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Wesley: ways to improve vision disturbances


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I took lexapro and trazadone for four months along with ambien, I told therapist ,and drs my vision felt weird they assured me it was normal ,the while time I wanted to stop they said a lil longer keep taking 10mg lexapro .I leaned dwn to 5mg and then to a half and a quarter ,at night I couldnt sleep I went from 50mg trazodone to 100 ,and then started taking ambien with it .when I finally stopped the depression was worse ,I had push through chemical depression withdrawl,i used melatonin to help sleep ,first 5mg then 10 ,then 12 mg ,I noticed when I came off that my vision was different and it just got worse ,I see trails,I see afterimages ,I got eye test past it, I past my field of vision test ,I failed my ERG ,or elctroretinography test and the dr began to believe me but said there is an Injection into eye u can get but I am not blind enough to qualify .So I am hoping that other people know of something besides time to help heal vision problems, I take vitamins, eye support macular degeneration supps  any Information much appreciated thank you sorry for **** typing lol my spirit still strong.

  • ChessieCat changed the title to Wesley: ways to improve vision disturbances
  • Administrator

Welcome, Wesley.


When did you finally go off all psychiatric drugs? How is your sleep now?


We have a few topics about eye problems in our Symptoms and Self-care forum 


Has your eye problem been diagnosed as macular degeneration?

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

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In june it will be one year off meds,I sleep ok sometimes, I use melatonin ,lemon balm leaf ,and try rotate but sleep has never been same since meds. My eye condition has not been diagnosed, dr says something highly toxic must have caused my condition, no vision problems before meds ,now I cannot read things far away well,I do take macular degeneration supplements to help as per dr orders.

  • 3 months later...

Hi.I’m having same problems with the vision here, i had a sharp vision before i took lexapro for 2 months, now i am 6 1/2 months out and my vision is disorted, blurry, afterimages, light trails.How are you feeling?

Lorazepam -2 weeks-1 week 3 mg.4 days 2mg, 3 days 1mg. 13-27 November 2018

Lexapro -2 months-6 weeks of 10mg, 2 weeks of 5mg 27 November 2018-27 January 2019

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