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Inacutewd: acute WD with constant palpitations


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Hello to anyone reading this,

I was on cipralex 10-15mg for about 11 yrs. Last summer it felt like it completely stopped working and i was in full-on WD. Suddenly i was in constant panic mode which focused on my hypochondria. The family dr told me to up it to 20mg. I did feel a little better after about a month. The constant panic attacks stopped but i also noticed a few troublesome side effects that i did not have at 15mg like inability to orgasm, no desire, tremors, muscle jerks. My hypochondria was still strong on 20mg. I decided to go back down to 15mg in January after about 6 mths. I tapered to 17.5 mg and then to 15. I had some pretty mild withdrawal symptoms at first. Then, after a couple of weeks it hit me like a tonn of bricks.  Extreme fear, heart palpitations lasting all day (in waves), balance problems, insomnia etc. There was days when i feel better but today for example was a day of constant palpitations. It has been 2.5 mths since i started cutting down. I'm not even at 10mg (where i don't mind stating i guess for a while). I just want to see a light at the end of this wd tunnel.  

Any advice for the constant palpitations aside from meditation, exercise and staying calm?

Thanks for reading. 

In Despair.

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Welcome to SA. We are a volunteer ran site with member such as yourself going off or have gone off antipschotics such as yourself.


This is your introduction page where you receive information, ask questions and meet other members such as yourself. We ask that each member only have one introduction page so we can keep all your information on one place.


First, can you please create a signature. Thank you.


Instructions:  Withdrawal History Signature


Cipralex is a very strong antidepressant. And by the looks of your introduction, you tapered down too fast and that is what is causing your symptoms. Here on SA we don't suggest more than 10% a month when you taper.


Why taper by 10% of my dosage?


The slowness of slow tapers

Tips for tapering off escitalopram (Lexapro)


Brain Remodelling


We don't suggest supplements on here other that 2 as they can be stimulating to the CNS (central nervous system). If you wish to try one, try one in a small amount, wait a few days before introducing the other.



Omega-3 Fish Oil


Here are some links you may find helpful on some of your symptoms.


Fear, terror, panic, and anxiety


Anhedonia, apathy, demotivation, emotional numbness


Health anxiety, hypochondria, and obsession with symptoms


At this point, it would be best for you to hold at your current dose and not try to taper any further. You need to stabilize before tapering again.


If you have any questions after reading these links please do not hesitate to reach out to us. You've come to the right place.



Edited by Frogie

PREVIOUS medications and discontinuations: Have been on medications since 1996. 

 Valium, Gabapentin, Lamictal, Prilosec and Zantac from 2000 to 2015 with a fast taper by a psychiatrist.

 Liquid Lexapro Nov, 2016 to 31-March, 2019 Lexapro free!!! (total Lexapro taper was 4 years-started with pill form)

---CURRENT MEDICATIONS:Supplements:Milk Thistle, Metamucil, Magnesium Citrate, Vitamin D3, Levothyroxine 25mcg, Vitamin C, Krill oil.

Xanax 1mg 3x day June, 2000 to 19-September, 2020 Went from .150 grams (average weight of 1 Xanax) 3x day to .003 grams 3x day. April 1, 2021 went back on 1mg a day. Started tapering May 19, 2023. July 28, 2023-approximately .87mg. Dr. fast tapered me at the end and realized he messed up. Prescribe it again and I am doing "slower than a turtle" taper. Last dose June 24, 2024

19-September, 2020 Xanax free!!! (total Xanax taper was 15-1/2 months-1-June, 2019-19-September, 2020)

I am not a medical professional.

The suggestions I make are based on personal experience.

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