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Nino Has anyone stayed off Effexor after slowly tapering off


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Hi I'm new to this site but would really like some help....

Have been on antidepressants about 5 + years always Effexor XL .. And then generic one...Think I have always suffered anxiety but did not realise it as was just put down to being a moody teenager which untreated led to depression ( don't know many 17 yr olds crying and wanting to end it all ) any how tried to explain how I felt to many a friend, doctor, family to be told maybe you are the type of person who is never happy!! ... but now at the age of 35 (married, 3 children, negtive equity blah blah) I am not any happier ????


I need to stay off meds to find the real me and be able to live with the real me but I'm just so unsure who that is anymore. Feel like I have either self meditated or used anti ds as a crutch in my life so I can feel false happy, have confidence to talk to people, stop feeling that I should just not be here as I don't fit in and I'm actually quite good at pretending now :) its second nature!!

Anyway sorry for waffling I am currently on my second attempt to quit ADs and have been Effexor free about 10 days...have some brain zaps, diarrhoea, crying can't sleep then not wanting to do anything but sleep, no interest in anything, feel like I'm losing my mind but don't know how to change this, feel trapped, lonely no one who really understands...

Really don't want to put this poison back into my body as I did taper off from 150mg to 75mg to 37.5mg, then 37.5mg every other day for about 4 weeks but still not coping great today with the withdrawl anyone know how long this could last please...!!!!

Feeling really upset and lost at the minute any help would be great ????

Trying to come off Effexor (venlafex XL 37.5mg prolonged release) second attempt tried two years ago and it's was the worst thing I ever experience in my life ... Was pill free about 10 days up until yesterday 9/8/15 when I had to take a tablet was feeling lost, confused, sick to my stomach, diahrea, brain zaps, crying, tired not tired, foggy brain, feel about twice my age and I'm only 35 .. I know some people say that it takes a few weeks for it to work but a lot of my mental symptoms have cleared today still emotional but no brain zaps and can string a sentence together ... Scared I might have to take this amount forever to be able to function!! Have been on Effexor for 5 years + not sure anymore don't have anyone who understands this and would really like some help to come off it without the life stopping side effects .. This is starting to effect my marriage and children's lives as I just don't really care through the fog!!???? feel so stuck in my life and can't move on don't know what to do!!


Have managed to reduce my dose of 37.5mg by taking out beads

Am taking out 40 beads a day now(started with 10 then 20 etc) - hold this for about 4 weeks depending on WD symptoms

Night sweats are crazy, low energy at times, WD gets worse around my period and my mood plummets but realise now it's just a phase and does pass

All in all feeling better but have to remind myself to take each drop slowly as it can take up to two weeks for body to show WD issues

Update March 2016

Now taking out 100 beads from a 37.5mg generic Effexor .. Dropped by ten every 4 to 8 weeks except last drop went from 80 to 100 beads and can feel the difference in mood which is low, don't care, foggy head etc etc but going to stick it out for now as it will pass ????

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  • Administrator

Welcome, Nino.


It's very well known that teenagers are a moody bunch. It's also possible you have a more pessimistic disposition. Neither of these are psychiatric disorders.


It sounds to me like you want to make some necessary changes in your life. This is very important to living without psychiatric drugs.


How did you go off Effexor? It also sounds like you have withdrawal syndrome from it. This isn't to be taken lightly. It can last for months or years. Please read What is withdrawal syndrome?


Were you taking the kind of venlafaxine with tiny beads inside a capsule, pellets inside a capsule, or a solid tablet? What dosage?


To reduce withdrawal symptoms, you might take a small amount of the drug, even as little as 10 beads if you were taking that kind of capsule, or a fraction of a dose. See About reinstating and stabilizing to reduce withdrawal symptoms


The Windows and Waves Pattern of Stabilization


After a bit, when you feel better, you could taper off the small amount very gradually and better assure your life without drugs.


To titrate venlafaxine, see Tips for tapering off Effexor (venlafaxine)

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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I was taking venlafaxine with the beads in it but did not reduce by taking beads out just took one every second day, then every third day and then nothing .. Note my doctor told me to reduce from 150mg to 75mg to 37.5 to nothing.. telling me this would be fine but luckily(???? mmm being funny here as nothing lucky about withdrawl) I had a very bad experience when I tried the first time to come off venlafaxine so knew had to do it very slowly which I have but still feel like I'm losing my mind now .... Really feel now that I should have never being given AD but hindsight is a wonderful thing ... I can honestly say I have been anxious and depressed, feeling different my whole life ( 35 years old now) but what I needed was counciling and not AD now my brain is just all messed up and I don't know whether it's best to take another tablet or stick out withdrawl!!! CONFUSED ????????

Trying to come off Effexor (venlafex XL 37.5mg prolonged release) second attempt tried two years ago and it's was the worst thing I ever experience in my life ... Was pill free about 10 days up until yesterday 9/8/15 when I had to take a tablet was feeling lost, confused, sick to my stomach, diahrea, brain zaps, crying, tired not tired, foggy brain, feel about twice my age and I'm only 35 .. I know some people say that it takes a few weeks for it to work but a lot of my mental symptoms have cleared today still emotional but no brain zaps and can string a sentence together ... Scared I might have to take this amount forever to be able to function!! Have been on Effexor for 5 years + not sure anymore don't have anyone who understands this and would really like some help to come off it without the life stopping side effects .. This is starting to effect my marriage and children's lives as I just don't really care through the fog!!???? feel so stuck in my life and can't move on don't know what to do!!


Have managed to reduce my dose of 37.5mg by taking out beads

Am taking out 40 beads a day now(started with 10 then 20 etc) - hold this for about 4 weeks depending on WD symptoms

Night sweats are crazy, low energy at times, WD gets worse around my period and my mood plummets but realise now it's just a phase and does pass

All in all feeling better but have to remind myself to take each drop slowly as it can take up to two weeks for body to show WD issues

Update March 2016

Now taking out 100 beads from a 37.5mg generic Effexor .. Dropped by ten every 4 to 8 weeks except last drop went from 80 to 100 beads and can feel the difference in mood which is low, don't care, foggy head etc etc but going to stick it out for now as it will pass ????

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  • Administrator

Skipping days to taper is a good way to trigger withdrawal symptoms. This is not good for your nervous system.


If I were you, I'd start taking 37.5mg again every day at the same time. After you stabilize, consider Tips for tapering off Effexor (venlafaxine)

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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I'm sorry to hear of your suffering, but it's typical. I was on Effexor XR for 10 years before I tapered over a 4 year period. I am currently 9 months one week post taper and doing fine. What you are experiencing are withdrawal symptoms brought on by tapering too fast. Antidepressants are unlike any other drug-it's almost impossible to taper too slowly from them. With almost all other powerful drugs there is a relatively short period of bad withdrawal (say 2 months or so) and then you feel better. Not true for antidepressants-you can't just "ride withdrawal symptoms out" in the usual way because the withdrawal symptoms can last for years. There is no substitute for a slow (usually 10 % drops) along with long periods in between drops waiting for any withdrawal symptoms to show up or dissipate. 

I generally waited about 1 and a half months after each drop-but really it all depended on how I felt. Sometimes I waited as long as 4 months after a drop just to make sure no other symptoms were going to emerge.


Toward the end of my 2nd year tapering I tried to hurry things up by making a series of 50% cuts. after the 3rd of these I began to have the worst withdrawal symptoms I'd ever experienced, very much like the ones you describe. I also made a heroic effort to "ride these out". I failed after a month or so and went back to an earlier dose. The withdrawal stopped a few weeks later and I was pretty much OK after that, though tapering much more slowly from then on.


If I'd tried to ride it out I'd probably be feeling like hell these 2 and a half years later like so many others on this site who tried this. There is no quick way through this thing, but there is a way to make the suffering much much worse than it otherwise has to be. 


Reinstating a half dose might work, I tapered once in 2 months and crashed and went back to a full dose for 2 years before trying the more recent taper. I felt better almost immediately after the reinstatement-so I've always been lucky with reinstatements.


Other than the tapering, you need to be in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Most of the people on this site or who have ever had trouble getting off antidepressant-or who have ever been put on antidepressants-really only needed to find a therapist who teaches Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Astronomical amounts of suffering could have been avoided this way.


Anyway, I'm here to tell you that done the right way you can succeed in getting off Effexor and back to being your old self. I won't consider myself out of the woods for about another month, but things are looking good for that.     

Sept 12th 1992-began taking Imipramine (50mgs) for panic attacks.

Stopped Imipramine after 4 months (cold turkey).

7 months later experienced "mysterious" bad flu-like symptoms, although, without upper respiratory problems or fever. Because of this and a day of panic attacks, was put on Prozac (20mgs?) for 2 months and then, when that didn't work-was put back on  Imipramine,  plus Xanax 1 mg (4Xdaily)-October 1993.

March 1999-switched from Imipramine (50mgs) to Celexa.

2008-switched to Pristiq for 3 months, then back to Effexor XR (after bad reaction to the Pristiq).

Sept 1st 2010-Switched from Effexor XR (75mgs) to Effexor Generic (solid form) in preparation for taper.

Nov 15th 2010-Began tapering from 75mgs Effexor Generic.

January 13th 2014-.06mgs

April 17th 2014-      .03mgs

May 11th 2014-       .02mgs

Ended taper October 31st 2014

Oct 4th 2015-11 months post taper and completely back to normal!

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Thanks so much for that reply hudgens ... It makes me feel somewhat better ???? I gave in last night and took 37.5mg and feel soooo much better which is annoying as it just goes to show how much I need these to feel like a functioning person ... Anyway going to take the advice and taper off 37.5mg very very slowly and in the mean time try to sort out eating more gut healthy foods as really feel it's all connected .. Will be on here alot ...feel as this is the best site I have found so far and the only one I have had the courage to post to ????

Trying to come off Effexor (venlafex XL 37.5mg prolonged release) second attempt tried two years ago and it's was the worst thing I ever experience in my life ... Was pill free about 10 days up until yesterday 9/8/15 when I had to take a tablet was feeling lost, confused, sick to my stomach, diahrea, brain zaps, crying, tired not tired, foggy brain, feel about twice my age and I'm only 35 .. I know some people say that it takes a few weeks for it to work but a lot of my mental symptoms have cleared today still emotional but no brain zaps and can string a sentence together ... Scared I might have to take this amount forever to be able to function!! Have been on Effexor for 5 years + not sure anymore don't have anyone who understands this and would really like some help to come off it without the life stopping side effects .. This is starting to effect my marriage and children's lives as I just don't really care through the fog!!???? feel so stuck in my life and can't move on don't know what to do!!


Have managed to reduce my dose of 37.5mg by taking out beads

Am taking out 40 beads a day now(started with 10 then 20 etc) - hold this for about 4 weeks depending on WD symptoms

Night sweats are crazy, low energy at times, WD gets worse around my period and my mood plummets but realise now it's just a phase and does pass

All in all feeling better but have to remind myself to take each drop slowly as it can take up to two weeks for body to show WD issues

Update March 2016

Now taking out 100 beads from a 37.5mg generic Effexor .. Dropped by ten every 4 to 8 weeks except last drop went from 80 to 100 beads and can feel the difference in mood which is low, don't care, foggy head etc etc but going to stick it out for now as it will pass ????

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  • Mentor

Hello Nino,  reinstate 50% previous dose,REAL QUICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It taken me  near 3 years to get rid of the effexor nightmare...I had to swtich to another drug................... yes I did a quick taper like you, ie same as Cold Turkey, off effexor., silly me!.  If you dont reinstate, real quick, you may not survive, I am deadly serious.   You might quit effexor, but damn in six months or 12 months, you will be suicidal, and desprerate, takes 6-12 months to hit........

So if you dont reinstate, enjoy your 4 months, or so of feeling well............................... because by then will be  too late then to reinstate.  Then you will need to walk thru hell daily, just to damn survive..................


at this stage, for you, will write more later,  REINSTATE AT 50%......... NOW!!!


I am not a doctor, take my advice, only in that I am a survivor, and I have been on effexor...................

1992 Dothiepin 375mg 8 weeks, exhaustion/depression.  Serotonin syndrome, oh yes!  seizures . Fell pregnant, 3rd baby, Nitrous Oxide, 3 weeks mental hospital pp psychosis. zoloft tegretol.

Feb 1996 ct tegretol, tapered Zoloft 8 weeks. as (unexpectedly)  pregnant. Steven died after 3 days.(Zolft HLHS baby).  98 had run in with Paxil, 2 tablets, 3 weeks taper, survived.
2005..menopause? exhausted again. Zyprexa, mad in three days, fallout....  Seroquel, Effexor, tegretol,   and 8 years of self destruction. Failed taper.
Damn 1/4 valium... nuts again! .fallout, zoloft 100mg  seroquol 400mg mirtazapine 45 mg  tegretol 400mg.  Mid 14 3 month taper. Nov 14 CRASH.
Mid 15 ....   75mg  seroquel,  3 x 1800mg SJW  2 week window end of December followed by 6 week wave
5/2 68mg seroquel, 2.5 x 1800mg SJW::::20/2 61mg seroquel, 2.5 x  SJW::: 26/2 54mg seroquel, 2 x SJW::::21/3 43mg seroquel, 1 x 2700SJW :::: 23/4 36mg seroquel 1 x 1800 SJW
15/5 33mg seroquel, 1 x SJW::::   28/5 30mg seroquel, 1 x SJW::::;  18/6 25mg seroquel 1/2 SJW::::, 11/7 21mg seroquel 1/2 SJW::, 26/7 18mg seroquel 1/2 SJW:::, 9/8 12mg seroquel :::, 16/8 6mg seroquel ;;;;, 12/9 0 jump.

23/9  3mg.....,  27/9 0mg.  Reinstated, 6mg, then 12mg.............  LIGHTBULB MOMENT,  I have  MTHFR 2x mutations.  CFS and issues with MOULD in my home. So I left home, and working 150km away during week, loving it.

Oh was hard, panic attacks first week, gone now, along with the mould issues.

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Hi thanks for that this is what happened to me the first time I tired to withdraw.. was fine for about 2 moths then lost the plot could not function at all went to doctor and they said it was depression after coming back so here take 150mg which I did as was not as clued in to withdrawl as I am now ... So am going to take the 37.5mg for two weeks and then slowly slowly taper down

Trying to come off Effexor (venlafex XL 37.5mg prolonged release) second attempt tried two years ago and it's was the worst thing I ever experience in my life ... Was pill free about 10 days up until yesterday 9/8/15 when I had to take a tablet was feeling lost, confused, sick to my stomach, diahrea, brain zaps, crying, tired not tired, foggy brain, feel about twice my age and I'm only 35 .. I know some people say that it takes a few weeks for it to work but a lot of my mental symptoms have cleared today still emotional but no brain zaps and can string a sentence together ... Scared I might have to take this amount forever to be able to function!! Have been on Effexor for 5 years + not sure anymore don't have anyone who understands this and would really like some help to come off it without the life stopping side effects .. This is starting to effect my marriage and children's lives as I just don't really care through the fog!!???? feel so stuck in my life and can't move on don't know what to do!!


Have managed to reduce my dose of 37.5mg by taking out beads

Am taking out 40 beads a day now(started with 10 then 20 etc) - hold this for about 4 weeks depending on WD symptoms

Night sweats are crazy, low energy at times, WD gets worse around my period and my mood plummets but realise now it's just a phase and does pass

All in all feeling better but have to remind myself to take each drop slowly as it can take up to two weeks for body to show WD issues

Update March 2016

Now taking out 100 beads from a 37.5mg generic Effexor .. Dropped by ten every 4 to 8 weeks except last drop went from 80 to 100 beads and can feel the difference in mood which is low, don't care, foggy head etc etc but going to stick it out for now as it will pass ????

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  • Mentor

Nino, please, write you signature,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,     we want to help, we will be here to support you, every day, all day, all night..............

please, stick to what you are on..........................PLEASE I BEG YOU, TAKE 37.5 EVERY NIGHT!


Then do your signature, and start reading, reasearching on this site............ Please!!!!!

1992 Dothiepin 375mg 8 weeks, exhaustion/depression.  Serotonin syndrome, oh yes!  seizures . Fell pregnant, 3rd baby, Nitrous Oxide, 3 weeks mental hospital pp psychosis. zoloft tegretol.

Feb 1996 ct tegretol, tapered Zoloft 8 weeks. as (unexpectedly)  pregnant. Steven died after 3 days.(Zolft HLHS baby).  98 had run in with Paxil, 2 tablets, 3 weeks taper, survived.
2005..menopause? exhausted again. Zyprexa, mad in three days, fallout....  Seroquel, Effexor, tegretol,   and 8 years of self destruction. Failed taper.
Damn 1/4 valium... nuts again! .fallout, zoloft 100mg  seroquol 400mg mirtazapine 45 mg  tegretol 400mg.  Mid 14 3 month taper. Nov 14 CRASH.
Mid 15 ....   75mg  seroquel,  3 x 1800mg SJW  2 week window end of December followed by 6 week wave
5/2 68mg seroquel, 2.5 x 1800mg SJW::::20/2 61mg seroquel, 2.5 x  SJW::: 26/2 54mg seroquel, 2 x SJW::::21/3 43mg seroquel, 1 x 2700SJW :::: 23/4 36mg seroquel 1 x 1800 SJW
15/5 33mg seroquel, 1 x SJW::::   28/5 30mg seroquel, 1 x SJW::::;  18/6 25mg seroquel 1/2 SJW::::, 11/7 21mg seroquel 1/2 SJW::, 26/7 18mg seroquel 1/2 SJW:::, 9/8 12mg seroquel :::, 16/8 6mg seroquel ;;;;, 12/9 0 jump.

23/9  3mg.....,  27/9 0mg.  Reinstated, 6mg, then 12mg.............  LIGHTBULB MOMENT,  I have  MTHFR 2x mutations.  CFS and issues with MOULD in my home. So I left home, and working 150km away during week, loving it.

Oh was hard, panic attacks first week, gone now, along with the mould issues.

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  • Mentor

Oh thankyou Nino,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,please, please stick to that for 3 months, please................ if OK after three months, and reading the site, and making friends here, we all help each other, if after 3 months you feel fine, and have researched, then you will be able to begin your taper.


Thankyou, I am not stressin now!


Best wishes    \


1992 Dothiepin 375mg 8 weeks, exhaustion/depression.  Serotonin syndrome, oh yes!  seizures . Fell pregnant, 3rd baby, Nitrous Oxide, 3 weeks mental hospital pp psychosis. zoloft tegretol.

Feb 1996 ct tegretol, tapered Zoloft 8 weeks. as (unexpectedly)  pregnant. Steven died after 3 days.(Zolft HLHS baby).  98 had run in with Paxil, 2 tablets, 3 weeks taper, survived.
2005..menopause? exhausted again. Zyprexa, mad in three days, fallout....  Seroquel, Effexor, tegretol,   and 8 years of self destruction. Failed taper.
Damn 1/4 valium... nuts again! .fallout, zoloft 100mg  seroquol 400mg mirtazapine 45 mg  tegretol 400mg.  Mid 14 3 month taper. Nov 14 CRASH.
Mid 15 ....   75mg  seroquel,  3 x 1800mg SJW  2 week window end of December followed by 6 week wave
5/2 68mg seroquel, 2.5 x 1800mg SJW::::20/2 61mg seroquel, 2.5 x  SJW::: 26/2 54mg seroquel, 2 x SJW::::21/3 43mg seroquel, 1 x 2700SJW :::: 23/4 36mg seroquel 1 x 1800 SJW
15/5 33mg seroquel, 1 x SJW::::   28/5 30mg seroquel, 1 x SJW::::;  18/6 25mg seroquel 1/2 SJW::::, 11/7 21mg seroquel 1/2 SJW::, 26/7 18mg seroquel 1/2 SJW:::, 9/8 12mg seroquel :::, 16/8 6mg seroquel ;;;;, 12/9 0 jump.

23/9  3mg.....,  27/9 0mg.  Reinstated, 6mg, then 12mg.............  LIGHTBULB MOMENT,  I have  MTHFR 2x mutations.  CFS and issues with MOULD in my home. So I left home, and working 150km away during week, loving it.

Oh was hard, panic attacks first week, gone now, along with the mould issues.

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Ok I will take it every night for now but really want off this medication and unfortunately this slow process seems the only way ???? otherwise WD is too bad for me anyway ....how do I post my signature? Please and thanks for response

Trying to come off Effexor (venlafex XL 37.5mg prolonged release) second attempt tried two years ago and it's was the worst thing I ever experience in my life ... Was pill free about 10 days up until yesterday 9/8/15 when I had to take a tablet was feeling lost, confused, sick to my stomach, diahrea, brain zaps, crying, tired not tired, foggy brain, feel about twice my age and I'm only 35 .. I know some people say that it takes a few weeks for it to work but a lot of my mental symptoms have cleared today still emotional but no brain zaps and can string a sentence together ... Scared I might have to take this amount forever to be able to function!! Have been on Effexor for 5 years + not sure anymore don't have anyone who understands this and would really like some help to come off it without the life stopping side effects .. This is starting to effect my marriage and children's lives as I just don't really care through the fog!!???? feel so stuck in my life and can't move on don't know what to do!!


Have managed to reduce my dose of 37.5mg by taking out beads

Am taking out 40 beads a day now(started with 10 then 20 etc) - hold this for about 4 weeks depending on WD symptoms

Night sweats are crazy, low energy at times, WD gets worse around my period and my mood plummets but realise now it's just a phase and does pass

All in all feeling better but have to remind myself to take each drop slowly as it can take up to two weeks for body to show WD issues

Update March 2016

Now taking out 100 beads from a 37.5mg generic Effexor .. Dropped by ten every 4 to 8 weeks except last drop went from 80 to 100 beads and can feel the difference in mood which is low, don't care, foggy head etc etc but going to stick it out for now as it will pass ????

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After you reinstate remember to wait a good long time to make the first drop. What you want to do is give withdrawal symptoms a long enough time to emerge and calm down again. So, in other words, don't make a drop according to the calendar but according to how you feel. Withdrawal symptoms can take a while to show up after a drop or reinstatement-you might feel good after reinstating for say a month or so and then get a wave of withdrawal symptoms. So making drops by the calendar these symptoms you didn't give enough time to emerge can sort of pile up until you get a kind of train wreck down the road at which time you'll need to back up again with another reinstatement.


I know you want to get off Effexor as quickly as possible, but there is no quick way. It might make you feel better if you can tell yourself that at least you're always going in the right direction-that is, always less and less Effexor in your system, as well as remaining functional.


Keep posting, there's always someone to respond.

Sept 12th 1992-began taking Imipramine (50mgs) for panic attacks.

Stopped Imipramine after 4 months (cold turkey).

7 months later experienced "mysterious" bad flu-like symptoms, although, without upper respiratory problems or fever. Because of this and a day of panic attacks, was put on Prozac (20mgs?) for 2 months and then, when that didn't work-was put back on  Imipramine,  plus Xanax 1 mg (4Xdaily)-October 1993.

March 1999-switched from Imipramine (50mgs) to Celexa.

2008-switched to Pristiq for 3 months, then back to Effexor XR (after bad reaction to the Pristiq).

Sept 1st 2010-Switched from Effexor XR (75mgs) to Effexor Generic (solid form) in preparation for taper.

Nov 15th 2010-Began tapering from 75mgs Effexor Generic.

January 13th 2014-.06mgs

April 17th 2014-      .03mgs

May 11th 2014-       .02mgs

Ended taper October 31st 2014

Oct 4th 2015-11 months post taper and completely back to normal!

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Just want to know has anyone successfully come off Effexor completely using the tapering method or is it that when I eventually get down to one bead I will suffer WD anyway??

Trying to come off Effexor (venlafex XL 37.5mg prolonged release) second attempt tried two years ago and it's was the worst thing I ever experience in my life ... Was pill free about 10 days up until yesterday 9/8/15 when I had to take a tablet was feeling lost, confused, sick to my stomach, diahrea, brain zaps, crying, tired not tired, foggy brain, feel about twice my age and I'm only 35 .. I know some people say that it takes a few weeks for it to work but a lot of my mental symptoms have cleared today still emotional but no brain zaps and can string a sentence together ... Scared I might have to take this amount forever to be able to function!! Have been on Effexor for 5 years + not sure anymore don't have anyone who understands this and would really like some help to come off it without the life stopping side effects .. This is starting to effect my marriage and children's lives as I just don't really care through the fog!!???? feel so stuck in my life and can't move on don't know what to do!!


Have managed to reduce my dose of 37.5mg by taking out beads

Am taking out 40 beads a day now(started with 10 then 20 etc) - hold this for about 4 weeks depending on WD symptoms

Night sweats are crazy, low energy at times, WD gets worse around my period and my mood plummets but realise now it's just a phase and does pass

All in all feeling better but have to remind myself to take each drop slowly as it can take up to two weeks for body to show WD issues

Update March 2016

Now taking out 100 beads from a 37.5mg generic Effexor .. Dropped by ten every 4 to 8 weeks except last drop went from 80 to 100 beads and can feel the difference in mood which is low, don't care, foggy head etc etc but going to stick it out for now as it will pass ????

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi Nino, 


It's you and me, my friend.  I am also so wanting to be off Effexor and impatient, but reading your post and the replies is helping me to reign in my impatience.  I encourage you to buy one of the milligram scales on Amazon that are written about on here do deal with future tapers.  You can buy empty gelatin capsules to put the beads into.  If you get this one




I recommend doing the following:  Remove the weigh pan and place one of the 10 gm weights on the scale, then place the weigh pan on top of the weight.  Tare it to zero.  Use the second 10 gm weight to make sure the scale is weighing 10 gm accurately.  Then, weigh the beads for the dosage you are aiming for.  There are lots of threads on here that go over how to do the math.  I just found that the way the weigh pan sits on the scale, you can get a lot of variation, but if you put the weight on there and the pan balanced on top of it, it works out better.


You are not alone!

Started ADs back around 1995 after bad break-up, starting with Prozac.  Switched to Wellbutrin, and then to Effexor in 2002
Effexor XR 2002-2014 up to 225 mg at one point, down to 37.5 mg towards end but back up to 75 mg in 2014; now realize I had W/D as I dropped down, memory very poor about history.  Extreme emotions, poor concentration as I stepped back down, didn't connect the dots!
Summer 2014 reduced to 0 very quickly, was sick of anhedonia/sexual dysfunction due to meds, depression never controlled if not worse. Didn't recognize WD since symptoms built slowly (thought I had ADD! and menopausal on top of it), starting with severe sweats, very bad cog-fog and memory issues, culminating in weight loss, severe anxiety and depression, panic, severe apathy and insomnia by eight months off.  Saw p-doc who put me on Remeron, increased from 7.5 mg/day to 37.5 mg by May 22, 2015; still doing very badly though able to sleep.

June 1. 2015 Reinstated Effexor XR 37.5 mg, Remeron dropped to 30 mg PM. Immediate relief of symptoms, like nothing had ever happened!  Joined SA and began on advice of friend who recognized it was WD all along! Began tapering in July 2015.

Been tapering both meds ever since, focusing on one more than the other or doing no more than 5% of each per month.

12 mg Effexor and 5.8 mg Remeron (mirtazapine SolTabs to make a solution with OraPlus) as of 5/4/2017 

Update 3/14/18: 2.9 mg Remeron and 6 mg Effexor; 6/10/18:  2.6 mg Remeron and 4.9 mg Effexor


My intro: http://survivingantidepressants.org/index.php?/topic/9313-squirrellygirl-effexor-withdrawal-etc/page-2#entry196679

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

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Hi squirrellyGirl


Thanks for your post am just reading about micro tapering and think I am going to do it that way!! I never have issues with WD until I get down to 37.5 and then can't seem to go any lower and it's driving me nuts ..but yes it does help alot reading everything on here but at the moment I'm thinking will I still get WD even doing this slowly and this scares me as mentally my brain goes berserk ????????????

Trying to come off Effexor (venlafex XL 37.5mg prolonged release) second attempt tried two years ago and it's was the worst thing I ever experience in my life ... Was pill free about 10 days up until yesterday 9/8/15 when I had to take a tablet was feeling lost, confused, sick to my stomach, diahrea, brain zaps, crying, tired not tired, foggy brain, feel about twice my age and I'm only 35 .. I know some people say that it takes a few weeks for it to work but a lot of my mental symptoms have cleared today still emotional but no brain zaps and can string a sentence together ... Scared I might have to take this amount forever to be able to function!! Have been on Effexor for 5 years + not sure anymore don't have anyone who understands this and would really like some help to come off it without the life stopping side effects .. This is starting to effect my marriage and children's lives as I just don't really care through the fog!!???? feel so stuck in my life and can't move on don't know what to do!!


Have managed to reduce my dose of 37.5mg by taking out beads

Am taking out 40 beads a day now(started with 10 then 20 etc) - hold this for about 4 weeks depending on WD symptoms

Night sweats are crazy, low energy at times, WD gets worse around my period and my mood plummets but realise now it's just a phase and does pass

All in all feeling better but have to remind myself to take each drop slowly as it can take up to two weeks for body to show WD issues

Update March 2016

Now taking out 100 beads from a 37.5mg generic Effexor .. Dropped by ten every 4 to 8 weeks except last drop went from 80 to 100 beads and can feel the difference in mood which is low, don't care, foggy head etc etc but going to stick it out for now as it will pass ????

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi Nino, I merged the Effexor thread you started in the tapering forum with the thread in your intro topic because you will get more responses here...  it might be better to hold off starting other threads for a little while, just until you get your 'forum' legs..


And welcome aboard.  Lots of good info hereabouts.

As always, LISTEN TO YOUR BODY! A proud supporter of the 10% (or slower) rule.


Requip - 3/16 ZERO  Total time on 25 years.


Lyrica: 8/15 ZERO Total time on 7 or 8 yrs.

BENZO FREE 10/13 (started tapering 7/10)  Total time on 25 years.


Read my intro thread here, and check the about me section.  "No matter how cynical you get, it's almost impossible to keep up." Lily Tomlin



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I was able to come off Effexor & stay off. I started out weaning way too fast for the first three months. Found this site when I got down to 37.5 from 150. As much as I hated it, I took 9 months to come off 37.5. But I came off with almost ZERO side effects during those 9 months. I weaned all the way down to one bead. Within 48 hours after that last bead, the cog fog lifted & I have never looked back. I have been off about 9 months now & feel awesome.


Listen to Alto & the mods--they know what they are talking about. I only wish I had found the site earlier--I could have saved myself 3 months of hell.



Oncologist prescribed Effexor 37.5 for hot flashes after my dx of breast cancer in December 2011. Up dosed to 75 then 150 XR before it worked. Decided to come off after my naturopath/nutritionist gave me a couple of supplements that worked on the hot flashes. Started weaning November 2013 from 150. Got down to 37.5 by mid-February 2014--WAY TOO FAST!! Found this site and am now going much slower. WD side effects are much better--still there-- but manageable. Lesson learned the hard way!!


Short RX for Xanax prescribed for PPD/anxiety after childbirth in 1985--about 3 months--can't remember dosage.

Effexor 150 XR March 2012dates are fuzzy)

Started taper November 2013

Mid February 2014--28 mg; 3/22/14--24 mg; 4/19/14--18.75 mg; 5/14/14--14.1 mg; 6/11/14--11.7 mg; 7/2/14--9.4 mg; 7/23/14--7.8 mg; 8/18/14--6.25 mg; 9/7/14--4.7 mg; 9/21/14--3.75 mg; 10/5/14--3.125 mg; 10/12/14 --2.56 mg; 10/19/14-2.34 mg; 10/26/14--1.56 mg; 11/2/14--1 mg; 11/9/14--.5 mg; 11/16/14--0 mg.


Current Rx:


Synthoid 100 mg daily

Cytomel 5 mg

Both due to thyroid cancer & subsequent removal of thyroid in June, 2010.

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Keep in mind (keep telling yourself) that all the worrying you're doing right now concerning your current situation, as well as to how it will all turn out- is actually part of the withdrawal itself. As your nervous system settles down you will feel more optimistic about everything.

Sept 12th 1992-began taking Imipramine (50mgs) for panic attacks.

Stopped Imipramine after 4 months (cold turkey).

7 months later experienced "mysterious" bad flu-like symptoms, although, without upper respiratory problems or fever. Because of this and a day of panic attacks, was put on Prozac (20mgs?) for 2 months and then, when that didn't work-was put back on  Imipramine,  plus Xanax 1 mg (4Xdaily)-October 1993.

March 1999-switched from Imipramine (50mgs) to Celexa.

2008-switched to Pristiq for 3 months, then back to Effexor XR (after bad reaction to the Pristiq).

Sept 1st 2010-Switched from Effexor XR (75mgs) to Effexor Generic (solid form) in preparation for taper.

Nov 15th 2010-Began tapering from 75mgs Effexor Generic.

January 13th 2014-.06mgs

April 17th 2014-      .03mgs

May 11th 2014-       .02mgs

Ended taper October 31st 2014

Oct 4th 2015-11 months post taper and completely back to normal!

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Hi Nino,


Thanks for stopping by my page. I'm glad it helped you.


You are at the right place to get off Effexor. Thankfully you found this site so soon after your drop. I didn't find this site until I was 3 months into withdrawal, and it was horrible. Once you get reinstated, things will settle, and you will stop focussing on time lines for getting off this crap. I'm quite content being on 3 beads right now. I think I'm ready for a drop again, but I don't want to go through withdrawal so I'll give it more time. Time is on our side.

-jan14 2016- off effexor!!-

wellbutrin:Jan 25/17;Start to split 100mg in half

-Feb 12/17;100-50mg -Apr 30/17;50-30mg liquid. -June 6/ 17;30-20mg -July6/17;updose to 26mg -Oct 18/17;13 to 12mg -Nov 24/17;12 to 11mg -Feb 21/18;22 to 20mg -Apr 2/18;20 to 18mg -Apr 30/18;18 to 16mg -May 22/18;16 to 14mg -June 18/18;14 to 12.4mg -July 15 /18;12.4 to 11.6mg -Nov5/18;11.2 to 10mg -Dec14/18;10 to 10.4mg

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I am off Effexor (jumped off at 37.5mg) but experiencing horrific pwd.however, it is not known if it is from the Effexor, Prozac, benzo, neurontin or trazedone that I've also gone off. I was uneducated and trusted docs wd instructions @ 50% of dose over a few weeks. I came off all those drugs in less than two years.

Taper extremely slow as stated, life is sheer hell and barely worth living.

I wish you success.

meds tapered @ 50% under psychiatrist June 2013 to October 2014 taper Effexor 150mg, Prozac 40mg,HRT,Gabapentine 500mg tid,Lamotrigine 25mg bid, Librium 5mg qid. October 2014 reduced final med prozac 40 mg-0mg in 4 weeks! 6 weeks later major wd kicked in. Off all meds oct 2014

supplements:Omega 3 4000mg, Vit D 2000mg,March added Inositol 6g 4/ day, TrueHope EMP 2.5 caps. + GabaMax (Phenyl gaba) 1/2 tsp 2/ day, choline bitartrate 250 mg up to 4/ day. June + ltryptophan adverse reaction.

Reinstatement 1 dose 10 mg fluoxetine. adverse reaction face & chest rash the next am...related?saw my neutrons firing, felt like brain swelled or was growing. Too high dose and possible interaction w supplements.June 22,15:Update...stopped emp plus.not sure if it was helping or hindering. Reduced inositol from 24 g/ day to 6 g @ bedtime w gabamax

June 1 mg x ?days, panicked! June, reduced to .50 mg x 2 days,family freaked out, back up to 1 mg

Sometimes think I maybe reacting to meds but it could also just be continuing or new wd symptoms. Occasional rash concerns me but I'm pretty sure an allergic rash would not be intermittent?

August: Prozac 1 mg, quetiepine 6.25 mg @ bedtime, omega 3, vit d doses same. inositol 1.5 tsp w 1/4 tsp gabamax (300 mg phenyl gaba + other ingredients)

Still experiencing disabling symptoms.

Disappointed that I don't feel better being off meds as many report experiencing sx but feel better in the mind...I feel worse. Learning to cope w sx

Mid August reduced inositol to 1.25tsp,gabapentin down to 1/8 + 1/2 of 1/16 tsp (going slow as anxiety increases w each reduction)

August 28: increased Prozac to 1.5 mg hoping for some relief.

Biggest problems now are fear,anxiety,depression along w the physical weak legs and exhaustion.

Upset with myself that I was drug free and then caved looking for relief. All is not lost just because I am taking minimal doses of these drugs. Must remain strong and have faith that I can do it without the drugs...

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