will probably need to be done fairly soon after) involves meds I've never had before. I will get a list of the meds the doctor feels will be needed to learn as much about them (families of drugs, additives - which account for a great many of my allergic reactions, etc.) and discuss options with my doctor prior to surgery. The new lens will be acrylic and I am concerned about that since I cannot tolerate synthetic clothing generally (and when I can, only briefly) due to severe urticaria... dermagraphism, itching that can burn like fire under my skin, hives and welts, rashes, and general systemic symptoms including chills, physical "restlessness" though not quite akathisia I don't think, and generally feeling "unwell." I will discuss the substances involved with the ophthalmologist and with my PCP (who seems more concerned about reactions even than I am, since she understands the unusual degree of sensitivities I have and is familiar with the phenomenon from a few other people she knows). But I would like to discuss not only meds involved and possible options with other chemically sensitive people who have had concerns re surgery of any kind and particularly if they're been able to tolerate propofol, and especially to learn more of the procedure itself with people who have had cataract surgery. I also am still on a benzo (clonazepam) as a long-term anticonvulsant re seizure disorder, and which I may always need to be one since have very long history of being unable to tolerate or respond to other anticonvulsants. I believe I read a reference here (not sure if it was this site) about interactions between propofol and benzos; if anyone has had propofol while on a benzo their input would be very welcome. btw, I do want to assure people that allergies and sensitivities as severe as mine are very rare, and that they have been medical problems for me since I was (literally) two weeks old! With many years' experience in w/d groups, I've noticed that most people by far who have such problems after w/d usually had allergies and chemical sensitivities prior to the meds and w/d (people usually have told me about these on the phone and private correspondence, if you wonder why you're not seeing those discussions here); it's usually when those are already issues that they sometimes increase when our bodies become more sensitized or where hormones are involved when endocrine system is sensitized, I think. I certainly don't want to alarm anyone that my condition is commonplace, I've read countless posts in various w/d groups and corresponded with countless people over the last decade, and this is absolutely not the norm, but it is my reality. If you PM me (this is only very peripherally a w/d issue so not sure it's an appropriate topic for a w/d site, though I know a number of people here are chemically or at least med sensitive), please post a brief "I PM'd you" in this thread, since I usually receive notifications from this site but for some reason don't always. Thanks! And sorry this post is so verbose. Mine is a very unusual situation and I wanted to make that clear. P.S. re meds needed in procedures - I have found some options for dental anesthetics and filling materials, and certain meds, that I tolerated just fine. There are probably many more options, I just avoid medical procedures unless necessary. Just had some minor (not vision or dental) procedures - not the first time - that went smooth as glass and healing beautifully without problems. I'd be glad to give more details if it would help anyone, though everyone's responses to substances can be different.
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