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Sean9: burning pain after updose


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3 months into burning pain throughout body following an updos of Celexa during an anxious time.   Nervous system will now not turn off.  All neurologist exams and tests are normal

  All clearly caused by the SSRI.  Would love ideas.

2012ish 10mg citalopram

May 2020 increased to 20mg during anxious period - within 3 days had burning in arms, face, ears, torso started

May 2020 then back to 10mg to see if burning would stop

June-July 2020 Cold turkey to see if burning would stop.  Experience significant exhaustion, low mood and mild zaps (in face)

Aug 2020 10 mg Lexapro  

900mg gabapentin, .5mg klonopin all to try and address burning

July 2020 Vit B12, B6, D

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  • ChessieCat changed the title to Sean9: burning pain after updose
  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi Sean,


We need more information about ALL your drugs and doses and the dates.


Please create your drug signature. 


Instructions:  Withdrawal History Signature

Account Settings – Create or Edit a signature


This is your own Introduction topic where you can ask questions and journal your progress.


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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  • Moderator Emeritus

10mg citalopram increased to 20mg then back to 10 after burning started. 

Cold turkey off completely for 2 months. 

Now on 10 mg Lexapro, 900mg gabapentine, .5mg klonopin all to try and address burning


4 hours ago, ChessieCat said:


ALL your drugs and doses and the dates



Thank you for creating your drug signature.  Please add the dates as previously requested.  For ALL drugs we need date for when you started the drug/s, dates for ALL dose changes, and date and dose for the cold turkey.


How often do you take klonopin?  When was the last time you took klonopin?


What was the reason you went off citalopram?


Did you experience withdrawal symptoms when you cold turkeyed citalopram?  If yes, what symptoms did you have?


You may have experienced symptoms which you didn't relate to withdrawal.  See:


Dr Joseph Glenmullen's WD Symptoms Checklist


Did you do a cross taper from citalopram to Lexapro?


What was the reason you started on Lexapro?


Please put ALL the drugs your are currently taking into the Drug.com Interactions Checker and either copy and paste the results here, or copy and paste the URL link to the report.


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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  • Moderator Emeritus
1 minute ago, ChessieCat said:

Please put ALL the drugs your are currently taking into the Drug.com Interactions Checker and either copy and paste the results here, or copy and paste the URL link to the report.


By the way gabapentin doesn't have an 'e' on the end.  You will need the correct spelling for the drug checker.


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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Is your burning pain constant? I've had it on and off for decades

I have been on several antidepressants including: Serzone 1998-2006 (unknown dose)-Celexa 2006- 2018 40 mg 1x -Lexapro 2018-2019 20mg 2x-Luvox 2018 (unknown dose)-Effexor 2006-2007 (unknown dose)-Gabapentin 2018 (abused)-Propranolol 2018 (Unknown dose)-Clonidine 2018 0.5 mg 1x-Oxycodone 2014-2017 (abused)-Ativan 2mg 3x 2002-2018-Oxycontin 2014-2017 (abused)-Mirtazapine 15mg 1x (2018)-Rexulti 2mg 1x (2018-2020)


Now taking

- Dexedrine 25mg twice a day IR Since 2018-

-Suboxone 12mg once daily Since 2017-

-Trintellix 10mg once a day Since 2018-

- Klonopin 2 mg once a day Since 2002 (lost effect)


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Yes, pretty constant.  Arm almost all day along with random face, ears, torso, legs and feet.

2012ish 10mg citalopram

May 2020 increased to 20mg during anxious period - within 3 days had burning in arms, face, ears, torso started

May 2020 then back to 10mg to see if burning would stop

June-July 2020 Cold turkey to see if burning would stop.  Experience significant exhaustion, low mood and mild zaps (in face)

Aug 2020 10 mg Lexapro  

900mg gabapentin, .5mg klonopin all to try and address burning

July 2020 Vit B12, B6, D

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  • Administrator

Hello, Sean9.


What happened to the burning when you went off citalopram in July 2020? How did taking 10mg Lexapro affect you when you started it in August?


When did you start gabapentin? What effect did it have on you? What effect does the Ativan have?


What times of day do you take each of your drugs, with their dosages? How do you feel before and after taking each dose?

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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No change with the burning when I went off citalopram in July nor have there been improvements with starting Lexapro.


Gabapentin has had little impact as well.  The Klonopin helped for a few days but does not really help anymore.


I take everything in the morning upon waking with the exception of a second dose of Klonopin and Gabapentin late afternoon.  I rarely feel any different after taking anything.

2012ish 10mg citalopram

May 2020 increased to 20mg during anxious period - within 3 days had burning in arms, face, ears, torso started

May 2020 then back to 10mg to see if burning would stop

June-July 2020 Cold turkey to see if burning would stop.  Experience significant exhaustion, low mood and mild zaps (in face)

Aug 2020 10 mg Lexapro  

900mg gabapentin, .5mg klonopin all to try and address burning

July 2020 Vit B12, B6, D

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