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Has anybody tried juicing and if so, did it help your energy?


Even though my sleep has greatly improved, I find I am still greatly dragging big time during the day. So that is why I am looking at this as a possibility.


If you do juice, please also tell me the specific juicer that you use.





Drug cocktail 1995 - 2010
Started taper of Adderall, Wellbutrin XL, Remeron, and Doxepin in 2006
Finished taper on June 10, 2010

Temazepam on a PRN basis approximately twice a month - 2014 to 2016

Beginning in 2017 - Consumption increased to about two times per week

April 2017 - Increased to taking it full time for insomnia

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey CS,


My mother bought a juicer recently, i'm not sure the model. Juicing appeals to me for digestive reasons.


I've tried only carrot juice because I am scared of overloading my system -- it's amazing how many carrots it takes to get, like, 4 ounces of juice. I had a bad day, anxiety wise, the time I drank the juice but am not ready to blame the carrot juice -- there were other stressors that day.


Has anyone else tried juicing vegetables/fruits?


I may experiment a bit. If I do, I'll post my results. Please share your experience if you are juicing.



"Well my ship's been split to splinters and it's sinking fast
I'm drowning in the poison, got no future, got no past
But my heart is not weary, it's light and it's free
I've got nothing but affection for all those who sailed with me.

Everybody's moving, if they ain't already there
Everybody's got to move somewhere
Stick with me baby, stick with me anyhow
Things should start to get interesting right about now."

- Zimmerman

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  • Administrator

I love fresh juice, but can't manage to make it myself.


Seems to me like it's a great way to get top-quality nutrients from fruits and veggies.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

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I did not respond well to the carrot juice. It's too potent on the stimulating side -- whatever the 'it' is.


Others may have better luck.



"Well my ship's been split to splinters and it's sinking fast
I'm drowning in the poison, got no future, got no past
But my heart is not weary, it's light and it's free
I've got nothing but affection for all those who sailed with me.

Everybody's moving, if they ain't already there
Everybody's got to move somewhere
Stick with me baby, stick with me anyhow
Things should start to get interesting right about now."

- Zimmerman

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  • Administrator

Carrot juice can be....well....I don't need a laxative when I can get carrot juice.


It contains a lot of soluble fiber.


In moderation, it's delicious. It's full of vitamin beta-carotene, which is supposed to be good for your tissues.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

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Ha! That wasn't the first effect, the unpleasant effect.


But, now that you mention it, the last two days (the two carrot days) both featured BMs. I attributed them to the fatty sugar - slice of cake each night - I've been eating. I lost 5 this month so lately I'll eat a slice of $6 cake (cheesecake, fudgecake, etc) here and there for the mass calories. (Cheap cakes from the grocery trigger me like crazy. Cake from the good bakery is much better -- I get fatter asymptomatically.)


Maybe I've misattributed the regularity. Hmmmm.... Food for thought.



"Well my ship's been split to splinters and it's sinking fast
I'm drowning in the poison, got no future, got no past
But my heart is not weary, it's light and it's free
I've got nothing but affection for all those who sailed with me.

Everybody's moving, if they ain't already there
Everybody's got to move somewhere
Stick with me baby, stick with me anyhow
Things should start to get interesting right about now."

- Zimmerman

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Thank you all for responding.


To facilitate this decision, I may go to Whole Foods and order something from the juice bar to see how I feel after drinking it.


As an FYI, I tried buying pure carrot juice to see what would happen but I really felt I couldn't tell anything one way or another.



Drug cocktail 1995 - 2010
Started taper of Adderall, Wellbutrin XL, Remeron, and Doxepin in 2006
Finished taper on June 10, 2010

Temazepam on a PRN basis approximately twice a month - 2014 to 2016

Beginning in 2017 - Consumption increased to about two times per week

April 2017 - Increased to taking it full time for insomnia

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  • Moderator Emeritus

CS, the WF in my town has had a juicer guy come in to demo a very powerful juicer. He always mixes a few different fruits, veggies and ice. The smoothies taste really good even though they have small amounts of spinach or kale in them (?!). The idea of juicing/making a smoothie, particularly for breakfast, has always appealed to me. But the juicers that can reduce a carrot or rawa kale to juice are powerful and pricey. So I'd think long and hard before springing for one. You have to buy veggies, fruits, prep them, clean the blender...If you're near WF, it might be good to go to the juice bar regularly for a couple of weeks to see if the juices help before investing.


just my el cheapo two cents.


1989 - 1992 Parnate* 

1992-1998 Paxil - pooped out*, oxazapam, inderal

1998 - 2005 Celexa - pooped out* klonopin, oxazapam, inderal

*don't remember doses

2005 -2007   Cymbalta 60 mg oxazapam, inderal, klonopin

Started taper in 2007:

CT klonopin, oxazapam, inderal (beta blocker) - 2007

Cymbalta 60mg to 30mg 2007 -2010

July 2010 - March 2018 on hiatus due to worsening w/d symptoms, which abated and finally disappeared. Then I stalled for about 5 years because I didn't want to deal with W/D.

March 2018 - May 2018 switch from 30mg Cymbalta to 20mg Celexa 

19 mg Celexa October 7, 2018

18 mg Celexa November 5, 2018

17 mg Celexa  December 2, 2019

16 mg Celexa January 6, 2018 

15 mg Celexa March 7, 2019

14 mg Celexa April 24, 2019

13 mg Celexa June 28, 2019

12.8 mg Celexa November 10, 2019

12.4 Celexa August 31, 2020

12.2 Celexa December 28, 2020

12 mg Celexa March 2021

11 mg  Celexa February 2023


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alex, do you have any inclination to learn how to bake? You might be able to concoct just the right weight-gainer, plus amaze your friends and family!

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

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Honest answer: No. Ha!


But I had no inclination towards most of the things I've adopted through the ordeal. The sort of baking that results in delicious peanut butter chocolate cake, well, that seems a little advanced for me.


I would like to learn to cook all sorts of things though. Before this I was a takeout guy. Last few years, admittedly, I've relied on mom's cooking.


Have any tips?



"Well my ship's been split to splinters and it's sinking fast
I'm drowning in the poison, got no future, got no past
But my heart is not weary, it's light and it's free
I've got nothing but affection for all those who sailed with me.

Everybody's moving, if they ain't already there
Everybody's got to move somewhere
Stick with me baby, stick with me anyhow
Things should start to get interesting right about now."

- Zimmerman

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I'm afraid my low-fat style of cooking wouldn't suit you. And I never had the patience to bake.


I have a feeling peanut-butter chocolate cake is not as hard as you think! And there are a lot of very simple recipes for cheesecake, that's one of the easiest cakes to make.


How about starting a topic and asking for tips?

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

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  • 4 months later...
Guest damnnardil

Juicing is great. Juicing is a must. The best juices for almost any ailment are carrot, spinach and celery. If you can't stand the taste of the spinach, blend an apple or 2. I use a Jack La lane juicer which I think are one of the best. You can get them on line or Bed bath beyond has them for a good price. I will tell youu the way to juice spinach if you are interested. It's a 2 fold process. Get back to me. John

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John, we'd love to hear your juicing tips!


I love fresh juice but it always seems to be so much work. Maybe if I understood better how to do it, I would.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

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Guest damnnardil

If you have the proper equipment, it is not a whole lot of work and the benefits you receive from juicing fresh fruits and vegetables is extraordinary. The

typical American diet is very deficient in vitamins, minerals and enzymes and one of the best ways to get the essential vitamins and minerals as well as "secret" unidentified supplements can only be found in the whole fruit and

vegetable. Frozen or canned will
not do and they must be fresh and you should make all attempts to get them organically grown which means they are not loaded with pesticides, chemicals and other things such as wax to

make them look nice and shiny but is indigestible by the human body. You can
find organically grown fruits and vegetables at Trader Joes, Mothers MARKET, WHOLE FOODS, Sprouts and some other stores. If you can't get

your produce organically grown then you will have to settle for regular supermarket quality which is allot better than nothing at all. Spinach is so valuable because it is loaded with chlorophyll hence the green color and all

green vegetables are good but spinach tops
the list. You should try hard to get this vegetable organically grown as it is one of the vegetables that is heavily sprayed. I have many documents where certain cancers were cured with spinach and carrot juice. To make spinach juice is a little work and it is a two fold process unless you can afford an expeller press or an Omega

Juicer is a little cheaper, which I had one and I decided that it ain't even worth the time because it is a slow process with the Omega juicer. If you are interested in one though, you can find them on Ebay for good prices.
To juice spinach you need any type of food processor. You can get those

anywhere for about 25 dollars. I have the old one called "La machine". Get 2 to 3 bunches of spinach and continuously rinse them until you can't see any more dirt. then soak them in sink of water with a couple of ounces of apple cider Vinegar to kill all the bugs and other stuff. Get your spinach and start blending it up with a small
amount of water and add water until it is mixing

into a good liquid. Their will still be little tiny pieces in the mixture. This is fine. After you have mixed all the spinach in the processor and you have it in a big bowl or pitcher then you get your juicer out and you pour the spinach into the juicer and you have pure spinach juice. A good idea is get the

remains of the chunks that you have put through your juicer and put it through at least one or 2 more times to obtain all the juice. If you can't hack the taste you can add an apple into the mixture which
is what I do and that will add a little fiber and taste to it or you can mix it with the carrot juice. I like to drink the carrot juice by itself as I find it tasty. If you really want to add
to the taste of the carrot juice you can add a couple of tablespoons of whole whipping cream or simply a half cup or more of whole milk. Carrots are very easy to juice. Just rinse several times then the last with the apple cider vinegar then just straight into the juicer for fresh carrot juice. Celery you can do the same way and Celery has a very strong aphrodisiac in it that I
can tell
you works well if you are not on a high dose of anti depressants. Once you are on a very low dose of anti depressants you should supplement your diet with celery juice, Flax seed oil (In my opinion, flax oil is better for the brain than fish oil for omegas), Vitamin E, The herbs Saw palmetto, Damiana,

Ginkgo Biobla, Gotu Kola. Their are others that you can google but these seem to work the best to strengthen sexual function

I buy several bunches of carrots and spinach and juice them all at one time and then I freeze them in plastic bottles. This way I don't have to go to the trouble of juicing everyday and I just unfreeze what I am going to drink for the day the night before. Drinking fruit and vegetable juice will also lower your
appetite dramatically because you are filling your body with hundreds of essential vitamins and minerals that your body has probably been craving for years if you are one to eat processed foods in cans and boxes and you eat allot of fast food.

You can also purchase a fine little book that will tell you more about the importance and value of juicing for physical and mental heath. It's called "fresh vegetable and fruit juices:what is missing from your body?" By Norman W. Walker. I surely have not covered everything and if you have any more questions feel free to drop me a line. :)

Edited by Petunia
increased font size for readability
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I am feeling wired after dinner when I have no reason to. I haven't had good sleep for several days. I drank my last cup of coffee at 9am. I took my last fish oil capsule at 10am which would normally keep me up if take it too late.


Is it the juice concoction I had for dinner that is causing this? I put in parsley, kale, and celery.



Drug cocktail 1995 - 2010
Started taper of Adderall, Wellbutrin XL, Remeron, and Doxepin in 2006
Finished taper on June 10, 2010

Temazepam on a PRN basis approximately twice a month - 2014 to 2016

Beginning in 2017 - Consumption increased to about two times per week

April 2017 - Increased to taking it full time for insomnia

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Guest damnnardil

First of all while I was on Nardil I used to love to drink coffee because the combination of the Nardil and the coffee put me on top of the world. I drank at least a pot a day. Now as I am weaning from the Nardil, if I drink 1 cup of coffee it seems as though I pay a price of 2 or 3 days of depression. I still drink 1 cup before I go to the gym which is only twice a week at the moment for 3 hours each time.


I have found that several different fish oils stimulate me and almost put me in to a panic and that is why I use fesh Flax seed oil instead which does not have any effect on me in this way. I should tell you though that anything in capsules can possibly cause adverse reactions to sensitive people like you and I use the liqid flax seed oil in a 16 ounce bottle called "Barleans" which can be gotten at several health food stores. This is the best type and must be refridgerated to stay fresh.


I believe your juice combination is great except for the parsley which can be stimulating and parsley should only be added in very small amounts because it has strong properties that can be harmful if over dosed on which could only happen by juicing it. Kale is great and has loads of calcium in it which has a calming effect on me and celery is one of the only vegetables that is very high in natural sodium which is so important for the sodium/potasium balance. Try flax oil if it is available to you and cut the parsley below 1 ounce a day or even less. That would be my personal recomendation. :)

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First of all while I was on Nardil I used to love to drink coffee because the combination of the Nardil and the coffee put me on top of the world. I drank at least a pot a day. Now as I am weaning from the Nardil, if I drink 1 cup of coffee it seems as though I pay a price of 2 or 3 days of depression. I still drink 1 cup before I go to the gym which is only twice a week at the moment for 3 hours each time.


I have found that several different fish oils stimulate me and almost put me in to a panic and that is why I use fesh Flax seed oil instead which does not have any effect on me in this way. I should tell you though that anything in capsules can possibly cause adverse reactions to sensitive people like you and I use the liqid flax seed oil in a 16 ounce bottle called "Barleans" which can be gotten at several health food stores. This is the best type and must be refridgerated to stay fresh.


I believe your juice combination is great except for the parsley which can be stimulating and parsley should only be added in very small amounts because it has strong properties that can be harmful if over dosed on which could only happen by juicing it. Kale is great and has loads of calcium in it which has a calming effect on me and celery is one of the only vegetables that is very high in natural sodium which is so important for the sodium/potasium balance. Try flax oil if it is available to you and cut the parsley below 1 ounce a day or even less. That would be my personal recomendation. :)


Thank you so much John.


I finally got to sleep by eating peanut butter and cherry juice. Not good for a cavity I am trying to keep at bay even with brushing. But since I am starting a temp assignment, I had to chose sleep over dental health.


The parsley/celery combination was recommended as good for dental health and it did seem helpful. But wow, I had no idea that parsley could be so stimulating. What causes that effect?


No, I don't think fish oil is really doing anything to cause activation even though I am careful not to take it in the afternoon. I don't feel that energetic after I take it. But my allergies seem worse if I cut it out so that is why I keep taking it. The brand doesn't seem to matter.



Drug cocktail 1995 - 2010
Started taper of Adderall, Wellbutrin XL, Remeron, and Doxepin in 2006
Finished taper on June 10, 2010

Temazepam on a PRN basis approximately twice a month - 2014 to 2016

Beginning in 2017 - Consumption increased to about two times per week

April 2017 - Increased to taking it full time for insomnia

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  • 4 years later...

I was wondering if anybody started juicing to quickly ingest nutrients from fruits and vegetables. Obviously eating them whole is always better, but can take along time. Not only that, but you might not have the space in your stomach. Fruits have alot of sugar, so when you juice vegetables are going to be the main ingredient. I don't know if it the best thing to do, but I bought a jucier, and thought I would give it a go.

Short Term Case: 7 pill of 10 mg of Modafinil in a 3 month span, but last 3 I took back to back causing severe withdrawals, lasting 3 weeks. Than 2 pills lexapro to help withdrawal lead to more withdrawal.  I have most symptoms Pssd, emotional loss, cognitive issues, nerve damage in legs.  Also 2 benzodiazepines.  Not much to damage me long term...


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  • 8 months later...

I have had success in recent times with juicing. It has helped greatly with sleep, energy / fatigue and I give it some credit for my improvement in mood.  Depression has been absent which is amazing to me as this symptom has been ongoing whilst on the drugs and also in withdrawal.


The fatigue has lifted immeasurably .This has been a constant symptom and although I can also put it down to time off drugs and returning sleep, the juicing helped turn it around.


What makes juicing so special?

Juicing removes the fiber from vegetables and fruits. While fiber is an established, important part of an overall healthy diet, removing the insoluble fiber allows for the increased absorption of specific health promoting phytonutrients including enzymes while the soluble fiber persists into the juice.

By removing the fibers and consuming fruits and vegetables in liquid form we are providing a nutrient delivery system to our bodies that allows individuals who would otherwise have difficulty consuming whole vegetables the opportunity to reap the numerous benefits vegetables have to offer.


I like the fact that it floods the body with micronutrients that are easily absorbed by the cells. I think it's particularly helpful in withdrawal for those who have sensitivities to certain foods or supplements. It is a way of ensuring a full complement of vitamins and minerals that are often lacking, but sometimes difficult to obtain.


I believe this has been an integral aspect of my healing and recovery.

Many SSRI's and SSNRI's over 20 years. Zoloft for 7 years followed by Effexor, Lexapro, Prozac, Cymbalta, Celexa, Pristiq, Valdoxan, Mianserin and more - on and off. No tapering. Cold turkey off Valdoxan - end of May 2014


                                                  Psych Drug - free since May 2014

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Being a typical post-WW2 urban Scotsman, I grew up hating carrots, cabbage and other foliage.

My wife - raised on farms in England - loves all the stuff I do not.


Several months ago, she bought one of those in vogue nutribullet things that really pulverises fruit and veg.  I now have 1 or 2 glasses of that gloop a day and it includes things like spinach that I would never have dreamt of eating before.

The drink is very palatable as the flavour of things like in-season fruits dominates.


Strangely, a few months ago, my blood tests showed low folic acid and I was prescribed 5mg of it a day.  It did make a huge difference to my unpleasant wd/effexor symptoms.

Funny thing is, I had never eaten so much spinach in my life during the few weeks before the blood tests.  

Years on PPI (Omeprazole), and my age, probably means I am not absorbing the Folic Acid easily from the natural source? 


Anyway, juice is a great way of getting fruit and veg down your gullet if you happen to be fussy about eating them the old fashioned (but, clearly, natural) way.

Born 1945. 

1999 - First Effexor/Venlafaxine

2016 Withdrawal research. Effexor.  13Jul - 212.5mg;  6Aug - 200.0mg;  24Aug - 187.5mg;  13Sep - 175.0mg;  3Oct - 162.5mg;  26Oct - 150mg 

2017  9Jan - 150.00mg;  23Mar - 137.50mg;  24Apr - 125.00mg;  31May - 112.50mg holding;  3Sep - 100.00mg;  20Sep - 93.75mg;  20Oct - 87.5mg;  12Nov - 81.25mg;  13 Dec - 75.00mg

2018  18Jan - 69.1mg; 16Feb - 62.5mg; 16March - 57.5mg (-8%); 22Apr - 56.3mg(-2%); CRASHED - Updose 29May - 62.5mg; Updose - 1Jul - 75.0mg. Updose - 2Aug - 87.5mg. Updose - 27Aug - 100.0mg. Updose - 11Oct 112.5mg. Updose - 6Nov 125.00mg

2019 Updoses 19 Jan - 150.0mg. 1April - 162.5mg. 24 April - Feeling better - doing tasks, getting outside.  7 May - usual depression questionnaire gives "probably no depression" result.

Supps/Vits  Omega 3;  Chelated Magnesium;  Prebiotics/Probiotics, Vit D3. 

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We have a slow rpm cold pressed juicer. I love the fact that the nutrients go directly to your bloodstream. I read that raw spinach and kale are not good for those with Hashimoto's or MTHFR. (Sorry, my withdrawal brain can't remember which one.)

Cooked/steamed is fine but not raw.


My hubby does everything for me now as I'm bedridden with fear. I don't want to ask him to make juices since it does require a lot of prepping and clean up. He was buying organic cold pressed juice from Buda Juice until we found out about my conditions.


I drank about half of a green juice that had ginger in it. Wow, I had juices containing ginger pre-withdrawal with no problem but I must really be sensitive. I felt so strange and could hardly keep my eyes open. The only other juices they have are high in carrots which would be too much sugar for me. So, unfortunately, I'm not drinking my daily juice as I once was and I really miss it.

Effexor XR 300 (brand) mg & various SSRIs 15 yrs (Effexor XR 300 mg past 10 yrs

Clonazepam, 1.0 mg. am, .5 mg pm. - 15 yrs, 7-17-16- Began .5 three times a day

Vyvanse 60 mg, - 2 yrs, Cut to 50 mg for 6 mths, Cut to 30 mg. on 4-1-16. Tapering.

Approx. 4-1-15 began Effexor XR 300 taper, very slowly for a year. Held at 37.5 for about 3 mths. Cut to 18 mg for 2 wks to 0. WD began 2 wks later. Depression, anxiety, paranoia, low appetite, nausea.

7-14-16-Reinstated 5 beads Effx after 4 mths misery.Pooped out 10 days.

9-12-16-to present- Wide eyed terror, bedridden fear, no appetite/feeling of being full.

10-30-16- Began 15% liquid tapering of 30 mg Vyvanse. (25 mg)

11-13-16- Liquid Vyvanse 22 mg,11-27-16- Liquid 15 mg, 12-12-16- Vyvanse 12.5 for 5 days. 12-16 - 12-29, 15 mg.

11-20-16- Switched back to 1.0 clonazepam am & .5 bedtime

12-30-16- Moved to 15 mg COMPOUNDED Vyvanse.Current 4/11-4/25 7.5 mg.(10% ev 2 wks) Off Vyvanse

Current meds:Effexor XR- 3 Beads, Clonazepam-1.0 mg am, .5 mg bedtime,Vyvanse-(tapering) Estradiol- 2

mg,Progesterone 200 mg,Testosterone 30 mg/ml,Nature Throid- 48.75 mg.(12-21-16-65 mg.) (4-18-17-81.25 mg) Current supplements: Fish Oil-1360 mg, Curamin- 2706 mg.

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  • 2 months later...
  • Moderator Emeritus

Maybe it's just that I'm too cheap to buy the juicer, but I like keeping the pulp in my juice.


So I'm a smoothie/blender girl.


Though - I do squeeze a lot of citrus when I make my barley water, and I want to start squeezing lemons and limes into my drinking water.

"Easy, easy - just go easy and you'll finish." - Hawaiian Kapuna


Holding is hard work, holding is a blessing. Give your brain time to heal before you try again.


My suggestions are not medical advice, you are in charge of your own medical choices.


A lifetime of being prescribed antidepressants that caused problems (30 years in total). At age 35 flipped to "bipolar," but was not diagnosed for 5 years. Started my journey in Midwest United States. Crossed the Pacific for love and hope; currently living in Australia.   CT Seroquel 25 mg some time in 2013.   Tapered Reboxetine 4 mg Oct 2013 to Sept 2014 = GONE (3 years on Reboxetine).     Tapered Lithium 900 to 475 MG (alternating with the SNRI) Jan 2014 - Nov 2014, tapered Lithium 475 mg Jan 2015 -  Feb 2016 = GONE (10 years  on Lithium).  Many mistakes in dry cutting dosages were made.

The tedious thread (my intro):  JanCarol ☼ Reboxetine first, then Lithium

The happy thread (my success story):  JanCarol - Undiagnosed  Off all bipolar drugs

My own blog:  https://shamanexplorations.com/shamans-blog/



I have been psych drug FREE since 1 Feb 2016!

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juicing and blending by DR john Bergman.youtube

This man is amazing

Alcohol free since February 2015 

1MG diazepam





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  • 3 weeks later...

Waiting myself on a delivery of a top end juicer it's expensive but I believe flooding the body with nutrients is only beneficial.


I've done loads of research and the new models are much more improved.the one I've ordered is a tribest slow star juicer,it presses the juice out instead of blitzing it ,so less air oxidation and the pulp is bone dry


It's coming tomorrow so can't wait to get started .


I personally have dropped the takeaways and eating out all the time and over the top spending so the expsence will cancel out

Alcohol free since February 2015 

1MG diazepam





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P.   Slow pressed juice is the way to go , if you can.  It retains nutrients and enzymes. I have the Hurom and love it. So easy to use and clean.  


There is a place for both and that's what I do  - juice vegetables and blend fruit / greens. I like Vitamix blender.


Bergman has some insight.  

Many SSRI's and SSNRI's over 20 years. Zoloft for 7 years followed by Effexor, Lexapro, Prozac, Cymbalta, Celexa, Pristiq, Valdoxan, Mianserin and more - on and off. No tapering. Cold turkey off Valdoxan - end of May 2014


                                                  Psych Drug - free since May 2014

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Jan. They both have their virtues. Don't close your mind. I have found both to be helpful in W/D .

Many SSRI's and SSNRI's over 20 years. Zoloft for 7 years followed by Effexor, Lexapro, Prozac, Cymbalta, Celexa, Pristiq, Valdoxan, Mianserin and more - on and off. No tapering. Cold turkey off Valdoxan - end of May 2014


                                                  Psych Drug - free since May 2014

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ye AliG  he's amazing he's energy and distain for modern medicine is brilliant .I'm finished ever going near modern medicine again and he has helped to reinforce that.

Alcohol free since February 2015 

1MG diazepam





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  • 5 years later...

Well, When I drink carrot and Kale fresh juice from my juicer it gave me better focus and made me feel great immediately after drinking and took away anxiety that this medication caused.

https://friendsforpeers.angelfire.com/Index.html - my website and discord server

Zyprexa (not sure what mg) But got off after a month of being put on in hospital. early 2007 Respirodol (experienced ackathesia so got off in 4 - 6 months from a 6mg dose) Later 2007 tried Seroquel but got offbecause didn't like it.  Later 2007 tried Abilify but had ackathesia, got off2008 - 2015 Unmedicated but on Serequel 800mg when hospitalized   Later 2015 - Unmedicated but put on Prolixyn when hospitalized (Had very uncomfortable stiffness so got off immediately when out of hospital)2016 Unmedicated but put on Haldol when hospitalized (caused Seizures and stiffness couldn't lay down for 3 days until taken off) Later 2016Tried Zyprexa irregular dosesEarly 2017 Put on Zyprexa 15mg stayed on 15 mg until 2020 January 2020 Zyprexa 15mg didn't seem to be working so increased to Zyprexa 20mgOctober - December 2020 Reduced Zyprexa from 20 mg to 15mg to 10mg to 7.5mg to 5mg to 2.5mg. Hospitalized January 1st 2021March 2021 15mg Zyprexa April 12.5mg Zyprexa  May, June and July 10mg Zyprexa, August 7.5mg Zyprexa, September 1st toOctober 23th 2021 5mg Zyprexa.  October 23rd - December 13th 3.75mg Zyprexa December 13th - January 12th 3.1mg Zyprexa HOSPITALIZED FOR 4.5 MONTHS put on 10mg then 15mg then 20mg of Zyprexa (Givenlong acting injection of Thorazine as well).  May 23rd 2022 Reduced from 20mg to 17.5mg Zyprexa, June 9th 15mg started nighttime. April 2023 taken off Zyprexa cold turkey and put on two monthly injections of Invega Sustena.

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Fresh vegetable juice is delicious. Unfortunately it doesn't work for me in WD.


At one point I invested in a juicer and tried making my own green juices. Also experimented with straight celery juice. I had fun experimenting to create new concoctions. Enjoyed the flavors. 

My gut can't handle it. Might be too much sugar all at once (without the fiber to slow down release, etc.). I started to notice some microbiome warning signs and quit (managed to resell the juicer, thankfully).


It's also possible I was overdoing it. I could probably handle a couple of tablespoons or ¼ cup at a time without issue. But it's best to drink fresh-pressed, and I'm not going to go to all the juicing trouble just to extract a couple of tablespoons (which is hard to do anyway -- most consumer-level juicers are not "sensitive" or precise enough to make such tiny amounts). If I didn't live alone it would be simple as I could make a regular-sized batch and just use a few tablespoons for myself, then happily distribute the rest among other members of the household. 


Another consideration is that I've read many places that if one is struggling with digestion/GI problems and dysbiosis (confirm the former; suspect the latter), it's best to drink juice on an empty stomach outside of meals. It should be its own thing. That was hard for me to sustain in conjunction with the various other dietary guidelines/restraints I'd arrived at over the course of WD. Inconvenient and too much to think about, frankly.  


I gave juicing a go but ultimately it proved WD-incompatible. 


I have since wondered about the possibility of making homemade fermented vegetable-juice beverages, e.g. beet kvass, but this project is on hold indefinitely, for a variety of reasons.

(For live probiotics I ingest small amounts of unpasteurized sauerkraut and kimchi and sometimes a couple of tablespoons of water kefir.)

1996-2018 - misc. polypharmacy, incl. SSRIs, SNRIs, neuroleptics, lithium, benzos, stimulants, antihistamines, etc. (approx. 30+ drugs)

2012-2018 - 10mg lexapro/escitalopram (20mg?)    Jan. 2018 - 10mg -> 5mg, then from 5mg -> 2.5mg, then 0mg  -->  July 2018 - 0mg

2017(?)-2020 - vyvanse/lisdexamfetamine 60-70mg    2020-2021 - 70mg down to 0mg  -->  July 2021 - 0mg

March-April 2021 - vortioxetine 5-10mg (approx. 7 weeks total; CT)  -->  April 28th, 2021 - 0mg

August 2021 - 2mg melatonin   August 1, 2022 - 1mg melatonin   March 31, 2023 - 0mg melatonin

2024 supplements update: electrolyte blend in water sipped throughout the day; 1 tsp cod liver oil blend (incl. vit. A+D+E) w/ breakfast; calcium; vitamin C+zinc


Courage is fear that has said its prayers.  - Karle Wilson Baker

love and justice are not two. without inner change, there can be no outer change; without collective change, no change matters.  - Rev. angel Kyodo williams

Holding multiple truths. Knowing that everyone has their own accurate view of the way things are.  - text on homemade banner at Afiya house


I am not a medical professional; this is not medical advice. 

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Hi there! How are you going? 
I love green juices! I’ve been juicing for years. I love the fibre do I use a vitamix blender and try to keep it thick. Such a great way to start my day. 


2018 Ativan 1mg Oct-Jan (CT), 2019 Effexor 75mg, Klonopin .25mg, Trazadone 75mg, Bridge to Prozac (?dose), 2020 Taper off all, 2021 Zoloft (?dose), Jan-May (CT @ Hospital), Remeron (?dose) Trazadone 75mg, Propanolol (?dose), Klonopin .50mg, Buspar (?dose),

2021 Prozac (?dose), Trazadone 75mg, Klonopin 2 times a day, 2021 August fast taper Trazadone  Prozac fast taper in August. August Lexapro 10mg

2022 January  Lexapro to 25mg, February FT to 10mg Lexapro over 6 weeks, Klonopin .25mg 2 times a day, May Effexor 35mg, June bridge from Effexor to 30mg Cymbalta. Held on Lexapro until November.

supplements  2023  Jan Probiotics stopped taking after two weeks ADR April 1k Iu Vitamin D W/ K stopped after a few days ADR. March 50mg Mag glycinate stopped after a week ADR

January 2023added an additional .25 mg Klonopin (.25 mg three times a day)


1/23-Present Klonopin .75mg divided into .25mg 3 times a day. 6:30am, 12:00pm, 6:30pm 7/6/24 SAME

1/23Present Lexapro .101 mgpw - 8.08 mgai 8:00am

1/23-Present Estradiol .50mg 8:00am 7/6/24 same

1/23-Present 30mg Cymbalta 12:30pm 7/6/24 same

6/23 to present Holding no changes 7/4 reduced Lexapro to 7.92mg 7/31 7.84mg 8/7 7.76mg 7/14 7.60mg 10/1 7.44mg 10/28 7.36mg 2/1 7.12mg 2/14 7.04mg 3/5/24 6.88mg 3/12 6.80mg 4/29 6.48mg 7/6/24 5.84mg

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  • 1 month later...

@Ninabird Yes, I agree that juicing is amazing for mental heatlh.


Juicing is pretty significant for my mental health. I do two drinks a day... One of them is organic carrots and some organic kale and the other one I drink when I take my meds which is organic (carrot, kale, half an orange with peel, some celery, a little bit of cucumber). I've noticed that when I drink these drinks my mental stability increases almost immediately. 

https://friendsforpeers.angelfire.com/Index.html - my website and discord server

Zyprexa (not sure what mg) But got off after a month of being put on in hospital. early 2007 Respirodol (experienced ackathesia so got off in 4 - 6 months from a 6mg dose) Later 2007 tried Seroquel but got offbecause didn't like it.  Later 2007 tried Abilify but had ackathesia, got off2008 - 2015 Unmedicated but on Serequel 800mg when hospitalized   Later 2015 - Unmedicated but put on Prolixyn when hospitalized (Had very uncomfortable stiffness so got off immediately when out of hospital)2016 Unmedicated but put on Haldol when hospitalized (caused Seizures and stiffness couldn't lay down for 3 days until taken off) Later 2016Tried Zyprexa irregular dosesEarly 2017 Put on Zyprexa 15mg stayed on 15 mg until 2020 January 2020 Zyprexa 15mg didn't seem to be working so increased to Zyprexa 20mgOctober - December 2020 Reduced Zyprexa from 20 mg to 15mg to 10mg to 7.5mg to 5mg to 2.5mg. Hospitalized January 1st 2021March 2021 15mg Zyprexa April 12.5mg Zyprexa  May, June and July 10mg Zyprexa, August 7.5mg Zyprexa, September 1st toOctober 23th 2021 5mg Zyprexa.  October 23rd - December 13th 3.75mg Zyprexa December 13th - January 12th 3.1mg Zyprexa HOSPITALIZED FOR 4.5 MONTHS put on 10mg then 15mg then 20mg of Zyprexa (Givenlong acting injection of Thorazine as well).  May 23rd 2022 Reduced from 20mg to 17.5mg Zyprexa, June 9th 15mg started nighttime. April 2023 taken off Zyprexa cold turkey and put on two monthly injections of Invega Sustena.

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6 minutes ago, Guile1 said:

uicing is pretty significant for my mental health. I do two drinks a day... One of them is organic carrots and some organic kale and the other one I drink when I take my meds which is organic (carrot, kale, half an orange with peel, some celery, a little bit of cucumber). I've noticed that when I drink these drinks my mental stability increases almost immediately. 

I am going to try your recipes. How have you been doing? 


2018 Ativan 1mg Oct-Jan (CT), 2019 Effexor 75mg, Klonopin .25mg, Trazadone 75mg, Bridge to Prozac (?dose), 2020 Taper off all, 2021 Zoloft (?dose), Jan-May (CT @ Hospital), Remeron (?dose) Trazadone 75mg, Propanolol (?dose), Klonopin .50mg, Buspar (?dose),

2021 Prozac (?dose), Trazadone 75mg, Klonopin 2 times a day, 2021 August fast taper Trazadone  Prozac fast taper in August. August Lexapro 10mg

2022 January  Lexapro to 25mg, February FT to 10mg Lexapro over 6 weeks, Klonopin .25mg 2 times a day, May Effexor 35mg, June bridge from Effexor to 30mg Cymbalta. Held on Lexapro until November.

supplements  2023  Jan Probiotics stopped taking after two weeks ADR April 1k Iu Vitamin D W/ K stopped after a few days ADR. March 50mg Mag glycinate stopped after a week ADR

January 2023added an additional .25 mg Klonopin (.25 mg three times a day)


1/23-Present Klonopin .75mg divided into .25mg 3 times a day. 6:30am, 12:00pm, 6:30pm 7/6/24 SAME

1/23Present Lexapro .101 mgpw - 8.08 mgai 8:00am

1/23-Present Estradiol .50mg 8:00am 7/6/24 same

1/23-Present 30mg Cymbalta 12:30pm 7/6/24 same

6/23 to present Holding no changes 7/4 reduced Lexapro to 7.92mg 7/31 7.84mg 8/7 7.76mg 7/14 7.60mg 10/1 7.44mg 10/28 7.36mg 2/1 7.12mg 2/14 7.04mg 3/5/24 6.88mg 3/12 6.80mg 4/29 6.48mg 7/6/24 5.84mg

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23 minutes ago, Ninabird said:

I am going to try your recipes. How have you been doing? 



I am doing ok right now. I have reduced to 12.5mg of Olanzapine and have been on 12.5mg for about 10 days. I noticed that organic carrots were really cheap in my area (they cost about $4.50 for 5 pounds) and I also noticed that when I ate a lot of power greens I felt clearer back in 2010 when I was cold turkeying my meds so I have power greens sometimes but I got tired of eating too much so I just buy Kale and mix that with the carrots, since the other stuff is more expensive I usually just do Kale and Carrots when I wake up or sometime during the day (although sometimes I don't make a drink), the second drink I make right when I take my medicine at night. My usual recipe is (all organic) Carrots/Kale/a bit of celery, a bit of cucumber/half an orange with peel - these are my core ingredients. The other ingredients I sometimes add are some ginger and a tiny bit of beets (I buy with the stems so I can juice the stems one of the days - it saves money). Some other optional ingredients are lemons or limes but I stick to oranges for the main ingredient because it cured scurvy back in the day which was a mental health issue. 


I also just purchased some organic turmeric powder as the fresh organic turmeric is too expensive to juice, but I plan to eat a small bit of fresh turmeric when I take my medicine. I also have some Chaia seeds that I want to experiment with drinking and I was going to get some flax seeds as they have omega 6. 


(The main drink that helps me feel mentally stable daily is Organic Carrots/some organic Kale/(some organic cellery and some organic cucumber is optional, second drink I drink when I take my medication is Organic Carrots/organic kale/half an organic orange juiced with the peels, some organic cucumber, and some organic cellery)) 



I believe that the key ingredients to feeling great is the leafy greens as I remember one time in 2010 after I had CT my medicine that I ate 10oz of organic "power greens" and my brain felt normal afterwards.


Also I believe that having these ingredients be organic is a little bit of an expense but it is what keeps me feeling good so I try to get other food from cheap sources. 


edit: I also recommend eating fresh avacado for withdrawal mania because I found out that it cures it for me at least almost every time. 

https://friendsforpeers.angelfire.com/Index.html - my website and discord server

Zyprexa (not sure what mg) But got off after a month of being put on in hospital. early 2007 Respirodol (experienced ackathesia so got off in 4 - 6 months from a 6mg dose) Later 2007 tried Seroquel but got offbecause didn't like it.  Later 2007 tried Abilify but had ackathesia, got off2008 - 2015 Unmedicated but on Serequel 800mg when hospitalized   Later 2015 - Unmedicated but put on Prolixyn when hospitalized (Had very uncomfortable stiffness so got off immediately when out of hospital)2016 Unmedicated but put on Haldol when hospitalized (caused Seizures and stiffness couldn't lay down for 3 days until taken off) Later 2016Tried Zyprexa irregular dosesEarly 2017 Put on Zyprexa 15mg stayed on 15 mg until 2020 January 2020 Zyprexa 15mg didn't seem to be working so increased to Zyprexa 20mgOctober - December 2020 Reduced Zyprexa from 20 mg to 15mg to 10mg to 7.5mg to 5mg to 2.5mg. Hospitalized January 1st 2021March 2021 15mg Zyprexa April 12.5mg Zyprexa  May, June and July 10mg Zyprexa, August 7.5mg Zyprexa, September 1st toOctober 23th 2021 5mg Zyprexa.  October 23rd - December 13th 3.75mg Zyprexa December 13th - January 12th 3.1mg Zyprexa HOSPITALIZED FOR 4.5 MONTHS put on 10mg then 15mg then 20mg of Zyprexa (Givenlong acting injection of Thorazine as well).  May 23rd 2022 Reduced from 20mg to 17.5mg Zyprexa, June 9th 15mg started nighttime. April 2023 taken off Zyprexa cold turkey and put on two monthly injections of Invega Sustena.

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Thank you! 🥰


2018 Ativan 1mg Oct-Jan (CT), 2019 Effexor 75mg, Klonopin .25mg, Trazadone 75mg, Bridge to Prozac (?dose), 2020 Taper off all, 2021 Zoloft (?dose), Jan-May (CT @ Hospital), Remeron (?dose) Trazadone 75mg, Propanolol (?dose), Klonopin .50mg, Buspar (?dose),

2021 Prozac (?dose), Trazadone 75mg, Klonopin 2 times a day, 2021 August fast taper Trazadone  Prozac fast taper in August. August Lexapro 10mg

2022 January  Lexapro to 25mg, February FT to 10mg Lexapro over 6 weeks, Klonopin .25mg 2 times a day, May Effexor 35mg, June bridge from Effexor to 30mg Cymbalta. Held on Lexapro until November.

supplements  2023  Jan Probiotics stopped taking after two weeks ADR April 1k Iu Vitamin D W/ K stopped after a few days ADR. March 50mg Mag glycinate stopped after a week ADR

January 2023added an additional .25 mg Klonopin (.25 mg three times a day)


1/23-Present Klonopin .75mg divided into .25mg 3 times a day. 6:30am, 12:00pm, 6:30pm 7/6/24 SAME

1/23Present Lexapro .101 mgpw - 8.08 mgai 8:00am

1/23-Present Estradiol .50mg 8:00am 7/6/24 same

1/23-Present 30mg Cymbalta 12:30pm 7/6/24 same

6/23 to present Holding no changes 7/4 reduced Lexapro to 7.92mg 7/31 7.84mg 8/7 7.76mg 7/14 7.60mg 10/1 7.44mg 10/28 7.36mg 2/1 7.12mg 2/14 7.04mg 3/5/24 6.88mg 3/12 6.80mg 4/29 6.48mg 7/6/24 5.84mg

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  • 1 month later...

Juicing is so good. Had some organic juice just on wakeup - turned around from feeling like i had to do stuff all day and was hungry to not feeling hungry, feeling relaxed, feeling like i could just handle the day and do whatever. Recipe: 2 - 3 handfuls organic Kale/1 organic red beet, 1 organic orange, a little bit of organic cellery, almost a half of organic cucumber, two spoonsfull organic turmeric powder (from amazon), two spoonsfull organic flax seed. 

https://friendsforpeers.angelfire.com/Index.html - my website and discord server

Zyprexa (not sure what mg) But got off after a month of being put on in hospital. early 2007 Respirodol (experienced ackathesia so got off in 4 - 6 months from a 6mg dose) Later 2007 tried Seroquel but got offbecause didn't like it.  Later 2007 tried Abilify but had ackathesia, got off2008 - 2015 Unmedicated but on Serequel 800mg when hospitalized   Later 2015 - Unmedicated but put on Prolixyn when hospitalized (Had very uncomfortable stiffness so got off immediately when out of hospital)2016 Unmedicated but put on Haldol when hospitalized (caused Seizures and stiffness couldn't lay down for 3 days until taken off) Later 2016Tried Zyprexa irregular dosesEarly 2017 Put on Zyprexa 15mg stayed on 15 mg until 2020 January 2020 Zyprexa 15mg didn't seem to be working so increased to Zyprexa 20mgOctober - December 2020 Reduced Zyprexa from 20 mg to 15mg to 10mg to 7.5mg to 5mg to 2.5mg. Hospitalized January 1st 2021March 2021 15mg Zyprexa April 12.5mg Zyprexa  May, June and July 10mg Zyprexa, August 7.5mg Zyprexa, September 1st toOctober 23th 2021 5mg Zyprexa.  October 23rd - December 13th 3.75mg Zyprexa December 13th - January 12th 3.1mg Zyprexa HOSPITALIZED FOR 4.5 MONTHS put on 10mg then 15mg then 20mg of Zyprexa (Givenlong acting injection of Thorazine as well).  May 23rd 2022 Reduced from 20mg to 17.5mg Zyprexa, June 9th 15mg started nighttime. April 2023 taken off Zyprexa cold turkey and put on two monthly injections of Invega Sustena.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok So here's a bit of information. I started juicing when I take my medication at night. Oh My God, such an improvement in feeling good the next day when I wake up. So I was switching my sleep schedule and in the past few days I wasn't juicing when I take my medication (11pm) - My memory was going (this is part of the process of being on a higher dose of Olanzapine) and I was feeling fuzzy... so I thought, well I need to juice when I take my medication again. Sure enough next day wake up feeling Good and the ability to rest and sleep in without feeling like I can't face the day. 


Recipe: 3 handfuls organic Kale, some organic carrots, a few sticks of organic cellery, 1/3rd organic cucumber, an organic orange, an organic beet. 


Sure enough, next day feeling good and able to read better. Memory is still crapping out on me for the most part but at least I can slightly remember things today. 

https://friendsforpeers.angelfire.com/Index.html - my website and discord server

Zyprexa (not sure what mg) But got off after a month of being put on in hospital. early 2007 Respirodol (experienced ackathesia so got off in 4 - 6 months from a 6mg dose) Later 2007 tried Seroquel but got offbecause didn't like it.  Later 2007 tried Abilify but had ackathesia, got off2008 - 2015 Unmedicated but on Serequel 800mg when hospitalized   Later 2015 - Unmedicated but put on Prolixyn when hospitalized (Had very uncomfortable stiffness so got off immediately when out of hospital)2016 Unmedicated but put on Haldol when hospitalized (caused Seizures and stiffness couldn't lay down for 3 days until taken off) Later 2016Tried Zyprexa irregular dosesEarly 2017 Put on Zyprexa 15mg stayed on 15 mg until 2020 January 2020 Zyprexa 15mg didn't seem to be working so increased to Zyprexa 20mgOctober - December 2020 Reduced Zyprexa from 20 mg to 15mg to 10mg to 7.5mg to 5mg to 2.5mg. Hospitalized January 1st 2021March 2021 15mg Zyprexa April 12.5mg Zyprexa  May, June and July 10mg Zyprexa, August 7.5mg Zyprexa, September 1st toOctober 23th 2021 5mg Zyprexa.  October 23rd - December 13th 3.75mg Zyprexa December 13th - January 12th 3.1mg Zyprexa HOSPITALIZED FOR 4.5 MONTHS put on 10mg then 15mg then 20mg of Zyprexa (Givenlong acting injection of Thorazine as well).  May 23rd 2022 Reduced from 20mg to 17.5mg Zyprexa, June 9th 15mg started nighttime. April 2023 taken off Zyprexa cold turkey and put on two monthly injections of Invega Sustena.

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