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I read an article about drug safety and found a link to this site because I am interested in Antidepressants for obvious reasons I typed antidepressants into the search was not expecting a lot but to my surprise there are many hits on antidepressants in this site. 

you can see it here if you have any interest.




I will post just the first page of hits there are 4 pages of just titles 

Search Keyword antidepressant
Total 92 results found. Search for [ antidepressant ] with google.png


Results 1 - 30 of 92  5 10 15 20 25 30 50 
...t the nature of illnesses such as schizophrenia or "the mechanisms of the field's most commonly used drugs --antidepressants like Prozac, and antipsychotics like Zyprexa -- have revealed nothing ...
Wednesday, 08 May 2013

2. Can Medical Research be Trusted?
(Corrupt Practices/Fraud)
... thousands of people, and drugs that continue to kill: Painkillers Vioxx (Merck) and OxyContin (Purdue); antidepressants  Wellbutrin (GlaxoSmithKline);  diabetes, Avandia (GlaxoSmit...
Friday, 04 January 2013

...drug prescriptions for millions of Americans.    Bingeing on prescription painkillers Antidepressants to treat grief? As drug industry’s influence over researc...
Tuesday, 01 January 2013

4. A Bad Judicial Decision Undercuts Drug Safety Law
(Lawsuits/FDA, EPA, NIH, DHHS)
...p side of that pie-in-the-sky perspective is GlaxoSmithKline agreeing to pay $3 billion in July for promoting antidepressants and other drugs for unapproved uses. Or Johnson & Johnson agreei...
Sunday, 09 December 2012

... link?. Medical Hypotheses (2009). [31] Croen LA, Gether, JK, Yoshida, CK, Odouli, R and Hendrick, V. Antidepressant Use During Pregnancy and Childhood Autism Spectrum Disorders, Archives...
Sunday, 07 October 2012

...cy: the prescribing of multiple drugs in untested “cocktail” combinations of antipsychotics and SSRI antidepressants has become the “norm and practice” in psychiatry. Psychiat...
Sunday, 07 October 2012

...ion of scientists in the Office of Drug Safety to find out who leaked the truth about the suicide risk of the antidepressant, Paxil. FDA managers banned FDA safety officer, Dr. Andy Mosholder, f...
Friday, 14 September 2012

...o; During the same “change-year” period, another environmental factor was introduced—antidepressants, such as Prozac, were being prescribed during pregnancy. Select...
Sunday, 02 September 2012

...ngeles Times, Aptil 7, 2012. (below)  “More than 110,000 active-duty Army troops last year took antidepressants, sedatives and other prescription medications. Some see a link to abe...
Friday, 22 June 2012

10. Vicissitudes of Psychiatry's Diagnostic Manual Revisions
(Conflict of Interest/Publication Bias)
...tom of a mental disorder. More than anything else, the DSM catapulted clinically ineffective drugs--such as, SSRIantidepressants and (atypical) neuroleptics into industry's most profitable blockbust...
Monday, 14 May 2012

11. 9 Medical Specialties Recommend Reducing 45 Tests
(Medical Ethics /Compliance/Clinical Practice)
...y, the exponential increase in the use of expensive drugs--in particular, the new, neuroleptics (antipsychotics),antidepressants, and so-called mood stabilizers--has severely undermined the health ...
Thursday, 05 April 2012

..."    Why do the defenders of vaccines, and defenders of toxic prescription drugs such as, antidepressants, antipsychotics, or statins, resort to ferocious personal and profess...
Thursday, 08 March 2012

13. The Truth About Psychiatric Drugs
(Research Integrity/Publications/Journals)
...out the safety and benefits of psychiatric drugs--in particular, the newer, expensive drugs, the so-called SSRIantidepressants, and the new neuroleptics, marketed as 'atypical antipsychotics'. ...
Thursday, 11 August 2011

14. Useless Studies, Real Harm
(Conflict of Interest/Government Agencies)
...but they appear with alarming regularity in pharmaceutical marketing documents. In the marketing plan for theantidepressant Lexapro for the 2004 fiscal year, Forest Laboratories described 102 P...
Monday, 01 August 2011

15. Harvard Psychiatrists Disciplined for Conflicts of Interest
(Corrupt Practices/Investigations)
...e was named in a 2009 lawsuit joined by the US Department of Justice alleging Forest Laboratories promoted itsantidepressants for pediatric use without FDA approval and paid kickbacks to docs to...
Thursday, 21 July 2011

16. Academic Freedom & the Corporate University
(Corrupt Practices/Fraud)
...search grants from industry, despite his serious COI and his role in suppressing unfavorable data about the antidepressantPaxil in kids. Kern, by contrast, blew the whistle on corporate wron...
Tuesday, 17 May 2011

...enned by prominent academic psychiatrists--for publication in scientific journals, promoting various uses for theantidepressant, Paxil (paroxetine). POGO discovered that six researchers--includ...
Saturday, 14 May 2011

18. SSRI Antidepressants Linked to Breast Cancer
(Safety Issues/Psych Drugs)
A meta- analysis of 61 studies in PLoS ONE found an increased risk of breast cancer for women taking an antidepressant.  “Reviewing the evidence is a critical public health issue in l
Thursday, 07 April 2011

19. Military Polypharmacy, PTSD: Deaths
(Medical Ethics /Compliance/Clinical Practice)
...    PTSD/pain patients are often prescribed a combination of psychotropics that may include--one antidepressant, one antipsychotic, one antianxiety, one sleep, and one pain medicine...
Sunday, 13 March 2011

20. Military Deaths Linked to Prescribed Psych Drugs 
(Safety Issues/Psych Drugs)
...nt investigation has found.  Once at war, some unstable troops are kept on the front lines while on potent antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs, with little or no counseling or medical moni...
Friday, 11 March 2011

21. States to Enact Laws to Curb Drugging of Children 
(Children at Risk/Psych Drugs )
...ouble dose of Ritalin when another physician, seeing a boy so mellowed out that he barely reacted, prescribed anantidepressant. “They start you on one thing for a problem, then the side effec...
Friday, 25 February 2011

...th reality. Case reports of these serious side effects outstripped those from the most powerful antipsychotic andantidepressant drugs which are used more directly in vulnerable patient populations wi...
Tuesday, 01 February 2011

23. FDA Panel Recommends ECT Safety Testing 
(Safety Issues/Devices)
...depression, ECT is more effective than placebo or "sham" shocks and after a month more effective than antidepressants. In terms of hazards, the FDA staff's review found the tre...
Sunday, 30 January 2011

24. Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science
(Research Integrity/Bias/ Fraud)
...es, and PSA tests are far less useful cancer-detection tools than we had been told; or when widely prescribedantidepressants such as Prozac, Zoloft, and Paxil were revealed to be no m...
Wednesday, 19 January 2011

25. Stop Retaliating Against Whistleblowers
(Public Policy/Government)
...tion-- resulted in GlaxoSmithKline pleading guilty to criminal marketing of drugs it knew to adulterated: the antidepressant, Paxil CR, the diabetes drug, Avandia, a cancer drug,  Kytril, a...
Wednesday, 19 January 2011

26. The Truth Wears Off
(Research Integrity/Bias/ Fraud)
... widespread, affecting not only antipsychotics but also therapies ranging from cardiac stents to Vitamin E andantidepressants: Davis has a forthcoming analysis demonstrating that the efficacy o...
Friday, 14 January 2011

27. Deadly Medicine: Foreign Clinical Trials_Vanity Fair
(Research Integrity/Bias/ Fraud)
...lic record of their existence or their results. In the mid-90s, Glaxo conducted clinical trials on the antidepressant Paxil in the United States, Europe, and South America. Paxil is a mem...
Friday, 17 December 2010

... The next drugs most often linked to unprovoked violent outbursts--some resulting in murder--are 11 of 13 SSRIantidepressants. These not so, "magic bullets," whose mode of action (reupt...
Wednesday, 15 December 2010

...volve ghostwriting by only one company--Scientific Therapeutics Information--and only one drug--GlaxoSmithKline'santidepressant, Paxil (peroxetine). Duff Wilson of The New York Times report...
Tuesday, 30 November 2010

...a, oppositional defiant disorder. The boy’s daily pill regimen multiplied: the antipsychotic Risperdal, the antidepressantProzac, two sleeping medicines and one for attention-deficit disorder. ...
Thursday, 02 September 2010
<< Start < Prev 1 2 3 4 Next > End >>



Had a car accident in 85
Codeine was the pain med when I was release from hosp continuous use till 89
Given PROZAC by a specialist to help with nerve pain in my leg 89-90 not sure which year
Was not told a thing about it being a psych med thought it was a pain killer no info about psych side effects I went nuts had hallucinations. As I had a head injury and was diagnosed with a concussion in 85 I was sent to a head injury clinic in 1990 five years after the accident. I don't think they knew I had been on prozac I did not think it a big deal and never did finish the bottle of pills. I had tests of course lots of them. Was put into a pain clinic and given amitriptyline which stopped the withdrawal but had many side effects. But I could sleep something I had not done in a very long time the pain lessened. My mother got cancer in 94 they switched my meds to Zoloft to help deal with this pressure as I was her main care giver she died in 96. I stopped zoloft in 96 had withdrawal was put on paxil went nutty quit it ct put on resperidol quit it ct had withdrawal was put on Effexor... 2years later celexa was added 20mg then increased to 40mg huge personality change went wild. Did too fast taper off Celexa 05 as I felt unwell for a long time prior... quit Effexor 150mg ct 07 found ****** 8 months into withdrawal learned some things was banned from there in 08 have kept learning since. there is really not enough room here to put my history but I have a lot of opinions about a lot of things especially any of the drugs mentioned above.
One thing I would like to add here is this tidbit ALL OPIATES INCREASE SEROTONIN it is not a huge jump to being in chronic pain to being put on an ssri/snri and opiates will affect your antidepressants and your thinking.

As I do not update much I will put my quit date Nov. 17 2007 I quit Effexor cold turkey. 


There is a crack in everything ..That's how the light gets in :)

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This one is interesting.



A text book to teach family doctors ghost written... 

he instances identified in the letter involve ghostwriting by only one company--Scientific Therapeutics Information--and only one drug--GlaxoSmithKline's antidepressant, Paxil (peroxetine). 

Duff Wilson of The New York Times reports (below) that previously sealed GlaxoSmithKline documents  show that a psychiatry textbook, whose listed authors are psychiatrists,  Charles Nemeroff, MD and Alan Schatzberg, MD, was actually ghostwritten by Sally Laden of STI. GSK paid the ghostwriter and the "authors" who penned their names to the book.

 The sheer audacity prompted former FDA commissioner, Dr. David Kessler to exclaim: "To ghostwrite an entire textbook is a new level of chutzpah. “I’ve never heard of that  before. It takes your breath away.”  Surely that is a dubious distinction in academic medicine! 


quoted from the link above... 

Had a car accident in 85
Codeine was the pain med when I was release from hosp continuous use till 89
Given PROZAC by a specialist to help with nerve pain in my leg 89-90 not sure which year
Was not told a thing about it being a psych med thought it was a pain killer no info about psych side effects I went nuts had hallucinations. As I had a head injury and was diagnosed with a concussion in 85 I was sent to a head injury clinic in 1990 five years after the accident. I don't think they knew I had been on prozac I did not think it a big deal and never did finish the bottle of pills. I had tests of course lots of them. Was put into a pain clinic and given amitriptyline which stopped the withdrawal but had many side effects. But I could sleep something I had not done in a very long time the pain lessened. My mother got cancer in 94 they switched my meds to Zoloft to help deal with this pressure as I was her main care giver she died in 96. I stopped zoloft in 96 had withdrawal was put on paxil went nutty quit it ct put on resperidol quit it ct had withdrawal was put on Effexor... 2years later celexa was added 20mg then increased to 40mg huge personality change went wild. Did too fast taper off Celexa 05 as I felt unwell for a long time prior... quit Effexor 150mg ct 07 found ****** 8 months into withdrawal learned some things was banned from there in 08 have kept learning since. there is really not enough room here to put my history but I have a lot of opinions about a lot of things especially any of the drugs mentioned above.
One thing I would like to add here is this tidbit ALL OPIATES INCREASE SEROTONIN it is not a huge jump to being in chronic pain to being put on an ssri/snri and opiates will affect your antidepressants and your thinking.

As I do not update much I will put my quit date Nov. 17 2007 I quit Effexor cold turkey. 


There is a crack in everything ..That's how the light gets in :)

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  • Moderator Emeritus

I started looking at some of those links this morning and was horrified to read of an 18 months old baby

who was having tantrums. The doctor prescribed an antipsychotic. By age 3 he was on 5 different adult psych drugs.

He was a sedated, obese, drooling shell with no life in his eyes. Thankfully he was rescued and tapered off all but 1.


Read it here http://www.ahrp.org/cms/content/view/723/9/


It really upsets me that children are medicated because they are not 'normal' .  It is one of my greatest hates.

No-one is allowed to be different, be themselves. Everyone has to conform to some stereotype or be drugged

into line.  :angry:

Edited by mammaP
edited to add link

**I am not a medical professional, if in doubt please consult a doctor with withdrawal knowledge.



Different drugs occasionally (mostly benzos) 1976 - 1981 (no problem)

1993 - 2002 in and out of hospital. every type of drug + ECT. Staring with seroxat

2002  effexor. 

Tapered  March 2012 to March 2013, ending with 5 beads.

Withdrawal April 2013 . Reinstated 5 beads reduced to 4 beads May 2013

Restarted taper  Nov 2013  

OFF EFFEXOR Feb 2015    :D 

Tapered atenolol and omeprazole Dec 2013 - May 2014


Tapering tramadol, Feb 2015 100mg , March 2015 50mg  

 July 2017 30mg.  May 15 2018 25mg

Taking fish oil, magnesium, B12, folic acid, bilberry eyebright for eye pressure. 


My story http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/4199-hello-mammap-checking-in/page-33


Lesson learned, slow down taper at lower doses. Taper no more than 10% of CURRENT dose if possible



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  • Administrator

Can this topic be moved to our Controversies forum?

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Moved to controversies BT, Lots of links there to very interesting subjects. Thank you for posting them.

**I am not a medical professional, if in doubt please consult a doctor with withdrawal knowledge.



Different drugs occasionally (mostly benzos) 1976 - 1981 (no problem)

1993 - 2002 in and out of hospital. every type of drug + ECT. Staring with seroxat

2002  effexor. 

Tapered  March 2012 to March 2013, ending with 5 beads.

Withdrawal April 2013 . Reinstated 5 beads reduced to 4 beads May 2013

Restarted taper  Nov 2013  

OFF EFFEXOR Feb 2015    :D 

Tapered atenolol and omeprazole Dec 2013 - May 2014


Tapering tramadol, Feb 2015 100mg , March 2015 50mg  

 July 2017 30mg.  May 15 2018 25mg

Taking fish oil, magnesium, B12, folic acid, bilberry eyebright for eye pressure. 


My story http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/4199-hello-mammap-checking-in/page-33


Lesson learned, slow down taper at lower doses. Taper no more than 10% of CURRENT dose if possible



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Can this topic be moved to our Controversies forum?

I don't know how to do it Alto can you do it?

Had a car accident in 85
Codeine was the pain med when I was release from hosp continuous use till 89
Given PROZAC by a specialist to help with nerve pain in my leg 89-90 not sure which year
Was not told a thing about it being a psych med thought it was a pain killer no info about psych side effects I went nuts had hallucinations. As I had a head injury and was diagnosed with a concussion in 85 I was sent to a head injury clinic in 1990 five years after the accident. I don't think they knew I had been on prozac I did not think it a big deal and never did finish the bottle of pills. I had tests of course lots of them. Was put into a pain clinic and given amitriptyline which stopped the withdrawal but had many side effects. But I could sleep something I had not done in a very long time the pain lessened. My mother got cancer in 94 they switched my meds to Zoloft to help deal with this pressure as I was her main care giver she died in 96. I stopped zoloft in 96 had withdrawal was put on paxil went nutty quit it ct put on resperidol quit it ct had withdrawal was put on Effexor... 2years later celexa was added 20mg then increased to 40mg huge personality change went wild. Did too fast taper off Celexa 05 as I felt unwell for a long time prior... quit Effexor 150mg ct 07 found ****** 8 months into withdrawal learned some things was banned from there in 08 have kept learning since. there is really not enough room here to put my history but I have a lot of opinions about a lot of things especially any of the drugs mentioned above.
One thing I would like to add here is this tidbit ALL OPIATES INCREASE SEROTONIN it is not a huge jump to being in chronic pain to being put on an ssri/snri and opiates will affect your antidepressants and your thinking.

As I do not update much I will put my quit date Nov. 17 2007 I quit Effexor cold turkey. 


There is a crack in everything ..That's how the light gets in :)

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I started looking at some of those links this morning and was horrified to read of an 18 months old baby

who was having tantrums. The doctor prescribed an antipsychotic. By age 3 he was on 5 different adult psych drugs.

He was a sedated, obese, drooling shell with no life in his eyes. Thankfully he was rescued and tapered off all but 1.


Read it here http://www.ahrp.org/cms/content/view/723/9/


It really upsets me that children are medicated because they are not 'normal' .  It is one of my greatest hates.

No-one is allowed to be different, be themselves. Everyone has to conform to some stereotype or be drugged

into line.  :angry:

Hard to understand as the article bounces around a bit... he seen him at 6 months ... was drugged for head banging and being non verbal??? 

whatever... like he says if your going to drug a child you need to have a dx so he gave him one... this was my pre med job...I find it difficult to believe.  I just the news paper article is a credible source.  

There are still a lot of parents who trust doctors with their kids lives I guess if a doctor said the child needed the drug many parents would not see a reason not to follow doctors orders.  Sad as can be. Another thing that surprises me is the child developed well and had not withdrawal and no side effects ... find that a bit hard to believe and wonder if they know what to look for. 

Had a car accident in 85
Codeine was the pain med when I was release from hosp continuous use till 89
Given PROZAC by a specialist to help with nerve pain in my leg 89-90 not sure which year
Was not told a thing about it being a psych med thought it was a pain killer no info about psych side effects I went nuts had hallucinations. As I had a head injury and was diagnosed with a concussion in 85 I was sent to a head injury clinic in 1990 five years after the accident. I don't think they knew I had been on prozac I did not think it a big deal and never did finish the bottle of pills. I had tests of course lots of them. Was put into a pain clinic and given amitriptyline which stopped the withdrawal but had many side effects. But I could sleep something I had not done in a very long time the pain lessened. My mother got cancer in 94 they switched my meds to Zoloft to help deal with this pressure as I was her main care giver she died in 96. I stopped zoloft in 96 had withdrawal was put on paxil went nutty quit it ct put on resperidol quit it ct had withdrawal was put on Effexor... 2years later celexa was added 20mg then increased to 40mg huge personality change went wild. Did too fast taper off Celexa 05 as I felt unwell for a long time prior... quit Effexor 150mg ct 07 found ****** 8 months into withdrawal learned some things was banned from there in 08 have kept learning since. there is really not enough room here to put my history but I have a lot of opinions about a lot of things especially any of the drugs mentioned above.
One thing I would like to add here is this tidbit ALL OPIATES INCREASE SEROTONIN it is not a huge jump to being in chronic pain to being put on an ssri/snri and opiates will affect your antidepressants and your thinking.

As I do not update much I will put my quit date Nov. 17 2007 I quit Effexor cold turkey. 


There is a crack in everything ..That's how the light gets in :)

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