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Why Do I LOOK for Things to be Anxious About?


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I was wondering if anyone else had noticed this tendency; when the anxiety starts going away for longer and longer periods of time...do you find yourself suddenly wondering if something is missing?? Like, shouldn't I be feeling anxious about something??


I do this, and it's almost like I'm groping after the feeling to make sure I don't lose control of... of what? One good thing about it though is when I start noticing this tendency it's because I'm feeling better.


Just wondered if others had noticed it in themselves as well.

20 + years on anti-depressants for depression, anxiety, PTSD. Titrated off 10 mg of Lexapro over the last 18 months - last dose was May 15, 2012.

Have mild brain zaps but mainly struggling with anxiety and disturbed sleep/insomnia. Also have a diagnosis of fibromyalgia, but do not take any other meds.

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i think that is just the nature of anxiety - l am the same..it is a good sign though that you can notice what is happening

Started in 2000 - On 150mg most of the time, (but up to 225mg at highest dose for 6 months in the beginning)
Reduced off easily first time - but got depressed (not too much anxiety) 6 months later
Back on effexor for another 9 months.
Reduced off again with no immediate w/d - suddenly got depressed and anxious ++ again 3 or 4 months later.
Back on effexor - this time for 3 years
Reduced off over a month - 6 weeks later terrible anxiety - back on.
Rinse and repeat 4 more times - each time the period before the anxiety comes back got shorter and shorter
Jan - July 2012 75mg down to 37.5mg;, 8/3/12 - 35mg. 8/25/12 - 32mg. 9/11- 28mg, 10/2 - 25mg, 10/29 - 22mg, 11/19 - 19.8mg; 12/11 - 17m,
1/1- 15.5mg; 1/22 -14mg, 2/7 14.9mg, 2/18 - 17.8mg - crashed big time: back to 75mg where i sat for 2 years....

4th  March 2015 - 67.5mg;   31st March - 60mg;  24th April - 53mg; 13th May - 48mg; 26th May - 45mg;  9th June - 41mg; 1 July- 37.5mg; 20 July - 34mg; 11 August - 31mg; 1st Sept - 28mg;  1st Dec - 25.8mg;  28th Dec - 23.2mg; 23rd Jan-21.9mg; Feb 7th- 21mg; March 1st - 20.1mg, March 30th - 18mg

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I did that this morning. I did not have an ounce of anxiety and was waiting for the "other shoe to drop."


I wasn't looking for anxiety, I was just shocked not to have had it :rolleyes:


When I realized I wasn't going to have it, I said Thank You God about 25 times. It made such a difference in my day, not waking with that crappola.



Intro: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/1902-nikki-hi-my-rundown-with-ads/


Paxil 1997-2004

Crossed over to Lexapro Paxil not available

at Pharmacies GSK halted deliveries

Lexapro 40mgs

Lexapro taper (2years)


Imipramine and Celexa

Now Nefazadone/Imipramine 50mgs. each

45mgs. Serzone  50mgs. Imipramine

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That's so great to hear from both of you.. your replies gave me hope.


Sometimes :blink: you've got to wonder about a mind (mine) that can feel anxious about not feeling anxious..

20 + years on anti-depressants for depression, anxiety, PTSD. Titrated off 10 mg of Lexapro over the last 18 months - last dose was May 15, 2012.

Have mild brain zaps but mainly struggling with anxiety and disturbed sleep/insomnia. Also have a diagnosis of fibromyalgia, but do not take any other meds.

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Ah yes! The "impending doom awaits" syndrome. I dont know for certain, but suspect this is related to a hyperalert fight or flight system, continually scanning the environment for danger. These powerful drugs disrupt (dampen) our Fight-flight-freeze response so that when drug is taken away, it becomes revved up, ready for danger/attack.


As I go through this and learn about the body's built in survival mechanisms and how these drugs interfere, i understand how they lead to violent crime and psychosis in some people.

Pristiq tapered over 8 months ending Spring 2011 after 18 years of polydrugging that began w/Zoloft for fatigue/general malaise (not mood). CURRENT: 1mg Klonopin qhs (SSRI bruxism), 75mg trazodone qhs, various hormonesLitigation for 11 years for Work-related injury, settled 2004. Involuntary medical retirement in 2001 (age 39). 2012 - brain MRI showing diffuse, chronic cerebrovascular damage/demyelination possibly vasculitis/cerebritis. Dx w/autoimmune polyendocrine failure.<p>2013 - Dx w/CNS Sjogren's Lupus (FANA antibodies first appeared in 1997 but missed by doc).

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Yeah, I had some of that while on vacation. I just started worrying about my vacation ending. It goes to show that you get used to everything, and it slowly becomes a part of you... you start to expect it. Depression is particularly "sticky" that way. I think that is why it helps to be out of your normal context sometimes... you have no markers to get you into your usual anxiety groove. It's like your mind enters a pattern and it becomes "you" and it wants to self-perpetuate. It's good to become aware of it and nip it in the bud.

'94-'08 On/off ADs. Mostly Zoloft & Wellbutrin, but also Prozac, Celexa, Effexor, etc.
6/08 quit Z & W after tapering, awful anxiety 3 mos. later, reinstated.
11/10 CTed. Severe anxiety 3 mos. later & @ 8 mos. much worse (set off by metronidazole). Anxiety, depression, anhedonia, DP, DR, dizziness, severe insomnia, high serum AM cortisol, flu-like feelings, muscle discomfort.
9/11-9/12 Waves and windows of recovery.
10/12 Awful relapse, DP/DR. Hydrocortisone?
11/12 Improved fairly quickly even though relapse was one of worst waves ever.

1/13 Best I've ever felt.

3/13 A bit of a relapse... then faster and shorter waves and windows.

4/14 Have to watch out for triggers, but feel completely normal about 80% of the time.

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