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Google and depression and NAMI?


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I don't know how to provide a link to this news item, but it showed up on my mobile device. Google is apparently partnering with NAMI to  get people who are depressed to take a depression quiz online and then be directed to seek help from doctors. Has anyone else seen this article? 

I am not a medical professional. My comments and posts are based on my personal experiences. Please consult appropriate medical professionals for advice. 

I was started on psych drugs back in the late 80's. You name it. I probably was on it. 47 different drugs. Over 57 thousand pills. Tapered off final cocktail February 1st, 2013- September 9th, 2019. For Hashimotos I take Levothyroxine. Liothyronine. BP meds. For supplements I take B12 hydroxy. Fish oil w/D3. Bee pollen. Magnesium Glycinate. 




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Yes its a bbc article. 'the mental health state', its war.

Cocktail drugged since 9

Genitals went numb

Extreme intestinal gas and pain

Extreme anxiety cant concentrate

All permanent


Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction (PSSD)


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Think so. Is this the article you're talking about ?



2001 (Age 12) - PROZAC 10mg for situational anxiety. Taken over a few weeks.

2005 - PROZAC 10mg. Taken over 7 months. Made me depressed and feel ill. Tapered off over 2 weeks on advice from doctor. 

April 2014- SERTRALINE 25mg. Had a severe adverse reaction within 12 hours. Only took 1 dose.

October 2014- MIRTAZAPINE 15mg

February 2015- Upped Mirtazapine to 30mg because I was feeling much worse than before I started taking it.

August 2015- Dropped Mirtazapine back to 15mg because 30mg was causing even more severe side effects.

October 2015- Mirtazapine 7.5mg. Desperate to get off and feeling awful.

December 2015- Drug free. 5 days after last Mirtazapine tablet hit by severe WD symptoms.

January 2016. Hospitalised because of WD symptoms. Given 2mg of Diazepam.

January 2016 - December 2016. 2mg DIAZEPAM taken as needed. Didn't really help much and never took more than 5 tablets in a month.

Still suffering from numerous symptoms.

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Not to belittle people with depression, but I think offering only medical solution to depression is very dangerous. It's the same mindset people usually have these days: all the problems have an external solution I can buy. Where does self-growth fit in all of this? I'm assuming this is where this kind of thing leads, because doctors like to prescribe medicine, and patients very much like to have a quick fix & not to worry about it.


Yes, people need a solution to get off the worst of depression, since there's almost nothing you can do when you're down in the pit. It follows that if you don't have the inner tools to make your inner life healthier in the first place, you neither have them when you've crashed down to the ground. And nobody should expect that.


Also assuming there's a solution that works for everyone is also untrue -even for medicine! Therapy doesn't help everyone... but at least it's harmless.


But consider: if there was a medicine that permanently cured depression, wouldn't it devalue our inner life significantly? I know I wouldn't have learned anything if my psychosis just went away with medicine & I lived happily ever after. Hardships have so much learning potential... if you can inspect them afterwards and see clearly what was actually happening... And without incentive to learn... nothing is learned.


For the sake of humanity's ability to learn, I hope drug companies will never make a medicine without side-effects that permanently cured you*. Or else It'll cost our future. (I'm not objecting to medicine without withdrawal effects however. No-one should suffer like that.)


*Permanent means you permanently take the medicine too, no profit doing it any other way.

2015 Started on Olanzapine 10 mg, 2016:18th January Down to 7.5 mg (from 9,38 mg) 1st of June 6.75 mg (began 10% taper!) [...] 1st December 3.65 mg


2017: 1st Jan. ~3.3 mg, 1st Feb 2.95 mg, 22nd Feb 2.65 mg (began 3-week taper) 15th Mar 2.38 mg, 5th Apr 2.14 mg, 26th Apr 1.94 mg  17th May ~1.74 mg (began 19-day taper) 5th June ~1.56 mg 24th June 1.4 mg (began 17-day taper) 11th July 1.26 mg 30th July 1.13 mg 24th Aug 1.0 mg(!)

17th Sept 15 mg 11st Oct 13.5 mg 26th Oct 11.75 mg 18th Nov 10 mg 15th Dec 9 mg

2018: 12nd Jan. 8.1 mg 15th Feb 7.5 mg 1st Apr 6.75 mg 1st Apr 6.08 mg 1st Jun 5.48 mg 1st Jul 5 mg 15th Aug 4.6 mg 15th Sep 4.4 mg 18th Nov 4.3 mg 16th Dec 4.2 mg

2019: 16th Jan 4.1 mg 28th Feb 4.0 mg [...] (began 0.1mg per 2.5 months taper!) 1st Oct 3.7 mg 15th Dec 3.6 mg

2020: 1st Mar 3.5 mg (began 0.1mg per 3 months taper!) 1st Jul 3.35 mg (<-- trying a larger drop) 4th Sep 3.25 mg (started 0.1125mg / 2 months) 10th Dec ~3.1125 mg

2021: 1st Feb 3.0 mg 26th May 2.9 mg 1st Sep 2.8 mg

2022: 1st Mar 2.7 mg 1st Aug 2.6 mg | 2023: 1st Jan 2.5 mg 1st Sep 2.4 mg
Other medications: Temazepam for sleep, don't want to use it (has too many side effects). Melatonin too, except that doesn't work for me with high doses of olanzapine.

Haven't used any sleeping medications for a long time. Temazepam caused withdrawal symptoms when I last tried it.

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On 8/26/2017 at 8:39 AM, Marsha said:

I don't know how to provide a link to this news item, but it showed up on my mobile device. Google is apparently partnering with NAMI to  get people who are depressed to take a depression quiz online and then be directed to seek help from doctors. Has anyone else seen this article? 

I saw it on a business news report.  Even printed it out and gave to the Psychiatrist.  It is based on the PQ9 questionnaire?  that many are given when they arrive at their doctor's office and you rate your depression, however,  I didn't realize it referred you to a doctor.  Also, I  saw a link somewhere that said the Questionnaire was developed by researchers at Pzier.  Makes you wonder.   

26 years of Anti-depressants (probably 32, lost track, alone and/in combination Vyvanse 30mg Discontinued Feb. 22, 2013 Topamax  25-75mg Feb 23, 2013--Feb 2016 0.0 mg Discontinued  Lamotrigine 25-50mg Jan 15, 2016-Adverse Reaction Discontinued Feb 2, 2016 T3 25-50mcg Feb.11, 2016  Discontinued April 23, 2016

Escitalopram 20mg-omg fast taper Nov. 2015-Jan.7, 2016 Crash! Reinstated 20mg  Taper Jan 14, 2016  0.0mg Sept 2016 Reinstated Feb.21, 2017 Escitalopram  5mg Dosage Adjustments  Escitalopram to 2.5mg June 28-30; Increased to 3.75mg July 1-28, 2017    July 29-Aug 4 10mg, alternated between 5 and 10mg next couple days.  Aug 9, 7.25mg;  Aug 10-14 10mg; Aug 15-25 7.25mg, August 25-29, 10mg.   

Levofloxacin (January 2017 2 doses) (Adverse Reaction: Neurotoxcity; 3 daysE.R.$30k+tests)

Adderall 25mgXR (start April 23, 2013) (Nov.2016 20mg) (Dec.2016 15mg) (Feb. 5, 2016 10mg) (June 15, 2017) 5mg XR 

Crossover July 7 to Adderall I.M 5mg Discontinued  Reinstated Adderall 5mgXR  July 28th 

Minipress 1mg began July 20-23, 2mg July 24 last dose Discontinued  (Prescribed to assist with side-effects of updose of Escitalopram) WellbutrinXR 150 mg July 24, 2017 Discontinued;  Hydroxyline 25-200 mg daily, began July 20, Discontnued; (Prescribed for side-effects-sensitized; W/D)Gababentin 100mg August 28, 8/29: 00mg, 8/30/17 100mg discontinued (Prescribed for side-effects of sensitized, W//D)Zolipidem PRN (2.5mg.) Reinstated May 15, 2017 after18m+ discontinuation Between May and  Aug18-Aug 30, 2017 Discontinued

Aug. 30. 2017 Escitalopram 8.2mg, Sept. 6 Ecitalopram (7.25 tablet) September 28 Escitalopram   (7 mg tablet)   Omega 3's , October 1 Escitalopram (6.25...I think)  November 1, Escitalopram (approx. 5.75mg) December 1 (5mg)  Missed .75 for few days, lowered dose.  W/D ramped up Dec.23;  Escitalopram 4mg tab. .75ml liquid March 5.  Adderall XR 5mg, Synthroid 112mcg  March 23 Escitalopram 4mg tab .50ml liquid.April 23 Escotalopram 4mgtab .25ml liquid Escitalopram dropping .25 every 30 days; July 23, 2018 Escitalopram 3.50mg, Adderall XR 5mg, Synthroid 112mcg 

July 2021:  Took last dose of Escitalopram .02mg.  Do dah!

Current:   Synthroid/Generic 100mcg decreased November, 2018  (TSH has changed 5 times since August 30, 2018 resulting in both Hyper and hypothyroid symptoms.)  November 1, 2018, increased Adderall XR to 10mg to combat brain fog after decrease in Synthroid.



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this sort of tactic has been employed in the past, through school programs and other methods.  targeting the most vulnerable persons from a position of power and without the context of supportive options instead of just pseudomedical innuendo.  but, we already know where google and NAMI stand, ethically, so this can hardly be surprising and is probably more of a beginning than an end to such efforts.

from 2005-2012, i spent 7 years taking 17 different psychotropic medications covering several classes.  i would be taking 3-7 medications at a time, and 6 out of the 17 medications listed below were maxed or overmaxed in clinical dosage before i moved on to trying the next unhelpful cocktail.
antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, NDRIs, tetracyclics): zoloft, wellbutrin, effexor, lexapro, prozac, cymbalta, remeron
antipsychotics (atypical): abilify, zyprexa, risperdal, geodon
sleep aids (benzos, off-label antidepressants & antipsychotics, hypnotics): seroquel, temazepam, trazodone, ambien
anxiolytics: buspar
anticonvulsants: topamax
i tapered off all psychotropics from late 2011 through early 2013, one by one.  since quitting, ive been cycling through severe, disabling withdrawal symptoms spanning the gamut of the serious, less serious, and rather worrisome side effects of these assorted medications.  previous cross-tapering and medication or dosage changes had also caused undiagnosed withdrawal symptoms.
brainpan addlepation

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Oh yes. Agree "probably more of a beginning than an end to such efforts."

I am not a medical professional. My comments and posts are based on my personal experiences. Please consult appropriate medical professionals for advice. 

I was started on psych drugs back in the late 80's. You name it. I probably was on it. 47 different drugs. Over 57 thousand pills. Tapered off final cocktail February 1st, 2013- September 9th, 2019. For Hashimotos I take Levothyroxine. Liothyronine. BP meds. For supplements I take B12 hydroxy. Fish oil w/D3. Bee pollen. Magnesium Glycinate. 




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