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Driven: in trouble after Cymbalta rapid taper


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I’m new here but have been following for a bit. I found this site as a result from searching about Cymbalta withdrawal since discontinuing 3-1/2 months ago.  Unfortunately, I had no business going on this medication looking back on it and I was not instructed on how to correctly taper.  I've done a lot of research on how to minimize these symptoms and doing the best I can.  This is horrendous.


Some background…I am a 41 year old male that had a very short stint of anxiety earlier this year based on a life event that I needed help getting through.  Sleep was not happening and it was causing several issues for a few weeks.  I’ve never had anxiety or sleep issues prior to this and took instruction from my doctor to take Cymbalta to help get me through my rough patch and help me sleep.  We both agreed it would be a short stint and that I did not want to be on an antidepressant for any longer than I needed.  I am frustrated with myself for not researching Cymbalta more when I started it but I can’t help that now.


My Cymbalta usage:

1 week 30mg (he said this was ½ dose and to move to 60mg after 1 week)

5 weeks 60mg (I had a short bout with anxiety at this mark and my doctor increased me to 90mg)

3 weeks 90mg (I very quickly got past the issues that I was working through and felt great and asked to start a taper plan to get off.  My doctor’s taper plan was to drop to 60mg for 1 month then drop to 30mg for 1 week, then off completely.  I knew this sounded fast and consulted with my functional medicine doctor and she agreed.  She helped me with the 30, 20, 10, etc plan but clearly it was still way too fast).  I got another opinion from a doctor as well as several pharmacists and all stated this taper was one of the slower ones they have heard!  I was not aware of the very slow bead counting method (I did break open the 20mg capsules the last two weeks which I’m now aware of was still WAY too fast).  I was hoping that being on 9 weeks before tapering would allow an easier withdrawal.


Below is basically the journal of my fast taper:

4 weeks 60mg (from 90)

1 week 30mg

1 week 20mg

1 week 10mg

1 week where I dropped from 8mg, 6mg, 4mg, 2mg, 1mg, 15 beads, 5 beads then off (this was all a daily drop all within 1 week).

So, my taper from 90mg to zero took place over 8 weeks. 

*I took my last dose (5 beads) on July 6th.


Withdrawal schedule (since coming off July 6th😞


Week 1-4:        Brutal headache. Brain fog. Constant dizziness with some brief windows.  Vision issues (blurred and tunnel vision)

Week 4-8:        Same as above with less windows. Maybe a couple 2-3 hour windows in this whole stretch.

Week 8-10:      Same as above with windows of anxiety.  Very slight depression.  Vision issues still persist.  Maybe a couple 2-3 hour windows again.

Week 11-current:    Insomnia has hit and I am sleeping 2-3 hours a night.  Some less some a bit more.  Very restless and anxiety is very high when waking up and hangs around most of am.  Fades a bit in pm.  Depression has hit and I am feeling very “flat” and hopeless.  The last 2 weeks have definitely been the worst since being off completely. Panic and fear about what lies ahead is extremely high.


I have not consulted my psychologist since early in the taper since he acted very naïve about the withdrawal symptoms.


I am working with my functional medicine doctor and she is helping me with the following supplements. 

Daily supplements:

SAM-e (started taking this 4 weeks into my 8 week taper.  400mg am)

5-HTP (started taking this the day after I took my last dose of Cymbalta.  100mg am and pm)


Fish oil (1 serving high EPA/DHA am and pm)

Vitamin C

Vitamin D


*just recently started taking Hydroxyzine for anxiety and sleep and helping slightly during the day.  Sleep is still terrible.

*I also take testosterone replacement (self-injections weekly) due to testicular cancer 9 years ago.   Been doing this for ~5 years.  Putting this out there as I know testosterone levels can play with anxiety and depression.  I’m very strict to make sure I stay diligent and on schedule as I know low testosterone can be linked to depression/anxiety.


I appreciate anyone’s input in advance and hope to get a better understanding of what lies ahead.  I have been set on not reinstating on a low dose of Cymbalta or an SNRI like Lexapro, Prozac, or Zoloft but this is getting pretty unbearable.


At this point, I’m struggling severely at 3-1/2 months off.  Hoping that 17 week exposure to Cymbalta being my ONLY history of AD would help somehow but I’m very scared!  The brain fog is heavy, vision issues suck, and anxiety and depression came out of nowhere around 3-4 weeks ago.  I know re-instatement to an SSRI or even a small dose of Cymbalta is questionable but I am at a loss.   


Thank you in advance for anyone that took the time to read through my journey and provide input!

Cymbalta for 17 weeks total:
1 week @ 30mg, 5 weeks @ 60mg, 3 weeks @ 90mg (then asked to be tapered off)
Tapered as follows (as per 3 doctors and 5-6 pharmacists recommendations).  Not ONE stated a slow bead count was required:
4 weeks @ 60mg, 1 week @ 30mg, 1 week @ 20mg, 1 week @ 10mg (bead counting)
1 week @ 8--7-6-5-4-2-1-0mg (bead counting)
OFF completely since 7/6/19


SAM-e (200mg) - started 1 month before coming off Cymbalta as per Naturopath to help with withdrawal. Stopped SAM-e on 11/6/19.
5-HTP (100mg am & pm) - started day after coming off Cymbalta as per Naturpath to help with withdrawal. Stopped 5-HTP on 10/1/19.

5mg at bedtime. Started 11/26/19 until current to help with Cymbalta W/D symptoms.

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  • Altostrata changed the title to Driven HELP! In Trouble After Cymbalta Rapid Taper
  • Administrator

Welcome, Driven.


How do you feel after each dose of SAM-e or 5-HTP? How often do you take hydroxyzine?


Do you feel any different after a testosterone injection?


What is your supplement and drug schedule every day, at what dosages for each drug? Please keep notes on paper about times of day you take your drugs and supplements, dosages, and symptoms throughout the day, including sleep pattern; post in this topic. This will help identify any adverse effects.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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Thank you!  I will need to bring you up to speed on current situation as I've been struggling badly.  I made an emergency appointment for this afternoon with my psychiatrist (who I haven't seen since I went off Cymbalta).  It was that or the ER as I feel like I'm going crazy.  in my phone conversation, he is encouraging me to re-start Cymbalta.  I am terrified since I've read what kind of problems it may cause since i didn't reinstate right away.  I am 3.5 months off and it feels like the symptoms are getting worse as opposed to better.  Massive anxiety, cognitive issues, depression, insomnia, and weird vertigo/vision issues.  Also a ton of vitreous floaters in my eyes which didn't start until right after coming off.  


Regarding reinstatement (if I choose that route), what dosage and plan would you recommend?  I feel like this is scary and I want to do it right.  I expect he will want to put me on 20mg or 30mg right away but I know that may cause severe issues.  I am open to any input you have.  


SAM-e and 5-HTP:

I can't say I've felt it has done a thing.  Good or bad. 


Hydroxyzine schedule below (I just started taking it last week).  It has helped slightly with getting me to sleep but not more than 2-3 hours.  


25mg 7am

25mg 12pm

50mg 9pm


Testosterone injection:

Yes, I seem to get a slight surge in anxiety on the day and day after my injection.  This is tough as I need to take it.  I've experimented with extending the days between injections and it seems to correlate with depression hitting harder the longer i am away from an injection.  



Cymbalta for 17 weeks total:
1 week @ 30mg, 5 weeks @ 60mg, 3 weeks @ 90mg (then asked to be tapered off)
Tapered as follows (as per 3 doctors and 5-6 pharmacists recommendations).  Not ONE stated a slow bead count was required:
4 weeks @ 60mg, 1 week @ 30mg, 1 week @ 20mg, 1 week @ 10mg (bead counting)
1 week @ 8--7-6-5-4-2-1-0mg (bead counting)
OFF completely since 7/6/19


SAM-e (200mg) - started 1 month before coming off Cymbalta as per Naturopath to help with withdrawal. Stopped SAM-e on 11/6/19.
5-HTP (100mg am & pm) - started day after coming off Cymbalta as per Naturpath to help with withdrawal. Stopped 5-HTP on 10/1/19.

5mg at bedtime. Started 11/26/19 until current to help with Cymbalta W/D symptoms.

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Hello Driven,


Welcome to SA. I'm very sorry about your distress and not knowing what to do next. The moderators here are excellent and are helping me through my journey through cymbalta WD. 


Quick history:  I was also prescribed cymbalta. My dose was elevated from 20 to 60 - I declined further increasing - and then tapered down to 20 mg OK. Under MD advice in summer of 2018 - I CT, then reinstated after WD effects in September - and then in December 2018 attempted a taper. Taper failed due to medical / compounding pharmaceutical errors. It was almost a CT in December. Since then  WD symptoms have been absolutely horrible.


I did not take any additional medications for  WD symptoms since December  except for ativan on one occasion.  I have been sorely tempted since - but I was determined not to.


On 10/11/2019 at 9:23 PM, Driven said:

I’m struggling severely at 3-1/2 months off.  Hoping that 17 week exposure to Cymbalta being my ONLY history of AD would help somehow but I’m very scared!  The brain fog is heavy, vision issues suck, and anxiety and depression came out of nowhere around 3-4 weeks ago.


The symptoms have  improved in cycles - what are called windows and waves. The past 2-3 months have seen improvement. The worst period for me was the first 3-4 months. Anxiety comes out of the blue (still) - but brain fog is improving (and so is my memory!). My vision (not good to begin with and impacted by other meds) was worse during periods of the WD. 


Again, welcome.

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I'm so sorry for what you have gone though!  it is unbelievable the lack of knowledge about withdrawal protocol for this drug.  


Hope you don't mind me asking some questions:
1. When you reinstated in Sept '18 after being off 4 months, did you see relief?

2. What dosage did you reinstate?
3. In retrospect, would you reinstate again if faced with that situation?

4. Is your vision improving the further out you are?




Cymbalta for 17 weeks total:
1 week @ 30mg, 5 weeks @ 60mg, 3 weeks @ 90mg (then asked to be tapered off)
Tapered as follows (as per 3 doctors and 5-6 pharmacists recommendations).  Not ONE stated a slow bead count was required:
4 weeks @ 60mg, 1 week @ 30mg, 1 week @ 20mg, 1 week @ 10mg (bead counting)
1 week @ 8--7-6-5-4-2-1-0mg (bead counting)
OFF completely since 7/6/19


SAM-e (200mg) - started 1 month before coming off Cymbalta as per Naturopath to help with withdrawal. Stopped SAM-e on 11/6/19.
5-HTP (100mg am & pm) - started day after coming off Cymbalta as per Naturpath to help with withdrawal. Stopped 5-HTP on 10/1/19.

5mg at bedtime. Started 11/26/19 until current to help with Cymbalta W/D symptoms.

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Hey Driven, 


I consider myself to be a Cymbalta victim as well, you can read my thread if you want. 


One lesson my horrendous withdrawal told and tells me is that less is more in this process. I say this because your list of supplements is impressive (meant in a not so positive way...) and some of it may trigger or increase symptoms. Generally recommended are: Eating well, staying hydrated, good and enough sleep (when possible) and stress-reduction. You will know that but it's always good to be reminded that this is the foundation for our bodies to heal themselves


You haven't taken that poison for too long which is a good fact but of course only time will tell (and help). 


I wish you the best! 


Medical history:
11/2015 - Duloxetin 30mg, 12/2015 - Duloxetin 60mg, 4/2016 - CT
8/2016 - Duloxetin 60mg, 2/2017 - Duloxetin 30mg, 4/2017 - CT
7/2017 - Duloxetin 60mg, 9/2017 - Duloxetin 30mg, 11/2017 - CT
3.5.2018 - Milnacipran 25mg, 10.5.2018 - Milnacipran 50mg, 20.5.2018 - Milnacipran 25mg, 24.5.2018 - CT and protracted WD


Supplements: none

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  • Administrator
22 hours ago, Driven said:

Testosterone injection:

Yes, I seem to get a slight surge in anxiety on the day and day after my injection.  This is tough as I need to take it.  I've experimented with extending the days between injections and it seems to correlate with depression hitting harder the longer i am away from an injection.  



This indicates you are having an initial adverse reaction from the testosterone injections; also, you are physiologically dependent on them in that you experience withdrawal when they wear off. You might do better with a slightly lower dosage injection.


The initial adverse reaction to testosterone may confound our understanding of your symptom pattern relative to psychiatric drugs. Your keeping daily notes of times of day you take your drugs, their dosages, and symptom pattern before and after each of them will be essential.


22 hours ago, Driven said:

SAM-e and 5-HTP:

I can't say I've felt it has done a thing.  Good or bad. 


What times of day do you take these, and at what dosages?


A reinstatement of Cymbalta may be helpful. Do you have any capsules left? If I were you, I might try 6 beads to start -- but you'll have to take them at a different time than SAM-e and 5-HTP, which can also confound your symptom pattern.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Quick update.

I am in really bad shape since my last post.  I'm just over 17 weeks off my cymbalta very rapid taper (unknowingly).  I've had a few hours here and there in last few weeks where the brain fog, massive headaches have minimized but it has been very slow.  It's pretty much been a constant wave and I'm realizing I'm in protracted withdrawal.  I'm wearing down and having massive outside stress with my wife and workload.  I'm scared  of what lies ahead at this point and I'm wondering if going on another SSRI or just a couple beads of Cymbalta would help ease this withdrawal.  The daily headaches are excruciating and are a sharp pain that moves around various parts of my brain.  Insomnia is really bad with 3-4 hours of sleep on average with zero sleep in last 48 hours.  I just can't wind my brain down.  I'm also having big surges of anxiety as well as depression that is wrapping tight around me it seems the longer i go off. 

Is it at all possible that going on a very small dose of Zoloft, Lexapro, or something would help at least minimize the symptoms?  Or reinstate a few beads of Cymbalta even at 17 weeks off?   Also, is there any possibility that being on it 17 weeks total (9 weeks then 8 week taper off) will help me in any way?  I'm scared to death I'll be in PAWS for years.  This is my first experience with any medication like this and I unfortunately put too much faith in what i tought was good advice from one the most prestigious hospitals in the NW.


My marriage is suffering and I need some help.  



Cymbalta for 17 weeks total:
1 week @ 30mg, 5 weeks @ 60mg, 3 weeks @ 90mg (then asked to be tapered off)
Tapered as follows (as per 3 doctors and 5-6 pharmacists recommendations).  Not ONE stated a slow bead count was required:
4 weeks @ 60mg, 1 week @ 30mg, 1 week @ 20mg, 1 week @ 10mg (bead counting)
1 week @ 8--7-6-5-4-2-1-0mg (bead counting)
OFF completely since 7/6/19


SAM-e (200mg) - started 1 month before coming off Cymbalta as per Naturopath to help with withdrawal. Stopped SAM-e on 11/6/19.
5-HTP (100mg am & pm) - started day after coming off Cymbalta as per Naturpath to help with withdrawal. Stopped 5-HTP on 10/1/19.

5mg at bedtime. Started 11/26/19 until current to help with Cymbalta W/D symptoms.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hoping to get some input.  I am still struggling badly.

I am about 5.5 months off Cymbalta and I need help.  I started on 5mg of Zyprexa last week to help ease the anxiety and help the sleep issues which have indeed helped.  I have taken it 7 days total.  However, I am still having pretty major brain fog/cognitive issues that will not subside.  The intensity of the headaches changes but it doesn't go away completely and has been pretty constant since coming off Cymbalta on 7/6/19.

I have a new team of psychologist and psychiatrist that is trying to help me.  Here are the options on the table in preparation for my appt next Tues:

1. Stay on the 5mg of Zyprexa to help the anxiety and sleep and hope the other physical symptoms improve over time.  I've been on Zyprexa for 1 week now...

2. Go on a low dose of Prozac to help ease some of the symptoms.  Then taper slowly as symptoms ease.  

3. Go on a low dose of Lexapro to help ease the symptoms and stay on Lexapro for quite awhile before considering SLOWLY tapering off.  Lexapro is being recommended since my mom takes it and has had good success.  

4. Not suggested by doctors but I need help understanding whether reinstating a few beads of Cymbalta is a good idea?  It sounds terrible to me but I've read that the same drug is the only option to try and combat the W/D symptoms.  At 5.5 months completely off, is this even a viable option and could it complicate things even more?

I'm very scared right now...and I'm struggling to get anyone to understand this could all be from Cymbalta.  I feel like a completely different person.  I was only on Cymbalta for 9 weeks before tapering off per doctor's plan.  Clearly, being on it 17 weeks did enough to change the brain functioning but is it possible that I'm not going to be in YEARS of turmoil since I wasn't on it that long? 



Cymbalta for 17 weeks total:
1 week @ 30mg, 5 weeks @ 60mg, 3 weeks @ 90mg (then asked to be tapered off)
Tapered as follows (as per 3 doctors and 5-6 pharmacists recommendations).  Not ONE stated a slow bead count was required:
4 weeks @ 60mg, 1 week @ 30mg, 1 week @ 20mg, 1 week @ 10mg (bead counting)
1 week @ 8--7-6-5-4-2-1-0mg (bead counting)
OFF completely since 7/6/19


SAM-e (200mg) - started 1 month before coming off Cymbalta as per Naturopath to help with withdrawal. Stopped SAM-e on 11/6/19.
5-HTP (100mg am & pm) - started day after coming off Cymbalta as per Naturpath to help with withdrawal. Stopped 5-HTP on 10/1/19.

5mg at bedtime. Started 11/26/19 until current to help with Cymbalta W/D symptoms.

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  • Moderator

Hi Driven-- we really need a diary of your daily symptoms, when you take what drug, how much and your reactions to it over the next several hours, what you're eating and how well you're sleeping.  These all play a big role in trying to figure out just what is going on.  Also a signature block with a summery of your drug history will be really helpful.


First impression is that the Zyprexa may be helping a bit, but we need the records really tell.  Assuming that you CTed the Cymbalta what you describe is pretty typical for being off about 6 months.  It does get better, but will take some time.  Get us the information and that will help plot a course of action.

20 years on Paxil starting at 20mg and working up to 40mg. Sept 2011 started 10% every 6 weeks taper (2.5% every week for 4 weeks then hold for 2 additional weeks), currently at 7.9mg. Oct 2011 CTed 15oz vodka a night, to only drinking 2 beers most nights, totally sober Feb 2013.

Since I wrote this I have continued to decrease my dose by 10% every 6 weeks (2.5% every week for 4 weeks and then hold for an additional 2 weeks). I added in an extra 6 week hold when I hit 10mg to let things settle out even more. When I hit 3mgpw it became hard to split the drop into 4 parts so I switched to dropping 1mgpw (pill weight) every week for 3 weeks and then holding for another 3 weeks.  The 3 + 3 schedule turned out to be too harsh so I cut back to dropping 1mgpw every 4 weeks which is working better.

Final Dose 0.016mg.     Current dose 0.000mg 04-15-2017


"It's also important not to become angry, no matter how difficult life is, because you can loose all hope if you can't laugh at yourself and at life in general."  Stephen Hawking

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Thank you.   I updated my signature as well as a typical day in terms of journal and symptoms.  


6am - wake up.  Light anxiety and immediate fear due to constant 24/7 vision issues since stopping Cymbalta (depth perception, slow tracking, light sensitivity, floaters) and light brain fog.

6:15am - Take supplements (360mg Magnesium, Fish Oil, NAC, Vit A, C, D tablets)

6:30am - Breakfast (Protein shake and banana)

8:00am - At work. Light brain fog and vision issues persistent.  Constant ruminating, OCD thoughts about how long this will last and if the vision issues in particular will go away.

10am - Snack (almonds and dried blueberries)

12pm - Lunch (teriyaki chicken, brown rice, veggies)

3pm - Snack (apple, pepperoni stick)

6pm - Dinner (Cobb salad)

8pm - Snack (fat free popcorn)

9pm - Take Supplements (480mg Magnesium, Fish Oil, NAC)

10-10:30pm - Bedtime (sleep has gotten better since Zyprexa).  Sleep is usually around 6-7 hours but wake 2-3 times to use restroom. I did go ~2 months earlier in W/D with terrible sleep (2-3 hours from month 3-5 since off Cymbalta)

An average day of physical and emotional symptoms consist of:

- Light anxiety and fear immediately upon waking up.  Fear is associated with my vision issues in particular and how long this w/d will last.  Will the vision issues ever get better? Will I have to live like this the rest of my life? Also constantly fighting anger and frustration for not knowing about Cymbalta taper and the lack of knowledge from various doctors interactions. 

- Head fog is constant the entire day but has dissipated in severity (slightly) over last 2-3 weeks.  Still getting pain sensations throughout the brain.  Some days it is left side, some days it is right side, front, back, etc.  I would not call them brain zaps that I hear/read about.  Pain is persistent and lasts 1-2 hours usually before dissipating).

- Anxiety low/moderate through entire day and has been increasing a bit in the afternoon through early evening (maybe tied to Zyprexa suppressing it some in the am from taking at bedtime?).  I've been having episodes of moderate to high anxiety if I let my thoughts about this W/D get out of hand.  I am REALLY struggling with how this is impacting my life (marriage, daughters, job, etc). 

- Depression has gotten pretty severe in the last 4-6 weeks.  Not suicidal really but I am really struggling with feeling so awful and whether I will ever enjoy life like I did before.  I'm fighting a lot of sadness about this W/D and how I feel like a completely different person due to brain fog.  

- Derealization or Depersonalization - I don't know how to explain this other than I am constantly battling odd feelings in my own house, around my family, work, pretty much everything.  It feels like I'm a different person since stopping Cymbalta and my wife and daughters are moving on with life while I'm having a hard time keeping up.  Sort of like I am not really present and almost outside looking in at my life. I'm also struggling with what used to be simple tasks around my house.  I walk into my shop which is one of my favorite places to spent time and I don't remember where everything is and it makes me depressed to see things that I always enjoyed.  Thinking about will I every enjoy them again?


I'm just so confused and scared.  My wife and immediate family see me in this newly depressed and anxious state and believe that I should probably be on a low dose of an SSRI to help.  The thought of taking Cymbalta again is horrific (even a few beads).  A low dose of Prozac, Lexapro, or Zoloft have been brought up.  I'm just so frustrated with any lack of plan to help get to a better state.  


Bottom line, I am trapped in a constant state of fear and head fog.  Fear about my vision (which optometrist says is fine), fear about being in protracted withdrawal for years.  Fear about my job.  I am still employed and have a TON of flexibility in my job but it is tough right now based on head fog, etc.  I have an executive level position and thinking on my feet with a heavy workload is (was) one of my biggest strengths.

I pray every day that some relief is coming.  Praying that being on it 9 weeks then tapering 8 weeks will not put me in a multi-year W/D.  This is the hardest thing I've even done!


Thanks for reading...



Cymbalta for 17 weeks total:
1 week @ 30mg, 5 weeks @ 60mg, 3 weeks @ 90mg (then asked to be tapered off)
Tapered as follows (as per 3 doctors and 5-6 pharmacists recommendations).  Not ONE stated a slow bead count was required:
4 weeks @ 60mg, 1 week @ 30mg, 1 week @ 20mg, 1 week @ 10mg (bead counting)
1 week @ 8--7-6-5-4-2-1-0mg (bead counting)
OFF completely since 7/6/19


SAM-e (200mg) - started 1 month before coming off Cymbalta as per Naturopath to help with withdrawal. Stopped SAM-e on 11/6/19.
5-HTP (100mg am & pm) - started day after coming off Cymbalta as per Naturpath to help with withdrawal. Stopped 5-HTP on 10/1/19.

5mg at bedtime. Started 11/26/19 until current to help with Cymbalta W/D symptoms.

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  • Moderator

Thanks Driven-- that's a great start. Now if you could add symptoms into the daily log so we can see how they flow through out the day that would be really helpful.

20 years on Paxil starting at 20mg and working up to 40mg. Sept 2011 started 10% every 6 weeks taper (2.5% every week for 4 weeks then hold for 2 additional weeks), currently at 7.9mg. Oct 2011 CTed 15oz vodka a night, to only drinking 2 beers most nights, totally sober Feb 2013.

Since I wrote this I have continued to decrease my dose by 10% every 6 weeks (2.5% every week for 4 weeks and then hold for an additional 2 weeks). I added in an extra 6 week hold when I hit 10mg to let things settle out even more. When I hit 3mgpw it became hard to split the drop into 4 parts so I switched to dropping 1mgpw (pill weight) every week for 3 weeks and then holding for another 3 weeks.  The 3 + 3 schedule turned out to be too harsh so I cut back to dropping 1mgpw every 4 weeks which is working better.

Final Dose 0.016mg.     Current dose 0.000mg 04-15-2017


"It's also important not to become angry, no matter how difficult life is, because you can loose all hope if you can't laugh at yourself and at life in general."  Stephen Hawking

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  • ChessieCat changed the title to Driven: In Trouble After Cymbalta Rapid Taper
  • 4 months later...
  • Moderator Emeritus

Hey, Driven.  How's your taper looking?

I am not a health professional - your actions are your own.  

Please do not seek tapering support via private message - "Any reason to hold is a good one"

My taper visualised as a graph   |   My intro thread

Backdrop:  2003 10mg olanzapine | 2004 2-3mg risperidone | end 2014 3wks aripiprazole

2015: olanzapine  10 -> 7½ -> 6⅔ -> 5mg  by crude pill cutter

2018:  Mar 5.00mg -> water titrated taper -> Aug2.5mg tablet and hold

Jan 2019 2.50mg water titration -> Jan 2020 1.214  -> Jan 2021 0.44 -> 2 Oct 0.205 ->3 Oct ZERO🥂

Jun 2023 💉150mg paliperidone "loading" depot shot, 100mg 1wk after Jul 100mg Aug-Dec 75mg/4wks

Jul 2023 2.50mg aripiprazole/day attempt to lower prolactin^

Jan-Feb 2024 cross taper off shots to 1mg risperidone


Ask not what you can do for your country, but what your country did to you"  -- KMFDM

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  • ChessieCat changed the title to Driven: in trouble after Cymbalta rapid taper

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