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Post-withdrawal nervous system hypersensitivity, hyper-reactivity and kindling


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i have a long story  of 07 years with kindling ,and hypersesitivity , at the begining i ignored that it was all about the adverse reactions & too late reinstatement that i have done in 2012 !i kept taking prozac 20 mg wich i was on for 10 years (2001-2011),my psychiatrist said that i have to keep eating it & it will kick in in few days as in the past ,i beleived him however every day i was experiencing worse adverse raection to it i told him what was hapening to me but he didnt beleive in kindling or neurotoxicity or anything else ,for him the drugs were safe all of them !i was not knowing or discovred this best website SA ,wich i found it 5 years later ,& when i read topics & discovered files on here ,it help me a lot !so i was damaging my brain over 6 years after 2012 ,during them i have uped ,lowed,gone back & forth ,cold turkyed went through serotonin syndrome ,panic attacks , switched to lexparo for a short period  too! i have also went through a horrific protracted withdrawals with hundreds of uncredible symptoms every day , later in 2017 i learned all from this wonderful site that i have to taper slowly & that the antidepressants are no longer the answer for me !so i started tapering 5 mg of lexapro  for 01 year & last summer i was off of it (august 2018) i was verry sick during the adverse reactions & kindling years almost 06 years in 2018 ,after that i was stabilized a bit (symptoms were present 24/7) three months later (december 2018) withdrawals started to rise again & hit stronger ,i said that i wont reinstate ,i said no it wont help ,i did it before & i was damaged a lot (two decades 1997-2018),this time i wont take back an SSRIs  or a Benzo ! i lived through a hell every day ,there was not an other way , this last week i have experienced an other symptom wich was a pain brains,& pain /burning itching behind my neck & down to my back! wich lasted 7 days ! i was eating every thing had a lot of issues ,but now that i read this posts i ll avoid a lot of things ,i need Diet ,i steel experiencing withdrawals at 7 months off but its too early to heal, i know that it will take several months or maye be years ,is there some advices about alternatives or a Diet programm ?what shall i avoid? as you know i m hypersensible to every thing ,light,noise,some foods, hearing music,dark places, i do feel bad in winter, feeling cold,sweating, these are the a part of symptoms the others onces are the known withdrawals symptoms ! physical & psychological ! thank you

Mars 1997- juillet 1997 Anfranil 25 mg, Tranxène 5 mg, Librium 10 mg, sulpiride 50 mg (juillet 1997)

Oct 1997-nov 1998 Anfranil 25mg, Tranxène5mg (rétabli ces deux médicaments seulement)

Nov 1998-mar 2000 Drugs off ( tapered with my psychiatrist help)

Avril 2000-juin 2001 Anfranil 25mg, Tranxène5mg (réinstatement these only drugs after 18 months off)

jul 2001-sep 2010 Prozac 20mg, Tranxène 5mg (passé de l'anafranil 25 à Prozac 20mg depuis juillet 2001)

jun 2007- jan 2010 Tapered Tranxène 5mg ( quick tapered  it while steel on Prozac 20 mg(les choses se passaient bien, pas de retraits)

sep 2010-mai 2011 Prozac 20mg conique (les choses se passaient bien sans retrait)

mai2011-mar 2012 Dugs gratuits (les choses étaient bien, pas de retraits)

mars 2012 rétabli Prozac 20mg (too late reinstatement = adverse reactions ) 

mar 2012 -apr 2016 prozac 20 mg on / off plusieurs jours cold turkeyed ( going on it back & forth )  et réintégration (effets indésirables et embrasement, neurotoxicity ) 

avril 2016-2018 lexapro 10mg on / off depuis sep 2017 lexapro tapering (effets indésirables et embrasement)

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 2/21/2012 at 11:17 AM, Altostrata said:

squirrel, I combined your new topic with our other topics on hypersensitivity.


I can say my own hypersensitivity has decreased.


- I am now no longer hypersensitive to sound. For me, this took perhaps a year.


- My light sensitivity decreased greatly, but being on the computer past 8 p.m. still affects my sleep (too much light at the wrong time of day).


- I don't have dizziness when standing for some time anymore. I can handle crowded stores (for a while, then I feel overloaded).


- My heat sensitivity has diminished greatly.


- I can eat just about anything now. I am no longer hypersensitive to some foods. My digestion and bowel movements (previously diarrhea-like) have become normal.


I still am careful about herbal tea; I drink very weak tea. Various supplements don't have a noticeable effect -- except for B vitamins, they're still too strong.


- I haven't tried caffeine yet -- I used to love a nice strong cuppa tea every day -- I'm afraid it will affect my sleep. But I am eating a little chocolate now and then, not too late in the day, and enjoying it. It used to be too stimulating for me.

Hi @Altostrata I’ve been reading your posts recent and past. They are very helpful. Could you perhaps direct me to info on dizziness and vertigo info from previous posts please? 

Citalopram 2 mg

Clonazopam .25 mg

Lamotrigine 150 mg


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  • 6 months later...
On 3/20/2017 at 8:30 PM, Daisies24 said:

Hi everyone. I was just wondering if I could ask, for those who are hypersensitive to medications, herbs, and supplements now, what exactly are your symptoms, and secondly, which drug did you withdraw from?


It seems like I am reading a higher correlation of hypersensitivity to supplements, etc. for people who were on Prozac, though I know it can be a problem for any type of antidepressant. I also haven’t seen many people who seem to share my specific symptoms of hypersensitivity such as extreme itching, hives, rashes, head and ear pain and pressure, chest tightness, lung pain, puffy face, etc. I am just wondering if there is anyone else out there with similar symptoms?


Thanks for any responses; any information is greatly appreciated!

Hi daisy 

just read this thread and I have exactly the same symptoms as you 

hives skin rash stomach problems lung pain and extreme itching

how is yours now what did you take for it and did you have the symptoms every day ?

thank you 

Nov 2018 Pregabalin 2x50 mg a day to help with Paxil WD. Aug 2019 2 x 25mg a day, April 2020 45mg, May 40mg, June 35mg, July 30mg, end July 25mg, Aug 24mg, June 2021 14mg, Jan 2022 14mg (2x7mg a day), Oct 10mg, Nov 5mg, December 25th 2022 0mg 🎈


Oct 2004 - Oct 2018 Paxil 20 mg, Nov 15mg, Dec 10mg,  Feb 2019 7.5mg crashed, Feb 8.5mg, Nov 8mg, March 2020 7.2mg, April 6.5mg, May 5.9mg, June 5.4mg, July 4.8mg, Dec 4.5mg, Jan 2021 4mg, Feb 3.6mg, March 3.2mg, April 2.9mg, Aug 2.7mg, Sept 2.4mg, Oct 2.2mg, Nov 2mg, Dec 1.8mg, Feb 2022 1.6mg, March 1.4mg, April 1.2mg, May 1.0mg, June 0.8mg, July 0.6mg, Aug 0.4mg, Sep 0.2mg, October 6th 2022 0mg  🎈


December 25th 2022 drug free 


these dates are approximate 


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  • 2 months later...

i m 18 months Off ,and kindled since 2012 when i reinstated prozac wich i was on for 10 years ,i had adverse reactions then i cold turkyed it & gone back to it again till i started experiencing very bad withdrawals every time ech time was much more Hell i experienced strange symptoms that i have never had before (i was doing well while on the drug 2001-2011) the kindling worsened when i aswitched to Lexapro in 2016 & i was unable to stay on it ! so i stoped it quicly (fast taper) but i was already damaged ,now i found that my brain is hypersensitive to everything even food i have devlopped candida ,IBs,anhedonia,PSSD, depression & anxiety with fibromyalgia as well i think i have to fellow a Diet :no sugar,no gluten,no milk  ,feeling cold & tired 24/7 , i hope that i will heal with time & even omega3 fish oil are makin my withdrawals worse .

i m 18 months Off ,and kindled since 2012 when i reinstated prozac wich i was on for 10 years ,i had adverse reactions then i cold turkyed it & gone back to it again till i started experiencing very bad withdrawals every time ech time was much more Hell i experienced strange symptoms that i have never had before (i was doing well while on the drug 2001-2011) the kindling worsened when i aswitched to Lexapro in 2016 & i was unable to stay on it ! so i stoped it quicly (fast taper) but i was already damaged ,now i found that my brain is hypersensitive to everything even food i have devlopped candida ,IBs,anhedonia,PSSD, depression & anxiety with fibromyalgia as well i think i have to fellow a Diet :no sugar,no gluten,no milk  ,feeling cold & tired 24/7 , i hope that i will heal with time & even omega3 fish oil are makin my withdrawals worse .

Mars 1997- juillet 1997 Anfranil 25 mg, Tranxène 5 mg, Librium 10 mg, sulpiride 50 mg (juillet 1997)

Oct 1997-nov 1998 Anfranil 25mg, Tranxène5mg (rétabli ces deux médicaments seulement)

Nov 1998-mar 2000 Drugs off ( tapered with my psychiatrist help)

Avril 2000-juin 2001 Anfranil 25mg, Tranxène5mg (réinstatement these only drugs after 18 months off)

jul 2001-sep 2010 Prozac 20mg, Tranxène 5mg (passé de l'anafranil 25 à Prozac 20mg depuis juillet 2001)

jun 2007- jan 2010 Tapered Tranxène 5mg ( quick tapered  it while steel on Prozac 20 mg(les choses se passaient bien, pas de retraits)

sep 2010-mai 2011 Prozac 20mg conique (les choses se passaient bien sans retrait)

mai2011-mar 2012 Dugs gratuits (les choses étaient bien, pas de retraits)

mars 2012 rétabli Prozac 20mg (too late reinstatement = adverse reactions ) 

mar 2012 -apr 2016 prozac 20 mg on / off plusieurs jours cold turkeyed ( going on it back & forth )  et réintégration (effets indésirables et embrasement, neurotoxicity ) 

avril 2016-2018 lexapro 10mg on / off depuis sep 2017 lexapro tapering (effets indésirables et embrasement)

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 5/25/2011 at 9:16 PM, Neuroplastic said:

Hypersensitivity was mind-blowing in early WD for me, Stan. It's gotten better, and it will be getting better. I still can't tolerate too much light, all the everyday sounds are very often too much to take, but the progress, though slow, is there. Dizziness, vertigo and others are caused to a great extend by an over-stimulation. What you're experiencing is WD. I know that you know all of this, but telling yourself those bizzare feelings are just temporary helps a lot.


Just a little bit more. It will be improving. Please, remind me, how many months off you're now?


I've been ultra sensitive to light for the past 5 yrs (since taking ADs).


I shower in the dark all year round (yup even in winter), and all lights in the house have to be dimmed or off.


During the summer I have to wear sunglasses all the time when outside.


High pitched screaming (i.e by kids), is unbearable.


No let up on either of the above, and I am 19 months off Lexapro.






Dose History: 19 Feb 2014 - Escitalopram 10mg daily June 2015 - Started taper, 5mg every other day July 2015 - 5mg every 2 days August 2015 - 5mg every 3 days September 2015 - 5mg every 4 days Sept 14th - Completed tapering, but at 7 weeks "drug free" I suffered serious WD symptoms as a consequence of "incorrect" tapering. Nov 25 2015 - Re-instated Cipralex @ 2.5mg daily. WD symptoms faded. Held at this dose and experienced "windows and waves". 12 Oct 2017 Reduced dose to 1.25mg. 13 Mar 2018 Reduced dose to 0.625mg (approx.). 16 April 2018 0mg. Windows and waves triggered by stress (IBS/reflux, headaches, sinus issues) Aug 2019 Mirena coil fitted 6 Jan 2020 MAJOR Wave hit 19 months following last dose (protracted WD).  Symptoms listed below Mar 2020 Mirena coil removal.

Therapy: Nov 15th 2016 Re-started therapy Jan 19th 2017 Started CBT Dec 2017 Started listening to Hypnotherapy CD (self-esteem). Nov 2019 Started couples therapy.

Supplements: "Bioglan" Biotic Balance Ultimate Flora 10 billion CFU, live Bacteria, Probiotic, suitable for Vegetarians, with Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium Longum"Pukka" Vitalise a unique blend of 30 energising botanicals.

Diet: 16 April 2018 Detox cleanse / anti-candida for 90 days. Jan 2020 Started "small plate" diet (i.e child size portions).

Exercise: Stretching, Yoga, Pilates, Spinning, Elliptical/upper body workout, walking.

Medical Test Results: 4 Jan 2017 Homeopathic Treatment starts 24 Feb 2017 Started weight loss program 24 Mar 2017 Naturopathic Treatment + anti-Candida diet started due to suspected Candida Related Complex (CRC). DETOXED for 7 weeks to "re-set" gut. April 2017 "Genova Diagnostics" Comprehensive Stool Analysis NEGATIVE; Full Blood Count (Normal) / Blood Cholesterol: 5.6 (Borderline) / Blood Sugar (Normal) / 28 Jun 2017 FSH 8.2 / 14 Nov 2017 FSH 17.7 Dec 2017 Blood Cholesterol: 3.9 (Normal) / Kidney Function (Normal) / Blood Sugar (Normal). December 2017 "Genova Diagnostics" Food panel allergy (bloodwork) analysis - a few "VERY LOW/VL" allergens; Mar 2018 "Genova Diagnostics" SIBO urine analysis: High Level of Yeast/fungal markers found in small intestine but NO SIBO.  April 2018 Thyroid (Normal) / Full Blood Count (Normal) / FSH (Normal). 16 April 2018 Started anti-Candida diet - 3 month protocol.   25 March 2020 All test results "Normal". CRP" 5 mg/L (normal range to 0-5 mg/L).

Symptoms:  Flu-like symptoms, anxiety, anhedonia, sinus headaches right-side (severe), IBS issues/reflux (severe)**, tinnitus, fatigue, inner tremor, nausea, chills/hot flushes, pounding heart, muscular issues including stiff left hip flexor, intense anger, PSSD (ongoing).  **Histhamine intolerance (suspected).

Major Life Events: 

Re-located to UK from Canada: Jan 2016

My father died: 5:05pm, Monday 5 Feb 2018 Last Lexapro dose: 16 April 2018 (its now been over a year since I quit ADs)  Moved house: Friday 23rd February 2018  "Divorced" toxic Mother: Monday 26 March 2018 Starting working again: 19 November 2018  Diagnosed with: 5th August 2021 PTSD/C-PTSD Diagnosed with: March 2022 Interstitial Cystitis (IC)/Painful bladder syndrome

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  • ChessieCat changed the title to Post-withdrawal nervous system hypersensitivity, hyper-reactivity and kindling
  • 7 months later...

Hello community,


Is a kindling reaction basically the same as any adverse drug reaction? For example, if you have a regular ADR, you’re likely sensitised to drugs and/or other substances for a while? 

I could be overthinking it but am not sure I’ve fully grasped the concept.


25/8/2020 - 15/9/2020 - 15mg mirtazapine

16/9/2020 - 30mg mirtazapine

17/9/2020 - 22/9/2020 - 7.5 mg mirtazapine

23/9/2020 - 6/10/2020 - 3.75mg mirtazapine

7/10/2020 - 15/10/2020 - 7.5 mg mirtazapine

16/10/2020 - 20/10/2020 - 15 mg mirtazapine

21/10/2020 - 22/10/2020 - 7.5 mg mirtazapine

23/10/202 - 26/11/2020 - 15 mg mirtazapine

27/11/2020 - 10/12/2020 -13.5 mg mirtazapine

11/12/2020 - 17/12/2020 - 12 mg mirtazapine

18/12/2020 - 26/12/2020 - 11.75 mg mirtazapine


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  • 1 month later...

Hello again community,


Still pondering the kindling reaction here.


Looking around the web and at some stories on here, it looks like jumping doses erratically, or coming off and later going back on too high, all have some similar effects. There seems to be a general wholly uncomfortable reaction, the specifics of which vary, alongside some other, more universal symptoms. These being the ‘activating’ symptoms, including raised heart rate, insomnia, anxiety and the like. 

Could it be that immediate ADRs, dose jumping and unsuccessful reinstatement shock the body, putting into flight or flight mode? And that that this then takes a fair old while to calm down? I’m thinking it could account, to some degree, for hypersensitivity.


I could be way of the mark here and am certain more intelligent brains than mine have pondered this on SA. I’m just trying to gain an understanding.


Would love to hear any comments and/or corrections.

25/8/2020 - 15/9/2020 - 15mg mirtazapine

16/9/2020 - 30mg mirtazapine

17/9/2020 - 22/9/2020 - 7.5 mg mirtazapine

23/9/2020 - 6/10/2020 - 3.75mg mirtazapine

7/10/2020 - 15/10/2020 - 7.5 mg mirtazapine

16/10/2020 - 20/10/2020 - 15 mg mirtazapine

21/10/2020 - 22/10/2020 - 7.5 mg mirtazapine

23/10/202 - 26/11/2020 - 15 mg mirtazapine

27/11/2020 - 10/12/2020 -13.5 mg mirtazapine

11/12/2020 - 17/12/2020 - 12 mg mirtazapine

18/12/2020 - 26/12/2020 - 11.75 mg mirtazapine


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Still thinking about kindling... I’m obsessed. I think I seem to believe that if I can understand it I’ll be better placed to find a way out (which is most likely time, stability and patience).


So... kindling is a sensitised (dysregulated) system reacting to a stimulus. The more sensitised the system and the larger the stimulus, the greater the reaction. In a similar way, some people are initially more sensitive (possibly due to emotional turmoil, recent alcohol use, etc) hence start up symptoms that fade (for some) as the CNS acclimatises. 

This ties in with withdrawal effects. A system which is stable on the drug becomes unstable as the drug is removed, hence discomfort and sensitivity to previously tolerated substances. Once the system stabilises, discomfort ceases and tolerance returns. 

So, the ‘alerting’ needs to have a physiological basis, which could be noradrenaline, possibly underpinned by excessive glutamate activity. This could be what results in excessive sympathetic nervous system activation.


So, could it be possible that calming the CNS through activities such as meditation, and correct supplementation (where tolerated) could help  move the body towards a parasympathetic state and aid healing? Possibly also reducing hypersensitivity?


I’ve heard of mould exposure triggering hypersensitivity, could this be a similar mechanism to kindling? The body viewing a drug as a toxin in much the same way it can with other substances such as mould, pesticides, etc?


I’m just thinking out loud, I’m guessing it’s okay to post this kind of stuff. I’m not looking to influence anyone, just to get a better understanding.


Looking through the success stories there definitely seems to be a number of folks who’ve experienced some hefty destabilisation through polydrugging (another source of kindling?) and gone on to heal. So healing looks to be a workable homeostasis... which should be as close as possible to the pre-drug state (possibly better if the pre-drug state led to drug use in the first place). And we need to remember that homeostasis was always a fluid state to begin with.


The main factors for healing appear to be stability and time. There’s examples of stability being achieved during super slow tapers with smooth jump offs, and stability arising months to years after a cold turkey or rapid taper. Factors influencing the time taken to achieve stability and a workable homeostasis seem to include the extent of the dysregulation (polydrugging, CTs, ADRs, etc), age and level of self care.



25/8/2020 - 15/9/2020 - 15mg mirtazapine

16/9/2020 - 30mg mirtazapine

17/9/2020 - 22/9/2020 - 7.5 mg mirtazapine

23/9/2020 - 6/10/2020 - 3.75mg mirtazapine

7/10/2020 - 15/10/2020 - 7.5 mg mirtazapine

16/10/2020 - 20/10/2020 - 15 mg mirtazapine

21/10/2020 - 22/10/2020 - 7.5 mg mirtazapine

23/10/202 - 26/11/2020 - 15 mg mirtazapine

27/11/2020 - 10/12/2020 -13.5 mg mirtazapine

11/12/2020 - 17/12/2020 - 12 mg mirtazapine

18/12/2020 - 26/12/2020 - 11.75 mg mirtazapine


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  • 1 year later...

I withdrew from Paxil way too fast and have been having horrible post acute withdrawals. I believe I am also histamine intolerant have been trying to follow a low histamine diet. When my PAW’s was misdiagnosed as a relapse, I was put of Duloxitine 60mg. That also messes with histamine.  Has anyone tapered off of an antidepressant while in the midst of withdrawals from another? Don’t know if this would be a good idea or bad idea. Thanks!

Paxil 2008 20mg 2016 40mg feb 21 2022  20mg, feb 28 0mg April 23 20mg April 24 40mg April 26 20mg April 27 10mg April 28 0mg May 7 10mg May 17 0mg

Duloxitine Feb. 21, ‘22-30mg feb 28 60mg March 14 0mg April 21. 30mg April 26 60mg April 28 30mg am/60mg pm May 7 60mg am currently still on

Lexapro 2022 April 14 5 mg April 18 10m

April 21 0mg

Trazodone April 24 50mg 

Currently on 60mg dulox and 50mg Trazadone 

taking hydroxyzine and xanax as needed

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  • 6 months later...
On 2/15/2020 at 9:00 AM, Junglechicken said:


I've been ultra sensitive to light for the past 5 yrs (since taking ADs).


I shower in the dark all year round (yup even in winter), and all lights in the house have to be dimmed or off.


During the summer I have to wear sunglasses all the time when outside.


High pitched screaming (i.e by kids), is unbearable.


No let up on either of the above, and I am 19 months off Lexapro.


I've gone on/off Pristiq 50mg a few times in my younger years. I went off Pristiq shortly after meeting my partner in summer 2013. I thought it was a good time, since life was looking up/situational depression went down. I still had unexplanable fatigue, though - once the hypomania'ish settled after a couple of months. I eventually had to go back on something in Spring 2014, because the protracted withdrawal symptoms were too unbearable. Some symptoms - like intrusive thoughts - never did go away (maybe on a few of the SSRI's/SNRI's - I never documented like I do now, but some of the SSRI's probably made my brain chemistry generally worse if it wasn't protracted withdrawal instead) until I was recently given Lamictal & Gabapentin! The extreme sensitivity to light and sound hasn't gotten better with the Lamictal & Gabapentin. & the extreme fatigue has gotten worse, since they're both kind of relaxants. The partial insomnia has improved with them a bit, as I have a bit less nights when I wake up in the middle of the night, but it still happens the vast majority of the time throughout my menstrual cycle - even with the 2 extremely tranquilizing Seroquels, which are inconsistent with their tranquilizing potency/duration as well.)


So I was given Lexapro in Spring 2014. I then went from Lexapro to trying all of the other SSRI's & SNRI's but finally went back to Pristiq. I'm still not 100% sure if I had adverse effects to Lexapro and the others, because it may have been protracted withdrawal from Pristiq (from go.drugbank.com, they work on different things in the brain/not too too much overlap, so the other SSRI's SNRI's wouldn't really help with protracted withdrawal from Pristiq.) I also recently learned about Histamine, and my weight bounced all over the place on these meds and their switching, as well, although the 2 other SNRI's made my weight unconsentually plummet due to suppressing my appetite.


I realized all of the above recently after reading for hours on this forum about everything.


I've been extremely sensitive to sound and light since trying Pristiq in 2012. Well, a few months later when the hypomania'ish settled and I had a baseline of not anxious, but *extremely* unexplainable fatigue, partial insomnia - which doesn't help the fatigue, & extreme sensitivity to light and sound. It explains all of these disabling symptoms now. I've been trying to figure out the cause of my ME/CFS symptoms for YEARS. Why I can't have my old life back pre-summer 2012. It's not from an STD, it's not an old cold/flu, I've never contracted COVID-19 yet because of strict n99 usage 24/7 outside of my home & partner's home, it's not mold, it's not lyme disease, it's not my body fighting off gluten (although I'm unenthusiastically doing a low-histamine diet as I prepare to finally get off of the god-forsaken tranquilizing and twitching Seroquel I.R.). It's life-long life-altering protracted withdrawal symptoms.


I suspect that many who have these ME/CFS symptoms are actually having life-long protracted withdrawal symptoms. I bet a lot of ME/CFS people would love to hear about this forum and beyondmeds.org. Spread the word if you're a part of ME/CFS places online/in person.



I also read the "Hypersensitivity & Kindling" thread:



If someone goes on and off multiple psychiatric drugs, they may be in a state of overlapping withdrawal reactions and often a persistent hypersensitivity.



#1Before-bed: 50mg I.R. Seroquel (since July 2021 due to a horrific limbic system reaction to LoLoestrin.)

#2: Before-bed: 50mg X.R. Seroquel (added in Nov 2022 at 3rd in-patient stay w/in 6 months because I was withdrawing so severely from a few unnecessary things at the same time)

#3: 150mg Pristiq ($3/day. Raised during 1st Seroquel I.R. taper attempt (took off 1/4 of a pill because didn't know about liquid until I learned about it myself earlier this year) because nobody knew what to do. Didn't work. Had to go back up on Seroquel I.R. Recently learned by myself that they work on different Serotonins.)

#4: 300mg AM + 300mg before-bed Gabapentin. During 2nd in-patient stay. Wanted to take just two doses of 100mg instead. But I was denied.

#5: 50mg Lamictal (raised 2x within 1 week but went along with it because I was so unwell with withdrawal.)

Past: Late 2021/2022: Abilify - anxiety. Lasted on it less than a week. Rexulti - suicidal ideation. Lasted on it less than a week. Latuda - at first, hypomanic. Soon thereafter: severe depressed, couldn't work/socialize, & wanted to drink. Sweat the bed the whole time. Horrific to come off of. Divalproex - 3 doses/day made me wonky/hypomanic. 4 doses/day made me anxious within days. Went back down to 3/day. Horrific to come off of.

2014-2017: Cipralex, Celexa, Zoloft, & the one that starts with an 'S': Anxiety, OCD, Intrusive thoughts, Diarhea (Zoloft), etc. Prozac: made me paranoid! Paxil: felt like I was on bath-salts! Cymbalta & Effexor: Irresponsibly Rx'ed too much. Flat (Cymbalta). High as a kite (Effexor). Appetite suppressed. Partial-insomnia. Sweat the bed. Almost numb body. Literally Constant Putrid Flatulence. Various Sexual side-effects. Wellbutrin: great energy, no pain, appetite suppressedn, felt like I had Autism within a few days of taking it. Had to stop. Asked for a way smaller dose, & he didn't get back to me. Pristiq since 2012 (besides when trying other Anti D's). Living with side-effects (ME/CFS, partial-insomnia sometimes, constant drippy-nose/snot to blow out.)


Mid March 2024: attempt a 13th & final withdrawal from 50mg I.R. Seroquel (inconsistent constant myoclonus all over + inconsistent severe tranquilizing of my forearms, fingers, shins, & toes - since July 2021. Reduced greatly when 50mg X.R. had to be added in Nov 2022, but still disabling). But this time, I've learned by myself recently about a liquid taper. In-patient places + myself only tried a 1/4 pill reduction. It made me admit myself to the Hospital a few times. Nobody since July 2021 ever once mentioned a liquid. Shocking. Also recently learned more about Seroquel (H1 & D2) & Histamine action/tranquilizing. + A low-histamine diet.



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