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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, ME, CFS


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I wondered if there's anyone else who has ME/CFS?


I've had it for nine years though was managing to live with it. Until I came off Citalopram 5 months ago.


I've had the worst episode of ME I've ever had and have become housebound and bedbound with physical illness. On top of this there are frightening w/d symptoms and horrible unprecedented depression and anxiety, which I made much much worse by trying to take Moclobemide for 2 weeks. Now I can hardly look at a computer or TV screen, have hardly been able to eat in two months, can hardly walk and have horrible unreality feelings.


My fear is that I am not in a good place to recover, because my nervous system was already not working properly due to the ME. Now it's in the worst state it's ever been in and I feel utterly hopeless.



Sufferer of moderate ME/CFS since 2005

Started 20mg Citalopram in March 2008 due to bereavement

Was fine since then with no adverse effects or depression - so decided to taper off

Came off it in March 2014 after a five-month taper, which I thought was a long time

Experienced a month of uncharacteristic depression in April 2014

Two months feeling fine

In June 2014 return of depression then an overnight physical crash leaving me debilitated in July

Tried to take moclobemide at low dose for 2 weeks in July but severe reaction

Housebound since then, ME now severe

No meds taken

Female, 38 years old

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I am finishing up "The Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: it's mitochondria not hypochondria" by Sarah Myhill MD. Lots of it is on her website. Quite interesting, don't know if all true.


Here's a paraphrase: the greatest cause of depression in CFS is the way patients are treated by their doctors.

1st round Prozac 1989/90, clear depression symptoms. 2nd round Prozac started 1999 when admitted to dr. I was tired. Prozac pooped out, switch to Cymbalta 3/2006. Diagnosed with bipolar disorder due to mania 6/2006--then I was taken abruptly off Cymbalta and didn't know I had SSRI withdrawal. Lots of meds for my intractable "bipolar" symptoms.

Zyprexa started about 9/06, mostly 5mg. Tapered 4/12 through12/29/12

Wellbutrin. XL 300 mg started 1/07, tapered 1/18/13 through 7/8/13

Oxazepam mostly continuously since 6/06, 30mg since 12/12, tapered 1.17.14 through 8.26.15

11/06 Lithium 600mg twice daily, 2.2.14 400mg TID DIY liquid, 2.12.14 1150mg, 3.2.14 1100mg, 3.18.14 1075mg, 4/14 updose to 1100mg, 6.1.14 900 mg capsules 7.8.14 810mg, 8.17.14 725mg, 8.24.24 700mg...10.22.14 487.5mg, 3.9.15 475mg, 4.1.15 462.5mg 4.21.15 450mg 8.11.15 375mg, 11.28.15 362.5mg, back to 375mg four days later, 3.4.16 updose to 475 (too much going on to risk trouble)

9/4/13 Toprol-XL 25mg daily for sudden hypertension, tapered 11.12.13 through 5.3.14, last 10 days or so switched to atenolol

7.4.14 Started Walsh Protocol

56 years old

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looks interesting. would you recommend this book? any practical information there as well?

in 2002- 0,5 tablet cipramil for half a year, ended it uneventfully. in 2006 - citalopram for half a year, ended in horrific state, ditched the drugs CT. 2007-2008 not feeling well but drug free. in 2008 prozac 20mg + quetiapine 25mg. 2009 tried to stop, ended up in hole after couple of months, started zoloft. 2009-2011 zoloft 50mg. went to 25mg in 2011 summer, it resulted in half a year horrible suffering. reinstated, changed drugs, nothing happened. by 2012 beginning suddenly felt great and CT meds. after 4 months came suddenly most horrible human suffering that's possible. was started on prozac and questiapine. started tapering slowly, GFCF diet and Hardy Nutritionals vitamins in 2013 summer. 

current medications: 1) fluoxetine and quetiapine since Aug 2012; 2) Daily Essential Nutrients by Hardy Nutritionals 7 capsules / since May 2013 + omega3; 3) Gluten-free-casein-free diet since june 2013

Started withdrawing slowly since april 2013. Mostly around 10% cuts. 

April'13 - March'14: fluoxetine 40mg -> 19,5mg; quetiapine 50mg -> 40mg
April'14-March'15: fluoxetine 19,5mg -> 14,4mg; quetiapine 40mg -> 22mg

April'15-March'16: fluoxetine 14,4mg -> 7,4mg; quetiapine 22mg -> 15mg

April'16-March'17: fluoxetine 7,4mg -> 5,0mg; quetiapine 15mg -> 7,25mg

April'17-March'18: fluoxetine 5,0mg -> 4,0mg; quetiapine 7,25mg -> 0 (as of 1st Feb 2018)!!!!

April´18-March´19: fluoxetine 4,0mg - > 2,3mg. Jumped off fluoxetine 1,4mg due to pregnancy in July 2019. Oct 2019 severe withdrawal syndrome started.

Took mistakenly a complex for hormonal support that included pregnenolone dec2019-april2020. Stopped it april 2020 and immediately severe akathisia started. Have had life threatening akathisia since, 100% disabled, suicidal, very hard to hold on. 


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I am finishing up "The Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: it's mitochondria not hypochondria" by Sarah Myhill MD. Lots of it is on her website. Quite interesting, don't know if all true.


Here's a paraphrase: the greatest cause of depression in CFS is the way patients are treated by their doctors.

Hmm, I have thought of a new line when I see prospective physicians.   In response to the question about whether I am depressed, I can say it depends on the way the doctor treats me.   I know, this is fantasy-land but I sure would love to say that.


The book sounds interesting.  I will check it out.

Drug cocktail 1995 - 2010
Started taper of Adderall, Wellbutrin XL, Remeron, and Doxepin in 2006
Finished taper on June 10, 2010

Temazepam on a PRN basis approximately twice a month - 2014 to 2016

Beginning in 2017 - Consumption increased to about two times per week

April 2017 - Increased to taking it full time for insomnia

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Ha, compsports, you could so say that. I have gotten so snippy with my doctors, I'm so disgusted with them. Last dialogue with my PCP was telling him I might need a holter monitor, but I thought I had worked out it was an allergy to eggs. He said I needed to stop thinking so much, that was my problem. I said, "Well, somebody's going to have to do a lot of thinking or I'm never going to get well." The visit before that was about my "unconventional" approach. I said, "Well, would you like to give me a dissertation on the black-box warning for Zyprexa?" He would probably fire me...except I'm firing him first.


Rap2, I would really recommend her website, that would give you an idea if the book cost would be worthwhile. I think it could benefit anyone with chronic, baffling symptoms.

1st round Prozac 1989/90, clear depression symptoms. 2nd round Prozac started 1999 when admitted to dr. I was tired. Prozac pooped out, switch to Cymbalta 3/2006. Diagnosed with bipolar disorder due to mania 6/2006--then I was taken abruptly off Cymbalta and didn't know I had SSRI withdrawal. Lots of meds for my intractable "bipolar" symptoms.

Zyprexa started about 9/06, mostly 5mg. Tapered 4/12 through12/29/12

Wellbutrin. XL 300 mg started 1/07, tapered 1/18/13 through 7/8/13

Oxazepam mostly continuously since 6/06, 30mg since 12/12, tapered 1.17.14 through 8.26.15

11/06 Lithium 600mg twice daily, 2.2.14 400mg TID DIY liquid, 2.12.14 1150mg, 3.2.14 1100mg, 3.18.14 1075mg, 4/14 updose to 1100mg, 6.1.14 900 mg capsules 7.8.14 810mg, 8.17.14 725mg, 8.24.24 700mg...10.22.14 487.5mg, 3.9.15 475mg, 4.1.15 462.5mg 4.21.15 450mg 8.11.15 375mg, 11.28.15 362.5mg, back to 375mg four days later, 3.4.16 updose to 475 (too much going on to risk trouble)

9/4/13 Toprol-XL 25mg daily for sudden hypertension, tapered 11.12.13 through 5.3.14, last 10 days or so switched to atenolol

7.4.14 Started Walsh Protocol

56 years old

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Hi Meime,


Good for you for standing up to your doctors.  I wish I had been more assertive but I am not good at responding quickly when I am caught off guard.   As a result, I end up seething for days about what I wish I had said.


Anyway, I am seeing a PCP next week who likes complicated cases so I am guessing I won't need to say anything:)  Seriously, that is what she said on her website.


I am not unhappy with current one but per a relative's suggestion, I decided to give this a shot and see what happens.    Maybe this doctor will know the sleep physician who thinks the way she does.


Back to the topic - When sleep doctor #2 asked if I was depressed, I said not clinically but was understandably upset about my situation which seemed to satisfy him.   Maybe I could then say additionally on the form, "and of course, having an understanding doctor is very helpful."


Somehow, we gotta frame the language that being understandably upset about your situation is not equivalent to clinical depression.

Drug cocktail 1995 - 2010
Started taper of Adderall, Wellbutrin XL, Remeron, and Doxepin in 2006
Finished taper on June 10, 2010

Temazepam on a PRN basis approximately twice a month - 2014 to 2016

Beginning in 2017 - Consumption increased to about two times per week

April 2017 - Increased to taking it full time for insomnia

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Hi again Meime,


I just reread your post and am seething about the interactions with your doctor.   Sheesh, your approach is unconventional but prescribing Zyprexa which causes alot worse harm isn't?   Strange standard of care, isn't it?

Drug cocktail 1995 - 2010
Started taper of Adderall, Wellbutrin XL, Remeron, and Doxepin in 2006
Finished taper on June 10, 2010

Temazepam on a PRN basis approximately twice a month - 2014 to 2016

Beginning in 2017 - Consumption increased to about two times per week

April 2017 - Increased to taking it full time for insomnia

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I wish I was like you, CS. I sadly develop horrible abilities in sarcasm and verbal warfare when I get mad. Even at doctors when I am just their patient. Usually I can hold my tongue as a nurse, but did once tell a doctor "we'll have to take it to People's Court." (An old TV show). Thankfully he laughed. Hopefully things go well with your new doctor....for all the doctor problems, I have to say a great one is priceless.

1st round Prozac 1989/90, clear depression symptoms. 2nd round Prozac started 1999 when admitted to dr. I was tired. Prozac pooped out, switch to Cymbalta 3/2006. Diagnosed with bipolar disorder due to mania 6/2006--then I was taken abruptly off Cymbalta and didn't know I had SSRI withdrawal. Lots of meds for my intractable "bipolar" symptoms.

Zyprexa started about 9/06, mostly 5mg. Tapered 4/12 through12/29/12

Wellbutrin. XL 300 mg started 1/07, tapered 1/18/13 through 7/8/13

Oxazepam mostly continuously since 6/06, 30mg since 12/12, tapered 1.17.14 through 8.26.15

11/06 Lithium 600mg twice daily, 2.2.14 400mg TID DIY liquid, 2.12.14 1150mg, 3.2.14 1100mg, 3.18.14 1075mg, 4/14 updose to 1100mg, 6.1.14 900 mg capsules 7.8.14 810mg, 8.17.14 725mg, 8.24.24 700mg...10.22.14 487.5mg, 3.9.15 475mg, 4.1.15 462.5mg 4.21.15 450mg 8.11.15 375mg, 11.28.15 362.5mg, back to 375mg four days later, 3.4.16 updose to 475 (too much going on to risk trouble)

9/4/13 Toprol-XL 25mg daily for sudden hypertension, tapered 11.12.13 through 5.3.14, last 10 days or so switched to atenolol

7.4.14 Started Walsh Protocol

56 years old

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I wish I was like you, CS. I sadly develop horrible abilities in sarcasm and verbal warfare when I get mad. Even at doctors when I am just their patient. Usually I can hold my tongue as a nurse, but did once tell a doctor "we'll have to take it to People's Court." (An old TV show). Thankfully he laughed. Hopefully things go well with your new doctor....for all the doctor problems, I have to say a great one is priceless.

Actually Meime, I can think of a few doctors in which I wish I had taken some shots like you did.  I sure would have felt alot better, particularly since I knew I wasn't returning.


Yeah, I remember People's Court.  Great line you used. :)


Thanks for your well wishes.  I will keep you posted.

Drug cocktail 1995 - 2010
Started taper of Adderall, Wellbutrin XL, Remeron, and Doxepin in 2006
Finished taper on June 10, 2010

Temazepam on a PRN basis approximately twice a month - 2014 to 2016

Beginning in 2017 - Consumption increased to about two times per week

April 2017 - Increased to taking it full time for insomnia

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Hi Picchy.


Yes, I'm right at my 25 year anniversary of having CFS. I'm so sorry for what you are going thru. I was functioning somewhat adequately tho on disability but could do my own grocery shopping, drive to appt. but not far, and be mentally stable most of the time.

Then, for reasons I won't get into here or now, I came off low dose Xanax in hospital c/t and lost lot of functioning. Couldn't drive for few years but would back car out of driveway and maybe around the block to try to keep up the skill. By 9 years off, was able to get out some and feel more normal, maybe 50% healed, as enjoying life some again. Then last Fall, had stressors, couldn't sleep so went on remeron and tapered off in 9 weeks, that was almost 6 months ago. I've had some good windows but the waves are a real challenge.

I understand your concern about cns not recovering but I believe we can, at least to a comfortable level as I got there and now have to get there again.

Battling CFS and drug w/d is certainly not easy.

You're not alone.



Xanax 1989-2004

Remeron 9 weeks c. 2014

60 mg Duloxetine 2019 nightly - current, newly added 20 mg in a.m.

zyprexa March 2024 1 month switched to

Seroquel May to mid June, 2024

C/t Seroquel June 18, 3024 

Trazadone added June 19, 2024, 25 mg nightly current



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I used to have a dx of fibromyalgia, but the muscle pain is gone since I stopped SRI's in 2006. But I still have bad fatigue, more the less drugs I take. Before poly drugging, I had bad post-exercise fatigue. It improved when I was poly drugging, now it is back.


These are some wild thoughts: Sarah Myhill MD in England holds to a mitochondrial-based theory of CFS. She has been in a lot of hot water with the medical society there. Don't know if that makes her a quack or hero. She says mitochondrial issues cause a lot of oxidative stress. In "Nutrient Power" Dr. Walsh says psychiatric drugs are virtually all potent antioxidants. Maybe there is a connection there. But there are better ways to get antioxidants!

1st round Prozac 1989/90, clear depression symptoms. 2nd round Prozac started 1999 when admitted to dr. I was tired. Prozac pooped out, switch to Cymbalta 3/2006. Diagnosed with bipolar disorder due to mania 6/2006--then I was taken abruptly off Cymbalta and didn't know I had SSRI withdrawal. Lots of meds for my intractable "bipolar" symptoms.

Zyprexa started about 9/06, mostly 5mg. Tapered 4/12 through12/29/12

Wellbutrin. XL 300 mg started 1/07, tapered 1/18/13 through 7/8/13

Oxazepam mostly continuously since 6/06, 30mg since 12/12, tapered 1.17.14 through 8.26.15

11/06 Lithium 600mg twice daily, 2.2.14 400mg TID DIY liquid, 2.12.14 1150mg, 3.2.14 1100mg, 3.18.14 1075mg, 4/14 updose to 1100mg, 6.1.14 900 mg capsules 7.8.14 810mg, 8.17.14 725mg, 8.24.24 700mg...10.22.14 487.5mg, 3.9.15 475mg, 4.1.15 462.5mg 4.21.15 450mg 8.11.15 375mg, 11.28.15 362.5mg, back to 375mg four days later, 3.4.16 updose to 475 (too much going on to risk trouble)

9/4/13 Toprol-XL 25mg daily for sudden hypertension, tapered 11.12.13 through 5.3.14, last 10 days or so switched to atenolol

7.4.14 Started Walsh Protocol

56 years old

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Hi Meim.

Interesting post about all psych drugs bring strong antioxidants . Think that includes Benzos?


How's the Walsh protocol going?


Xanax 1989-2004

Remeron 9 weeks c. 2014

60 mg Duloxetine 2019 nightly - current, newly added 20 mg in a.m.

zyprexa March 2024 1 month switched to

Seroquel May to mid June, 2024

C/t Seroquel June 18, 3024 

Trazadone added June 19, 2024, 25 mg nightly current



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  • 8 months later...

So I am 3,5 years post Citalopram. Still have many issues but overall mentally  I am a lot better than a couple of years ago. I began running more intensely last month. At some point it felt like I was coming down with something. Now I generally feel weaker and worst of all. I feel "ill" after exercise. Like a rise in temperature or just flu like. Even just minor things like mowing a lawn causes this. I'm afraid its "Post-exertional malaise" which apparently is the most common symptom of CFS. I thought I was on my way towards recovery. Has anybody else struggled with this? Please tell me it just part of overall withdrawal and will recede, and it not something completely new on top of everything else. 


On Citalopram from 2008-2011 (age 19-23) for anxiety

Started on 20mg but was on 60mg at one point

Knew nothing about discontinuation and wasn't given much help from doctor

Tried stopping on my own after being stable on one pill a day (20mg)

Went horribly wrong and had to reinstate

Tried "tappering" on my own as doctor new nothing by taking half pills and skipping days

Managed to quit this way over 3 to 4 months

Had horrible reaction and began withdrawal hell

Found Paxil Progress after a month or so not understanding why symptoms wasn't going away

Mentally better but recently ran into huge fatigue problems after gradual onset. Now homebound


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  • Moderator Emeritus

I also had 'post exertional malaise' develop in withdrawal, I still have it and have to be careful with exercise because if I overdo it, it will trigger a wave. There are some similarities between withdrawal and CFS.


This article from Beyond Meds has some useful information:


Protracted psychiatric drug withdrawal syndrome, chronic illness, CFS, Fibromyalgia. Yeah, they all have things in common.

I'm not a doctor.  My comments are not medical advise. These are my opinions based on my own experience and what I've learned. Please discuss your situation with a medical practitioner who has knowledge of tapering and withdrawal...if you are lucky enough to find one.

My Introduction Thread

Full Drug and Withdrawal History

Brief Summary

Several SSRIs for 13 years starting 1997 (for mild to moderate partly situational anxiety) Xanax PRN ~ Various other drugs over the years for side effects

2 month 'taper' off Lexapro 2010

Short acute withdrawal, followed by 2 -3 months of improvement then delayed protracted withdrawal

DX ADHD followed by several years of stimulants and other drugs trying to manage increasing symptoms

Failed reinstatement of Lexapro and trial of Prozac (became suicidal)

May 2013 Found SA, learned about withdrawal, stopped taking drugs...healing begins.

Protracted withdrawal, with a very sensitized nervous system, slowly recovering as time passes

Supplements which have helped: Vitamin C, Magnesium, Taurine

Bad reactions: Many supplements but mostly fish oil and Vitamin D

June 2016 - Started daily juicing, mostly vegetables and lots of greens.

Aug 2016 - Oct 2016 Best window ever, felt almost completely recovered

Oct 2016 -Symptoms returned - bad days and less bad days.

April 2018 - No windows, but significant improvement, it feels like permanent full recovery is close.

VIDEO: Where did the chemical imbalance theory come from?

VIDEO: How are psychiatric diagnoses made?

VIDEO: Why do psychiatric drugs have withdrawal syndromes?

VIDEO: Can psychiatric drugs cause long-lasting negative effects?

VIDEO: Dr. Claire Weekes




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unfortunately i have it severe, fibromyalgia and fatigue...walking is a nightmare, need resting every few steps, autonomic system disorder...

for anxiety 

12 years paxil - cold turkey 1,5 month - switch celexa 1 year taper; total 13 years on brain meds 

67 years old - 9 years  med free


in protracted withdrawal

rigidity standing and walking, dryness gougerot-szoegren, sleep deteriorate,

function as have a lack of nerves, improving have been very little 


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I too am about 3.5 years off and have fibro type issues and am even producing antinuclear antibodies which are seen on some people with fibro. In essence, i have a fibro type unknown autoimmume condition triggered by ssri usage/wd. Some say fibro is actually an autoimmune disease in and of itself. Anyways, i follow wahls protocol which has helped my fibro type symptoms. I am also very physically active exercising about 10 hours a week. This could be a factor negatively affecting how i feel but can be for sure. My advice is to watch diet and add supplements if need be. Wahls has worked well for me

Various SSRIs/SNRIs 7- 1/2 years

Went Cold Turkey from Celexa 2011, Stayed Off

Psych Drug Free and Loving Life (over 6 years and counting)


How I Stay Well: Diet, exercise, meditation, supplements, etc

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  • Moderator Emeritus

I will often experience symptoms after exercising.  Earlier in withdrawal exercise could trigger serious waves, now it tends to stir up the milder fluish withdrawal symptoms, still very unpleasant.   While other aspects of withdrawal have improved the exercise intolerance has not improved much for me over two years.  Concerning to say the least.  

I should also say I'm occasionally able to exercise without it causing any symptoms, especially during windows.  Just another strange non-linear dimension of withdrawal.  


And yes, exercise intolerance is a symptom of chronic fatigue syndrome, there seems to be quite a bit of overlap.  Gia has looked into this in some depth I believe.  

EDIT:  Apologies, I missed petu's beyondmeds link.  

3 Years 150 mgs Effexor

2 month taper down to zero

3 terrible weeks at zero

Back up to 75 mgs

2 months at 75

6 or so months back to regular dose of 150 - was able to restabilize fine.

3 month taper back to zero

1 HORRENDOUS week at zero

2 days back up to 37.5

3 days back up to 75

One week at 150 - unable to stabilize.

Back down to 75 mgs

At 75 mgs (half original dose) and suffering withdrawal symptoms since October 2012.


"It is a radical cure for all pessimism to become ill, to remain ill for a good while, and then grow well for a still longer period." - Nietzsche

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  • 1 month later...

I'm digging more into the link between withdrawal and CFS and neuroinflammation as I am currently experiencing this heavily on my own body. I came across this article and thought I had to share it. It suggests a relationship between too much Glutamate and too little GABA in CFS. It even mentions Benzo withdrawal. Anyway, I think this is all very relavant to us so have a look if you want. I might post similar finds occasionally in this thread. Vonant.




On Citalopram from 2008-2011 (age 19-23) for anxiety

Started on 20mg but was on 60mg at one point

Knew nothing about discontinuation and wasn't given much help from doctor

Tried stopping on my own after being stable on one pill a day (20mg)

Went horribly wrong and had to reinstate

Tried "tappering" on my own as doctor new nothing by taking half pills and skipping days

Managed to quit this way over 3 to 4 months

Had horrible reaction and began withdrawal hell

Found Paxil Progress after a month or so not understanding why symptoms wasn't going away

Mentally better but recently ran into huge fatigue problems after gradual onset. Now homebound


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  • 4 months later...

Oh, I wish I haven't read this... Is there anyone who have had many of those serious cfs symptoms during their withdrawal for long time (several months) and have recovered? This is so scary time for me, what if i stay this way? i don't even have the strength to brush my hair. :/ 

Citalopram 40mg from 2003-2015

Jan 2015 started tapering first dropped to 35mgFeb 30mg, March 25mgApril 20mg, May 17,5mg, June 15mgJuly 12,5mg, Aug 12,5mg,

Sep 0mg for 5 days because of stomac flu and after I raised to 7,5mg. All the symptoms of acute WD shaking, diarrhea, vomiting, barely could walk ect. Still didn't realize that it wasn't only stomac flu but I was also going through WD.

Oct 2,5mg and crashed again badly and quickly raised to 4mg. It was then when I knew my symptoms were due to WD.

Then in November after a month holding on 4mg raised to 5mg due to muscle weakness and had a VERY BAD reaction to reinstatement: akathisia(lasted for one or two weeks), insomnia, anhedonia... Drop quicly back to 4mg, Dec 3mg

Jan 2016 2,6mg( in the middle of Jan after I had been on 2,6mg for a week I tried to updose to 2,8mg and immediately had bad reaction to it: akathisia for a day, andehonia got worse. The next day dropped back to 2,6mg), Feb 2,4mg( a new symptom PGAD lasted 24/7 for 2 months after that on and off), March 2,4mg, April 2,3mg, May 2,2mg, June 2,1mg, July 2,0mg( Pgad almost nonexisting, sleeping pretty good, still some anhedonia but there has been a lot of gradual progress), Aug 1,97mg-1,89mg, Sep 1,88mg-1,49mg, Oct 1,48mg- 1,70mg,

Nov 0,65mg- current dose 0,5mg


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  • 2 months later...

Hi richingforthestar

Do you still have bad Cfs? Mine is so bad it's hell.

Currently suffer extreme CFS, Lyme, adrenal fatigue, bad gut issues, reaction bad to mold basically etc home a lot. Can hardly walk all I get crash easily. 
I’m currently on mirtizapine 1.7mg and Reboxetine 0.4mg. I did a cut on reboxetine on the 19/4/20 around 11%. 
Also taking Ativan since January 2mg. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

vonant, I joined this topic with the one about CFS you previously started. Please add to this one rather than start new topics, it keeps all the relevant information together in one place and easy to find via searches.

There was one before this one was started I came to ad to it ad can't find it now?  


I wanted to add this to the already long talk about chronic fatigue fibro... Maybe sooner or later they will all be joined the other one is older 



Help Leaky Gut & Dysbiosis Now Intestinal Parasites, Bacterial Dysbiosis and Leaky Gut Excerpts from POWER HEALING (Random House, 1998) By Leo Galland, M.D.




Giardia contaminates streams and lakes throughout North America and has caused epidemics of diarrheal disease in several small cities by contaminating their drinking water. One epidemic, in Placerville, California, was followed by an epidemic of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which swept through the town's residents at the time of the Giardia epidemic. Possibly, this epidemic was due to failure of some people to eradicate the parasite. In 1991, my colleagues and I published a study of 96 patients with chronic fatigue and demonstrated active Giardiainfection in 46 per cent.

Had a car accident in 85
Codeine was the pain med when I was release from hosp continuous use till 89
Given PROZAC by a specialist to help with nerve pain in my leg 89-90 not sure which year
Was not told a thing about it being a psych med thought it was a pain killer no info about psych side effects I went nuts had hallucinations. As I had a head injury and was diagnosed with a concussion in 85 I was sent to a head injury clinic in 1990 five years after the accident. I don't think they knew I had been on prozac I did not think it a big deal and never did finish the bottle of pills. I had tests of course lots of them. Was put into a pain clinic and given amitriptyline which stopped the withdrawal but had many side effects. But I could sleep something I had not done in a very long time the pain lessened. My mother got cancer in 94 they switched my meds to Zoloft to help deal with this pressure as I was her main care giver she died in 96. I stopped zoloft in 96 had withdrawal was put on paxil went nutty quit it ct put on resperidol quit it ct had withdrawal was put on Effexor... 2years later celexa was added 20mg then increased to 40mg huge personality change went wild. Did too fast taper off Celexa 05 as I felt unwell for a long time prior... quit Effexor 150mg ct 07 found ****** 8 months into withdrawal learned some things was banned from there in 08 have kept learning since. there is really not enough room here to put my history but I have a lot of opinions about a lot of things especially any of the drugs mentioned above.
One thing I would like to add here is this tidbit ALL OPIATES INCREASE SEROTONIN it is not a huge jump to being in chronic pain to being put on an ssri/snri and opiates will affect your antidepressants and your thinking.

As I do not update much I will put my quit date Nov. 17 2007 I quit Effexor cold turkey. 


There is a crack in everything ..That's how the light gets in :)

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Had a car accident in 85
Codeine was the pain med when I was release from hosp continuous use till 89
Given PROZAC by a specialist to help with nerve pain in my leg 89-90 not sure which year
Was not told a thing about it being a psych med thought it was a pain killer no info about psych side effects I went nuts had hallucinations. As I had a head injury and was diagnosed with a concussion in 85 I was sent to a head injury clinic in 1990 five years after the accident. I don't think they knew I had been on prozac I did not think it a big deal and never did finish the bottle of pills. I had tests of course lots of them. Was put into a pain clinic and given amitriptyline which stopped the withdrawal but had many side effects. But I could sleep something I had not done in a very long time the pain lessened. My mother got cancer in 94 they switched my meds to Zoloft to help deal with this pressure as I was her main care giver she died in 96. I stopped zoloft in 96 had withdrawal was put on paxil went nutty quit it ct put on resperidol quit it ct had withdrawal was put on Effexor... 2years later celexa was added 20mg then increased to 40mg huge personality change went wild. Did too fast taper off Celexa 05 as I felt unwell for a long time prior... quit Effexor 150mg ct 07 found ****** 8 months into withdrawal learned some things was banned from there in 08 have kept learning since. there is really not enough room here to put my history but I have a lot of opinions about a lot of things especially any of the drugs mentioned above.
One thing I would like to add here is this tidbit ALL OPIATES INCREASE SEROTONIN it is not a huge jump to being in chronic pain to being put on an ssri/snri and opiates will affect your antidepressants and your thinking.

As I do not update much I will put my quit date Nov. 17 2007 I quit Effexor cold turkey. 


There is a crack in everything ..That's how the light gets in :)

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  • 1 month later...

we have company



I am wonder "Who" owns this site?  

Google knows everything... 

MentalHealthDaily.com was established in 2013 as a way to document any information and updates in the field of mental health.  Author and creator, GLOOM,


now I will search for Gloom here at SA

Had a car accident in 85
Codeine was the pain med when I was release from hosp continuous use till 89
Given PROZAC by a specialist to help with nerve pain in my leg 89-90 not sure which year
Was not told a thing about it being a psych med thought it was a pain killer no info about psych side effects I went nuts had hallucinations. As I had a head injury and was diagnosed with a concussion in 85 I was sent to a head injury clinic in 1990 five years after the accident. I don't think they knew I had been on prozac I did not think it a big deal and never did finish the bottle of pills. I had tests of course lots of them. Was put into a pain clinic and given amitriptyline which stopped the withdrawal but had many side effects. But I could sleep something I had not done in a very long time the pain lessened. My mother got cancer in 94 they switched my meds to Zoloft to help deal with this pressure as I was her main care giver she died in 96. I stopped zoloft in 96 had withdrawal was put on paxil went nutty quit it ct put on resperidol quit it ct had withdrawal was put on Effexor... 2years later celexa was added 20mg then increased to 40mg huge personality change went wild. Did too fast taper off Celexa 05 as I felt unwell for a long time prior... quit Effexor 150mg ct 07 found ****** 8 months into withdrawal learned some things was banned from there in 08 have kept learning since. there is really not enough room here to put my history but I have a lot of opinions about a lot of things especially any of the drugs mentioned above.
One thing I would like to add here is this tidbit ALL OPIATES INCREASE SEROTONIN it is not a huge jump to being in chronic pain to being put on an ssri/snri and opiates will affect your antidepressants and your thinking.

As I do not update much I will put my quit date Nov. 17 2007 I quit Effexor cold turkey. 


There is a crack in everything ..That's how the light gets in :)

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  • 2 months later...


I was wondering if anyone had this fatigue like symptom. I have had this since the first day when my WD took off. It's a feeling of sedation and drowsiness that is constant. It worsens when speaking or using the brain. It's awful. I've read others have had it. I wasn't on any meds at the time it started during WD. I must mention that I'm currently on Remeron that causes drowsiness. But I've only been on Remeron 3 months and had this symptom for 6. I read where others have had it. Some get it while tapering. Some get it starting a med. some get it in WD. It's awful.

Lexapro: started in 2002 at 10 mgs.

Ambien: started as a as needed sleep aid in 2010.

Quit Lexapro cold turkey in June 20015 due to contributing to low sodium issues.

Restarted Lexapro in late November for a week (only 5 mgs) but quit due to dizziness side effects. Side effects worsened for 3 weeks until

12/24/15: Protracted WD hit, experienced extreme anxiety, insomnia lack of full concentration and social challenges.

Reinstated Lexapro on 1/1/16 at 5 mgs. Increased per Dr to 7.5 MG. Tapered off Lexapro in March 2016.

Started 50MG of Seroquel in late January 2016 for bedtime to help in eliminate Ambien. Tapered off both Seroquel and Ambien in March 2016.

2/14/16: Prescribed both Remeron (15 MG) and Temazapam (15 MG) for sleep. Also use Klonopin and Ambien again in place of Temazapam to avoid addiction. However I did take Temazapam 60 straight days

6/15/16: Stopped use of all benzo's and now use Belsomra 1-2 times a week. Still on 15 MG of Remeron

10/11/16: Off all psych medications


After kindling, trying to regain my strength suffering from severe mental and physical fatigue.

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Hi Christian,


I've got the 'sedation' feeling. It started for me about 5 months after coming off Sertraline and then got worse when i got off the Mirtazapine. It feels like i've swallowed a million  anti-histamines. My body feels heavy, especially my legs and my upper back, sometimes my arms. This symptom is bad today but i don't seem to get it everyday anymore like i did a few months ago. When it's bad though i feel like i'm dragging my body round with me. When i finally get going though the symptom tends to reduce significantly until i become inactive again. I guess this is true for a lot of WD stuff. 


It also affects me mentally. My brain can feel very heavy and slow, again like i've swallowed a load of anti-hists.  


The good news is the intensity and duration of this WD symptom is not as bad as it was.

Seroxat 30mg (January 1998 > till started taper April 2013 > off completely July 2013) this was about my fourth attempt.


Prozac 40mg ( July 2013 - Feb 2014) 


Sertraline 75mg (Feb 2014- started taper Feb 2015 - off May 2015)


Mirtazapine - 7.5mg for 2 weeks - 3.75mg one week - 2mg one week (December'15 - Jan 16)

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Thanks for sharing Sertaman. This symptom is letting up a little. I have had it for 7 months straight and only now letting up. But it is till there and I have a never ending lack of energy or alertness. Its like an effort to use my brain and it feels like its 1/2 asleep. I figure its a combination of both the Mirtz and WD. I will say its been better the last 24 hours but nowhere near I hope it ends up at.    


does it kind of feel like there is a lack of oxygen going to your brain? I have read up on brain inflammation and CFS. Going to get some Acetyl and Paleo Greens for meals for a bit while cutting carbs and sugar. I want my brain back.  

Lexapro: started in 2002 at 10 mgs.

Ambien: started as a as needed sleep aid in 2010.

Quit Lexapro cold turkey in June 20015 due to contributing to low sodium issues.

Restarted Lexapro in late November for a week (only 5 mgs) but quit due to dizziness side effects. Side effects worsened for 3 weeks until

12/24/15: Protracted WD hit, experienced extreme anxiety, insomnia lack of full concentration and social challenges.

Reinstated Lexapro on 1/1/16 at 5 mgs. Increased per Dr to 7.5 MG. Tapered off Lexapro in March 2016.

Started 50MG of Seroquel in late January 2016 for bedtime to help in eliminate Ambien. Tapered off both Seroquel and Ambien in March 2016.

2/14/16: Prescribed both Remeron (15 MG) and Temazapam (15 MG) for sleep. Also use Klonopin and Ambien again in place of Temazapam to avoid addiction. However I did take Temazapam 60 straight days

6/15/16: Stopped use of all benzo's and now use Belsomra 1-2 times a week. Still on 15 MG of Remeron

10/11/16: Off all psych medications


After kindling, trying to regain my strength suffering from severe mental and physical fatigue.

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we have company



I am wonder "Who" owns this site?

Google knows everything...

MentalHealthDaily.com was established in 2013 as a way to document any information and updates in the field of mental health. Author and creator, GLOOM,


now I will search for Gloom here at SA


Did you find Gloom? I've read much of that site. It's probably one of the better sites for SSRI WD. Gloom seems to have been throughout it as well.

Lexapro: started in 2002 at 10 mgs.

Ambien: started as a as needed sleep aid in 2010.

Quit Lexapro cold turkey in June 20015 due to contributing to low sodium issues.

Restarted Lexapro in late November for a week (only 5 mgs) but quit due to dizziness side effects. Side effects worsened for 3 weeks until

12/24/15: Protracted WD hit, experienced extreme anxiety, insomnia lack of full concentration and social challenges.

Reinstated Lexapro on 1/1/16 at 5 mgs. Increased per Dr to 7.5 MG. Tapered off Lexapro in March 2016.

Started 50MG of Seroquel in late January 2016 for bedtime to help in eliminate Ambien. Tapered off both Seroquel and Ambien in March 2016.

2/14/16: Prescribed both Remeron (15 MG) and Temazapam (15 MG) for sleep. Also use Klonopin and Ambien again in place of Temazapam to avoid addiction. However I did take Temazapam 60 straight days

6/15/16: Stopped use of all benzo's and now use Belsomra 1-2 times a week. Still on 15 MG of Remeron

10/11/16: Off all psych medications


After kindling, trying to regain my strength suffering from severe mental and physical fatigue.

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No Gloom here is all I know but seems this person thinks Ads cause this too. For that person it went away for me it isn't... not yet.

Had a car accident in 85
Codeine was the pain med when I was release from hosp continuous use till 89
Given PROZAC by a specialist to help with nerve pain in my leg 89-90 not sure which year
Was not told a thing about it being a psych med thought it was a pain killer no info about psych side effects I went nuts had hallucinations. As I had a head injury and was diagnosed with a concussion in 85 I was sent to a head injury clinic in 1990 five years after the accident. I don't think they knew I had been on prozac I did not think it a big deal and never did finish the bottle of pills. I had tests of course lots of them. Was put into a pain clinic and given amitriptyline which stopped the withdrawal but had many side effects. But I could sleep something I had not done in a very long time the pain lessened. My mother got cancer in 94 they switched my meds to Zoloft to help deal with this pressure as I was her main care giver she died in 96. I stopped zoloft in 96 had withdrawal was put on paxil went nutty quit it ct put on resperidol quit it ct had withdrawal was put on Effexor... 2years later celexa was added 20mg then increased to 40mg huge personality change went wild. Did too fast taper off Celexa 05 as I felt unwell for a long time prior... quit Effexor 150mg ct 07 found ****** 8 months into withdrawal learned some things was banned from there in 08 have kept learning since. there is really not enough room here to put my history but I have a lot of opinions about a lot of things especially any of the drugs mentioned above.
One thing I would like to add here is this tidbit ALL OPIATES INCREASE SEROTONIN it is not a huge jump to being in chronic pain to being put on an ssri/snri and opiates will affect your antidepressants and your thinking.

As I do not update much I will put my quit date Nov. 17 2007 I quit Effexor cold turkey. 


There is a crack in everything ..That's how the light gets in :)

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Do you get just physical fatigue or mental too? Some folks it seems just are physically tired. Others the fatigue is mental as well. Almost like its brain inflammation. I'm seeing a naturopath today to get an oxidative stress test to look at inflammation levels. I have no idea if inflammation goes away. I guess proper eating and exercise helps. But the fog is out of this world.

Lexapro: started in 2002 at 10 mgs.

Ambien: started as a as needed sleep aid in 2010.

Quit Lexapro cold turkey in June 20015 due to contributing to low sodium issues.

Restarted Lexapro in late November for a week (only 5 mgs) but quit due to dizziness side effects. Side effects worsened for 3 weeks until

12/24/15: Protracted WD hit, experienced extreme anxiety, insomnia lack of full concentration and social challenges.

Reinstated Lexapro on 1/1/16 at 5 mgs. Increased per Dr to 7.5 MG. Tapered off Lexapro in March 2016.

Started 50MG of Seroquel in late January 2016 for bedtime to help in eliminate Ambien. Tapered off both Seroquel and Ambien in March 2016.

2/14/16: Prescribed both Remeron (15 MG) and Temazapam (15 MG) for sleep. Also use Klonopin and Ambien again in place of Temazapam to avoid addiction. However I did take Temazapam 60 straight days

6/15/16: Stopped use of all benzo's and now use Belsomra 1-2 times a week. Still on 15 MG of Remeron

10/11/16: Off all psych medications


After kindling, trying to regain my strength suffering from severe mental and physical fatigue.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wondered if there's anyone else who has ME/CFS?


I've had it for nine years though was managing to live with it. Until I came off Citalopram 5 months ago.


I've had the worst episode of ME I've ever had and have become housebound and bedbound with physical illness. On top of this there are frightening w/d symptoms and horrible unprecedented depression and anxiety, which I made much much worse by trying to take Moclobemide for 2 weeks. Now I can hardly look at a computer or TV screen, have hardly been able to eat in two months, can hardly walk and have horrible unreality feelings.


My fear is that I am not in a good place to recover, because my nervous system was already not working properly due to the ME. Now it's in the worst state it's ever been in and I feel utterly hopeless.



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Hello Picchy, yes I have had ME for a long time and yes it is made worse by the drug withdrawal, but remember that ME symptoms do ease back so try to treat it the same way as you always did. I know what you are going through but it will get better, and then come back, and then get better.......... This website is full of helpful info so have a good read, try some relaxation/meditation which will help your anxiety. You will get better - I am getting better albeit very slowly - kind of a two steps forward and one step back type of progress.


I am sure the moderators will point you in the direction you need with some useful links, but if you have any queries specific to the ME, I am happy to try to help.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for 32 years, given AD for this condition alone in 2000

Zoloft 100mg for 15 years, last five of these complained about adverse effects,

unable to tolerate other meds even supplements

Slowly felt sicker, advised by different Dr maybe on ads for too long

Cut back 100 - 50 over 6 months, still getting worse, so stopped over about 6 weeks starting Dec 2014

First month, slow, emotional, useless then POW! Horrendous withdrawal symptoms, completely non-functional

for about five months, slowly started to come back to life and continue with waves and windows, still more bad than good, but bads are less bad, and goods slightly better each time

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Perhaps I could have addressed another couple of issues you raised:


The appetite - I totally lost my appetite for a long time too and it is scary, but it comes back. In the meantime just try to swallow anything you can, no matter how small, all day (I think I nibbled on dry rice cakes and Rice Bubbles which was better than nothing!)


Also had the same trouble with tv and computer screens, still do occasionally, think that's a bit of a ME thing as well. Only solution is rest the eyes and only in short bursts, but another thing that will improve.


Also been housebound, bedbound, hardly able to walk from one end of the house to the the other but these have also improved.


So hang in there, the horror WILL diminish.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for 32 years, given AD for this condition alone in 2000

Zoloft 100mg for 15 years, last five of these complained about adverse effects,

unable to tolerate other meds even supplements

Slowly felt sicker, advised by different Dr maybe on ads for too long

Cut back 100 - 50 over 6 months, still getting worse, so stopped over about 6 weeks starting Dec 2014

First month, slow, emotional, useless then POW! Horrendous withdrawal symptoms, completely non-functional

for about five months, slowly started to come back to life and continue with waves and windows, still more bad than good, but bads are less bad, and goods slightly better each time

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I know you weren't sharing your improvements with me. But I found them very encouraging. I don't have CFS but i sure have the symtoms from WD. The stress of all this my adrenals have crashed. My naturopath confirmed this with an adrenal stress test. I'm borderline bedridden on some days. I have the 500 lbs legs and horrific mental fatigue to boot. I read the book Adrenal Fatigue by Dr James Wilson and see a naturopath to try and turn it around. Anyways I would be interested in hearing how much you improved and the time frame? Could you share some of your tricks ?

Lexapro: started in 2002 at 10 mgs.

Ambien: started as a as needed sleep aid in 2010.

Quit Lexapro cold turkey in June 20015 due to contributing to low sodium issues.

Restarted Lexapro in late November for a week (only 5 mgs) but quit due to dizziness side effects. Side effects worsened for 3 weeks until

12/24/15: Protracted WD hit, experienced extreme anxiety, insomnia lack of full concentration and social challenges.

Reinstated Lexapro on 1/1/16 at 5 mgs. Increased per Dr to 7.5 MG. Tapered off Lexapro in March 2016.

Started 50MG of Seroquel in late January 2016 for bedtime to help in eliminate Ambien. Tapered off both Seroquel and Ambien in March 2016.

2/14/16: Prescribed both Remeron (15 MG) and Temazapam (15 MG) for sleep. Also use Klonopin and Ambien again in place of Temazapam to avoid addiction. However I did take Temazapam 60 straight days

6/15/16: Stopped use of all benzo's and now use Belsomra 1-2 times a week. Still on 15 MG of Remeron

10/11/16: Off all psych medications


After kindling, trying to regain my strength suffering from severe mental and physical fatigue.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Cherry,


Thanks so much for your messages as I am having a very difficult time. I've been totally housebound for 2 years now and my mobility hasn't really improved. Some other symptoms have thankfully, so there has been progress, such as the depression, light sensitivity and other more neurological symptoms. However the interaction with the pre-existing ME is pretty bad, and I feel unwell all the time with very lowered immunity (I was previously able to get out most days). I recently stopped the birth control pill as I maybe thought I was more recovered from the w/d than I am, and have had more intense w/d symptoms and completely new ones with chronic bladder irritation... gaah! I think I read somewhere else it's possible to get new symptoms even far out into the w/d... hope that's all it is, because I'm unable to get out for any tests. Many other terrible symptoms resolved so here's hoping for the best...


I'm glad you've made progress and don't sound so housebound any more. I had found a recovery programme (Gupta) that really helped with the ME before, but feel a bit helpless now. Meditation is hard because of the irritated bladder thing and still have dissociative problems.. I'm just holding on there and telling myself it'll take as long as it takes!


Best wishes for your total recovery:) Picchy

Sufferer of moderate ME/CFS since 2005

Started 20mg Citalopram in March 2008 due to bereavement

Was fine since then with no adverse effects or depression - so decided to taper off

Came off it in March 2014 after a five-month taper, which I thought was a long time

Experienced a month of uncharacteristic depression in April 2014

Two months feeling fine

In June 2014 return of depression then an overnight physical crash leaving me debilitated in July

Tried to take moclobemide at low dose for 2 weeks in July but severe reaction

Housebound since then, ME now severe

No meds taken

Female, 38 years old

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I would be interested in hearing if anyone else was diagnosed with CFS after going through WD. I know many had CFS prior to WD which made their symptoms worse. I've read the articles saying how CFS and WD have similar symptoms. But my Dr says I got the CFS from the stress of WD. I guess my point is does the fact I got it from WD mean I have a better chance of healing than someone who had it for years prior to WD? Lastly, I've read about success stories of folks who healed from CFS. Many did the diet, the supplements and mild exercise but had no luck. Some did. Some did absolutely nothing and healed. It seems like the common denominator in both CFS and Some cases of WD is brain inflammation. I read inflammation is hard to detect. Maybe with an EEG or ECT scan. What can be done to bring inflammation down? I read a gluten free diet, certain supplements, cardio exercise (hard to do with CFS), anti inflammatory meds or God forbid an anti Deppressant.

Lexapro: started in 2002 at 10 mgs.

Ambien: started as a as needed sleep aid in 2010.

Quit Lexapro cold turkey in June 20015 due to contributing to low sodium issues.

Restarted Lexapro in late November for a week (only 5 mgs) but quit due to dizziness side effects. Side effects worsened for 3 weeks until

12/24/15: Protracted WD hit, experienced extreme anxiety, insomnia lack of full concentration and social challenges.

Reinstated Lexapro on 1/1/16 at 5 mgs. Increased per Dr to 7.5 MG. Tapered off Lexapro in March 2016.

Started 50MG of Seroquel in late January 2016 for bedtime to help in eliminate Ambien. Tapered off both Seroquel and Ambien in March 2016.

2/14/16: Prescribed both Remeron (15 MG) and Temazapam (15 MG) for sleep. Also use Klonopin and Ambien again in place of Temazapam to avoid addiction. However I did take Temazapam 60 straight days

6/15/16: Stopped use of all benzo's and now use Belsomra 1-2 times a week. Still on 15 MG of Remeron

10/11/16: Off all psych medications


After kindling, trying to regain my strength suffering from severe mental and physical fatigue.

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Hello Picchy - I really feel for you as I have had that irritable bladder and it is just horrible! This was years ago and ironically, the only thing that would fix it was one of the older class antidepressants!!!!!! Maybe you should get it checked in case it is a bladder infection which feels very similar. Have you got someone who could drop off a sample at the Drs for you?


I think the ME and w/d just feed off each other as I also feel unwell all of the time. I am just getting over a cold - the week of the cold wasn't too bad, relatively speaking, but now the body seems to be saying "well I didn't like that AT ALL" and I feel even worse.


I am still pretty much housebound (19 months now) and dependant on hubby for driving, shopping, cooking etc. I try to remind myself every day of the things that have improved and to remain positive that it will get better, but new symptoms sometimes make it so hard.


BUT WE WILL GET THERE! One day................

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for 32 years, given AD for this condition alone in 2000

Zoloft 100mg for 15 years, last five of these complained about adverse effects,

unable to tolerate other meds even supplements

Slowly felt sicker, advised by different Dr maybe on ads for too long

Cut back 100 - 50 over 6 months, still getting worse, so stopped over about 6 weeks starting Dec 2014

First month, slow, emotional, useless then POW! Horrendous withdrawal symptoms, completely non-functional

for about five months, slowly started to come back to life and continue with waves and windows, still more bad than good, but bads are less bad, and goods slightly better each time

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