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Ninabird: Tapering Lexapro


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Hi all, 

Been on 20mg of Lexapro (5 months) & .50mg of Klonopin ( 8 months) I was having breakthrough anxiety (it could also be tolerance to the Klonopin?) and my Psychiatrist upped my dose to 25mg. After two weeks of horrible side effects she had me come back down to the 20mg. I have felt horrible the last 3 weeks. Occasional burning in stomach, anxiety, depression, feeling mentally off, burning in my head, some tingling in my head, muscle tightness, not feeling well at all. Is this common? 
to give a little bit of background, anxiety is relatively new to me. I was put on Effexor and Klonopin 4 years ago. 75mg of Effexor. .25mg of Klonopin once a day. After 5 months I weaned myself off of the Klonopin over 5 months. When I started my taper, I was taking Half of the .25. I did ok on the taper. No horrible side effects. Then over the next 9 months weaned off the Lexapro. Anxiety was much better and manageable. Then Covid hit and my mother died. 6 months later my nephew passed away. Anxiety returned w a vengeance. Was put on Zoloft ( was on it for 2 and Klonopin .50mg and it was awful. Zoloft put me in the hospital for 5 days. Dr’s CT me off of Zoloft and put me on Remeron. Even worse reaction. After two weeks, took me off Remeron and put me on Prozac 20mg. 
prozac helped a bit but I had headaches everyday for 6 months. Cross tapered to Lexapro over 3 months. 

I don’t drink. I eat clean. I don’t do drugs. No caffeine. 

I know this site is for coming off of antidepressants. With my anxiety it would not be a good thing. I become debilitated. 

We are going to cross taper to Effexor slowly. 
I’m very scared. I need to function so I can work. 

My long term goal is to stabilise on Effexor. Wait a month and start tapering off of the Klonopin using the Ashton method as I had before. 

Any advice would be appreciated. I’m so so thankful to have found this forum. 


2018 Ativan 1mg Oct-Jan (CT), 2019 Effexor 75mg, Klonopin .25mg, Trazadone 75mg, Bridge to Prozac (?dose), 2020 Taper off all, 2021 Zoloft (?dose), Jan-May (CT @ Hospital), Remeron (?dose) Trazadone 75mg, Propanolol (?dose), Klonopin .50mg, Buspar (?dose),

2021 Prozac (?dose), Trazadone 75mg, Klonopin 2 times a day, 2021 August fast taper Trazadone  Prozac fast taper in August. August Lexapro 10mg

2022 January  Lexapro to 25mg, February FT to 10mg Lexapro over 6 weeks, Klonopin .25mg 2 times a day, May Effexor 35mg, June bridge from Effexor to 30mg Cymbalta. Held on Lexapro until November.

supplements  2023  Jan Probiotics stopped taking after two weeks ADR April 1k Iu Vitamin D W/ K stopped after a few days ADR. March 50mg Mag glycinate stopped after a week ADR

January 2023added an additional .25 mg Klonopin (.25 mg three times a day)


1/23-Present Klonopin .75mg divided into .25mg 3 times a day. 6:30am, 12:00pm, 6:30pm 7/6/24 SAME

1/23Present Lexapro .101 mgpw - 8.08 mgai 8:00am

1/23-Present Estradiol .50mg 8:00am 7/6/24 same

1/23-Present 30mg Cymbalta 12:30pm 7/6/24 same

6/23 to present Holding no changes 7/4 reduced Lexapro to 7.92mg 7/31 7.84mg 8/7 7.76mg 7/14 7.60mg 10/1 7.44mg 10/28 7.36mg 2/1 7.12mg 2/14 7.04mg 3/5/24 6.88mg 3/12 6.80mg 4/29 6.48mg 7/6/24 5.84mg

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  • ChessieCat changed the title to Ninabird: Tapering Lexapro

Welcome @Ninabird

I'm sorry you are suffering. These drugs tend to make the condition they are meant to treat even worse. The body adjusts to the drug and then the only effect of taking them is to prevent withdrawal symptoms. Benzos, like klonopin, are known to cause rebound anxiety after using them for a while.

What is withdrawal syndrome?

Dr. Joseph Glenmullen's withdrawal symptom checklist


20mg lexapro is the absolute maximum dose of a very strong drug, so raising it to 25mg can explain the symptoms you got. It was too high a dose for you to handle.


What happened when you took Zoloft? Why are you planning to switch back to Effexor? I would advise you to instead, taper to a less potent lexapro dose and stabilize there. A cross taper can result in lexapro withdrawal if Effexor isn't able to cover it. Starting and stopping psychiatric drugs is bad for the central nervous system (CNS). Each time we start and stop it becomes more and more sensitized. The risk of a bad reaction to restarting the drug or starting other drugs or supplements increases.

Tips for tapering off escitalopram (Lexapro)


As there are common misconceptions about how these drugs work I found this post helpful to understand what is going on:

How Psychiatric Drugs Remodel Your Brain 


I highly recommend reading  Anatomy of an Epidemic by Robert Whitaker (interview) as well as A straight talking introduction to psychiatric drugs by Joanna Moncrieff to better understand these drugs and their effects. The Council for Evidence based Psychiatry also has a lot of good information.


To help us better advise you, can you please create a signature with all of the drugs that you are taking and have been taking in the last couple of years following these instructions:

How to List Drug History in Signature


This is your Introductory topic, where you can ask questions and connect with other members.  We're glad you found your way here. Please stay in touch and let us know how you are doing.


Edited by Kiasofia

These are my opinions based on my own experience and what I have learned, not medical advice.


Drug history

2002-2019 Citalopram/Escitalopram, Lamictal
2019 April Escitalopram, quit at 10mg (withdrawal), Oct Escitalopram 10mg reinstated, quit after a few days (adverse reaction)

2019 Oct Lamictal cut from 200mg to 100mg
2019 Dec Lithium 83x2 mg

2020 Aug-Nov Lamictal tapered to 50 mg

2020 Nov 24 Lithium taper started, 30 Jan off Lithium

2021 15. March-31. May Lamictal tapered to 32.5 mg (holding)

2022 10. Jan started taking 25mg+5mg+2mg+0.5 liquid, 22. Jan went back to taking 25mg+5mg+half 5mg

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  • 3 weeks later...

My stomach burns all the time now

- 10 mg lexparo 1.5 years

- ativan for panic 0.5 , never more than once daily and not everyday for 4 years.

-cold turkeyed in June 5 of 2021.


Buspar a few days and had severe muscle pain. July 26, 27, then 30 of 2021.


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  • 3 months later...


Good morning. I am sorry your stomach burns all the time. Mine burns from time to time but it passes quickly. I pray this passes for you soon. 


@Kiasofia I am NOT going back to Effexor. Our care plan is to wait to stabilize after the CT/crossover from 37.5mg of Effexor to 30mg Cymbalta. My former Psychiatrist took me from 25mg of Lexapro to 10 in less than a month. So, the last 3 months my poor brain is not doing well. 


Zoloft caused my anxiety to soar and stop sleeping. My former Psychiatrist just kept raising my dose and added Klonopin but I just got worse. I ended up in a hospital and they CT me from Zoloft and put me on Remeron which was awful. I was confused, DP, thoughts of serious aggression, high anxiety..that's when I was switched to Prozac. I had been on Prozac 2 years earlier and did ok on it. Not this time. I had a lot more depression and headaches every single day for months. I had an MRI and it was normal. Thank goodness. 


2018 Ativan 1mg Oct-Jan (CT), 2019 Effexor 75mg, Klonopin .25mg, Trazadone 75mg, Bridge to Prozac (?dose), 2020 Taper off all, 2021 Zoloft (?dose), Jan-May (CT @ Hospital), Remeron (?dose) Trazadone 75mg, Propanolol (?dose), Klonopin .50mg, Buspar (?dose),

2021 Prozac (?dose), Trazadone 75mg, Klonopin 2 times a day, 2021 August fast taper Trazadone  Prozac fast taper in August. August Lexapro 10mg

2022 January  Lexapro to 25mg, February FT to 10mg Lexapro over 6 weeks, Klonopin .25mg 2 times a day, May Effexor 35mg, June bridge from Effexor to 30mg Cymbalta. Held on Lexapro until November.

supplements  2023  Jan Probiotics stopped taking after two weeks ADR April 1k Iu Vitamin D W/ K stopped after a few days ADR. March 50mg Mag glycinate stopped after a week ADR

January 2023added an additional .25 mg Klonopin (.25 mg three times a day)


1/23-Present Klonopin .75mg divided into .25mg 3 times a day. 6:30am, 12:00pm, 6:30pm 7/6/24 SAME

1/23Present Lexapro .101 mgpw - 8.08 mgai 8:00am

1/23-Present Estradiol .50mg 8:00am 7/6/24 same

1/23-Present 30mg Cymbalta 12:30pm 7/6/24 same

6/23 to present Holding no changes 7/4 reduced Lexapro to 7.92mg 7/31 7.84mg 8/7 7.76mg 7/14 7.60mg 10/1 7.44mg 10/28 7.36mg 2/1 7.12mg 2/14 7.04mg 3/5/24 6.88mg 3/12 6.80mg 4/29 6.48mg 7/6/24 5.84mg

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On 1/17/2022 at 2:57 PM, Ninabird said:

We are going to cross taper to Effexor slowly. 

This was from Jan. 


2018 Ativan 1mg Oct-Jan (CT), 2019 Effexor 75mg, Klonopin .25mg, Trazadone 75mg, Bridge to Prozac (?dose), 2020 Taper off all, 2021 Zoloft (?dose), Jan-May (CT @ Hospital), Remeron (?dose) Trazadone 75mg, Propanolol (?dose), Klonopin .50mg, Buspar (?dose),

2021 Prozac (?dose), Trazadone 75mg, Klonopin 2 times a day, 2021 August fast taper Trazadone  Prozac fast taper in August. August Lexapro 10mg

2022 January  Lexapro to 25mg, February FT to 10mg Lexapro over 6 weeks, Klonopin .25mg 2 times a day, May Effexor 35mg, June bridge from Effexor to 30mg Cymbalta. Held on Lexapro until November.

supplements  2023  Jan Probiotics stopped taking after two weeks ADR April 1k Iu Vitamin D W/ K stopped after a few days ADR. March 50mg Mag glycinate stopped after a week ADR

January 2023added an additional .25 mg Klonopin (.25 mg three times a day)


1/23-Present Klonopin .75mg divided into .25mg 3 times a day. 6:30am, 12:00pm, 6:30pm 7/6/24 SAME

1/23Present Lexapro .101 mgpw - 8.08 mgai 8:00am

1/23-Present Estradiol .50mg 8:00am 7/6/24 same

1/23-Present 30mg Cymbalta 12:30pm 7/6/24 same

6/23 to present Holding no changes 7/4 reduced Lexapro to 7.92mg 7/31 7.84mg 8/7 7.76mg 7/14 7.60mg 10/1 7.44mg 10/28 7.36mg 2/1 7.12mg 2/14 7.04mg 3/5/24 6.88mg 3/12 6.80mg 4/29 6.48mg 7/6/24 5.84mg

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