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I have a psych who believes in long term SSRI withdrawal syndrome and I had heard there was a list of helpful doctors by region stored on this site. Is there such a list? I would like to add my Psych.

Paxil 10mg 2004-2011

7.5mg 4months

5mg. 4months

2.5mg.8 months no wd issues

Dropped pax 4-10-12

5-9-12 started prozac to alleviate symptoms (no relief)

5-22-12 reinstated paxil 2.5mg

5-28-12 5mg pax (couldn't tolerate sides)

6-22-12 Pax 2.5

6-30-12 Pax O

Cerebrolysin to help with wd at 29 months. Horrible decision much worse.

Still suffering sever Brain fog, Confusion, slow thinking,And just feeling sick and weird (hard to explain),facial twitching, weakness, shaking and jerking

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Interesting. Does your doctor know how to gradually taper also? The topic is here http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/988-recommended-doctors-therapists-or-clinics/

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

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Interesting. Does your doctor know how to gradually taper also? The topic is here http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/988-recommended-doctors-therapists-or-clinics/



No I don't believe he is very familiar with proper tapering methods. He believes in the Prozac Protocal to help alleviate withdrawal symptoms. He has however seen many folks who have gone off these meds who years later are still suffering some symptoms and is a big believer in these medications having long lasting side withdrawal effects. That is a rarity.


Harold R. Jordan, M.D.Harold R. Jordan, M.D.

53 Center St

Northampton, MA 01060



Thanks for the link ALto.

Paxil 10mg 2004-2011

7.5mg 4months

5mg. 4months

2.5mg.8 months no wd issues

Dropped pax 4-10-12

5-9-12 started prozac to alleviate symptoms (no relief)

5-22-12 reinstated paxil 2.5mg

5-28-12 5mg pax (couldn't tolerate sides)

6-22-12 Pax 2.5

6-30-12 Pax O

Cerebrolysin to help with wd at 29 months. Horrible decision much worse.

Still suffering sever Brain fog, Confusion, slow thinking,And just feeling sick and weird (hard to explain),facial twitching, weakness, shaking and jerking

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Please add your experience with him and his contact information to the other topic. Thanks.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

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