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Upper body muscle tension -- neck, shoulder, back, chest


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In early September of 2020, I successfully completed my taper off of nearly 20 years of using Lexapro. (4 months drug free!) As I got closer to zero, my overall general anxiety level rose and I began developing extreme upper back, neck and shoulder muscle tension. It has continued and gives me some almost debilitating headaches when it's at its worst. The muscle tension and anxiety go hand in hand, (they tend to increase and decrease in unison), so I can't tell which one is the cause and which one is the symptom. I imagine it goes both ways, and they feed off of each other. Chiropractic visits help a little bit, and so does DIY massage therapy, but they don't seem to be healing me. On my best days, I feel like I've got the constant ache of pulled or torn muscles in my neck and upper back. Like a constant tooth ache. When headaches set in, it actually makes me physically ill / nauseous. My physical symptoms match those associated with GAD (General Anxiety Disorder). My anxiety matches up with GAD pretty well too.


Will this go away in time? As my body continues to heal, I realize it's a possibility that this will resolve its self over the next year or two.


Are there any supplements or vitamins that anyone recommends? I'm not on any medications and don't want to ever go back on any, but am willing to take supplements and vitamins. I have some Ashwagandha and 5-HTP on hand, but have been reluctant to take either of them.


Any advice for helping me relieve my general anxiety and especially my muscle tension would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all in advance, Iowan

1999: Paxil ?? mgai (Paroxetine Hydrochloride) - stopped cold turkey
2001-03: Celexa ?? mgai (Citalopram Hydrobromide) - switched to Lexapro
2003-August 2015: Lexapro 20 mgai (Escitalopram Oxalate) - rapid 5 mgai increment taper down to 0 mgai
December 2015 - January 2016: Short hospital stay for unknown acute AD WD due to rapid taper
January 2016-February 21, 2016: Prozac ?? mgai (Fluoxetine Hcl) and Wellbutrin ?? mgai (Bupropion Hcl) - switched to Lexapro
February 21, 2016-July 22, 2018: Lexapro 10 mgai  - rapid 5 mgai increment taper down to 5 mgai
July 22, 2018-March 17, 2019: Lexapro 5 mgai - endured horrible waves due to rapid taper
March 17, 2019-April 7, 2019: Lexapro 3.226 mgai - endured horrible wave due to rapid taper
April 7, 2019-April 28, 2019: Lexapro 3.548 mgai - updosed to level out
April 28, 2019: Implemented Brass Monkey Slide taper method (2.5% weekly reduction) - IT’S WORKING!!!
September 2, 2020: Lexapro 0.000 mgai / 0 mgpw / 100% Taper COMPLETE!

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  • Moderator Emeritus

If you muscle tightness is being caused/worsened by anxiety then I suggest that learn and do relaxation exercises throughout the day as well as general, all body exercise, strengthening and stretching.


These are by one of SA's members:



I injured my lower back in June 2020 and my rehabilitation has included doing hydrotherapy, strengthening exercises (pilates), stretching, several remedial massages, and walking and I've recently started doing some light (0.5kg) seated weight exercises for the upper body.  I'm noticing an overall improvement in my pre-existing tense muscles and aches and pains.  One thing I have noticed during the last 6 months is that as I've focused one area there is a domino effect so I then have to work on that.  As an example I recently had muscle pain just below the back of my knee and I researched it and learned that it was most probably caused by weak hamstrings, so I found hamstring strengthening exercises and since doing those the muscle pain has abated.


I found it very helpful learning about muscles.  Here are some youtube channels (no affiliation) I have found helpful:


This guy is a teacher and has created videos for his students:












MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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Thank you @ChessieCat. Lots of great info here. I do find that working out on a regular basis helps. Being sedintary for long periods of time is what really makes my back sing. Due to the constant stress/anxiety I have in the background, I fall into using bad posture and my back muscles are constatly under strain. When my anxiety spikes, my already fatigued muscles get strained even more, in turn, nearly locking me up completely. Sleep is still intermitant, but occasionally, I get a more normal full night of rest, and it makes a world of difference. I'll try to implement some/all of these and see if I make any progress. I don't have any new injuries that I can think of, that may be contributing. I can't say I've treated my body well in my youth either, but I don't believe this is injury related. Just age, fatigue and constant high stress levels wearing me down.

1999: Paxil ?? mgai (Paroxetine Hydrochloride) - stopped cold turkey
2001-03: Celexa ?? mgai (Citalopram Hydrobromide) - switched to Lexapro
2003-August 2015: Lexapro 20 mgai (Escitalopram Oxalate) - rapid 5 mgai increment taper down to 0 mgai
December 2015 - January 2016: Short hospital stay for unknown acute AD WD due to rapid taper
January 2016-February 21, 2016: Prozac ?? mgai (Fluoxetine Hcl) and Wellbutrin ?? mgai (Bupropion Hcl) - switched to Lexapro
February 21, 2016-July 22, 2018: Lexapro 10 mgai  - rapid 5 mgai increment taper down to 5 mgai
July 22, 2018-March 17, 2019: Lexapro 5 mgai - endured horrible waves due to rapid taper
March 17, 2019-April 7, 2019: Lexapro 3.226 mgai - endured horrible wave due to rapid taper
April 7, 2019-April 28, 2019: Lexapro 3.548 mgai - updosed to level out
April 28, 2019: Implemented Brass Monkey Slide taper method (2.5% weekly reduction) - IT’S WORKING!!!
September 2, 2020: Lexapro 0.000 mgai / 0 mgpw / 100% Taper COMPLETE!

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Hello fellow back pain sufferer! I'm currently going through pain due to muscle tension in the exact regions you describe. No fun!


For me a hot water bottle seems like it works best on decreasing muscle tension. In addition, I try to massage as many triggerpoints as I can find. Works okay for the back and shoulders, but I'm less successful with the neck and head currently. I have had great success with the neck in the past, though. I think this is the English version of my go-to triggerpoint massage book: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1572243759


Although I'm a fan of the water bottle and massage, they seem to be treating symptoms rather than causes. I'm currently pondering about the role of cortisol. I read something about cortisol and muscles somewhere on this forum yesterday and I was trying to find it again when I found your post. Searching online just now, I found that cortisol increases the reuptake of serotonin (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12467090/). I wish I could do some more thorough reading, but some muscle tension somewhere is leading to pain behind my eye and slight nausea, so I'm having trouble concentrating.


Before my brain melted I also read this web page: https://www.livestrong.com/article/521720-how-to-get-cortisol-out-of-your-system/

It recommends omega-3 and magnesium for lowering cortisol, two supplements that are often recommended on this website as well. I use them both, and was thinking about adding a vitamin B complex after reading that page.



2006 - Paroxetine, 20 mg

2008 / 2018 - Several mostly unsuccessful attempts at tapering, without knowledge of withdrawal

2019 - Decrease from 20 mg to 15 mg (June), from 15 mg to 10 mg (Dec)

2020 - Switch to 10 mg liquid citalopram (Feb), decrease to 8 mg (Apr), 6 mg (June), 4 mg (July) without clear symptoms. 3.2 mg (Sep 9), 3 mg (Sep 23), 2.8 mg (Oct 10), 2.6 mg (Oct 26), 2 mg (Nov 13).  Tapered to 1.68 mg in steps of 0.16 mg (Dec 3). Withdrawal kicked in hard. Increase to 1.8 mg (Dec 8), increase to 1.92 mg (Dec 18)

2021 - Increase to 2.2 mg (Jan 1), decrease to 2 mg (Feb 8 ), 1.92 mg (March 21), 1.8 mg (Apr 2), 1.68 mg (Apr 25), 1.56 mg (June 6), 1.52 mg (Sep 5), 1.48 mg (Sep 20), 1.44 mg (Oct 4), 1.4 mg (Oct 18), 1.36 (Nov 1)

2022 - 1.32 mg (Feb 4) - Covid (March 7) - 1.28 mg (Jul 21), 1.24 mg (Oct 3), 1.2 mg (Nov 26)

2023 - Holding at 1.2 mg for most of the yearOn Dec 28 started a nano-slide of 0.002 mg reductions almost daily.

2024 - Down to 1.178 mg by Jan 17. Still more withdrawal symptoms than wanted. Updose to 1.184 mg (Jan 18), updose to 1.188 mg (Jan 20), updose to 1.192 (Jan 30). Reduction to 1.19 (March 13), updose to 1.2 (March 26). Planning on holding a looong time on this dose.


Other medication: sumatriptan 50 mg, when needed (migraine)

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Hm, apparently many people react strongly to vitamin B on this forum:


I usually don't respond much to anything, so I'm not opposed to trying, but I figured you might wanted to know that piece of information. The topic mentions probiotics (Bifidobacteria) as an alternative, might be worth a shot. :)


2006 - Paroxetine, 20 mg

2008 / 2018 - Several mostly unsuccessful attempts at tapering, without knowledge of withdrawal

2019 - Decrease from 20 mg to 15 mg (June), from 15 mg to 10 mg (Dec)

2020 - Switch to 10 mg liquid citalopram (Feb), decrease to 8 mg (Apr), 6 mg (June), 4 mg (July) without clear symptoms. 3.2 mg (Sep 9), 3 mg (Sep 23), 2.8 mg (Oct 10), 2.6 mg (Oct 26), 2 mg (Nov 13).  Tapered to 1.68 mg in steps of 0.16 mg (Dec 3). Withdrawal kicked in hard. Increase to 1.8 mg (Dec 8), increase to 1.92 mg (Dec 18)

2021 - Increase to 2.2 mg (Jan 1), decrease to 2 mg (Feb 8 ), 1.92 mg (March 21), 1.8 mg (Apr 2), 1.68 mg (Apr 25), 1.56 mg (June 6), 1.52 mg (Sep 5), 1.48 mg (Sep 20), 1.44 mg (Oct 4), 1.4 mg (Oct 18), 1.36 (Nov 1)

2022 - 1.32 mg (Feb 4) - Covid (March 7) - 1.28 mg (Jul 21), 1.24 mg (Oct 3), 1.2 mg (Nov 26)

2023 - Holding at 1.2 mg for most of the yearOn Dec 28 started a nano-slide of 0.002 mg reductions almost daily.

2024 - Down to 1.178 mg by Jan 17. Still more withdrawal symptoms than wanted. Updose to 1.184 mg (Jan 18), updose to 1.188 mg (Jan 20), updose to 1.192 (Jan 30). Reduction to 1.19 (March 13), updose to 1.2 (March 26). Planning on holding a looong time on this dose.


Other medication: sumatriptan 50 mg, when needed (migraine)

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  • Moderator Emeritus
4 hours ago, Jolene said:

apparently many people react strongly to vitamin B on this forum:

Here's a link:


Hypersensitive to B Vitamin or B-Complex  


Gridley Introduction


Lexapro 20 mg since 2004.  Begin Brassmonkey Slide Taper Jan. 2017.   

End 2017 year 1 of taper at 9.25mg 

End 2018 year 2 of taper at 4.1mg

End 2019 year 3 of taper at 1.0mg  

Oct. 30, 2020  Jump to zero from 0.025mg.  Current dose: 0.000mg

3 year, 10 month taper is 100% complete.


Ativan 1 mg to 1.875mg 1986-2020, two CT's and reinstatements

Nov. 2020, 7-week Ativan-Valium crossover to 18.75mg Valium

Feb. 2021, begin 10%/4 week taper of 18.75mg Valium 

End 2021  year 1 of Valium taper at 6mg

End 2022 year 2 of Valium taper at 2.75mg 

End 2023 year 3 of Valium taper at 1mg

Jan. 24, 2024: Hold at 1mg and shift to Imipramine taper.

Taper is 95% complete.


Imipramine 75 mg daily since 1986.  Jan.-Sept. 2016 tapered to 14.4mg  

March 22, 2022: Begin 10%/4 week taper

Aug. 5, 2022: hold at 9.5mg and shift to Valium taper

Jan. 24, 2024: Resume Imipramine taper.  Current dose as of Aug 26: 4.0mg

Taper is 95% complete.  


Supplements: multiple, quercetin, omega-3, vitamins C, E and D3, magnesium glycinate, probiotic, zinc, melatonin .3mg, iron, serrapeptase, nattokinase, L-Glutamine, milk thistle, choline

I am not a medical professional and this is not medical advice. It is information based on my own experience as well as that of other members who have survived these drugs.

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Muscle tension is one of my primary anxiety symptoms and I have become especially sensitive to it since my escitalopram adverse reaction and its aftermath. While it is a symptom, it also causes further anxiety for me, so it’s a feedback loop.


I have been reading about self myofascial release and ordered a soft foam roller that should be arriving tomorrow. I have also been watching videos on YouTube on ways to self-treat tension (mine is in my upper back and my legs and also just generally) and doing some of the exercises that are taught by physical therapists on there. I have had a bit of improvement, but think getting the roller will help more as well. I have used the harder rollers that you can get in stores and they were just too painful to be helpful, so I am looking forward to using this softer density one and trying some of these techniques.

2014 & 2017 - 25mg sertraline for postpartum depression

Late May ‘20 - Early June ‘20: 7.5mg buspirone 2x/day (adverse reaction)

Mid-June ‘20 (six days total): 5mg escitalopram (adverse reaction)

currently taking: vitamin D, magnesium, omega 3, occasional melatonin.

no alcohol, no caffeine.

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@Jolene Thank you for your feedback. This upper back muscle tension is not pleasant. It's not the worst thing I've been through, but it's constant and builds, and builds throughout the day. The headaches are no joke.


I get frustrated treating the symptoms, only to provide slight and temporary relief. I believe this is serotonin related. It makes the most sense. I no longer have SSRIs in my system to bounce serotonin around until it's accepted/absorbed, or whatever. I'm also certain my personal production of serotonin is really low as well, from taking SSRIs for so long. I will look into trying to lower and rid myself of cortizol. I took a ton of supplements during the 1st half of my taper, but didn't feel that they were helping, and they were $$$. I'll research and look to reimplement omega-3 and magnesium. I am sensitive to B vitamin and know the proper stuff to take because of it. I'll look at reimplementing that one as well. I've still got probiotics onhand, so I'll look into that one as well.


@HopeToHeal Thank you for your feedback as well. It sounds like we share the same story with this anxiety, muscle tension feedback loop. I have performed self myofascial release on my mid back up through my neck. It makes me sweat almost uncontrollably, my head feels like it's going to pop, and I nearly vomit for 30 to 60 minutes following. It's so intense for me that I can't force myself to do it often. I need to do it more. I think it is pushing toxins out of my tight muscles into my system and my system is being forced to deal with them. No pain, no gain, right? I imagine over time, this will get better and more plesant to perform.


I just received my Pettibon System portable cervical neck traction device. Chiropractors use them a lot, before they provide adjustment service. I used it last night for the first time. My head felt like it was going to pop for about 10 minutes following, but then I felt pretty dang good for the rest of the evening after that. I'll continue to use it and see if I get any real improvements from it. I'll try to use the foam roller more too, and just push through the icky hour following.


Thanks again, Iowan

1999: Paxil ?? mgai (Paroxetine Hydrochloride) - stopped cold turkey
2001-03: Celexa ?? mgai (Citalopram Hydrobromide) - switched to Lexapro
2003-August 2015: Lexapro 20 mgai (Escitalopram Oxalate) - rapid 5 mgai increment taper down to 0 mgai
December 2015 - January 2016: Short hospital stay for unknown acute AD WD due to rapid taper
January 2016-February 21, 2016: Prozac ?? mgai (Fluoxetine Hcl) and Wellbutrin ?? mgai (Bupropion Hcl) - switched to Lexapro
February 21, 2016-July 22, 2018: Lexapro 10 mgai  - rapid 5 mgai increment taper down to 5 mgai
July 22, 2018-March 17, 2019: Lexapro 5 mgai - endured horrible waves due to rapid taper
March 17, 2019-April 7, 2019: Lexapro 3.226 mgai - endured horrible wave due to rapid taper
April 7, 2019-April 28, 2019: Lexapro 3.548 mgai - updosed to level out
April 28, 2019: Implemented Brass Monkey Slide taper method (2.5% weekly reduction) - IT’S WORKING!!!
September 2, 2020: Lexapro 0.000 mgai / 0 mgpw / 100% Taper COMPLETE!

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Hi Iowan,


Good to hear the neck traction device gave you a pleasant afternoon. I hope it continues to do so!


Regarding the myofascial release: that sounds intense. How enthousiastically did you do it? Perhaps you can build the intensity up more slowly? Starting with massaging just a few minutes, or using less pressure? I never get such symptoms from self-treatment, only when I go to a massage therapist.


I also think the symptoms are serotonin-related. The line of thinking with cortisol would be: anxiety/stress increase cortisol levels. Cortisol increases the reuptake of serotonin. SSRI's (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) normally inhibit this reuptake. So not taking SSRI's anymore already leads to less serotonin available, and cortisol leads to even less serotonin being available.


To lower cortisol, your best bet would be to lower anxiety/stress. Easier said than done, I know. But it would mean that relaxation exercises and meditation really can have an impact. I usually have trouble motivating myself to do those long term, but this becomes easier if I know the theory of why and how they help.


2006 - Paroxetine, 20 mg

2008 / 2018 - Several mostly unsuccessful attempts at tapering, without knowledge of withdrawal

2019 - Decrease from 20 mg to 15 mg (June), from 15 mg to 10 mg (Dec)

2020 - Switch to 10 mg liquid citalopram (Feb), decrease to 8 mg (Apr), 6 mg (June), 4 mg (July) without clear symptoms. 3.2 mg (Sep 9), 3 mg (Sep 23), 2.8 mg (Oct 10), 2.6 mg (Oct 26), 2 mg (Nov 13).  Tapered to 1.68 mg in steps of 0.16 mg (Dec 3). Withdrawal kicked in hard. Increase to 1.8 mg (Dec 8), increase to 1.92 mg (Dec 18)

2021 - Increase to 2.2 mg (Jan 1), decrease to 2 mg (Feb 8 ), 1.92 mg (March 21), 1.8 mg (Apr 2), 1.68 mg (Apr 25), 1.56 mg (June 6), 1.52 mg (Sep 5), 1.48 mg (Sep 20), 1.44 mg (Oct 4), 1.4 mg (Oct 18), 1.36 (Nov 1)

2022 - 1.32 mg (Feb 4) - Covid (March 7) - 1.28 mg (Jul 21), 1.24 mg (Oct 3), 1.2 mg (Nov 26)

2023 - Holding at 1.2 mg for most of the yearOn Dec 28 started a nano-slide of 0.002 mg reductions almost daily.

2024 - Down to 1.178 mg by Jan 17. Still more withdrawal symptoms than wanted. Updose to 1.184 mg (Jan 18), updose to 1.188 mg (Jan 20), updose to 1.192 (Jan 30). Reduction to 1.19 (March 13), updose to 1.2 (March 26). Planning on holding a looong time on this dose.


Other medication: sumatriptan 50 mg, when needed (migraine)

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@JoleneI'm kind of a heavy guy and I put all of my weight on my feet and the roller under my back, as I slowly roll up and down on it. I don't think this would phase pre SSRI withdrawal, but it almost feels like torture when I do it now. I literally think my muscles in my upper back are getting loaded up with toxins throughout the day and when I do this, it squeezes them out, to be circulated. I don't think I've ever experienced anything like it.


Yes, serotonin related, almost guaranteed. Lowering my stress is impossible, with what's required of me at work. The anxiety however continues to improve slowly, but does flare up from time to time, especially during periods of elevated stress. 2020 was FULL of stress. 2021 hasn't changed much... The gym is my friend, and I will contiue to roll out my back and use my neck traction device. Relaxation just puts me to sleep, so I just go to bed when I want to relax. I'll be working on assembling a supplement and vitamin reginine too.


Thanks, Iowan

1999: Paxil ?? mgai (Paroxetine Hydrochloride) - stopped cold turkey
2001-03: Celexa ?? mgai (Citalopram Hydrobromide) - switched to Lexapro
2003-August 2015: Lexapro 20 mgai (Escitalopram Oxalate) - rapid 5 mgai increment taper down to 0 mgai
December 2015 - January 2016: Short hospital stay for unknown acute AD WD due to rapid taper
January 2016-February 21, 2016: Prozac ?? mgai (Fluoxetine Hcl) and Wellbutrin ?? mgai (Bupropion Hcl) - switched to Lexapro
February 21, 2016-July 22, 2018: Lexapro 10 mgai  - rapid 5 mgai increment taper down to 5 mgai
July 22, 2018-March 17, 2019: Lexapro 5 mgai - endured horrible waves due to rapid taper
March 17, 2019-April 7, 2019: Lexapro 3.226 mgai - endured horrible wave due to rapid taper
April 7, 2019-April 28, 2019: Lexapro 3.548 mgai - updosed to level out
April 28, 2019: Implemented Brass Monkey Slide taper method (2.5% weekly reduction) - IT’S WORKING!!!
September 2, 2020: Lexapro 0.000 mgai / 0 mgpw / 100% Taper COMPLETE!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update: Omega D3 and Ashwagandha seem to be working for me. Slowly, I am recognizing improvements in my neck and back tension and pain. I've increased my daily water intatke too. I'm struggling on getting back into a steady gym routine, but try to get physical activity daily, even when I can't make it to the gym. I am very pleased with the progress! I believe my overall anxiety is improving as well!

1999: Paxil ?? mgai (Paroxetine Hydrochloride) - stopped cold turkey
2001-03: Celexa ?? mgai (Citalopram Hydrobromide) - switched to Lexapro
2003-August 2015: Lexapro 20 mgai (Escitalopram Oxalate) - rapid 5 mgai increment taper down to 0 mgai
December 2015 - January 2016: Short hospital stay for unknown acute AD WD due to rapid taper
January 2016-February 21, 2016: Prozac ?? mgai (Fluoxetine Hcl) and Wellbutrin ?? mgai (Bupropion Hcl) - switched to Lexapro
February 21, 2016-July 22, 2018: Lexapro 10 mgai  - rapid 5 mgai increment taper down to 5 mgai
July 22, 2018-March 17, 2019: Lexapro 5 mgai - endured horrible waves due to rapid taper
March 17, 2019-April 7, 2019: Lexapro 3.226 mgai - endured horrible wave due to rapid taper
April 7, 2019-April 28, 2019: Lexapro 3.548 mgai - updosed to level out
April 28, 2019: Implemented Brass Monkey Slide taper method (2.5% weekly reduction) - IT’S WORKING!!!
September 2, 2020: Lexapro 0.000 mgai / 0 mgpw / 100% Taper COMPLETE!

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Great to hear, Iowan!

2006 - Paroxetine, 20 mg

2008 / 2018 - Several mostly unsuccessful attempts at tapering, without knowledge of withdrawal

2019 - Decrease from 20 mg to 15 mg (June), from 15 mg to 10 mg (Dec)

2020 - Switch to 10 mg liquid citalopram (Feb), decrease to 8 mg (Apr), 6 mg (June), 4 mg (July) without clear symptoms. 3.2 mg (Sep 9), 3 mg (Sep 23), 2.8 mg (Oct 10), 2.6 mg (Oct 26), 2 mg (Nov 13).  Tapered to 1.68 mg in steps of 0.16 mg (Dec 3). Withdrawal kicked in hard. Increase to 1.8 mg (Dec 8), increase to 1.92 mg (Dec 18)

2021 - Increase to 2.2 mg (Jan 1), decrease to 2 mg (Feb 8 ), 1.92 mg (March 21), 1.8 mg (Apr 2), 1.68 mg (Apr 25), 1.56 mg (June 6), 1.52 mg (Sep 5), 1.48 mg (Sep 20), 1.44 mg (Oct 4), 1.4 mg (Oct 18), 1.36 (Nov 1)

2022 - 1.32 mg (Feb 4) - Covid (March 7) - 1.28 mg (Jul 21), 1.24 mg (Oct 3), 1.2 mg (Nov 26)

2023 - Holding at 1.2 mg for most of the yearOn Dec 28 started a nano-slide of 0.002 mg reductions almost daily.

2024 - Down to 1.178 mg by Jan 17. Still more withdrawal symptoms than wanted. Updose to 1.184 mg (Jan 18), updose to 1.188 mg (Jan 20), updose to 1.192 (Jan 30). Reduction to 1.19 (March 13), updose to 1.2 (March 26). Planning on holding a looong time on this dose.


Other medication: sumatriptan 50 mg, when needed (migraine)

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Congrats Iowan for getting off the Lex!


For muscles (and for nerves), Magnesium is highly recommended.    Here is some info:




Hang in there!



1990  Prozac after Traumatic Brain Injury

1993 - 1996  Paxil, Zoloft, Celexa, 25-50 mg Trazodone

1997  Off Meds, Travelling, Generally Good

1998-1999  Effexor, 25-50 mg Trazadone

2000-2008  Celexa, 25-50 mg Trazadone

2009 - 2016  Lexapro, mostly 2.5 - 10 mg, occasionally 0

August 2017 -May 2018  Lexapro 1.25 mg  (tinnitus started Mar 2018)

May 2018  Lexapro 2x0.5 compound=1.0 mg (in theory), major crash within 3 days

June 2018-Sept 2019  Lexapro 7.5 mg  (1 month incredible anxiety) 25 mg Trazadone

Sept 2019 - Sept 2020  Lexapro 5.0 mg, 12.5 mg Trazadone  (tinnitus still a problem)

Sept 2020 - January 2021  Lexapro 2.5 mg  (Stop Trazadone Jan 2021)

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  • Mentor


Have you taken any form of Magnesium supplement during these last 4 months off Lex?

- Escitalopram 10mg from ages 15 - 21

- Severe crash after 4 month taper to 0

- Reinstated, stabilized, slowly tapering.


"Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it." - Hellen Keller

I am not a medical professional and this is not medical advice, but simply information based on my own experience, as well as other members who have survived these drugs.

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Oi Yes,  tudo bom?  Ou apesar de tudo, ta tudo OK?


I have been taking Magnesium Glycinate 360 mg per day.   It is 120 mg in the morning and 240 mg in the evening which helps relax before sleeping. 


I see you only take a total of 100 mg per day.   


It is good to see you are stabilizing...go slow and easy and be sure to visit those beautiful Brazilian beaches as much as possible, that is where the healing will come!  Where in Brazil are you?


By the way, I am still on 2.5 mg of Lex.....and will go slow from there since I had a big crash once before going from 1.25 to (I think) 0 (not sure exactly it was a weird compound dose)


take care


1990  Prozac after Traumatic Brain Injury

1993 - 1996  Paxil, Zoloft, Celexa, 25-50 mg Trazodone

1997  Off Meds, Travelling, Generally Good

1998-1999  Effexor, 25-50 mg Trazadone

2000-2008  Celexa, 25-50 mg Trazadone

2009 - 2016  Lexapro, mostly 2.5 - 10 mg, occasionally 0

August 2017 -May 2018  Lexapro 1.25 mg  (tinnitus started Mar 2018)

May 2018  Lexapro 2x0.5 compound=1.0 mg (in theory), major crash within 3 days

June 2018-Sept 2019  Lexapro 7.5 mg  (1 month incredible anxiety) 25 mg Trazadone

Sept 2019 - Sept 2020  Lexapro 5.0 mg, 12.5 mg Trazadone  (tinnitus still a problem)

Sept 2020 - January 2021  Lexapro 2.5 mg  (Stop Trazadone Jan 2021)

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@BigSun and @Yesyes123 , Thanks for the advice on the Magnesium. I'll get some Magnesium Glycinate ordered today and will implement it when it arrives. So far, I'm pleased with what Omega D3 and Ashwagandha are doing for me. I believe they're actively combatting my cortizol and serotonin issues, in turn, the muscle pains in my back are slowly improving. I'll report back in a week or two.


I wish you both the best in continuing your journeys off of this poision. I thought I'd endured some rough patches in life before I initiated my Lexapro taper. I was wrong. Nothing I'd endured to date could even hold a candle to my withdrawal experience. Now that I've been done for a few months, I don't know if I'll ever have another panic attack, and that doesn't break my heart at all. Every day I improve a little bit more. I have regained so much of myself that I haven't known for about 20 years now. My general anxiety is slowly improving too. I can't wait to see how I'll feel in another year or two. Every day is a gift!

1999: Paxil ?? mgai (Paroxetine Hydrochloride) - stopped cold turkey
2001-03: Celexa ?? mgai (Citalopram Hydrobromide) - switched to Lexapro
2003-August 2015: Lexapro 20 mgai (Escitalopram Oxalate) - rapid 5 mgai increment taper down to 0 mgai
December 2015 - January 2016: Short hospital stay for unknown acute AD WD due to rapid taper
January 2016-February 21, 2016: Prozac ?? mgai (Fluoxetine Hcl) and Wellbutrin ?? mgai (Bupropion Hcl) - switched to Lexapro
February 21, 2016-July 22, 2018: Lexapro 10 mgai  - rapid 5 mgai increment taper down to 5 mgai
July 22, 2018-March 17, 2019: Lexapro 5 mgai - endured horrible waves due to rapid taper
March 17, 2019-April 7, 2019: Lexapro 3.226 mgai - endured horrible wave due to rapid taper
April 7, 2019-April 28, 2019: Lexapro 3.548 mgai - updosed to level out
April 28, 2019: Implemented Brass Monkey Slide taper method (2.5% weekly reduction) - IT’S WORKING!!!
September 2, 2020: Lexapro 0.000 mgai / 0 mgpw / 100% Taper COMPLETE!

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  • Mentor

@Iowan so glad you are off of this stuff! Congratulations! I m glad to meet you and all here ! I too have back pain issues and ssri withdrawal! injury 22 years ago and active work in my early years. Had a lot of stress then too new family first child, and close extended family member death and low back pain/injury.  Had pain and anxiety. And yep dr started me on Paxil!

Try to quit this stuff a few times in last 15 years . Only found out about withdrawals within past couple of years. Looking back when Ive been in waves and had withdrawals symptoms my neck and back kills me, and with the anxiety from withdrawals I start thinking I need surgery! But the wave wil fade and I m good with my normal pain. But yes it’s like I am drawef up tensed up and stiff when this happens . 
and yes the pain, anxiety, depression is a never ending loop they all feed off of each other. The only way to stop it is try to eliminate one of them easier said than done! 


for 22 years I haven’t been able to sit but only a few minutes among other things. And I haven’t been to gym either since all meds in 2020! What Helps me when it tense up with neck and back pain in wd is relaxing, moving, working, excercise, hot bath, ice pack, tens unit, professional massage. Mostly relaxing mind and body and massage but them things is expensive! Turmeric and anti inflammatory are a big help too! Some turmeric brands work better than others. I did try acupuncture it help a little. Chiropractor helps only if I am not bad tensed up. Oh one other thing for neck is like what was mentioned above but the one I use uses air and straps around neck and it raises head up from shoulders this works good! Again congratulations and wish you well !

2000-2013 Paxil - 1 year fast taper

2013-2018 merry go round
zoloft, cymbalta, lamictal, Prozac.

 Nov. 2018 lexapro 15 mgs, Dec. 2019 to Mar. 2020 taper to 10mg. Jul 2020 to October 2020 taper to 8.5 ml.
Oct 2020 reinstated to 9 ml.
Apr 2021 to Jul  taper to 7ml. Oct 2021 to Jan 2022 taper to 5.9ml, Mar 5 2022 5.8 ml, Mar 12 5.7ml, Mar 20 5.6ml, Mar 27 5.5ml, April 23 5.4ml, April 30 5.3ml, May 7 5.2ml,  Jul 9 2022 5.4ml, 

Klonopin prn, Allegra 180 for 3 seasons, aspirin 81 mg, plavix , nitroglycerin 0.4 mg prn, 2k mg  turmeric Qunol, 4- Trader Joe’s omega 3 -2400 mg, Pepcid 20mg,  Prilosec 40 mg, Tylenol arthritis 4 tablets daily, 350mg calm magnesium citrate, melatonin 2.5- 5mg as needed to sleep. Saline spray as needed. 

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You are an inspiration Iowan, I will try the Brass Monkey also eventually.


Maybe some easy going Yoga will help both of your muscle issues. 


I do this one lately, Adriene is easy going, and even has a sense of humor....




1990  Prozac after Traumatic Brain Injury

1993 - 1996  Paxil, Zoloft, Celexa, 25-50 mg Trazodone

1997  Off Meds, Travelling, Generally Good

1998-1999  Effexor, 25-50 mg Trazadone

2000-2008  Celexa, 25-50 mg Trazadone

2009 - 2016  Lexapro, mostly 2.5 - 10 mg, occasionally 0

August 2017 -May 2018  Lexapro 1.25 mg  (tinnitus started Mar 2018)

May 2018  Lexapro 2x0.5 compound=1.0 mg (in theory), major crash within 3 days

June 2018-Sept 2019  Lexapro 7.5 mg  (1 month incredible anxiety) 25 mg Trazadone

Sept 2019 - Sept 2020  Lexapro 5.0 mg, 12.5 mg Trazadone  (tinnitus still a problem)

Sept 2020 - January 2021  Lexapro 2.5 mg  (Stop Trazadone Jan 2021)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I also developed shoulder pain during withdrawal. 


I 've found that vagus nerve exercises have made a big difference. 


I do Stanley Rosenberg's 'basic exercise' once a day from his book 'Accessing the Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve' . It only takes me a couple of minutes. 


There is a post about it here from SA: 



There are some more advanced exercises as well and I am planning on trying these too. There is a video from EBFAFitness on YouTube -  'ventral vagus nerve resets' which explains the different exercises and steps. 


I 'm sure I don't need to remind you to exercise caution, as with everything in withdrawal! 


Hope this helps. 



I came off Seroxat in August 2005 after a 4 month taper. I was initially prescibed a benzo for several months and then Prozac for 5 years and after that, Seroxat for 3 years and 9 months.


"It's like in the great stories Mr.Frodo, the ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were, and sometimes you didn't want to know the end because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end it's only a passing thing this shadow, even darkness must pass. A new day will come, and when the sun shines it'll shine out the clearer."  Samwise Gamgee, Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers

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@Gem, Thanks! I've briefly reviewed some of this. I'll dig in deeper tonight. I'm running on little sleep these past couple of nights and my back is singing to me today.

1999: Paxil ?? mgai (Paroxetine Hydrochloride) - stopped cold turkey
2001-03: Celexa ?? mgai (Citalopram Hydrobromide) - switched to Lexapro
2003-August 2015: Lexapro 20 mgai (Escitalopram Oxalate) - rapid 5 mgai increment taper down to 0 mgai
December 2015 - January 2016: Short hospital stay for unknown acute AD WD due to rapid taper
January 2016-February 21, 2016: Prozac ?? mgai (Fluoxetine Hcl) and Wellbutrin ?? mgai (Bupropion Hcl) - switched to Lexapro
February 21, 2016-July 22, 2018: Lexapro 10 mgai  - rapid 5 mgai increment taper down to 5 mgai
July 22, 2018-March 17, 2019: Lexapro 5 mgai - endured horrible waves due to rapid taper
March 17, 2019-April 7, 2019: Lexapro 3.226 mgai - endured horrible wave due to rapid taper
April 7, 2019-April 28, 2019: Lexapro 3.548 mgai - updosed to level out
April 28, 2019: Implemented Brass Monkey Slide taper method (2.5% weekly reduction) - IT’S WORKING!!!
September 2, 2020: Lexapro 0.000 mgai / 0 mgpw / 100% Taper COMPLETE!

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Sorry to hear that Iowan. Hope this helps :). I couldn't believe such a brief & easy exercise could make so much difference! 



I came off Seroxat in August 2005 after a 4 month taper. I was initially prescibed a benzo for several months and then Prozac for 5 years and after that, Seroxat for 3 years and 9 months.


"It's like in the great stories Mr.Frodo, the ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were, and sometimes you didn't want to know the end because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end it's only a passing thing this shadow, even darkness must pass. A new day will come, and when the sun shines it'll shine out the clearer."  Samwise Gamgee, Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers

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So, I'm coming to the conclusion that my back pain is part of my antidepressant / SSRI PAWS that I'm experiencing, and it's just going to be something that I have to endure while I'm recovering. It's not due to injury or anything like that, and it lessens and increases inline with my other PAWS symptoms. I will continue to take my vitamins and supplements, and perform my exercises, but I'm doubtful anything will have any real impact outside of time. Please pray for me. It's been a rough week and a half. Thanks, Iowan

1999: Paxil ?? mgai (Paroxetine Hydrochloride) - stopped cold turkey
2001-03: Celexa ?? mgai (Citalopram Hydrobromide) - switched to Lexapro
2003-August 2015: Lexapro 20 mgai (Escitalopram Oxalate) - rapid 5 mgai increment taper down to 0 mgai
December 2015 - January 2016: Short hospital stay for unknown acute AD WD due to rapid taper
January 2016-February 21, 2016: Prozac ?? mgai (Fluoxetine Hcl) and Wellbutrin ?? mgai (Bupropion Hcl) - switched to Lexapro
February 21, 2016-July 22, 2018: Lexapro 10 mgai  - rapid 5 mgai increment taper down to 5 mgai
July 22, 2018-March 17, 2019: Lexapro 5 mgai - endured horrible waves due to rapid taper
March 17, 2019-April 7, 2019: Lexapro 3.226 mgai - endured horrible wave due to rapid taper
April 7, 2019-April 28, 2019: Lexapro 3.548 mgai - updosed to level out
April 28, 2019: Implemented Brass Monkey Slide taper method (2.5% weekly reduction) - IT’S WORKING!!!
September 2, 2020: Lexapro 0.000 mgai / 0 mgpw / 100% Taper COMPLETE!

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Hi Iowan,


Hang in there my friend, it is often darkest before the dawn.  (I say that for both of us!)    Keep in mind, that this is in some ways the toughest time of the year as we wait for the warm weather to arrive.   In two months, Iowa should be much warmer and sunnier and that should help relax all your muscles. 


Maybe it would be a good time to go treat yourself to some massages, and also maybe some talk therapy can be great to get things out of your head. 


Sending warm, relaxing and supportive thoughts your way!


By the way, this Netflix series "Moving Art" has beautiful and calming nature video scenes with pleasant music.  Maybe you will enjoy.  Start with Koh Samui in season 2.    (Save the snowy episodes for the summer!)   Tahiti in Season 3 is beautiful and warm too. 


Here should be the link for Koh Samui, if it doesnt work, just look for "moving art"  



take care


1990  Prozac after Traumatic Brain Injury

1993 - 1996  Paxil, Zoloft, Celexa, 25-50 mg Trazodone

1997  Off Meds, Travelling, Generally Good

1998-1999  Effexor, 25-50 mg Trazadone

2000-2008  Celexa, 25-50 mg Trazadone

2009 - 2016  Lexapro, mostly 2.5 - 10 mg, occasionally 0

August 2017 -May 2018  Lexapro 1.25 mg  (tinnitus started Mar 2018)

May 2018  Lexapro 2x0.5 compound=1.0 mg (in theory), major crash within 3 days

June 2018-Sept 2019  Lexapro 7.5 mg  (1 month incredible anxiety) 25 mg Trazadone

Sept 2019 - Sept 2020  Lexapro 5.0 mg, 12.5 mg Trazadone  (tinnitus still a problem)

Sept 2020 - January 2021  Lexapro 2.5 mg  (Stop Trazadone Jan 2021)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Spring has begun thawing things here in Iowa, so I've been busy preparing my garden in my free time. I've also been hitting the gym more and I was allowed to grab my ergonomic chair out of my office building, for my home office. My neck and back pain have been slowly improving, and my anxiety has been in check these past couple of weeks as well. They tend to go hand in hand. Praying for continued improvement.

1999: Paxil ?? mgai (Paroxetine Hydrochloride) - stopped cold turkey
2001-03: Celexa ?? mgai (Citalopram Hydrobromide) - switched to Lexapro
2003-August 2015: Lexapro 20 mgai (Escitalopram Oxalate) - rapid 5 mgai increment taper down to 0 mgai
December 2015 - January 2016: Short hospital stay for unknown acute AD WD due to rapid taper
January 2016-February 21, 2016: Prozac ?? mgai (Fluoxetine Hcl) and Wellbutrin ?? mgai (Bupropion Hcl) - switched to Lexapro
February 21, 2016-July 22, 2018: Lexapro 10 mgai  - rapid 5 mgai increment taper down to 5 mgai
July 22, 2018-March 17, 2019: Lexapro 5 mgai - endured horrible waves due to rapid taper
March 17, 2019-April 7, 2019: Lexapro 3.226 mgai - endured horrible wave due to rapid taper
April 7, 2019-April 28, 2019: Lexapro 3.548 mgai - updosed to level out
April 28, 2019: Implemented Brass Monkey Slide taper method (2.5% weekly reduction) - IT’S WORKING!!!
September 2, 2020: Lexapro 0.000 mgai / 0 mgpw / 100% Taper COMPLETE!

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  • 9 months later...

I have been having wierd tension in my left upper back, shoulder and neck for a while and it is very tough to deal with. Right side is not affected at all. Anyone else have this? I have tried massage, chiropractors etc with no success. Stretching and foam rolling makes it worse.

Zoloft, November 2019.  I worked up to 50 mg and stayed there until 1 year later. I tapered for 3 months, which should consider to be cold turkey.
Tapering schedule:
Month 1: 37.5 mg

Month 2: 25 mg

Month 3: 12.5 mg

Month 4(Half the month): 6.75 mg
Month 4(Other half): 0 mg December 9, 2020

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Not of much help but my right side, mostly my leg, nothing I do will relax it. I try different positions, it will sometime "lessens" it, but it doesn't cure it. Is yours constant? Stretching doesn't do much, but its ok if someone rubs it, but only while its being massaged. How does heat work for it?


Current: Bupropion 450mg, Neurontin 800mg, Klonopin 0.5mg


July 2020: started Cogentin 1mg, Lamictal 50mg, Zoloft 150mg, Zyprexa 5mg (+5mg as needed), Klonopin 0.5mg

November 2020: stopped all meds cold-turkey

February 2021: started Latuda 60mg, Lithium 300mg, Melatonin 5mg, Protonix 40mg, Topamax 25mg

2 weeks later: stopped Topamax, increased Lithium 900mg, started Klonopin 1mg, Lexapro 20mg, Neurontin 400mg

April 2021: started Bupropion 150mg, Revia ?mg

May 2021: stopped ReviaProtonixLexaproincreased Neurontin 800mg, started Celexa 10mg

August 2021: decreased Celexa 5mg (stopped Celexa 2 weeks later), increased Bupropion 300mg

September 2021: increased Latuda 80mg

October 2021: decreased Lithium 600mg for 4 daysLithium 300mg for 4 daysstopped LithiumLatuda

     increased Bupropion 450mg, started Remeron 15mg, decreased Remeron 7.5mg, stopped Remeron

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14 hours ago, ThatOneGirlStitch said:

Not of much help but my right side, mostly my leg, nothing I do will relax it. I try different positions, it will sometime "lessens" it, but it doesn't cure it. Is yours constant? Stretching doesn't do much, but its ok if someone rubs it, but only while its being massaged. How does heat work for it?


Mine has been constant for 1 year now. Stretching and trying lacrosse ball makes it way worse. It must be related to withdrawal, I have done all tests.. 



Heat makes it less worse

Zoloft, November 2019.  I worked up to 50 mg and stayed there until 1 year later. I tapered for 3 months, which should consider to be cold turkey.
Tapering schedule:
Month 1: 37.5 mg

Month 2: 25 mg

Month 3: 12.5 mg

Month 4(Half the month): 6.75 mg
Month 4(Other half): 0 mg December 9, 2020

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On 12/31/2021 at 8:25 PM, curiousnootropics said:

Mine has been constant for 1 year now. Stretching and trying lacrosse ball makes it way worse. It must be related to withdrawal, I have done all tests.. 



Heat makes it less worse

Yeah heat helps, or somebody constantly massaging it, but thats not sustainable. When its bad I take an epson salt bath. 5 cups of salt. Hot as I can get it. Force myself to stay in the water for 20-30 min. As soon as Im out of the bath. I put on the heating pad while lying in the most comfortable position I can get. It doesn't cure it but it makes it bareable. Does massage make it worse for you?

Current: Bupropion 450mg, Neurontin 800mg, Klonopin 0.5mg


July 2020: started Cogentin 1mg, Lamictal 50mg, Zoloft 150mg, Zyprexa 5mg (+5mg as needed), Klonopin 0.5mg

November 2020: stopped all meds cold-turkey

February 2021: started Latuda 60mg, Lithium 300mg, Melatonin 5mg, Protonix 40mg, Topamax 25mg

2 weeks later: stopped Topamax, increased Lithium 900mg, started Klonopin 1mg, Lexapro 20mg, Neurontin 400mg

April 2021: started Bupropion 150mg, Revia ?mg

May 2021: stopped ReviaProtonixLexaproincreased Neurontin 800mg, started Celexa 10mg

August 2021: decreased Celexa 5mg (stopped Celexa 2 weeks later), increased Bupropion 300mg

September 2021: increased Latuda 80mg

October 2021: decreased Lithium 600mg for 4 daysLithium 300mg for 4 daysstopped LithiumLatuda

     increased Bupropion 450mg, started Remeron 15mg, decreased Remeron 7.5mg, stopped Remeron

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14 hours ago, ThatOneGirlStitch said:

Yeah heat helps, or somebody constantly massaging it, but thats not sustainable. When its bad I take an epson salt bath. 5 cups of salt. Hot as I can get it. Force myself to stay in the water for 20-30 min. As soon as Im out of the bath. I put on the heating pad while lying in the most comfortable position I can get. It doesn't cure it but it makes it bareable. Does massage make it worse for you?

No but it does not make it go away either. I think it is GABA-related for me:


https://www.ondietandhealth.com/gaba-deficiency-symptoms/ - "Anxiety; worry; fear; Muscle tension, especially in shoulders, neck and jaw"

I'm thinking of trying L-theanine or Taurine to help me out

Zoloft, November 2019.  I worked up to 50 mg and stayed there until 1 year later. I tapered for 3 months, which should consider to be cold turkey.
Tapering schedule:
Month 1: 37.5 mg

Month 2: 25 mg

Month 3: 12.5 mg

Month 4(Half the month): 6.75 mg
Month 4(Other half): 0 mg December 9, 2020

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8 hours ago, curiousnootropics said:

No but it does not make it go away either. I think it is GABA-related for me:


https://www.ondietandhealth.com/gaba-deficiency-symptoms/ - "Anxiety; worry; fear; Muscle tension, especially in shoulders, neck and jaw"

I'm thinking of trying L-theanine or Taurine to help me out

I would not be surprised if it is Gaba related. Everthing seems to go back to gaba, the nervous system or receptors. I've heard that L-theanine can help people. Start with a little and watch for negative reactions. I believe there is a thread here on that supplement. I'm trying to get myself pumped to try fish oil I'm not sure I can handle supplements. If you decide to try it let me know.

Current: Bupropion 450mg, Neurontin 800mg, Klonopin 0.5mg


July 2020: started Cogentin 1mg, Lamictal 50mg, Zoloft 150mg, Zyprexa 5mg (+5mg as needed), Klonopin 0.5mg

November 2020: stopped all meds cold-turkey

February 2021: started Latuda 60mg, Lithium 300mg, Melatonin 5mg, Protonix 40mg, Topamax 25mg

2 weeks later: stopped Topamax, increased Lithium 900mg, started Klonopin 1mg, Lexapro 20mg, Neurontin 400mg

April 2021: started Bupropion 150mg, Revia ?mg

May 2021: stopped ReviaProtonixLexaproincreased Neurontin 800mg, started Celexa 10mg

August 2021: decreased Celexa 5mg (stopped Celexa 2 weeks later), increased Bupropion 300mg

September 2021: increased Latuda 80mg

October 2021: decreased Lithium 600mg for 4 daysLithium 300mg for 4 daysstopped LithiumLatuda

     increased Bupropion 450mg, started Remeron 15mg, decreased Remeron 7.5mg, stopped Remeron

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32 minutes ago, ThatOneGirlStitch said:

I would not be surprised if it is Gaba related. Everthing seems to go back to gaba, the nervous system or receptors. I've heard that L-theanine can help people. Start with a little and watch for negative reactions. I believe there is a thread here on that supplement. I'm trying to get myself pumped to try fish oil I'm not sure I can handle supplements. If you decide to try it let me know.

Thanks. I actually tried fish oil, before and after Zoloft. It makes me very depressed, I don’t know why. I’m eating fish instead, no problems there


How are you doing in general?

Zoloft, November 2019.  I worked up to 50 mg and stayed there until 1 year later. I tapered for 3 months, which should consider to be cold turkey.
Tapering schedule:
Month 1: 37.5 mg

Month 2: 25 mg

Month 3: 12.5 mg

Month 4(Half the month): 6.75 mg
Month 4(Other half): 0 mg December 9, 2020

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12 minutes ago, curiousnootropics said:

Thanks. I actually tried fish oil, before and after Zoloft. It makes me very depressed, I don’t know why. I’m eating fish instead, no problems there


How are you doing in general?

My worst symptoms are being overwhelmed and scared by everything (everything), Anhedonia (lack of emotions, interest, or motivation), and a digestive system that doesn't want to work. Right now theses are the main symptoms that keep me bedbound. Of course there is the anxiety and depression which we all get. Then there are the others that I don't have time to worry about.


Good to know on the fish oil. I will have to watch out for it. I will do more research and see if depression is a common side effect. Fish is hard for me to eat as I have to eat things in a smoothie form. But I know things can be worse so I cant complain. How about you? How have you been fairing?

Current: Bupropion 450mg, Neurontin 800mg, Klonopin 0.5mg


July 2020: started Cogentin 1mg, Lamictal 50mg, Zoloft 150mg, Zyprexa 5mg (+5mg as needed), Klonopin 0.5mg

November 2020: stopped all meds cold-turkey

February 2021: started Latuda 60mg, Lithium 300mg, Melatonin 5mg, Protonix 40mg, Topamax 25mg

2 weeks later: stopped Topamax, increased Lithium 900mg, started Klonopin 1mg, Lexapro 20mg, Neurontin 400mg

April 2021: started Bupropion 150mg, Revia ?mg

May 2021: stopped ReviaProtonixLexaproincreased Neurontin 800mg, started Celexa 10mg

August 2021: decreased Celexa 5mg (stopped Celexa 2 weeks later), increased Bupropion 300mg

September 2021: increased Latuda 80mg

October 2021: decreased Lithium 600mg for 4 daysLithium 300mg for 4 daysstopped LithiumLatuda

     increased Bupropion 450mg, started Remeron 15mg, decreased Remeron 7.5mg, stopped Remeron

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2 hours ago, ThatOneGirlStitch said:

My worst symptoms are being overwhelmed and scared by everything (everything), Anhedonia (lack of emotions, interest, or motivation), and a digestive system that doesn't want to work. Right now theses are the main symptoms that keep me bedbound. Of course there is the anxiety and depression which we all get. Then there are the others that I don't have time to worry about.


Good to know on the fish oil. I will have to watch out for it. I will do more research and see if depression is a common side effect. Fish is hard for me to eat as I have to eat things in a smoothie form. But I know things can be worse so I cant complain. How about you? How have you been fairing?

Some just react badly on it. It does not mean you will.

Actually, DL-phenylalanine is working great for mood and anhedonia for me, but it increases anxiety. If I find something that can counter the anxiety effect, then I will try DL-phenylalanine again

Zoloft, November 2019.  I worked up to 50 mg and stayed there until 1 year later. I tapered for 3 months, which should consider to be cold turkey.
Tapering schedule:
Month 1: 37.5 mg

Month 2: 25 mg

Month 3: 12.5 mg

Month 4(Half the month): 6.75 mg
Month 4(Other half): 0 mg December 9, 2020

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9 hours ago, curiousnootropics said:

Some just react badly on it. It does not mean you will.

Actually, DL-phenylalanine is working great for mood and anhedonia for me, but it increases anxiety. If I find something that can counter the anxiety effect, then I will try DL-phenylalanine again

Something helps anhedonia? wow, I know it probably doesn't work for everyone, but thats cool. Does it lift it some? Do you feel joy?


Current: Bupropion 450mg, Neurontin 800mg, Klonopin 0.5mg


July 2020: started Cogentin 1mg, Lamictal 50mg, Zoloft 150mg, Zyprexa 5mg (+5mg as needed), Klonopin 0.5mg

November 2020: stopped all meds cold-turkey

February 2021: started Latuda 60mg, Lithium 300mg, Melatonin 5mg, Protonix 40mg, Topamax 25mg

2 weeks later: stopped Topamax, increased Lithium 900mg, started Klonopin 1mg, Lexapro 20mg, Neurontin 400mg

April 2021: started Bupropion 150mg, Revia ?mg

May 2021: stopped ReviaProtonixLexaproincreased Neurontin 800mg, started Celexa 10mg

August 2021: decreased Celexa 5mg (stopped Celexa 2 weeks later), increased Bupropion 300mg

September 2021: increased Latuda 80mg

October 2021: decreased Lithium 600mg for 4 daysLithium 300mg for 4 daysstopped LithiumLatuda

     increased Bupropion 450mg, started Remeron 15mg, decreased Remeron 7.5mg, stopped Remeron

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11 hours ago, ThatOneGirlStitch said:

Something helps anhedonia? wow, I know it probably doesn't work for everyone, but thats cool. Does it lift it some? Do you feel joy?


Yes, it helps. It is the best supplement I have ever tried. I'm going to start it if I find something against my anxiety.

Zoloft, November 2019.  I worked up to 50 mg and stayed there until 1 year later. I tapered for 3 months, which should consider to be cold turkey.
Tapering schedule:
Month 1: 37.5 mg

Month 2: 25 mg

Month 3: 12.5 mg

Month 4(Half the month): 6.75 mg
Month 4(Other half): 0 mg December 9, 2020

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5 minutes ago, curiousnootropics said:

Yes, it helps. It is the best supplement I have ever tried. I'm going to start it if I find something against my anxiety.

That must have been some anxiety if it was helping. How long did you use it for?

Current: Bupropion 450mg, Neurontin 800mg, Klonopin 0.5mg


July 2020: started Cogentin 1mg, Lamictal 50mg, Zoloft 150mg, Zyprexa 5mg (+5mg as needed), Klonopin 0.5mg

November 2020: stopped all meds cold-turkey

February 2021: started Latuda 60mg, Lithium 300mg, Melatonin 5mg, Protonix 40mg, Topamax 25mg

2 weeks later: stopped Topamax, increased Lithium 900mg, started Klonopin 1mg, Lexapro 20mg, Neurontin 400mg

April 2021: started Bupropion 150mg, Revia ?mg

May 2021: stopped ReviaProtonixLexaproincreased Neurontin 800mg, started Celexa 10mg

August 2021: decreased Celexa 5mg (stopped Celexa 2 weeks later), increased Bupropion 300mg

September 2021: increased Latuda 80mg

October 2021: decreased Lithium 600mg for 4 daysLithium 300mg for 4 daysstopped LithiumLatuda

     increased Bupropion 450mg, started Remeron 15mg, decreased Remeron 7.5mg, stopped Remeron

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