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Vagus Nerve Stimulation


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  • Moderator Emeritus

Can I ask does the vagus nerve settle down when we heal or is it a permanent problem


The vagus is a verve that connects so many other areas of our bodies.  It is one of (if not THE) major connection between body and brain.  It works in relationship with us and our body, so if we are healing in general, then that healing will include our vagus nerve. 


However, we can have a lot of influence over it - we don't just have to wait and hope.  This link Beyond Meds - Vagus nerve details many methods for stimulating the vagus, which helps to bring it into and keep it in working order.  Very useful for those suffering anxiety, digestive troubles, depression - myriads of issues. 



A neighbour who happened to be a paediatric surgeon said I could get my vagus nerve cut and it would solve a lot of my symptoms.


In light of all that, I'm horrified at the idea of cutting it!  Yikes!

2010  Fluoxetine 20mg.  2011  Escitalopram 20mg.  2013 Tapered badly and destabilised CNS.  Effexor 150mg. 

2015 Begin using info at SurvivingAntidepressants.  Cut 10% - bad w/d 2 months, held 1 month. 

Micro-tapering: four weekly 0.4% cuts, hold 4 weeks (struggling with symptoms).

8 month hold.

2017 Micro-tapering: four weekly 1% cuts, hold 4 weeks (symptoms almost non-existent).

2020 Still micro-tapering. Just over 2/3 of the way off effexor. Minimal symptoms, - and sleeping well.
Supplements: Fish oil, vitamin C, iron, oat-straw tea, nettle tea.

2023 December - Now on 5 micro-beads Effexor. Minimal symptoms but much more time needed between drops. Symptoms begin to increase.

2024 April - Updosed to 6 microbeads - immediate increase in symptoms for 4 days. Decreased to 5 microbeads.

 'The possibility of renewal exists so long as life exists.'  Dr Gabor Mate.

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Yes, I agree.


Of course, I was also told decades ago by a doctor, (possibly the same one) that "we do not need stomach acid", it is OK to cease its production.

I think the advocates of those putting millions of us on PPIs like Omeprazole (Losec) were of the same belief.  In any case, they used the same mantra.  

I have to say, though, that it was the only drug I found that seemed to be one that could be called a "miracle".  My gastric troubles were mostly absent for many years.

Now we know that the acid is essential for extracting vital benefit - e.g. B vitamins - from foods like greens.


I have had acid/stomach trouble since childhood, so recent ideas of the brain-gut link are interesting to me.

Born 1945. 

1999 - First Effexor/Venlafaxine

2016 Withdrawal research. Effexor.  13Jul - 212.5mg;  6Aug - 200.0mg;  24Aug - 187.5mg;  13Sep - 175.0mg;  3Oct - 162.5mg;  26Oct - 150mg 

2017  9Jan - 150.00mg;  23Mar - 137.50mg;  24Apr - 125.00mg;  31May - 112.50mg holding;  3Sep - 100.00mg;  20Sep - 93.75mg;  20Oct - 87.5mg;  12Nov - 81.25mg;  13 Dec - 75.00mg

2018  18Jan - 69.1mg; 16Feb - 62.5mg; 16March - 57.5mg (-8%); 22Apr - 56.3mg(-2%); CRASHED - Updose 29May - 62.5mg; Updose - 1Jul - 75.0mg. Updose - 2Aug - 87.5mg. Updose - 27Aug - 100.0mg. Updose - 11Oct 112.5mg. Updose - 6Nov 125.00mg

2019 Updoses 19 Jan - 150.0mg. 1April - 162.5mg. 24 April - Feeling better - doing tasks, getting outside.  7 May - usual depression questionnaire gives "probably no depression" result.

Supps/Vits  Omega 3;  Chelated Magnesium;  Prebiotics/Probiotics, Vit D3. 

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  • 1 year later...

This is a very old topic, but something that just came on my radar as I try to find ways to calm down.


Possibly useful References:








Does anyone have any experience with Transcutaneous Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation?


I am going to give taNVS a try along with many of the other easy at-home methods.

2006-2013: Amitriptyline 25mg QD at bedtime.

Oct 2014: Clonazepam 0.5mg at night for sleep. Gabapentin 600mg x2 daily for pain.

Dec 2014: CT Clonazepam & Gabapentin on doctor’s instruction, because it wasn't helping symptoms. Caused severe depression, anxiety, panic attacks. ER due to 3 days of no sleep. ER administered Lorazepam IV.

Dec 2014: Lorazepam - 0.250mg AM,  0.125mg PM, 0.250mg Beftime; Zoloft - 50mg

Feb 15 - March 11, 2015: Tapered Lorazepam at 0.125 mg ever 5 days. Too fast and very difficult.

June 1 - Oct 12, 2015: Tapered Zoloft from 50mg at 12.5 mg every 4 weeks. Last 2 weeks I took 12.5 mg every other day. Then CT'd at 12.5 mg.

Dec 4, 2015: Reinstated Zoloft 12.5 mg.

Nov 2018: 12.5 mg to 6.25 mg. Held for 2 months then CT'd 6.25 mg on Jan 26.

Feb 16, 2019: Reinstated Zoloft 5 mg

Dec 2019: CT Zoloft 5 mg. Did okay until August 2020.



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/9/2019 at 11:14 AM, JayUT said:

This is a very old topic, but something that just came on my radar as I try to find ways to calm down.


Possibly useful References:








Does anyone have any experience with Transcutaneous Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation?


I am going to give taNVS a try along with many of the other easy at-home methods.

Let me know how this goes for you!  Im also interested. 

med history: 17 years total

Concerta: 2 yrs - cold turkey, brought on first "depression" 

Short trials of Zoloft and Effexor: 1-3 years - multiple cold turkey's brought on OCD intrusive thoughts for the first time

Lexapro 15-20 mg (16 yrs)  - tried to quit once, cold turkey, worst WD ever, had to go on to 20mg to stop WD

Welbutrin 150mg (8-ish yrs) NO w/d symptoms from CT

Adderall 5-7.5mg (8-10-ish yrs) quit CT, brought on many WD symptoms, but manageable. 


Begin taper March 2018 Currently on 4.4 mg lexapro - down from 20mg


Symptoms depression, horrible intrusive thoughts and urges, new onset PMS/PMDD, constant extreme irritation and anger, visual hallucinations, irrational thinking patterns, panic, nausea, dizzy, intolerance to working out, chemical sensitivities, noise sensitivities, memory issues, heart palps, etc. 

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I do like using the TENS machine. It is subtle, but I do find it relaxing.


I have tried four methods:

  1. Tragus connection and ear lobe connection with 200 us at 20Hz in normal (i.e. continuous mode)
  2. Tragus to Concha Cymba with 200 us at 20Hz in normal (i.e. continuous mode)
  3. Concha Cymba to Ear Lobe with 200 us at 20Hz in in normal (i.e. continuous mode)
  4. Pads on either side of my spine on the back of my neck and two pads on my shoulder blades. I alternate between 200us at 20Hz normal and 200 us 5Hz burst mode.

1 and 4 seem to be the best for me. 2 provides some sense of calm. I don't like 3.


I feel like 1 calms my brain and nervous system very slightly. 4 is like a massage. I turn the power up to where it is perceived and comfortable, but never painful or uncomfortable.


I usually us it for 30 minutes at a time. I have used it up to 4 hours in a single day.


These ear clips worked best for my ears:


2006-2013: Amitriptyline 25mg QD at bedtime.

Oct 2014: Clonazepam 0.5mg at night for sleep. Gabapentin 600mg x2 daily for pain.

Dec 2014: CT Clonazepam & Gabapentin on doctor’s instruction, because it wasn't helping symptoms. Caused severe depression, anxiety, panic attacks. ER due to 3 days of no sleep. ER administered Lorazepam IV.

Dec 2014: Lorazepam - 0.250mg AM,  0.125mg PM, 0.250mg Beftime; Zoloft - 50mg

Feb 15 - March 11, 2015: Tapered Lorazepam at 0.125 mg ever 5 days. Too fast and very difficult.

June 1 - Oct 12, 2015: Tapered Zoloft from 50mg at 12.5 mg every 4 weeks. Last 2 weeks I took 12.5 mg every other day. Then CT'd at 12.5 mg.

Dec 4, 2015: Reinstated Zoloft 12.5 mg.

Nov 2018: 12.5 mg to 6.25 mg. Held for 2 months then CT'd 6.25 mg on Jan 26.

Feb 16, 2019: Reinstated Zoloft 5 mg

Dec 2019: CT Zoloft 5 mg. Did okay until August 2020.



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  • 7 months later...



Below is a great tool to improve the functioning of your vagus nerve that once strengthened can have great effects on anxiety/sleep and social engagement.


So far it is has really helped me at night sleeping.  Try it out for yourself if you would like to.  I also got it from the book called "Accessing the Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve" by Stanley Rosenberg.


Let me know your thoughts on it.  Just remember to not strain your eyes when doing it.




Vagus Nerve.JPG

Edited by Idlehnds

February 2017 started Ambien (Whatever the highest dose was) and Ativan 1.5mg

March 2017 started lexapro.  15mg  -Weaned off Ativan after about 2 months on it. 

Weaned off Ambien after 4 months on it every night.  Lexapro starting working and didn't need it.

April 2018 started reduced Lexapro.  15mg-12.5mg.

May 18' 10mg, June 18' 7.5mg, July 18' 5mg, August 18' 4.5mg, Sept 18' 4.0mg, Oct 18' 3.5mg, Nov 18' 3.0mg.

Jan 19' 2.5mg, February 19' 2.0mg, From here I went about .10mg drops at a time and sometimes more every 2 weeks depending on how I feel.  That was from February-August 20th 2019.

I got to .30mg and decided to jump off.  It was so small and decided I needed to face my fears.  I created nueral pathways in my brain that I was fearing withdrawal.

Lexapro 0.0mg 8/20/2019





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Ohhh yeah one more thing.  It puts your body into parasympathetic state pretty quickly I have noticed which is nice which is the rest and digest mode.

February 2017 started Ambien (Whatever the highest dose was) and Ativan 1.5mg

March 2017 started lexapro.  15mg  -Weaned off Ativan after about 2 months on it. 

Weaned off Ambien after 4 months on it every night.  Lexapro starting working and didn't need it.

April 2018 started reduced Lexapro.  15mg-12.5mg.

May 18' 10mg, June 18' 7.5mg, July 18' 5mg, August 18' 4.5mg, Sept 18' 4.0mg, Oct 18' 3.5mg, Nov 18' 3.0mg.

Jan 19' 2.5mg, February 19' 2.0mg, From here I went about .10mg drops at a time and sometimes more every 2 weeks depending on how I feel.  That was from February-August 20th 2019.

I got to .30mg and decided to jump off.  It was so small and decided I needed to face my fears.  I created nueral pathways in my brain that I was fearing withdrawal.

Lexapro 0.0mg 8/20/2019





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I also forgot to mention, that if you do this you might get light headed when standing up so take it slow.   It decreases your blood pressure which causes the slight light head feeling.  It goes away shortly.  

February 2017 started Ambien (Whatever the highest dose was) and Ativan 1.5mg

March 2017 started lexapro.  15mg  -Weaned off Ativan after about 2 months on it. 

Weaned off Ambien after 4 months on it every night.  Lexapro starting working and didn't need it.

April 2018 started reduced Lexapro.  15mg-12.5mg.

May 18' 10mg, June 18' 7.5mg, July 18' 5mg, August 18' 4.5mg, Sept 18' 4.0mg, Oct 18' 3.5mg, Nov 18' 3.0mg.

Jan 19' 2.5mg, February 19' 2.0mg, From here I went about .10mg drops at a time and sometimes more every 2 weeks depending on how I feel.  That was from February-August 20th 2019.

I got to .30mg and decided to jump off.  It was so small and decided I needed to face my fears.  I created nueral pathways in my brain that I was fearing withdrawal.

Lexapro 0.0mg 8/20/2019





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  • Moderator Emeritus


Thank you for this tip : did it for the first time this morning and I've been pretty amazed by how deeply I yawned after 30 seconds !


If you want To share other tips with us, I would be very glad To discover !


Have a Nice day !

2006 : 20mg Paxil+Bromazepam. 2008 : cold turkey of both. 2010 : Reinstatement 20mg Paxil + Bromazepam.

2014-June2017 : Switch from Bromazepam to Prazepam, slow taper to 0mg.

2018 to August 2019 : Paxil 20mg taper (3% every 15 days). 22 Aug 2019 updose to 10mg (was at 8.4mg).

25th Sept 2019 To April 2020 : found SA, holding at 10mg Paxil. 

April 2020 : Paxil 10mg to Prozac 7mg bridge. Details topic/21457


Current Supplements : magnesium citrate + fish oil

Current medication :

* 7pm Diazepam  : 0.85mg (15 Aug 2022) / 0.95 mg (24 April 2022) / 1mg Diazepam (since 29 Aug 2020)

* 8am Prozac : 6.16mg (25 oct 2022, feel awful, slight updose) / 6.08 mg (9 oct 2022) / 6.24mg (11 July 22) / 6.44mg (22 May 22) / 6.64mg (4 Nov 21) / 6.72mg (8 oct 21) / 6.8 mg (15 Sept 21)6.88mg (14 Aug 21)/ 6.92mg (23 Jun 21)


I am not a professional, I don't give medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for sharing this tip with us! I look forward to trying this 

fully off meds for five years. was on lamictal for 8 years, topomax for almost 2 @ same time as lamictal, before that was on a cocktail including fluvoxamine, prozac, wellbutrin, zoloft, and more starting from age 12 to age 22


"You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert repenting. You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves. Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine...Whoever you are, no matter how lonely, the world offers itself to your imagination, calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting - over and over announcing your place in the family of things." - Mary Oliver 

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  • 1 year later...
  • Moderator Emeritus

I'm going to give this a shot.  I'll let you know how it works. 

Please do not private message me.  Only tag me for urgent questions about tapering and reinstating - thank you.  


***Please note this is not medical advice.  Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a doctor who understands psych meds and how to withdraw from them, if you can find one.


Lexapro   Started Apr 15 2010 - 10 mg;  started taper August 2017, recent taper info: Apr 2 '20  0.18 mg; Jul 16  0.17 mg, Aug 23  0.16 mg, Oct 7  0.15 mg, Nov 8 - 0.14, Jan 16 '21 - 0.13, Feb 7 - 0.12, Feb 22 - 0.11, Mar 26 - 0.10, May 21 - 0.09, June 15 - 0.08 Aug 16 - 0.07, Oct 6 - 0.06, Nov 21 0.05, Dec. 17 0.04, Jan 14 '22 0.03, Feb 19 0.02, Apr 18 0.01, May 15 0.005,  Jul 8, 0.00.  Psych Drug Free as of July 8, 2022!!  Woohoo!!!

other meds: Levothyroxine 75 mg

magnesium in small amounts at 4 AM, before bed

suppl AM: fish oil, flax oil, vit C, vit E, multivitamin, zinc

suppl 8 PM: magnesium 350 mg, extended release vitamin C, melatonin 2 mg


Paxil 2002 - 2010, switched to Lexapro 2010 

Trazodone 50 mg. 2002 - 2019, fast tapered in 2019 

Xanax 0.5 mg as needed 2002 - 2019, up to 3x weekly 

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Hi @getofflex, did you manage to try this? Did it work?

▪︎2000 - Seroxat (25mg?) 6 months C/T

▪︎2015 - 7.5mg Zopiclone 1 month C/T

▪︎ 2016 - 2018 - Diazapam and Phenergan occasionally for sleep

▪︎2017 June to Oct - Mirtazapine 7.5mg C/T

▪︎2018 April - 2019 Oct Mirtazapine 7.5mg tapered to 1.5mg.

▪︎2019 October - Mirtazapine 1.5mg (Skipped alternate doses on doctor's advice then stopped - Insomnia.) Phenergan

▪︎2020 Jan 6th - Mirtazapine 1.5mg

▪︎2020 Jan 13th - Mirtazapine 7.5mg

▪︎2020 - Feb - May, holding 7.5mg

▪︎2020 1st June, 7.35mg. 27 June, 7.2mg. 7 July, 7.05mg. 18 July, 6.9mg. 28 July, 6.75mg. 27 Aug, 6.6mg. 7 Sep, 6.45mg. 17 Sep, 6.6mg. Crash/Hold

▪︎2022 - 4 Feb, 6.45mg. 24 Mar, 6.3mg. 13 May, 6.15mg. 13 July, 6mg. 10 Aug, 5.85mg.

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  • Moderator Emeritus

@Ripley yes I tried it.  I didn't feel the urge to yawn or sigh.  At least I gave it a shot.  I seem to be sleeping pretty well without doing this.  

Edited by getofflex

Please do not private message me.  Only tag me for urgent questions about tapering and reinstating - thank you.  


***Please note this is not medical advice.  Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a doctor who understands psych meds and how to withdraw from them, if you can find one.


Lexapro   Started Apr 15 2010 - 10 mg;  started taper August 2017, recent taper info: Apr 2 '20  0.18 mg; Jul 16  0.17 mg, Aug 23  0.16 mg, Oct 7  0.15 mg, Nov 8 - 0.14, Jan 16 '21 - 0.13, Feb 7 - 0.12, Feb 22 - 0.11, Mar 26 - 0.10, May 21 - 0.09, June 15 - 0.08 Aug 16 - 0.07, Oct 6 - 0.06, Nov 21 0.05, Dec. 17 0.04, Jan 14 '22 0.03, Feb 19 0.02, Apr 18 0.01, May 15 0.005,  Jul 8, 0.00.  Psych Drug Free as of July 8, 2022!!  Woohoo!!!

other meds: Levothyroxine 75 mg

magnesium in small amounts at 4 AM, before bed

suppl AM: fish oil, flax oil, vit C, vit E, multivitamin, zinc

suppl 8 PM: magnesium 350 mg, extended release vitamin C, melatonin 2 mg


Paxil 2002 - 2010, switched to Lexapro 2010 

Trazodone 50 mg. 2002 - 2019, fast tapered in 2019 

Xanax 0.5 mg as needed 2002 - 2019, up to 3x weekly 

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  • 1 month later...
On 10/21/2012 at 11:09 AM, Altostrata said:

My acupuncturist does full-body acupuncture. He has an MD and a PhD in neurophysiology.


Please let me clarify: He's given me treatments to CALM and STABILIZE vagus nerve activity, not to stimulate the vagus nerve!


The symptoms he was dealing with were spells of disorientation, buzzing in the chest, palpitations, or tachycardia accompanied by a lot of stomach gas and belching. (Also known as "autonomic dumping.")


Because the vagus nerve affects both heart rate and stomach activity, he thought my vague nerve was "irritated," which is a bad thing. (I don't know what irritates it. I am suspecting sitting a long time at the computer might be involved.)


I don't know what would happen if you stimulated your vagus nerve.


Wow... I suffer from a lot of belching. Even before withdrawal... And I had some auricular acupuncture for smoking cessation after which my belching got so bad that I lost 10lb in 3 weeks and I was put on mirtazapine.


@Altostrata Am wondering if the acupuncture screwed my vagus nerve, and withdrawal made it worse.. and if going back to acupuncture after 4 years may help recovery.. 


My craniosacral therapist resets the vagus pathway when my pelvis goes off balance,which provides me with immediate relief but it doesn't last.


I found a lot of good information here - https://raphaelholisticblog.com/tag/sick-vagus-recovery/





Chronic IBS since 1990

Former smoker (1992- Jun 2017)

Prescribed mirtazapine for sleep in Aug 2017 after IBS flare-up following Nicotine cessation.

Mirtazapine 7.5mg 8/17 to 5/18

Mirtazapine 3.75mg 5/18 to 1/19

Off Mirtazapine since 2/19.

Vit B, Vit D+K2 and Magnesium Glycinate as needed.

On Ayurvedic herbs for GI issues - Guduchi since Jul 2020, Indukantham since Oct 2020

On Ashwagandha 1g since Nov 2020



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  • Administrator

I'm sorry, there is no way for me to know what the effect of acupuncture might have had on your vagus nerve or any nerve. If you try something and it makes you worse, don't do the same thing again, at least for a good while.


Please appreciate my time is limited and do not tag me unless it's necessary.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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On 5/22/2021 at 11:42 AM, Altostrata said:

I'm sorry, there is no way for me to know what the effect of acupuncture might have had on your vagus nerve or any nerve. If you try something and it makes you worse, don't do the same thing again, at least for a good while.


Please appreciate my time is limited and do not tag me unless it's necessary.


I really appreciate you response.. Was interested in your experience with acupuncture to calm the vagus nerve..especially since you mentioned excessive gas and belching which is what I have been dealing with mostly, in addition to temperature sensitivity.


I have always wondered if it is sympathetic overactivation or parasympathetic overactivation, whether I needed to calm the vagus nerve as opposed to stimulating it (which is supposed to engage the parasympathetic nervous system). 


It appears that we are stuck in a state of overcorrection for a while, and I agree with you - if it hurts, dont do it.. :)..

Chronic IBS since 1990

Former smoker (1992- Jun 2017)

Prescribed mirtazapine for sleep in Aug 2017 after IBS flare-up following Nicotine cessation.

Mirtazapine 7.5mg 8/17 to 5/18

Mirtazapine 3.75mg 5/18 to 1/19

Off Mirtazapine since 2/19.

Vit B, Vit D+K2 and Magnesium Glycinate as needed.

On Ayurvedic herbs for GI issues - Guduchi since Jul 2020, Indukantham since Oct 2020

On Ashwagandha 1g since Nov 2020



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  • 6 months later...
On 2/10/2015 at 8:34 PM, Moonlitelotus said:

Pretty sure my vegal nerve gets over stimulated from eating. That's why I get shortness of breath and acid reflux after eating I believe. My most uncomfortable symptom.so acupuncture can calm this nerve? I need that. Sorry alto I hope you don't mind me posting this.

I also am wondering about this. Does anyone have any insight?

Current: Bupropion 450mg, Neurontin 800mg, Klonopin 0.5mg


July 2020: started Cogentin 1mg, Lamictal 50mg, Zoloft 150mg, Zyprexa 5mg (+5mg as needed), Klonopin 0.5mg

November 2020: stopped all meds cold-turkey

February 2021: started Latuda 60mg, Lithium 300mg, Melatonin 5mg, Protonix 40mg, Topamax 25mg

2 weeks later: stopped Topamax, increased Lithium 900mg, started Klonopin 1mg, Lexapro 20mg, Neurontin 400mg

April 2021: started Bupropion 150mg, Revia ?mg

May 2021: stopped ReviaProtonixLexaproincreased Neurontin 800mg, started Celexa 10mg

August 2021: decreased Celexa 5mg (stopped Celexa 2 weeks later), increased Bupropion 300mg

September 2021: increased Latuda 80mg

October 2021: decreased Lithium 600mg for 4 daysLithium 300mg for 4 daysstopped LithiumLatuda

     increased Bupropion 450mg, started Remeron 15mg, decreased Remeron 7.5mg, stopped Remeron

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18 hours ago, ThatOneGirlStitch said:

I also am wondering about this. Does anyone have any insight?


Acupuncture  balances the internal energies of the body. This is similar to the beliefs in other traditional systems of treatment, where you can be diagnosed with a particular type of imbalance in certain elements (fire, water, metal, earth, air etc). 


In my experience, the skill and experience of the acupuncturist is very critical in getting the right treatment. You want someone who is not dogmatic and can correct courses if a particular treatment is not working. It also takes a few sessions to see how the body is responding as this is not instantaneous, especially for chronic conditions that have existed for decades.


I am taking acupuncture treatment for the past two months, and in general, I am finding that it has helped me with a couple of things - temperature tolerance (I can withstand heat and cold for longer) and reduced fight/flight response.  As a result, I have also been able to sleep for longer, and my gut has been more stable. Of course, drastic weather changes can still flare up symptoms, but I am able to recover faster.









Chronic IBS since 1990

Former smoker (1992- Jun 2017)

Prescribed mirtazapine for sleep in Aug 2017 after IBS flare-up following Nicotine cessation.

Mirtazapine 7.5mg 8/17 to 5/18

Mirtazapine 3.75mg 5/18 to 1/19

Off Mirtazapine since 2/19.

Vit B, Vit D+K2 and Magnesium Glycinate as needed.

On Ayurvedic herbs for GI issues - Guduchi since Jul 2020, Indukantham since Oct 2020

On Ashwagandha 1g since Nov 2020



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11 hours ago, tsranga said:

Acupuncture  balances the internal energies of the body. This is similar to the beliefs in other traditional systems of treatment, where you can be diagnosed with a particular type of imbalance in certain elements (fire, water, metal, earth, air etc). 


In my experience, the skill and experience of the acupuncturist is very critical in getting the right treatment. You want someone who is not dogmatic and can correct courses if a particular treatment is not working. It also takes a few sessions to see how the body is responding as this is not instantaneous, especially for chronic conditions that have existed for decades.


I am taking acupuncture treatment for the past two months, and in general, I am finding that it has helped me with a couple of things - temperature tolerance (I can withstand heat and cold for longer) and reduced fight/flight response.  As a result, I have also been able to sleep for longer, and my gut has been more stable. Of course, drastic weather changes can still flare up symptoms, but I am able to recover faster.

Thank you for your reply. Im hoping to stabilize my gut. Im finished the first month of acupuncture. So far still having trouble eating. But I hope that will change :)

Current: Bupropion 450mg, Neurontin 800mg, Klonopin 0.5mg


July 2020: started Cogentin 1mg, Lamictal 50mg, Zoloft 150mg, Zyprexa 5mg (+5mg as needed), Klonopin 0.5mg

November 2020: stopped all meds cold-turkey

February 2021: started Latuda 60mg, Lithium 300mg, Melatonin 5mg, Protonix 40mg, Topamax 25mg

2 weeks later: stopped Topamax, increased Lithium 900mg, started Klonopin 1mg, Lexapro 20mg, Neurontin 400mg

April 2021: started Bupropion 150mg, Revia ?mg

May 2021: stopped ReviaProtonixLexaproincreased Neurontin 800mg, started Celexa 10mg

August 2021: decreased Celexa 5mg (stopped Celexa 2 weeks later), increased Bupropion 300mg

September 2021: increased Latuda 80mg

October 2021: decreased Lithium 600mg for 4 daysLithium 300mg for 4 daysstopped LithiumLatuda

     increased Bupropion 450mg, started Remeron 15mg, decreased Remeron 7.5mg, stopped Remeron

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 10/21/2012 at 11:09 AM, Altostrata said:

My acupuncturist does full-body acupuncture. He has an MD and a PhD in neurophysiology.


Please let me clarify: He's given me treatments to CALM and STABILIZE vagus nerve activity, not to stimulate the vagus nerve!


The symptoms he was dealing with were spells of disorientation, buzzing in the chest, palpitations, or tachycardia accompanied by a lot of stomach gas and belching. (Also known as "autonomic dumping.")


Because the vagus nerve affects both heart rate and stomach activity, he thought my vague nerve was "irritated," which is a bad thing. (I don't know what irritates it. I am suspecting sitting a long time at the computer might be involved.)


I don't know what would happen if you stimulated your vagus nerve.

@Altostrata if you don't mind, would you be willing to share the name of your acupuncturist? 


I have been going to one for the last 3 months, and while it seems to have helped me sleep a bit more consistently,  I still have frequent delayed gastric motility which causes a lot of burping, visceral sensitivity and triggers temperature disregulation, BP fluctuation and a host of other issues - sinus pressure, anxiety, sensory hypersensitivity, feet and leg paresthesia, cold and painful hands and legs. 


I have confirmed that it is some sort of vagus nerve disorder (I already had IBS which has bloating and burping as main issue), but post mirtazapine, I seem to have autonomic dysfunction.


Maybe there is something that I could pass onto my acupuncturist for calming the vagus nerve (essentially returning the body to homeostasis from a SNS/PNS perspective). I definitely see that this as the root cause.





Chronic IBS since 1990

Former smoker (1992- Jun 2017)

Prescribed mirtazapine for sleep in Aug 2017 after IBS flare-up following Nicotine cessation.

Mirtazapine 7.5mg 8/17 to 5/18

Mirtazapine 3.75mg 5/18 to 1/19

Off Mirtazapine since 2/19.

Vit B, Vit D+K2 and Magnesium Glycinate as needed.

On Ayurvedic herbs for GI issues - Guduchi since Jul 2020, Indukantham since Oct 2020

On Ashwagandha 1g since Nov 2020



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  • Administrator

Sorry, I haven't seen my acupuncturist for years. I believe he's retired.

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55 minutes ago, Altostrata said:

Sorry, I haven't seen my acupuncturist for years. I believe he's retired.

No worries. I am dealing with excess heat symptoms the last two days as it warmed up (reflux/heating up trying to sleep, and feeling faint after exercise and a shower this morning.). 

Chronic IBS since 1990

Former smoker (1992- Jun 2017)

Prescribed mirtazapine for sleep in Aug 2017 after IBS flare-up following Nicotine cessation.

Mirtazapine 7.5mg 8/17 to 5/18

Mirtazapine 3.75mg 5/18 to 1/19

Off Mirtazapine since 2/19.

Vit B, Vit D+K2 and Magnesium Glycinate as needed.

On Ayurvedic herbs for GI issues - Guduchi since Jul 2020, Indukantham since Oct 2020

On Ashwagandha 1g since Nov 2020



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  • 5 months later...

Vagus Nerve Repair Exercises To Help With Sleep, Anxiety, and Stress


This link was sent to me by my acupuncturist. There are very simple exercises you can do to help improve Vagal Tone that can help with anxiety, sleep, and stress.




Edited by ChessieCat
added topic title before merging with existing topic

Current Psychiatric Medications

  1. Paxil 10mg daily (a.m.) 2017 - Present
  2. Carbamazepine IR  150 mg twice daily (300mg Daily) 2011 - Present (Currently Tapering)

Past Psychiatric Medications From 1994 to August 2021   Seroquel (in Recovery since August 2021 final dose 6.25mg), Depakote, Lithium, Risperidone, Xanax, Lamotrigene, Olanzapine, Lorazepam, Welbutrin, Trazodone, Oxazepam, Gabapentin, Abilify, Topiramate, Prazosin, Ambien (See Attached Spreadsheet And Seroquel Tapering And WIthdrawal Summary)

Current Non Psychiatric Medications Levothyroxine 88mcg (a.m.)-Vitamin D3 1000 IU (p.m.)-Fexofenadine 180 mg twice daily -Clonidine 0.1 mg (p.m.)-Azelastine / Ipratropium / Nasacort Nasal Spray

Other - Fish Oil Twice Daily-Multi-Vitamin (a.m.)-Vitamin C 1000mg Daily (a.m.)-Saline Nasal Spray-Salsalate 750mg twice daily PRN, Diclofenac Gel on affected joint PRN-Magnesium Citrate 250mg twice daily


Quitting Seroquel_A Vacation In Hell_Redacted.pdf

Other Documents https://www.survivingantidepressants.org/topic/26099-feralcatman-recovering-from-seroquel/?do=findComment&comment=633907



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On 7/1/2022 at 7:59 AM, FeralCatman said:

This link was sent to me by my acupuncturist. There are very simple exercises you can do to help improve Vagal Tone that can help with anxiety, sleep, and stress.




I do all of that listed and it has  been very helpful in my healing. However, there is still ways to go. My issues is specifically around the parasympathetic system that seems to be having trouble regulating itself.   I am mostly symptom free when I am active, but as soon as I lie down, my sleep, digestion, temperature regulation and breathing are all competing for attention. On a good day I can fall asleep immediately, on a bad night I am sleepless. Thankfully, things are improving slowly and acupuncture has really helped.. until COVID hit me yesterday.. and I am dealing with a flare.


I visited an autonomic specialist two days ago and he mentioned that my ankle jerk reflex and left abdomen reflex are abnormal. This is what I suspected all along, but the question remains as to what exactly is causing this abnormality - something in the vagus nerve that is connected to the abdomen, legs and sinus (they all act in concert especially my left side). The hope is that he said many of my other reflexes have improved compared to last year, so hopefully this will also heal in time. 


Speaking of vagus nerve stimulation, I have a strong suspicion that an auricular acupuncture treatment for addiction inadvertently must have triggered a vagus nerve flare, leading me down the mirtazapine path.. 



Chronic IBS since 1990

Former smoker (1992- Jun 2017)

Prescribed mirtazapine for sleep in Aug 2017 after IBS flare-up following Nicotine cessation.

Mirtazapine 7.5mg 8/17 to 5/18

Mirtazapine 3.75mg 5/18 to 1/19

Off Mirtazapine since 2/19.

Vit B, Vit D+K2 and Magnesium Glycinate as needed.

On Ayurvedic herbs for GI issues - Guduchi since Jul 2020, Indukantham since Oct 2020

On Ashwagandha 1g since Nov 2020



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  • 2 weeks later...

@tsrangaI have been using the Cranial Electrical Stimulation (CES) device prescribed by the Department of Veterans Affairs. It is the Alpha Stim-M device. It doesn't seem to hurt. Not sure if it really helps but it does seem to relax you. Most of what I have read shows it seems to help people. I have seen a couple of comments that for those in WD these devices can make things worse but not much to back it up. Do you have any input?

Current Psychiatric Medications

  1. Paxil 10mg daily (a.m.) 2017 - Present
  2. Carbamazepine IR  150 mg twice daily (300mg Daily) 2011 - Present (Currently Tapering)

Past Psychiatric Medications From 1994 to August 2021   Seroquel (in Recovery since August 2021 final dose 6.25mg), Depakote, Lithium, Risperidone, Xanax, Lamotrigene, Olanzapine, Lorazepam, Welbutrin, Trazodone, Oxazepam, Gabapentin, Abilify, Topiramate, Prazosin, Ambien (See Attached Spreadsheet And Seroquel Tapering And WIthdrawal Summary)

Current Non Psychiatric Medications Levothyroxine 88mcg (a.m.)-Vitamin D3 1000 IU (p.m.)-Fexofenadine 180 mg twice daily -Clonidine 0.1 mg (p.m.)-Azelastine / Ipratropium / Nasacort Nasal Spray

Other - Fish Oil Twice Daily-Multi-Vitamin (a.m.)-Vitamin C 1000mg Daily (a.m.)-Saline Nasal Spray-Salsalate 750mg twice daily PRN, Diclofenac Gel on affected joint PRN-Magnesium Citrate 250mg twice daily


Quitting Seroquel_A Vacation In Hell_Redacted.pdf

Other Documents https://www.survivingantidepressants.org/topic/26099-feralcatman-recovering-from-seroquel/?do=findComment&comment=633907



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On 7/16/2022 at 3:51 AM, FeralCatman said:

@tsrangaI have been using the Cranial Electrical Stimulation (CES) device prescribed by the Department of Veterans Affairs. It is the Alpha Stim-M device. It doesn't seem to hurt. Not sure if it really helps but it does seem to relax you. Most of what I have read shows it seems to help people. I have seen a couple of comments that for those in WD these devices can make things worse but not much to back it up. Do you have any input?

I have heard about it, but I am not really keen on trying it out as I had a pretty bad reaction to auricular acupuncture for quitting smoking, and that's what I suspect triggered me into a flare that got me into antidepressants.. 


Here is some interesting stuff on it, and I believe they left the needles too long in my ears (overnight).


"Sue teaches patients to understand their addiction as a result of brain wiring, and ear acupuncture as a method that helps with neurochemical imbalances and a practice that stimulates the vagus nerve, which has been shown to help substance addiction (Terry Jr. & Zabara, 2014)." 




In my case, it probably irritated the vagus nerve and made it overactive. Typically, vagus nerve stimulation techniques are used to elicit the parasympathetic response, and I suspect I have excess parasympathetic activity since I do much better when I am active than when I am at rest.



Edited by tsranga

Chronic IBS since 1990

Former smoker (1992- Jun 2017)

Prescribed mirtazapine for sleep in Aug 2017 after IBS flare-up following Nicotine cessation.

Mirtazapine 7.5mg 8/17 to 5/18

Mirtazapine 3.75mg 5/18 to 1/19

Off Mirtazapine since 2/19.

Vit B, Vit D+K2 and Magnesium Glycinate as needed.

On Ayurvedic herbs for GI issues - Guduchi since Jul 2020, Indukantham since Oct 2020

On Ashwagandha 1g since Nov 2020



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@tsrangado you know of any way to test ANS dominance at home? Would be nice to know which side of the fence I am on. I do know that it is much more common to be sympathetic dominant vs. parasympathetic dominant.

Current Psychiatric Medications

  1. Paxil 10mg daily (a.m.) 2017 - Present
  2. Carbamazepine IR  150 mg twice daily (300mg Daily) 2011 - Present (Currently Tapering)

Past Psychiatric Medications From 1994 to August 2021   Seroquel (in Recovery since August 2021 final dose 6.25mg), Depakote, Lithium, Risperidone, Xanax, Lamotrigene, Olanzapine, Lorazepam, Welbutrin, Trazodone, Oxazepam, Gabapentin, Abilify, Topiramate, Prazosin, Ambien (See Attached Spreadsheet And Seroquel Tapering And WIthdrawal Summary)

Current Non Psychiatric Medications Levothyroxine 88mcg (a.m.)-Vitamin D3 1000 IU (p.m.)-Fexofenadine 180 mg twice daily -Clonidine 0.1 mg (p.m.)-Azelastine / Ipratropium / Nasacort Nasal Spray

Other - Fish Oil Twice Daily-Multi-Vitamin (a.m.)-Vitamin C 1000mg Daily (a.m.)-Saline Nasal Spray-Salsalate 750mg twice daily PRN, Diclofenac Gel on affected joint PRN-Magnesium Citrate 250mg twice daily


Quitting Seroquel_A Vacation In Hell_Redacted.pdf

Other Documents https://www.survivingantidepressants.org/topic/26099-feralcatman-recovering-from-seroquel/?do=findComment&comment=633907



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10 hours ago, FeralCatman said:

@tsrangado you know of any way to test ANS dominance at home? Would be nice to know which side of the fence I am on. I do know that it is much more common to be sympathetic dominant vs. parasympathetic dominant.

The ANSAR test is supposed to diagnose this.  However, I believe that in dysautonomia, the problem is that both branches can be operational and to paraphrase, it's like pressing the brakes and accelerator at the same time..   In my experience, I find that activity helps me regulate my body better than rest.  So I am not sure if it balances out the excess sympathetic response during the day, and it doesn't explain why I am symptomatic when at rest. 

Chronic IBS since 1990

Former smoker (1992- Jun 2017)

Prescribed mirtazapine for sleep in Aug 2017 after IBS flare-up following Nicotine cessation.

Mirtazapine 7.5mg 8/17 to 5/18

Mirtazapine 3.75mg 5/18 to 1/19

Off Mirtazapine since 2/19.

Vit B, Vit D+K2 and Magnesium Glycinate as needed.

On Ayurvedic herbs for GI issues - Guduchi since Jul 2020, Indukantham since Oct 2020

On Ashwagandha 1g since Nov 2020



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@tsrangaI had not heard of that test but I'm going to look into it. You're paraphrase seems accurate because that is exactly what it feels like sometimes.

Current Psychiatric Medications

  1. Paxil 10mg daily (a.m.) 2017 - Present
  2. Carbamazepine IR  150 mg twice daily (300mg Daily) 2011 - Present (Currently Tapering)

Past Psychiatric Medications From 1994 to August 2021   Seroquel (in Recovery since August 2021 final dose 6.25mg), Depakote, Lithium, Risperidone, Xanax, Lamotrigene, Olanzapine, Lorazepam, Welbutrin, Trazodone, Oxazepam, Gabapentin, Abilify, Topiramate, Prazosin, Ambien (See Attached Spreadsheet And Seroquel Tapering And WIthdrawal Summary)

Current Non Psychiatric Medications Levothyroxine 88mcg (a.m.)-Vitamin D3 1000 IU (p.m.)-Fexofenadine 180 mg twice daily -Clonidine 0.1 mg (p.m.)-Azelastine / Ipratropium / Nasacort Nasal Spray

Other - Fish Oil Twice Daily-Multi-Vitamin (a.m.)-Vitamin C 1000mg Daily (a.m.)-Saline Nasal Spray-Salsalate 750mg twice daily PRN, Diclofenac Gel on affected joint PRN-Magnesium Citrate 250mg twice daily


Quitting Seroquel_A Vacation In Hell_Redacted.pdf

Other Documents https://www.survivingantidepressants.org/topic/26099-feralcatman-recovering-from-seroquel/?do=findComment&comment=633907



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24 minutes ago, FeralCatman said:

@tsrangaI had not heard of that test but I'm going to look into it. You're paraphrase seems accurate because that is exactly what it feels like sometimes.

 Yes.. I am exactly in the middle of a flare..  this morning my internal heat started ramping up, I had low BP along with gut pain and loose BMs which helped me cool down, but the AC kicked in and was too much, resulting in leg cramps and high BP and I have the chills. But its still warm outside.

Chronic IBS since 1990

Former smoker (1992- Jun 2017)

Prescribed mirtazapine for sleep in Aug 2017 after IBS flare-up following Nicotine cessation.

Mirtazapine 7.5mg 8/17 to 5/18

Mirtazapine 3.75mg 5/18 to 1/19

Off Mirtazapine since 2/19.

Vit B, Vit D+K2 and Magnesium Glycinate as needed.

On Ayurvedic herbs for GI issues - Guduchi since Jul 2020, Indukantham since Oct 2020

On Ashwagandha 1g since Nov 2020



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@tsrangaThst's a real bummer and I'm sorry to hear that you have to go through that. I know you have said that some things are improving so hopefully all of these symptoms will lessen for you over time. It's continuing to amaze me just how much you're nervous system can take little things and really mess you up.

Current Psychiatric Medications

  1. Paxil 10mg daily (a.m.) 2017 - Present
  2. Carbamazepine IR  150 mg twice daily (300mg Daily) 2011 - Present (Currently Tapering)

Past Psychiatric Medications From 1994 to August 2021   Seroquel (in Recovery since August 2021 final dose 6.25mg), Depakote, Lithium, Risperidone, Xanax, Lamotrigene, Olanzapine, Lorazepam, Welbutrin, Trazodone, Oxazepam, Gabapentin, Abilify, Topiramate, Prazosin, Ambien (See Attached Spreadsheet And Seroquel Tapering And WIthdrawal Summary)

Current Non Psychiatric Medications Levothyroxine 88mcg (a.m.)-Vitamin D3 1000 IU (p.m.)-Fexofenadine 180 mg twice daily -Clonidine 0.1 mg (p.m.)-Azelastine / Ipratropium / Nasacort Nasal Spray

Other - Fish Oil Twice Daily-Multi-Vitamin (a.m.)-Vitamin C 1000mg Daily (a.m.)-Saline Nasal Spray-Salsalate 750mg twice daily PRN, Diclofenac Gel on affected joint PRN-Magnesium Citrate 250mg twice daily


Quitting Seroquel_A Vacation In Hell_Redacted.pdf

Other Documents https://www.survivingantidepressants.org/topic/26099-feralcatman-recovering-from-seroquel/?do=findComment&comment=633907



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5 hours ago, FeralCatman said:

@tsrangaThst's a real bummer and I'm sorry to hear that you have to go through that. I know you have said that some things are improving so hopefully all of these symptoms will lessen for you over time. It's continuing to amaze me just how much you're nervous system can take little things and really mess you up.

Yes. I thought I was getting better too.. but some of my old symptoms have come back in response to weather changes, so not sure if it's a seasonal thing (which it could be) or there are new triggers like COVID and some new yoga postures..


The positive is that the symptoms seem to run through pretty quickly.. previously I would have symptoms stay for a few days or a week. Today there is variety every day - don't know if that's a good thing to be so unpredictable when you are trying to stabilize. 


But this seems to be par for the course for healing.


Chronic IBS since 1990

Former smoker (1992- Jun 2017)

Prescribed mirtazapine for sleep in Aug 2017 after IBS flare-up following Nicotine cessation.

Mirtazapine 7.5mg 8/17 to 5/18

Mirtazapine 3.75mg 5/18 to 1/19

Off Mirtazapine since 2/19.

Vit B, Vit D+K2 and Magnesium Glycinate as needed.

On Ayurvedic herbs for GI issues - Guduchi since Jul 2020, Indukantham since Oct 2020

On Ashwagandha 1g since Nov 2020



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@tsranga I would say that's a good thing. I think it means your body is getting more efficient at dealing with whatever imbalances happen to be occurring at the moment and you can move through them quicker. I'd call it a sign of healing myself.

Current Psychiatric Medications

  1. Paxil 10mg daily (a.m.) 2017 - Present
  2. Carbamazepine IR  150 mg twice daily (300mg Daily) 2011 - Present (Currently Tapering)

Past Psychiatric Medications From 1994 to August 2021   Seroquel (in Recovery since August 2021 final dose 6.25mg), Depakote, Lithium, Risperidone, Xanax, Lamotrigene, Olanzapine, Lorazepam, Welbutrin, Trazodone, Oxazepam, Gabapentin, Abilify, Topiramate, Prazosin, Ambien (See Attached Spreadsheet And Seroquel Tapering And WIthdrawal Summary)

Current Non Psychiatric Medications Levothyroxine 88mcg (a.m.)-Vitamin D3 1000 IU (p.m.)-Fexofenadine 180 mg twice daily -Clonidine 0.1 mg (p.m.)-Azelastine / Ipratropium / Nasacort Nasal Spray

Other - Fish Oil Twice Daily-Multi-Vitamin (a.m.)-Vitamin C 1000mg Daily (a.m.)-Saline Nasal Spray-Salsalate 750mg twice daily PRN, Diclofenac Gel on affected joint PRN-Magnesium Citrate 250mg twice daily


Quitting Seroquel_A Vacation In Hell_Redacted.pdf

Other Documents https://www.survivingantidepressants.org/topic/26099-feralcatman-recovering-from-seroquel/?do=findComment&comment=633907



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1 hour ago, FeralCatman said:

@tsranga I would say that's a good thing. I think it means your body is getting more efficient at dealing with whatever imbalances happen to be occurring at the moment and you can move through them quicker. I'd call it a sign of healing myself.

 That is what I keep affirming to myself.  Thank you. 

Chronic IBS since 1990

Former smoker (1992- Jun 2017)

Prescribed mirtazapine for sleep in Aug 2017 after IBS flare-up following Nicotine cessation.

Mirtazapine 7.5mg 8/17 to 5/18

Mirtazapine 3.75mg 5/18 to 1/19

Off Mirtazapine since 2/19.

Vit B, Vit D+K2 and Magnesium Glycinate as needed.

On Ayurvedic herbs for GI issues - Guduchi since Jul 2020, Indukantham since Oct 2020

On Ashwagandha 1g since Nov 2020



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  • 2 months later...
On 7/16/2022 at 6:51 AM, FeralCatman said:

@tsrangaI have been using the Cranial Electrical Stimulation (CES) device prescribed by the Department of Veterans Affairs. It is the Alpha Stim-M device. It doesn't seem to hurt. Not sure if it really helps but it does seem to relax you. Most of what I have read shows it seems to help people. I have seen a couple of comments that for those in WD these devices can make things worse but not much to back it up. Do you have any input?

@tsranga I had to stop using the device. It started giving me headaches which is a known side effect. I am trying it as a TENS unit to see if it helps with AS pain and this back injury pain I have been dealing with.


Current Psychiatric Medications

  1. Paxil 10mg daily (a.m.) 2017 - Present
  2. Carbamazepine IR  150 mg twice daily (300mg Daily) 2011 - Present (Currently Tapering)

Past Psychiatric Medications From 1994 to August 2021   Seroquel (in Recovery since August 2021 final dose 6.25mg), Depakote, Lithium, Risperidone, Xanax, Lamotrigene, Olanzapine, Lorazepam, Welbutrin, Trazodone, Oxazepam, Gabapentin, Abilify, Topiramate, Prazosin, Ambien (See Attached Spreadsheet And Seroquel Tapering And WIthdrawal Summary)

Current Non Psychiatric Medications Levothyroxine 88mcg (a.m.)-Vitamin D3 1000 IU (p.m.)-Fexofenadine 180 mg twice daily -Clonidine 0.1 mg (p.m.)-Azelastine / Ipratropium / Nasacort Nasal Spray

Other - Fish Oil Twice Daily-Multi-Vitamin (a.m.)-Vitamin C 1000mg Daily (a.m.)-Saline Nasal Spray-Salsalate 750mg twice daily PRN, Diclofenac Gel on affected joint PRN-Magnesium Citrate 250mg twice daily


Quitting Seroquel_A Vacation In Hell_Redacted.pdf

Other Documents https://www.survivingantidepressants.org/topic/26099-feralcatman-recovering-from-seroquel/?do=findComment&comment=633907



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21 hours ago, FeralCatman said:

@tsranga I had to stop using the device. It started giving me headaches which is a known side effect. I am trying it as a TENS unit to see if it helps with AS pain and this back injury pain I have been dealing with.



That is unfortunate.  

Chronic IBS since 1990

Former smoker (1992- Jun 2017)

Prescribed mirtazapine for sleep in Aug 2017 after IBS flare-up following Nicotine cessation.

Mirtazapine 7.5mg 8/17 to 5/18

Mirtazapine 3.75mg 5/18 to 1/19

Off Mirtazapine since 2/19.

Vit B, Vit D+K2 and Magnesium Glycinate as needed.

On Ayurvedic herbs for GI issues - Guduchi since Jul 2020, Indukantham since Oct 2020

On Ashwagandha 1g since Nov 2020



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