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Debbie5, question on multiple meds

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I'm on olanzopine, klonopin and cymbalta.  I know it's ideal to wean off one at a time but I've been on klonopin for the fourth time now (weaned out 3 times successfully) and afriad I might be in tolerance.  Is it at all acceptable to try to wean off two drugs at once?  My plan is to get off of all these meds.  Thank  you!!

Olanzapine - Start 15mg Dec 25 2023; currently on 2mg

Klonopin - Start March 2023

Cymbalta - Started tapering 2023 but due to health crisis went back to original dose of 60mg

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Welcome @Debbie5


So we have a better understanding of your situation, can you first of all please put in your drug signature.


Just go to the top of the introduction page and you’ll find a thread entitled: “Please start a topic about yourself in this forum.” In the first paragraph you’ll find a link showing you how to do it. Thank you💛

Seroquel. 2019:➡️ From 7.25mg to 5.80mg. 2020➡️5.60 to 4.80. 2021➡️4.60 to 4.0.  2022➡️3.95 to 3.55. 2023➡️ From 3.50 to 3.25.  2024➡️Jan15=3.20✔️ Feb19=3.15✔️ March26=3.10✔️May1=3.0✔️ June7=3mg✔️ July 15= 2.95✔️ This is NOT medical advice.Consult your doctor.

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  • Carmie changed the title to Debbie5, question on multiple meds

What is easier to taper - klonopin or olanzapine.  Currently on both and tapering off of olanzapine.  Any insights welcomed.  thank you.  


Also, when i click "create new content" only "introductions..." and "success stories..." are available.  The other topics like tapering are not available to click on.  

Olanzapine - Start 15mg Dec 25 2023; currently on 2mg

Klonopin - Start March 2023

Cymbalta - Started tapering 2023 but due to health crisis went back to original dose of 60mg

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  • Moderator Emeritus
Posted (edited)

Hi again Debbie,


We all only get one introduction page. You have just started another, it’s easy to do. I think I may have done the same thing when I first came on this site. I’m unable to merge this with your original one, so you will have to wait until someone is able to do so. 

Could you please put in the amount of klonopin that you’re on in your signature as well. 

Yes, it’s best to taper olanzapine before tapering a benzodiazepine, as the benzodiazepine can help with the taper. How are you going with your taper? It’s always best to only taper one thing at a time.

Please taper no more than 10% of the last dose per month. Some people, like myself, are going much slower than this.


What are your symptoms like at the moment? 

The threads on tapering are on the home page, not on the create new content page. They are also on the forums page. 

Sending hugs🤗

Edited by Carmie

Seroquel. 2019:➡️ From 7.25mg to 5.80mg. 2020➡️5.60 to 4.80. 2021➡️4.60 to 4.0.  2022➡️3.95 to 3.55. 2023➡️ From 3.50 to 3.25.  2024➡️Jan15=3.20✔️ Feb19=3.15✔️ March26=3.10✔️May1=3.0✔️ June7=3mg✔️ July 15= 2.95✔️ This is NOT medical advice.Consult your doctor.

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Seems like I've read a ton of insomnia issues with weaning off Olanzapine, where the insomnia continues indefinitely.  Who is at risk for this and does this happen often.  I'm scared.  I've been doing 10% of previous dose every week and am under 2.5 and have zero side effects but fearful of this sleep issue (right now I sleep fine).  thank you.

Olanzapine - Start 15mg Dec 25 2023; currently on 2mg

Klonopin - Start March 2023

Cymbalta - Started tapering 2023 but due to health crisis went back to original dose of 60mg

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  • Moderator
6 hours ago, Debbie5 said:

I've been doing 10% of previous dose every week and am under 2.5 and have zero side effects but fearful of this sleep issue (right now I sleep fine).  thank you.


We recommend dropping no more than 10% of your previous dose per month so you are tapering faster at approximately 20% per month. You can read why we recommend 10% at Why taper by 10% of my dosage? This is especially important as you get to lower doses. Tapering at a slower rate should hopefully mean that you avoid withdrawal symptoms such as insomnia.


Pre- October 2022: Wellbutrin, Escitalopram, CitalopramSertraline, Adderall IR, Vyvanse, Propranolol, Buspar, Ativan, and Latuda

Oct 13, 2022 - Oct 24, 2022 and Oct 31, 2022 - Present: Zyprexa (2.5 mg). Jan 14, 2023 -> Began transition to liquid suspension. Jan 29, 2023 = 2.375mg -> Feb 12, 2023 = 2.25mg -> Feb 27, 2023 = 2.14mg -> Mar 12, 2023 = 2.025mg -> Mar 27, 2023 = 1.93mg -> Apr 10, 2023 = 1.82mg -> Apr 23, 2023 = 1.74mg -> May 7, 2023 = 1.64mg -> May 21, 2023 = 1.56mg -> June 4, 2023 = 1.48mg -> June 19, 2023 = 1.4mg -> July 2, 2023 = 1.33mg -> July 16, 2023 = 1.26mg -> July 31, 2023 = 1.2mg -> Aug 13, 2023 = 1.14mg -> Aug 27, 2023 = 1.08mg -> Sep 13, 2023 = 1.02mg -> Jan 22, 2024 = 0.97mg -> Feb 4, 2024 = 0.92mg -> Feb 19, 2024 = 0.87mg -> Mar 3, 2024 = 0.83mg -> Mar 17, 2024 = 0.78mg -> Mar 31, 2024 = 0.74mg -> Apr 14, 2024 = 0.7mg -> Apr 28, 2024 = 0.66mg -> May 12, 2024 = 0.63mg -> May 27, 2024 = 0.6mg -> June 9, 2024 = 0.57mg -> June 24, 2024 = 0.54mg -> July 6, 2024 = 0.51mg -> July 21, 2024 = 0.48mg

Oct 14, 2022 - Present: Prozac (40mg) upped from 20mg on Nov 1, 2022.

Oct 31, 2022 - Present: Gabapentin (300mg 3x day) -> May 3, 2023 = 300mg 2x day -> Oct 1, 2023 = 570mg -> Oct 15, 2023 = 540mg -> Oct 29, 2023 = 510mg -> Nov 13, 2023 = 484mg -> Nov 27, 2023 = 460mg -> Dec 9, 2023 = 436mg -> Dec 24, 2023 = 414mg -> Jan 7, 2024 = 400mg


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Hi Carmie,

Thanks for letting me know about only a one-time introduction page, I don't know how to post other than going up to create new content.   I don't even know how to respond to your post so I added this new one (which I know I'm not supposed to do) because I don't know of the other ways to post and ask questions.  Can you help me?


Olanzapine - Start 15mg Dec 25 2023; currently on 2mg

Klonopin - Start March 2023

Cymbalta - Started tapering 2023 but due to health crisis went back to original dose of 60mg

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  • Moderator
9 minutes ago, Debbie5 said:

I don't know how to post other than going up to create new content.   I don't even know how to respond to your post so I added this new one (which I know I'm not supposed to do) because I don't know of the other ways to post and ask questions. 


You would navigate to Forums -> Introductions and updates -> Find your thread (titled "Debbie5, question on multiple meds") -> Click on the Subject and then at the bottom of the page is an option to submit a reply.


Pre- October 2022: Wellbutrin, Escitalopram, CitalopramSertraline, Adderall IR, Vyvanse, Propranolol, Buspar, Ativan, and Latuda

Oct 13, 2022 - Oct 24, 2022 and Oct 31, 2022 - Present: Zyprexa (2.5 mg). Jan 14, 2023 -> Began transition to liquid suspension. Jan 29, 2023 = 2.375mg -> Feb 12, 2023 = 2.25mg -> Feb 27, 2023 = 2.14mg -> Mar 12, 2023 = 2.025mg -> Mar 27, 2023 = 1.93mg -> Apr 10, 2023 = 1.82mg -> Apr 23, 2023 = 1.74mg -> May 7, 2023 = 1.64mg -> May 21, 2023 = 1.56mg -> June 4, 2023 = 1.48mg -> June 19, 2023 = 1.4mg -> July 2, 2023 = 1.33mg -> July 16, 2023 = 1.26mg -> July 31, 2023 = 1.2mg -> Aug 13, 2023 = 1.14mg -> Aug 27, 2023 = 1.08mg -> Sep 13, 2023 = 1.02mg -> Jan 22, 2024 = 0.97mg -> Feb 4, 2024 = 0.92mg -> Feb 19, 2024 = 0.87mg -> Mar 3, 2024 = 0.83mg -> Mar 17, 2024 = 0.78mg -> Mar 31, 2024 = 0.74mg -> Apr 14, 2024 = 0.7mg -> Apr 28, 2024 = 0.66mg -> May 12, 2024 = 0.63mg -> May 27, 2024 = 0.6mg -> June 9, 2024 = 0.57mg -> June 24, 2024 = 0.54mg -> July 6, 2024 = 0.51mg -> July 21, 2024 = 0.48mg

Oct 14, 2022 - Present: Prozac (40mg) upped from 20mg on Nov 1, 2022.

Oct 31, 2022 - Present: Gabapentin (300mg 3x day) -> May 3, 2023 = 300mg 2x day -> Oct 1, 2023 = 570mg -> Oct 15, 2023 = 540mg -> Oct 29, 2023 = 510mg -> Nov 13, 2023 = 484mg -> Nov 27, 2023 = 460mg -> Dec 9, 2023 = 436mg -> Dec 24, 2023 = 414mg -> Jan 7, 2024 = 400mg


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