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Muscle Testing


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I've spent time practicing muscle testing myself and have reached a point where I am able to derive a benefit from it... (I think.)


Muscle testing has helped me with finding dosages and foods and I've cut down on adverses substantially. I wish i was a little better at it but I am a general believer that muscle testing can be useful for me.


Anyone else?

"Well my ship's been split to splinters and it's sinking fast
I'm drowning in the poison, got no future, got no past
But my heart is not weary, it's light and it's free
I've got nothing but affection for all those who sailed with me.

Everybody's moving, if they ain't already there
Everybody's got to move somewhere
Stick with me baby, stick with me anyhow
Things should start to get interesting right about now."

- Zimmerman

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What is muscle testing Alex? Is it like kinesiology? ( Not sure if that's the right spelling) 

A friend of mine used to do some testing with foods and tested muscle strength while holding

different things. Would love to hear about your experience.

**I am not a medical professional, if in doubt please consult a doctor with withdrawal knowledge.



Different drugs occasionally (mostly benzos) 1976 - 1981 (no problem)

1993 - 2002 in and out of hospital. every type of drug + ECT. Staring with seroxat

2002  effexor. 

Tapered  March 2012 to March 2013, ending with 5 beads.

Withdrawal April 2013 . Reinstated 5 beads reduced to 4 beads May 2013

Restarted taper  Nov 2013  

OFF EFFEXOR Feb 2015    :D 

Tapered atenolol and omeprazole Dec 2013 - May 2014


Tapering tramadol, Feb 2015 100mg , March 2015 50mg  

 July 2017 30mg.  May 15 2018 25mg

Taking fish oil, magnesium, B12, folic acid, bilberry eyebright for eye pressure. 


My story http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/4199-hello-mammap-checking-in/page-33


Lesson learned, slow down taper at lower doses. Taper no more than 10% of CURRENT dose if possible



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I've seen this done for a number of things, but it seems pretty subjective unless you can somehow exert the same exact force for your muscles and also rule out muscle fatigue.

'94-'08 On/off ADs. Mostly Zoloft & Wellbutrin, but also Prozac, Celexa, Effexor, etc.
6/08 quit Z & W after tapering, awful anxiety 3 mos. later, reinstated.
11/10 CTed. Severe anxiety 3 mos. later & @ 8 mos. much worse (set off by metronidazole). Anxiety, depression, anhedonia, DP, DR, dizziness, severe insomnia, high serum AM cortisol, flu-like feelings, muscle discomfort.
9/11-9/12 Waves and windows of recovery.
10/12 Awful relapse, DP/DR. Hydrocortisone?
11/12 Improved fairly quickly even though relapse was one of worst waves ever.

1/13 Best I've ever felt.

3/13 A bit of a relapse... then faster and shorter waves and windows.

4/14 Have to watch out for triggers, but feel completely normal about 80% of the time.

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It can be pretty subjective at times.


I think that it's a skill really, and not one I am master a master of... But I do think it's helped me to make choices and it's occasionally very useful... I try to muscle test every thing I take before I take it and then to test the individual pill. Usually I end up discarding most of the supplement before it will test ok. I know a lot of people do not believe in muscle testing, however I think there is something to it, for many things at the very least.



"Well my ship's been split to splinters and it's sinking fast
I'm drowning in the poison, got no future, got no past
But my heart is not weary, it's light and it's free
I've got nothing but affection for all those who sailed with me.

Everybody's moving, if they ain't already there
Everybody's got to move somewhere
Stick with me baby, stick with me anyhow
Things should start to get interesting right about now."

- Zimmerman

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  • 2 years later...

Is this the same as kinesiology?


I've seen a couple of Kinesiologists over the years. The first one I looked back at and thought "what a load of crap". I saw her for about 10 months.

The second one who I saw a couple of years ago was a very pragmatic, intelligent woman who had been a medical doctor before becoming a kinesiologist.


Almost a year into treatment she said that I should have some benefit by now which I didn't, so I stopped treatment.

One of the last things she said to me was "people will tell you to stop taking medication, but don't listen, you need them, you're very sick". :unsure:

That's kinda confusing now.

Dx ASD, Bipolar 2 & cPTSD

It started well before this (1990) but...


2008 - came off Efexor & Seoquel

2008? - 2016 Cymbalta, Lithium, Valium prn

(2015 - Valdoxan < 1 month 2016 - Provigil < 1 month

2016 - Straterra < 1 month)


March 2016 - Cymbalta, Lithium, Valium prn

March - start tapering Cymbalta by 10% April 10th - reduce May 1st - reduce May 24th - cold turkey (acupuncturist fool) - pretty bad withdrawal

May 27th - re-instate. June 29th - reduce. August 11th reduce. Sept 14th - reduce. Oct 23rd reduce. Nov 20th - reduce. Nov 29th - PROZAC SWITCH - started at equivalent dose to Cymbalta. 1/2 Lovan in 30ml water - take 10ml. Reduced by 1 ml at differing intervals - 3-5 weeks - until May 12th.

May12th - Antidepressant free!!

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  • 2 months later...

The muscle testing (applied kinesiology or applied clinical nutrition) has been the 3rd most helpful thing for me. It's hard to totally endorse for other people though because the quality depends on the skill of the practitioner. I have been pretty badly screwed up by following advice from different practitioners who weren't coming up with the correct results.


However, it's been extremely helpful. To say again: It's been extremely helpful, extremely helpful. If you are willing to poke around with it, you will discover a lot of truth behind it, just be careful!


I have found a couple of practitioners who are affordable and available in my area and I frequently see them to assess my progress and get recommendations. But i am really unlike any other client that they see so communication is a challenge and the learning curve requires they hurt me at the beginning, if you see what I mean?


There are basically four pieces of information I am looking for during a checkup.


1. What body area or organs are under stress?

2. What is the source of the stress?

3. What can remedy or balance the stressor?

4. Of the rememdy can I tolerate it and, if so, at what dose?


And once I have them then I can make a desision about what to do on my own. So the muscle testing is very very helpful to me.

"Well my ship's been split to splinters and it's sinking fast
I'm drowning in the poison, got no future, got no past
But my heart is not weary, it's light and it's free
I've got nothing but affection for all those who sailed with me.

Everybody's moving, if they ain't already there
Everybody's got to move somewhere
Stick with me baby, stick with me anyhow
Things should start to get interesting right about now."

- Zimmerman

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AlexJuice, It's good to hear from you. When I read back on older threads your approach to withdrawal always resonates with me. I work with many things you explore...diet, homeopathy, herbals, body work, and most recently I've honed in my ability to muscle test. I am 2 yrs off and ut's been sheer hell.


I'm treating my daughter for chronic lyme that she's had since age 3 and in the lyme world everything is recommended to be muscle tested bc like us there are so many layers of toxicity and if you're not addressing the top most one, you are creating more chaos and symptoms in the body. Have you read Amy B Scher's book - How to Heal Yourself When No One Else Can." I almost didnt order it bc it sounded so gimmicky but it's been really helpful on the myscle testing front.


How long has it been for you? How is your withdrawal pattern these days?


I hope you are finding more peace. Green

9/2006 Began Lexapro

1/2014 Began taper from 15mg 

Cut dose by 2.5 mg every two weeks or until stabilized 

5/25/2014 Last dose 


Experienced: Anxiety/depression, intrusive thoughts, dizziness, de-personalization, mood swings, stomach pains, nausea, headaches, gastro upset, anger, many spells of brain fog, chills, water retention, hypoglycemia, heart palpitations, weight gain, light headedness, muscle constriction - jaw, chest, neck, cortisol surges waking me several times at night with heart racing, blurry eyesight / visual snow, neuropathic pain, burning/numbness in hands and feet, muscle twitching, light sensitivity, sinuses, temperature disregulation, ear zaps, FEAR, hopelessness, doom and gloom, muscle spasms and tension across whole body, low energy, apathy, depression, constant post nasal drip, ear pain, jaw pain and cracking, tooth pain, burning/tingling/numbing, right rib cage pain FOREVER, lymph congestion, hypersensitivity to many foods and many supplements, bladder/ urination issues, creaky bones, sallow, yellow skin on hands/feet, emotional dysregulation, back pain, vivid dreams, mucus, peeling lips.


What's left: Low energy some days, muscle pain, hormone imbalance, GI stuff here and there, eye floaters, peeling, red lips.



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I haven't read that book. I myself was diagnosed with Lyme via a blood test so I am very familiar with approaches to Lyme disease. I am sorry to hear of your daughters condition.


I don't really muscle test myself because I can't get as good a reading as I need. So I am dependent on someone else to do it for me. I do the muscle testing because without the feedback from it, I am at a loss for what to try because the consequences are so dire if I do the wrong thing. Like you say, the order is important, and if I try to push the back railcart when the whole train is stopped ahead of it, I derail the whole thing.


I still have a lot of health challenges related to environmental illness and autoimmunity and I still have remnant symptoms from psychiatry. In fact this weekend my nervous system went nut job on me and I was struggling with deciding if I should go to the ER. So I went in for the hand scan and my nervous system was pretty shot and the computer recommended a complex nerve tonic called NeuroVen. Even though the software believed this product would help restore my nervous system I did not ever think of trying the product because it would have spun me sideways. The software uses the same system to recommend as muscle testing but it can still lead me into a trap. There needs to be human discernment on top of it.


I looked like a chemo patient on the verge of death a couple of years ago, and I am not looking like this anymore. My labwork was a mess but today the labs are better. I have some remaining problems that are still serious. It took me a long time to bog myself down to the extent that I have and even after 3 or 4 yrs, I am not totally out of the woods.


I sleep better now and I am a lot less sensitive to the world around me. But I have some structural and physical problems that are sort of like the result of erosion. My bone will take a couple of years at least to restore. My brain and memory and nervous system at this point, is probably my best system, so that's a change from before. And I just know much more about how to avoid problems or minimize setback severity. 


Overall, I can't complain ya know?

"Well my ship's been split to splinters and it's sinking fast
I'm drowning in the poison, got no future, got no past
But my heart is not weary, it's light and it's free
I've got nothing but affection for all those who sailed with me.

Everybody's moving, if they ain't already there
Everybody's got to move somewhere
Stick with me baby, stick with me anyhow
Things should start to get interesting right about now."

- Zimmerman

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Even though the software


What software is this? Are you talking for the Zyto scanner?

What happened and how I arrived here: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/4243-cymbaltawithdrawal5600-introduction/#entry50878


July 2016 I have decided to leave my story here at SA unfinished. I have left my contact information in my profile for anyone who wishes to talk to me. I have a posting history spanning nearly 4 years and 3000+ posts all over the site.


Thank you to all who participated in my recovery. I'll miss talking to you but know that I'll be cheering you on from the sidelines, suffering and rejoicing with you in spirit, as you go on in your journey.

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yea, the zyto software.

"Well my ship's been split to splinters and it's sinking fast
I'm drowning in the poison, got no future, got no past
But my heart is not weary, it's light and it's free
I've got nothing but affection for all those who sailed with me.

Everybody's moving, if they ain't already there
Everybody's got to move somewhere
Stick with me baby, stick with me anyhow
Things should start to get interesting right about now."

- Zimmerman

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We've used Zyto for input as well but never follow their supplement recommendations. For my daughter, we started seeing a Klinghardt trained practitioner who uses ART and after the first appt we've seen improvement. We saw nothing but setbacks after a year of following our LLMD's herbal "protocol", ie, nothing was customized and she was just following some generic steps.


I am so sensitized by the withdrawal that I swing like a pendulum when holding the substance - food or supplement - up to my body. Testing has allowed me confirm suspicions, ie my body aches are parasitic in nature or my heafache is hormonal, etc. based on what supplements my body is calling for. I might have Lyme as well but what's the point finding out at this juncture as I can't tolerate highpotency herbals and really want to avoid antibiotics. I'm also growing to believe it doesn't matter what you call the toxic body stste...Lyme, w/d, candida, mold, etc - it still needs detox in a speed that is tolerable to the whole organism.


You should be very proud of your attitude! You've been through a lot if you've stared into the fangs of lyme and w/d. It's nasty, awful stuff that we are largely left alone to muddle through and try to discover what works for us.

9/2006 Began Lexapro

1/2014 Began taper from 15mg 

Cut dose by 2.5 mg every two weeks or until stabilized 

5/25/2014 Last dose 


Experienced: Anxiety/depression, intrusive thoughts, dizziness, de-personalization, mood swings, stomach pains, nausea, headaches, gastro upset, anger, many spells of brain fog, chills, water retention, hypoglycemia, heart palpitations, weight gain, light headedness, muscle constriction - jaw, chest, neck, cortisol surges waking me several times at night with heart racing, blurry eyesight / visual snow, neuropathic pain, burning/numbness in hands and feet, muscle twitching, light sensitivity, sinuses, temperature disregulation, ear zaps, FEAR, hopelessness, doom and gloom, muscle spasms and tension across whole body, low energy, apathy, depression, constant post nasal drip, ear pain, jaw pain and cracking, tooth pain, burning/tingling/numbing, right rib cage pain FOREVER, lymph congestion, hypersensitivity to many foods and many supplements, bladder/ urination issues, creaky bones, sallow, yellow skin on hands/feet, emotional dysregulation, back pain, vivid dreams, mucus, peeling lips.


What's left: Low energy some days, muscle pain, hormone imbalance, GI stuff here and there, eye floaters, peeling, red lips.



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You might be interested in this warrior mom's crusade to heal herself and her family. Take good care!




9/2006 Began Lexapro

1/2014 Began taper from 15mg 

Cut dose by 2.5 mg every two weeks or until stabilized 

5/25/2014 Last dose 


Experienced: Anxiety/depression, intrusive thoughts, dizziness, de-personalization, mood swings, stomach pains, nausea, headaches, gastro upset, anger, many spells of brain fog, chills, water retention, hypoglycemia, heart palpitations, weight gain, light headedness, muscle constriction - jaw, chest, neck, cortisol surges waking me several times at night with heart racing, blurry eyesight / visual snow, neuropathic pain, burning/numbness in hands and feet, muscle twitching, light sensitivity, sinuses, temperature disregulation, ear zaps, FEAR, hopelessness, doom and gloom, muscle spasms and tension across whole body, low energy, apathy, depression, constant post nasal drip, ear pain, jaw pain and cracking, tooth pain, burning/tingling/numbing, right rib cage pain FOREVER, lymph congestion, hypersensitivity to many foods and many supplements, bladder/ urination issues, creaky bones, sallow, yellow skin on hands/feet, emotional dysregulation, back pain, vivid dreams, mucus, peeling lips.


What's left: Low energy some days, muscle pain, hormone imbalance, GI stuff here and there, eye floaters, peeling, red lips.



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I am famiiar with klinghardt trained practitioners -- it's a very good system for finding problems. Klinghardt is a smart guy too. I've listened to him in interviews. That said, I had problems with his system mainly because the recommended dosages were much too much. The Klinghardt doc I saw didnt touch me when doing the testing. I've found that all the systems that don't actually touch my body end up giving me impossibly high dosages. Also a big part of my problem is mold metabolites in the air and this is not really Klinghardt strong suit.


Basically, if the doc isn't touchung me, they are misreading my nervous system. But they can still get appropriate answers to the first 3 questions I listed above.


Sounds like you are doing great work for your daughter, keep it up!

"Well my ship's been split to splinters and it's sinking fast
I'm drowning in the poison, got no future, got no past
But my heart is not weary, it's light and it's free
I've got nothing but affection for all those who sailed with me.

Everybody's moving, if they ain't already there
Everybody's got to move somewhere
Stick with me baby, stick with me anyhow
Things should start to get interesting right about now."

- Zimmerman

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Interesting point. Thanks! Yes, I'm anazed at the dosages my 11 yo can tolerate. They'd send me for a loop.

Oh- I must thank you as well for sharing your experiences with homeopathic potentized SSRI's. My homeopath has been pushing for two yrs to try them in a CEASE like sequence but after reading that it didn't work for you I took a pass and continued with constifutionals and Nosodes.


I'm not sure where you live Alex but if you have any Lyme or otherwise recommendations for practitioners on the east coast, please PM me. We're outside NYC. It's heart breaking seeing your kid suffer so much and not know what it's like to feel normal. Thanks!!

9/2006 Began Lexapro

1/2014 Began taper from 15mg 

Cut dose by 2.5 mg every two weeks or until stabilized 

5/25/2014 Last dose 


Experienced: Anxiety/depression, intrusive thoughts, dizziness, de-personalization, mood swings, stomach pains, nausea, headaches, gastro upset, anger, many spells of brain fog, chills, water retention, hypoglycemia, heart palpitations, weight gain, light headedness, muscle constriction - jaw, chest, neck, cortisol surges waking me several times at night with heart racing, blurry eyesight / visual snow, neuropathic pain, burning/numbness in hands and feet, muscle twitching, light sensitivity, sinuses, temperature disregulation, ear zaps, FEAR, hopelessness, doom and gloom, muscle spasms and tension across whole body, low energy, apathy, depression, constant post nasal drip, ear pain, jaw pain and cracking, tooth pain, burning/tingling/numbing, right rib cage pain FOREVER, lymph congestion, hypersensitivity to many foods and many supplements, bladder/ urination issues, creaky bones, sallow, yellow skin on hands/feet, emotional dysregulation, back pain, vivid dreams, mucus, peeling lips.


What's left: Low energy some days, muscle pain, hormone imbalance, GI stuff here and there, eye floaters, peeling, red lips.



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Your daughter hasn't taken the psych meds? If no, then I'd think she is probably being dosed appropriately. I should clarify, I have problems with the doses because my nervous system is sensitive from the meds.


Ya know, as much as the sensitivity is a bad thing, one advantage is I can feel very profoundly what is going to be good for me or whats hurting. Before my tapering,  skeptical of homeopathy bc my mom took me to a practitioner once when I was 10 yrs after a neighborhood friend talked her into trying this all natural type doctor. So I got some homeopathic rememdies and I really couldn't tell if it was doing anything at all. But in the last few years I can absolutely feel the effects of homeopathics, oh man is that true! I've had some detox remedies rock my brain so hard that I couldnt walk straight and I was so discomboluted I feared I'd never be able to walk again. I wouldnt mess around with homeopathic versions of the antidepressants, you are smart not to do so!


I see all of life through binoculaurs with this sensitivity, so it's often just too much info, too loud, too bright ... but also there are benefits of seeing things more finely and feeling the details, see what I mean?


I am in central Texas. I don't know of a good practitioner in NY, wish I did! If your daughter is having good results, I'd stick with what you are doing. Hang in there and take your time!

"Well my ship's been split to splinters and it's sinking fast
I'm drowning in the poison, got no future, got no past
But my heart is not weary, it's light and it's free
I've got nothing but affection for all those who sailed with me.

Everybody's moving, if they ain't already there
Everybody's got to move somewhere
Stick with me baby, stick with me anyhow
Things should start to get interesting right about now."

- Zimmerman

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No, I haven't let any conventional doctor near her for awhile. After many tens of thousands of dollars, ridiculous "diagnoses" and loads of drugs offered, she was my first experience in iatrogenesis. I've learned A LOT since then.


Homeopathy is the real deal. I cured some awful drug effect / babesia like cardiac symptoms and all chemical sensitivities before I tapered off Lexapro too quickly. The homeopathic prescriptions while I've been in withdrawal have been great for acute issues but haven't moved the overall detox process. It's like my body knows what to do to rid me of this and no matter what I try to do to move it along the body views it as just interference. But you know....sensitized CNS stuff.


I'm glad you have found gratitude and see the benefits of this state we're in. Really. I think it is a major sign of healing.


My father is dying of cancer and I just had to cancel a trip to visit him at the very last minute thanks to a bad wave of symptoms so I'm feeling pretty angry about this whole mess and struggling to find the lesson in the suffering. But it's there...just hasn't been clear in the last few years.


Been really nice chatting with you and passing a wavy day!

9/2006 Began Lexapro

1/2014 Began taper from 15mg 

Cut dose by 2.5 mg every two weeks or until stabilized 

5/25/2014 Last dose 


Experienced: Anxiety/depression, intrusive thoughts, dizziness, de-personalization, mood swings, stomach pains, nausea, headaches, gastro upset, anger, many spells of brain fog, chills, water retention, hypoglycemia, heart palpitations, weight gain, light headedness, muscle constriction - jaw, chest, neck, cortisol surges waking me several times at night with heart racing, blurry eyesight / visual snow, neuropathic pain, burning/numbness in hands and feet, muscle twitching, light sensitivity, sinuses, temperature disregulation, ear zaps, FEAR, hopelessness, doom and gloom, muscle spasms and tension across whole body, low energy, apathy, depression, constant post nasal drip, ear pain, jaw pain and cracking, tooth pain, burning/tingling/numbing, right rib cage pain FOREVER, lymph congestion, hypersensitivity to many foods and many supplements, bladder/ urination issues, creaky bones, sallow, yellow skin on hands/feet, emotional dysregulation, back pain, vivid dreams, mucus, peeling lips.


What's left: Low energy some days, muscle pain, hormone imbalance, GI stuff here and there, eye floaters, peeling, red lips.



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I can only imagine how hard it is to care for your daughter while still coping with your Rx w/d symptoms. I am sure it's a lot to deal with. I think you are doing a great job though and your daughter is lucky to have you for a parent! Keep up the good work!

"Well my ship's been split to splinters and it's sinking fast
I'm drowning in the poison, got no future, got no past
But my heart is not weary, it's light and it's free
I've got nothing but affection for all those who sailed with me.

Everybody's moving, if they ain't already there
Everybody's got to move somewhere
Stick with me baby, stick with me anyhow
Things should start to get interesting right about now."

- Zimmerman

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My deepest thanks, alex. We had a rough day all around yesterday and I kept reading your message.


Some days you just need that one little glimmer of hope or positive connection with someone who can relate to keep you going forward.


Thank you.

9/2006 Began Lexapro

1/2014 Began taper from 15mg 

Cut dose by 2.5 mg every two weeks or until stabilized 

5/25/2014 Last dose 


Experienced: Anxiety/depression, intrusive thoughts, dizziness, de-personalization, mood swings, stomach pains, nausea, headaches, gastro upset, anger, many spells of brain fog, chills, water retention, hypoglycemia, heart palpitations, weight gain, light headedness, muscle constriction - jaw, chest, neck, cortisol surges waking me several times at night with heart racing, blurry eyesight / visual snow, neuropathic pain, burning/numbness in hands and feet, muscle twitching, light sensitivity, sinuses, temperature disregulation, ear zaps, FEAR, hopelessness, doom and gloom, muscle spasms and tension across whole body, low energy, apathy, depression, constant post nasal drip, ear pain, jaw pain and cracking, tooth pain, burning/tingling/numbing, right rib cage pain FOREVER, lymph congestion, hypersensitivity to many foods and many supplements, bladder/ urination issues, creaky bones, sallow, yellow skin on hands/feet, emotional dysregulation, back pain, vivid dreams, mucus, peeling lips.


What's left: Low energy some days, muscle pain, hormone imbalance, GI stuff here and there, eye floaters, peeling, red lips.



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