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Kathyliz: Any hope after having to quit gabapentin without taper?


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I was on gabapentin for nearly 3 years at a high dose of 1800 to 2400 mg per day when I began to notice diminished effectiveness and mildly unpleasant side effects.  I foolishly began tapering on my own, starting with a 25% reduction of maximum dose of 2400 mg daily, which felt comfortable since I had often taken 1800 mg without difficulty (2400 mg being the maximum only if needed).  Feeling fine at this familiar dose, after a short time I cut the dose another 25% to 1200 mg per day, again with no apparent negative effect.  I was holding steady at 1200 mg and feeling good when one evening, out of the blue, I suddenly experienced a very adverse reaction to my 'new normal' evening dose of 600 mg.  This was not a withdrawal experience but what I can only describe as a very sick, toxic, poisoned feeling.  (I have a history of these sudden, unexpected adverse reactions to a previously well tolerated medication.  It has happened over the years with oxycodone, lorazepam, and zolpidem).  I was so horrified by this sudden adverse reaction that I immediately stopped taking gabapentin but, not surprisingly, went into severe withdrawal.  On day three I called my primary care physician and started an attempted taper under her direction but was unable to tolerate gabapentin in even the most minute dose.  It stopped the withdrawal symptoms but consistently produced the sick, toxic feeling, also intolerable. After almost two weeks of unsuccessful tapering attempts my doctor advised me to discontinue gaba and referred me to a neurologist specializing in addiction medicine.  He informed me that there is no medication or treatment for gabapentin withdrawal and cheerfully wished me good luck.  More than two months later I am still in acute withdrawal and the symptoms seem to be worsening rather than resolving.  Has anyone else quit a high dose of gabapentin after extended use without being able to either taper or reinstate gaba and survived?  My current situation is surreal and does not feel survivable at this point so I am reaching out for some possible perspective.  All the information or experience I am able to find about gaba withdrawal is based on tapering.  So I feel I am between a rock and a hard place without hope.





gabapentin 2019 - 2022

2021 December: began gabapentin taper, initially without any difficulties

2022  January: sudden onset of severe adverse reaction to gabapentin; emergency taper attempted but had to be discontinued due to severe adverse reaction to any dosage amount

zolpidem 2019 - 2021

2021 October: sudden onset of severe adverse reaction to zolpidem.  Taper attempted but had to discontinued as above; no dosage could be tolerated.

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  • ChessieCat changed the title to Kathyliz: Any hope after having to quit gabapentin without taper?

Has anyone any experience with being prescribed nortriptylene for help with incapacitating gabapentin withdrawal?


I am considering my doctor's recent prescription for nortriptylene as a temporary help during horrific gabapentin withdrawal.  (I had a severe adverse reaction to gabapentin and was unable to continue tapering, hence my greatly exacerbated withdrawal symptoms, which are simply incapacitating and frankly unbearable, for more than two agonizing and debiliataing months...)

I am extremely cautious now about any doctor's prescription (although in this instance I have a genuinely concerned and compassionate primary care physician who is sincerely trying to help me in response to my acute distress).

Just reaching out for any possible feedback or experience of others as I consider my next step "between a rock and a hard place"...


Edited by ChessieCat
added Intro topic title before merging with intro topic

gabapentin 2019 - 2022

2021 December: began gabapentin taper, initially without any difficulties

2022  January: sudden onset of severe adverse reaction to gabapentin; emergency taper attempted but had to be discontinued due to severe adverse reaction to any dosage amount

zolpidem 2019 - 2021

2021 October: sudden onset of severe adverse reaction to zolpidem.  Taper attempted but had to discontinued as above; no dosage could be tolerated.

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  • Administrator

Welcome, @Kathyliz


On 4/6/2022 at 8:40 AM, Kathyliz said:

(I have a history of these sudden, unexpected adverse reactions to a previously well tolerated medication.  It has happened over the years with oxycodone, lorazepam, and zolpidem).


It appears you have a long history with benzodiazepines and gabapentin. Please indicate this in your signature.


Did you take them all at high dosages? For what condition?


It appears this last time around, you experienced a "sick, toxic, poisoned feeling" after making a few reductions from a very high dose. Did you also change your drug schedule, accidentally skip a dose, or drink alcohol before this reaction started?


On 4/7/2022 at 10:43 AM, Kathyliz said:

I am considering my doctor's recent prescription for nortriptylene as a temporary help during horrific gabapentin withdrawal. 


Why did your doctor decide nortriptyline was appropriate?

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

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  • Moderator Emeritus

@Kathyliz. Hey how are you?  I'm sure sorry you are suffering. I have no knowledge or wisdom about reinstatement as once I started going down I never went back up.  I sure would be hesitant to add another drug to your already confused CNS at this point. 

It seems in my experience on the Facebook group the folks who suffered the most were the ones that did a rapid taper or CT.  I do have to say even with my slow taper I was still experiencing some withdrawal symptoms at almost 2 years out. I believe that we can and do recover from this drug but it sure can take a long time. And some of us are left with long term issues, but I keep reminding myself that I will heal, just the same as any other person who has had a brain trauma has the capacity to heal, so do I. And I absolutely refuse to add any more Rx drugs to my body for now unless it's necessary to try to save my life. I will praybfor you and I hope you feel better soonest XO 




Polydrugged for many years after dx of Failed Back surgery.   Tapered from Lyrica from 2016 to 2020

Quit 10 mg oxycontin Sept 2021

currently taking 5mg oxycodone every 4 to 5 hours

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