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LucyD: clomipramine and pregnancy


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I am new to the forum. 

I currently take 100mg a day of Clomipramine. I have been on it for 18 months. I want to start trying for my first baby so want to come off the medication completely over next few months. Are there any other women who have been in the same situation? Very scared to come off it as it has changed my life for the better and I don’t want to relapse. Any advise regarding tapering off and how to do it with capsules, or words of encouragement very welcome. 

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  • ChessieCat changed the title to LucyD: clomipramine and pregnancy
  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi, LucyD.


Welcome to Surviving Antidepressants. 


I'm very glad you are researching this prior to becoming pregnant. We do periodically have other members in the same situation and as you post and read, I'm sure you'll find members that speak to this subject. 


Some information to get you started:


Why taper by 10% of my dosage?


How psychiatric drugs remodel your brain


The rule of 3KIS: Keep it simple. Keep it slow. Keep it stable.


Healing from antidepressants. Patterns of recovery video (4 minutes)


Please add a signature.  Include drugs, doses, dates, and discontinuations & reinstatements in the last 12-24 months. Also include supplements. This will help us give you the most accurate advice we can. 

  • Any drugs and supplements prior to 24 months ago can just be listed with start and stop years. 
  • Please use actual dates or approximate dates (mid-June, Late October) rather than relative time frames (last week, 3 months ago) 
  • Spell out months, e.g. "October" or "Oct."; 9/1/2016 can be interpreted as Jan. 9, 2016 or Sept. 1, 2016. 
  • Please leave out symptoms and diagnoses. 
  • A list is easier to understand than one or multiple paragraphs. 
  • This is a direct link to your signature:  Account Settings – Create or Edit a signature.

Please continue to use this thread to document your progress and to ask plenty of questions.




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  • Administrator

Welcome, LucyD.


Not many people take clomipramine, I composed this new topic for you


As it comes in a range of dosages and can easily be made into a liquid, tapering gradually will not be difficult. However, a few months is a short amount of time for one of our tapers. You might try a 10% reduction to start and see how it affects you. Please let us know how you're doing.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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  • 3 weeks later...


i am tapering my Clomipramine because I want to have a baby too. I reduced from 250mg to 25mg over a year which wasn’t too hard. Now I want to get off the last 25mg as quick as possible ( I’m an “older” lady lol so need to get pregnant sooner rather than later).


i tried stopping at 25mg but after 4 days got terrible headaches, diarrhoea, nausea and sleeplessness. I’m going back to the dr to see if I can get 10mg capsules and if there is a liquid option available.

Clomipramine started 2008 250mg, tapered over past year to 25mg


no other meds

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