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Discussion about Kelly Brogan


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Not yet. But in going to

Starting taking Anafranil when I was in 8th grade for OCD. I only took it for about one year. I had no withdrawel coming off as a freshman in high school. 

Then started various SSRI's my first two years of college. I felt side effects from all different meds but they were still prescribed by docs.

2010-Finally landed on lexapro for about one year and I noticed cognitive issues while on it.

Taper quickly off and felt very depressed for around four months. Was put on 50 mg Pristiq and symptoms got better but still had depression to a certain degree. Started getting severe issues from Pristiq so I tapered off over a four month period and have been dealing with withdrawal and healing from withdrawal since.

I was on Pristiq for about 2.5 years and then tapered off in the fall of 13'.

I am currently taking:


-255mg of gabapentin (holding for now)

-10 mg viibryd (holding for now)

-5 mg buspar (2.5 in the morn and 2.5 at night) (I weighed out half a tablet and it weighed about .053 on my scale so I started measuring it out to .050 with a nail file morning and night. That was my first cut. Beginning of December was when it was made). 

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I wanted to chime in on the Kelly Brogan topic. I have been following her protocol in A Mind of Your Own for going on 2 months now. I have seen SIGNIFICANT improvements in my withdrawl symptoms. I am very surprised I don't see more people on this site talking about it. It takes a lot of discipline, but when you are desperate to feel better it's pretty easy to follow. I don't believe her Vital Mind Reset program has much more to offer than the book to justify the $700. It sounds like it is the same protocol with more emphasis on spirtituality and community.


I highly recommend anyone really suffering to follow her protocol for a few months to see if it will work for you!

-Started 15 mg Paxil in May of 2013

-Tapered completely off Paxil May of 2014

-Went back on Paxil 10 mg end of September 2014

-Increased to 15 mg of Paxil mid September 2015

- Started weaning off of Paxil January 2016 at approximately 10% and started supplementation of 5htp. 

-End of February 2017, experienced serotonin syndrome quit Paxil and 5htp completely. Prescribed 5 mg of Ambien.

-Mid April 2017, reinstated 1 mg of Paxil

-October 2017, weaned off of Ambien

-November 27, 2017 weaned completely off of Paxil


Psych med free since 11/27/17


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  • 1 month later...

Just though I'd let everyone know Dr. Brogan has a 4 part webinar out right now that might be helpful for some.  It's called Calm Body Clear Mind.



I've listened to the first 3 sessions and I can say it's all very simple with a few easy suggestions.  No magic bullets or anything complicated but it does take commitment.  I believe in part 4 she is going to lay out all the steps in her Vital Mind Reset Program, which I've wanted to join but have struggled to come up with the funds.  

At any rate, it's a good introduction to what she's about.  


Like JanCarol and PennyLane25 said above, her prices seem a bit high for some of us, and much of the info she shares can be found for free, so this might be a good source.  


I"ve been following her diet for almost 2 months and it was really tough at first and actually almost doubled my grocery bills because she stresses organic food etc., but after a few weeks I started enjoying eating this way.  (And as an added benefit I dropped 10 pounds without even trying.)  While it hasn't solved everything, my emotional symptoms seem better and more controllable.  Something is shifting.  

Between 1988 and 2003 was on many different meds including Tricyclics, MAOIs, SSRIs, SSNRIs, and mood stabilizers, some helped but not for long.

2003 went off MAOIs and started taking Effexor XR at 450 mg.  

2012 added buspar to augment the Effexor (cannot recall exact dose) stayed on a few months with little effect.

2013 added Ritalin to augment the Effexor, no noticeable benefits so dropped that too.

2014 lowered dose of Effexor to 300mg and started adding Viibrid with negative effects so dropped Viibrid and went back to 450 of Effexor XR.

2015 added 2 mg Abilify to augment the Effexor, slight benefit at first but no lasting effects.

March 2016 tapered off Abilify in about 2 weeks.

April 2016 began to taper off Effexor XR, from 450 to 0 in about 8 weeks total. Somewhere around 37.5 had a serotonin syndrome episode and had to raise dose again for about a week until I started dropping again.  Now i know the entire taper was way too fast.  

May 2016 started taking Lexapro, increased from 5 mg to 10 mg within 10 days.

Tapered off Lexapro starting in September of 2016, dropping at various rates...quicker drops at first, then slowing down to .5 mg drops every 3 weeks or so.  Took last dose on 2/8/17.


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 How is the diet working out for you?  Are you still following it?  I'm starting month 5 and have been feeling better every month. I started the daily coffee enemas about three weeks ago (TMI I know) and have noticed even more drastic improvements FYI!

-Started 15 mg Paxil in May of 2013

-Tapered completely off Paxil May of 2014

-Went back on Paxil 10 mg end of September 2014

-Increased to 15 mg of Paxil mid September 2015

- Started weaning off of Paxil January 2016 at approximately 10% and started supplementation of 5htp. 

-End of February 2017, experienced serotonin syndrome quit Paxil and 5htp completely. Prescribed 5 mg of Ambien.

-Mid April 2017, reinstated 1 mg of Paxil

-October 2017, weaned off of Ambien

-November 27, 2017 weaned completely off of Paxil


Psych med free since 11/27/17


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16 hours ago, PennyLane26 said:


 How is the diet working out for you?  Are you still following it?  I'm starting month 5 and have been feeling better every month. I started the daily coffee enemas about three weeks ago (TMI I know) and have noticed even more drastic improvements FYI!

I think it's helping. I've been following it strictly.  I've added in lots of probiotic foods, collagen powder daily, and have been supplementing with magnesium too.  I'm still very up and down mood-wise, but the lows aren't as low and don't seem to last as long.  I've had a few months of severe pain and weakness and fatigue, which started just before I changed my diet.  I think it's helping with the joint pain, which has been much less severe for the past 2 or 3 weeks, but I'm still weak and tired all the time.  Improvements aren't drastic, so it's hard to say if the diet is making a big difference, but there are improvements, so I'm sticking with it.  


I'm so glad you're getting some relief!  I've read a lot about the enemas and so many people say it really makes a difference.  But I'm very resistant to the ickiness factor of it.  I may have to get over it and give it a try one of these days.  

Between 1988 and 2003 was on many different meds including Tricyclics, MAOIs, SSRIs, SSNRIs, and mood stabilizers, some helped but not for long.

2003 went off MAOIs and started taking Effexor XR at 450 mg.  

2012 added buspar to augment the Effexor (cannot recall exact dose) stayed on a few months with little effect.

2013 added Ritalin to augment the Effexor, no noticeable benefits so dropped that too.

2014 lowered dose of Effexor to 300mg and started adding Viibrid with negative effects so dropped Viibrid and went back to 450 of Effexor XR.

2015 added 2 mg Abilify to augment the Effexor, slight benefit at first but no lasting effects.

March 2016 tapered off Abilify in about 2 weeks.

April 2016 began to taper off Effexor XR, from 450 to 0 in about 8 weeks total. Somewhere around 37.5 had a serotonin syndrome episode and had to raise dose again for about a week until I started dropping again.  Now i know the entire taper was way too fast.  

May 2016 started taking Lexapro, increased from 5 mg to 10 mg within 10 days.

Tapered off Lexapro starting in September of 2016, dropping at various rates...quicker drops at first, then slowing down to .5 mg drops every 3 weeks or so.  Took last dose on 2/8/17.


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  • 2 years later...



I saw that some people on here said they were doing the Vital Mind Reset program with Dr. Kelly Brogan. I was just wondering how they liked the program and what they thought because I can’t find many reviews except for the testimonials on her website. It’s $1000 so I don’t want to buy it without knowing that is worth it. I’m kind of on the fence about if I can get off the meds myself or if I should join this program to help me. 

For people that don’t know about it, she just outlines a 45 day program of meditation, diet plan, exercise and extra stuff that can help you with your mental health. There’s also a special module about tapering off meds. Apparently she doesn’t have patients anymore and this is all she does so I don’t have any other choices. There’s no other doctor like her around me that I know of. Any advice would be great!




Effexor XR since 2007

Started tapering at 187.5mg

August 2019: 37.5mg

September 2019: 17.5mg

November 2019: 16mg

December 2019: 15mg

Dropped 10% of previous dose every 4-6 weeks

July 2020: 8.625mg (23 beads)

August 2020: 8.25mg (22 beads)

September 2020: 8.25mg (21 beads) 

February 2021: 8.25mg (22 beads)


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