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qtnPls reinstated escilatopram after intolerable withdrawal symptoms


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Hi Alostrata,

Thank you again for your support. I am reinstataing escitaloprm 5mg (+good food, physical activity, massage therapist, coaching in deep consious breathing and so on..), from 3-4 weeks now and I feel good after intolerable WS, I have my normal level of physical/psychological energy and I can sleep again.


Now I am asking myself and you for help, regarding probable tollerance developping with such a drugs (I red a lot about other drugs, nootropics and so on) the following:

- Is it a good strategy to take the advertaised Half-life parameter really in account when setting my dosage?

- Example: not taking my new dose not once a day I the same hours, as normally prescribed by doctors: but setting times of intake depending of the Half-life duration + 2 to 6 or 12 hours, giving time to brain and body to clear compleately from the last intake? And possibly starting some natural recovery process?


Thank you for your understanding,

And support here from you all,


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  • Administrator

Welcome, qtnPls.


The half-life can be a consideration in dosing. For example, some people take their dose in the morning because the drug is activating and interferes with sleep.


Otherwise, escilatopram is generally taken once a day. Trying to stretch the daily dosing may trigger withdrawal symptoms. You want to keep the amount in your blood level (or receptor occupancy) as steady as possible, see http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/6036-why-taper-paper-demonstrates-importance-of-gradual-change-in-plasma-concentration/

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

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  • Administrator

Tolerance is not likely to be a problem for a long, long time. You'll be off escilatopram by then.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

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