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Tetris-Effect? Anyone else have this symptom?


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This is one symptom I never knew how to describe or that it even had a name. I found it while reading about hypnogogia (now that mine went away and I’m not as scared to read about it lol) but it seems the two could be related.


Anyone else had this occur in wd?


2011-2014: 25-50mg Zoloft then CT via doctors advice. Some mild physical sx but fully functioning, unaware that withdrawal was a thing. Dr didn’t know why I was chronically dizzy with brain fog & advised to try Zoloft again.

2016: severe adverse reactions to Zoloft (1 dose), Paxil (3 weeks), celexa (2 weeks), buspar (1 dose), lamictal (4 doses). Ativan 12 times within a month. Also tried Xanax & klonopin a couple times. Each reaction became more severe. Kindled. Became disabled from these meds.

Drug free 12-16-2016
Month 1-20: +5% healing every month
Month 21- present: setback to acute from amoxicillin antibiotic (1 dose)
Month 32- 11 months into setback from antibiotic. Seems I was floxed by amoxicillin somehow. Horrific.


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Hi waiting


i had something similar to this pre wd and also now all the time in wd.  Before wd, if i were to spend a couple hours playing a video game, and then stop.  once i close my eyes i still see the game going on in my head.  with tetris i would be thinking about how to arrange pieces in my subconsious for quite awhile afterwards and  i remember once playing a race car driving game years ago and once i quit the game, i would keep seeing the race track coming at me after i closed my eyes and tried to sleep.  the hypnagogia wasn't as pronounced then as it is now in wd with severe sleep deprivation.  



Sometimes now in wd my daytime ruminations will still be present in my dreams because of how shallow my sleep is.  it's like this half conscious slumber.


i have no idea how you got rid of your hypnagogia.  mine is worse now if anything 4 years into wd.  it's almost to the point where i can't sleep because of the psychadelic imagery going through my head as soon as i close my eyes.  i even spend most of waking day living in a kaleidescope of hypnagogic images.  it's not all bad, but i do miss sleeping well and normality.



Court committed to take Prozac, Paxci, and Respiradol from 8/95 to 3/96.   developed severe akithisia and brain damage.  Was unable to speak and walking in circles 15 hours a day.  Went in for 5 sessions of ECT during a 10 day period in March of '96 and my forced medication was discontinued at that time.  My akithisia and brain damage cleared up within a few days of stopping the meds.


On Zoloft (200 mg) and Zyprexa (17.5 mg) March 1998- Feb 2014

In between was placed on Effexor 200 mg and Abilify for six months in 2004.  Developed mild akithisia which went away once I stopped the Abilify.  Developed severe GI issues in Dec 2001 and from that time on suffered from fatigue and hypersomnia where I would sleep between 12 and 20 hours a day and rarely ever left my apartment. 


Had tapered to 100 mg of Zoloft and 7.5 mg of Zyprexa at the time of going cold turkey Feb. 2014

Went 5 days without sleep at the beginning while vomiting all over my apt.  Had brain zaps for a number of weeks and also lightheadedness which both eventually went away.  However 2 1/2 yrs later I still struggle with insomnia, depression, and fatigue.





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Funny you should mention it.  I play Bejeweled Blitz for an hour or so most days and find that I see the game board in my sleep and frequently when I close my eyes.  A lot of the time it shows the pieces in patterns that wouldn't appear in the game.  Sometimes they move on their own and other times I can move them with a half thought.  ATM I don't see them, but they could show up any time I close my eyes and very frequently when I wake up in the morning.

20 years on Paxil starting at 20mg and working up to 40mg. Sept 2011 started 10% every 6 weeks taper (2.5% every week for 4 weeks then hold for 2 additional weeks), currently at 7.9mg. Oct 2011 CTed 15oz vodka a night, to only drinking 2 beers most nights, totally sober Feb 2013.

Since I wrote this I have continued to decrease my dose by 10% every 6 weeks (2.5% every week for 4 weeks and then hold for an additional 2 weeks). I added in an extra 6 week hold when I hit 10mg to let things settle out even more. When I hit 3mgpw it became hard to split the drop into 4 parts so I switched to dropping 1mgpw (pill weight) every week for 3 weeks and then holding for another 3 weeks.  The 3 + 3 schedule turned out to be too harsh so I cut back to dropping 1mgpw every 4 weeks which is working better.

Final Dose 0.016mg.     Current dose 0.000mg 04-15-2017


"It's also important not to become angry, no matter how difficult life is, because you can loose all hope if you can't laugh at yourself and at life in general."  Stephen Hawking

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Im so glad im not the only one, thanks guys. It seems repetitive tasks are the culprit. Games are a big one for me like you two wrote. I also get it driving and mowing lawn. The ground will continue to look like it’s moving away from me for a long time. Or even doing artwork for long lengths of time. It’s like my brain just can’t let things go as smoothly. Never had this issue before wd and I find it unnerving.

2011-2014: 25-50mg Zoloft then CT via doctors advice. Some mild physical sx but fully functioning, unaware that withdrawal was a thing. Dr didn’t know why I was chronically dizzy with brain fog & advised to try Zoloft again.

2016: severe adverse reactions to Zoloft (1 dose), Paxil (3 weeks), celexa (2 weeks), buspar (1 dose), lamictal (4 doses). Ativan 12 times within a month. Also tried Xanax & klonopin a couple times. Each reaction became more severe. Kindled. Became disabled from these meds.

Drug free 12-16-2016
Month 1-20: +5% healing every month
Month 21- present: setback to acute from amoxicillin antibiotic (1 dose)
Month 32- 11 months into setback from antibiotic. Seems I was floxed by amoxicillin somehow. Horrific.


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43 minutes ago, Waiting12 said:

Im so glad im not the only one, thanks guys. It seems repetitive tasks are the culprit. Games are a big one for me like you two wrote. I also get it driving and mowing lawn. The ground will continue to look like it’s moving away from me for a long time. Or even doing artwork for long lengths of time. It’s like my brain just can’t let things go as smoothly. Never had this issue before wd and I find it unnerving.

i hunt golf balls at local golf courses about 20-30 hrs a week as a way of affording supplements for my sleep and digestive problems (the supplements never seem to do anything and are mostly piled up in boxes around my apt.).  after a day of picking balls, when i get back  and try to nap, i start to see white golf balls against a black background.   i am conscious i am dreaming so that picking up these dream golf balls isn't going to do me any good.   it's frustrating and i can't physically sleep no matter how tired i am because i will keep seeing balls every time i close my eyes.  my hypnagogia has gotten so bad that i have started taking things again for sleep as a way of getting past the instant dreaming.   Rupa on this site is in the same predicament.  the stuff i see is mostly pretty awful stuff.  i will instantly begin dreaming that i am walking right up to the edge of a bottomless hole or that i am walking down a street and a semi truck with it's headlights on is headed right for me or once a woman whom i had feelings for years ago in college, was laying on a pedestal unconscious and there was a masked executioner with an ax about to behead her before i woke up. .  i have to pull myself out of sleep in a state of exhaustion after only 30 seconds to a minute of sleep.   it's been hell.  .  i  am glad yours went away.  i think my brain has been plunged into a permanent state of depression.  

Court committed to take Prozac, Paxci, and Respiradol from 8/95 to 3/96.   developed severe akithisia and brain damage.  Was unable to speak and walking in circles 15 hours a day.  Went in for 5 sessions of ECT during a 10 day period in March of '96 and my forced medication was discontinued at that time.  My akithisia and brain damage cleared up within a few days of stopping the meds.


On Zoloft (200 mg) and Zyprexa (17.5 mg) March 1998- Feb 2014

In between was placed on Effexor 200 mg and Abilify for six months in 2004.  Developed mild akithisia which went away once I stopped the Abilify.  Developed severe GI issues in Dec 2001 and from that time on suffered from fatigue and hypersomnia where I would sleep between 12 and 20 hours a day and rarely ever left my apartment. 


Had tapered to 100 mg of Zoloft and 7.5 mg of Zyprexa at the time of going cold turkey Feb. 2014

Went 5 days without sleep at the beginning while vomiting all over my apt.  Had brain zaps for a number of weeks and also lightheadedness which both eventually went away.  However 2 1/2 yrs later I still struggle with insomnia, depression, and fatigue.





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