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Dissociation, psych drugs and chronic illness


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first posted on Everything Matters: Beyond Meds


In healing chronic illness with many acute, chronic pains I’ve seen that dissociation is not simply psychological but profoundly physiological…

The process of getting chronically ill included layers of ever deepening dissociation from the body creating multiple broad spectrum illnesses…a dissociated body/mind cannot meaningfully take care of itself.

Psych drugs allowed for these ever deepening layers of dissociation as they made the body sicker and sicker, the drugs largely numbed it all (though we’re often not aware of it because, generally, we still feel really s h i t t y anyway!)…

When coming off the drugs pain re-emerges in shocking, debilitating, life destroying ways. The only way to cope is to step up dissociation…this time the body must learn to do it without the drugs…and generally it knows how because those who have been on psych drugs have early trauma where the roots of all this begins ….

And then healing…for me…has been the YEARS of untangling the deep embodied dissociative patterns the body was forced to learn in order to first survive a hostile environment in childhood, but then to cope with the poisoning of the body by neurotoxic psychiatric drugs…

A dissociated body/mind cannot meaningfully take care of itself…. healing is the process of becoming, once again, embodied.

Learning to hear the body and the way it communicates is another way of understanding the process of embodiment and ultimately the healing process as well…


Everything Matters: Beyond Meds 


withdrawn from a cocktail of 6 psychiatric drugs that included every class of psych drug.

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Hi GiaK. I am working with Jon. I have looked over the information above on your site. I am completely overwhelmed because it's all happened/happening to me in a most profound way. 

I am not a medical professional. My comments and posts are based on my personal experiences. Please consult appropriate medical professionals for advice. 

I was started on psych drugs back in the late 80's. You name it. I probably was on it. 47 different drugs. Over 57 thousand pills. Tapered off final cocktail February 1st, 2013- September 9th, 2019. For Hashimotos I take Levothyroxine. Liothyronine. BP meds. For supplements I take B12 hydroxy. Fish oil w/D3. Bee pollen. Magnesium Glycinate. 




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go slow and easy. it has taken me years to make sense of this stuff. Jon is wonderful. You're in good hands.

Everything Matters: Beyond Meds 


withdrawn from a cocktail of 6 psychiatric drugs that included every class of psych drug.

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  • 1 year later...

Not sure if u still check post butThx for this  @GiaK,I’m in a really bad place but it’s goid to see someone talk about Depersonalization/dissociation which I’ve had most of life even before the poisen ADs were added to supposedly help me.25yrs later I’ve been put on several drugs none of which helped dissociation and I truest believe kept me I’ll.I am on 3 now and have lowered over 6/7yrs but rn I’m very CNS disabled.I still try to work and hope one day I can be around my family and not be scared to die or lose my mind.

1992-1995 Tofranil : was hospitalized 

1996 Zoloft, Larazepam- CT 1996

1996-  Effexor till now

2002- Remron till now

2008- Trazodone 

2010- Zyprexa, Seroquil

2010 hospitalized then CT Zyprexa, Seroquil

2010-  Lamictal till now

2011- tapered off Trazodone

2011- tapered Effexor from 150mg to 75mg / Tapered Remeron 30ng to 7.5mg / Tapered Lamictal 50mg to 37.5mg

1/27/2017 Tapered Effexor 75mg to 31.25mg


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