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Depression is an event not a personal flaw


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I'm not sure if anyone else needs to hear this but one way of thinking that helped me was changing my thought pattern from, "I have depression" and all of the baggage that comes with it, to, "I am going through a depressed period." You aren't broken because you are going through a depressed period. In fact you're just human. Sometimes life is hard. It goes in waves for sure. There will be easy times and hard times in life. Sometimes the body and mind is just begging you for a break before it breaks. Anti-depressants allowed you to push that break away. It didn't solve the root cause nor give you the break you truly needed. When the medicine "poops out" for people is actually when the break can no longer be pushed off anymore but people just up their dose or change medicines and push the body/mind even further beyond its limits. Make sure to take a break at some point though. I know they suck. I know they feel unproductive and like the world is passing you by. But from what I've seen the world has gone crazy and is overly hectic anyways and missing the main points of living, so just let it pass you by in peace. 


You aren't depression ,you're just going through a hard time right now. I'm sending positive vibes, thoughts and prayers, good wishes and just generally hoping the best for you all!

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