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saxman101: intro


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Link to benzo topic:  saxman-benzo


I stumbled upon this site after searching for the symptoms of what I was going through. 


Little History: After a somewhat difficult childhood had some very bad life events happen to me in my early 20s: (House repossessed in the current economic downturn, brother passed (suffered depression much worse than mine), dog died 3 months after brother (doesnt seem like much, i know, but hit hard for some reason), parents went through and extremely acrimonious divorce, mom has PTSD...) 


I had resisted the urge to take medications for years. I thought I could "grit it out," which I did. But I think I did so at the cost of losing some of my own ability to feel. I felt cut off and sort of like emotionally dead after what I'd been through. Maybe i hadnt coped with it well enough at the time. Therapy didnt help. but to be fair i hadnt put in the effort to find a good one. As im learning now by reading all these self help books. Good therapists are like diamonds in a coal heap. 


I finally decided to try medications after talking to some friends who swore by it, some of them taking it for years. I wish I had not. 


Here is a copy paste of my signature (yet to be approved), maybe it needs a tweak, I dont have exact dates, but hopefully it's a start. 


I like this forum because,  unlike other forums, there seems to be a lot of hope here and proven methods that work. 



-Tried wellbutrin 150 HCL for a few months years ago. didnt work. Stopped cold turkey. Was fine. \

- Was later prescribed lexapro for severe flight anxiety I had. Took it for 2-3 months, but suffered ED and stopped cold Turkey, no problems 

4 years later


Was diagnosed with Dysthemia and went to a pysch, none of the meds helped so I was on a bit of a merry go round:
- Effexor: 75mg 6 weeks (around springtime)
- Effexor: 150mg 6 weeks
- Effexor: 300 mg 6 weeks. 
 EFFEXOR wasnt working. dr had me wean off in 4 days in an overlap with the prozac. Slight brain zaps, especially when jogging, but essentially fine. It's also at this point the DR. Started supplementing with other meds as a "kicker" as he put it. 
- Lamictal for 2 weeks. Stopped immediately after getting a rash, which I told was dangerous. My tongue turned purple and bruised. 
- Abilify for 2 months or so. Discontinued because of restless leg syndrome. didnt help anyway
- and finally Depakote for about a month. didnt help as well and caused me to sleep like a hibernating bear. 
During these experiments with the Mood stabilizers I was put on prozac.
- 20mg for 6 weeks
- 40mg for 6 weeks
- 20mg for 2 weeks (which in my mind was a taper, even though he said i could go straight from 40mg to....)


Finally my psych switched me to cymbalta. Which i took for four days, had vomiting spells and intense anxiety and stopped cold turkey all meds (the depakote I was already not taking for two weeks). 


My pysch was on vacation and not taking my calls. had no idea about the kind of tapering im finding on these forums now. 


What followed was the worst two weeks of my life. Intense panic attacks, ones I did not know could happen so severely even when I had an INTENSE phobia of flying. Just the mere thought of it triggered one. 


I slept a ton, always waking up in a state of panic, cried a lot, had akathesia (horrible horrible feeling that I was about to jump out of my skin), parathesia (feeling of like bugs crawling on you or something), difficulty concentrating, wild fluctuations in body temp, feeling either hot or cold, sweating a bunch at night. Shivering in the mornings and sometimes through the day. To cope I picked up smoking again after two years off. It seemed to help or at least kept me busy. I was however able, somehow, through sheer force of will, to literally sweat out the days at the office and get through them somehow. 


When my psych finally did return my call after his vacation he flatly denied that it was prozac withdrawl (which maybe it isnt, i dunno). He said it has a long half life and generally does not have withdrawl symptoms. When i asked him if hes ever encountered anyone with such an issue at all in his 35+ years of practice he said hes never heard of or seen of a case like mine. His diagnosis: my depression and anxiety had returned full force. I told him that it's NEVER been this bad. Shaking, sweating, akasthesia, anxiety, nausea, etc. And he just kinda shrugged. 


I called a different psych that basically said the same thing to me. Depression has come back. She asked me a question: What did my mom take for PTSD? Did it work? I said 300mg Wellbutrin HCL and yes she swears by it. 


I'm approaching four weeks now off of the Prozac. Im very thankful to have made it to the holiday season where I can rest for 3 weeks more or so.


So the first week I was truly cold turkey. Then i started taking the wellbutrin, which ive been on now 2.5-3 weeks. I was also given a boatload of Kolonopin (.5) and Xanax (.25). Which i pretty much took two daily of throughout my first two weeks. I understand that Benzo addiction and withdrawal are a real thing so i am trying to take them less now as I dont need it. I was also given Trazadone to help me sleep, which I was told is non habit forming. it helps. 


To summarise, meds i currently have in my possession and take either every day or as needed:


- Wellbutrin HCL 150mg

- Trazodone 50mg 

- Kolonopin .5mg

- Xanax - .25mg


I'm approaching four weeks now off of the Prozac. Things are better. I feel like I have the flu and general body weakness. minor brain zaps, especially at night. I threw up for the first time yesterday, which is a new symptom I didnt have before, and have nausea on and off. I have trouble sleeping at night now, whereas before I slept 14-16 hours. sometimes i have slight "discomfort" or like tingling in my limbs. Maybe like slight akathesia, but MUUUUUCH better than 3 weeks ago. still feeling depressed, but i cant tell if thats from all these meds ive been cycling or what. I've never been an "upbeat guy" since all that stuff happened to me in a very compressed timeframe. I have trouble enjoying things i used to, like watching movies has become a bit of an excersize in talking to myself. I have this low level of constant anxiety punctuated by higher ones. I basically sit there and tell myself "It's just a thought, it'll pass, its just your mind messing with you" etc etc. Some days are better than others, Ill allow myself the thought "im almost out of it" but then i wake up the next day with tremors/feeling anxious again etc. 


Ive been keeping a diary of my progress, but dont revisit it often because it is extremely difficult reading. 


Basically. I don't know what's going on. I've seen 2 therapists and two psychs and I feel like everyone in the medical profession has failed me in regards to mental health. 


Basically, the advice I am seeking is the following:


1. Am I experiencing withdrawl? I've been on and off a number of meds and never any problems. If so, do you guys/girls on the forum see some kind appreciable difference in withdrawal time between people taking these drugs for years and years and those who were on them relatively short time? 


2. should i avoid taking the benzos and trazodone even if it means a sleepless night? Melatonin ok? 


3. Should I take this Wellbutrin? everyone around me is saying I should. second psych said that I quit this prozac cold turkey and it might help mitigate the effects. (maybe it has, maybe it hasnt, but i do feel better). 


4. Any general advice on how to go forward? get back on some lower dose of prozac? ditch the wellbutrin? Since ive gotten this far and its getting better, should I "ride it out" further? 


5. Thanks in advance for anyone who replies. I wish I had known about this site when it was rly rly bad. But, I am fighter, so I am determined to get through this somehow, even though I have intense spells of hopelessness. Especially when I stumble upon certain forums where people are yelling and screaming in all caps the "SSRIS RUINED THEIR LIFE!!!" I think i may be too impressionable.


Edited by ChessieCat
removed blank lines AS/CC added link

LONG AGO: Tried wellbutrin 150 HCL (2015) didnt work.

- lexapro (2015)

- Vyybrid (2016)

- Effexor (generic) 75mg 08/18, 150mg 09/18 300mg 10-11/18
- Lamictal (Two weeks). Abilify (July-Aug 2018). And finally Depakote for about a month(sept). -

- Prozac (generic) 20mg (09/18)- Prozac 40mg (10/18) - Prozac 20mg (11/18/01-11/22/01) 

- Cymbalta 60mg 4 days. 

11/27/18 - Wellbutrin HCL 150 XL daily 11/27/19. (As of 01/03/19) - Currently on 112.5mg Wellbutrin split dose 

12/12/18 - Clonazepam  and Trazadone 50mg 12/11/19 nearly daily. 

01/19 - Got off of Clonazepam and Buproprion. 

02/19 - Got off of Trazodone. 

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  • ChessieCat changed the title to saxman101: intro
  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi saxman and welcome to SA,


It is a pity that you didn't find SA earlier, but it is good that you have found SA.


Thanks for the really good history you have provided in you first post.  We ask all members to create a drug signature which appears below every post.  That way we can see your history at a glance.  Please use the following format.  Please make it simple by following these instructions (NO diagnoses or symptoms please - thank you):

  • details for last 2 years - dates, ALL drugs, doses
  • summary for older than 2 years - just years and drug/s

Account Settings – Create or Edit a signature



The other mods are more savvy when it comes to major changes in drugs, so I'll leave it to them to provide that information/answer your questions.  I just wanted to welcome you and get you started.


This is your own Introduction topic where you can ask questions about your own situation and journal your progress.


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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Thanks Chessie. 


Updated my sig and hope that it's to spec and helps. Any advice greatly appreciated. 


Thanks for the welcome. 

LONG AGO: Tried wellbutrin 150 HCL (2015) didnt work.

- lexapro (2015)

- Vyybrid (2016)

- Effexor (generic) 75mg 08/18, 150mg 09/18 300mg 10-11/18
- Lamictal (Two weeks). Abilify (July-Aug 2018). And finally Depakote for about a month(sept). -

- Prozac (generic) 20mg (09/18)- Prozac 40mg (10/18) - Prozac 20mg (11/18/01-11/22/01) 

- Cymbalta 60mg 4 days. 

11/27/18 - Wellbutrin HCL 150 XL daily 11/27/19. (As of 01/03/19) - Currently on 112.5mg Wellbutrin split dose 

12/12/18 - Clonazepam  and Trazadone 50mg 12/11/19 nearly daily. 

01/19 - Got off of Clonazepam and Buproprion. 

02/19 - Got off of Trazodone. 

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi saxman,


We really need dates or at the least early/mid/late month plus the year instead of weeks.  This means that the mods don't need to try and work things out.  Many of the mods experience periods of cog fog (as we are going through our own WD issues) so we find it easier if it is nice and clear.  Thank you for your understanding.


We also don't need any other details of the reasons or symptoms.  Just drugs, doses and dates


The information you have provided may be helpful to keep, so copy and paste it in a post in your Intro topic before you simplify it.


For example:


Effexor (generic) 75mg date-date year, 150mg date-date, 300mg date-date year



Welbutrin 150mg from date


Approx year or Prior to year

Wellbutrin a few months CT, Lexapro 2-3 mths CT


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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  • Administrator

Welcome, saxman.


Going on and off drugs and having adverse reactions can scramble your nervous system. It seems you've gone through some periods of acute symptoms and now you're doing a little better. This is good, your nervous system is following a normal pattern of very slowly fixing itself.


What symptoms are most troublesome to you now? Do they follow any daily pattern?


We need to know your current drug schedule and your symptoms before and after you take a drug. What is your sleep pattern? Please keep daily notes on paper about your symptoms, when you take your drugs, and their dosages. Use a simple list format with time of day on the left and notation (symptom, drug and dosage) on the right.


I wouldn't continue to keep that psychiatrist on my payroll.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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Thanks so much for the responses guys. Means a lot. I've been to four mental health professionals and everyone's looking at me like I am crazy! 


Yes, the most acute symptoms are over it seems, thankfully (knock on wood). akathisia, parathesia and anxiety were near unbearable for a while. 


I have been taking notes every day of my symptoms, will now do medications before/after as well. I take: 


- 11am -  Buproprion 150 HCL. symptoms hard to tell whats withdrawal what's the bupropion. 

- 2 am - Clonazepam .5mg. As needed.  (usually before bed)/ sometimes works, sometimes doesn't. trying hard not to have to use it. 

- 2am -  Trazodone 50mg as needed. 2 am (as needed, usually before bed)/ dry mouth, but sometimes does help sleep. 

- 2am - melatonin  10mg as needed. sleeplessness


Symptoms are milder now, but still very much present and I'm not my normal self. In order of severity/ persistence. 


1. Fatigue/flu-like symptoms. Feel weak with muscle aches. This goes away slightly towards the end of the day sometimes, but it pretty much persistent. 

2. Anxiety. Not nearly as bad as it was 2-3 weeks ago (was near impossible to function), but still present. Kinda hard to sit still at times. 

3. Sleep patterns are inconsistent. Sometimes I'm able to get a good night's rest others need clonazepam and it works like 50/50. Slept well last night. 3 hours tonight.

4. Tremors - I've become really sensitive to cold. Usually wake up with tremors, but they go away during the day.  Sometimes return in moments of stress or when I'm cold. 

5. Lack of appetite. on rare moments it will return, but mostly non existent. I force feed myself most of the time. 

6.. Upset stomach. Comes and goes. 

7.. Brain zaps. Not as drastic as when I was coming off of Effexor, but still there, especially in the evening, after a cigarette or glass of wine they increase. 


Will definitely be getting a new Psychiatrist in the new year. 








LONG AGO: Tried wellbutrin 150 HCL (2015) didnt work.

- lexapro (2015)

- Vyybrid (2016)

- Effexor (generic) 75mg 08/18, 150mg 09/18 300mg 10-11/18
- Lamictal (Two weeks). Abilify (July-Aug 2018). And finally Depakote for about a month(sept). -

- Prozac (generic) 20mg (09/18)- Prozac 40mg (10/18) - Prozac 20mg (11/18/01-11/22/01) 

- Cymbalta 60mg 4 days. 

11/27/18 - Wellbutrin HCL 150 XL daily 11/27/19. (As of 01/03/19) - Currently on 112.5mg Wellbutrin split dose 

12/12/18 - Clonazepam  and Trazadone 50mg 12/11/19 nearly daily. 

01/19 - Got off of Clonazepam and Buproprion. 

02/19 - Got off of Trazodone. 

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  • Moderator Emeritus
1 hour ago, saxman101 said:

2am - melatonin  10mg as needed. sleeplessness


Welcome from me, too, saxman.


10mg Melatonin is a very high dose for someone in WD and can cause a paradoxical effect and keep you awake.  We recommend a starting dose of 0.25 (1/4mg) or 0.5mg (1/2 mg).  There is some question as to whether it's necessary to taper to lower doses on Melatonin.  Some go lower or off with no difficulty, others appear to do better with a taper.  You could go to 7.5 mg for a few nights, then down to 5 mg and see how you're doing there.  

Gridley Introduction


Lexapro 20 mg since 2004.  Begin Brassmonkey Slide Taper Jan. 2017.   

End 2017 year 1 of taper at 9.25mg 

End 2018 year 2 of taper at 4.1mg

End 2019 year 3 of taper at 1.0mg  

Oct. 30, 2020  Jump to zero from 0.025mg.  Current dose: 0.000mg

3 year, 10 month taper is 100% complete.


Ativan 1 mg to 1.875mg 1986-2020, two CT's and reinstatements

Nov. 2020, 7-week Ativan-Valium crossover to 18.75mg Valium

Feb. 2021, begin 10%/4 week taper of 18.75mg Valium 

End 2021  year 1 of Valium taper at 6mg

End 2022 year 2 of Valium taper at 2.75mg 

End 2023 year 3 of Valium taper at 1mg

Jan. 24, 2024: Hold at 1mg and shift to Imipramine taper.

Taper is 95% complete.


Imipramine 75 mg daily since 1986.  Jan.-Sept. 2016 tapered to 14.4mg  

March 22, 2022: Begin 10%/4 week taper

Aug. 5, 2022: hold at 9.5mg and shift to Valium taper

Jan. 24, 2024: Resume Imipramine taper.  Current dose as of April 1: 6.8mg

Taper is 91% complete.  


Supplements: multiple, quercetin, omega-3, vitamins C, E and D3, magnesium glycinate, probiotics, zinc, melatonin .3mg, iron, serrapeptase, nattokinase

I am not a medical professional and this is not medical advice but simply information based on my own experience, as well as other members who have survived these drugs.

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Thanks gridley for the welcome and for the advice. I will take 3/4 of my usual pill tonight. Good to know, I reached for the highest dose at the pharmacy, but did'nt know of the paradoxical effect. Will taper down slowly over next week. 


Any and all advice is welcome. Thanks



LONG AGO: Tried wellbutrin 150 HCL (2015) didnt work.

- lexapro (2015)

- Vyybrid (2016)

- Effexor (generic) 75mg 08/18, 150mg 09/18 300mg 10-11/18
- Lamictal (Two weeks). Abilify (July-Aug 2018). And finally Depakote for about a month(sept). -

- Prozac (generic) 20mg (09/18)- Prozac 40mg (10/18) - Prozac 20mg (11/18/01-11/22/01) 

- Cymbalta 60mg 4 days. 

11/27/18 - Wellbutrin HCL 150 XL daily 11/27/19. (As of 01/03/19) - Currently on 112.5mg Wellbutrin split dose 

12/12/18 - Clonazepam  and Trazadone 50mg 12/11/19 nearly daily. 

01/19 - Got off of Clonazepam and Buproprion. 

02/19 - Got off of Trazodone. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, 


Little update. The holidays are going ok. I'm taking fewer benzos and the sleeplessness is much better. However, the flu-like symptoms persist, but vary day by day. Today was particularly bad, as I threw up the nausea was so bad. I've been reading a lot on the forums and would welcome some insight... 


1. This forum is obviously all about tapering. As I see it, the problem with my situation is that I was exposed to so many different pills in a 6 month period, even if I did try to reinstate something, I can't say with any certainty which pill is causing the problem... Does that make sense at all? I read brassmonkey's guide to withdrawal and it did not inspire confidence... but he did say:


"There is a variation to this theme and that is the ones who have taken the drug for a month or two.  They didn’t have the immediate Adverse Reaction, but the drug is not treating them well and they decide to stop taking it because of the way it makes them feel. Because they have only been on the drug for a short time and with their doctor’s encouragement they stop the drug cold turkey. After a “honeymoon period” this throws them into withdrawal and a whole carousel of doctor’s visits and new drugs typically follows. But that’s a different topic." That sounds exactly like me... @brassmonkey  welcome any advice. 


2. Should I be taking Wellbutrin? The more I read the more I am convinced that more drugs are not the solution. My new Pysch disagrees. I don't know what to think really. If I do decide to stop taking the Wellbutrin, I'll taper it, of course. But how do you taper Extended release tablets? Im taking 150 HCL for 5 weeks now. Everyone in my family and my DR think this is the way to go to "stabilize me." Im not so convinced... 


3. Should I go to a DR for a full health checkup? No fever, but these flu-like symptoms are not nice (No appetite, fatigue, soreness, tremors, mild brain zaps and on/off upset stomach) . OVERALL. I am MUCH better than I was 5 weeks ago and the most extreme, debilitating symptoms seem to have disappeared (knock on wood). But at the moment it seems that I've plateaued somewhat. Flu like symptoms every day, to varying degrees and intensities. 


4. Im a mild smoker and have decided to continue smoking to not stack withdrawals. Would welcome any advice on this. switching to e cigs though... 


Merry xmas and happy new years guys. I'm reading as many books on coping strategies (Feeling good, depression mindfulness techniques, Claire weekes) and trying very hard to remain optimistic, but day-to-day functioning has become significantly harder. Everything is 10x more difficult to do. This situation has forced me to very seriously count my blessings and I am thankful to be able to function, albiet in a much more deliberate and slower mode. I've donated to the paypal account. Thank you for this site and all the advice so far. I'd be totally in the woods otherwise, I thought I was going insane for the first few weeks. 





LONG AGO: Tried wellbutrin 150 HCL (2015) didnt work.

- lexapro (2015)

- Vyybrid (2016)

- Effexor (generic) 75mg 08/18, 150mg 09/18 300mg 10-11/18
- Lamictal (Two weeks). Abilify (July-Aug 2018). And finally Depakote for about a month(sept). -

- Prozac (generic) 20mg (09/18)- Prozac 40mg (10/18) - Prozac 20mg (11/18/01-11/22/01) 

- Cymbalta 60mg 4 days. 

11/27/18 - Wellbutrin HCL 150 XL daily 11/27/19. (As of 01/03/19) - Currently on 112.5mg Wellbutrin split dose 

12/12/18 - Clonazepam  and Trazadone 50mg 12/11/19 nearly daily. 

01/19 - Got off of Clonazepam and Buproprion. 

02/19 - Got off of Trazodone. 

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  • Moderator Emeritus
1 hour ago, saxman101 said:

2. Should I be taking Wellbutrin? The more I read the more I am convinced that more drugs are not the solution. My new Pysch disagrees. I don't know what to think really. If I do decide to stop taking the Wellbutrin, I'll taper it, of course. But how do you taper Extended release tablets? Im taking 150 HCL for 5 weeks now. Everyone in my family and my DR think this is the way to go to "stabilize me." Im not so convinced... 


Tips for tapering off Wellbutrin, SR, XR, XL (buproprion)


Q:  How often are you taking these?  Q:  When did you last take them?


Clonazepam .5mg (as needed). Trazadone 50mg (as needed).


1 hour ago, saxman101 said:

4. Im a mild smoker and have decided to continue smoking to not stack withdrawals. Would welcome any advice on this. switching to e cigs though... 


If you do decide to quit smoking, then it may be better taper.  You could swap out some (genuine) herbal cigarettes, but check the ingredients because some of them do contain tobacco.


Why taper by 10% of my dosage?

Dr Joseph Glenmullen's WD Symptoms Checklist


On 12/23/2018 at 1:20 PM, Altostrata said:


We need to know your current drug schedule and your symptoms before and after you take a drug. What is your sleep pattern? Please keep daily notes on paper about your symptoms, when you take your drugs, and their dosages. Use a simple list format with time of day on the left and notation (symptom, drug and dosage) on the right.



We need to see at least 3 days of symptoms notes so that you situation can be assessed.




6 a.m. Woke with anxiety
8 a.m. Took 2.5mg Lexapro
10 a.m. Stomach is upset
10:30 a.m. Ate breakfast
11:35 a.m. Got a headache, lasted one hour
12:35 p.m. Ate lunch
4 p.m. Feel a bit better
5 p.m. Took 2.5mg Lexapro
6 p.m. Ate dinner
9:20 p.m. Headache
10:00 p.m. Took 50mg Seroquel
10:20 p.m. Feeling dizzy
10:30 p.m. Fell asleep
2:30 a.m. Woke, took 3mg Ambien (NOT "took 1/2 tablet Ambien")
2:45 a.m. Fell asleep
4:30 a.m. Woke but got back to sleep


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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Hey Chessie, 


Thanks for the reply. 


1. Thanks for the link to tapering extended release Wellbutrin. When I get back into town I will ask my dr. to switch to two .75mg SR so I can take them twice daily and start the taper. 


As for the Clonazepam and Trazodone, I took these for 2.5 weeks to help me sleep when the symptoms were really really bad. I'm still taking the trazodone nightly, but the clonazepam I am cutting the pills in half now and taking them that way. I really really don't want to get hooked on benzos. It's incredible how uneducated I am and my dr is about some of these meds. So happy I found this site. 


2. Ok, I will taper the smoking as well. I smoke 2-5 cigarettes a day, but maybe with E cigs I can at least control the amount of carcinogens in my body. 


3. Ok. I will keep a detailed list off my day for the next three days and post the results then. 



Thanks so much Chessie. 


LONG AGO: Tried wellbutrin 150 HCL (2015) didnt work.

- lexapro (2015)

- Vyybrid (2016)

- Effexor (generic) 75mg 08/18, 150mg 09/18 300mg 10-11/18
- Lamictal (Two weeks). Abilify (July-Aug 2018). And finally Depakote for about a month(sept). -

- Prozac (generic) 20mg (09/18)- Prozac 40mg (10/18) - Prozac 20mg (11/18/01-11/22/01) 

- Cymbalta 60mg 4 days. 

11/27/18 - Wellbutrin HCL 150 XL daily 11/27/19. (As of 01/03/19) - Currently on 112.5mg Wellbutrin split dose 

12/12/18 - Clonazepam  and Trazadone 50mg 12/11/19 nearly daily. 

01/19 - Got off of Clonazepam and Buproprion. 

02/19 - Got off of Trazodone. 

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  • Moderator Emeritus

You might find it worthwhile to rehearse what you are going to say to the doctor.


How do you talk to a doctor about tapering and withdrawal?

What should I expect from my doctor about withdrawal symptoms?


Keep it Simple, Slow and Stable


It is generally better to taper only 1 drug at a time.  If issues arise you won't know what caused it.

Taking multiple psych drugs? Which drug to taper first?
If you're not having an adverse reaction from the other medications, taper the most activating drug first. This is usually an antidepressant or stimulant (ADHD drug).
Taper more than one drug at a time?
Try this only if you know your withdrawal symptom pattern and know how to control your taper with various tapering techniques.


From what I understand you can get hooked on benzos in as little as 2 weeks and the big issue is that the effect of a dose decreases and you need to take more.  The other issue is that you can end up with rebound anxiety and interdose withdrawal.  Please start a topic in the Benzo tapering and recovery


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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  • Moderator Emeritus
24 minutes ago, saxman101 said:

It's incredible how uneducated I am and my dr is about some of these meds.


Not many doctors understand withdrawal and tapering psychiatric drugs which is why this site exists.


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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Thanks Chessie


I just posted in the Benzo Forum. I have already read the articles you linked and have an action plan for when I get back and what I need to do. 


My priority #1 right now is to figure out if I have benzo dependency and to get off of the Clonazepam. Thanks so much. 

LONG AGO: Tried wellbutrin 150 HCL (2015) didnt work.

- lexapro (2015)

- Vyybrid (2016)

- Effexor (generic) 75mg 08/18, 150mg 09/18 300mg 10-11/18
- Lamictal (Two weeks). Abilify (July-Aug 2018). And finally Depakote for about a month(sept). -

- Prozac (generic) 20mg (09/18)- Prozac 40mg (10/18) - Prozac 20mg (11/18/01-11/22/01) 

- Cymbalta 60mg 4 days. 

11/27/18 - Wellbutrin HCL 150 XL daily 11/27/19. (As of 01/03/19) - Currently on 112.5mg Wellbutrin split dose 

12/12/18 - Clonazepam  and Trazadone 50mg 12/11/19 nearly daily. 

01/19 - Got off of Clonazepam and Buproprion. 

02/19 - Got off of Trazodone. 

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Slept ok. went to bed at 3am. (on vacation)

1pm woke up - took 150mg Bupoprion HCL XL: slight tremors, nausea. slightly anxious (as is normal for me these days). 

1:15pm - had a smoke. 

1:30pm - meal. little appetite. at little. 

2pm - read a book. 

3pm - answered some emails - felt ok. 

4pm - ANXIETY. Read in my CBT book about about Benzo withdrawl/dependency. Internet searches followed. This scared the crap out of me because I seem to be right on the edge of the time frame that people get hooked. (hypochondriasis is a problem with me in general; am working on it)

5pm - Threw up (I usually feel nauseous these days, but can usually contain it. I think I worked myself up real bad)

7:15pm - Light dinner. Did not eat much. Anxiety. 

7pm - Took a bath. Anxiety

7:30pm - Read some more. 

8pm - Anxiety. Had very difficult convo with family. They're convinced I should continue to trust new Dr. and their previous experiences with same drugs I'm on now (2 of them also take trazadone and bupoprion and one takes .5mg clonazepam for 3 + years daily and both seem to be doing fine). Long "intervention style" convo. 

130am - booked APPT with CBT therapist for day after tomorrow online. 

2am - Went to bed. Took .25mg Clonazepam, 50mg Trazadone. Could not sleep. Probably just worked myself up really badly throughout the day with internet searches and the convo.  

3am - Took another .25mg Clonazepam. 

4am - fell asleep

530am - Awoke. fell asleep shortly thereafter

730am - Awoke. fell into a half sleep thereafter. 


Sorry this first one Is rather detailed. Will be more concise in the future. Will post again at the end of today. 



LONG AGO: Tried wellbutrin 150 HCL (2015) didnt work.

- lexapro (2015)

- Vyybrid (2016)

- Effexor (generic) 75mg 08/18, 150mg 09/18 300mg 10-11/18
- Lamictal (Two weeks). Abilify (July-Aug 2018). And finally Depakote for about a month(sept). -

- Prozac (generic) 20mg (09/18)- Prozac 40mg (10/18) - Prozac 20mg (11/18/01-11/22/01) 

- Cymbalta 60mg 4 days. 

11/27/18 - Wellbutrin HCL 150 XL daily 11/27/19. (As of 01/03/19) - Currently on 112.5mg Wellbutrin split dose 

12/12/18 - Clonazepam  and Trazadone 50mg 12/11/19 nearly daily. 

01/19 - Got off of Clonazepam and Buproprion. 

02/19 - Got off of Trazodone. 

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  • Administrator

Those are good notes, saxman. Please continue them, they will help identify any adverse reactions to the drugs you're taking.


How do you feel before and after you take Wellbutrin?


Sadly, around 4 p.m., you might be getting rebound anxiety from clonazepam interdose withdrawal. Don't worry, this can be managed.


Please put ALL your drugs in the Drug Interactions Checker https://www.drugs.com/drug_interactions.php
and copy and paste the results or a link to them in this topic.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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buPROPion  traZODone

Applies to: Wellbutrin XL (bupropion), trazodone

Talk to your doctor before using buPROPion together with traZODone. Combining these medications may increase the risk of seizures, which may occur rarely with either medication. In addition, buPROPion can increase the blood levels of traZODone, which may increase other side effects. You may be more likely to experience seizures with these medications if you are elderly, undergoing alcohol or drug withdrawal, have a history of seizures, or have a condition affecting the central nervous system such as a brain tumor or head trauma. Your doctor may be able to prescribe alternatives that do not interact, or you may need a dose adjustment or more frequent monitoring by your doctor to safely use both medications. You should avoid or limit the use of alcohol during treatment. It is important to tell your doctor about all other medications you use, including vitamins and herbs. Do not stop using any medications without first talking to your doctor.



buPROPion  clonazePAM

Applies to: Wellbutrin XL (bupropion), clonazepam

Excessive use of clonazePAM, or abrupt discontinuation following long-term use, may occasionally trigger seizures in patients taking buPROPion. Talk to your doctor before using these medications together if you have any questions or concerns. It is important to tell your doctor about all other medications you use, including vitamins and herbs. Do not stop using any medications without first talking to your doctor.


clonazePAM  traZODone

Applies to: clonazepam, trazodone

Using clonazePAM together with traZODone may increase side effects such as dizziness, drowsiness, confusion, and difficulty concentrating. Some people, especially the elderly, may also experience impairment in thinking, judgment, and motor coordination. You should avoid or limit the use of alcohol while being treated with these medications. Also avoid activities requiring mental alertness such as driving or operating hazardous machinery until you know how the medications affect you. Talk to your doctor if you have any questions or concerns. It is important to tell your doctor about all other medications you use, including vitamins and herbs. Do not stop using any medications without first talking to your doctor.



buPROPion  food

Applies to: Wellbutrin XL (bupropion)

Using buPROPion with alcohol may increase the risk of uncommon side effects such as seizures, hallucinations, delusions, paranoia, mood and behavioral changes, depression, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, and panic attacks. On the other hand, sudden withdrawal from alcohol following regular or chronic use can also increase your risk of seizures during treatment with buPROPion. If you are prone to frequent or excessive alcohol use, talk to your doctor before starting buPROPion. In general, you should avoid or limit the use of alcohol while being treated with buPROPion. Also avoid activities requiring mental alertness such as driving or operating hazardous machinery until you know how the medication affects you. It is important to tell your doctor about all other medications you use, including vitamins and herbs. Do not stop using any medications without first talking to your doctor.



traZODone  food

Applies to: trazodone

Alcohol can increase the nervous system side effects of traZODone such as dizziness, drowsiness, and difficulty concentrating. Some people may also experience impairment in thinking and judgment. You should avoid or limit the use of alcohol while being treated with traZODone. Do not use more than the recommended dose of traZODone, and avoid activities requiring mental alertness such as driving or operating hazardous machinery until you know how the medication affects you. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist if you have any questions or concerns.

LONG AGO: Tried wellbutrin 150 HCL (2015) didnt work.

- lexapro (2015)

- Vyybrid (2016)

- Effexor (generic) 75mg 08/18, 150mg 09/18 300mg 10-11/18
- Lamictal (Two weeks). Abilify (July-Aug 2018). And finally Depakote for about a month(sept). -

- Prozac (generic) 20mg (09/18)- Prozac 40mg (10/18) - Prozac 20mg (11/18/01-11/22/01) 

- Cymbalta 60mg 4 days. 

11/27/18 - Wellbutrin HCL 150 XL daily 11/27/19. (As of 01/03/19) - Currently on 112.5mg Wellbutrin split dose 

12/12/18 - Clonazepam  and Trazadone 50mg 12/11/19 nearly daily. 

01/19 - Got off of Clonazepam and Buproprion. 

02/19 - Got off of Trazodone. 

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  • Administrator

Well, there you have it.


Buproprion on its own is known to cause sleeplessness and lack of appetite. With trazodone's evil metabolite mCPP during the day, the drug combination might be adding to your sensations of anxiety.


If you don't feel better after taking bupropion, it probably isn't helping at all. You've been on it since early December? Did you step up to 150mg or did you start at 150mg? If you stepped it up, when did you last increase the dosage?

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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Replying to your questions Altostrata: 


1. Before and after taking Wellbutrin: Unfortunately, it is difficult to say definitively. The very first thing I do every morning before I roll out of bed is take the Bupropion 150mg HCL XL. Mornings are usually the worst for me. This was true even before AD withdrawal, and for the first 9 days of AD withdrawl without the current cocktail. Now I have an alternating list of symptoms that I've been tracking with a graph. Each day is different, but usually: slight tremors, nausea, lack of appetite, muscle soreness and fatigue.


Also, one day I forgot to take the Buproprion and fell asleep as normal etc, took it the next morning. 


It's difficult for me to distinguish between what might be residual symptoms from the AD withdrawal nearly 5 weeks ago and what is being caused by this current pharma cocktail and what might be hypochondria/life stress etc. 


IN GENERAL, I am much better than I was 5 weeks ago and symptoms are different/milder/much less, but I also seem to have plateaued. 


Also, IN GENERAL, evenings tend to be easier than mornings. 



LONG AGO: Tried wellbutrin 150 HCL (2015) didnt work.

- lexapro (2015)

- Vyybrid (2016)

- Effexor (generic) 75mg 08/18, 150mg 09/18 300mg 10-11/18
- Lamictal (Two weeks). Abilify (July-Aug 2018). And finally Depakote for about a month(sept). -

- Prozac (generic) 20mg (09/18)- Prozac 40mg (10/18) - Prozac 20mg (11/18/01-11/22/01) 

- Cymbalta 60mg 4 days. 

11/27/18 - Wellbutrin HCL 150 XL daily 11/27/19. (As of 01/03/19) - Currently on 112.5mg Wellbutrin split dose 

12/12/18 - Clonazepam  and Trazadone 50mg 12/11/19 nearly daily. 

01/19 - Got off of Clonazepam and Buproprion. 

02/19 - Got off of Trazodone. 

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In general, I do not generally feel better after taking Bupropion. I started taking it at 150mg HCL XL on Dec 12, 2018. I was given 30 tablets and have exactly one left before my next refill. 


It is difficult for me to attribute the progress I've made these past five weeks to just good 'ol time passing or to this new cocktail. 


I can say definitely that the Clonazepam and Trazadone (dont know which) DID help me to sleep, especially when my anxiety was at its acutest and I was having like near panic all day every day. 


I am inclined to think the Buproprion is NOT helping me though, because I've tried this dose in the past for two months, about 4 years ago. And It did not help my Dysthymia then. 


The only reason I started taking this current pharma cocktail is because my family, my new psych and everyone around me saw how much I was suffering the first two weeks and desperately wanted to help... :( I was desperate, didn't know this site, and NOT thinking clearly. 



LONG AGO: Tried wellbutrin 150 HCL (2015) didnt work.

- lexapro (2015)

- Vyybrid (2016)

- Effexor (generic) 75mg 08/18, 150mg 09/18 300mg 10-11/18
- Lamictal (Two weeks). Abilify (July-Aug 2018). And finally Depakote for about a month(sept). -

- Prozac (generic) 20mg (09/18)- Prozac 40mg (10/18) - Prozac 20mg (11/18/01-11/22/01) 

- Cymbalta 60mg 4 days. 

11/27/18 - Wellbutrin HCL 150 XL daily 11/27/19. (As of 01/03/19) - Currently on 112.5mg Wellbutrin split dose 

12/12/18 - Clonazepam  and Trazadone 50mg 12/11/19 nearly daily. 

01/19 - Got off of Clonazepam and Buproprion. 

02/19 - Got off of Trazodone. 

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Repost from my Intro thread


"In general, I do not feel better after taking Bupropion. I started taking it at 150mg HCL XL on Dec 12, 2018. I was given 30 tablets and have exactly one left before my next refill. 


It is difficult for me to attribute the progress I've made these past five weeks to just good 'ol time passing or to this new cocktail. 


I can say definitely that the Clonazepam and Trazadone (dont know which) DID help me to sleep, especially when my anxiety was at its acutest and I was having like near panic all day every day. I probably shouldve started tapering the clonazepam once the most acute symptoms had subsided. 


I am inclined to think the Buproprion is NOT helping me though, because I've tried this dose in the past for two months, about 4 years ago. And It did not help my Dysthymia then. 


The only reason I started taking this current pharma cocktail is because my family, my new psych and everyone around me saw how much I was suffering the first two weeks and desperately wanted to help... :( I was desperate, didnt know this site, and NOT thinking clearly. "



LONG AGO: Tried wellbutrin 150 HCL (2015) didnt work.

- lexapro (2015)

- Vyybrid (2016)

- Effexor (generic) 75mg 08/18, 150mg 09/18 300mg 10-11/18
- Lamictal (Two weeks). Abilify (July-Aug 2018). And finally Depakote for about a month(sept). -

- Prozac (generic) 20mg (09/18)- Prozac 40mg (10/18) - Prozac 20mg (11/18/01-11/22/01) 

- Cymbalta 60mg 4 days. 

11/27/18 - Wellbutrin HCL 150 XL daily 11/27/19. (As of 01/03/19) - Currently on 112.5mg Wellbutrin split dose 

12/12/18 - Clonazepam  and Trazadone 50mg 12/11/19 nearly daily. 

01/19 - Got off of Clonazepam and Buproprion. 

02/19 - Got off of Trazodone. 

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correction, I started taking the Buproprion 11/27/18 and the clonazepam only later when i got a new psych 12/11/18

LONG AGO: Tried wellbutrin 150 HCL (2015) didnt work.

- lexapro (2015)

- Vyybrid (2016)

- Effexor (generic) 75mg 08/18, 150mg 09/18 300mg 10-11/18
- Lamictal (Two weeks). Abilify (July-Aug 2018). And finally Depakote for about a month(sept). -

- Prozac (generic) 20mg (09/18)- Prozac 40mg (10/18) - Prozac 20mg (11/18/01-11/22/01) 

- Cymbalta 60mg 4 days. 

11/27/18 - Wellbutrin HCL 150 XL daily 11/27/19. (As of 01/03/19) - Currently on 112.5mg Wellbutrin split dose 

12/12/18 - Clonazepam  and Trazadone 50mg 12/11/19 nearly daily. 

01/19 - Got off of Clonazepam and Buproprion. 

02/19 - Got off of Trazodone. 

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  • Administrator
31 minutes ago, saxman101 said:

In general, I do not generally feel better after taking Bupropion. I started taking it at 150mg HCL XL on Dec 12, 2018. I was given 30 tablets and have exactly one left before my next refill. 


It is difficult for me to attribute the progress I've made these past five weeks to just good 'ol time passing or to this new cocktail. 


I don't think buproprion is helping, and might be hurting. Since you started it only 20 days ago, going off fairly quickly might work well for you. Can you get your next prescription filled with 100mg buproprion SR (sustained release) tablets?


You can cut a 100mg SR tablet up into quarters to reduce by 25mg every 4 days, your first reduction being to 125mg (one 100mg SR tablet and 1/4 tablet). This would be twice-a-day dosing: Take the tablet fragment in the early afternoon.


The next reduction would be to 100mg for 4 days, then 75mg for 4 days (take the bulk in the morning and 1/4 tablet in the early afternoon). And so forth. See


Tips for tapering off Wellbutrin, SR, XR, XL (buproprion)


Yes, your nervous system might be stabilizing despite Wellbutrin and possibly trazodone, and removing Wellbutrin at least might be a big improvement.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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Hello Altostrata, 


Thanks so much for the prompt replies today. 


Just want to add, that I made a little mistake with the timing of the Buproprion. I started it 11/27/18 so I've been on it 29 days (The clonazepam/trazodone later, 12/12/18) I started. Also, I am on winter vacation atm, in a remote location, as I thought that this would be best for my nerves. To take 3 weeks off. 


I'll be back 01/10/19 and so that would probably be the soonest I could get my hands on some 100sr Buproprion. 


Does this affect anything? How much is time of the essence here? 



LONG AGO: Tried wellbutrin 150 HCL (2015) didnt work.

- lexapro (2015)

- Vyybrid (2016)

- Effexor (generic) 75mg 08/18, 150mg 09/18 300mg 10-11/18
- Lamictal (Two weeks). Abilify (July-Aug 2018). And finally Depakote for about a month(sept). -

- Prozac (generic) 20mg (09/18)- Prozac 40mg (10/18) - Prozac 20mg (11/18/01-11/22/01) 

- Cymbalta 60mg 4 days. 

11/27/18 - Wellbutrin HCL 150 XL daily 11/27/19. (As of 01/03/19) - Currently on 112.5mg Wellbutrin split dose 

12/12/18 - Clonazepam  and Trazadone 50mg 12/11/19 nearly daily. 

01/19 - Got off of Clonazepam and Buproprion. 

02/19 - Got off of Trazodone. 

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11am woke up. took 150mg bupoprion HCL XL

12am - got out of bed feeling tired and nauseous. 

1230: ate banana and smoked. no apettite

2pm: meal, force fed myself oatmeal. ate little. 

3pm: hike, feel relatively ok. compared to 5 weeks ago ill take it any day. 

430: returned from hike. smoked a bit. cold day. BIG TREMORS (in general my cold tolerance threshold is greatly diminished since this all began)

5pm: took hot shower, great reduced tremors

530 smoked half a cig. feel ok

6pm read: feel ok

7pm: drugstore to get pill cutter. minor fender bender (not my fault) - felt ok. little achey. 

8pm dinner: Ate well for a change! 

9pm: read - hard to concentrate, but not too bad. can function

10-12pm: movie. A bit hard to concentrate, but basically ok. 

12:30am: .5mg clonazepam 50mg trazodone. 

1am- read anxiety. Read some stuff online I shouldnt have and let festering thoughts out. I did it to myself I think. 

2am - fell asleep and slept well for the most part. woke up a few times, but right back to bed. 


I keep track of my own symptoms on a chart every day. I add up the severity and plot them on a graph. Yesterday was 36 and today 26. So 01/02/19 was a better day. 


starting Bupoprion taper today. 

LONG AGO: Tried wellbutrin 150 HCL (2015) didnt work.

- lexapro (2015)

- Vyybrid (2016)

- Effexor (generic) 75mg 08/18, 150mg 09/18 300mg 10-11/18
- Lamictal (Two weeks). Abilify (July-Aug 2018). And finally Depakote for about a month(sept). -

- Prozac (generic) 20mg (09/18)- Prozac 40mg (10/18) - Prozac 20mg (11/18/01-11/22/01) 

- Cymbalta 60mg 4 days. 

11/27/18 - Wellbutrin HCL 150 XL daily 11/27/19. (As of 01/03/19) - Currently on 112.5mg Wellbutrin split dose 

12/12/18 - Clonazepam  and Trazadone 50mg 12/11/19 nearly daily. 

01/19 - Got off of Clonazepam and Buproprion. 

02/19 - Got off of Trazodone. 

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  • Administrator
21 hours ago, saxman101 said:

Does this affect anything? How much is time of the essence here? 


The longer you're on the drug, the more likely you'll have withdrawal from lowering the dosage.


However, some people go off Wellbutrin with few problems. Please let us know how you're doing with the lower dose. Don't forget to take that quarter tablet in the afternoon, but not late, it could disturb sleep.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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Understood. Thanks again for all the help. took as instructed. 


I came off Buproprion 150 CT some years ago, so maybe that's a promising sign, but that was before my CNS was shaken up badly by all these recent pills. Just about to finish my first day on the BUP taper. Will post detailed info tom. So far so good. Same symptoms as before.


Bit scared about the .5mg Kolonopin I've been taking, serious serious trigger, but trying hard not to let the thought spiral. Cross that bridge when we come to it. 


Thanks Alto! Much love





LONG AGO: Tried wellbutrin 150 HCL (2015) didnt work.

- lexapro (2015)

- Vyybrid (2016)

- Effexor (generic) 75mg 08/18, 150mg 09/18 300mg 10-11/18
- Lamictal (Two weeks). Abilify (July-Aug 2018). And finally Depakote for about a month(sept). -

- Prozac (generic) 20mg (09/18)- Prozac 40mg (10/18) - Prozac 20mg (11/18/01-11/22/01) 

- Cymbalta 60mg 4 days. 

11/27/18 - Wellbutrin HCL 150 XL daily 11/27/19. (As of 01/03/19) - Currently on 112.5mg Wellbutrin split dose 

12/12/18 - Clonazepam  and Trazadone 50mg 12/11/19 nearly daily. 

01/19 - Got off of Clonazepam and Buproprion. 

02/19 - Got off of Trazodone. 

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  • Moderator Emeritus
34 minutes ago, saxman101 said:

I came off Buproprion 150 CT some years ago, so maybe that's a promising sign, but that was before my CNS was shaken up badly by all these recent pills.


That was before.  The effect of drug changes has a cumulative effect unfortunately.  Carefully does it.


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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Slow and steady Chessie. Thanks for the reminder. I posted that in a bit of anxiety fit that tends to creep in when I'm alone in bed and the ruminating thoughts start to pile on. 



LONG AGO: Tried wellbutrin 150 HCL (2015) didnt work.

- lexapro (2015)

- Vyybrid (2016)

- Effexor (generic) 75mg 08/18, 150mg 09/18 300mg 10-11/18
- Lamictal (Two weeks). Abilify (July-Aug 2018). And finally Depakote for about a month(sept). -

- Prozac (generic) 20mg (09/18)- Prozac 40mg (10/18) - Prozac 20mg (11/18/01-11/22/01) 

- Cymbalta 60mg 4 days. 

11/27/18 - Wellbutrin HCL 150 XL daily 11/27/19. (As of 01/03/19) - Currently on 112.5mg Wellbutrin split dose 

12/12/18 - Clonazepam  and Trazadone 50mg 12/11/19 nearly daily. 

01/19 - Got off of Clonazepam and Buproprion. 

02/19 - Got off of Trazodone. 

Link to comment



10am woke - 75mg Bupoprion (half a 150xl). Muscle soreness, anxiety, fatigue, but over all not too bad. 

11am - answering work emails. Ditto above. Was hard to focus. 

11:30am - smoke break. Manageable nausea and anxiety. 

12:30 - meal no appetite (per usual)

1pm - smoke - slight anxiety 

3pm - Tea. Slight anxiety. Manageable. Trying hard to “stay in the present” and meditate.  

3:45pm - Took 37.5mg Bupoprion (1/4 bupoprion hcl xl) - feeling somewhat anxious and achey but no worse than usual for these days. 

3:45 - drove scenic route - body aches and slight anxiety. Nothing out of ordinary. 

5pm - walk in park. same moderate nausea, fatigue and anxiety throughout day. 

6pm - dinner. Ate decently. Little appetite though, somewhat anxious nauseous, but happy I forced myself to go. More nauseous after dinner. 

10pm - smoke break. Big nausea uptick. Dry heaving. I think smoking aggravates it. Deep breathes for 10 minutes and pacing. Walked it off.

11pm - Reading in bed. Body fatigue, but calm enough to read. Evenings are always better then morning/day. 

12:30 - .5mg clonazepam and 50mg trazodone. .25mg melatonin. 

2:30am - fell asleep. Woke up a bunch, but was able to go back to sleep. In general my sleep is a lot "lighter" these days. I slept in until noon the next day. My schedule is quite weird these days. 

LONG AGO: Tried wellbutrin 150 HCL (2015) didnt work.

- lexapro (2015)

- Vyybrid (2016)

- Effexor (generic) 75mg 08/18, 150mg 09/18 300mg 10-11/18
- Lamictal (Two weeks). Abilify (July-Aug 2018). And finally Depakote for about a month(sept). -

- Prozac (generic) 20mg (09/18)- Prozac 40mg (10/18) - Prozac 20mg (11/18/01-11/22/01) 

- Cymbalta 60mg 4 days. 

11/27/18 - Wellbutrin HCL 150 XL daily 11/27/19. (As of 01/03/19) - Currently on 112.5mg Wellbutrin split dose 

12/12/18 - Clonazepam  and Trazadone 50mg 12/11/19 nearly daily. 

01/19 - Got off of Clonazepam and Buproprion. 

02/19 - Got off of Trazodone. 

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10am - 75mg bupropion (150xl cut in half) . Feel a bit “amped” but ok

12 - Work emails - slight Naseua and body aches. 

2pm - Meal

3:40pm - took bupropion 37.5mg (1/4 bupropion 150 xl) 

3:50pm - went for a walk - feel ok 

5pm - Read a book- feel much better today overall. 

6pm - nausea much less than yesterday, but upset stomach today. (They weirdly seem to alternate). 

7pm dinner - ate ok. 

930 - Movie. Slight anxiety but feel ok. 

12am - read a book. Anxiety pretty good. Hard to keep from ruminating about clonazepam I’m taking. 

1:30am - .5mg clonazepam, 50mg trazodone, 2.5mg melatonin

3am- fell asleep. Slept well for the most part. 

LONG AGO: Tried wellbutrin 150 HCL (2015) didnt work.

- lexapro (2015)

- Vyybrid (2016)

- Effexor (generic) 75mg 08/18, 150mg 09/18 300mg 10-11/18
- Lamictal (Two weeks). Abilify (July-Aug 2018). And finally Depakote for about a month(sept). -

- Prozac (generic) 20mg (09/18)- Prozac 40mg (10/18) - Prozac 20mg (11/18/01-11/22/01) 

- Cymbalta 60mg 4 days. 

11/27/18 - Wellbutrin HCL 150 XL daily 11/27/19. (As of 01/03/19) - Currently on 112.5mg Wellbutrin split dose 

12/12/18 - Clonazepam  and Trazadone 50mg 12/11/19 nearly daily. 

01/19 - Got off of Clonazepam and Buproprion. 

02/19 - Got off of Trazodone. 

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  • Administrator

The Wellbutrin fragments become more-or-less immediate-release. You may wish to take them with food, in case they are irritating your stomach.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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Gotcha. Bit tricky as my appetite seems to only come on (if at all) in the second half of the day, but I'll try to eat a banana in the morning with my dose then. 


Thanks Alto! 



LONG AGO: Tried wellbutrin 150 HCL (2015) didnt work.

- lexapro (2015)

- Vyybrid (2016)

- Effexor (generic) 75mg 08/18, 150mg 09/18 300mg 10-11/18
- Lamictal (Two weeks). Abilify (July-Aug 2018). And finally Depakote for about a month(sept). -

- Prozac (generic) 20mg (09/18)- Prozac 40mg (10/18) - Prozac 20mg (11/18/01-11/22/01) 

- Cymbalta 60mg 4 days. 

11/27/18 - Wellbutrin HCL 150 XL daily 11/27/19. (As of 01/03/19) - Currently on 112.5mg Wellbutrin split dose 

12/12/18 - Clonazepam  and Trazadone 50mg 12/11/19 nearly daily. 

01/19 - Got off of Clonazepam and Buproprion. 

02/19 - Got off of Trazodone. 

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01/05/19 - (Day 3 of Buproprion Taper)


10:30am - woke up 75mg Buproprion (150hcl xl cut in half). Mornings the worst. Feel the same. Went back to bed. 

12-pm rolled out of bed. Weird . Upset stomach. tiredness. Slight nausea 

130pm- smoke slight nausea

2pm light meal - little appetite 

2:30 - 2 cups of green tea - feel ok. 

4pm - 37.5 mg bupropion - slightly nauseous. Feel weird 

4:30 - went for walk. Same. 

5pm - church, felt ok

6pm - dinner - felt ok, just weird body sensations that never leave. Ate better in the evening. As usual. 

7pm - more church. 

7:30pm - walk home. Weird sensations/fatigue in body.

8pm - read a bit, prolly some nueroemotion anxiety going on 

9pm - worked a bit - some anxiety, but can work.

11:30pm - clonazepam .5mg family giving me anxiety again. Always an evening sneak attack :(

1:30am - 50mg trazodone. 1.5mg melatonin 

2:30am fell asleep. Slept decently well. woke up 9am, upset stomach, went back to bed. slept until noon. 


Positives today: almost no body aches. little nausea until family wound me up. Anxiety manageable enough I could read. tremors less. 

LONG AGO: Tried wellbutrin 150 HCL (2015) didnt work.

- lexapro (2015)

- Vyybrid (2016)

- Effexor (generic) 75mg 08/18, 150mg 09/18 300mg 10-11/18
- Lamictal (Two weeks). Abilify (July-Aug 2018). And finally Depakote for about a month(sept). -

- Prozac (generic) 20mg (09/18)- Prozac 40mg (10/18) - Prozac 20mg (11/18/01-11/22/01) 

- Cymbalta 60mg 4 days. 

11/27/18 - Wellbutrin HCL 150 XL daily 11/27/19. (As of 01/03/19) - Currently on 112.5mg Wellbutrin split dose 

12/12/18 - Clonazepam  and Trazadone 50mg 12/11/19 nearly daily. 

01/19 - Got off of Clonazepam and Buproprion. 

02/19 - Got off of Trazodone. 

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Hey Alto, 


Today is the 4th day of my taper. Things seem to be more or less the same. Some symptoms have even gotten a tad better. But mostly the same. 


Should I do anything different tomorrow? 

LONG AGO: Tried wellbutrin 150 HCL (2015) didnt work.

- lexapro (2015)

- Vyybrid (2016)

- Effexor (generic) 75mg 08/18, 150mg 09/18 300mg 10-11/18
- Lamictal (Two weeks). Abilify (July-Aug 2018). And finally Depakote for about a month(sept). -

- Prozac (generic) 20mg (09/18)- Prozac 40mg (10/18) - Prozac 20mg (11/18/01-11/22/01) 

- Cymbalta 60mg 4 days. 

11/27/18 - Wellbutrin HCL 150 XL daily 11/27/19. (As of 01/03/19) - Currently on 112.5mg Wellbutrin split dose 

12/12/18 - Clonazepam  and Trazadone 50mg 12/11/19 nearly daily. 

01/19 - Got off of Clonazepam and Buproprion. 

02/19 - Got off of Trazodone. 

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  • Administrator

No, I would give this step a week in all, just to be safe. If symptoms get better, then another decrease.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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