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Hello, all,


Is it possible to be in protracted SNRI withdrawal as well as suffering from the reappearance of seasonal affective disorder?


My cortisol spikes still awaken me between 2-4am accompanied by anxiety, fear, despair and depression but I've noticed my fall/winter depression is back- just like it did prior to taking meds.


Any input is appreciated.


2001–2002 Lexapro
2002-2005 Celexa
2005-2008 Zoloft
2008-2018 duloxetine 50mg
Tapered duloxetine from 50mg down to 40mg over 30 days 
Tapered duloxetine from 40mg down to 20mg over 60 days
Stayed on 20mg duloxetine for 60 days
CT 20mg duloxetine down to zero on 9/19/18

12/2018- 4/2019 0.5mg lorazepam. Began taper middle March 2018. Last dose on 4/27/2019



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