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sylvhan: Desperate for help, chronically dizzy. Is it from reduction?


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I am yet to post my questions regarding my withdrawal issues from lexapro but I have come down with a horrendous flu/viral infection in the winter season and my symptom of dizziness from which I think May be from reducing lexapro too quickly a few months ago has become horrible. Is it something that can happen with withdrawal? Can a flu make wd symptoms worse? And for how long? I am slowly shaking this flu off but the dizziness is very severe still!

Thank you!

2011-2013 = 40mg lexapro

Jan 2013 = 20mg lexapro

2/4/2014 – started 10mg Lexapro


14/4/14 – dizziness started.

18/4/14 = dizziness becomes chronic.

22/4 – 24/4/14 = took 20mg

25/4/14  - 8/5/14 =15mg consistent

9/5/14 – 19/5/14 =15mg/20mg alternating daily

20/5/14 – 13/6/14 =20mg

14/6/14 = 22.5mg

15/6/ 14 – 16/6/2014 = 25mg

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Hello Sylvhan and welcome to SA!


It's hard to answer your questions in more detail unless you give us more details on your drug history, best in your signature as it is described here:




Were you taking any other medication before, after, at the same time as Lexapro, how long were you taking it, how much, how fast did you reduce, when exactly did you stop? Just some of the questions ;)


Discontinuing 2.5 mg of Lexapro (together with a benzo - an awfully bad idea) is the reason I'm here. Not that I'm complaining for being here - it's one of the best things that's ever happened to me actually but what prompted me to join wasn't so nice.


One of the things which happened very early after discontinuing Lexapro was a very strange and mysterious sinus inflammation in the middle of the blazing summer. It lasted for 30 days and I couldn't breath at night because my nose was so blocked. I didn't connect it with withdrawal at the time but when I came here I noticed that quite a few people mention flu-like symptoms as a withdrawal symptom which might be your case.


Do you have any other symptoms except this flu and dizziness? Dizziness is also a withdrawal symptom although for me it was much more pronounced with that other AD called Zoloft and not so much with Lexapro but we are all different so it affects us differently.


I hope we will be able to help more once we have more detail on your drug history.





Current: 9/2022 Xanax 0.08, Lexapro 2

2020 Xanax 0.26 (down from 2 mg in 2013), Lexapro 2.85 mg (down from 5 mg 2013)

Amitriptyline (tricyclic AD) and clonazepam for 3 months to treat headache in 1996 
1999. - present Xanax prn up to 3 mg.
2000-2005 Prozac CT twice, 2005-2010 Zoloft CT 3 times, 2010-2013 Escitalopram 10 mg
went from 2.5 to zero on 7 Aug 2013, bad crash 40 days after
reinstated to 5 mg Escitalopram 4Oct 2013 and holding liquid Xanax every 5 hours
28 Jan 2014 Xanax 1.9, 18 Apr  2015 1 mg,  25 June 2015 Lex 4.8, 6 Aug Lexapro 4.6, 1 Jan 2016 0.64  Xanax     9 month hold

24 Sept 2016 4.5 Lex, 17 Oct 4.4 Lex (Nov 0.63 Xanax, Dec 0.625 Xanax), 1 Jan 2017 4.3 Lex, 24 Jan 4.2, 5 Feb 4.1, 24 Mar 4 mg, 10 Apr 3.9 mg, May 3.85, June 3.8, July 3.75, 22 July 3.7, 15 Aug 3.65, 17 Sept 3.6, 1 Jan 2018 3.55, 19 Jan 3.5, 16 Mar 3.4, 14 Apr 3.3, 23 May 3.2, 16 June 3.15, 15 Jul 3.1, 31 Jul 3, 21 Aug 2.9 26 Sept 2.85, 14 Nov Xan 0.61, 1 Dec 0.59, 19 Dec 0.58, 4 Jan 0.565, 6 Feb 0.55, 20 Feb 0.535, 1 Mar 0.505, 10 Mar 0.475, 14 Mar 0.45, 4 Apr 0.415, 13 Apr 0.37, 21 Apr 0.33, 29 Apr 0.29, 10 May 0.27, 17 May 0.25, 28 May 0.22, 19 June 0.22, 21 Jun updose to 0.24, 24 Jun updose to 0.26

Supplements: Omega 3 + Vit E, Vit C, D, magnesium, Taurine, probiotic 

I'm not a medical professional. Any advice I give is based on my own experience and reading. 

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Hi Sylvhan,


You have certainly come to the best place for advice and support around tapering off A/D's!


I myself am here because of the withdrawal symptoms from tapering too quickly off what is considered a normal dose of Lexapro.  i can say that dizziness and nausea (along with a lot of other symptoms) were very pronounced for me. i still deal with dizziness each time i reduce the medication, but it passes. 


I was in a very bad place until i found this forum - and i had tried various treatments and spent a ton of money on doctors who could not help me until one finally suggested that i was suffering from protracted withdrawal syndrome.


Once you create your signature with details you will get response from the moderators who have a lot of experience guiding folks thru this.


Good luck and welcome!


Pokeshaw in Brooklyn

7 yrs Lexapro 10 mg. Mar/2011 - 1 month taper. Severe W/D. Multiple symptoms.Gallbladder and parathyroid surgery in Aug and Oct. Disability 3 months.  Dec/2011 reinstated 5mg Lex and went back to work. very bad shape.

By Aug/2012 - self tapered to 1.25 mg cutting pills. -very bad shape. Nov/2012  Dr. Hinz neuro-replete. up and down. Aug/2013 at aprox 1.0 mg Lex stopped neuro-replete ~Oct 2013 Found this site  ~ began using compounded Lexapro and have been micro tapering since then and holding as needed.

11/6/2013 -  0.6 mg

2/1/2018 - .135 mg  Now reducing 5-10% per month 

4/1/18 - .1 mg

4/17/18 - changed delivery from compounded individual caps to aliquot. went from .1 mg to .09 aliquot

7/4/2018 - .09 mg Holding due to wave of W/D symptoms

7/22/18 updosed to .1 mg aliquot

9/30/18 - reduced to .0975 aliquot

2/1/19 - updosed to .1 mg aliquot due to instability bad wave W/D

9/12/19 - back to .1 mg individual caps since could not get stable using aliquot

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  • Moderator Emeritus

 Can a flu make wd symptoms worse? And for how long? I am slowly shaking this flu off but the dizziness is very severe still!



The simple answer is yes, any infection, illness or stress of any kind can make withdrawal symptoms worse.  If you give us some more details of your situation, like others have suggested, we will be able to provide more help.



I'm not a doctor.  My comments are not medical advise. These are my opinions based on my own experience and what I've learned. Please discuss your situation with a medical practitioner who has knowledge of tapering and withdrawal...if you are lucky enough to find one.

My Introduction Thread

Full Drug and Withdrawal History

Brief Summary

Several SSRIs for 13 years starting 1997 (for mild to moderate partly situational anxiety) Xanax PRN ~ Various other drugs over the years for side effects

2 month 'taper' off Lexapro 2010

Short acute withdrawal, followed by 2 -3 months of improvement then delayed protracted withdrawal

DX ADHD followed by several years of stimulants and other drugs trying to manage increasing symptoms

Failed reinstatement of Lexapro and trial of Prozac (became suicidal)

May 2013 Found SA, learned about withdrawal, stopped taking drugs...healing begins.

Protracted withdrawal, with a very sensitized nervous system, slowly recovering as time passes

Supplements which have helped: Vitamin C, Magnesium, Taurine

Bad reactions: Many supplements but mostly fish oil and Vitamin D

June 2016 - Started daily juicing, mostly vegetables and lots of greens.

Aug 2016 - Oct 2016 Best window ever, felt almost completely recovered

Oct 2016 -Symptoms returned - bad days and less bad days.

April 2018 - No windows, but significant improvement, it feels like permanent full recovery is close.

VIDEO: Where did the chemical imbalance theory come from?

VIDEO: How are psychiatric diagnoses made?

VIDEO: Why do psychiatric drugs have withdrawal syndromes?

VIDEO: Can psychiatric drugs cause long-lasting negative effects?

VIDEO: Dr. Claire Weekes




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Hello everyone!


I'm In need of advice on everything to do withdrawal as no one including my psychiatrist or doctor have been able to help nor have they been telling me what I need to hear when it comes to tapering off. I have been suffering with a chronic illness from 2011 and as the doctors didn't initially know what was wrong the psychiatrist put me on 40mg - never really noticed if it did anything anyway. This year I have decided to come off as I didn't even need them in the first place. Last year I went from 40 to 20mg and for about 5 weeks had really bad depersonalisation - didn't know if it was from the tablets or from my health issues but it subsided after a period of time. For most of this year I have been on 20mg and felt fine on it. In April I went down to 10mg and about 12 days later I started to feel increasingly dizzy to the point where I felt like I was swaying unable to do anything. I went up to 15mg for 2 weeks it didn't do anything, then 15mg one day, 20mg the next day, 15mg next etc, again no difference and now back up to 20mg and have been for over a month and not even my regular dose of 20mg has made the dizziness subside. Does that mean that it's not related to the antidepressants? Because I read somewhere that reinstatement sometimes doesn't work. I did reinstated quite rapidly about 2 weeks from initial reduction hence why I am confused why the reinstatement didn’t work and I am therefore questioning whether this dizziness is even from the lexapro. Sorry to ramble on, could the reduction of been to fast and that's why I'm so dizzy (I am chronically dizzy literally everyday, it's only better when I lie down). Is it possible to have just the one symptom if it is truly a withdrawal symptom? I am at a loss. Saw my doctor he claims it's not from the tablets, also saw the chiropractor and he said its probably not from my back.



In need if some hopeful advice.

Thank you.


2/4/2014 – started 10mg Lexapro


14/4/2014 – started to experience sight dizziness that didn’t last long up to 1hr then pass.


18/4/2014 = dizziness started to become more intense and would last much longer. Also slightly drowsy/headachey.


22/4 – 24/4/2014 = took 20mg


25/4/2014  - 8/5/2-14 =15mg consistent


9/5/2014 – 19/5/2014 =15mg/20mg alternating daily


20/5/14 – 13/6/3014 =20mg


14/6/2014 = 22.5mg


15/6/ 2014 – 16/6/2014 = 25mg

2011-2013 = 40mg lexapro

Jan 2013 = 20mg lexapro

2/4/2014 – started 10mg Lexapro


14/4/14 – dizziness started.

18/4/14 = dizziness becomes chronic.

22/4 – 24/4/14 = took 20mg

25/4/14  - 8/5/14 =15mg consistent

9/5/14 – 19/5/14 =15mg/20mg alternating daily

20/5/14 – 13/6/14 =20mg

14/6/14 = 22.5mg

15/6/ 14 – 16/6/2014 = 25mg

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Also in terms of my chronic illness i have never experienced dizziness before, thats why I am potentially associating it with reducing too quickly perhaps but the dizziness has  gone on for so long despite reinstating. Also the other week I came down with a horrible viral/flu infection (definitely not a symptom from ssri) and it has made my dizziness extremely severe again.

2011-2013 = 40mg lexapro

Jan 2013 = 20mg lexapro

2/4/2014 – started 10mg Lexapro


14/4/14 – dizziness started.

18/4/14 = dizziness becomes chronic.

22/4 – 24/4/14 = took 20mg

25/4/14  - 8/5/14 =15mg consistent

9/5/14 – 19/5/14 =15mg/20mg alternating daily

20/5/14 – 13/6/14 =20mg

14/6/14 = 22.5mg

15/6/ 14 – 16/6/2014 = 25mg

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Thank you for providing more details. I have merged your new thread with the thread you started the other day because we have one thread per person here. When you want to post or check replies, you just look for your thread which starts with your name.


I'm sorry to say that I don't have many ideas as to why dizziness didn't go away despite reinstating and holding your dose steady for a month. But the principle of keeping your dose steady to allow for your CNS to settle after too fast tapering still applies. 


Lexapro is a very potent drug. I'll put here the link to the information about tapering Lexapro. I'm in no way encouraging you to even think about tapering again any time soon. I just think it contains some great information on the drug and what happened to you when you reduced it abruptly. http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/406-tips-for-tapering-off-lexapro-escitalopram/


After I messed up with Lexapro it took me 4 months to somewhat recover so it could be that reinstating but holding steady will bring relief. It's important to stabilise on a dose and not change it in search of the "right" dose: once we have destabilised our CNS with abrupt changes, there is no more right dose (if there ever was). There is only stability over time. Sometimes quite long time. What you did in May with alternating dosing definitely didn't help. I also don't think that updosing will help. Quite the contrary: in the two weeks you halved your dose, your CNS had already made some adjustments and 20 mg might have been too much.


I also don't understand why anyone put you on such a hefty dose of such a potent drug such as Lexapro ;( I was on 10 mg "only" compared to 40...


I would stop changing anything and wait for as long as it takes. In the meantime, I'd educate myself on the proper way to safely come off.


I'm sure others will come soon with more opinions and suggestions. I'm glad you've found us and I believe you will find a lot of friendly support here.




Current: 9/2022 Xanax 0.08, Lexapro 2

2020 Xanax 0.26 (down from 2 mg in 2013), Lexapro 2.85 mg (down from 5 mg 2013)

Amitriptyline (tricyclic AD) and clonazepam for 3 months to treat headache in 1996 
1999. - present Xanax prn up to 3 mg.
2000-2005 Prozac CT twice, 2005-2010 Zoloft CT 3 times, 2010-2013 Escitalopram 10 mg
went from 2.5 to zero on 7 Aug 2013, bad crash 40 days after
reinstated to 5 mg Escitalopram 4Oct 2013 and holding liquid Xanax every 5 hours
28 Jan 2014 Xanax 1.9, 18 Apr  2015 1 mg,  25 June 2015 Lex 4.8, 6 Aug Lexapro 4.6, 1 Jan 2016 0.64  Xanax     9 month hold

24 Sept 2016 4.5 Lex, 17 Oct 4.4 Lex (Nov 0.63 Xanax, Dec 0.625 Xanax), 1 Jan 2017 4.3 Lex, 24 Jan 4.2, 5 Feb 4.1, 24 Mar 4 mg, 10 Apr 3.9 mg, May 3.85, June 3.8, July 3.75, 22 July 3.7, 15 Aug 3.65, 17 Sept 3.6, 1 Jan 2018 3.55, 19 Jan 3.5, 16 Mar 3.4, 14 Apr 3.3, 23 May 3.2, 16 June 3.15, 15 Jul 3.1, 31 Jul 3, 21 Aug 2.9 26 Sept 2.85, 14 Nov Xan 0.61, 1 Dec 0.59, 19 Dec 0.58, 4 Jan 0.565, 6 Feb 0.55, 20 Feb 0.535, 1 Mar 0.505, 10 Mar 0.475, 14 Mar 0.45, 4 Apr 0.415, 13 Apr 0.37, 21 Apr 0.33, 29 Apr 0.29, 10 May 0.27, 17 May 0.25, 28 May 0.22, 19 June 0.22, 21 Jun updose to 0.24, 24 Jun updose to 0.26

Supplements: Omega 3 + Vit E, Vit C, D, magnesium, Taurine, probiotic 

I'm not a medical professional. Any advice I give is based on my own experience and reading. 

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  • Moderator Emeritus

We find that alternating doses can be very destabilizing.  All that bouncing around the brain chemistry makes it impossible for your brain to find any kind of homeostasis. It's much better for your nervous system to have a consistent chemical environment, taking the same amount of the drug at the same time every day. So my guess from here would be that you're experiencing nervous system instability, basically withdrawal symptoms, due to both the 50% cut in April (that's quite large, we recommend no more than 10% at once) and the going up and down and up and down on dosages throughout May.


I think probably holding your dose for a while and stabilizing is your best bet. While you're doing that you can read the links in the Tapering section. Check out the "pinned" topics at the top and follow the links inside those topics. There's a topic specifically on tapering Lexapro. 


It may take a while to settle down from all the chaos your brain has been through in the past few months.

Started on Prozac and Xanax in 1992 for PTSD after an assault. One drug led to more, the usual story. Got sicker and sicker, but believed I needed the drugs for my "underlying disease". Long story...lost everything. Life savings, home, physical and mental health, relationships, friendships, ability to work, everything. Amitryptiline, Prozac, bupropion, buspirone, flurazepam, diazepam, alprazolam, Paxil, citalopram, lamotrigine, gabapentin...probably more I've forgotten. 

Started multidrug taper in Feb 2010.  Doing a very slow microtaper, down to low doses now and feeling SO much better, getting my old personality and my brain back! Able to work full time, have a full social life, and cope with stress better than ever. Not perfect, but much better. After 23 lost years. Big Pharma has a lot to answer for. And "medicine for profit" is just not a great idea.


Feb 15 2010:  300 mg Neurontin  200 Lamictal   10 Celexa      0.65 Xanax   and 5 mg Ambien 

Feb 10 2014:   62 Lamictal    1.1 Celexa         0.135 Xanax    1.8 Valium

Feb 10 2015:   50 Lamictal      0.875 Celexa    0.11 Xanax      1.5 Valium

Feb 15 2016:   47.5 Lamictal   0.75 Celexa      0.0875 Xanax    1.42 Valium    

2/12/20             12                       0.045               0.007                   1 

May 2021            7                       0.01                  0.0037                1

Feb 2022            6                      0!!!                     0.00167               0.98                2.5 mg Ambien

Oct 2022       4.5 mg Lamictal    (off Celexa, off Xanax)   0.95 Valium    Ambien, 1/4 to 1/2 of a 5 mg tablet 


I'm not a doctor. Any advice I give is just my civilian opinion.

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  • Moderator Emeritus

The recommended dose of Lexapro is 10mg, once per day.  The maximum dose is 20mg, see:




So, I'm also questioning why you were put on double the maximum dose, and wondering what effect that may have had. Many doctors don't realize that Lexapro is a very potent medication at a low dose.


I have noticed from your signature that you have been increasing your dose from 20mg and are now at 25mg.  Like the others have advised, I don't recommend constant changes, but in my opinion, you don't need to be taking more than 20mg, and possibly that is even too much.


I agree with Rhi's analysis of your situation and also suggest a long hold before starting a 10% taper.  It may take a while before the dizziness subsides, and I think its completely related to the effect of Lexapro (changes).


Here are a couple of links you may find helpful:


Important topics in the tapering forum


What is antidepressant withdrawal syndrome


Please let us know what you decide to do and keep us updated with how you are doing.



I'm not a doctor.  My comments are not medical advise. These are my opinions based on my own experience and what I've learned. Please discuss your situation with a medical practitioner who has knowledge of tapering and withdrawal...if you are lucky enough to find one.

My Introduction Thread

Full Drug and Withdrawal History

Brief Summary

Several SSRIs for 13 years starting 1997 (for mild to moderate partly situational anxiety) Xanax PRN ~ Various other drugs over the years for side effects

2 month 'taper' off Lexapro 2010

Short acute withdrawal, followed by 2 -3 months of improvement then delayed protracted withdrawal

DX ADHD followed by several years of stimulants and other drugs trying to manage increasing symptoms

Failed reinstatement of Lexapro and trial of Prozac (became suicidal)

May 2013 Found SA, learned about withdrawal, stopped taking drugs...healing begins.

Protracted withdrawal, with a very sensitized nervous system, slowly recovering as time passes

Supplements which have helped: Vitamin C, Magnesium, Taurine

Bad reactions: Many supplements but mostly fish oil and Vitamin D

June 2016 - Started daily juicing, mostly vegetables and lots of greens.

Aug 2016 - Oct 2016 Best window ever, felt almost completely recovered

Oct 2016 -Symptoms returned - bad days and less bad days.

April 2018 - No windows, but significant improvement, it feels like permanent full recovery is close.

VIDEO: Where did the chemical imbalance theory come from?

VIDEO: How are psychiatric diagnoses made?

VIDEO: Why do psychiatric drugs have withdrawal syndromes?

VIDEO: Can psychiatric drugs cause long-lasting negative effects?

VIDEO: Dr. Claire Weekes




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Hello Sylvhan and welcome to SA!


It's hard to answer your questions in more detail unless you give us more details on your drug history, best in your signature as it is described here:




Were you taking any other medication before, after, at the same time as Lexapro, how long were you taking it, how much, how fast did you reduce, when exactly did you stop? Just some of the questions ;)


Discontinuing 2.5 mg of Lexapro (together with a benzo - an awfully bad idea) is the reason I'm here. Not that I'm complaining for being here - it's one of the best things that's ever happened to me actually but what prompted me to join wasn't so nice.


One of the things which happened very early after discontinuing Lexapro was a very strange and mysterious sinus inflammation in the middle of the blazing summer. It lasted for 30 days and I couldn't breath at night because my nose was so blocked. I didn't connect it with withdrawal at the time but when I came here I noticed that quite a few people mention flu-like symptoms as a withdrawal symptom which might be your case.


Do you have any other symptoms except this flu and dizziness? Dizziness is also a withdrawal symptom although for me it was much more pronounced with that other AD called Zoloft and not so much with Lexapro but we are all different so it affects us differently.


I hope we will be able to help more once we have more detail on your drug history.








Hi Bubble,


I have a lot of symptoms however, they have been caused by my chronic illness and its so hard to pin point whether this is from the lexapro. The flu was definitely a viral flu as everyone in my family caught it off eachother. When I first noticed the dizziness (which previously never occured with my health issues only after reducing lexapro to 10mg) I was a bit headachey and now I'm just a bit foggy in the head and sometimes I have mild pressure of feeling like I have a heavy head but thats about it. The dizziness more so of an disequilibrium feeling rather than vertigo is the main one. I've not added a full history of my tapering regime if you'd like to read down below and let me know what you think. 



2011-2013 = 40mg lexapro

Jan 2013 = 20mg lexapro

2/4/2014 – started 10mg Lexapro


14/4/14 – dizziness started.

18/4/14 = dizziness becomes chronic.

22/4 – 24/4/14 = took 20mg

25/4/14  - 8/5/14 =15mg consistent

9/5/14 – 19/5/14 =15mg/20mg alternating daily

20/5/14 – 13/6/14 =20mg

14/6/14 = 22.5mg

15/6/ 14 – 16/6/2014 = 25mg

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi Sylvhan,


Thank you for adding your drug history in the signature.


Rhi and Petu gave you some excellent advice and explanation on what went wrong and what to do now to make it better. So I'm copying their posts and highlighting the key points:



We find that alternating doses can be very destabilizing.  All that bouncing around the brain chemistry makes it impossible for your brain to find any kind of homeostasis. It's much better for your nervous system to have a consistent chemical environment, taking the same amount of the drug at the same time every day. So my guess from here would be that you're experiencing nervous system instability, basically withdrawal symptoms, due to both the 50% cut in April (that's quite large, we recommend no more than 10% at once) and the going up and down and up and down on dosages throughout May.


I think probably holding your dose for a while and stabilizing is your best bet. While you're doing that you can read the links in the Tapering section. Check out the "pinned" topics at the top and follow the links inside those topics. There's a topic specifically on tapering Lexapro. 


It may take a while to settle down from all the chaos your b


Petu then suggests dosing strategies that I fully agree with: 



I have noticed from your signature that you have been increasing your dose from 20mg and are now at 25mg.  Like the others have advised, I don't recommend constant changes, but in my opinion, you don't need to be taking more than 20mg, and possibly that is even too much.


I agree with Rhi's analysis of your situation and also suggest a long hold before starting a 10% taper.  It may take a while before the dizziness subsides, and I think its completely related to the effect of Lexapro (changes).


Here are a couple of links you may find helpful:


Important topics in the tapering forum


What is antidepressant withdrawal syndrome


Please let us know what you decide to do and keep us updated with how you are doing.



So, we all agree on a long hold at 20 mg.
I just want to emphasise that there is no "quick fix". After all the badgering that such severe cuts and changes in dosing did to your brain, I'm actually surprised that dizziness and other symptoms are actually quite mild. The only way we have found that enables our CNS to stabilise after such shocks is a long period of no changes. We are very tempted to react to symptoms by changing something about the meds in an attempt to find a dose that will fix us. But these drugs are not antibiotics nor aspirins and there is no right dose after your CNS has been so confused: it's stability that heals over (usually quite a long) period of time. So we have to be very, very patient. Sometimes it can take months. It's hard to predict because we are all different and what we did to our brains is different but they still have a remarkable ability to heal and achieve homeostasis if left alone.
I hope this answers your question.
Symptoms and self-care section contains great tips on how to deal with every symptom we might have. But what you need most at the moment is patience. And you might need it for quite some time. This is hard but you can do it.
Come here for support whenever you need it.

Current: 9/2022 Xanax 0.08, Lexapro 2

2020 Xanax 0.26 (down from 2 mg in 2013), Lexapro 2.85 mg (down from 5 mg 2013)

Amitriptyline (tricyclic AD) and clonazepam for 3 months to treat headache in 1996 
1999. - present Xanax prn up to 3 mg.
2000-2005 Prozac CT twice, 2005-2010 Zoloft CT 3 times, 2010-2013 Escitalopram 10 mg
went from 2.5 to zero on 7 Aug 2013, bad crash 40 days after
reinstated to 5 mg Escitalopram 4Oct 2013 and holding liquid Xanax every 5 hours
28 Jan 2014 Xanax 1.9, 18 Apr  2015 1 mg,  25 June 2015 Lex 4.8, 6 Aug Lexapro 4.6, 1 Jan 2016 0.64  Xanax     9 month hold

24 Sept 2016 4.5 Lex, 17 Oct 4.4 Lex (Nov 0.63 Xanax, Dec 0.625 Xanax), 1 Jan 2017 4.3 Lex, 24 Jan 4.2, 5 Feb 4.1, 24 Mar 4 mg, 10 Apr 3.9 mg, May 3.85, June 3.8, July 3.75, 22 July 3.7, 15 Aug 3.65, 17 Sept 3.6, 1 Jan 2018 3.55, 19 Jan 3.5, 16 Mar 3.4, 14 Apr 3.3, 23 May 3.2, 16 June 3.15, 15 Jul 3.1, 31 Jul 3, 21 Aug 2.9 26 Sept 2.85, 14 Nov Xan 0.61, 1 Dec 0.59, 19 Dec 0.58, 4 Jan 0.565, 6 Feb 0.55, 20 Feb 0.535, 1 Mar 0.505, 10 Mar 0.475, 14 Mar 0.45, 4 Apr 0.415, 13 Apr 0.37, 21 Apr 0.33, 29 Apr 0.29, 10 May 0.27, 17 May 0.25, 28 May 0.22, 19 June 0.22, 21 Jun updose to 0.24, 24 Jun updose to 0.26

Supplements: Omega 3 + Vit E, Vit C, D, magnesium, Taurine, probiotic 

I'm not a medical professional. Any advice I give is based on my own experience and reading. 

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I am having serious anxiety regarding whether my current symptoms are from withdrawal or from my chronic health issues. My history is in my signature, it's been about 2 months where I have been feeling chronically dizzy to the point that I can't function. This year I've been on 20mg lexapro. 2 months ago I reduced to 10mg which is a huge jump and about 12 days later I started to feel increasingly dizzy and it just got worse from there. I reinstated to 20mg for 3 days within 3 weeks of reducing but obviously the reinstatement didn't work... I went to 15mg after this for about 2 weeks it didn't do anything, then 15mg one day, 20mg the next day, 15mg next etc (alternating), again no difference and now back up to 20mg and have been for over a month and not even my regular dose of 20mg has made the dizziness subside. Does that mean that it's not related to the antidepressants? I am really distressed as I don't understand why the reinstatement didn't work despite reinstating under a month.. Could it be that the tablets are no longer working? Or have I become intolerant/desensitised to them? Or is does it take a while to stabilize after a sudden reduction? Not sure what to think... Is there any way I can check?

Thank you

2011-2013 = 40mg lexapro

Jan 2013 = 20mg lexapro

2/4/2014 – started 10mg Lexapro


14/4/14 – dizziness started.

18/4/14 = dizziness becomes chronic.

22/4 – 24/4/14 = took 20mg

25/4/14  - 8/5/14 =15mg consistent

9/5/14 – 19/5/14 =15mg/20mg alternating daily

20/5/14 – 13/6/14 =20mg

14/6/14 = 22.5mg

15/6/ 14 – 16/6/2014 = 25mg

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Sylvhan, I moved your post from the Reinstating topic to your intro thread because it

is specific to your taper. I have to agree with what the others have already said, and feel that 

all the jumping around with doses has destabilised your nervous system.  The only way for it to

settle again is to stay put at the 20mg and allow it to stabilise. 


I know from experience that the dizziness can be very distressing and I found that good quality

fish oil helps a lot.  I say good quality because I once bought some unbranded capsules online 

and within a week of taking them the dizziness had become worse. I bought some from a reputable

company locally and all is well again! I thought I was being canny and saving some pennies but

as I chucked them in the bin I gave myself a lecture about listening to and taking advice  :blush:


I really hope that you feel better very soon, this is going to take time, and patience is what will pay

off in the end. 

**I am not a medical professional, if in doubt please consult a doctor with withdrawal knowledge.



Different drugs occasionally (mostly benzos) 1976 - 1981 (no problem)

1993 - 2002 in and out of hospital. every type of drug + ECT. Staring with seroxat

2002  effexor. 

Tapered  March 2012 to March 2013, ending with 5 beads.

Withdrawal April 2013 . Reinstated 5 beads reduced to 4 beads May 2013

Restarted taper  Nov 2013  

OFF EFFEXOR Feb 2015    :D 

Tapered atenolol and omeprazole Dec 2013 - May 2014


Tapering tramadol, Feb 2015 100mg , March 2015 50mg  

 July 2017 30mg.  May 15 2018 25mg

Taking fish oil, magnesium, B12, folic acid, bilberry eyebright for eye pressure. 


My story http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/4199-hello-mammap-checking-in/page-33


Lesson learned, slow down taper at lower doses. Taper no more than 10% of CURRENT dose if possible



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  • Administrator

Welcome, sylvhan.


Yes, your inconsistent dosing of Lexapro could be entirely responsible for your current symptoms. Or, there could be an interaction with other drugs you are taking.


What other drugs are you taking every day? What drugs are you taking occasionally?

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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I am not taking any other drugs thankfully. It's just the lexapro. The dizziness has become extremely severe following the flu that I had and despite recovering from the flu the dizziness has not gone back to its milder form prior to the flu. I didn't have any medication to shake of the flu, I took one cold and flu tablet just for one night, otherwise have just been supplementing.

Could I have become intolerant? My psychiatrist advises me to start going down again or to swap medication but I am scared.

2011-2013 = 40mg lexapro

Jan 2013 = 20mg lexapro

2/4/2014 – started 10mg Lexapro


14/4/14 – dizziness started.

18/4/14 = dizziness becomes chronic.

22/4 – 24/4/14 = took 20mg

25/4/14  - 8/5/14 =15mg consistent

9/5/14 – 19/5/14 =15mg/20mg alternating daily

20/5/14 – 13/6/14 =20mg

14/6/14 = 22.5mg

15/6/ 14 – 16/6/2014 = 25mg

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We find that alternating doses can be very destabilizing. All that bouncing around the brain chemistry makes it impossible for your brain to find any kind of homeostasis. It's much better for your nervous system to have a consistent chemical environment, taking the same amount of the drug at the same time every day. So my guess from here would be that you're experiencing nervous system instability, basically withdrawal symptoms, due to both the 50% cut in April (that's quite large, we recommend no more than 10% at once) and the going up and down and up and down on dosages throughout May.


I think probably holding your dose for a while and stabilizing is your best bet. While you're doing that you can read the links in the Tapering section. Check out the "pinned" topics at the top and follow the links inside those topics. There's a topic specifically on tapering Lexapro.


It may take a while to settle down from all the chaos your brain has been through in the past few months.





I will stick to this advice and hold. Bubble said that it took her four months to stabilize after she played around with doses which gives me hope and more assurance that it is perhaps the lexapro. What have you found to be the average for stabilising on a dose when people have played around with doses or reduced too quickly?

I suppose I still don't understand why reinstating to the 20mg on the 22nd/4 for 2 days (which is short) but then to 15mg on 25/4 didn't help the dizziness. Most people day that even after a few hours after reinstating normal dose they're withdrawals disappear which makes me so uncertain also because I read a post by Alto which says even reinstating to a smaller dose (which is lower to your normal/regular dose) can help withdrawals. I held the 15mg for 2 weeks hoping it would have helped and it didn't.


Would I be able to test my question by not talking 20mg for a few days say 4 to 5 and see if it gets worse?


Thanks again

2011-2013 = 40mg lexapro

Jan 2013 = 20mg lexapro

2/4/2014 – started 10mg Lexapro


14/4/14 – dizziness started.

18/4/14 = dizziness becomes chronic.

22/4 – 24/4/14 = took 20mg

25/4/14  - 8/5/14 =15mg consistent

9/5/14 – 19/5/14 =15mg/20mg alternating daily

20/5/14 – 13/6/14 =20mg

14/6/14 = 22.5mg

15/6/ 14 – 16/6/2014 = 25mg

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Also how do I know if I'm intolerant to it/ or if it's no longer working? Is there a thread on this info?

2011-2013 = 40mg lexapro

Jan 2013 = 20mg lexapro

2/4/2014 – started 10mg Lexapro


14/4/14 – dizziness started.

18/4/14 = dizziness becomes chronic.

22/4 – 24/4/14 = took 20mg

25/4/14  - 8/5/14 =15mg consistent

9/5/14 – 19/5/14 =15mg/20mg alternating daily

20/5/14 – 13/6/14 =20mg

14/6/14 = 22.5mg

15/6/ 14 – 16/6/2014 = 25mg

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Sylvhan please do not test your theory by missing a few days of the Lexapro.  You

really do need to stay put for a while to stabilise. Whatever dose you have been

on you have changed in an attempt to feel better but all this has doe is destabilise 

your brain and nervous system. Your brain is trying to right itself and changing things

is rocking the boat.  I reinstated after a month off Effexor after tapering too fast.

Things did get better but it took many months of windows and waves.  


Having flu certainly does make things worse and recovering takes time too. 

I had adverse effects from the effexor which is why I decided to taper, many of us have

intolerable side effects that get better as the drug is reduced but that has to be done slowly

so that you don't get withdrawal symptoms along with the side effects! 

I realise how desperate you are feeling, you just want off....NOW,  we all feel or have felt that

way and that is what brought most of us here. It will get better, it just takes time. 

**I am not a medical professional, if in doubt please consult a doctor with withdrawal knowledge.



Different drugs occasionally (mostly benzos) 1976 - 1981 (no problem)

1993 - 2002 in and out of hospital. every type of drug + ECT. Staring with seroxat

2002  effexor. 

Tapered  March 2012 to March 2013, ending with 5 beads.

Withdrawal April 2013 . Reinstated 5 beads reduced to 4 beads May 2013

Restarted taper  Nov 2013  

OFF EFFEXOR Feb 2015    :D 

Tapered atenolol and omeprazole Dec 2013 - May 2014


Tapering tramadol, Feb 2015 100mg , March 2015 50mg  

 July 2017 30mg.  May 15 2018 25mg

Taking fish oil, magnesium, B12, folic acid, bilberry eyebright for eye pressure. 


My story http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/4199-hello-mammap-checking-in/page-33


Lesson learned, slow down taper at lower doses. Taper no more than 10% of CURRENT dose if possible



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  • Administrator

Flu-like symptoms are a very, very famous symptom of antidepressant withdrawal, as is dizziness. If your psychiatrist doesn't know this, he or she is a very ignorant psychiatrist.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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Hi Sylvhan,


I have also experienced flu like symptoms and last year had a bad cold bug that left me with ongoing symptoms. it seems that withdrawal from Lexapro made all the symptoms worse.  i have been holding steady on doses now for over 6 months and have experienced some real healing after 2 years of hell because of stopping the Lexapro too quickly.


you mentioned that you are 'supplementing". it would be helpful for the moderators here to know what exactly you are taking besides the Lexapro since many supplements can aggravate symptoms.  You might want to ask about that and indicate what you are taking.


i hope you find the help you need here.




Pokeshaw in Bklyn

7 yrs Lexapro 10 mg. Mar/2011 - 1 month taper. Severe W/D. Multiple symptoms.Gallbladder and parathyroid surgery in Aug and Oct. Disability 3 months.  Dec/2011 reinstated 5mg Lex and went back to work. very bad shape.

By Aug/2012 - self tapered to 1.25 mg cutting pills. -very bad shape. Nov/2012  Dr. Hinz neuro-replete. up and down. Aug/2013 at aprox 1.0 mg Lex stopped neuro-replete ~Oct 2013 Found this site  ~ began using compounded Lexapro and have been micro tapering since then and holding as needed.

11/6/2013 -  0.6 mg

2/1/2018 - .135 mg  Now reducing 5-10% per month 

4/1/18 - .1 mg

4/17/18 - changed delivery from compounded individual caps to aliquot. went from .1 mg to .09 aliquot

7/4/2018 - .09 mg Holding due to wave of W/D symptoms

7/22/18 updosed to .1 mg aliquot

9/30/18 - reduced to .0975 aliquot

2/1/19 - updosed to .1 mg aliquot due to instability bad wave W/D

9/12/19 - back to .1 mg individual caps since could not get stable using aliquot

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Hi Sylvhan,


I have also experienced flu like symptoms and last year had a bad cold bug that left me with ongoing symptoms. it seems that withdrawal from Lexapro made all the symptoms worse.  i have been holding steady on doses now for over 6 months and have experienced some real healing after 2 years of hell because of stopping the Lexapro too quickly.


you mentioned that you are 'supplementing". it would be helpful for the moderators here to know what exactly you are taking besides the Lexapro since many supplements can aggravate symptoms.  You might want to ask about that and indicate what you are taking.


i hope you find the help you need here.




Pokeshaw in Bklyn


Thanks for your reply. How long did your flu symptoms exacerbate your withdrawal symptoms for? I'm past the flu yet dizziness is mor severe than ever before. It could be that my immune system is having a hard time on top of the withdrawals who knows.


I am taking bioceuticals ultra clean EPA/DHA plus.



2011-2013 = 40mg lexapro

Jan 2013 = 20mg lexapro

2/4/2014 – started 10mg Lexapro


14/4/14 – dizziness started.

18/4/14 = dizziness becomes chronic.

22/4 – 24/4/14 = took 20mg

25/4/14  - 8/5/14 =15mg consistent

9/5/14 – 19/5/14 =15mg/20mg alternating daily

20/5/14 – 13/6/14 =20mg

14/6/14 = 22.5mg

15/6/ 14 – 16/6/2014 = 25mg

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I was also wondering whether at different doses eg. 20mg down to 10mg or 10mg to 5mg - can at each level there be different symptoms? For eg. When I went down from 40mg to 20mg lexapro I had the depersonalization for a few weeks. Now from the 20mg to 10mg reduction I don't really have the depersonalization but the dizziness...and it has lasted much longer.

Can there be differing symptoms at different tapering levels? And can the duration of symptoms differ too? Hope I make sense with what I'm asking. Thanks!

2011-2013 = 40mg lexapro

Jan 2013 = 20mg lexapro

2/4/2014 – started 10mg Lexapro


14/4/14 – dizziness started.

18/4/14 = dizziness becomes chronic.

22/4 – 24/4/14 = took 20mg

25/4/14  - 8/5/14 =15mg consistent

9/5/14 – 19/5/14 =15mg/20mg alternating daily

20/5/14 – 13/6/14 =20mg

14/6/14 = 22.5mg

15/6/ 14 – 16/6/2014 = 25mg

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  • Moderator Emeritus

It makes sense but I don't have an answer. I think nobody does but symptoms are very unpredictable so everything is possible. 


What is really important here is that I think we agreed there will no longer be such cuts, didn't we? :) These were huge cuts but in some a bit distant future when you stabilise on 25 mg, you will try making 10 % cuts and see what difference it makes :) 

Current: 9/2022 Xanax 0.08, Lexapro 2

2020 Xanax 0.26 (down from 2 mg in 2013), Lexapro 2.85 mg (down from 5 mg 2013)

Amitriptyline (tricyclic AD) and clonazepam for 3 months to treat headache in 1996 
1999. - present Xanax prn up to 3 mg.
2000-2005 Prozac CT twice, 2005-2010 Zoloft CT 3 times, 2010-2013 Escitalopram 10 mg
went from 2.5 to zero on 7 Aug 2013, bad crash 40 days after
reinstated to 5 mg Escitalopram 4Oct 2013 and holding liquid Xanax every 5 hours
28 Jan 2014 Xanax 1.9, 18 Apr  2015 1 mg,  25 June 2015 Lex 4.8, 6 Aug Lexapro 4.6, 1 Jan 2016 0.64  Xanax     9 month hold

24 Sept 2016 4.5 Lex, 17 Oct 4.4 Lex (Nov 0.63 Xanax, Dec 0.625 Xanax), 1 Jan 2017 4.3 Lex, 24 Jan 4.2, 5 Feb 4.1, 24 Mar 4 mg, 10 Apr 3.9 mg, May 3.85, June 3.8, July 3.75, 22 July 3.7, 15 Aug 3.65, 17 Sept 3.6, 1 Jan 2018 3.55, 19 Jan 3.5, 16 Mar 3.4, 14 Apr 3.3, 23 May 3.2, 16 June 3.15, 15 Jul 3.1, 31 Jul 3, 21 Aug 2.9 26 Sept 2.85, 14 Nov Xan 0.61, 1 Dec 0.59, 19 Dec 0.58, 4 Jan 0.565, 6 Feb 0.55, 20 Feb 0.535, 1 Mar 0.505, 10 Mar 0.475, 14 Mar 0.45, 4 Apr 0.415, 13 Apr 0.37, 21 Apr 0.33, 29 Apr 0.29, 10 May 0.27, 17 May 0.25, 28 May 0.22, 19 June 0.22, 21 Jun updose to 0.24, 24 Jun updose to 0.26

Supplements: Omega 3 + Vit E, Vit C, D, magnesium, Taurine, probiotic 

I'm not a medical professional. Any advice I give is based on my own experience and reading. 

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  • Administrator

Making changes in dosage triggers symptoms. You may have had different symptoms at each level of dosage, but if you try changing dosage again, most likely you will get a different symptom pattern.


Also, changing dosages itself can sensitize your nervous system to the drug so that you do not respond to it the same way again.


Higher dosages generally mean more side effects.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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I've noticed that a lot of people have taken ssri's who also have health problems. Eg Lyme etc like myself. How am I supposed to know if it's not from my health issues but from the lexapro? Does the fact that I have malabsorption issues and am immune comprimised make me more prone for protracted withdrawal?


I've done some research in the last few days and some people have symptoms from antidepressant medication that never go away?!! Is this possible? I'm scared that because I've been on such a high dose of the lexapro (40mg) for 2 years my dizziness won't go away :(

Can ssri's cause brain damage?


Sorry I'm so afraid and distressed that I have to go through this on top if already being unwell and am only 22 years old :(


Thank you again

2011-2013 = 40mg lexapro

Jan 2013 = 20mg lexapro

2/4/2014 – started 10mg Lexapro


14/4/14 – dizziness started.

18/4/14 = dizziness becomes chronic.

22/4 – 24/4/14 = took 20mg

25/4/14  - 8/5/14 =15mg consistent

9/5/14 – 19/5/14 =15mg/20mg alternating daily

20/5/14 – 13/6/14 =20mg

14/6/14 = 22.5mg

15/6/ 14 – 16/6/2014 = 25mg

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  • Administrator

If your symptoms arose after a dosage change, most likely it was the dosage change.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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  • 2 months later...

Hello everyone, 

I am back after holding my dose of 20mg for about 4months and a bit. My dizziness is still around, sometimes a little less sometimes the same. Its strange though because recently when I became sick with another cold (yet another one, my immune system is quite weak and this definitely was not a withdrawal "flu") its almost as though I forgot that the dizziness was there because I was feeling so crook with the cold and the tiredness its like I didn't take notice of it. However, as I got better the dizziness/unsteadiness has flared up again. It;s been a while now and I have been on the 20mg, and the last time i had caught the flu the dizziness had become extremely severe so I suppose this time around my dizziness decreased whilst having another cold, however, I am still dizzy which doesn't solve my problem. Perhaps its not from the lexapro? I mean its the only symptom I have at the moment that popped up after the reduction, is it normal to have "one" withdrawal symptom or is it more likely to have a cluster of symptoms which point more to the direction of withdrawal syndrome. Im not sure what to think at this point in time, so any advice is appreciated!

thank you!

2011-2013 = 40mg lexapro

Jan 2013 = 20mg lexapro

2/4/2014 – started 10mg Lexapro


14/4/14 – dizziness started.

18/4/14 = dizziness becomes chronic.

22/4 – 24/4/14 = took 20mg

25/4/14  - 8/5/14 =15mg consistent

9/5/14 – 19/5/14 =15mg/20mg alternating daily

20/5/14 – 13/6/14 =20mg

14/6/14 = 22.5mg

15/6/ 14 – 16/6/2014 = 25mg

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  • Administrator

Dizziness is the most common antidepressant withdrawal symptom. Does yours have any daily pattern?


Many people do better with fish oil and magnesium supplements, see

sylvhan, are you in Australia? Please post here http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/6284-australia-members-please-check-in-here/

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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  • Moderator Emeritus

I've noticed that a lot of people have taken ssri's who also have health problems. Eg Lyme etc like myself. How am I supposed to know if it's not from my health issues but from the lexapro? Does the fact that I have malabsorption issues and am immune comprimised make me more prone for protracted withdrawal?



Do you have lyme disease? Have you been treated for it?


-Increased motion sickness, vertigo, spinning

-Off balance, “tippy” feeling

-Lightheadedness, wooziness, unavoidable need to sit or lie


these are all potential symptoms of lyme disease  http://www.lymeneteurope.org/info/lyme-disease-symptoms


If the dizziness started after cutting your lexapro dose from 40mg to 10mg, and becomes worse after getting sick with the flu, but has remained for 4 months while holding at 20mg of lexapro, I think there may be a connection with drug changes, but possibly not be the complete cause.


If you have lyme disease, then the situation becomes complicated.  It could be that any kind of stress, including withdrawal from cutting lexapro too fast, increases lyme symptoms. Increased stress also increases withdrawal symptoms. Both lyme and withdrawal can effect many parts of the body.  It sounds like the dizziness was starting to decrease, until you got another cold/flu.


If I were you, I would continue to hold at 20mg.  Continue to take good care of yourself, doing what you can to relieve stress in your life, and see if with a bit more time this symptom goes away.  When you do start to taper again, perhaps you could start with 5% cuts at first to see how it effects you.

I'm not a doctor.  My comments are not medical advise. These are my opinions based on my own experience and what I've learned. Please discuss your situation with a medical practitioner who has knowledge of tapering and withdrawal...if you are lucky enough to find one.

My Introduction Thread

Full Drug and Withdrawal History

Brief Summary

Several SSRIs for 13 years starting 1997 (for mild to moderate partly situational anxiety) Xanax PRN ~ Various other drugs over the years for side effects

2 month 'taper' off Lexapro 2010

Short acute withdrawal, followed by 2 -3 months of improvement then delayed protracted withdrawal

DX ADHD followed by several years of stimulants and other drugs trying to manage increasing symptoms

Failed reinstatement of Lexapro and trial of Prozac (became suicidal)

May 2013 Found SA, learned about withdrawal, stopped taking drugs...healing begins.

Protracted withdrawal, with a very sensitized nervous system, slowly recovering as time passes

Supplements which have helped: Vitamin C, Magnesium, Taurine

Bad reactions: Many supplements but mostly fish oil and Vitamin D

June 2016 - Started daily juicing, mostly vegetables and lots of greens.

Aug 2016 - Oct 2016 Best window ever, felt almost completely recovered

Oct 2016 -Symptoms returned - bad days and less bad days.

April 2018 - No windows, but significant improvement, it feels like permanent full recovery is close.

VIDEO: Where did the chemical imbalance theory come from?

VIDEO: How are psychiatric diagnoses made?

VIDEO: Why do psychiatric drugs have withdrawal syndromes?

VIDEO: Can psychiatric drugs cause long-lasting negative effects?

VIDEO: Dr. Claire Weekes




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  • 1 year later...

Hello, I've been on lexapro since 2012. Initially on 40mg but now on 20mg. I don't think I had any immediate side effects when I started taking them however recently I have put on a lot of weight without a real reason, i look bloated even though I'm not. So I'm wondering can lexapro cause weight gain from long term use or is it only immediate symptoms that can be linked to the antidepressant.


2011-2013 = 40mg lexapro

Jan 2013 = 20mg lexapro

2/4/2014 – started 10mg Lexapro


14/4/14 – dizziness started.

18/4/14 = dizziness becomes chronic.

22/4 – 24/4/14 = took 20mg

25/4/14  - 8/5/14 =15mg consistent

9/5/14 – 19/5/14 =15mg/20mg alternating daily

20/5/14 – 13/6/14 =20mg

14/6/14 = 22.5mg

15/6/ 14 – 16/6/2014 = 25mg

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi sylvhan , welcome to the site.  

Nice work on your signature - we're limited to 12 lines so you may want to use the space across the lines to bring it up to date.


Long term use of lexapro CAN cause weight gain , for a variety of reasons.  This article suggests a range of contributing factors -  it may

answer some of your questions.



Best wishes ,  Fresh

1987-1997 pertofran , prothiaden , Prozac 1997-2002 Zoloft 2002-2004 effexor 2004-2010 Lexapro 40mg

2010-2012Cymbalta 120mg

Sept. 2012 -decreased 90mg in 6months. Care taken over by Dr Lucire in March 2013 , decreased last 30mg at 2mg per week over 3 months. July 21 , 2013- last dose of Cymbalta

Protracted withdrawal syndrome kicked in badly Jan.2014 Unrelenting akathisia until May 2014. Voluntary hosp. admission. Cocktail of Seroquel, Ativan and mirtazapine and I was well enough to go home after 14 days. Stopped all hosp. meds in next few months.

July 2014 felt v.depressed - couldn't stop crying. Started pristiq 50mg. Felt improvement within days and continued to improve, so stayed on 50mg for 8 months.

Began taper 28 Feb. 2015. Pristiq 50mg down to 45mg. Had one month of w/d symptoms. Started CES therapy in March. No w/d symptoms down to 30mg.

October 2015 , taking 25mg Pristiq. Capsules compounded with slow-release additive.

March 2016 , 21mg

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Hi Sylvhan,


I was in Lexapro for about 2 years. About the 1 year mark, despite doing CrossFit 5 days a week and a strict diet, I steadily gained almost 25-30lbs over the next year.


After being off Lex for about 9 months, I literally lost 25 lbs in about 8 weeks. It was crazy. So I do believe it can cause weight gain.

Lexapro from October 2012-October 2014

10mg from Oct 2012-Feb 201320mg from Feb 2013-June 201310mg from July 2013-April 2014
Began taper via liquid Lexapro from April 2014-September 2014(Roughly 6 month taper)---0.00 on Oct 1 2014--WD began in December 2014


Reinstated to 10mg - 10mg Tablet October 15, 2015 - Stable by Mid-January, 2016

2016 - 9mg 3/26/16....8mg 5/11/16....7mg 7/05/16....6mg 8/26/16....5mg 10/31/16

2017 - 4mg 3/06/17....3mg 6/24/17....2mg 9/07/17...1.25mg 10/21/17....1mg 11/04/2017

2018 - 0.75mg 1/21/18....0.5mg 2/18/18....0.25mg 3/13/18....0.125mg 3/27/18....0.000 4/9/18


Supplements - 15B probiotic on and off. Usually helps w/ mood but sometimes is too activating.


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  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi sylvhan,

I found your original introduction topic and joined this new one to it. Its one intro/update topic per member. Please bookmark or follow it so you will be able to find it again.


I also gained a lot of weight while on antidepressants, but the difference from normal weight gain was that no matter what I did, I couldn't lose it until I stopped the medication. In my desperation, while still on lexapro, I also started taking Duromine which is a stimulant weight loss drug. There is a major interaction between the two and my doctor didn't know. It caused more damage to my health and life.


When I stopped taking lexapro, it was easy to lose weight again, but unfortunately I tapered much too fast and I'm now in protracted withdrawal, so weight issues are the last of my concerns.


Did the dizziness resolve? How is your tapering going?



I'm not a doctor.  My comments are not medical advise. These are my opinions based on my own experience and what I've learned. Please discuss your situation with a medical practitioner who has knowledge of tapering and withdrawal...if you are lucky enough to find one.

My Introduction Thread

Full Drug and Withdrawal History

Brief Summary

Several SSRIs for 13 years starting 1997 (for mild to moderate partly situational anxiety) Xanax PRN ~ Various other drugs over the years for side effects

2 month 'taper' off Lexapro 2010

Short acute withdrawal, followed by 2 -3 months of improvement then delayed protracted withdrawal

DX ADHD followed by several years of stimulants and other drugs trying to manage increasing symptoms

Failed reinstatement of Lexapro and trial of Prozac (became suicidal)

May 2013 Found SA, learned about withdrawal, stopped taking drugs...healing begins.

Protracted withdrawal, with a very sensitized nervous system, slowly recovering as time passes

Supplements which have helped: Vitamin C, Magnesium, Taurine

Bad reactions: Many supplements but mostly fish oil and Vitamin D

June 2016 - Started daily juicing, mostly vegetables and lots of greens.

Aug 2016 - Oct 2016 Best window ever, felt almost completely recovered

Oct 2016 -Symptoms returned - bad days and less bad days.

April 2018 - No windows, but significant improvement, it feels like permanent full recovery is close.

VIDEO: Where did the chemical imbalance theory come from?

VIDEO: How are psychiatric diagnoses made?

VIDEO: Why do psychiatric drugs have withdrawal syndromes?

VIDEO: Can psychiatric drugs cause long-lasting negative effects?

VIDEO: Dr. Claire Weekes




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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you everyone!

2011-2013 = 40mg lexapro

Jan 2013 = 20mg lexapro

2/4/2014 – started 10mg Lexapro


14/4/14 – dizziness started.

18/4/14 = dizziness becomes chronic.

22/4 – 24/4/14 = took 20mg

25/4/14  - 8/5/14 =15mg consistent

9/5/14 – 19/5/14 =15mg/20mg alternating daily

20/5/14 – 13/6/14 =20mg

14/6/14 = 22.5mg

15/6/ 14 – 16/6/2014 = 25mg

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Hi sylvhan,

I found your original introduction topic and joined this new one to it. Its one intro/update topic per member. Please bookmark or follow it so you will be able to find it again.


I also gained a lot of weight while on antidepressants, but the difference from normal weight gain was that no matter what I did, I couldn't lose it until I stopped the medication. In my desperation, while still on lexapro, I also started taking Duromine which is a stimulant weight loss drug. There is a major interaction between the two and my doctor didn't know. It caused more damage to my health and life.


When I stopped taking lexapro, it was easy to lose weight again, but unfortunately I tapered much too fast and I'm now in protracted withdrawal, so weight issues are the last of my concerns.


Did the dizziness resolve? How is your tapering going?




Thanks for the reply petunia!

Oh gosh, that doesn't sound fun at all. My dizziness did thankfully resolve, I eventually just went back to the 20mg and held it for about 6 months and the dizziness subsided. I am still on 20mg and am planning to start tapering soon. My only concern I have at the moment is I'm not sure whether I should taper while being on antibiotics as I am treating Lyme disease and I don't want to get confused with what drugs cause what. Not sure what to do!

How is everything going with you?


2011-2013 = 40mg lexapro

Jan 2013 = 20mg lexapro

2/4/2014 – started 10mg Lexapro


14/4/14 – dizziness started.

18/4/14 = dizziness becomes chronic.

22/4 – 24/4/14 = took 20mg

25/4/14  - 8/5/14 =15mg consistent

9/5/14 – 19/5/14 =15mg/20mg alternating daily

20/5/14 – 13/6/14 =20mg

14/6/14 = 22.5mg

15/6/ 14 – 16/6/2014 = 25mg

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Hello Sylvhan,


I'm think you should stay put at 20 mg. for a good long while. Even after your rounds of antibiotics.

Antibiotics can also effect your cns.


I wish you well,


I am not a doctor

April 2014 remeron 45mg.

June 2014 abilify 2.5 remeron wasn't working so abilify was then added

September 2014 woke up with anxiety x 100!!!!

Pdoc then took me from 45 to 7.5 within a month and took abilify from 2.5 to 0


Remeron 7.5

Vitamin d 5,000 iu taking for about 3 years

October 2014 added fish oil/omega 3 1000 mg per day

Levothyroxitine 100 10 years or so

Dec 2014 started tapering 10% every 10 days-no problems.

August 2015 down to 0.1 mg

Woke up with severe anxiety-sleep issues-racing thoughts-depression. 9/9/15 up dose 1 mg.

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