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Laura Kemp: Guardian of Seroxat


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We live in a world where opinion is a right and debate of that opinion is equally a given right.


Lat week an article appeared in the Guardian, a popular newspaper from the UK. The article, by Laura Kemp, was about GSK's controversial antidepressant, Seroxat, known as Paxil in the US and Canada and Aropax in Australia.


Kemp can clearly put her point across eloquently, one wouldn't expect anything less from a qualified journalist.


Her opinion regarding the efficacy of Seroxat is, in the main, down to her own personal experience, however I must conclude that it is poorly researched, choosing instead to come from a 'power to the women' angle.


Kemp covers Seroxat in garlands, dismissing any of the negative anecdotal and officially reported side effects, of which there are thousands.


I am happy that Kemp has found her rock in life, her shoulder to lean on at time of woe.


Reading her article one is left with the impression that Seroxat is the best thing since sliced bread. Many may finger point and say the article has a more sinister point, that being that Kemp is a shill for GSK. For the record, I don't think she is, I just believe she hasn't researched Seroxat well enough. Kemp's only motive, it appears, is that Seroxat has kept the blues at bay for her and help her through 15 years of depression. Quite why her depression hasn't yet lifted after 15 years on Seroxat, is not mentioned by Kemp.



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