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Scruffy69 trying to determine good tapering method for Fluoxetine


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Trying to decide how to taper off of Fluoxetine.  My doctor is leaving it up to me.  I'm going on my second round of withdrawal symptoms so, obviously, need to go slow.  Any advice based on the information in my signature and assuming the 10 mg will make my symptoms go away?  Will look through other messages for answers on this as well.  

Started on anti depressants about 35 years ago and have been on a few different ones; a few different combinations.  I have never had any serious depression periods; just mild depression. Been trying to get off them since 2014 due to emotional blunting.

August 2014 - First experience with withdrawal symptoms when tapering off Citalopram. Was prescribed fluoxetine to overcome WD symptoms. (This was my last post until 11/29/23) 

April, 2022 - started Duloxetine 60 mg. Also taking gabapentin 1800 mg/day.

January, 2023 -Started Duloxetine taper.  Psychiatrist prescribed 20 mg Fluoxetine to try and reduce WD symptoms of Duloxetine.

May, 2023 - Finished tapering off Duloxetine. Next step, taper off of Gabapentin. 

July, 2023 - Finished Gabapentin. 

11/29/23 - A month ago decided to start tapering off fluoxetine. Have been on 10 mg fluoxetine every other day about a month now. 




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Good luck Scruffy, wish you all the best. This website is a great resource!

1995-Zoloft 100mg 

1996-Off Zoloft C/T

2000-Zoloft 100mg

2002-Off Zoloft after 50mg decrease then C/T

2006-Zoloft 50mg

2009- Off of everything except occasional Xanax as needed for anxiety

Fall 2009-Pregnant with extreme morning sickness, doc prescribed Zoloft again 50mg

Summer 2010-Zoloft and Klonopin for anxiety

Fall 2011-Quite Zoloft C/T had severe withdrawal, ended up on Lexapro

Fall 2011- Lexapro 20mg and Klonopin .5mg

May 2014-After weaning myself down to 5mg of Lexapro,I quit. I was fine for the first month 

August 4th-started back on 5mg of Lexapro, hoping to do a proper taper this time. Also on .5mg of Klonopin and .25mg of Xanax as needed.

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It has long half life which helps. I came off 20mg and had next to no withdrawal, it was tame.


I can only speak from my own experience obviously. Worth mentioning I was only on Prozac for 4 weeks.


Good luck.

December 2008 Prescribed 20mg citalopram (celexa) for depression and OCD.July 2013 stopped taking citalopram (celexa). November 2013 reinstated citalopram (celexa) following replapse at 20mg for 4 weeks, 40mg for 4 weeks and tapered off over 4 weeks as my condition had deteriorated. February 2014 started 20mg of fluoxetine (prozac). Didn't tolerate it and stopped 4 weeks later, experienced no withdrawal. May 2014 started 25mg of sertraline (zoloft), increased to 50mg after 1 week. Remained at 50mg for 4 weeks before increasing to 100mg at the request of my psychiatrist despite advising of suicidal ideation for an additional week before stopping. Advised to drop to 50mg for 3 days before withdrawing altogether. I did as advised and horrendous withdrawal ensued. 11th August 2014 commenced escitalopram (lexapro), weaned off end of October 2014. Commenced Clonazepam December 2014 0.5mg twice daily, switched to Diazepam 10mg twice daily with a view to tapering of the benzodiazepine altogether. Tapering schedule presently at a reduction of 1mg of Diazepam every 1-2 weeks depending upon side effects. So far experienced no severe physical side effects except worsening of PGAD symptoms upon reduction which does seem to improve within a few days of doing so. Presently taking no antidepressants however still experiencing mild agitation, severe depression and PGAD which is currently being treated by a physiotherapist.

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Scruffy, clearly you are not one of those people who can just come off an AD fast, which is not surprising given that you've been taking them for years.


Please check out the Tapering section of the forum and read the topics "pinned" at the top. You will see that we recommend a taper of no more than 10% of your current dose at a time.


Given what you have just been through with on and off and up and down on doses, I would recommend you stay on a low dose of fluoxetine for a few months now, until your nervous system has had time to stabilize itself and recover from the wringer it's just been through. You may be able to stabilize on less than 10 mg (like maybe 5 mg), but if you're feeling well on the 10 mg and not overstimulated, just stick with that.


(If you're feeling overstimulated on the 10 mg, you should be able to get the liquid formulation and try the lower dose.)


After two or three months see how you're feeling. If you're feeling pretty stable and consistently well from one day to the next, then you can begin a slow taper starting with a 10% cut. 


Meanwhile you will have time to read through our extensive information on tapering.  We have a thread on tapering fluoxetine. You can find that or any other topic you wish to search by just using Google and typing in "surviving antidepressants" followed by "taper fluoxetine" or whatever other thing you wish to search for.


Take your time and educate yourself. You're in the very lucky position of being not too ill right now, it sounds like. (Assuming you do well with the 10 mg reinstatement.)


People who have already done a too-fast taper or cold turkey often end up suffering for many months or even years; you're in the position where you can do it right, right from the beginning. Don't throw that gift away. Take your time, learn about tapering, learn about your options and the risks, and you'll be able to make educated decisions for yourself.


Good luck and welcome to the best source of information on AD tapering that I know of anywhere.


Oh, and let me recommend when you get the chance, reading the book Anatomy of an Epidemic by Robert Whitaker. 

Started on Prozac and Xanax in 1992 for PTSD after an assault. One drug led to more, the usual story. Got sicker and sicker, but believed I needed the drugs for my "underlying disease". Long story...lost everything. Life savings, home, physical and mental health, relationships, friendships, ability to work, everything. Amitryptiline, Prozac, bupropion, buspirone, flurazepam, diazepam, alprazolam, Paxil, citalopram, lamotrigine, gabapentin...probably more I've forgotten. 

Started multidrug taper in Feb 2010.  Doing a very slow microtaper, down to low doses now and feeling SO much better, getting my old personality and my brain back! Able to work full time, have a full social life, and cope with stress better than ever. Not perfect, but much better. After 23 lost years. Big Pharma has a lot to answer for. And "medicine for profit" is just not a great idea.


Feb 15 2010:  300 mg Neurontin  200 Lamictal   10 Celexa      0.65 Xanax   and 5 mg Ambien 

Feb 10 2014:   62 Lamictal    1.1 Celexa         0.135 Xanax    1.8 Valium

Feb 10 2015:   50 Lamictal      0.875 Celexa    0.11 Xanax      1.5 Valium

Feb 15 2016:   47.5 Lamictal   0.75 Celexa      0.0875 Xanax    1.42 Valium    

2/12/20             12                       0.045               0.007                   1 

May 2021            7                       0.01                  0.0037                1

Feb 2022            6                      0!!!                     0.00167               0.98                2.5 mg Ambien

Oct 2022       4.5 mg Lamictal    (off Celexa, off Xanax)   0.95 Valium    Ambien, 1/4 to 1/2 of a 5 mg tablet 


I'm not a doctor. Any advice I give is just my civilian opinion.

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi Scruffy, welcome to SA. Thank you for filling out your signature, it is very helpful for us.  

Your doctor hasn't a clue has he? Although he did get it right diagnosing discontinuation syndrome.

How are you feeling now that you have gone back on the 10mg?   If you are improving I would stay 

on that dose for at least a few weeks to allow your nervous system to stabilise, then start a slow taper. 


We recommend a reduction of no more than 10% of the current dose. As I'm typing I see Rhi has covered 

it so I will just give you the link for tapering prozac.  Rhi is very knowledgeable, has years of experience and

explains things much better than I can! 



**I am not a medical professional, if in doubt please consult a doctor with withdrawal knowledge.



Different drugs occasionally (mostly benzos) 1976 - 1981 (no problem)

1993 - 2002 in and out of hospital. every type of drug + ECT. Staring with seroxat

2002  effexor. 

Tapered  March 2012 to March 2013, ending with 5 beads.

Withdrawal April 2013 . Reinstated 5 beads reduced to 4 beads May 2013

Restarted taper  Nov 2013  

OFF EFFEXOR Feb 2015    :D 

Tapered atenolol and omeprazole Dec 2013 - May 2014


Tapering tramadol, Feb 2015 100mg , March 2015 50mg  

 July 2017 30mg.  May 15 2018 25mg

Taking fish oil, magnesium, B12, folic acid, bilberry eyebright for eye pressure. 


My story http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/4199-hello-mammap-checking-in/page-33


Lesson learned, slow down taper at lower doses. Taper no more than 10% of CURRENT dose if possible



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Thanks Rhi. I realize I AM fortunate in that my symptoms are not near as bad as other people. mammaP, my primary Dr appears to know little about this starting with her order to reduce Citalopram from 40mg to 20mg in two weeks and then stop! It was a different doctor that diagnosed it as discontinuation syndrome and prescribed the Fluoxetine. I would be curious to see what he would think about this but feel I am better off getting help through this forum. With advice from Rhi (confirming what I was thinking after all my research), I think I'm ready to tell my doctor what I want to do. 10 mg daily with refills. I can then take for a few months and then cut pill in half and take 5mg for a few months. I will continue to educate myself on the matter as well through this forum. Thanks all!

Started on anti depressants about 35 years ago and have been on a few different ones; a few different combinations.  I have never had any serious depression periods; just mild depression. Been trying to get off them since 2014 due to emotional blunting.

August 2014 - First experience with withdrawal symptoms when tapering off Citalopram. Was prescribed fluoxetine to overcome WD symptoms. (This was my last post until 11/29/23) 

April, 2022 - started Duloxetine 60 mg. Also taking gabapentin 1800 mg/day.

January, 2023 -Started Duloxetine taper.  Psychiatrist prescribed 20 mg Fluoxetine to try and reduce WD symptoms of Duloxetine.

May, 2023 - Finished tapering off Duloxetine. Next step, taper off of Gabapentin. 

July, 2023 - Finished Gabapentin. 

11/29/23 - A month ago decided to start tapering off fluoxetine. Have been on 10 mg fluoxetine every other day about a month now. 




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It has long half life which helps. I came off 20mg and had next to no withdrawal, it was tame.


I can only speak from my own experience obviously. Worth mentioning I was only on Prozac for 4 weeks.


Good luck.

pokiok - thanks for your input.  I understand the half life of the antidepressants and that prozac is fairly easy to come off of.  I think my issue is from the Citalopram even though the half life is short.  Being on the Prozac is helping my brain "get back to normal" but I still need to wean off that slowly.  I don't quite understand it all; I hope my plan works.  :)  Good luck to you.  Sounds like you are having a MUCH worse time than me.  


Scruffy, clearly you are not one of those people who can just come off an AD fast, which is not surprising given that you've been taking them for years.


Please check out the Tapering section of the forum and read the topics "pinned" at the top. You will see that we recommend a taper of no more than 10% of your current dose at a time.


Given what you have just been through with on and off and up and down on doses, I would recommend you stay on a low dose of fluoxetine for a few months now, until your nervous system has had time to stabilize itself and recover from the wringer it's just been through. You may be able to stabilize on less than 10 mg (like maybe 5 mg), but if you're feeling well on the 10 mg and not overstimulated, just stick with that.


(If you're feeling overstimulated on the 10 mg, you should be able to get the liquid formulation and try the lower dose.)


After two or three months see how you're feeling. If you're feeling pretty stable and consistently well from one day to the next, then you can begin a slow taper starting with a 10% cut. 


Meanwhile you will have time to read through our extensive information on tapering.  We have a thread on tapering fluoxetine. You can find that or any other topic you wish to search by just using Google and typing in "surviving antidepressants" followed by "taper fluoxetine" or whatever other thing you wish to search for.


Take your time and educate yourself. You're in the very lucky position of being not too ill right now, it sounds like. (Assuming you do well with the 10 mg reinstatement.)


People who have already done a too-fast taper or cold turkey often end up suffering for many months or even years; you're in the position where you can do it right, right from the beginning. Don't throw that gift away. Take your time, learn about tapering, learn about your options and the risks, and you'll be able to make educated decisions for yourself.


Good luck and welcome to the best source of information on AD tapering that I know of anywhere.


Oh, and let me recommend when you get the chance, reading the book Anatomy of an Epidemic by Robert Whitaker. 

What do you mean when you say "overstimulated"?  

Started on anti depressants about 35 years ago and have been on a few different ones; a few different combinations.  I have never had any serious depression periods; just mild depression. Been trying to get off them since 2014 due to emotional blunting.

August 2014 - First experience with withdrawal symptoms when tapering off Citalopram. Was prescribed fluoxetine to overcome WD symptoms. (This was my last post until 11/29/23) 

April, 2022 - started Duloxetine 60 mg. Also taking gabapentin 1800 mg/day.

January, 2023 -Started Duloxetine taper.  Psychiatrist prescribed 20 mg Fluoxetine to try and reduce WD symptoms of Duloxetine.

May, 2023 - Finished tapering off Duloxetine. Next step, taper off of Gabapentin. 

July, 2023 - Finished Gabapentin. 

11/29/23 - A month ago decided to start tapering off fluoxetine. Have been on 10 mg fluoxetine every other day about a month now. 




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Thanks Rhi. I realize I AM fortunate in that my symptoms are not near as bad as other people. mammaP, my primary Dr appears to know little about this starting with her order to reduce Citalopram from 40mg to 20mg in two weeks and then stop! It was a different doctor that diagnosed it as discontinuation syndrome and prescribed the Fluoxetine. I would be curious to see what he would think about this but feel I am better off getting help through this forum. With advice from Rhi (confirming what I was thinking after all my research), I think I'm ready to tell my doctor what I want to do. 10 mg daily with refills. I can then take for a few months and then cut pill in half and take 5mg for a few months. I will continue to educate myself on the matter as well through this forum. Thanks all!

If you are taking 10mg, then a 10% taper would drop you down to 9mg, not a half tablet of 5mg.  If you plan to do the slow taper.  In your signature you said that you "started feeling symptoms again".  What symptoms do you get if I may ask?  Anxiety seems to be the big one for most people.

Sept-1990 started my first AD Zoloft never got higher dose than 50mg

Dec-1990 Quit Zoloft  =Nov-1995 Back on Zoloft for Post-partum depression/anxiety

early-1998 Quit Prozac to get pregnant   =Feb-1999 Back on Prozac 20mg

10-1999 Prozac 30mg  =12-1999 Prozac 20mg

7-2001 switch to Wellbutrin SR 100mg

8-2001 increase Wellbutrin SR 150mg

10-2001 adding back Prozac 20mg

5-2003 tapered off Prozac  =7-2003 back on Prozac 20mg

8-2003 Add in Imipramine 25mg then to 50mg    (given Xanax for bad panic episodes

9-2003 Imipramine 75 mg then to 100mg

1-2004 switch to Lexapro 10mg

8-2004 Lexapro 20mg, Imipramine 75mg

4-2006 Adding Wellbutrin 150mg then to 200mg

7-2006 switch Lexapro to Celexa

12-2007Celexa 40mg Wellbutirin 150mg

9-2009 switch back to Lexapro 20mg, WellbutrinXL 150mg

2-2010 stop Lexapro start Celexa 40mg

11-2010 switch Celexa to Cymbalta 60mg

3-2011 Cymbalta 60mg switch to Effexor 37.5 to 75mg

10-2012 thru 12-2012 taper Effexor 75mg to 37.5 and off.

5-2013 start generic Prozac 10mg to 20mg, Trazadone 25mg  BEGIN THE TAPER(6-2013 Prozac 20mg to 10mg, Trazadone 25mg. 7-2013 liquid Prozac 7mg, Trazadone 25mg 8-2013 liquid Prozac 8mg, Trazadone 25mg9-2013 liquid Prozac 5mg, Trazadone 25mg10-31-2013 liquid Prozac 3.25mg, Trazadone 25mg=11-11-2013 liquid Prozac 3.0mg, Trazadone 25mg=12-4-2013 liquid Prozac 2.8mg, Trazadone 25mg=12-13-2013 liquid Prozac 2.5mg, Trazadone 25mg=1-5-2014 liquid Prozac 2.0mg, Trazadone 25mg=(CURRENT/06-01-2014 LAST dose liquid Prozac, Trazadone 25mg)((Aug. 13, 2014 reinstate .20mg of liquid Prozac for crippling anxiety, dread (still on same Trazadone...)supplements are probiotic, Vit. D3 and Fish Oil daily)Aug 19th reinstate 6.25mg Zoloft, Sept. 4th 25mg Zoloft.CURRENT(50mg Zoloft, 25mg Trazadone)

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  • Moderator Emeritus


It has long half life which helps. I came off 20mg and had next to no withdrawal, it was tame.

I can only speak from my own experience obviously. Worth mentioning I was only on Prozac for 4 weeks.

Good luck.


pokiok - thanks for your input.  I understand the half life of the antidepressants and that prozac is fairly easy to come off of.  I think my issue is from the Citalopram even though the half life is short.  Being on the Prozac is helping my brain "get back to normal" but I still need to wean off that slowly.

Hi scruffy. Saw the above quote and wanted to chime in.


First, welcome to SA! I'm glad you found this site and you really will be to. Heeding the advice here will serve you well.


I wish it were true that Prozac was easy to come off of. Unfortunately it's not. The longer half-life may provide a buffer of sorts making withdrawal a slightly smoother ride, but it is not self tapering and can have quite a kick when you least expect it. Granted, I was on it a very long time before this tapering ride I'm on now. How long you've been on it may indeed be a factor of course, but everyone can respond differently to the drug and to withdrawal. It sounds like the doc who prescribed you Prozac and diagnosed discontinuation syndrome was using Prozac as a bridge to ease your withdrawal. I was glad to read you're planning to taper the Prozac slowly as well!


Good luck with you're taper!

1988-2012: Prozac @ 60mg (with a few stops and starts)

Fall 2012: Returned to 40mg after discontinuing and horrid withdrawal 

Fall 2013: 40mg Fluoxetine, added 150mg Wellbutrin to treat fatigue 

Winter 2014: Attempting to taper both (too fast)

April 2014: 9mg Fluoxetine + 37.5 Wellbutrin 

Summer 2014: 8 mg Fluoxetine + 0 Wellbutrin (way too fast a drop)

Late summer/Early Fall 2014: Debilitating Withdrawal symptoms 

Fall 2014 - Wellbutrin successfully kicked to the curb but…

Oct- Dec 2014: Panicked reinstatement of Fluoxetine ->30mg - held for 5yrs

Jan 2021: taper to 20mg Fluoxetine  then tapering by 1mg every 2-3 months

Fall 2022 - held at 10mg->December 2022: 9mg->Feb 2023: 8mg ->March 2023: brassmonkey slide begins: 7.8mg -> 7.6 -> 7.4->2 week hold (April)->7.2->7mg->6.8->2 week hold->6.6-> 1-month hold ->(June)-6.5->4-week hold-> (July)-6.4 (discontinued brassmonkey slide and slowed taper)-> (Aug)-6.2->(Sept)-6.0->(Oct)-5.9->(Nov)-5.8->(Dec)-5.7->wave!->(Jan)-5.8->(Feb)-6mg and holding.


My 2014 withdrawal experience: https://rxisk.org/antidepressant-withdrawal-a-prozac-story/


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Fitby50 - Ah...you are definitely correct about the 10%.  I guess I was thinking since I went from 20mg to 10mg with no problem that I could go to 5mg with no problem.  I have time to read more about it and decide how I want to proceed because I am going to take 10mg for at least a month.  Thanks for pointing it out.  The symptoms I have had the last few days are dizziness and nausea. No anxiety issues.  Silver Star - thanks for sharing.  Sounds like I need to be more careful than I was planning.  Again, probably because I had no problem with 20 mg to 10 mg.  

Started on anti depressants about 35 years ago and have been on a few different ones; a few different combinations.  I have never had any serious depression periods; just mild depression. Been trying to get off them since 2014 due to emotional blunting.

August 2014 - First experience with withdrawal symptoms when tapering off Citalopram. Was prescribed fluoxetine to overcome WD symptoms. (This was my last post until 11/29/23) 

April, 2022 - started Duloxetine 60 mg. Also taking gabapentin 1800 mg/day.

January, 2023 -Started Duloxetine taper.  Psychiatrist prescribed 20 mg Fluoxetine to try and reduce WD symptoms of Duloxetine.

May, 2023 - Finished tapering off Duloxetine. Next step, taper off of Gabapentin. 

July, 2023 - Finished Gabapentin. 

11/29/23 - A month ago decided to start tapering off fluoxetine. Have been on 10 mg fluoxetine every other day about a month now. 




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Good luck Scruffy.  I tired to use Prozac as my taper AD med and because it comes in liquid it was easy to get small dose changes. I think it can work well for a cross over med.  When I started last May, I had just gotten back on an AD after a few months off.  I was at 10mg then 20mg before I found this website and decided to get off all AD's for good and try the very slow taper.  Since I had only been at 20mg for a couple days, I dropped back to 10mg with no problem.  As I continued on the Prozac, I found it to be very over stimulating and added to my already anxiety. It got better after a point and the dose drops went pretty good.  I have been off for 2 months now after a 13 month taper from 10mg.  Unfortunately, as many of us find, I am now being hit with some horrific withdrawl symptoms.  What I thought at the time was a slow taper, either was way too fast for me or it won't matter how slow I go, I will always end up back at this miserable spot.  So if people here tell you to take it very very slow, please take the advice and do not rush it. Best of luck with your taper and be gentle with yourself.

Sept-1990 started my first AD Zoloft never got higher dose than 50mg

Dec-1990 Quit Zoloft  =Nov-1995 Back on Zoloft for Post-partum depression/anxiety

early-1998 Quit Prozac to get pregnant   =Feb-1999 Back on Prozac 20mg

10-1999 Prozac 30mg  =12-1999 Prozac 20mg

7-2001 switch to Wellbutrin SR 100mg

8-2001 increase Wellbutrin SR 150mg

10-2001 adding back Prozac 20mg

5-2003 tapered off Prozac  =7-2003 back on Prozac 20mg

8-2003 Add in Imipramine 25mg then to 50mg    (given Xanax for bad panic episodes

9-2003 Imipramine 75 mg then to 100mg

1-2004 switch to Lexapro 10mg

8-2004 Lexapro 20mg, Imipramine 75mg

4-2006 Adding Wellbutrin 150mg then to 200mg

7-2006 switch Lexapro to Celexa

12-2007Celexa 40mg Wellbutirin 150mg

9-2009 switch back to Lexapro 20mg, WellbutrinXL 150mg

2-2010 stop Lexapro start Celexa 40mg

11-2010 switch Celexa to Cymbalta 60mg

3-2011 Cymbalta 60mg switch to Effexor 37.5 to 75mg

10-2012 thru 12-2012 taper Effexor 75mg to 37.5 and off.

5-2013 start generic Prozac 10mg to 20mg, Trazadone 25mg  BEGIN THE TAPER(6-2013 Prozac 20mg to 10mg, Trazadone 25mg. 7-2013 liquid Prozac 7mg, Trazadone 25mg 8-2013 liquid Prozac 8mg, Trazadone 25mg9-2013 liquid Prozac 5mg, Trazadone 25mg10-31-2013 liquid Prozac 3.25mg, Trazadone 25mg=11-11-2013 liquid Prozac 3.0mg, Trazadone 25mg=12-4-2013 liquid Prozac 2.8mg, Trazadone 25mg=12-13-2013 liquid Prozac 2.5mg, Trazadone 25mg=1-5-2014 liquid Prozac 2.0mg, Trazadone 25mg=(CURRENT/06-01-2014 LAST dose liquid Prozac, Trazadone 25mg)((Aug. 13, 2014 reinstate .20mg of liquid Prozac for crippling anxiety, dread (still on same Trazadone...)supplements are probiotic, Vit. D3 and Fish Oil daily)Aug 19th reinstate 6.25mg Zoloft, Sept. 4th 25mg Zoloft.CURRENT(50mg Zoloft, 25mg Trazadone)

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  • Moderator Emeritus

What do you mean when you say "overstimulated"?  



Prozac tends to be one of the more stimulating antidepressants for many people, which means it increases anxiety, agitation, irritability, anger, rage and restlessness.


Here is some more evidence to support a decision for slow tapering as the dose gets lower.  This article shows why its important to taper slowly at low doses, the charts begin at page 4.




I hope your dizziness and nausea settles down soon, just take things slowly.  A slow taper will not only minimize withdrawal symptoms, it will give you the best chance at getting through the post-withdrawal year or two without having to go back on the drug.

I'm not a doctor.  My comments are not medical advise. These are my opinions based on my own experience and what I've learned. Please discuss your situation with a medical practitioner who has knowledge of tapering and withdrawal...if you are lucky enough to find one.

My Introduction Thread

Full Drug and Withdrawal History

Brief Summary

Several SSRIs for 13 years starting 1997 (for mild to moderate partly situational anxiety) Xanax PRN ~ Various other drugs over the years for side effects

2 month 'taper' off Lexapro 2010

Short acute withdrawal, followed by 2 -3 months of improvement then delayed protracted withdrawal

DX ADHD followed by several years of stimulants and other drugs trying to manage increasing symptoms

Failed reinstatement of Lexapro and trial of Prozac (became suicidal)

May 2013 Found SA, learned about withdrawal, stopped taking drugs...healing begins.

Protracted withdrawal, with a very sensitized nervous system, slowly recovering as time passes

Supplements which have helped: Vitamin C, Magnesium, Taurine

Bad reactions: Many supplements but mostly fish oil and Vitamin D

June 2016 - Started daily juicing, mostly vegetables and lots of greens.

Aug 2016 - Oct 2016 Best window ever, felt almost completely recovered

Oct 2016 -Symptoms returned - bad days and less bad days.

April 2018 - No windows, but significant improvement, it feels like permanent full recovery is close.

VIDEO: Where did the chemical imbalance theory come from?

VIDEO: How are psychiatric diagnoses made?

VIDEO: Why do psychiatric drugs have withdrawal syndromes?

VIDEO: Can psychiatric drugs cause long-lasting negative effects?

VIDEO: Dr. Claire Weekes




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  • 9 years later...

After a rocky year of tapering off Duloxetine and Gabapentin (had some WD symptoms and had to slow down the taper), I am currently only on Fluoxetine.  I have been taking 10 mg every other day about a month now down from 10 mg daily and down from 20 mg. Over my 35 years of antidepressant use, I have used Fluoxetine a couple of different times. I have been trying to get off antidepressants since 2014 because I think it numbs my emotions. I don't feel much joy or love and don't feel like doing anything. I'm lethargic and not much excites me. I do manage to work 40 hours per week and fake my way through the day. (Fitness trainer at a senior living community) The lethargy seems to be worse the past few months so I am wondering how it relates to my year of tapering off meds and how to proceed from here. I tapered off Duloxetine much faster than is recommended here (didn't research here until now) but fortunately, have not had any debilitating WD symptoms, yet anyway. My only complaint is the lethargy and little desire to do anything which makes me question where I am at with fluoxetine. I read on here that tapering using every other day is not recommended.  I am wondering if I should go back to 10 mg every day? 

Started on anti depressants about 35 years ago and have been on a few different ones; a few different combinations.  I have never had any serious depression periods; just mild depression. Been trying to get off them since 2014 due to emotional blunting.

August 2014 - First experience with withdrawal symptoms when tapering off Citalopram. Was prescribed fluoxetine to overcome WD symptoms. (This was my last post until 11/29/23) 

April, 2022 - started Duloxetine 60 mg. Also taking gabapentin 1800 mg/day.

January, 2023 -Started Duloxetine taper.  Psychiatrist prescribed 20 mg Fluoxetine to try and reduce WD symptoms of Duloxetine.

May, 2023 - Finished tapering off Duloxetine. Next step, taper off of Gabapentin. 

July, 2023 - Finished Gabapentin. 

11/29/23 - A month ago decided to start tapering off fluoxetine. Have been on 10 mg fluoxetine every other day about a month now. 




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  • Moderator
3 hours ago, Scruffy69 said:

I read on here that tapering using every other day is not recommended.


Correct, we encourage stability which means taking the same amount of a drug at the same time every day. You can read more at NEVER SKIP DOSES TO TAPER.


3 hours ago, Scruffy69 said:

I am wondering if I should go back to 10 mg every day? 


Since you have been taking 10mg every other day for a month, I would recommend trying to take 5mg every day and see if you can stabilize at that dose.


Pre- October 2022: Wellbutrin, Escitalopram, CitalopramSertraline, Adderall IR, Vyvanse, Propranolol, Buspar, Ativan, and Latuda

Oct 13, 2022 - Oct 24, 2022 and Oct 31, 2022 - Present: Zyprexa (2.5 mg). Jan 14, 2023 -> Began transition to liquid suspension. Jan 29, 2023 = 2.375mg -> Feb 12, 2023 = 2.25mg -> Feb 27, 2023 = 2.14mg -> Mar 12, 2023 = 2.025mg -> Mar 27, 2023 = 1.93mg -> Apr 10, 2023 = 1.82mg -> Apr 23, 2023 = 1.74mg -> May 7, 2023 = 1.64mg -> May 21, 2023 = 1.56mg -> June 4, 2023 = 1.48mg -> June 19, 2023 = 1.4mg -> July 2, 2023 = 1.33mg -> July 16, 2023 = 1.26mg -> July 31, 2023 = 1.2mg -> Aug 13, 2023 = 1.14mg -> Aug 27, 2023 = 1.08mg -> Sep 13, 2023 = 1.02mg -> Jan 22, 2024 = 0.97mg -> Feb 4, 2024 = 0.92mg -> Feb 19, 2024 = 0.87mg -> Mar 3, 2024 = 0.83mg -> Mar 17, 2024 = 0.78mg -> Mar 31, 2024 = 0.74mg -> Apr 14, 2024 = 0.7mg -> Apr 28, 2024 = 0.66mg -> May 12, 2024 = 0.63mg -> May 27, 2024 = 0.6mg -> June 9, 2024 = 0.57mg -> June 24, 2024 = 0.54mg -> July 6, 2024 = 0.51mg -> July 21, 2024 = 0.48mg -> Aug 6, 2024 = 0.455mg -> Aug 20, 2024 = 0.43mg -> Sep 3, 2024 = 0.41mg -> Sep 17, 2024 = 0.39mg -> Oct 1, 2024 = 0.37mg

Oct 14, 2022 - Present: Prozac (40mg) upped from 20mg on Nov 1, 2022.

Oct 31, 2022 - Present: Gabapentin (300mg 3x day) -> May 3, 2023 = 300mg 2x day -> Oct 1, 2023 = 570mg -> Oct 15, 2023 = 540mg -> Oct 29, 2023 = 510mg -> Nov 13, 2023 = 484mg -> Nov 27, 2023 = 460mg -> Dec 9, 2023 = 436mg -> Dec 24, 2023 = 414mg -> Jan 7, 2024 = 400mg


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Thanks, I will look into getting a 5mg dose. 

Started on anti depressants about 35 years ago and have been on a few different ones; a few different combinations.  I have never had any serious depression periods; just mild depression. Been trying to get off them since 2014 due to emotional blunting.

August 2014 - First experience with withdrawal symptoms when tapering off Citalopram. Was prescribed fluoxetine to overcome WD symptoms. (This was my last post until 11/29/23) 

April, 2022 - started Duloxetine 60 mg. Also taking gabapentin 1800 mg/day.

January, 2023 -Started Duloxetine taper.  Psychiatrist prescribed 20 mg Fluoxetine to try and reduce WD symptoms of Duloxetine.

May, 2023 - Finished tapering off Duloxetine. Next step, taper off of Gabapentin. 

July, 2023 - Finished Gabapentin. 

11/29/23 - A month ago decided to start tapering off fluoxetine. Have been on 10 mg fluoxetine every other day about a month now. 




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2 hours ago, Scruffy69 said:

Thanks, I will look into getting a 5mg dose. 


You can look into have the liquid prescribed to you or make your own liquid solution by following the steps at Tips for tapering off Prozac (fluoxetine)


Pre- October 2022: Wellbutrin, Escitalopram, CitalopramSertraline, Adderall IR, Vyvanse, Propranolol, Buspar, Ativan, and Latuda

Oct 13, 2022 - Oct 24, 2022 and Oct 31, 2022 - Present: Zyprexa (2.5 mg). Jan 14, 2023 -> Began transition to liquid suspension. Jan 29, 2023 = 2.375mg -> Feb 12, 2023 = 2.25mg -> Feb 27, 2023 = 2.14mg -> Mar 12, 2023 = 2.025mg -> Mar 27, 2023 = 1.93mg -> Apr 10, 2023 = 1.82mg -> Apr 23, 2023 = 1.74mg -> May 7, 2023 = 1.64mg -> May 21, 2023 = 1.56mg -> June 4, 2023 = 1.48mg -> June 19, 2023 = 1.4mg -> July 2, 2023 = 1.33mg -> July 16, 2023 = 1.26mg -> July 31, 2023 = 1.2mg -> Aug 13, 2023 = 1.14mg -> Aug 27, 2023 = 1.08mg -> Sep 13, 2023 = 1.02mg -> Jan 22, 2024 = 0.97mg -> Feb 4, 2024 = 0.92mg -> Feb 19, 2024 = 0.87mg -> Mar 3, 2024 = 0.83mg -> Mar 17, 2024 = 0.78mg -> Mar 31, 2024 = 0.74mg -> Apr 14, 2024 = 0.7mg -> Apr 28, 2024 = 0.66mg -> May 12, 2024 = 0.63mg -> May 27, 2024 = 0.6mg -> June 9, 2024 = 0.57mg -> June 24, 2024 = 0.54mg -> July 6, 2024 = 0.51mg -> July 21, 2024 = 0.48mg -> Aug 6, 2024 = 0.455mg -> Aug 20, 2024 = 0.43mg -> Sep 3, 2024 = 0.41mg -> Sep 17, 2024 = 0.39mg -> Oct 1, 2024 = 0.37mg

Oct 14, 2022 - Present: Prozac (40mg) upped from 20mg on Nov 1, 2022.

Oct 31, 2022 - Present: Gabapentin (300mg 3x day) -> May 3, 2023 = 300mg 2x day -> Oct 1, 2023 = 570mg -> Oct 15, 2023 = 540mg -> Oct 29, 2023 = 510mg -> Nov 13, 2023 = 484mg -> Nov 27, 2023 = 460mg -> Dec 9, 2023 = 436mg -> Dec 24, 2023 = 414mg -> Jan 7, 2024 = 400mg


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