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Fitby50 my intro story long over due


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I have been a member to this site since May 2013 but have never entered an Into for this forum. I was soooooo relieved when I found this website, it was so wonderful to hear stories from others like myself. Knowing one is not alone in plight can be so enlightening.


I also find the fact that many women first started AD drugs after giving birth so interesting, and yet probably should be having their female hormones more closely checked rather than being thrown onto a mood altering drug instead.


That brings me to the reason I started Zoloft in November, 1995 after the birth of my first child. I had previously been on Zoloft for 6 months in 1990 for some anxiety/depression. Almost immediately, while still in the hospital, after the birth of my son I began feeling anxiety, emotionally unstable, crying, sadness, dread. I tried to deal at home for about 2 weeks before talking with my OB doc, who sent me to my general physician who wanted to get me on Zoloft and was diagnosed with post partum depression. I was breast feeding and was told I would have to cease before I could start the AD.


Breastfeeding was really important to me, so I choose to tough it out. Well that only lasted another 2 weeks because I was not sleeping at all, even when the baby slept I could not rest the anxiety was horrible and as darkness fell each day, I would be overcome with such unbearable dread.


I decided to give the AD a try. I was on some form of AD until I wanted to get pregnant, so I came off in 1998. I was able to stop the AD with no problem and felt great during my 2nd pregnancy. But knowing what happened after the birth of my 1st child I talked with my OB doc and we were ready to put me on an AD if I should need it. Of course the same thing happened and this time, I had a 3 year old to care for as well as a new born, so I started Prozac the first week home from the hospital.


Now that I look back on my long history of many AD's and have read through the notes from my medical records from doctor visits, I see that each time I have tried to stop an AD, my withdrawal symptoms were so bad, I had to reinstate. I always thought it was because of me, something was wrong with me and I would need these drugs to cope for the rest of my life. Now after much research and thanks to this website, I know how these drugs have caused a brain/body addiction and before I can be normal, feel good again, my central nervous system needs to be healed.


I also think that my issues post partum were most likely from thyroid or other hormones that needed to level out, be dealt with rather than being giving an anti-depressant. I had even addressed that question to a physiatrist that I was seeing after the birth of my first child, if my hormones were imbalanced, why was I not given some type of birth control or hormone supplement instead, and he had no answer for me to that. Like so many of us, I feel let down by the health care providers and angry that they know so little or care so little to be more accurate with a diagnosis.


Well, fast forward to years down the road, to August of 2012, I have been on AD's for 17 years, gained 60 pounds, lost all motivation to do anything, live on the couch and in front of the TV., have no passion or desires, drag my body out of bed and through the day, when one day I get the determination to change my eating habits and lose some weight in hopes to feel better.


After kicking the addiction to sugar changing my diet to mostly whole foods and no processed foods and starting to lose some pounds, I start to feel much better. I then start to question if I really need to be on my Effexor anymore. What if I could get off these drugs? What would it feel like to no longer be on my meds?


I talk with my doctor and she tells me to drop my Effexor from 75mg to 37.5 for a couple weeks and then just quit. I did drop to 37.5 for a couple weeks and then did that dose every other day for a couple more weeks before quitting. I did experience some bad hot flashes and some restless leg syndrome, but mostly everything was tolerable and my mood was fine. I started this in late October 2012 and by the end of December I was completely off.


Everything was going pretty good, but by mid February I was having some slight nervousness that continued into March and on a Sunday in late March I had a full blown panic attack that almost sent me to the emergency room. I thought I was losing my mind, surely a nervous break down. I had to wait 2 days to be able to see my doctor although I was able to get some generic Xanax on Monday. But by then I was feeling much better. She wanted to put me back on the AD's and said I would most likely have to be on it for the rest of my life. I fought this idea and tried to get better on my own, but by late April I was so miserable that I was not coming out of it, I decided she was right and taking an anti-depressant was the only way I could feel better.


I started at 10mg generic Prozac and up to 20mg for about 10 days in May before I found this website and learned such wonderful information about SSRI discontinuation syndrome. Also that I had tapered the Effexor way to fast and that it is a horrible drug to try and get off off. Because I had not been back on the Prozac for very long, I dropped my 20mg back down to 10mg and I have been slowly tapering with liquid Fluoxotine.


When I first started the Prozac in May it had bad side effects causing me worse anxiety and insomnia, my doc suggested I take some Trazadone at night to help me sleep. At first I did not think it helped me sleep, but it was lessening my daily anxiety, so I stayed on the 25mg. I am able to get to sleep at night, but I wake up at 6am everyday and have morning anxiety. I have never been a morning person and have always had to rely on an alarm clock, so me waking on my own at 6am is not normal, so I know my cortisol levels are spiking too much.


I have had some hormone testing done and the cortisol is on the high end of normal. I usually feel the best in the afternoon and evening. I am having good windows and bad waves. I try to journal to help track my days, but have not been consistent. I take daily walks, even in the dead of winter because it helps so much. I have tried different supplements, but cannot say that anything has really helped. I have noticed that eating healthy, staying off junk foods, high carbs and sugars does also help me feel better.


I am at about 2mg daily of the liquid Fluoxotine and will most likely be off completely by the end of February 2014. I plan to wait a good couple months to see how I do, before I try to taper the Trazadone. Getting off of this drug has me worried, because I am on the lowest dosage 50mg and taking half a tablet. I have no idea how to taper from that. I am working with my doctor, so we may try and switch me to something similar that would come in smaller doses.


I must say that it has been difficult having patience to taper slowly because I so badly want to get off of these drugs and start healing my body. But I am listening to what I have been told on this site and know that it helps to ease the drugs out of the system and not do cold turkey and pay the consequences. I am so so thankful for all the help and stories from this site.


The only one thing that would make it help more is if there were more success stories we could read. People saying yes I was there, but now I am drug free and feel Great, better than ever. WHEN I am one of these people, I will for sure be writing my story and saying YES, it is possible, it has been done and YOU can do it too!

Edited by Petu
added paragraphs for readability
Sept-1990 started my first AD Zoloft never got higher dose than 50mg

Dec-1990 Quit Zoloft  =Nov-1995 Back on Zoloft for Post-partum depression/anxiety

early-1998 Quit Prozac to get pregnant   =Feb-1999 Back on Prozac 20mg

10-1999 Prozac 30mg  =12-1999 Prozac 20mg

7-2001 switch to Wellbutrin SR 100mg

8-2001 increase Wellbutrin SR 150mg

10-2001 adding back Prozac 20mg

5-2003 tapered off Prozac  =7-2003 back on Prozac 20mg

8-2003 Add in Imipramine 25mg then to 50mg    (given Xanax for bad panic episodes

9-2003 Imipramine 75 mg then to 100mg

1-2004 switch to Lexapro 10mg

8-2004 Lexapro 20mg, Imipramine 75mg

4-2006 Adding Wellbutrin 150mg then to 200mg

7-2006 switch Lexapro to Celexa

12-2007Celexa 40mg Wellbutirin 150mg

9-2009 switch back to Lexapro 20mg, WellbutrinXL 150mg

2-2010 stop Lexapro start Celexa 40mg

11-2010 switch Celexa to Cymbalta 60mg

3-2011 Cymbalta 60mg switch to Effexor 37.5 to 75mg

10-2012 thru 12-2012 taper Effexor 75mg to 37.5 and off.

5-2013 start generic Prozac 10mg to 20mg, Trazadone 25mg  BEGIN THE TAPER(6-2013 Prozac 20mg to 10mg, Trazadone 25mg. 7-2013 liquid Prozac 7mg, Trazadone 25mg 8-2013 liquid Prozac 8mg, Trazadone 25mg9-2013 liquid Prozac 5mg, Trazadone 25mg10-31-2013 liquid Prozac 3.25mg, Trazadone 25mg=11-11-2013 liquid Prozac 3.0mg, Trazadone 25mg=12-4-2013 liquid Prozac 2.8mg, Trazadone 25mg=12-13-2013 liquid Prozac 2.5mg, Trazadone 25mg=1-5-2014 liquid Prozac 2.0mg, Trazadone 25mg=(CURRENT/06-01-2014 LAST dose liquid Prozac, Trazadone 25mg)((Aug. 13, 2014 reinstate .20mg of liquid Prozac for crippling anxiety, dread (still on same Trazadone...)supplements are probiotic, Vit. D3 and Fish Oil daily)Aug 19th reinstate 6.25mg Zoloft, Sept. 4th 25mg Zoloft.CURRENT(50mg Zoloft, 25mg Trazadone)

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I tapered off of Zoloft after 13-14 years of mostly consistent use and 4 years of Wellbutrin (in combination). I can't say the drugs didn't help me because they did quite a bit.  I'm quite into health normally- diet and exercise etc. and taking daily drugs was not where I wanted to be for the rest of my life, so I decided to seek a Dr. to start tapering.  I'm working with a progressive Psychiatrist who basically gets people off meds for a living.  I started the taper in April 2013 and finished in July 2013.  The first 2 months were ok and then everything started to fall apart.  For the past 4 months, I've had crippling insomnia. The Dr. prescribed me some different sleep meds and told me to vary them to avoid addiction.  I've been taking every natural supplement known to man for depression and anxiety since beginning the taper in April, drastically changed my diet etc. Also, using the Fisher Wallace Cranial Electrostimulator which supposedly helps 75% of users within a month. It's been 6 weeks.  Now, even when I sleep with meds, the depression is crushing.  Worse than I've ever had it. I'm too the point where I don't know if I can continue to work and take care of my kids.  In the past, no matter what stage I was in my love for my kids always shined through, now I feel nothing but darkness.  I really don't know what to do. 

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krsz1026,  it sounds like the Dr. helping you had you get off the AD meds pretty darn fast.  I have been using this website to help me since last May and most people need to taper down 10% each dosage drop to make the withdrawl easier.  There are people that did it fast or even cold turkey and are staying off, by taking one day at a time the best they can.  Have you tried Niacin for the depression?  I have found that high doses can help.  I don't know if it is the reason or not, but I was having some bad depression and tried the Niacin.  I am trying to take 600mg a day, but you have to take with food and sometimes I don't always get my dose in.  Some people have to take much high doses to get relief.  Google "Niacin & Food matters" to find a website as a good resource for this.  I am mostly dealing with anxiety, feeling numb and just dragging myself through the day. I think because I am still on Trazadone my insomnia is better.  I was trying Melatonin to help me sleep before, but sometimes it would give me headaches, maybe because I was taking too much.  Use this website as much as possible to find what helps.  Avoid anything that add's to your anxiety, like scary shows or movies, bad news on the tv, violence etc.  As far as taking natural supplements, I can't say I have taken anything that I thought really helped, but maybe it is making things slightly better.  Guess I wouldn't know unless I stopped them.  Exercise is also a great help, which it sounds like you already do. How old are you kids?  Mine are older, so that helps, teenage boys that can fend for themselves most the time.  Unfortunately this is a long process and most of us are going thru HELL in the meantime, just making it through the day is something to speak of, or some days its hour by hour.  I think if you can get relief for you insomnia it will help alot, so use the website to see what others have found to help.

Sept-1990 started my first AD Zoloft never got higher dose than 50mg

Dec-1990 Quit Zoloft  =Nov-1995 Back on Zoloft for Post-partum depression/anxiety

early-1998 Quit Prozac to get pregnant   =Feb-1999 Back on Prozac 20mg

10-1999 Prozac 30mg  =12-1999 Prozac 20mg

7-2001 switch to Wellbutrin SR 100mg

8-2001 increase Wellbutrin SR 150mg

10-2001 adding back Prozac 20mg

5-2003 tapered off Prozac  =7-2003 back on Prozac 20mg

8-2003 Add in Imipramine 25mg then to 50mg    (given Xanax for bad panic episodes

9-2003 Imipramine 75 mg then to 100mg

1-2004 switch to Lexapro 10mg

8-2004 Lexapro 20mg, Imipramine 75mg

4-2006 Adding Wellbutrin 150mg then to 200mg

7-2006 switch Lexapro to Celexa

12-2007Celexa 40mg Wellbutirin 150mg

9-2009 switch back to Lexapro 20mg, WellbutrinXL 150mg

2-2010 stop Lexapro start Celexa 40mg

11-2010 switch Celexa to Cymbalta 60mg

3-2011 Cymbalta 60mg switch to Effexor 37.5 to 75mg

10-2012 thru 12-2012 taper Effexor 75mg to 37.5 and off.

5-2013 start generic Prozac 10mg to 20mg, Trazadone 25mg  BEGIN THE TAPER(6-2013 Prozac 20mg to 10mg, Trazadone 25mg. 7-2013 liquid Prozac 7mg, Trazadone 25mg 8-2013 liquid Prozac 8mg, Trazadone 25mg9-2013 liquid Prozac 5mg, Trazadone 25mg10-31-2013 liquid Prozac 3.25mg, Trazadone 25mg=11-11-2013 liquid Prozac 3.0mg, Trazadone 25mg=12-4-2013 liquid Prozac 2.8mg, Trazadone 25mg=12-13-2013 liquid Prozac 2.5mg, Trazadone 25mg=1-5-2014 liquid Prozac 2.0mg, Trazadone 25mg=(CURRENT/06-01-2014 LAST dose liquid Prozac, Trazadone 25mg)((Aug. 13, 2014 reinstate .20mg of liquid Prozac for crippling anxiety, dread (still on same Trazadone...)supplements are probiotic, Vit. D3 and Fish Oil daily)Aug 19th reinstate 6.25mg Zoloft, Sept. 4th 25mg Zoloft.CURRENT(50mg Zoloft, 25mg Trazadone)

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi Fitby, so many of us have been trapped by pharma with many meds and changes, it's

just great that this site is here to help with tapering. Withdrawal is such a terrible affliction 

I wouldn't wish it on anybody. ( Well, maybe psychiatrists and the drug company bosses ;) ) .


You've done great with tapering but can I suggest that you slow down a bit for the last 

part?  The final little drop is the hardest in my experience, it would be a shame if you 

ended up with withdrawal on stopping too soon. I tapered effexor for about a year then 

stopped at just 5 beads from a capsule. I was absolutely fine all along and after stopping.

I felt better than ever then a month after quitting was hit by excruciating withdrawal. I thought

I was going mad and almost admitted myself to the hospital, I was suicidal!! Thankfully I didn't

go there and reinstated the 5 beads. That was too much and quickly dropped to 4.  That was 

around 10 months ago and I held at 4 beads until November, then dropped to 3. This is a tiny

fraction of a milligram!  Yet I still get withdrawal symptoms, mild ones now that I can cope with

but still withdrawal. I will hold until I haven't had any waves for a month at least before my next drop. 


I would hate you to find yourself where I was. A very successful taper that turned out to be not

successful at all! 

**I am not a medical professional, if in doubt please consult a doctor with withdrawal knowledge.



Different drugs occasionally (mostly benzos) 1976 - 1981 (no problem)

1993 - 2002 in and out of hospital. every type of drug + ECT. Staring with seroxat

2002  effexor. 

Tapered  March 2012 to March 2013, ending with 5 beads.

Withdrawal April 2013 . Reinstated 5 beads reduced to 4 beads May 2013

Restarted taper  Nov 2013  

OFF EFFEXOR Feb 2015    :D 

Tapered atenolol and omeprazole Dec 2013 - May 2014


Tapering tramadol, Feb 2015 100mg , March 2015 50mg  

 July 2017 30mg.  May 15 2018 25mg

Taking fish oil, magnesium, B12, folic acid, bilberry eyebright for eye pressure. 


My story http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/4199-hello-mammap-checking-in/page-33


Lesson learned, slow down taper at lower doses. Taper no more than 10% of CURRENT dose if possible



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Thanks Mamma, I will take your advice and go slower.  Its hard to be patience, but I had horrible withdrawl after stopping Effexor last March and I for sure do not want to go through that again.  Are you also tapering other drugs, I see in your signature other drugs listed?

Sept-1990 started my first AD Zoloft never got higher dose than 50mg

Dec-1990 Quit Zoloft  =Nov-1995 Back on Zoloft for Post-partum depression/anxiety

early-1998 Quit Prozac to get pregnant   =Feb-1999 Back on Prozac 20mg

10-1999 Prozac 30mg  =12-1999 Prozac 20mg

7-2001 switch to Wellbutrin SR 100mg

8-2001 increase Wellbutrin SR 150mg

10-2001 adding back Prozac 20mg

5-2003 tapered off Prozac  =7-2003 back on Prozac 20mg

8-2003 Add in Imipramine 25mg then to 50mg    (given Xanax for bad panic episodes

9-2003 Imipramine 75 mg then to 100mg

1-2004 switch to Lexapro 10mg

8-2004 Lexapro 20mg, Imipramine 75mg

4-2006 Adding Wellbutrin 150mg then to 200mg

7-2006 switch Lexapro to Celexa

12-2007Celexa 40mg Wellbutirin 150mg

9-2009 switch back to Lexapro 20mg, WellbutrinXL 150mg

2-2010 stop Lexapro start Celexa 40mg

11-2010 switch Celexa to Cymbalta 60mg

3-2011 Cymbalta 60mg switch to Effexor 37.5 to 75mg

10-2012 thru 12-2012 taper Effexor 75mg to 37.5 and off.

5-2013 start generic Prozac 10mg to 20mg, Trazadone 25mg  BEGIN THE TAPER(6-2013 Prozac 20mg to 10mg, Trazadone 25mg. 7-2013 liquid Prozac 7mg, Trazadone 25mg 8-2013 liquid Prozac 8mg, Trazadone 25mg9-2013 liquid Prozac 5mg, Trazadone 25mg10-31-2013 liquid Prozac 3.25mg, Trazadone 25mg=11-11-2013 liquid Prozac 3.0mg, Trazadone 25mg=12-4-2013 liquid Prozac 2.8mg, Trazadone 25mg=12-13-2013 liquid Prozac 2.5mg, Trazadone 25mg=1-5-2014 liquid Prozac 2.0mg, Trazadone 25mg=(CURRENT/06-01-2014 LAST dose liquid Prozac, Trazadone 25mg)((Aug. 13, 2014 reinstate .20mg of liquid Prozac for crippling anxiety, dread (still on same Trazadone...)supplements are probiotic, Vit. D3 and Fish Oil daily)Aug 19th reinstate 6.25mg Zoloft, Sept. 4th 25mg Zoloft.CURRENT(50mg Zoloft, 25mg Trazadone)

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  • Moderator Emeritus

My first thought was the same as MammaP. Please slow down. Here are the things I saw in your intro that made me think that:


1. You have a history of going off meds and then having withdrawal "relapse" and having to go back on.

2.  You've been on ADs for 17 years.

3. You've been on and off a number of ADs over the years.

4. You have a recent history of a CT (2012) of Effexor, which in a person with a history like yours is generally destabilizing for a long time afterwards.

5. You're symptomatic now with classic cortisol excess, from your description.



You want this to be the last time you ever quit a psych med, and to stay off them forever, and not to have a "relapse" a few weeks or months down the road and have to restart them.  (That's my impression from what you're saying.)


This is your life, the rest of your life, you're talking about. After 17 years, isn't it worth spending a few more months now to make sure you can get off and stay off for life? (I'm saying this because it might help with the patience--I had to give myself that talk many times when I first started tapering.)


I want you to succeed. Please consider holding at your current dose until the cortisol levels seem to even out somewhat and your mornings are less uncomfortable. (I would keep a daily log ranking them on a numerical scale of 1 to 5 or so, so that you can really see for yourself objectively; our subjective memory is not great when tapering and having withdrawal.) That might mean holding for a few weeks, but you're just taking 1.5 mg, that's a very small dose and right now you're probably hurting yourself more with withdrawal than you are with Prozac.


Then please, please take that last 1.5 mg slowly! 10% of 1.5 mg is 0.15 mg, and that's the size of cut that you should be looking at still. 


The last bit of the taper is the slowest bit. But IT"S WORTH IT to be off, done, properly and successfully, for the rest of your life, with no relapses--isn't it? 


After 17 years, you can give yourself this extra time. Another six months even. It will be worth it.

Started on Prozac and Xanax in 1992 for PTSD after an assault. One drug led to more, the usual story. Got sicker and sicker, but believed I needed the drugs for my "underlying disease". Long story...lost everything. Life savings, home, physical and mental health, relationships, friendships, ability to work, everything. Amitryptiline, Prozac, bupropion, buspirone, flurazepam, diazepam, alprazolam, Paxil, citalopram, lamotrigine, gabapentin...probably more I've forgotten. 

Started multidrug taper in Feb 2010.  Doing a very slow microtaper, down to low doses now and feeling SO much better, getting my old personality and my brain back! Able to work full time, have a full social life, and cope with stress better than ever. Not perfect, but much better. After 23 lost years. Big Pharma has a lot to answer for. And "medicine for profit" is just not a great idea.


Feb 15 2010:  300 mg Neurontin  200 Lamictal   10 Celexa      0.65 Xanax   and 5 mg Ambien 

Feb 10 2014:   62 Lamictal    1.1 Celexa         0.135 Xanax    1.8 Valium

Feb 10 2015:   50 Lamictal      0.875 Celexa    0.11 Xanax      1.5 Valium

Feb 15 2016:   47.5 Lamictal   0.75 Celexa      0.0875 Xanax    1.42 Valium    

2/12/20             12                       0.045               0.007                   1 

May 2021            7                       0.01                  0.0037                1

Feb 2022            6                      0!!!                     0.00167               0.98                2.5 mg Ambien

Oct 2022       4.5 mg Lamictal    (off Celexa, off Xanax)   0.95 Valium    Ambien, 1/4 to 1/2 of a 5 mg tablet 


I'm not a doctor. Any advice I give is just my civilian opinion.

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Thanks Mamma, I will take your advice and go slower.  Its hard to be patience, but I had horrible withdrawl after stopping Effexor last March and I for sure do not want to go through that again.  Are you also tapering other drugs, I see in your signature other drugs listed?


Thanks Mamma, I will take your advice and go slower.  Its hard to be patience, but I had horrible withdrawl after stopping Effexor last March and I for sure do not want to go through that again.  Are you also tapering other drugs, I see in your signature other drugs listed?

Yes Fitby I am tapering a beta blocker ppi acid blocker.

I wouldn't dream of tapering multiple psych meds  but these don't cross the blood-brain barrier  and both were prescribed 

because of side effects of psych drugs. I'm holding the effexor till they are finished. 

**I am not a medical professional, if in doubt please consult a doctor with withdrawal knowledge.



Different drugs occasionally (mostly benzos) 1976 - 1981 (no problem)

1993 - 2002 in and out of hospital. every type of drug + ECT. Staring with seroxat

2002  effexor. 

Tapered  March 2012 to March 2013, ending with 5 beads.

Withdrawal April 2013 . Reinstated 5 beads reduced to 4 beads May 2013

Restarted taper  Nov 2013  

OFF EFFEXOR Feb 2015    :D 

Tapered atenolol and omeprazole Dec 2013 - May 2014


Tapering tramadol, Feb 2015 100mg , March 2015 50mg  

 July 2017 30mg.  May 15 2018 25mg

Taking fish oil, magnesium, B12, folic acid, bilberry eyebright for eye pressure. 


My story http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/4199-hello-mammap-checking-in/page-33


Lesson learned, slow down taper at lower doses. Taper no more than 10% of CURRENT dose if possible



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My first thought was the same as MammaP. Please slow down. Here are the things I saw in your intro that made me think that:


1. You have a history of going off meds and then having withdrawal "relapse" and having to go back on.

2.  You've been on ADs for 17 years.

3. You've been on and off a number of ADs over the years.

4. You have a recent history of a CT (2012) of Effexor, which in a person with a history like yours is generally destabilizing for a long time afterwards.

5. You're symptomatic now with classic cortisol excess, from your description.



You want this to be the last time you ever quit a psych med, and to stay off them forever, and not to have a "relapse" a few weeks or months down the road and have to restart them.  (That's my impression from what you're saying.)


This is your life, the rest of your life, you're talking about. After 17 years, isn't it worth spending a few more months now to make sure you can get off and stay off for life? (I'm saying this because it might help with the patience--I had to give myself that talk many times when I first started tapering.)


I want you to succeed. Please consider holding at your current dose until the cortisol levels seem to even out somewhat and your mornings are less uncomfortable. (I would keep a daily log ranking them on a numerical scale of 1 to 5 or so, so that you can really see for yourself objectively; our subjective memory is not great when tapering and having withdrawal.) That might mean holding for a few weeks, but you're just taking 1.5 mg, that's a very small dose and right now you're probably hurting yourself more with withdrawal than you are with Prozac.


Then please, please take that last 1.5 mg slowly! 10% of 1.5 mg is 0.15 mg, and that's the size of cut that you should be looking at still. 


The last bit of the taper is the slowest bit. But IT"S WORTH IT to be off, done, properly and successfully, for the rest of your life, with no relapses--isn't it? 


After 17 years, you can give yourself this extra time. Another six months even. It will be worth it.

Thank you Rhi, I will heed your warning and take it slower and I appreciate the advice.  I will stay at where I am for awhile and give myself time to feel better.  I agree that I do not want a relapse.  Could you expand on the comment "You're symptomatic now with classic cortisol excess"??  What causes the cortisol to become higher?

Sept-1990 started my first AD Zoloft never got higher dose than 50mg

Dec-1990 Quit Zoloft  =Nov-1995 Back on Zoloft for Post-partum depression/anxiety

early-1998 Quit Prozac to get pregnant   =Feb-1999 Back on Prozac 20mg

10-1999 Prozac 30mg  =12-1999 Prozac 20mg

7-2001 switch to Wellbutrin SR 100mg

8-2001 increase Wellbutrin SR 150mg

10-2001 adding back Prozac 20mg

5-2003 tapered off Prozac  =7-2003 back on Prozac 20mg

8-2003 Add in Imipramine 25mg then to 50mg    (given Xanax for bad panic episodes

9-2003 Imipramine 75 mg then to 100mg

1-2004 switch to Lexapro 10mg

8-2004 Lexapro 20mg, Imipramine 75mg

4-2006 Adding Wellbutrin 150mg then to 200mg

7-2006 switch Lexapro to Celexa

12-2007Celexa 40mg Wellbutirin 150mg

9-2009 switch back to Lexapro 20mg, WellbutrinXL 150mg

2-2010 stop Lexapro start Celexa 40mg

11-2010 switch Celexa to Cymbalta 60mg

3-2011 Cymbalta 60mg switch to Effexor 37.5 to 75mg

10-2012 thru 12-2012 taper Effexor 75mg to 37.5 and off.

5-2013 start generic Prozac 10mg to 20mg, Trazadone 25mg  BEGIN THE TAPER(6-2013 Prozac 20mg to 10mg, Trazadone 25mg. 7-2013 liquid Prozac 7mg, Trazadone 25mg 8-2013 liquid Prozac 8mg, Trazadone 25mg9-2013 liquid Prozac 5mg, Trazadone 25mg10-31-2013 liquid Prozac 3.25mg, Trazadone 25mg=11-11-2013 liquid Prozac 3.0mg, Trazadone 25mg=12-4-2013 liquid Prozac 2.8mg, Trazadone 25mg=12-13-2013 liquid Prozac 2.5mg, Trazadone 25mg=1-5-2014 liquid Prozac 2.0mg, Trazadone 25mg=(CURRENT/06-01-2014 LAST dose liquid Prozac, Trazadone 25mg)((Aug. 13, 2014 reinstate .20mg of liquid Prozac for crippling anxiety, dread (still on same Trazadone...)supplements are probiotic, Vit. D3 and Fish Oil daily)Aug 19th reinstate 6.25mg Zoloft, Sept. 4th 25mg Zoloft.CURRENT(50mg Zoloft, 25mg Trazadone)

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  • 1 month later...

I have been dealing with frozen shoulder in my left shoulder for more than a year now.  Tried everything and have gotten some improvement, but after so long I would hope to be done with it.  The past 3 months have been about the same and I think I will never get over it. Have been going to physical therapy for 10 months with only slight improvement.  It has caused me to have some upper back tension as well, and I have a pinched nerve in my mid-back that is a constant nag and irritant.  I keep thinking that some of this must be from by WD and complicated CNS repairing. The recovery and healing is sooooo slow and aggravating. The pain makes it hard for me to do very much and when I do over do it with cleaning or little things like scraping my car windows of ice, then I pay for it big time.  All this day to day pain stress just adds to my depression and makes it hard to be positive.  I have chores and projects that I want to get done but have not been able to do and this just makes me more anxious,, when so much is piling up not getting done.  Has anyone else had shoulder or other chronic pain that just won't go away???????

Sept-1990 started my first AD Zoloft never got higher dose than 50mg

Dec-1990 Quit Zoloft  =Nov-1995 Back on Zoloft for Post-partum depression/anxiety

early-1998 Quit Prozac to get pregnant   =Feb-1999 Back on Prozac 20mg

10-1999 Prozac 30mg  =12-1999 Prozac 20mg

7-2001 switch to Wellbutrin SR 100mg

8-2001 increase Wellbutrin SR 150mg

10-2001 adding back Prozac 20mg

5-2003 tapered off Prozac  =7-2003 back on Prozac 20mg

8-2003 Add in Imipramine 25mg then to 50mg    (given Xanax for bad panic episodes

9-2003 Imipramine 75 mg then to 100mg

1-2004 switch to Lexapro 10mg

8-2004 Lexapro 20mg, Imipramine 75mg

4-2006 Adding Wellbutrin 150mg then to 200mg

7-2006 switch Lexapro to Celexa

12-2007Celexa 40mg Wellbutirin 150mg

9-2009 switch back to Lexapro 20mg, WellbutrinXL 150mg

2-2010 stop Lexapro start Celexa 40mg

11-2010 switch Celexa to Cymbalta 60mg

3-2011 Cymbalta 60mg switch to Effexor 37.5 to 75mg

10-2012 thru 12-2012 taper Effexor 75mg to 37.5 and off.

5-2013 start generic Prozac 10mg to 20mg, Trazadone 25mg  BEGIN THE TAPER(6-2013 Prozac 20mg to 10mg, Trazadone 25mg. 7-2013 liquid Prozac 7mg, Trazadone 25mg 8-2013 liquid Prozac 8mg, Trazadone 25mg9-2013 liquid Prozac 5mg, Trazadone 25mg10-31-2013 liquid Prozac 3.25mg, Trazadone 25mg=11-11-2013 liquid Prozac 3.0mg, Trazadone 25mg=12-4-2013 liquid Prozac 2.8mg, Trazadone 25mg=12-13-2013 liquid Prozac 2.5mg, Trazadone 25mg=1-5-2014 liquid Prozac 2.0mg, Trazadone 25mg=(CURRENT/06-01-2014 LAST dose liquid Prozac, Trazadone 25mg)((Aug. 13, 2014 reinstate .20mg of liquid Prozac for crippling anxiety, dread (still on same Trazadone...)supplements are probiotic, Vit. D3 and Fish Oil daily)Aug 19th reinstate 6.25mg Zoloft, Sept. 4th 25mg Zoloft.CURRENT(50mg Zoloft, 25mg Trazadone)

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  • Moderator Emeritus

In answer to your first question, please search and read in the forum--there is a lot of information about cortisol dysregulation in withdrawal. It's pretty much a universal symptom. The classic pattern is to feel your worst in the morning and then to feel better later in the day and to feel your best in the evening, which is what you describe. This is a symptom of withdrawal. If you stop tapering, hold, and allow yourself to stabilize, this will improve. For me, when I hold my taper for a while it goes away completely or almost completely.


I use the amount of cortisol dysregulation that I am experiencing as a guide telling me when my body is ready to make another cut in my taper. If the "cortisol mornings" (that's what I call them) get very bad, I will even reinstate a small portion of a recent cut if necessary. 


And as far as the shoulder and orthopedic problems, I can't say for sure. As far as I know, no studies have been done on this. However, over the four years and the thousands of hours I have spent on this website and benzo withdrawal sites, I have seen a small but consistent number of reports of problems with connective tissue in withdrawal. Usually what's reported is muscle wasting and/or easy susceptibility to injury. I myself experienced this so it's something that has interested me. Also, I've been a bodywork therapist my whole adult life and my interest is connective tissue injuries in general. I think it's interesting that people with fibromyalgia (which appears to involve connective tissue and the nervous system, which are physiologically interlinked because nerves are supported and connected by connective tissue fibers) have high levels of glutamate in their blood, and glutamate is a neurotransmitter that's affected by all psychiatric drugs in one way or another and which I suspect is universally dysregulated in withdrawal.


So, don't know if that answers your question, and it's not particularly useful, but yes, I have noticed a statistically very small but clinically interesting association between psych drug withdrawal, neurotransmitter disruption (particularly glutamate), and connective tissue instability.


I would say please just be gentle. One day this will all be behind you and you will have your strength back. 


I have an injury from pushing myself (doing something that ordinarily would have been no problem for me) during early withdrawal when I was much more symptomatic than I am now. The withdrawal has passed and my connective tissue is overall more normal now, but the injury is a permanent avulsion that doesn't appear to be heal-able. So I'd say, baby it along for now, and take your time.

Started on Prozac and Xanax in 1992 for PTSD after an assault. One drug led to more, the usual story. Got sicker and sicker, but believed I needed the drugs for my "underlying disease". Long story...lost everything. Life savings, home, physical and mental health, relationships, friendships, ability to work, everything. Amitryptiline, Prozac, bupropion, buspirone, flurazepam, diazepam, alprazolam, Paxil, citalopram, lamotrigine, gabapentin...probably more I've forgotten. 

Started multidrug taper in Feb 2010.  Doing a very slow microtaper, down to low doses now and feeling SO much better, getting my old personality and my brain back! Able to work full time, have a full social life, and cope with stress better than ever. Not perfect, but much better. After 23 lost years. Big Pharma has a lot to answer for. And "medicine for profit" is just not a great idea.


Feb 15 2010:  300 mg Neurontin  200 Lamictal   10 Celexa      0.65 Xanax   and 5 mg Ambien 

Feb 10 2014:   62 Lamictal    1.1 Celexa         0.135 Xanax    1.8 Valium

Feb 10 2015:   50 Lamictal      0.875 Celexa    0.11 Xanax      1.5 Valium

Feb 15 2016:   47.5 Lamictal   0.75 Celexa      0.0875 Xanax    1.42 Valium    

2/12/20             12                       0.045               0.007                   1 

May 2021            7                       0.01                  0.0037                1

Feb 2022            6                      0!!!                     0.00167               0.98                2.5 mg Ambien

Oct 2022       4.5 mg Lamictal    (off Celexa, off Xanax)   0.95 Valium    Ambien, 1/4 to 1/2 of a 5 mg tablet 


I'm not a doctor. Any advice I give is just my civilian opinion.

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Thanks Rhi.  Yes it helps and I know I have had much muscle atrophy since tapering and having the withdrawl.  I have lost a lot of weight too and trying to eat more healthy, but I know my protein and calorie intake is not always the best on some days when I have to force myself to eat.  I do not want to eat sugars or junk food and sometimes if there is nothing else, I just go without or only eat the bare minimum.  So along with the fat, I have lost muscle too.  I walk every day to help with stress, so my legs seem still fairly healthy but my poor arms, both shoulders, mostly the left one, is in sad shape.  The midwest winter has been brutal this year, so I am hoping the warmer weather will help.  I am COLD all of the time, so I think this might also add to some of my shoulder pain.  BTW,  I see by your signature that you are tapering Celexa and Xanax at the same time.  I am curious how that is working for you?  Just in your opinion vs. taking it one drug at a time, do you think one way is better or worse than?  After I can get off the Prozac and feel stable, I will start the Trazadone.  The thing that nags at me, is by taking all the time to get off of the Prozac, it is just adding to the months that I am still on a higher dose of the Traz.  Although it makes more sense to me to only taper the one drug, so any thoughts you have would be appreciated.  Thanks again!!! ;)

Sept-1990 started my first AD Zoloft never got higher dose than 50mg

Dec-1990 Quit Zoloft  =Nov-1995 Back on Zoloft for Post-partum depression/anxiety

early-1998 Quit Prozac to get pregnant   =Feb-1999 Back on Prozac 20mg

10-1999 Prozac 30mg  =12-1999 Prozac 20mg

7-2001 switch to Wellbutrin SR 100mg

8-2001 increase Wellbutrin SR 150mg

10-2001 adding back Prozac 20mg

5-2003 tapered off Prozac  =7-2003 back on Prozac 20mg

8-2003 Add in Imipramine 25mg then to 50mg    (given Xanax for bad panic episodes

9-2003 Imipramine 75 mg then to 100mg

1-2004 switch to Lexapro 10mg

8-2004 Lexapro 20mg, Imipramine 75mg

4-2006 Adding Wellbutrin 150mg then to 200mg

7-2006 switch Lexapro to Celexa

12-2007Celexa 40mg Wellbutirin 150mg

9-2009 switch back to Lexapro 20mg, WellbutrinXL 150mg

2-2010 stop Lexapro start Celexa 40mg

11-2010 switch Celexa to Cymbalta 60mg

3-2011 Cymbalta 60mg switch to Effexor 37.5 to 75mg

10-2012 thru 12-2012 taper Effexor 75mg to 37.5 and off.

5-2013 start generic Prozac 10mg to 20mg, Trazadone 25mg  BEGIN THE TAPER(6-2013 Prozac 20mg to 10mg, Trazadone 25mg. 7-2013 liquid Prozac 7mg, Trazadone 25mg 8-2013 liquid Prozac 8mg, Trazadone 25mg9-2013 liquid Prozac 5mg, Trazadone 25mg10-31-2013 liquid Prozac 3.25mg, Trazadone 25mg=11-11-2013 liquid Prozac 3.0mg, Trazadone 25mg=12-4-2013 liquid Prozac 2.8mg, Trazadone 25mg=12-13-2013 liquid Prozac 2.5mg, Trazadone 25mg=1-5-2014 liquid Prozac 2.0mg, Trazadone 25mg=(CURRENT/06-01-2014 LAST dose liquid Prozac, Trazadone 25mg)((Aug. 13, 2014 reinstate .20mg of liquid Prozac for crippling anxiety, dread (still on same Trazadone...)supplements are probiotic, Vit. D3 and Fish Oil daily)Aug 19th reinstate 6.25mg Zoloft, Sept. 4th 25mg Zoloft.CURRENT(50mg Zoloft, 25mg Trazadone)

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  • Administrator

Welcome, Fitby.


You've probably seen our recommendations of fish oil and magnesium supplements, see

Have you tried acupuncture for the frozen shoulder? Has anyone suggested what might be the cause?

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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Yea, been doing physical therapy, tried acupuncture, chiropractor, u name it.  Tried the supplements and I am on the fish oil.  Not really sure what has caused it, maybe over use, but seems to be common for a women and my age group.  I will check out the links you listed.

Sept-1990 started my first AD Zoloft never got higher dose than 50mg

Dec-1990 Quit Zoloft  =Nov-1995 Back on Zoloft for Post-partum depression/anxiety

early-1998 Quit Prozac to get pregnant   =Feb-1999 Back on Prozac 20mg

10-1999 Prozac 30mg  =12-1999 Prozac 20mg

7-2001 switch to Wellbutrin SR 100mg

8-2001 increase Wellbutrin SR 150mg

10-2001 adding back Prozac 20mg

5-2003 tapered off Prozac  =7-2003 back on Prozac 20mg

8-2003 Add in Imipramine 25mg then to 50mg    (given Xanax for bad panic episodes

9-2003 Imipramine 75 mg then to 100mg

1-2004 switch to Lexapro 10mg

8-2004 Lexapro 20mg, Imipramine 75mg

4-2006 Adding Wellbutrin 150mg then to 200mg

7-2006 switch Lexapro to Celexa

12-2007Celexa 40mg Wellbutirin 150mg

9-2009 switch back to Lexapro 20mg, WellbutrinXL 150mg

2-2010 stop Lexapro start Celexa 40mg

11-2010 switch Celexa to Cymbalta 60mg

3-2011 Cymbalta 60mg switch to Effexor 37.5 to 75mg

10-2012 thru 12-2012 taper Effexor 75mg to 37.5 and off.

5-2013 start generic Prozac 10mg to 20mg, Trazadone 25mg  BEGIN THE TAPER(6-2013 Prozac 20mg to 10mg, Trazadone 25mg. 7-2013 liquid Prozac 7mg, Trazadone 25mg 8-2013 liquid Prozac 8mg, Trazadone 25mg9-2013 liquid Prozac 5mg, Trazadone 25mg10-31-2013 liquid Prozac 3.25mg, Trazadone 25mg=11-11-2013 liquid Prozac 3.0mg, Trazadone 25mg=12-4-2013 liquid Prozac 2.8mg, Trazadone 25mg=12-13-2013 liquid Prozac 2.5mg, Trazadone 25mg=1-5-2014 liquid Prozac 2.0mg, Trazadone 25mg=(CURRENT/06-01-2014 LAST dose liquid Prozac, Trazadone 25mg)((Aug. 13, 2014 reinstate .20mg of liquid Prozac for crippling anxiety, dread (still on same Trazadone...)supplements are probiotic, Vit. D3 and Fish Oil daily)Aug 19th reinstate 6.25mg Zoloft, Sept. 4th 25mg Zoloft.CURRENT(50mg Zoloft, 25mg Trazadone)

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Is the short patience and frustration dealing with stress and feeling overwhelmed a common thing for most people in WD?????  I have episodes where I have tremendous irritablity and quick temper, everything seems to make me angry.  I can't make simple decisions.   Since Sunny is on the high dose of Prozac and I am tapering from Prozac, I was wondering if these symptoms could be drug related.

Sept-1990 started my first AD Zoloft never got higher dose than 50mg

Dec-1990 Quit Zoloft  =Nov-1995 Back on Zoloft for Post-partum depression/anxiety

early-1998 Quit Prozac to get pregnant   =Feb-1999 Back on Prozac 20mg

10-1999 Prozac 30mg  =12-1999 Prozac 20mg

7-2001 switch to Wellbutrin SR 100mg

8-2001 increase Wellbutrin SR 150mg

10-2001 adding back Prozac 20mg

5-2003 tapered off Prozac  =7-2003 back on Prozac 20mg

8-2003 Add in Imipramine 25mg then to 50mg    (given Xanax for bad panic episodes

9-2003 Imipramine 75 mg then to 100mg

1-2004 switch to Lexapro 10mg

8-2004 Lexapro 20mg, Imipramine 75mg

4-2006 Adding Wellbutrin 150mg then to 200mg

7-2006 switch Lexapro to Celexa

12-2007Celexa 40mg Wellbutirin 150mg

9-2009 switch back to Lexapro 20mg, WellbutrinXL 150mg

2-2010 stop Lexapro start Celexa 40mg

11-2010 switch Celexa to Cymbalta 60mg

3-2011 Cymbalta 60mg switch to Effexor 37.5 to 75mg

10-2012 thru 12-2012 taper Effexor 75mg to 37.5 and off.

5-2013 start generic Prozac 10mg to 20mg, Trazadone 25mg  BEGIN THE TAPER(6-2013 Prozac 20mg to 10mg, Trazadone 25mg. 7-2013 liquid Prozac 7mg, Trazadone 25mg 8-2013 liquid Prozac 8mg, Trazadone 25mg9-2013 liquid Prozac 5mg, Trazadone 25mg10-31-2013 liquid Prozac 3.25mg, Trazadone 25mg=11-11-2013 liquid Prozac 3.0mg, Trazadone 25mg=12-4-2013 liquid Prozac 2.8mg, Trazadone 25mg=12-13-2013 liquid Prozac 2.5mg, Trazadone 25mg=1-5-2014 liquid Prozac 2.0mg, Trazadone 25mg=(CURRENT/06-01-2014 LAST dose liquid Prozac, Trazadone 25mg)((Aug. 13, 2014 reinstate .20mg of liquid Prozac for crippling anxiety, dread (still on same Trazadone...)supplements are probiotic, Vit. D3 and Fish Oil daily)Aug 19th reinstate 6.25mg Zoloft, Sept. 4th 25mg Zoloft.CURRENT(50mg Zoloft, 25mg Trazadone)

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  • Moderator Emeritus



I moved your last post from SunnyDays0912's thread because the question was about you and was steering her Intro thread off track.


Your question:"Is the short patience and frustration dealing with stress and feeling overwhelmed a common thing for most people in WD?????"


Absolutely!  All of the above are antidepressant withdrawal symptoms and they are not unique to Prozac.  I strongly recommend reading through the 'Symptoms and self-care' section of this forum to learn how others have coped with this.

Psychotropic drug history: Pristiq 50 mg. (mid-September 2010 through February 2011), Remeron (mid-September 2010 through January 2011), Lexapro 10 mg. (mid-February 2011 through mid-December 2011), Lorazepam (Ativan) 1 mg. as needed mid-September 2010 through early March 2012

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." -Hanlon's Razor

Introduction: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/1588-introducing-jemima/


Success Story: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/6263-success-jemima-survives-lexapro-and-dr-dickhead-too/

Please note that I am not a medical professional and my advice is based on personal experience, reading, and anecdotal information posted by other sufferers.


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  • Moderator Emeritus
Your question:"Is the short patience and frustration dealing with stress and feeling overwhelmed a common thing for most people in WD?????"





But from my own personal experience, Prozac increased my anger and irritability unlike other ADs I have taken like Zoloft, Serzone and Lexapro.  I tried to take a low dose of Prozac when I was already in withdrawal from other meds and it caused me to feel uncharacteristically angry and gave me violent urges. 

I'm not a doctor.  My comments are not medical advise. These are my opinions based on my own experience and what I've learned. Please discuss your situation with a medical practitioner who has knowledge of tapering and withdrawal...if you are lucky enough to find one.

My Introduction Thread

Full Drug and Withdrawal History

Brief Summary

Several SSRIs for 13 years starting 1997 (for mild to moderate partly situational anxiety) Xanax PRN ~ Various other drugs over the years for side effects

2 month 'taper' off Lexapro 2010

Short acute withdrawal, followed by 2 -3 months of improvement then delayed protracted withdrawal

DX ADHD followed by several years of stimulants and other drugs trying to manage increasing symptoms

Failed reinstatement of Lexapro and trial of Prozac (became suicidal)

May 2013 Found SA, learned about withdrawal, stopped taking drugs...healing begins.

Protracted withdrawal, with a very sensitized nervous system, slowly recovering as time passes

Supplements which have helped: Vitamin C, Magnesium, Taurine

Bad reactions: Many supplements but mostly fish oil and Vitamin D

June 2016 - Started daily juicing, mostly vegetables and lots of greens.

Aug 2016 - Oct 2016 Best window ever, felt almost completely recovered

Oct 2016 -Symptoms returned - bad days and less bad days.

April 2018 - No windows, but significant improvement, it feels like permanent full recovery is close.

VIDEO: Where did the chemical imbalance theory come from?

VIDEO: How are psychiatric diagnoses made?

VIDEO: Why do psychiatric drugs have withdrawal syndromes?

VIDEO: Can psychiatric drugs cause long-lasting negative effects?

VIDEO: Dr. Claire Weekes




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Your question:"Is the short patience and frustration dealing with stress and feeling overwhelmed a common thing for most people in WD?????"





But from my own personal experience, Prozac increased my anger and irritability unlike other ADs I have taken like Zoloft, Serzone and Lexapro.  I tried to take a low dose of Prozac when I was already in withdrawal from other meds and it caused me to feel uncharacteristically angry and gave me violent urges. 


Thanks Petu,  that is what I was wondering, if maybe Sunny is having this issue MORE, because of the Prozac, and I also think that 40mg seems like a high dose even though her doc is trying to level her the same as the Lexapro(which I am not sure is wise).  Sorry if I did not state this correct earlier, I did not mean to make it about me, but more that my symptoms are similar and I am also on the Prozac.  If this type of symptom is common with more of us that have tried Prozac, then maybe if she were to taper it say even 5% she would find some relief.  I have no idea, but was just letting her know that I experience the same symptoms and I have always thought it might be more from the Prozac then possibly withdrawl.

Sept-1990 started my first AD Zoloft never got higher dose than 50mg

Dec-1990 Quit Zoloft  =Nov-1995 Back on Zoloft for Post-partum depression/anxiety

early-1998 Quit Prozac to get pregnant   =Feb-1999 Back on Prozac 20mg

10-1999 Prozac 30mg  =12-1999 Prozac 20mg

7-2001 switch to Wellbutrin SR 100mg

8-2001 increase Wellbutrin SR 150mg

10-2001 adding back Prozac 20mg

5-2003 tapered off Prozac  =7-2003 back on Prozac 20mg

8-2003 Add in Imipramine 25mg then to 50mg    (given Xanax for bad panic episodes

9-2003 Imipramine 75 mg then to 100mg

1-2004 switch to Lexapro 10mg

8-2004 Lexapro 20mg, Imipramine 75mg

4-2006 Adding Wellbutrin 150mg then to 200mg

7-2006 switch Lexapro to Celexa

12-2007Celexa 40mg Wellbutirin 150mg

9-2009 switch back to Lexapro 20mg, WellbutrinXL 150mg

2-2010 stop Lexapro start Celexa 40mg

11-2010 switch Celexa to Cymbalta 60mg

3-2011 Cymbalta 60mg switch to Effexor 37.5 to 75mg

10-2012 thru 12-2012 taper Effexor 75mg to 37.5 and off.

5-2013 start generic Prozac 10mg to 20mg, Trazadone 25mg  BEGIN THE TAPER(6-2013 Prozac 20mg to 10mg, Trazadone 25mg. 7-2013 liquid Prozac 7mg, Trazadone 25mg 8-2013 liquid Prozac 8mg, Trazadone 25mg9-2013 liquid Prozac 5mg, Trazadone 25mg10-31-2013 liquid Prozac 3.25mg, Trazadone 25mg=11-11-2013 liquid Prozac 3.0mg, Trazadone 25mg=12-4-2013 liquid Prozac 2.8mg, Trazadone 25mg=12-13-2013 liquid Prozac 2.5mg, Trazadone 25mg=1-5-2014 liquid Prozac 2.0mg, Trazadone 25mg=(CURRENT/06-01-2014 LAST dose liquid Prozac, Trazadone 25mg)((Aug. 13, 2014 reinstate .20mg of liquid Prozac for crippling anxiety, dread (still on same Trazadone...)supplements are probiotic, Vit. D3 and Fish Oil daily)Aug 19th reinstate 6.25mg Zoloft, Sept. 4th 25mg Zoloft.CURRENT(50mg Zoloft, 25mg Trazadone)

Link to comment



I moved your last post from SunnyDays0912's thread because the question was about you and was steering her Intro thread off track.


Your question:"Is the short patience and frustration dealing with stress and feeling overwhelmed a common thing for most people in WD?????"


Absolutely!  All of the above are antidepressant withdrawal symptoms and they are not unique to Prozac.  I strongly recommend reading through the 'Symptoms and self-care' section of this forum to learn how others have coped with this.

Please see my response below about Sunny being on the Prozac and why I posted what I did.  Thanks Jemima.

Sept-1990 started my first AD Zoloft never got higher dose than 50mg

Dec-1990 Quit Zoloft  =Nov-1995 Back on Zoloft for Post-partum depression/anxiety

early-1998 Quit Prozac to get pregnant   =Feb-1999 Back on Prozac 20mg

10-1999 Prozac 30mg  =12-1999 Prozac 20mg

7-2001 switch to Wellbutrin SR 100mg

8-2001 increase Wellbutrin SR 150mg

10-2001 adding back Prozac 20mg

5-2003 tapered off Prozac  =7-2003 back on Prozac 20mg

8-2003 Add in Imipramine 25mg then to 50mg    (given Xanax for bad panic episodes

9-2003 Imipramine 75 mg then to 100mg

1-2004 switch to Lexapro 10mg

8-2004 Lexapro 20mg, Imipramine 75mg

4-2006 Adding Wellbutrin 150mg then to 200mg

7-2006 switch Lexapro to Celexa

12-2007Celexa 40mg Wellbutirin 150mg

9-2009 switch back to Lexapro 20mg, WellbutrinXL 150mg

2-2010 stop Lexapro start Celexa 40mg

11-2010 switch Celexa to Cymbalta 60mg

3-2011 Cymbalta 60mg switch to Effexor 37.5 to 75mg

10-2012 thru 12-2012 taper Effexor 75mg to 37.5 and off.

5-2013 start generic Prozac 10mg to 20mg, Trazadone 25mg  BEGIN THE TAPER(6-2013 Prozac 20mg to 10mg, Trazadone 25mg. 7-2013 liquid Prozac 7mg, Trazadone 25mg 8-2013 liquid Prozac 8mg, Trazadone 25mg9-2013 liquid Prozac 5mg, Trazadone 25mg10-31-2013 liquid Prozac 3.25mg, Trazadone 25mg=11-11-2013 liquid Prozac 3.0mg, Trazadone 25mg=12-4-2013 liquid Prozac 2.8mg, Trazadone 25mg=12-13-2013 liquid Prozac 2.5mg, Trazadone 25mg=1-5-2014 liquid Prozac 2.0mg, Trazadone 25mg=(CURRENT/06-01-2014 LAST dose liquid Prozac, Trazadone 25mg)((Aug. 13, 2014 reinstate .20mg of liquid Prozac for crippling anxiety, dread (still on same Trazadone...)supplements are probiotic, Vit. D3 and Fish Oil daily)Aug 19th reinstate 6.25mg Zoloft, Sept. 4th 25mg Zoloft.CURRENT(50mg Zoloft, 25mg Trazadone)

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  • 3 months later...

I saw a friend today that I had not seen in a few years.  She told me that she had been on some form of AD for about 16 years and most recent was Prozac.  About 5 months ago she tapered for a week and then just quit.  She says she is doing fine with no withdrawl or discontinuation syndrome.  I am glad she is doing ok and was able to get off the drugs, but it makes it hard for me to hear.  Why is it that some people can do this with no problems and then the rest of us are stuck in limbo struck down by so many bad symptoms??  I don't want to be on these drugs the rest of my life, but having a super rough time right now with bad withdrawl making it hard to hand in there.  Wanting a good window soon for some relief.

Sept-1990 started my first AD Zoloft never got higher dose than 50mg

Dec-1990 Quit Zoloft  =Nov-1995 Back on Zoloft for Post-partum depression/anxiety

early-1998 Quit Prozac to get pregnant   =Feb-1999 Back on Prozac 20mg

10-1999 Prozac 30mg  =12-1999 Prozac 20mg

7-2001 switch to Wellbutrin SR 100mg

8-2001 increase Wellbutrin SR 150mg

10-2001 adding back Prozac 20mg

5-2003 tapered off Prozac  =7-2003 back on Prozac 20mg

8-2003 Add in Imipramine 25mg then to 50mg    (given Xanax for bad panic episodes

9-2003 Imipramine 75 mg then to 100mg

1-2004 switch to Lexapro 10mg

8-2004 Lexapro 20mg, Imipramine 75mg

4-2006 Adding Wellbutrin 150mg then to 200mg

7-2006 switch Lexapro to Celexa

12-2007Celexa 40mg Wellbutirin 150mg

9-2009 switch back to Lexapro 20mg, WellbutrinXL 150mg

2-2010 stop Lexapro start Celexa 40mg

11-2010 switch Celexa to Cymbalta 60mg

3-2011 Cymbalta 60mg switch to Effexor 37.5 to 75mg

10-2012 thru 12-2012 taper Effexor 75mg to 37.5 and off.

5-2013 start generic Prozac 10mg to 20mg, Trazadone 25mg  BEGIN THE TAPER(6-2013 Prozac 20mg to 10mg, Trazadone 25mg. 7-2013 liquid Prozac 7mg, Trazadone 25mg 8-2013 liquid Prozac 8mg, Trazadone 25mg9-2013 liquid Prozac 5mg, Trazadone 25mg10-31-2013 liquid Prozac 3.25mg, Trazadone 25mg=11-11-2013 liquid Prozac 3.0mg, Trazadone 25mg=12-4-2013 liquid Prozac 2.8mg, Trazadone 25mg=12-13-2013 liquid Prozac 2.5mg, Trazadone 25mg=1-5-2014 liquid Prozac 2.0mg, Trazadone 25mg=(CURRENT/06-01-2014 LAST dose liquid Prozac, Trazadone 25mg)((Aug. 13, 2014 reinstate .20mg of liquid Prozac for crippling anxiety, dread (still on same Trazadone...)supplements are probiotic, Vit. D3 and Fish Oil daily)Aug 19th reinstate 6.25mg Zoloft, Sept. 4th 25mg Zoloft.CURRENT(50mg Zoloft, 25mg Trazadone)

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi Fitby, it just doesn't seem fair does it?   Sadly that is just the way it is, all we can do is

get on with it the best we can. You are doing great and will get there in the end, baby steps.


I hope your friend doesn't get withdrawal symptoms later, some people get sick after 6 months or more of

being off and by then it is usually too late to reinstate. I truly hope your friend is not one of those people. 

**I am not a medical professional, if in doubt please consult a doctor with withdrawal knowledge.



Different drugs occasionally (mostly benzos) 1976 - 1981 (no problem)

1993 - 2002 in and out of hospital. every type of drug + ECT. Staring with seroxat

2002  effexor. 

Tapered  March 2012 to March 2013, ending with 5 beads.

Withdrawal April 2013 . Reinstated 5 beads reduced to 4 beads May 2013

Restarted taper  Nov 2013  

OFF EFFEXOR Feb 2015    :D 

Tapered atenolol and omeprazole Dec 2013 - May 2014


Tapering tramadol, Feb 2015 100mg , March 2015 50mg  

 July 2017 30mg.  May 15 2018 25mg

Taking fish oil, magnesium, B12, folic acid, bilberry eyebright for eye pressure. 


My story http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/4199-hello-mammap-checking-in/page-33


Lesson learned, slow down taper at lower doses. Taper no more than 10% of CURRENT dose if possible



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Thanks Mama. I hope she does ok too.  I'm trying hard to just get on with it as you say.  Had a bad, bad morning, probably the worst in 8 months or more.  Usually my afternoons are much better by now too, so that is making it hard. More anxiety and so emotional. Everything is setting me off like my nerves are on the surface. And that ole song has started up in my brain again, "Will I ever feel better, will I ever get off these meds for good and find myself again?? etc etc."  Is that what most of us go through or am I just a Debbie Downer??  I try to stay positive, but sometimes I just fail.    Going to go for a walk and then some quiet time, hopefully it will take the edge off.

Sept-1990 started my first AD Zoloft never got higher dose than 50mg

Dec-1990 Quit Zoloft  =Nov-1995 Back on Zoloft for Post-partum depression/anxiety

early-1998 Quit Prozac to get pregnant   =Feb-1999 Back on Prozac 20mg

10-1999 Prozac 30mg  =12-1999 Prozac 20mg

7-2001 switch to Wellbutrin SR 100mg

8-2001 increase Wellbutrin SR 150mg

10-2001 adding back Prozac 20mg

5-2003 tapered off Prozac  =7-2003 back on Prozac 20mg

8-2003 Add in Imipramine 25mg then to 50mg    (given Xanax for bad panic episodes

9-2003 Imipramine 75 mg then to 100mg

1-2004 switch to Lexapro 10mg

8-2004 Lexapro 20mg, Imipramine 75mg

4-2006 Adding Wellbutrin 150mg then to 200mg

7-2006 switch Lexapro to Celexa

12-2007Celexa 40mg Wellbutirin 150mg

9-2009 switch back to Lexapro 20mg, WellbutrinXL 150mg

2-2010 stop Lexapro start Celexa 40mg

11-2010 switch Celexa to Cymbalta 60mg

3-2011 Cymbalta 60mg switch to Effexor 37.5 to 75mg

10-2012 thru 12-2012 taper Effexor 75mg to 37.5 and off.

5-2013 start generic Prozac 10mg to 20mg, Trazadone 25mg  BEGIN THE TAPER(6-2013 Prozac 20mg to 10mg, Trazadone 25mg. 7-2013 liquid Prozac 7mg, Trazadone 25mg 8-2013 liquid Prozac 8mg, Trazadone 25mg9-2013 liquid Prozac 5mg, Trazadone 25mg10-31-2013 liquid Prozac 3.25mg, Trazadone 25mg=11-11-2013 liquid Prozac 3.0mg, Trazadone 25mg=12-4-2013 liquid Prozac 2.8mg, Trazadone 25mg=12-13-2013 liquid Prozac 2.5mg, Trazadone 25mg=1-5-2014 liquid Prozac 2.0mg, Trazadone 25mg=(CURRENT/06-01-2014 LAST dose liquid Prozac, Trazadone 25mg)((Aug. 13, 2014 reinstate .20mg of liquid Prozac for crippling anxiety, dread (still on same Trazadone...)supplements are probiotic, Vit. D3 and Fish Oil daily)Aug 19th reinstate 6.25mg Zoloft, Sept. 4th 25mg Zoloft.CURRENT(50mg Zoloft, 25mg Trazadone)

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Wow, I got a small break in my really bad and long wave.  Mid day I was feeling pretty positive and actually thinking about fun things I could do.  Not much dread or anxiety. The weather today has been gorgeous as well, so that never hurts.  The morning started out very tense, high cortisol wake, but it seems to be ending much better. Thank God he answered my prayers.  Also trying to not focus so much on how I feel.  I like the quote I read the other day, "You won't get better until you stop trying to get better". So hopefully once you stop focusing on the issues you have and the feelings you feel all the time, things will fall into place.

Sept-1990 started my first AD Zoloft never got higher dose than 50mg

Dec-1990 Quit Zoloft  =Nov-1995 Back on Zoloft for Post-partum depression/anxiety

early-1998 Quit Prozac to get pregnant   =Feb-1999 Back on Prozac 20mg

10-1999 Prozac 30mg  =12-1999 Prozac 20mg

7-2001 switch to Wellbutrin SR 100mg

8-2001 increase Wellbutrin SR 150mg

10-2001 adding back Prozac 20mg

5-2003 tapered off Prozac  =7-2003 back on Prozac 20mg

8-2003 Add in Imipramine 25mg then to 50mg    (given Xanax for bad panic episodes

9-2003 Imipramine 75 mg then to 100mg

1-2004 switch to Lexapro 10mg

8-2004 Lexapro 20mg, Imipramine 75mg

4-2006 Adding Wellbutrin 150mg then to 200mg

7-2006 switch Lexapro to Celexa

12-2007Celexa 40mg Wellbutirin 150mg

9-2009 switch back to Lexapro 20mg, WellbutrinXL 150mg

2-2010 stop Lexapro start Celexa 40mg

11-2010 switch Celexa to Cymbalta 60mg

3-2011 Cymbalta 60mg switch to Effexor 37.5 to 75mg

10-2012 thru 12-2012 taper Effexor 75mg to 37.5 and off.

5-2013 start generic Prozac 10mg to 20mg, Trazadone 25mg  BEGIN THE TAPER(6-2013 Prozac 20mg to 10mg, Trazadone 25mg. 7-2013 liquid Prozac 7mg, Trazadone 25mg 8-2013 liquid Prozac 8mg, Trazadone 25mg9-2013 liquid Prozac 5mg, Trazadone 25mg10-31-2013 liquid Prozac 3.25mg, Trazadone 25mg=11-11-2013 liquid Prozac 3.0mg, Trazadone 25mg=12-4-2013 liquid Prozac 2.8mg, Trazadone 25mg=12-13-2013 liquid Prozac 2.5mg, Trazadone 25mg=1-5-2014 liquid Prozac 2.0mg, Trazadone 25mg=(CURRENT/06-01-2014 LAST dose liquid Prozac, Trazadone 25mg)((Aug. 13, 2014 reinstate .20mg of liquid Prozac for crippling anxiety, dread (still on same Trazadone...)supplements are probiotic, Vit. D3 and Fish Oil daily)Aug 19th reinstate 6.25mg Zoloft, Sept. 4th 25mg Zoloft.CURRENT(50mg Zoloft, 25mg Trazadone)

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Have you tried looking into any support groups in your area? Or searching meetup.com? 


I'm working on meditation.


Hang in there. 

1991-1992: 25mg Zoloft (initially for post-partum depression - 6 weeks after giving birth)

1994-1998: 25mg Zoloft (post-partum again - 6 weeks after subsequent birth)

2003-2011: 30mg Cymbalta (situational depression - began tapering off in November 2011 - completely off in November 2012)

2012-2013: 25mg Zoloft (used to "cushion the blow" for withdrawal from Cymbalta)

2014: - Estradiol (slow increases as follows) .5 mg: Jan - Feb, 1 mg: Mar - Apr, 1.5 mg: May - Jun, 2 mg: Jun.

2014 - July 20 100 mg Buproprion 1 x a day.

133 mg chelated magnesium 3x per day, Carlson fish oil daily: 1600 EPA, 1000 DHA

- completely medication free as of July 1, 2013

- previous bouts with brain zaps and tremors

- continual struggles with anxiety, panic attacks, disassociation, anger, etc.

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I did do the meetup.com and found a FREE meditation group.  I went once and missed the last one. Only every other week and it is a long way from home. I keeping putting off finding a therapist. I was going to get something through my husbands Employee Assistance Program(EAP), for some free visits. Thanks Sarabellum, hope you are doing better 2.

Sept-1990 started my first AD Zoloft never got higher dose than 50mg

Dec-1990 Quit Zoloft  =Nov-1995 Back on Zoloft for Post-partum depression/anxiety

early-1998 Quit Prozac to get pregnant   =Feb-1999 Back on Prozac 20mg

10-1999 Prozac 30mg  =12-1999 Prozac 20mg

7-2001 switch to Wellbutrin SR 100mg

8-2001 increase Wellbutrin SR 150mg

10-2001 adding back Prozac 20mg

5-2003 tapered off Prozac  =7-2003 back on Prozac 20mg

8-2003 Add in Imipramine 25mg then to 50mg    (given Xanax for bad panic episodes

9-2003 Imipramine 75 mg then to 100mg

1-2004 switch to Lexapro 10mg

8-2004 Lexapro 20mg, Imipramine 75mg

4-2006 Adding Wellbutrin 150mg then to 200mg

7-2006 switch Lexapro to Celexa

12-2007Celexa 40mg Wellbutirin 150mg

9-2009 switch back to Lexapro 20mg, WellbutrinXL 150mg

2-2010 stop Lexapro start Celexa 40mg

11-2010 switch Celexa to Cymbalta 60mg

3-2011 Cymbalta 60mg switch to Effexor 37.5 to 75mg

10-2012 thru 12-2012 taper Effexor 75mg to 37.5 and off.

5-2013 start generic Prozac 10mg to 20mg, Trazadone 25mg  BEGIN THE TAPER(6-2013 Prozac 20mg to 10mg, Trazadone 25mg. 7-2013 liquid Prozac 7mg, Trazadone 25mg 8-2013 liquid Prozac 8mg, Trazadone 25mg9-2013 liquid Prozac 5mg, Trazadone 25mg10-31-2013 liquid Prozac 3.25mg, Trazadone 25mg=11-11-2013 liquid Prozac 3.0mg, Trazadone 25mg=12-4-2013 liquid Prozac 2.8mg, Trazadone 25mg=12-13-2013 liquid Prozac 2.5mg, Trazadone 25mg=1-5-2014 liquid Prozac 2.0mg, Trazadone 25mg=(CURRENT/06-01-2014 LAST dose liquid Prozac, Trazadone 25mg)((Aug. 13, 2014 reinstate .20mg of liquid Prozac for crippling anxiety, dread (still on same Trazadone...)supplements are probiotic, Vit. D3 and Fish Oil daily)Aug 19th reinstate 6.25mg Zoloft, Sept. 4th 25mg Zoloft.CURRENT(50mg Zoloft, 25mg Trazadone)

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  • Moderator Emeritus

These ups and downs are ever so normal, Fitby50. And it looks to me like you still came down awfully fast off the Prozac, from 2.5 mg. to 2 mg. (that's a 20% cut), and I'm not sure what happened after that. It may be that taking a tiny bit of Prozac, stabilizing and coming down more slowly could help. I'm not sure exactly what to suggest since I'm not clear on how you tapered between January and June of this year.

Psychotropic drug history: Pristiq 50 mg. (mid-September 2010 through February 2011), Remeron (mid-September 2010 through January 2011), Lexapro 10 mg. (mid-February 2011 through mid-December 2011), Lorazepam (Ativan) 1 mg. as needed mid-September 2010 through early March 2012

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." -Hanlon's Razor

Introduction: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/1588-introducing-jemima/


Success Story: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/6263-success-jemima-survives-lexapro-and-dr-dickhead-too/

Please note that I am not a medical professional and my advice is based on personal experience, reading, and anecdotal information posted by other sufferers.


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Thanks Jemima. I would have to look at my sheet, I don't think the sign. shows it accurately.  Each drop that I made was ok, I never had problems with the drops making a big difference in the way I felt.  During the taper, I had some bad waves, but usually some pretty good windows at the same time over the year long taper.  I started  the taper at 7mg, I had only been on the 10mg for 2 weeks before I found this site and decided to taper.  I have thought about reinstating some Prozac too, but for now plan to ride it out and see if I can grab a window to break up this long bad wave.  Usually my bad waves are only 5 to 7 days before I get a window, so this one just has me caught off guard.  I want to get feeling pretty good before I even think about tapering the Trazadone.

Sept-1990 started my first AD Zoloft never got higher dose than 50mg

Dec-1990 Quit Zoloft  =Nov-1995 Back on Zoloft for Post-partum depression/anxiety

early-1998 Quit Prozac to get pregnant   =Feb-1999 Back on Prozac 20mg

10-1999 Prozac 30mg  =12-1999 Prozac 20mg

7-2001 switch to Wellbutrin SR 100mg

8-2001 increase Wellbutrin SR 150mg

10-2001 adding back Prozac 20mg

5-2003 tapered off Prozac  =7-2003 back on Prozac 20mg

8-2003 Add in Imipramine 25mg then to 50mg    (given Xanax for bad panic episodes

9-2003 Imipramine 75 mg then to 100mg

1-2004 switch to Lexapro 10mg

8-2004 Lexapro 20mg, Imipramine 75mg

4-2006 Adding Wellbutrin 150mg then to 200mg

7-2006 switch Lexapro to Celexa

12-2007Celexa 40mg Wellbutirin 150mg

9-2009 switch back to Lexapro 20mg, WellbutrinXL 150mg

2-2010 stop Lexapro start Celexa 40mg

11-2010 switch Celexa to Cymbalta 60mg

3-2011 Cymbalta 60mg switch to Effexor 37.5 to 75mg

10-2012 thru 12-2012 taper Effexor 75mg to 37.5 and off.

5-2013 start generic Prozac 10mg to 20mg, Trazadone 25mg  BEGIN THE TAPER(6-2013 Prozac 20mg to 10mg, Trazadone 25mg. 7-2013 liquid Prozac 7mg, Trazadone 25mg 8-2013 liquid Prozac 8mg, Trazadone 25mg9-2013 liquid Prozac 5mg, Trazadone 25mg10-31-2013 liquid Prozac 3.25mg, Trazadone 25mg=11-11-2013 liquid Prozac 3.0mg, Trazadone 25mg=12-4-2013 liquid Prozac 2.8mg, Trazadone 25mg=12-13-2013 liquid Prozac 2.5mg, Trazadone 25mg=1-5-2014 liquid Prozac 2.0mg, Trazadone 25mg=(CURRENT/06-01-2014 LAST dose liquid Prozac, Trazadone 25mg)((Aug. 13, 2014 reinstate .20mg of liquid Prozac for crippling anxiety, dread (still on same Trazadone...)supplements are probiotic, Vit. D3 and Fish Oil daily)Aug 19th reinstate 6.25mg Zoloft, Sept. 4th 25mg Zoloft.CURRENT(50mg Zoloft, 25mg Trazadone)

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  • Moderator Emeritus

I would definitely hold on the Trazadone until you've felt good for at least a month.  Rushing things just trips us up in the long run.

Psychotropic drug history: Pristiq 50 mg. (mid-September 2010 through February 2011), Remeron (mid-September 2010 through January 2011), Lexapro 10 mg. (mid-February 2011 through mid-December 2011), Lorazepam (Ativan) 1 mg. as needed mid-September 2010 through early March 2012

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." -Hanlon's Razor

Introduction: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/1588-introducing-jemima/


Success Story: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/6263-success-jemima-survives-lexapro-and-dr-dickhead-too/

Please note that I am not a medical professional and my advice is based on personal experience, reading, and anecdotal information posted by other sufferers.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I was looking at some old pictures from when I was young. Pics of my family and of my parents, who have passed away years ago, and I miss dearly.  I had a great life growing up as a kid in a small mid-western town.  I was happy and loved, had good friends and played in the neighborhood until the street lights came on.  I never would of dreamed that years later, I would be dealing with these horrible emotions I can't control and seem to control me.  I still get so angry that I ever was put on these drugs that are robbing me of more good times and of being a happy person.  I know it does me no good to be angry or bitter, but it is what it is. I feel like I am getting better, but at such a snails pace, I tend to lose hope at times. I'm having a pity party and just want to snap my fingers and have it be all better. LOL, that is what got me into this mess. A doctor giving me a pill and saying it would be all better.  I know that everyone has these same feelings and emotions as I do and we are all dealing with the pain the best we can. Getting by each hour of the day, living day to day, waiting for it to get better.  I'm just needing a little vent and thinking about all of you and hoping you are getting better.  This morning I was wondering, "What good can come from all of my pain and this journey"?  If I can meet others and share with them the info. about these AD drugs, or keep others from ever starting them, then maybe that is what is meant to be.  Thank you Alto, and everyone who helps all of us on this website.  Not sure where I would be today without this site and all of its info. and wonderful people.


Sept-1990 started my first AD Zoloft never got higher dose than 50mg

Dec-1990 Quit Zoloft  =Nov-1995 Back on Zoloft for Post-partum depression/anxiety

early-1998 Quit Prozac to get pregnant   =Feb-1999 Back on Prozac 20mg

10-1999 Prozac 30mg  =12-1999 Prozac 20mg

7-2001 switch to Wellbutrin SR 100mg

8-2001 increase Wellbutrin SR 150mg

10-2001 adding back Prozac 20mg

5-2003 tapered off Prozac  =7-2003 back on Prozac 20mg

8-2003 Add in Imipramine 25mg then to 50mg    (given Xanax for bad panic episodes

9-2003 Imipramine 75 mg then to 100mg

1-2004 switch to Lexapro 10mg

8-2004 Lexapro 20mg, Imipramine 75mg

4-2006 Adding Wellbutrin 150mg then to 200mg

7-2006 switch Lexapro to Celexa

12-2007Celexa 40mg Wellbutirin 150mg

9-2009 switch back to Lexapro 20mg, WellbutrinXL 150mg

2-2010 stop Lexapro start Celexa 40mg

11-2010 switch Celexa to Cymbalta 60mg

3-2011 Cymbalta 60mg switch to Effexor 37.5 to 75mg

10-2012 thru 12-2012 taper Effexor 75mg to 37.5 and off.

5-2013 start generic Prozac 10mg to 20mg, Trazadone 25mg  BEGIN THE TAPER(6-2013 Prozac 20mg to 10mg, Trazadone 25mg. 7-2013 liquid Prozac 7mg, Trazadone 25mg 8-2013 liquid Prozac 8mg, Trazadone 25mg9-2013 liquid Prozac 5mg, Trazadone 25mg10-31-2013 liquid Prozac 3.25mg, Trazadone 25mg=11-11-2013 liquid Prozac 3.0mg, Trazadone 25mg=12-4-2013 liquid Prozac 2.8mg, Trazadone 25mg=12-13-2013 liquid Prozac 2.5mg, Trazadone 25mg=1-5-2014 liquid Prozac 2.0mg, Trazadone 25mg=(CURRENT/06-01-2014 LAST dose liquid Prozac, Trazadone 25mg)((Aug. 13, 2014 reinstate .20mg of liquid Prozac for crippling anxiety, dread (still on same Trazadone...)supplements are probiotic, Vit. D3 and Fish Oil daily)Aug 19th reinstate 6.25mg Zoloft, Sept. 4th 25mg Zoloft.CURRENT(50mg Zoloft, 25mg Trazadone)

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  • Administrator

You are very welcome, Fitby!

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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  • 2 months later...

This is almost unbearable to write, because I feel ashamed and like a failure and weak.  My journey to be free of AD’s has not ended like I had hoped or was so confident about several months ago.  I decided at the end of August to reinstate in hopes of getting back to a therapeutic level.  My family’s financial situation was a constant stressor on me and was drastically impeding my recovery.  It was causing my anxiety to be overwhelming.  I am able to work two part-time low paying jobs, but it’s not enough to help pay the bills.  And it seems like at every turn lately something is breaking and costing us more money and my health care bills are going to debt collectors.  I know my husband wants me to be working a full time job and that makes me feel guilty, more stress.  I was laid off  in March of 2008 and it cut our household income in more than half.  I feel like unless I can get back into the full time work force and start earning a better income, my anxiety and stress will never get better.  Unfortunately feeling so horrible all the time from withdrawal, there is no way I could find or keep a good job.  This ultimately led to my decision to reinstate at this time.  I’m terrified about trying to find a job and going through the whole process and  interviews, but I don’t feel like I have any other choice.

Sept-1990 started my first AD Zoloft never got higher dose than 50mg

Dec-1990 Quit Zoloft  =Nov-1995 Back on Zoloft for Post-partum depression/anxiety

early-1998 Quit Prozac to get pregnant   =Feb-1999 Back on Prozac 20mg

10-1999 Prozac 30mg  =12-1999 Prozac 20mg

7-2001 switch to Wellbutrin SR 100mg

8-2001 increase Wellbutrin SR 150mg

10-2001 adding back Prozac 20mg

5-2003 tapered off Prozac  =7-2003 back on Prozac 20mg

8-2003 Add in Imipramine 25mg then to 50mg    (given Xanax for bad panic episodes

9-2003 Imipramine 75 mg then to 100mg

1-2004 switch to Lexapro 10mg

8-2004 Lexapro 20mg, Imipramine 75mg

4-2006 Adding Wellbutrin 150mg then to 200mg

7-2006 switch Lexapro to Celexa

12-2007Celexa 40mg Wellbutirin 150mg

9-2009 switch back to Lexapro 20mg, WellbutrinXL 150mg

2-2010 stop Lexapro start Celexa 40mg

11-2010 switch Celexa to Cymbalta 60mg

3-2011 Cymbalta 60mg switch to Effexor 37.5 to 75mg

10-2012 thru 12-2012 taper Effexor 75mg to 37.5 and off.

5-2013 start generic Prozac 10mg to 20mg, Trazadone 25mg  BEGIN THE TAPER(6-2013 Prozac 20mg to 10mg, Trazadone 25mg. 7-2013 liquid Prozac 7mg, Trazadone 25mg 8-2013 liquid Prozac 8mg, Trazadone 25mg9-2013 liquid Prozac 5mg, Trazadone 25mg10-31-2013 liquid Prozac 3.25mg, Trazadone 25mg=11-11-2013 liquid Prozac 3.0mg, Trazadone 25mg=12-4-2013 liquid Prozac 2.8mg, Trazadone 25mg=12-13-2013 liquid Prozac 2.5mg, Trazadone 25mg=1-5-2014 liquid Prozac 2.0mg, Trazadone 25mg=(CURRENT/06-01-2014 LAST dose liquid Prozac, Trazadone 25mg)((Aug. 13, 2014 reinstate .20mg of liquid Prozac for crippling anxiety, dread (still on same Trazadone...)supplements are probiotic, Vit. D3 and Fish Oil daily)Aug 19th reinstate 6.25mg Zoloft, Sept. 4th 25mg Zoloft.CURRENT(50mg Zoloft, 25mg Trazadone)

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  • Administrator

Please don't feel like you have to apologize, Fitby. You need to take care of yourself in the best way you can. Please let us know how you're doing.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

Link to comment

Thank you Alto, that really means much to hear you say!

Sept-1990 started my first AD Zoloft never got higher dose than 50mg

Dec-1990 Quit Zoloft  =Nov-1995 Back on Zoloft for Post-partum depression/anxiety

early-1998 Quit Prozac to get pregnant   =Feb-1999 Back on Prozac 20mg

10-1999 Prozac 30mg  =12-1999 Prozac 20mg

7-2001 switch to Wellbutrin SR 100mg

8-2001 increase Wellbutrin SR 150mg

10-2001 adding back Prozac 20mg

5-2003 tapered off Prozac  =7-2003 back on Prozac 20mg

8-2003 Add in Imipramine 25mg then to 50mg    (given Xanax for bad panic episodes

9-2003 Imipramine 75 mg then to 100mg

1-2004 switch to Lexapro 10mg

8-2004 Lexapro 20mg, Imipramine 75mg

4-2006 Adding Wellbutrin 150mg then to 200mg

7-2006 switch Lexapro to Celexa

12-2007Celexa 40mg Wellbutirin 150mg

9-2009 switch back to Lexapro 20mg, WellbutrinXL 150mg

2-2010 stop Lexapro start Celexa 40mg

11-2010 switch Celexa to Cymbalta 60mg

3-2011 Cymbalta 60mg switch to Effexor 37.5 to 75mg

10-2012 thru 12-2012 taper Effexor 75mg to 37.5 and off.

5-2013 start generic Prozac 10mg to 20mg, Trazadone 25mg  BEGIN THE TAPER(6-2013 Prozac 20mg to 10mg, Trazadone 25mg. 7-2013 liquid Prozac 7mg, Trazadone 25mg 8-2013 liquid Prozac 8mg, Trazadone 25mg9-2013 liquid Prozac 5mg, Trazadone 25mg10-31-2013 liquid Prozac 3.25mg, Trazadone 25mg=11-11-2013 liquid Prozac 3.0mg, Trazadone 25mg=12-4-2013 liquid Prozac 2.8mg, Trazadone 25mg=12-13-2013 liquid Prozac 2.5mg, Trazadone 25mg=1-5-2014 liquid Prozac 2.0mg, Trazadone 25mg=(CURRENT/06-01-2014 LAST dose liquid Prozac, Trazadone 25mg)((Aug. 13, 2014 reinstate .20mg of liquid Prozac for crippling anxiety, dread (still on same Trazadone...)supplements are probiotic, Vit. D3 and Fish Oil daily)Aug 19th reinstate 6.25mg Zoloft, Sept. 4th 25mg Zoloft.CURRENT(50mg Zoloft, 25mg Trazadone)

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  • Moderator Emeritus

It sounds like you made a good decision Fitby, no need to be sorry, you are doing what's best for you and your family at this time.  When you find yourself in a better situation, you can try again, we will be here to help.  I hope you start to feel better soon after your reinstatement.

I'm not a doctor.  My comments are not medical advise. These are my opinions based on my own experience and what I've learned. Please discuss your situation with a medical practitioner who has knowledge of tapering and withdrawal...if you are lucky enough to find one.

My Introduction Thread

Full Drug and Withdrawal History

Brief Summary

Several SSRIs for 13 years starting 1997 (for mild to moderate partly situational anxiety) Xanax PRN ~ Various other drugs over the years for side effects

2 month 'taper' off Lexapro 2010

Short acute withdrawal, followed by 2 -3 months of improvement then delayed protracted withdrawal

DX ADHD followed by several years of stimulants and other drugs trying to manage increasing symptoms

Failed reinstatement of Lexapro and trial of Prozac (became suicidal)

May 2013 Found SA, learned about withdrawal, stopped taking drugs...healing begins.

Protracted withdrawal, with a very sensitized nervous system, slowly recovering as time passes

Supplements which have helped: Vitamin C, Magnesium, Taurine

Bad reactions: Many supplements but mostly fish oil and Vitamin D

June 2016 - Started daily juicing, mostly vegetables and lots of greens.

Aug 2016 - Oct 2016 Best window ever, felt almost completely recovered

Oct 2016 -Symptoms returned - bad days and less bad days.

April 2018 - No windows, but significant improvement, it feels like permanent full recovery is close.

VIDEO: Where did the chemical imbalance theory come from?

VIDEO: How are psychiatric diagnoses made?

VIDEO: Why do psychiatric drugs have withdrawal syndromes?

VIDEO: Can psychiatric drugs cause long-lasting negative effects?

VIDEO: Dr. Claire Weekes




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Thank you Petu, I appreciate the kind words and understanding!  I know I will try again.  I may have lost this battle, but I have faith, I will win the war.  I still believe these meds are dangerous and taking them again is the last thing I want to be doing.  But for the time being, it is a crutch I am going to have to rely on.  Some how, I need to rebuild some confidence in myself and become less anxious, so I can find a job!  The Zoloft has taken the edge off, but I still have a long way to go before I could even sit through an interview.  I am also getting self help with a therapist to work on some negative thought pattern's and using meditation and anything I can do to heal from the inside out.


Sept-1990 started my first AD Zoloft never got higher dose than 50mg

Dec-1990 Quit Zoloft  =Nov-1995 Back on Zoloft for Post-partum depression/anxiety

early-1998 Quit Prozac to get pregnant   =Feb-1999 Back on Prozac 20mg

10-1999 Prozac 30mg  =12-1999 Prozac 20mg

7-2001 switch to Wellbutrin SR 100mg

8-2001 increase Wellbutrin SR 150mg

10-2001 adding back Prozac 20mg

5-2003 tapered off Prozac  =7-2003 back on Prozac 20mg

8-2003 Add in Imipramine 25mg then to 50mg    (given Xanax for bad panic episodes

9-2003 Imipramine 75 mg then to 100mg

1-2004 switch to Lexapro 10mg

8-2004 Lexapro 20mg, Imipramine 75mg

4-2006 Adding Wellbutrin 150mg then to 200mg

7-2006 switch Lexapro to Celexa

12-2007Celexa 40mg Wellbutirin 150mg

9-2009 switch back to Lexapro 20mg, WellbutrinXL 150mg

2-2010 stop Lexapro start Celexa 40mg

11-2010 switch Celexa to Cymbalta 60mg

3-2011 Cymbalta 60mg switch to Effexor 37.5 to 75mg

10-2012 thru 12-2012 taper Effexor 75mg to 37.5 and off.

5-2013 start generic Prozac 10mg to 20mg, Trazadone 25mg  BEGIN THE TAPER(6-2013 Prozac 20mg to 10mg, Trazadone 25mg. 7-2013 liquid Prozac 7mg, Trazadone 25mg 8-2013 liquid Prozac 8mg, Trazadone 25mg9-2013 liquid Prozac 5mg, Trazadone 25mg10-31-2013 liquid Prozac 3.25mg, Trazadone 25mg=11-11-2013 liquid Prozac 3.0mg, Trazadone 25mg=12-4-2013 liquid Prozac 2.8mg, Trazadone 25mg=12-13-2013 liquid Prozac 2.5mg, Trazadone 25mg=1-5-2014 liquid Prozac 2.0mg, Trazadone 25mg=(CURRENT/06-01-2014 LAST dose liquid Prozac, Trazadone 25mg)((Aug. 13, 2014 reinstate .20mg of liquid Prozac for crippling anxiety, dread (still on same Trazadone...)supplements are probiotic, Vit. D3 and Fish Oil daily)Aug 19th reinstate 6.25mg Zoloft, Sept. 4th 25mg Zoloft.CURRENT(50mg Zoloft, 25mg Trazadone)

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